anretc · 3 months
Help! I'm currently languishing as a pinch hit in Space Swap and would love it if someone wanted to write some PILOTS! (Kara/Lee), robot!SG1 (Sam/Jack), Dinbo (Din/Bo-Katan), or Star Trek (AOS McCoy/Chapel), and take me off THE LIST. Details here!
I'm also a pinch hit for PILOTS! (Kara/Lee), Dinbo (Din/Bo-Katan), or Star Trek (AOS McCoy/Chapel or mirror!verse Trip/T'Pol) at the Hurt/Comfort exchange. Details for that exchange here!
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Please. 🙏🫶
(Note to self: next exchange -- new pairings.)
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naryrising · 2 years
So you like imaginary fandoms...
With the recent success of Goncharov, I thought I'd make a post to mention some of the previous times this has happened in fandom, and a brief explanation and some links on how you can find works for them. I don't claim that this is a comprehensive list, it's just ones that came to me off the top of my head based on several decades of fandom involvement.
Ghost Soup Infidel Blue. Originates from the annual Yuletide exchange, specifically a post by liviapenn in 2007 that used it as a default fandom to help explain how to write 'dear author' letters. The relevant quote (meant to illustrate the kind of letter that would be too specific) was "'Bad: "I would like a Ghost Soup story where Luke makes out with Angela's clone and Angela gets mad and seduces Moira just to make Luke mad, and then Ryan and Luke duel to the death with their lightsabers and it ends up in an Angela/Angela's clone/Moira threesome. And Ryan feels really bad and flies off to Mars forever."" Consensus is that it is a sprawling space opera anime series, something like Gundam or Macross, with many sub-parts and spin-offs. Part of the dynamic of Ghost Soup 'fandom' is people arguing in the notes and comments about the continuity or quality of these various spinoffs (e.g. Purple is reputed to be bad, but some people will staunchly defend it just to be contrary.) Deliberate wank and badfic is part of the humour. You can read the Fanlore post about Ghost Soup here and find works for it and its related fandoms here
Winterblumensaat. Again, this comes out of Yuletide, specifically a nomination in 2021 for what was strongly suspected to be a nonexistent German book. The nominator's sister found it in a flea market! It very definitely was real! They couldn't provide any evidence or a photo of the book, but they promise it was definitely a real book! Despite being rejected from Yuletide nominations as not having any basis in reality, it has nevertheless had some fics written for it. The AO3 tag is merged into Original Work, so you can find them by searching in Original Work for Winterblumensaat (results here). It seems to be a moody, dark mid-century European novel, with characters named Florientina, Mailia, Schnail, and Markus. A related non-existent fandom with the same origin story is Nur die Sonne - Maria Moßer, but this has only attracted one work so far (a crossover with Winterblumensaat).
Cordelia (Movie Poster). In 2020 a movie poster for the movie Cordelia came out that inspired fandom in ways probably not intended by the movie's creators. While the actual movie Cordelia is a contemporary horror/thriller, the poster gave people the impression that it might be about Victorian femdom with pegging. Needless to say, they were disappointed by whatever was in the actual film, and made up fic based on what they thought the poster was about instead. Currently ALL works in the Cordelia (2020) tag on AO3 are actually about the poster and not the movie.
Invisible Ficathon. In 2014 an exchange called Invisible Ficathon ran, which was based around "stories that never were". Nominated "canons" had to be nonexistent fictional works referenced in another work. Examples given included "The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes - Joan Watson" (from Elementary), "The Itchy and Scratchy Show" (from The Simpsons), the books in Lucien's library in The Sandman that only exist in dreams, and so on. The collections on AO3 contain 71 works for nonexistent fandoms. Alas that this exchange only ran once, because it was a fun concept. I think with the renewed interest in Goncharov, it would be ripe for revival.
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mandachuart · 4 months
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Here's the art companion piece to mine: We dream in colors and the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54391945
When you're finished with mine check out these fantastic creators and their works!!
@angelabsol: Chapter 5 & 6 of "Another No Good Very Bad Semester" https://archiveofourown.org/works/53542807/chapters/137774080
@furretd0ll: "Gothic Surfarama" https://archiveofourown.org/works/54391819
@kyokokusakabe: Chapter 4 of "Dipplinshipping Ficlets" https://archiveofourown.org/works/53005093/chapters/137774674
@dipplinduo: Chapter 15 & 16 of "Sweet and Sour Dipplins" https://archiveofourown.org/works/52511173/chapters/137773480
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babylon5 · 4 months
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Spring on Babylon 5: a ficathon!
