#fgo critical
What's your opinion and reaction when Lasengle made a Highschool AU of FGO and made it have angst and backstory for the protagonist?
Because it was very AO3 of them to do so
it WAS very ao3
on the one hand it isnt necessarily bad to flesh out the protagonist, on the other...ehhhh the issue w doing it like 8 years into the game is that everyone who cared enough about the mc to try and give them characterization would have gone and come up with their own ideas about their backstory/background so now they have to content with canon information that likely contradicts what theyve only just now decided to put in the game. its not an inherent issue but it wouldbe been nice if they mentioned some of the stuff about, say, ritsuka's FAMILY sooner even if there wasnt a story chapter dedicated to it bc then at least people would have known earlier on lol
also predictably there seems to be lots and lots of angst about ritsuka and how broken they are which im still kind of ambivalent about bc i think like...crying after the specific event trigger causing it in the story chapter is normal behavior and not really a sign of careening off the edge but yknow. people love their protag to be special
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thessaliah · 1 year
anniversary results
Crypters CEs.
Some stream content was ok.
Nice messages for Anni by official artists and fans.
Significantly fewer free quartz than last year (and locked to grind nobody wants to do ever).
Zero game updates (lol, dead game).
Leftover Summer Servant anniversary (guess they were sounding out the brainless whales with "Lady Avalon" last year) because likely didn't finish the real one.
LB6-themed Summer which looks like Soulless Beach Resort crap (instead of a fantasy horror setting). The presence of crap characters like the lolibait of Prillya and Suzuka just made it worse.
Recycled skins for the Knights (super lazy, Gawain face looks shopped on that).
Shoving Oberon to this crap (I almost threw up, I thought he dodged a bullet to avoid the soulless summer event sigh). Guess they needed a generic villain so the shallow waifu of turn can get to shine.
That "memorial" video was so unnecessarily hyped. Pretty animation, but wasted and frankly baffling in the direction department (why suddenly include QSH? And pretend Jeanne's background is relevant to Jalter?) and tone deaf with current year FGO. This isn't 2017. A Lostbelt memorial should be better because we just ended that phase, but of course, that wouldn't shill regular Artoria and random characters that had nothing to do with FGO plot like Fran or Iskandar. I did like the Merlin's parts watching the wars because felt significantly heavier but ultimately it felt like a waste of resources. Do better next year rather than just copy MEMORIA vibes (except it's a lesser version because Memoria included the relevant cast, imagine Memoria but put in Cu or Medusa pfftahahahah), ok? And uh, maybe stop wasting the budget on these pandering stuff and actually invest in a good budget for the adaptations of the works. The ones we had were atrocious.
Zero news about OC2. Just pull the plug already in this dead game. Let it go with dignity. Nasu and Aniplex surely project in Morgan to try to beat a dead horse, or rather, keep it in a shambling death state and pretend it's alive and well.
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babyloniastreasure · 6 months
whenever we get anything new in FGO all i ever see is people being downright mean
I won't pretend FGO is some groundbreaking piece of writing or media, it most certainly is not. its flaws are laid bare. we know this. i'm talking about how right out the gate the things being said aren't criticism, it's slinging outright hatred at it?
legitimately. if you see new things coming to a game you say you hate, and you find yourself being grouchy about it, why are you doing that to yourself? why are you still here?
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hitokiri-izou · 6 months
I highly encourage every aventurine fan to step back and criticize the fact that hoyoverse decided to make Romani culture as the basis for his character and took aspects from history like discrimination, slavery, and even the stereotypes as story notes for a fictional planet named after a Romani slur.
This isn't the first time a gacha game let alone hoyo have pulled shit like this. Fgo, genshin, arknights, and probably several more that I've never played. Stay vigilant of this and listen to the people who are most impacted by this.
I am not Romani so I encourage you to check out Florian on youtube, he's talked about aventurine already. Check out the discussion in the comments too
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
Fate can be something that is so incredibly infuriating but also so, so incredibly deep and touching to the point of tears because of the mastery in the storytelling and life in characters and the artistic portrayals and these are things that can and should exist simultaneously
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dead-salmon · 29 days
why do they keep feeling the need to roll out more arts supports i fucking hate them
for reference, buster has 3 designated supports, quick has two. for further reference, every single arts support offers some kind of survivability support on top of damage. buster has one survivability support (who got buffed besides being broken)
quick is two years later still stuck with skadi² and only has normal skadis noodle np of a onehit evade+damage cut as survivability support
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douglysium · 7 months
Is FGO's Andromeda Black?
