#ffxv omegaverse
enby-mori · 1 year
Omegaverse AU where Ranpo always smells of sugar and tea leaves so people often assume that's his natural scent.
Fukuzawa who has no discernable scent due to using blockers.
Ranpo whose natural scent is wheat and winter mornings, but hasn't smelt like that for close to 12 years. though it is his mate's favorite comfort.
Fukuzawa who can be found walking Yokohama more frequently in late december and early january, always a little before the sun hits the bay.
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theskyisbrighthere · 2 months
Haunted By Yesterday
This is a 2 Parter that I made as a somewhat type of sequel to Meet me in the Middle. I hope you guys enjoy!
Chapter 1
Grace is thirteen when she has her first Heat. Although it can’t be described as such, its more of a practice Heat for when she’s older, when her hips have widened, and her hormones have regulated. She remembers her mother’s soft purr directed at her trying to ease the mild distress that she was going through, while her mother did her best to wipe the sweat from her face with a damp face washer, the purr only stopping when her mother did her best to explain what was going on. How Ásdis saw fit to bless her with the gift of life. Had granted her the designation of Omega.
The purring had stopped altogether with the next words from her mother. Not everyone was so lucky to receive Ásdis’ gift, and there were many out there who would want to hurt her for it. Those who would view her as less than others purely for who she was. Who her family was. All because evolution had decided to do its thing after a near devastating event that had meant the end for a majority of their people. If only it wasn’t still so new.
Maybe then they wouldn’t be as viciously hunted like the animals others proclaimed them to be.
“You must hide yourself pomètod.” Her mother had whispered. “No one must know. But it will be hard pomètod, you will want to let your instincts take over. To show your emotions through your voice. To spread your scent on to those you cherish, but you must control it my kootioì. You must suppress it, only around us can you show it. Only around others like us are you safe”.
Grace was too young and her mind too hazy at the time to understand all of what her mother was saying. Not until later at least. By the end of her first month, her throat had felt raw and painful, the urge to purr or whine held back lest she make herself know. Her body aching with the need to hug her friends but she held back, only resorting to casual touches, when all she wanted to do was smother her face all over her friends. Her only comfort came at home. Where she was free to burrow her face into her father’s arm in passing, the warm comforting scent of Alpha and Sire wafting up to her nose, the tight muscles in her body loosening in the meantime. Or the indulgent hugs from her mother whenever the mood struck her, and the fairly often hair tussle from her Alpha brother as they passed each other in the hallway or the stairs.
She never thought she’d miss it as much as she does, especially now that she’s in a world where she doesn’t have to worry about hiding. She just wished her family was here to see experience it with her.
Grace comes to with pleasure singing through her body. The phantom feeling of Noctis’ hands on her hips falling away as she tries to catch her breathe. She can feel Noctis’ own satisfaction in the back of her mind, the feeling somewhat reminding her of a lazy fat cat who has gotten its way, and in a way, she supposes he has. Its been a month since Noctis and Grace have seen each other, or rather since they’ve been allowed to see each other. Due to old traditions, they weren’t supposed to consummate their mateship until they were both properly wedded the Royal way. Which meant that instead of the quick official ceremony that would have taken place the night they met, they get the full actual wedding first, which normally comes a month after the consummation, so that they could both recover.
To say that her life hasn’t changed would be a lie. She’s had to leave her job, not that she was all that upset about it, and she has an all-new wardrobe full of clothes and jewellery to go along with it, her protestations about the new clothes and pretty pieces of metal falling onto deaf ears, the future Princess Consort was expected to look a certain way. She wasn’t all too upset about it; the clothes were in her style the fabric they were made out of was just more luxurious. The biggest change though that she was struggling with so far was the armed guard that followed her every where she went, (which wasn’t far maybe to her mailbox and that was it, and apart from that they mostly stood outside her front door, and one was in her lounge room while she slept which was weird) and the new attendant that she now had as the future Princess Consort.
Grace had the quite the shock when she woke up the morning after her Heat had ended and had wondered into the kitchen following the smell of cooking food, leaving Noctis safe in her Nest (her instincts pushing the proud feeling that he felt safe enough to still sleep in it even after she left it) and had found Ignis and an unknown woman in the kitchen together. The Alpha was at the stove stirring what her nose was telling her was a type of porridge while conversing with the unknown woman sitting at her bench with a slim laptop open in front of her, wearing a smart fitted grey pantsuit with black enclosed heels and her hair pulled back from her face in a no-nonsense bun her makeup minimum but expertly applied. The tones of their voices professional and to the point.
Ignis was the first to notice her, as the unknown woman was looking down and typing furiously onto her laptop, and Grace could only imagine the speed in which the words flew across the screen.
“Good morning My Lady, I trust you are well?” he paused as he turned to grabbed one of the two bowls that were sitting on the bench to fill with the porridge he had made and setting it down to the left of the unknown woman, who had quickly but gracefully shot up to greet her. “Come sit, I have prepared you both a nutritious breakfast, no doubt you will both been needing it after the week the both of you have had. I bid you start while I go wake up His Highness, we’ve all got a busy day today and I’d like you both to eat together as today will be the last for quite a while before you see each other again.”
With those parting words Ignis pulled out the chair in front of her and pushing it back in as she made to sit and placed the bowl in front of her before he made for her bedroom, Grace staring at his back trying to figure out what he meant by those last words. Her attention was quickly snapped back to the unknown woman when she politely cleared her throat, and seeing that she had her attention she smiled, a soft gentle smile coupled with that her soft scent that of a relaxed Omega almost didn’t suit her current getup.
“Good morning My Lady, I hope you are well? I would like to introduce myself if I may?” she paused, her smile widening slightly when Grace nodded her head, her voice was very similar to Ignis’ in the way they spoke. “My name is Aurora Foest, I’m to be your new attendant until you marry Prince Noctis where I will then become your adviser, I understand this is new to you so I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
And Grace, already capable at recognising battles she wouldn’t be able to win skipped right over all the arguments she had about how she didn’t need an attendant or an adviser and went straight to what was bothering her.