This is my first time running an event, so please be kind, comments/feedback welcome! I love Babylon 5 so much, I want to see its fandom breathe again, and I wanted to try doing a fun event thing. So! Here we are! This will be a very chill event.
Runs from March 1-May 31, 2024.
Can be any medium. No minimum or maximum length.
Anything in the B5-Verse. Includes Crusade, movies, books, etc.
The prompts can be interpreted any way you choose. Lyric prompts, one-words, AU prompts, scenarios, whatever, all prompts welcome.
Any rating, including unrated, is acceptable.
Adding appropriate content warnings is encouraged.
You do not need to be filling a prompt to post a prompt. The more prompts, the merrier. If you have a fic idea you've always wanted to see written, leave it here! Anonymous commenting is open! You do not need a Dreamwidth account to participate.
You may fill as many or as little prompts as you like, fill your own prompts, combine this with other events (as long as they're okay with it too), vague or hyperspecific, use OCs, gen prompts, crossovers, ship prompts, polyam prompts, get creative with it! Prompts can be filled multiple times.
More information on Dreamwidth below!
Feel free to spread the word!
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songforeddiemunson · 7 months
Happy Hawkins Holiday
For the @stcreators event 02: family
Submission for @bettyfrommars and @allthingsjoeq 's Holiday Prompt party #9: "You’re decorating Christmas cookies and something catches on fire"
Submission for @palomahasenteredthechat and @indulgence-be-thy-name 's 12 Days of Joemas Event prompt: "Is that mistletoe?"
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Happy Hawkins Holiday
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader (description vague apart from use of she/her pronouns)
Summary: Reader is spending her first Christmas in Hawkins with the Munson family. This could be a sequel of sorts to Next Summer and Things that Go Bump,
Warnings/Tropes: a comedy of errors, lots of fluff, oodles of love. CW for swearing, drinking, and minor injuries. No smut. No use of Y/N. No upside-down.
Word Count: 2200
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Christmas 1991
“Shit,” you cursed loudly, waving a dishcloth below your wailing smoke detector like a flag of surrender. “Eddie!”
Acrid black smoke billowed from the open oven door, polluting the entire kitchen and making your eyes burn.
Your boyfriend, who had you by some inches, trotted into the room and reached up to silence the alarm with a bemused expression.
“Thanks,” you said, slumping your shoulders in defeat as you turned to open the window behind the sink.
“Soooo…what happened? If you hated this apartment so much, you could have just said, you didn’t need to burn the place down,” Eddie joked. 
You were not in a joking mood, unfortunately.
“Very funny,” you said dryly. “I was pulling out another batch of cookies, and one of them slid off the baking sheet onto the heating element in the oven. It caught fire.”
Eddie grinned and pulled you in for a hug. “No harm done,” he said sweetly into your hair. “You made so many cookies, we won’t miss one.”
“But now the house smells like burned gingerbread man,” you countered sourly.
“We’ll light some candles. It’ll be okay.”
“Babe,” Eddie pulled back to look at your face. “Dinner’s done, the place looks beautiful. You look beautiful. It’s going to be an amazing night.”
“Yeah. Now go relax and get ready. You’ve been working on all this since 6am and you must be exhausted.”
“Well you helped,” you replied. Eddie really had been a great helper all day.
“Please, barely. Now go on, I’ll clean up in here.” You wanted to protest, but he had already started rolling up the sleeves of his flannel shirt.
“Eddie–” you began.
Eddie planted a big wet kiss right on your pout. “Stop. Go relax, that’s an order.”
You sighed. “Aye aye captain,” you saluted limply, and shuffled off to the bathroom. Perhaps a hot shower really would be what the doctor ordered.  
This would be your first Hawkins Christmas since moving to Indiana to be with Eddie from Chicago. It was also Eddie’s first year in his own place, since moving in with his Uncle Wayne when he was 18, over seven years ago. You had obviously met Wayne and gotten along with him wonderfully, but you had never hosted a holiday celebration before. You wanted everything to be perfect.
The Wheelers, your cousins, had invited you to their family gathering, but you didn’t want Wayne to be alone on the holiday.  He was too introverted to come to the Wheelers’ house, even though they had extended the invitation. The town had not been kind to the Munson family, and it would take a little more time to bring Wayne out of his shell.
So, you decided to host a small Christmas gathering at your new apartment for just the three of you, and naturally you prepared enough food to feed a small army. Eddie was right, you were exhausted, and the steaming hot shower water did wonders for your muscles and your mood.