I already talked about this on Twitter So I figured I would mention this here and it was originally a sort of response to people criticizing for someone assuming Andromeda was some sort of gyaru.
I appreciate that people are aware of Andromeda’s Aethiopian / African origins in FGO but tbh I think there’s something to be said about how FGO design usually approaches drawing black people / features. Sure I think Andromeda is black but if you where to grab a random non-fate fan before putting FGO’s Andromeda, Amakusa, Emiya Alter, and Suzuka Gozen (Summer) in front of them with no context and asked them “Which of these characters is black?” or "Which of these character an African figure?" I hesitate to say that they would be able to tell you consistently.
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I’m not saying no character can ever be racially ambiguous or everything can fit cleanly into little boxes at all times but as tempting as it is to say someone not realizing Andromeda is black is merely the ignorance of an audience member I can’t help but think that Fate also primes such expectations with how they often approach black characters in general. I think parts of the internet do bend over backward trying to deny a character being black when it makes sense but I also ask when is the last time Fate has idk drawn really curly hair or dreads? Like seriously think about it.
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(Lenora maybe isn't the best example because I think she plays into some stereotypes but the point here is to look at the hair texture)
So, I think as good as the conversation about Africa in Greek mythology is to have and how easy it is to blame it on the audience (which is not completely unjustified) I think we also have to question how Fate itself primes the audience or may handle things in such a way as to increase the chance of miscommunication. And this is not to say that it’s always Fate’s fault or that black people can never have straight hair and / or lightskin black people or what have you, but i find Myself having to debate whether a character is black or not in fate way more often than I have to debate if a character is black in other media. I think the weaknesses that Fate has with these kinds of designs is something I don’t see with Magic the Gathering or Pokemon or even Digimon. Outside of specific characters I don’t see people arguing Marvin Jackson from Digital-Police is a gyaru or Lenora isn’t black.
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Like if you look at Sid Story’s Mansa Musa design for example I don’t think there’s really anyway for someone to misinterpret that she’s not black without looking like they are purposefully trying to troll others for engagement.
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(Shout outs to illust_ringo (https://twitter.com/illust_ringo))
Like yeah, there is a lot of racism in some parts of the Fate fandom but Fate itself did also make a bunch of Detroit jokes with Emiya alter and clearly realized they made some sort of mistake with design since they’ve been walking back on some subtle stuff so I can only give FGO itself so much grace in that context. I love Fate but I think if we want to have a productive conversation we need to acknowledge the racism within Fate itself and how that can attract certain people or set up certain expectations (even with the censorship of characters like Emiya Alter).
I guess what I’m also trying to say is for some people if you give an inch they’ll take a mile. If you give even a little bit of a possibility that a character isn’t black, even if they’re supposed to be, some people are going to take it and I think that there’s some stuff Fate could be doing more often (even if not all the time) to help prevent misconceptions from occurring and prevent me from pulling out an essay or history lesson on why a character is or should be black almost every-time they release and African servant.
While I ended up talking about some of the ways I think Fate could do better I don’t think it’s always 100% their fault. Like I said if you give an inch some people will take a mile (and some people don’t want to ever count Egypt as part of Africa for some reason) but I also think there’s stuff they could be doing to help curb this. I also don’t think it helps that Fate barely touches any black figures around / outside of Egypt but that’s for another time (where’s Yasuke?! Im on my hands and knees begging).
Anyway, those are my thoughts because quite frankly one could go on all day with almost infinite ifs, ands, or buts and numerous exceptions and when the responsibility is more on the designer or more on the audience or how there are always exceptions, considering racially ambiguous people and designs, etc but this is from Twitter and my brain hurts so I'll spare you an entire chapter book's worth of thoughts. I figured this was also fitting to go over during Black History Month.