“What did he mean? When he said we wouldn’t see each other for a while?” She tacked on that last sentence at Aurora’s confused look before reaching for the spoon that was already on the bench, Grace only just now realising that it was set for two, the seat to the right of her also set. Gesturing for Aurora to sit down again, she closed her laptop as she sat, and waited for Grace to swallow the mouthful of porridge she had taken.
“For traditions sake of course His Highness and yourself will be separated until the wedding, which will be in about a month but to be more precise it will be in approximately twenty-five days. As I said before it's to keep to tradition where this is more a celebration of the Union. We normally have the ceremony mere minutes before the Mating cycle kicks in for both parties, of course that’s only if they are a Fated Pair. Liberties have been taken this time of course due to the circumstances.”
Grace flinched, and Aurora did her best to pretend that she didn’t, but her scent gave her away as Grace could smell the mild spice of sympathy mixed into the lavender and pine of her scent. But whatever she was about to say was forgotten as she could feel the tug of Noctis’ mind at her and her eyes shot up into the direction of her bedroom as Noctis into view, Ignis following behind him before overtaking him to fill up Noctis’ own bowl of porridge before setting it down to the left of me into the empty space. Noctis paused rubbing at his before looking around the kitchen and landing on her and her heart skipped a beat when he smiled at her, his features still soft from sleep his rumpled clothes and his hair wild, Grace wondered how she would be able to survive twenty-five days without seeing him. But she pushed the thought from her mind as he came closer to her, flopping into the seat next to her and pushing his face into her neck and pressing a gentle kiss to the claim he left on her skin. Grace felt herself relax as she smelt their combined scents, the green apples and caramel scent being flung in all directions due to his very un-prince like flop.
Twenty-five days was definitely longer than she remembered, the only relief they both had was the dreams, and the fact they could feel each other at all times. Which almost felt like breaking the rules and when she brought it up with Aurora while they were at the modiste, she laughed at her.
“It’s a loophole, one that the Crown and everyone else ignores.” She had laughed. “I think it’s so that they don’t have to deal with a hormonal Prince and equally hormonal Princess to be. But enjoy them for the time being, no one is going to judge you, after all it’s a very common thing and it feels very good does it not?” She had laughed again when Grace’s face had flushed.
Aurora had very quickly become one of Grace’s favourite people. Grace didn’t really have to worry much about wedding preparations as it was mostly being taken care of by the Crown but what she did have to do herself, which was just the one thing, Aurora was there every step of the way.
That one thing being the wedding dress.
She only had two conditions. It had be black as that was the Royal colour and it had to be presentable. Which were both easy for Grace. Which is why they were at the modiste, doing the last fitting two days before the wedding. It was long like a ball gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a puffy skirt that had little accents on it that sparkled like stars. Grace loved the dress.
But she was also excited as this was her last fitting. The wedding was into two days. Which mean no more dancing lessons, no more hairdressing appointments and no more fittings. But more importantly, it meant that very soon she would get to see Noctis. But before then, she still had one more place to go. Getting changed back into the soft pink dress she came in, she emerged from the dressing room to see Aurora signing some papers the modiste owner a lovely woman named Sabine had handed her. She looked up just as Grace came into view, said a few more words to the Sabine before bidding her farewell and making her way over to Grace.
“Are you ready to go My Lady?” she said as she came to a stop at her side. Grace only hummed and Aurora laughed before they made their way out the front door and set off to their last stop of the day.
“I don’t like it here it smells weird.”
“It does not My Lady, its sterile and I assure you that that is all you are smelling.”
“Can we go yet?”
“In just a moment My Lady, you have one more Doctor to see and then we are done I promise you.” Grace groaned which got her a look from Aurora before she turned back to her phone to respond to an email that she had gotten from one of the florists for the wedding.
“I don’t understand why we’re here, I’m fine, the Bite healed well, and the last Doctor said that both Noctis’ and my own hormones had settled nicely.” Aurora briefly looked up from her phone and looked very mildly annoyed at Grace. “It’s a contraceptive appointment My Lady.” And with the Grace short circuited, but Aurora continued taking no notice of the way Grace froze.
“Babies need to be planned My Lady, especially Royal babies. And now that you and Noctis are mated the need for suppressants aren’t needed as now the both of you will be seasonal, but in saying that accidents can and do happen outside of a Mating Cycle My Lady.” And with that she looked back down at her phone just as her name was called. “I’ll wait out here for you My Lady and then when you are finished, I shall escort you home.” And with that Grace numbly followed the Doctor into the private room.
She had forgotten about babies. Soon in the future she would have to give Noctis babies. Which she wasn’t terrified of. It was more to do with the fact that she was expected by the whole country and the Crown to give Noctis babies. And that was quite a lot of pressure suddenly put on her shoulders.
The only saving grace was that she didn’t have to do it immediately after they we married.
don't worry the smut will be in part two
also a few notes
pomètod means shining star I made it up and kootioì means my little love. let me know what you guys think.
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reddorp · 2 years
Red's New RP Infos
Hello everyone
So my life got a bit packed lately, I'm currently in University and also working on 2 different RP, so you can imagine that my mental capacity is a bit...full and because of it I have to get a bit more selective on the RPs I decide to join. So I have decided to do an RP Info that I'll modify every time my Interest/hyperfocus change...hoping I Remember I have this-
So Here are the New and Improved RP infos!
My Infos:
26 yo || She/Her || Central Europe GMT+2 || Highly Active || Prefered Platform :  Discord @ ReddoDotto#2199
Ground Rules:
🔸Submit only if you are over 18
Please understand that, since I’m 26, roleplaying with minors (Especially difficult topics or NSFW) is highly problematic for me.