By the time you were clean, dried and dressed, you were refreshed and ready to take on the night. You emerged from the bedroom to find Eddie wiping down the kitchen counter, with all previous signs of disaster gone. You breathed a deep sigh of relief.
The doorbell buzzed, and Eddie, ever the helpful partner, proclaimed, “I’ll get it!”  As he rounded the corner from the kitchen to the front door, he accidentally bumped a beautiful vase of flowers you had placed on the entry hall table. It tottered back and forth as Eddie muttered, “Shiiiit…” before it fell to the floor with a crash, sending red and white flowers, water, and broken glass in every direction.
“Oh no,” you moaned as you put your face in your hands. 
“Fuck babe, I’m so sorry,” Eddie said, his expression panicked.
You took a deep, steadying breath. “It’s alright.”
“Fuck fuck shit…” Eddie knelt and started picking up the larger pieces of broken glass. You placed a hand on his shoulder. “Honey,” you said, and he looked up at you. You managed a warm smile, despite your frazzled nerves. “It’s really okay. Accidents happen. Why don’t you let Wayne in, and I’ll grab the broom.”
Eddie nodded and moved to follow your instructions.  When you returned with the broom, Eddie was just taking Wayne’s coat. “We had a little mishap,” you declared brightly as Eddie stood by, looking embarrassed. You began sweeping up the glass and strewn flora. “Probably wasn’t the best place for me to put that vase…” you continued as you swept. 
“She’s being diplomatic,” Eddie said. “I knocked it over because I’m a klutz.”
“Well I see not much has changed since you moved out,” Wayne said dryly, but the twinkle in his eye belied his serious tone. He clapped a hand on his nephew’s shoulder. “Merry Christmas kid,” he declared before pulling him in for a hug. 
You were just finishing sweeping up the mess when Wayne turned to you, handing you a bottle of Korbel sparkling wine. “I thought I would bring some bubbly. Merry Christmas honey,” he said, before giving you a hug as well. 
“Oh that’s so nice Wayne, thank you,” you smiled, the trials of the day beginning to fade away. “This will go really well with the charcuterie plate I made for an appetizer.”
You carried the bottle of wine into the kitchen where the snacks were laid out, and put the broom back in its closet. 
“This looks really nice,” Wayne said when he saw the spread of fruit, cheese, and cured meats.
“She’s been working on this all day,” Eddie declared proudly.
“And Eddie helped a lot,” you said, and you exchanged a smile with your boyfriend as you worked at the foil of the wine bottle.  Before you could properly secure the cork for removal, it flew off the neck of the bottle with a loud POP, surprising you. The cork sailed across the room like a bullet before smacking Eddie in the middle of the forehead with a solid, PLAT sound.
The three of you stood in stunned silence. Wayne’s face was frozen in an expression of shock and delight with a sliver of concern. “Nice shot,” he said with awe, breaking the silence.
“Jesus christ!” Eddie yelled as he rubbed his forehead.
“Oh my god,” you yelled. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Eddie said, laughing.
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Yeah totally. Was that payback for the vase?” 
“No! Not funny!” But you had to admit, it was, and you started to giggle.
“Good thing you weren’t an inch or two off; you’d put his eye out,” Wayne added.
“Ha, like A Christmas Story,” Eddie laughed, but the idea of how close you’d come to disaster made your blood run cold for a moment.
Without further incident, you poured the wine and snacked on charcuterie in the living room, as It’s A Wonderful Life played on TV.  When it was time for dinner, you all gathered in the kitchen as you began pulling out dishes that had been keeping warm in the oven.
“I was thinking we could do this buffet style on the counter since we don’t have a big dining room table,” you began. “But where the heck is the can opener for the cranberry sauce?” You started pulling open drawers and rummaging around in the pantry, but the blasted gadget was nowhere to be found.  “How the heck did I manage to lose the can opener?” you asked nobody in particular with a frustrated sigh.
“Give it here, I can do it,” Wayne said while pulling out his pocket knife.
“Uh,” you said trepidatiously, with your can-holding hand paused in midair. “The way today is going, I don’t want to have to spend Christmas in the ER waiting for you to get stitches.”
Wayne laughed. “I used to open cans this way all the time when I would go camping. It’s no sweat.”
“Very well,” you said and handed it over. You exchanged a worried glance with Eddie, who answered with a shrug as if to say I have no idea how this is going to go.
Very reassuring.