Extra Thoughts
There are a couple of other points I would like to mention though. Some people have argued Andromeda is a win because they didn't depict her as white and I'm not sure I completely agree? Yes, it is a major win that they didn't do that thing where they only look at how white Europeans from the medieval century depicted her and used pale skin as a symbol of beauty but there are some fan translations of her profile and it says this " A tomboy princess who prides herself on her swimming ability. Ethiopia (Aethiopia) is said to mean "land of the sunburnt people"[1], however, it does not necessarily correspond to the nation of Ethiopia which exists today."
So yes, Aethiopia does not correspond perfectly to Ethopia but it still refers to parts of Africa and Africans. Quite frankly, this part of the profile reads like a summer servant and while it might be easy to say "Fate gave her dark skin so it's a win" I also worry that what happened is that they interpreted "land of the sunburnt people" as a tan and took the depictions of white Andromeda and interpreted it as a sort of tan. Which is a doubt I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I didn't have and I can't stress this enough. I so desperately want to believe that they are saying Andromeda is at least black but like I said I think we have to be honest that Fate's depiction of black and African people adds a lot of room for doubt. I think her skin is naturally tan at least and while she does indeed have dark hair in some of her ascensions it ends up turning blonde. You could maybe argue this confirms that she actually isn't a gyaru since most stereotypical gyarus have blonde hair but even with that in mind I think the way Fate handles Andromeda and just black designs in general can often fall a bit flat or unclear and sometimes I think fans are doing a lot of heavy lifting with good faith readings (including me).
This is not me saying Andromeda is white this is me saying that Fate pretty consistently falls short with these designs which feeds into a room for doubt. Like I said, I just want Fate to be more willing to include some black features more often so I'm not constantly having to pull up a small dissertation on why a character is black. It would be nice if there were just a few more of their black characters that I could point to and have no doubts about and not need to debate anyone.
Also, Fate just has a SERIOUS whitewashing problem and a weird relationship with blonde hair quite frankly. It feels like sometimes it's an obsession. Like when they made it so blonde hair was a sign of divinity for most of the Babylonian gods. Something that has a lot of Eurocentric baggage with the history of associating often white / "aryan" traits with purity, beauty, goodness, divinity, etc.. Not to mention, that in my opinion, Fate seems like it is basically going out of its way to avoid black historical figures most of the time unless they have do Egypt. Yes, I know about Strange / Fake and Nzambi but they barely touched most of Africa and even outside of Egypt they haven't really even mentioned characters like Yasuke outside of some fan-submitted design in one of their gag mangas. Combine this with designs like Emiya Alter and the controversy around that and I can't help but be left wanting a bit more of a bare minimum somewhere even if there aren't a lot of black servants.
Greeks and Pigment
Since someone is inevitably going to bring this up. Yes the Greeks do technically depict Andromeda with light skin even way back when but I just happened to take an art history class so I know a bit about this.
Greeks did this weird thing where they sometimes depicted women with light skin and men with dark skin so if you really wanted to commit to that argument then someone like Perseus for example would have to be black or at least dark-skinned. To me it can hold about as much wait as arguing a man has blue skin and a girl has pink skin because people associate those colors with boys and girls.
For reference, here’s a pot depicting Perseus and Andromeda from 575-550 BCE on an amphora from Italy. If someone did want to argue Andromeda was white than they would need to argue Pereus is black or something which is to say Greek art and skin tones can be weird.
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Andromeda wasn’t the only Greek mythological figure from Ethiopia (such as Memnon during the Trojan War) and the Greeks had settlements in African areas like Egypt and traded with Africans. Additionally, the myth of Helios explains why dark skin tones exist (so different skin tones are literally incorporated into their myths) so I think based on context even with art like this we can assume the Greek culture generally probably knew about black people. Also, Andromeda's profile clearly alludes to the idea that the designers and writers probably know Andromeda is from Africa too.
Idk, I try not to come off as a debbie downer or seem like the only enjoyment I get from Fate is when I bash it but I feel like some people are getting really caught up in praising the design or the individuals who are probably misreading Andromeda's race or ethnicity and not seeing the bigger picture itself. Something that limits the productivity of the conversation. I also think that where possible we should maybe push for more clearly black designs to prevent things like this from happening. I know that's usually not going to happen because FGO is a Japanese game for a mostly Japanese audience but you never know who's paying attention or who you might inspire. I also think that some of us maybe shouldn't be settling for scraps or half gestures as often.