🔸Be Consistent 
I understand life goes on even out of the internet, but I would highly appreciate not being ghosted for days, just warn me you’ll not be available for a period of time [I’m highly anxious, so this would help me grately]
🔸Be Safe
Be sure to be okay with difficult topics [smut, gore, heavy angst etc...] I’ll be open to discussion and always ask before dropping something in a roleplay
Roleplay Styles
A paragraph or less of text, no single phrase [My favourite]
A script-like text  [Example:  A: It finally stopped raining *Close umbrella*  B: Oh you are right!*take off hoodie*]
Current Hyperfocus Fandom:
Characters I play as:
🔸Prompto Argentum
🔸Noctis x Prompto 🔸Gladio x Prompto 🔸Ignis x Prompto 🔸[Poly] Gladio x Noctis x Ignis x Prompto 🔸[Any combination with Prompto really...]
Prompts And Settings:
you can find a more detailed list of Aus and Prompts I would really like to do Here [Of course they are all modifiable! they are not set in stone]
🔸 Omegaverse [Big love for this one-] 🔸 Forbidden love 🔸 Arranged Maggiage 🔸 Many More, Click here to find more
Final Notes
-Keep in mind I'm in Central Europe, so if you are from other places with a big difference in timezones I might replay later or disappear (sleep or university)
-Please be mindful that I'm not a native English speaker and I have dyslexia so sometime I can’t see errors, it would be greatly appreciated not to make fun of them, just point them out and I'll fix them.
-Fell free to tell me if an idea is not up to your liking, communication is a must in this
-out of roleplay chitchatting is not a must-have, but I would love to make friends…
*I'm open to problematic topics if they are discussed beforehand, I'll do the same.
Send me a pic of a Chocobo to prove that you had read all the Info
Contact me directly on discord, I don't get Tumblr notifications nor do I check it often...
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marmolita · 19 days
Lita's Kinktober/Promptober 2024!!
Okay let's do this thing!! I haven't found any official kinktober prompts list so I'm making up my own. I will provide three choices of prompt for each day (2 kinks + 1 trope), and if you want me to write a ficlet for you, please send me an ask with the day, prompt, and ship that you'd like it for and I'll put it on the list!
At this time, I'm open to writing fic only for the fandoms/ships/characters listed below. If I change my mind and add more fandoms I'll update this post. If you think you know me well enough to convince me to write something else you're welcome to come talk to me about it!
Who can send requests?
Literally anyone, anon is turned on as well. I would ask that you only send 1-2 requests to start, then if I don't get very many I'll take additional requests!
What info goes in my request?
Please include the day you want, the kink or prompt you want from that day's options (there are three choices for each day), and the fandom/ship you want. It's fair game to say "any prompt for XYZ ship" or "any fandom for XYZ prompt" or the like, but please give me a little bit of direction instead of just "idk any day any prompt any fandom" because the whole reason I'm doing this is that I can't think of stuff on my own. 😅 If you would like the work to be gifted to you on AO3, please give me your username. I'll tag you on tumblr when I post it as well, unless you specifically tell me you don't want to be tagged.
How do I send a request?
Put it in my ask box please! If you don't have a tumblr account you can also find me on discord and DM me there (marmolita), or go old school and email me, marmolita42 at gmail.
What fandoms and ships can I request?
Note: in all of these, "Other" means an OC that I invent to match the type of person/thing of your choice (e.g. "hunter" or "diner patron" or "Galbadian army soldiers" or "mindflayer" or something like that). I will not write reader insert fic or fic for OCs of other people's creation.
For prompts that aren't sex-related (like "office AU" or whatever) you don't necessarily have to provide a ship, just some characters.
FFVIII: Seifer/Squall, Seifer/Squall/Rinoa, Squall solo, Laguna solo, Seifer solo, Seifer/Ultimecia (including Ultimecia possessing others), Seifer/Other, Squall/Other, Laguna/Other
FFXV: Noctis/Prompto, Noctis/Gladio, Noctis/Luna, Noctis solo, Noctis/Gladio/Ignis/Prompto, Noctis/Other. I may be open to other Noctis ships as well, except not Ignis, Ardyn, or any Kingsglaive characters.
FFVIII/FFXV Crossover: Any combination involving Squall, Seifer, Laguna, Noctis. I could be talked into other characters if you have a really good idea.
Dune (Villeneuve): Paul/Duncan, Paul solo, Paul/Bene Gesserit, and I could be talked into something involving Chani or Stilgar, possibly. Keep in mind I have not read the books.
Scholomance: Orion solo, Orion/El, Orion/mals
Supernatural: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Benny, Dean/Jack, Dean/Claire, Dean/Mary but only for "something made them do it" type prompts, Dean/Amara, Dean/Other, Dean solo
Marmalade Boy: Yuu/Satoshi, Yuu solo, Satoshi solo (yes I realize this is a very random fandom to include but hey if I'm willing to write it I thought I should put it in here lol)
I'll cross these off as they get requested.
UPDATE: all have been claimed, thanks everyone!