The good news was that Wayne did not cut himself. As he jammed the blade of his knife into the thin aluminum lid, it seemed like everything would be fine.
Until he made the second cut, which by way of science that you didn’t fully understand, caused the liquid inside of the can to spray out of the first hole Wayne had made. It shot out of the can with nearly the same velocity of the sparkling wine cork, and landed directly on your chest, on the white Christmas blouse that you bought especially for this occasion. Bright red cranberry syrup. Kapow.
“Oh dear,” Wayne said, and Eddie lost it.
As you stood dumbly looking down at your ruined blouse, you realized it looked as if you walked into the line of fire of arterial spray. 
“At least it’s just cranberry sauce and not you bleeding out from cutting yourself,” you said, needing to raise your voice slightly over Eddie’s cackles of delight. Wayne looked horrified, but the absurdity of everything had you fighting not to join Eddie in his hysterics.
“If you change, and we put something on it right away, maybe it won’t stain…” Wayne began.
You shook your head as giggles fought to escape; even though your shirt was surely a lost cause, you weren’t mad about it. 
“Red on white. It’s festive!” Eddie squealed, and then you started laughing too.
You doubled over, all the stress and tension of the day flowing out of you as you laughed. Wayne looked unsure of what to do.
“If you squint just right, it could be a poinsettia,” Eddie said, pointing at your shirt. It only made you laugh harder. Wayne finally joined in, after really realizing that you weren’t upset.
“I’m really sorry,” Wayne said, though he was smiling. “I’ll replace the shirt.”
“Honestly, don’t worry about it, I was probably never going to wear this again anyway…”
“You should frame it, it looks like a Jackson Pollock,” Eddie managed while wiping his eyes.
The rest of the dinner mercifully went off without a hitch, though it took a while for Eddie to stop giggling every time he looked at you. In fairness, a purple bullseye bruise started to emerge in the middle of Eddie’s forehead, so the feeling was mutual.
“Well,” you said as you polished off the last of your meal. “Tonight we’ve had a small kitchen fire, a broken vase, and assault by wine cork and cranberry sauce. All in all, things turned out pretty well.”
“Well the food was delicious, honestly babe.” Eddie said, giving your thigh a squeeze under the table.
“It really was, my compliments to the chef,” Wayne agreed.  
“I think the more memorable gatherings are the ones where things go wrong,” Eddie said. “We’ll be laughing about this dinner for years.”
Eddie’s innocuous mention of the future made something warm and comforting unfurl in your chest.
“To making memories, and family,” Wayne said, holding up his wine glass.
“Here here,” Eddie said, hoisting his glass by way of response. 
“To making memories, and family,” you repeated, feeling very happy, and you all clinked your glasses together. You took a moment to observe the scene, smiling to yourself as Wayne and Eddie chatted, Eddie’s animated gesticulating juxtaposed with Wayne’s calm manner, and you realized you were a very lucky person indeed.
Wayne helped clean up before excusing himself; it was Christmas tradition to have pints with the guys from the factory at the Attic. After you hugged goodbye and the door closed behind him, you breathed a deep sigh of relief and contentment. Despite the mishaps, it was a lovely evening, but you were happy to be alone with Eddie again.
Eddie had his arm draped over your shoulders as Wayne departed, and then pulled you in for a hug. “Merry Christmas babe; I love you so much. I’m a really lucky guy,” he said. You thought you might swoon, he was so sweet.
“Merry Christmas Eddie; I love you too,” you replied, your heart full.
“Wait, what’s that?” Eddie said, feigning ignorance as he pointed toward the ceiling.
“Wha–” you began as you followed his point. “Is that mistletoe?”
“I suppose so! How did that get there?” Eddie said, making you giggle.
“Well I guess we'd better appease the mistletoe gods or Jesus or whoever,” you said, with a grin.
“Actually mistletoe dates back to the ancient Greeks,” Eddie said, unleashing another random factoid that his brain stored as a result of his voracious reading. “They thought the berries helped with fertility, but even before that the Druids used it in rituals and sacrifices…”
“Dude,” you said. “Would you shut up and kiss me?”
“Sorry,” Eddie smirked, and he did. 
And he did, and he did, and he did.
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Thank you for reading! As always, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of all fic writers. Please show us some love! :)
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Welcome to the Three Sentence Ficathon Tumblr!
What is the 3 Sentence Ficathon?
This is an open exchange where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences. It’s open to all fandoms and you can post and fill as many prompts as you want, as many times as you want.
How does it work?