Andromeda does do well with not just depicting her as Perseus white but at the same time I think everyone also just has REALLY low standards (including me) so even that little bit was a surprise. Which is depressing when you think about it. This isn't me saying you can't like Andromeda or that every character needs to have their race plastered on their forehead but it's very clear that Fate's design philosophy has some major pitfalls and weaknesses (especially with depicting black people) and I think it could be taking some simple steps to resolve them. It feels like every time FGO releases a black character the same cycle happens in the community and I'm not really sure it's going anywhere because people end up debating about what is basically a symptom showing up within the fanbase without addressing the actual source and elephant in the room itself, FGO and maybe even Fate in general.
There are also even people in Japan who at least kind of care enough to try to depict black people in a less ambiguous fashion that isn't racist or a stereotype (like Jinkei who has literally worked on FGO: https://x.com/jinkei_bunny/status/1759352092467364240?s=20).
Anyway, happy Black History Month. I urge you that while criticism is good and healthy positive reinforcement is also great and just as important. There's no point in ever only paying attention to the negative but never fostering the positive.
In the spirit of positivity and being the change you want to see in the world here are my Yasuke and Shaka Zulu fanservant designs
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Demon Saber: Yasuke Full Profile- https://douglysium.tumblr.com/post/735141544541208576/mori-ranmaru-wikipedia
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Grand Lancer Candidate: Shaka Zulu Full Profile- https://douglysium.tumblr.com/post/721643569180557312/douglysium-douglysium-douglysium-grand
Steel Berserker: John Henry Unfinished Profile- https://www.tumblr.com/douglysium/735103259781578752/steel-berserker-john-henry-wip?source=share
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dingostrash · 10 months
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I wonder what Wayne's gearing up to do.
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fatedtime · 3 months
anyone who makes fun of chika and hibino owes a himejoshi 5$.
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I wouldn't MIND more trans characters in fate it's just other one of those 'I really don't know if they can be normal about it' kind of things given how they've been before
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tamamonomaes · 9 months
The thing I really dislike about raita's art the most isn't the fat titties but rather the noodle limbs that make the characters look genuinely underweight in addition to having only fat in the absolute ideal places. Some of his art on twitter of "lolis" look genuinely malnourished and it just makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't mind the occasional pair of fat titties or fanservice, it's the lack of diversity that's the issue.
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thessaliah · 2 years
I hope Nasu just sticks to write Japan and UK cast/characters (or OC locations), and doesn’t touch anything else with his hack fingers. He clearly sucks when he is removed from his comfort zone.
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melonisopod · 1 year
Okay so, to be clear, I don't have any particular love for Beryl as a character to where I'm like...crying or losing sleep over this.
But it is really disappointing when the Lostbelts up till this point were reflections of their respective Crypter's internalized struggle, that the most detailed and intricately written Lostbelt chapter spat out the most insultingly one-dimensional hate sink since Shinji Matou.
My assumption with Beryl had always been that he was abused and ostracized, which in turn spurned him into perpetuating that cycle. At least, that's the impression I got from Ophelia calling him a "werewolf" derisively, and talk of him having been hated by his peers at the Clock Tower. Even the whole "taking Kadoc under his wing" kind of rang of someone who saw a similarly isolated and abused character reaching out in their own twisted sense of camaraderie.
But instead, he's just a guy who enjoys being a piece of shit for its own sake, and has no sympathetic qualities at all. He's just a boring generic rapist villain that Guda has to kill to protecc his kouhai and that's...disappointing? Especially given one of the major themes of Lostbelt 6 is is how nothing and no one is truly incapable of love, and that cruel people are often the victims of cruelty themselves.
I'm not saying I was gunning for Beryl's redemption arc, but I would have wanted a little more from his backstory than "His evil witch mommy taught him evil magic and he also likes to torture people"
He sucks, but mostly cause he was a huge let-down.
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fgocriticisms · 9 months
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
What the FGO team needs to do is cool their jets for a year and do event reruns that haven’t gotten reruns because of the road to LB7. Give the writers and team a break for a little bit so the next section of LB7 doesn’t suffer
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