1. Orgasm delay/edging, Fisting, Sex pollen
2. Electrostimulation, Vore, Omegaverse
3. Exhibitionism, Impact play, Arranged marriage
4. Voyeurism, Uniform kink, BDSM AU
5. Omorashi, Mind control, Enemies to lovers
6. Train molestation, Tentacles, Dubcon
7. Royalty/nobility kink, Intercrural, Magic made them do it
8. Sex work, Bondage, Bad guys made them do it
9. Bruises, Collaring, First time
10. Knifeplay, Sex toys, Oh no they're hot
11. Gunplay, Face sitting, Friends with benefits
12. S&M, Overstimulation, Unwilling attraction
13. Voice kink, Body worship, Truth serum
14. Competence kink, Incest, Guilty attraction
15. Leather/Latex, Breathplay/choking, Trapped together
16. Pegging, Free use, Captured by the enemy
17. Bukkake, Dirty talk, Sex as part of job duties
18. Rimming, Object insertion, Enemies with benefits
19. Frottage, Anonymous sex, Undercover as lovers
20. Waxplay, Begging, Fake Dating
21. Glory hole, Chastity, Amnesia
22. Fucking machine, Clothed sex, Tabloids/gossip
23. Praise kink, Mirror sex, Office AU
24. Humiliation, Sex tapes, Hate doing the thing but have to do it to save someone
25. Sensory deprivation, Manhandling/Rough sex, Child soldiers
26. Cloning/selfcest, Size kink, Power imbalance
27. Noncon, Dehumanization, Seduced by the villain
28. Double penetration, Slut praising, Horrifying revelation
29. Gags, Virginity kink, Under the influence
30. Threesome, Face fucking, Normally reserved character gets to be sexy/horny
31. Orgy, Public/semi-public sex, Fighting as foreplay
(if you want to steal my prompt list for your own October fest go for it!)
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avianscribe · 11 months
Happy Birthday Prompto!
I don’t have anything new but I do have a Prompto Rec List from my works! It turns out that Prompto is one of my favorite voices to write in for FFXV, so I have a LOT of Prompto POV stuff. Let’s celebrate the Best Cinnamon Roll Boy!
(Note: I discovered while editing this post that Tumblr has a link-block limit, so you get a pared-down version without all the pretty links, alas!)
"What's In A Name" -- Prompto has finally made actual friends with Prince Noctis, but how will he handle the first challenge in their friendship? https://archiveofourown.org/works/14764946/chapters/34144775
"Drowning in Flowers" -- When love can literally kill you, you grow up knowing to be careful where to let your affections lie. Prompto knew that. But apparently not well enough. (Hanahaki Promnis; one of two shippy fics I've written, based on a chapter of Cracked…!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18292241
"Charity Case" -- When an embargo traps Prompto's parents (and any money they can send him) overseas, he has to rely on the help of others. It's a good thing he has some really good friends! (Until they take it a little too far!)
"Thirst" -- Noctis is a vampire, and Prompto is a vampire hunter's son… but they can still be friends, right?
"A Beta's Crash Course in Pack Management" -- Prompto hasn't had enough time to feel like he's really part of the pack, but when the pack suddenly has a child in it, he discovers how much he's really needed. (De-aging and Omegaverse rolled up in a family-friendly package…)
"Vengeful" -- An attack in an arcade leaves Noctis unconscious, and Prompto has to fend for both of them.
"Puzzled" -- Prompto is the only one in the group who has ever changed a tire. He discovers he's the only one who even knows how.
"The Tip" -- Prompto follows a tip from some fellow hunters that leads him to a fight he can't win alone.
Super-short-- from my XVtober prompts
"Scarf" -- Prompto grabs the wrong scarf. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34278535
"Prank" -- Prompto's first big prank on Noctis goes pear-shaped. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34364887
"Pumpkin" -- Prompto brings home a pumpkin to carve. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34456084
"Patient" -- Prompto wakes up in a hospital. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34761343
"On The Road" -- It's time to go on a road trip, and Prompto gets to meet the car. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42121392
Prompto-focused, but not Prompto's POV
"Gallopin' Greens" -- Prompto buys home-packaged gyzahl greens from a skeevy peddler when they stop at a Coernix station, and when the chocobos don't like them, he eats them himself.
"Victorious" -- Prompto hasn't told Noctis what he's up to and Noctis can only hope Prompto's life isn't in danger. (It's not.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/24868678
"This Lion Heart Can't Leave You Behind" -- Cor is sent to investigate the Imperial Magitek program, and adopts a cub. (Part 1 of my Shifter AU) https://archiveofourown.org/works/30575549
"Cub's First Moon" -- As Cor escorts his new cub home, the full moon rises. (Part 2 of my Shifter AU!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44620207
"Photo" -- Prompto ventures out too far looking for the perfect shot…! https://archiveofourown.org/works/34694848
"Beard" -- When Noctis returns, he notices some changes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34717417
"Cheerful" -- When Noctis has a bad day, Prompto never fails to cheer him up. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35084011
"Photograph" -- Prompto Argentum wants to stop and take a photograph. Ignis doesn't think they have time. Noctis has to make a decision. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42070395
"Camp" -- Noctis invites his new friend Prompto to go camping with him and his retainers. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42216321
"Lyrics" -- Noctis et. al. celebrate Prompto's upcoming induction into the Crownsguard. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42240630
Want to celebrate with angst?
"Safe" -- Prompto has to be revived by phoenix down again -- and it's the last straw. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23922955
"Clever" -- Prompto is in Zegnautus Keep, and Noctis comes to save him. Maybe. https://archiveofourown.org/works/25147393
"Bled in Ruin" -- Prompto encounters a vampire with his face, and it turns his whole world upside down. (Rated M for blood, injury, suicidal thoughts, talk of assisted suicide) https://archiveofourown.org/works/29537433/chapters/72580659
Ending with two Birthday Fics!
"Just Another (Awful) Day" -- Prompto's birthday is just like any other day -- until it isn't. https://archiveofourown.org/works/27234874
"Brothers" -- Prompto didn't grow up with siblings. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42625416
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ageofzero · 2 years
Okay, there's more than one of your WIPs that I'm very curious about now, but the "Mamma Mia! But FFXV" one has me curious...
Don’t expect it to be anything more than the movie jukebox musical it’s based on, hahaha.
Also congrats, you win for picking the WIP I literally started working on before making this post. XDDD
So, like. I was talking with an RP buddy who I do FFXV ot4 stuff with and I was just thinking about the movie idly, or watching it or smth, when I was just. Smash the two ideas together. As is my usual MO, honestly.