The event is run over at the threesentenceficathon comm on Dreamwidth. You don’t need a DW account to play, though! You can use an OpenID login, or post as a guest or anon.
When can I participate?
The 2024 3SF will be open for new prompting between January 12 - February 11. Don’t want the fun to end? You can still fill prompts all year long.
So what’s with the Tumblr?
We figured it might be useful what with so many fandom folks being over here. Follow us for announcements or submit questions to the ask box!
Where can I post my 3SF fills? 
Anywhere you want. Fill the prompts first over at the dreamwidth comm (you don’t even have to sign in–anon prompting and filling is just fine). If you post your fills to AO3, feel free to add them to the 2024 3SF Collection. If you share on Tumblr, tag your posts as #3SF24 and the mod team will do our best to reblog them here! 
Who’s on the mod team?
The event is currently maintained by @rthstewart, @bywayofmemory, @wingedflight and @oakashandwillow.
Any more questions?
Check out the 3SF explainer over on Dreamwidth. If you still have questions, drop the question in our ask box.
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angelabsol · 4 months
DipplinShipping Beach Episode Ficathon Masterpost
Break out the sun AND reading glasses.
Coming at you live, 7 whole new chapters of beachy goodness. A total of 36k words for you to read and enjoy. Enjoy comedic burgers fresh of the BBQ and fluffy vollyball games, and of course, cannot forget the angsty sunscreen.
@dipplinduo @mandachuart @furretd0ll @kyokokusakabe
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castleficpromoter · 3 months
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CastleFicPromoter’s Castle Ficathon 2024
This “contest” isn’t a competition against others, merely a fun way for the Castle fandom and its talented fanfiction writers to generation some awesome stories over the summer season.
Participating stories should be posted on Fanfiction.net (or Archive of Our Own). Stories posted on FFnet will be included in the “favorites” list on the CFPromoter FFnet account. Links will also be tweeted through CFPromoter’s twitter account and blogged/reblogged on tumblr.
Word Count Goals:
Mini-Ficathon – 25,000 words
Ficathon – 50,000 words
Maxi-Ficathon – 75,000 words
Ultra-Ficathon – 100,000 words
Submissions will be accepted starting Monday, May 6, 2024 and ending at midnight on Friday, September 6, 2024. You can start writing at any time, but only fanfics posted within the timeframe will be accepted as part of the Summer Ficathon challenge.
Anyone can join, experienced and new fanfiction writers alike. Everyone is welcomed. The main point is to have fun!
Stories are to be posted on your own FFnet account, but should have “Castle Ficathon 2024” somewhere in the summary, so that readers know the story is a participant. Stories posted on AO3 are also acceptable this year and, just as with stories posted on FFnet, should have “Castle Ficathon 2024” somewhere in the summary. (sidenote: If you are posting your ficathon story only on AO3, let me know, otherwise I might miss it - Thanks!)
If you post a link to the story on Twitter, feel free to tag @CFPromoter in your tweet, so I’m aware your story is posted. I’ll be using the hashtag “CastleFicathon2024” and “CF2024” on Twitter (and tumblr) when I do tweet promotions.
Every participant will receive an individualized digital badge of participation at the end of the challenge. Participants will receive an additional badge for the word count level achieved at the end of Ficathon. Those who break 75k will also receive a personalized wallpaper based off the Castle Ficathon 2024 key art.
Need help coming up with ideas? Feel free to check out the prompt list on our tumblr page, or the many prompts to be found on the Castle Fanfic Prompts tumblr.
Don’t stress if you have trouble with updating regularly, the main point is to have fun, so… no pressure.
Questions? Concerns? Contact me!
Message me on tumblr, PM us on FFN, or tweet me.
Have fun everyone, and happy writing!
- Travis (aka @lordofkavaka​)
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Chapter 5 + 6 is out.
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transcendence-au · 11 months
9th Annual TAUathon!
Guess what everyone? It’s that time of year again:
We are holding another Transcendence AU ficathon!!!
(I know we didn’t have one last year shh)
Just like last time, any type of content is accepted! Fic? Heck yeah! Art? Just mess me up. Music? Please. It’s been so long. A full feature animated film? That’s very ambitious, but hey we have two whole months so mess us up!
Here’s how it’s going to work!
1. Prompts and Sign Ups!
From now on, we will be taking prompts and sign ups! You can do both by going to this spreadsheet here and submitting a prompt/signing up for a prompt. We recommend doing this as soon as possible, as the sooner you put your prompt in the more time someone has to work on it. In addition, everything under the fic open season and art open season tag is fair game as well!