Noctis runs a hotel on an island, and his son is getting married in two days. He’s already having A Time Of It for various things, and then three of his once lovers show up out of the blue. Ignis Scientia (the man who broke his heart), Prompto Argentum (the cute wide-eyed boy trying to start independent photography work outside of his parents’ expectations for him), and Gladio Amicitia (the adventurous soul who has a boat and itchy feet). Noct doesn’t know it was his son who invited them to the island, so he could determine which of them is his other parent.
(If you’re about to ask me about how Noct had a baby and is a man, don’t worry about it. Is it omegaverse, is it bog standard mpreg, is Noct trans? Pick your poison, the story isn’t concerned with that and I’m not gonna explain. XD)
But yeah, it’s just basically gonna follow the plot of the musical as writ in the movie, with some adjustments here and there because I like swapping pieces on the chessboards. I’m a diehard ignoct person, so obviously I have an Agenda for the finale. But I can tool it around to make it ot4 by the end. I mean, Noct’s kid is still gonna have three additional dads by the end of it and he’ll never know who he’s related to bc that’s also not the point.
What I really have written bc I was procrastinating last night is a cast list, chapter titles (the track list more or less from the movie), and a sentence or two of explanation for what the chapters are supposed to be, bc I wouldn’t be able to remember them just by song alone.
It is just a fun silly little AU idea that I came up with on a whim and then made an actual document for. XD
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mommaghost · 3 days
holy shit, a main blog
hi, it's ghost again. nonbinary, they/them, 25+ maternity, whump, and bumps
This is my only account. My sideblog/original MG blog is mommaghost-side I do have an 18+ snapchat. Proof of age required.
➡️ Minors (anyone under the age of 18) should not follow nor interact with my content. I block on sight.
➡️ I'd prefer only 21 years old and up here.
➡️ Follow-Unfollow-Block as needed. I well and truly give not a single fuck.
➡️ Any kind of TERF, RadFem, Gender Critical, Fascist, etc, etc: there is not a goddamned thing for you here except broken teeth.
➡️ Not here for tradwife or fakey-tumblr-dominate bullshit. Mutual respect and consent or bust.
➡️ Not seeking a dom or sub. Considering allowing wishlists or tips on the blog for funsies.
Fandoms: FFXV, FFXIV, K//H if I feel spicy and brave
Kinks, Tropes:
Mpreg, including TMpreg
Labour partners/fluff
Home/Water births
Realistic Symptoms (that a lot of people neglect to mention)
Comfortable birth partner
Panicky birth partner
Found Family
Pregnancy fears, woes, complications.
Edgeplay (CNC)
Fear then comfort
Illnesses (Fever, body pain, generally feeling Gross)
Vore (general)
Cum facials
Hard Limits
Hard Vore
Hyper anything
Deathly harm to infant/new parent
Parasites (worms, wormlike)
Feeder/feedee, feederism in general
Rapid growth/preg
Do not harass me in my DMs
No, I won't roleplay with you
My one true love is the block button
Don't be weird.
Tumblr media
BumpBunny's Belly Kink TierMaker
ghost posting
ghost responses
Will be adding more
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What is your most popular fic?
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
What is my most popular fic? Well I'm only recently dabbling in writing for Hogwarts Legacy since playing the game while I was out the entire month of April to rest after surgery. Before that I was writing a lot for the Final Fantasy XV fandom (of which i still love and reblog stuff about whenever it comes up in my feed)! So since that's been around longer, it's only a given that they are more popular. My most popular fic is called "Fated To Love You" and it's a Noctis/Pompto omegaverse fic! It LONG outranks all my other works at a whopping 1,104 kudos ❤️ That being said though, I never want to reread it lmao. Ever. 😅 I guess it's a testament to how much I've grown but I find it now very self-indulgent, ooc, and cringe as far as plot... lol But it's a stepping stone in my journey nonetheless and I'm happy that it made so many others happy. So I'll never take it down.
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on? "Do Me Damage", (another FFXV fic I started on (and haven't finished) in which I rewrote the game, added way more angst and realism and depth, and threw in complicated love triangles for the drama of it all on top of all that. It's also written in a different character's POV instead of the main character's that you play the game as.) I suppose, all though that's just for the sake of answering the question. Since it isn't finished and I have no plans on going back to it any time soon, I wouldn't really want people to suddenly get invested. But it definitely was my baby and I've spent so much time working on it. The word count alone is ginormous. I may as well be rewriting the fucking Bible lmao. It would have went longer but back in the day a LOT of a draft of the next chapter got lost and it kinda is what made me give up the whole thing. I was pretty bummed after that and haven't picked it up since.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Oh I ABSOLUTELY respond to ALL comments that I see fly into my email. As a writer, people who love my work really is what hypes me up and keeps that motivation to continue going. I really love hearing the feedback or simply that the particular chapter affected them emotionally or made their day in some way. There's comradery in it and it's that warm, fuzzy, found family feeling. I read a lovely comment (or a sad or upset one lmao) and it makes me giddy every time that we are just two people eternally screaming into the void about nonexistent people that we love lmao. I know some people don't like to respond to comments because it could "trick" a reader into maybe "thinking the story is greater than it actually is" but honestly babes, that's what kudos are for. I don't read a fic based on how many comments it's gotten. (Or kudos too, actually, but yeah) I read them based off the plot and if it sounds like something I'd be into.
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Do you save any general headcanons for omegaverse chocobros? I’m kinda curious about that :3
I’m not sure if I completely understand your request but here’s a few hc of Omegaverse Chocobros from me :D
(Btw if I miss interpretative your request, let me know!)
(One more thing, everything here is platonic, I’m just testing the waters. I’m really new at this lol sorry if somethings aren’t accurate. If it does well or future requested, I’ll do romance. It wasn’t stated in the request if they wanted romance or not, so just keep that in mind.)
Omegaverse Chocobros (HC SFW)
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• Gladio is a Alpha. Naturally. Noct and Prompto are Betas. And Ignis is a Omega.
• There new at it. Especially Prompto.
• But there in it together.
• Don’t ask how they met. Everyone has a different story.
• Gladio will say he got everyone together (Classic Alpha)
• Noctis will say he got everyone together.
• Ignis will say “does it matter?”
• Prompto will just shrug and say “I was asked to be here.”
• But either way, there very happy.
• Gladio is naturally very dominant but not controlling.
• He wants to find someone someday but until then..he got his dumb Betas and Omega.
• Not he minds, he gets to practice.
• Especially on Prompto.
• He tries to practice being dominant with Prompto but he can’t help but be easy on Prompto.
• He’s so new and nervous.
• Prompto is so nervous being a Beta and embarrassed.
• He feels weak, even though he’s average.
• Nothing special but not terrible.
• Poor Boy feels different..
• He hates that his sent is weak. Was he cut out for this?
• Ignis, thankfully, reassures Prompto.
• Even though Prompto isn’t necessarily Ignis’s responsibility, He couldn’t help but feel that Prompto deserve a mate.
• Ignis is definitely a Omega to a T.
• But he’s also, in Control.
• He’s so professional and calm most of time.
• He, though, has been feeling something he hadn’t felt before.
• He wasn’t sure if it was heat or something else but he controlled himself.
• He wanted to find a mate but he’s got other things right now.
• Noct.
• He’s probably the definition of average.
• He doesn’t really care that he’s a Beta. or, finding a mate with his friends.
• He’s with them cause he doesn’t wanna be alone.
• It was his biggest fear as a kid.
• Still is, even as an adult.
• He sometimes call them the “Accidental pack” but bro...
• He doesn’t think it’s a joke anymore.
• There basically are a pack.
• But very platonically. He isn’t sure if it’ll go far or go no where with Ignis, Gladio and Prompto.
• He loves them but is he in love with them?
• Time will have to tell...
A/N: Hopefully this is ok. I did some brief research on Omegaverse but something is wrong, let me know!
Constructive feedback is more than welcomed!
Hopefully you enjoyed this!
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
My mind just when somewhere really dark after that last post and all i could think of is like someone finding that car in the night with just a young omega in it and breaking in. Maybe they hurt him, maybe they don't, but the next time someone checks on him they find a dead body nearby
(Oof, now you just want me to suffer but it is whumptober sooo~)
They’d sent Cor to the Regalia because it was the safest option at the time. The car was bulletproof and had withstood a direct attack from an Iron Giant before, not that they were particularly keen to repeat that incident, so in theory it should have been the perfectly safe place for an Omega in heat. 
However, the next morning when Clarus went to check on him, he was greeted by the sight of the Regalia missing her rear windscreen, a trail of blood mixed in among the shards of glass. Of course this sent him into an immediate panic, summoning his sword and bolting to the car. He found Cor curled up on the far side, back pressed against the driver’s door, a bloody dagger in hand and a body not two feet from him. Cor’s got a bloodied lip and a black-eye but the thankfully it appears that most of the blood isn’t his.
It takes Clarus a good two hours before he can get Cor bundled up in the blankets and back to the others, despite him still being in the middle of his heat it’s far safer to be around the Alphas he knows then out in the open. When the others find out what’s happened, they’re rightfully furious. Cor spends the rest of his heat in the cave with Weskham watching over him. Clarus, Cid and Regis camp out on the nearby haven after taking the car to the nearest town for repairs. It’s an unspoken agreement between them all that Cor will never be left alone so long as they’re around.
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synnefo-nefeli · 3 years
Noctis for abo thing?
Oohhhh Noctis is such a good pick!
So normally I go with Alpha for Noct because you can make the case that the Rulers of Insomnia have always favored Alpha progeny. Although omega!Noctis is great just for just bratty/pillow princess nature.
In modern times Alphas are typically found amongst the nobility which makes finding proper marriage arrangements difficult, especially for those in isolated Insomnia.
Noctis’ going to public school/non-citadel schooling meant he was not only amongst the working class but was around a lot of Betas. This informed on Noct’s casual nature but also made him fight to have Omegas put on equal footing as him. This was especially good for Ignis and Prompto when they presented as Omegas, in that Ignis retained his “hand of the king in waiting” status and Prompto was allowed to join the crownsguard.
He can be a bit of a pillow princess, as his ruts leave him more languid, preferring to rest amongst cushions and curled in his bed that going to hunt down an omega to sleep with. Gladio tells him that he’s should be an omega because he acts like a nesting omega than and Alpha in rut. He has been known to grab Prompto and take over Proms nest during his rut, much to Prom’s happiness and Ignis’ annoyance. Iggy doth protest too much as he soon joins in too.
In a polyship roadtrip pack dynamic, Noct is head Alpha in name only due to his princely status. Ignis and by extension,Prompto, run the pack. He’s on the bottom of the pile tbh.
Noct prefers to watch Ignis and Prompto play with each other as the two Omegas try to soothe their heats. Once they’re worked themselves into a frenzy, does Noct enter the fray
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
ooh, I think that what makes Cloud send his kids to safety comes when Luna is born and Gentiana appears the next day after the birth, at first only he can see her and he doesn't do anything, but once Ardyn comes to picture and he comes close contact with his kids he knows there's something wrong with the man, post Lucis attack Cloud gives the kids away because Sephiroth is also acting weird and the least he could do is keep his children safe
I wonder what Cloud thinks about Gentiana at first. It's clear she's there for Luna and while at least immediately her intentions seem to be to protect Luna that doesn't mean in the long-term there isn't a sacrificial lamb role planned for Luna. And even if there isn't being the person destined to save the planet doesn't exactly line up with a happy life (not that Cloud probably personally understands that yet). Of course there clearly isn't much Cloud can do to get rid of Gentiana either.
Also quick side world-building possibility thing- the Oracle power clearly goes through the female line in game. So what if in omegaverse it went down the omega line but only omega women truly got the powers. Omega men (like Cloud) being merely carriers of the gene.
Anyway, Arden probably isn't all that interested in Ravus but clearly interested in Luna. And that is part of what clues Cloud in that there is something wrong with Ardyb in a... possing evil powers kind of way. He doesn't tell Sephiroth at first because Sephiroth's way of dealing with perceived threats to him & his is through murder and what if Cloud is wrong. He regrets that choice when Sephiroth starts acting weird as well and Cloud realises that he's now a threat to the kids as well.
And then, yeah, Cloud kind of has no choice but to get the kids out of the situation, probably planning on seeing if he can quickly resolve at least bits of it and if not follow after them.
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angelkitty54 · 5 years
Someone on AO3 requested it, so here’s part the next of This AU. I have so many ideas for this AU... this ended up being really long...
Also here’s some songs that make me think of this AU: “Bad Idea” and “You Matter to Me” from the Waitress musical.
So, there’s no scourge or prophecy in this AU but the war with Nifflheim is still happening. The Oracle is a religious figure, and much beloved by the people, hence why the Empire originally wanted to obtain control over Tenebrae. But lately the Emperor is feeling threatened by Lunafreya.
She’s is beloved by the masses, and though her brother has been indoctrinated, and she lacks any real power, it’s clear she still has a mind of her own. So it’s decided that Luna ought to be replaced with a younger cousin, who has also been indoctrinated and is far easier to manipulate.
It doesn’t matter to them that this girl doesn’t possess the powers of the Oracle. The powers that be in Nifflheim are not religious. They couldn’t care less about the magic’s of the Oracle line. If nothing else, they’ll just have Ravus (who is a beta btw) marry and produce a kid at some point.
But first, Luna must disappear. It will be a tragic accident, or perhaps even a plot by the enemy. Either way she has to go.
And yet, for all that Ravus has been thoroughly brainwashed by the Empire, he still loves his sister above all else. He’s not just going to stand by and do nothing while Luna’s life is in danger.
So, swallowing his pride and hatred for the Lucian King, Ravus secretly makes a deal. Luna is spirited away to Insomnia seeking political asylum. To her it feels a little like abandoning her duties and her people, but (as it’s been since the Niffs invaded years ago) she has little say in the matter.
Life is Terrible for omegas in Insomnia, and in Nifflheim it’s just as bad. The only difference being that the Niffs are open about their cruelty, whereas Lucians like to sugar coat it. Luna can’t tell which is worse.
Luna knows exactly what would have happened to her had she presented as anything other than an alpha. And like Noctis, her status and birthright would not have been enough to save her. But she never would have thought such a thing would have happened to him.
Her magic and status as Oracle is the one thing that Nifflheim couldn’t take form her. It strikes a cord in her, seeing Noctis stripped of his own magic and status as prince. And Luna, well, she knows better than anyone what it’s like to be a prisoner in your own home...
The first time she met Noctis he was a shy, damaged child in a wheelchair. The second time he is a boy still not yet a man, yet he is pregnant and far more damaged, for more broken, than the child she met ten years ago. 
She just can’t understand how this could have happened.
It’s typical alpha behavior to offer food to omegas (to show they are a good provider, someone who can put food on the table), but Noctis won’t eat anything Ignis or Gladio give him.
After everything they’ve done to him, all of Noct’s instincts scream that Ignis and Gladio are unsafe alphas. He physically cannot eat the food they provide, which means he’s not eating period. They’ve started force feeding him, which only causes him more distress and he ends up throwing it all back up again.
Furthermore, Noctis hasn’t been sleeping. How can he when he sandwiched between two unsafe alphas (his captors, his rapists) at night? There isn’t a single place safe from them in his home. He’s trapped in an unsafe home with two aggressive, untrustworthy, dangerous alphas. Sleep is impossible when he’s on high alert at all times.
The pregnancy is hard on his body too. He doesn’t want this baby. It’s little more than a lump of cells, not even a person yet, and he already despises it. To Noct, it’s nothing more than a parasite, slowing draining his life away.
“It’s just hormones.” The so-called experts say. “Everything will be fine once the baby is here.” They diagnose him with prenatal depression, and largely brush it off as being “normal” for omegas experiencing their first pregnancy.
Nevermind that Noctis is miserable, that he’s wasting away. That he has been suffering ever since he presented.
And it’s ironic, but before Noct presented, Ignis and Gladio had actually been good alphas. Ignis made Noct feel cared for, while Gladio made him feel safe. They had a healthy dynamic before. If they just stayed the way they were, then Noct would have felt safe with them, might have even accepted them as his alphas. But they didn’t.
The fact of the matter remains, Noctis is dying, and nothing seems to help (naturally, given their version of “helping” is just to be more abusive and controlling).
As an unmated alpha, Luna would normally never be allowed near Noctis, but as it’s the Oracle’s duty to offer guidance and healing, well...
Luna knows how to navigate a conversation peacefully while holding an unpopular opinion. She knows how to probe and question, without rocking the boat. She’s had a lot of practice after all, though she never thought it’d be like this with the likes of Regis and Noct’s friends...
She’s able to gain access to Noctis, alone, without guards or his alphas hovering threateningly over their shoulders. She’s the Oracle, and an old friend. Who is more trustworthy than her?
The fact that Noctis seems so much better after speaking to her just once helps her case quite a bit too.
Luna is the only person who speaks to Noct looking him in the eye. She doesn’t talk over him, or at him, or to his alphas instead of him. She doesn’t touch him without permission. She doesn’t crowd him and keeps a comfortable distance. She’s the only person who truly sees him; sees whats happening to him and understands it’s wrong.
Luna is a good, safe alpha. More than that, she’s still his friend. Where everyone else abandoned him, Luna did not. Even if it’s only for a few hours every other day, she provides a safe haven.
She tries to undo whatever Regis did to seal Noct’s magic, but is unsuccessful, and Regis isn’t sharing what he knows either. Every time she brings it up, he manages to brush the topis aside. Sometimes he even makes his actions sound quite logical.
But Luna knows it’s not right. One look at Noctis is all it takes to realise the truth. It seems that no one else is willing to truly see him though...
Noctis has been her closest friend and confidant over the years, even when they were apart. She wants so badly to help him, but it seems she’s just as powerless here beside him, as she was when they were separated...
As Noct’s pregnancy progresses, his mood swings violently from one end to the other. With Luna he is almost happy, hopeful even. But at other times he is utterly inconsolable. All the while, the pair grow closer and closer.
They don’t mean to fall into bed together. It just sort of happened. They know what they’re doing is a terrible idea, dangerous even, but it’s difficult deny their feelings. Noct has always provided an escape for Luna, and visa versa, and this is just one more way of escaping from their unhappy lives.
For Luna, she has been trapped in a cage for so long, even now, she’s simply traded her old cage for a somewhat nicer one. For Noct, well if he had no choice but to belong to someone, he’d rather belong to Luna. They both want something that’s entirely theirs.
Still, is dangerous and if they get caught, well, never seeing the other again will probably be the least of their worries...
Noct’s 18th birthday has come and gone. In the past he would have faced it with pride and trepidation for the future for it had meant he was one step closer to being king. Now though, well, there’s very little for him to look forward to...
And while others celebrate, dread begins to fill his entire being as his due date is fast approaching...
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pandanscafanfiction · 4 years
The next chapter of "A Marriage of Inconvenience" is now up, lovelies!!!!
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Can you do some headcanons on Omega!Ignis nesting and what materials that he would like to use for it. I can see his nest being a very personal and hidden place.
Well I’m glad to see that my Omegaverse HC payed off.
Again, had to do some more research. If something’s aren’t as accurate, please let me know!
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• Work has been stressing him out as of late.
• Though, you wouldn’t have known it if you looked at him.
• Usually, he can handle being stressed. It’s apart of the job sometimes.
• But as if late, it’s been harder and harder for the Omega to keep his cool.
• Not even coffee helps anymore.
• Totally snapped at Prompto once
• With some advice from Gladio of all people, he builds a nest.
• He isn’t sure where to build a nest.
• It has to be private. Somewhere where Iggy feels comfortable and alone gather his thoughts.
• It took sometime, but he find a great spot: The Closet!
• Decent room, Very quiet, A little light (though not very bright)
•Ignis could already get used to it.
• Best of all, it very hidden.
• In the back of his bedroom, where he used to hold his clothes and such but now is empty.
• Honestly, you wouldn’t have known it was there unless he told you.
• Anyways..
• The only thing that Iggy had to fix about the closet was dusting and getting rid of any dirt.
• Just a little cleaning is all really
• It wasn’t the greatest but stressed out Ignis didn’t care really.
• Now, he just needed some blankets and pillows.
• Lots of Decent sized pillows for the Omega. Some he got from Noct and Prompto, that weren’t using anymore.
• They didn’t mind much of Iggy using their old pillows.
• If it helps Iggy with familiarity, there glad to help!
• Now blankets...
• Easy too. He just used old blankets from when Noct was little.
• Again, Noct was more than happy to give Ignis his old blankets.
• Though, that’s more because Noct was embarrassed to still have his old blankets from when he was a toddler and wanted to give them away ASAP.
• Ignis thinks there adorable. Reminds him of when they were young.
• So now, he has both materials.
• It felt complete.
• ...Almost
• He still felt like it was missing something.
• Like what? He had blankets and pillows. What could he possibly need?
• Than he realized he needed more scents of familiarity.
• Sure, those blankets and pillows were comfortable but scents really made him comfortable.
• He felt like he was with his fellow comrades.
• So he asked Noct, Prompto and Gladio if he could have some of their old shirts with scents of them.
• Again, they were more than happy to led him their old shirts.
• Gladio in particularly, had some real nice shirts since they were so huge!
• Prompto’s old shirts was cute.
• They were of old anime’s he used to watch.
• Already, he feels like his nest is complete.
• He feels so warm and comfortable in there.
• Everytime he feels like he’s about murder someone for almost running him over, he goes to his nest and immediately feels better.
• Overtime, he doesn’t just use the nest whenever he’s stressed.
• He now goes there all the time.
• Such a Comfort area for Ignis.
• Keeps it very clean.
• No dust in his site!
• He particularly can’t wait to use it one day, when he’s expecting a pup.
• The nest gives him strong motherly instincts he hadn’t felt before.
• Or was it the scents?
• He has frequent dreams there of nesting while nursing a pup.
• But that’s for the future.
• For now, Ignis goes their everyday to relax and feel comfortable with knowing that he’s still with his friends.
A/N: Well that’s all folks! :D hopefully you enjoyed this!
Please, feel free to leave construct feedback! I could use it.
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
Okay so I know you don't mind the whole abo dynamics thing, so out of the following who would you say is what?: Clarus, Regis, Cor and Drautos.
Ooh so this is an interesting thing to think about! 
Clarus: Beta. As much as I think the man would make the perfect Alpha - strong, tall, etc I think maybe one of the main reasons the Amicitia line was chosen as the Shields for the monarchs was the fact that they almost always presented as Betas; with a few exceptions. They’re able to keep their heads in situations an Alpha or Omega might react badly to.
Regis: Alpha. It’s not a pre-requisite that the ruling monarch has to be an Alpha, but more often than not that’s what they present as. There has been the odd Omega here and there but never a Beta - it’s a genetic mystery that no one has ever been able to solve.
Cor: Omega~ He’d be a perfect Alpha or Beta, but I’m a sucker for Omega Cor kicking everyone’s collective asses and destroying gender stereotypes.
Drautos: Alpha. It’s part of the reason he was chosen by Nifleheim. They consider him to be a ‘perfect’ example of an Alpha and thus the perfect candidate for the ‘Glauca’ persona.
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