2. Posting!
Once you have taken a prompt, please have it done by October 5th (the anniversary of the TAU blog)! That’s a whole two months from this post being made. In order to make this a big fun day full of fic and art (like Yuletide on AO3), if you’re done with your entry before the 5th, please schedule your post to go online on October 5th.
3. Questions!
Can we submit our fic/art for the thon to you?
Absolutely! Just let us know it’s for the TAUathon so we can schedule it for the right day!
Do we need to use any special tags if we post on our own blogs?
On Tumblr? Just the usual “transcendence au” and we’ll see it from there.
On AO3? Here’s some advice on how to tag TAU fics on AO3!
Are you going to call Mizar on us if we don’t finish our prompt on time?
Nope. While we encourage everyone who picks up a draft to finish it, we aren’t going to chase you around with the cult basher. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t finish your prompt in time – we still would love to see your content whenever it is ready.
You won’t even get banished eternally to the corner. That’s reserved for people who make super angsty stuff.
I want to participate but I don’t feel like doing any of the prompts? Can I just write/draw my own thing anyway?
ABSOLUTELY! We’re happy with however you choose to participate!
Did you seriously just copy and paste the whole post from the first ficathon?
No, I actually edited the post from the last ficathon. Nyeh!
We hope you enjoy and HAVE FUN! And again the prompt spreadsheet can be found here.
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anretc · 2 months
Sheppard/Weir Ficathon 2024: Summer of Sparky
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To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the pilot airing of Stargate: Atlantis we are holding a "Summer of Sparky" Sheppard/Weir Ficathon!
Work minimums are 350 words, and matching will run on genres (ie, fluff, hurt/comfort, canon divergence, romance, action/adventure, alternate universe, etc).
Sign ups Close: May 17, 7:00 PM EDT Stories Due: Jul 9, 7:00 PM EDT Collection Reveals: Jul 16, 7:00 PM EDT Author Reveals: Jul 23, 7:00 PM EDT
2024 AO3 Collection Info & Rules SIGN UP FORM
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missfisherchallenges · 9 months
Welcome back, darlings! 
We know a few of you missed the Ficathon signups earlier this year, and we have some great news:
The Phryne Ficathon is back to celebrate our beloved Miss Fisher’s birthday! 
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How does it work? 
The Phryne Birthday Ficathon is a Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries fanfiction exchange. Participants provide and receive four prompts, and write a fic of at least 1000 words inspired by one or more of the prompts they receive.  
The prompts can be anything--concepts, quotes, images, the only limit is your imagination! We request that at least one prompt is non-Phrack centred, to ensure the exchange is inclusive for all. These prompts can feature Phryne and/or Jack as a character, but the focus should be on characters or relationships (romantic or platonic) outside of them. 
Once signups close, matches are made and assignments sent out through ao3.  
Authors will then have until Phryne’s birthday to post their fics to the challenge collection, and all works will be revealed anonymously on the 21st. They will remain anonymous for a week, and guessing of authors is highly encouraged, as is writing treats for the Two Cakes collection. 
Signups are now open here, and our guide to how to sign up is here. 
Signups close – 14th October   Assignments out – 15th October   Collection closes for posting – 20th December   Works revealed – 21st December  Authors revealed – 28th December 
All times are 10pm GMT (check what time that is for you here). 
Fics must be inspired by one or more or the prompts assigned, and at least 1000 words long 
Your story must be posted, in full, to the collection by December 20th.  
If you are unable to complete your assignment, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make sure your recipient gets a gift on time. If you have not posted or contacted us by the 13th of December, we will get in touch to make sure you are still intending to complete. If we do not hear from you, we will reach out to find another author. 
Everyone loves a treat! If you want to write more than one work for your recipient or for other participants, or if you miss the deadline and complete it later, we will be opening a gift collection alongside the main collection. This will remain open, and more cake is always welcome. 
Sign up here! 
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Every Woman 2024
every woman, a low-pressure gift exchange focused on female characters. Fic is required to be at least 500 words, fanart must be a nice sketch at minimum (no lined paper, no photomanips, no computer-generated text).
Nominations: Saturday, June 1 - Sunday, June 9
Cleanup: Monday, June 10
Signups: Tuesday, June 11 - Saturday, June 22
Assignments out by: Monday, June 24
Assignments due: Friday, July 26
Final pinch hits due: Wednesday, July 31
Works revealed: Friday, August 2
Authors revealed: Friday, August 9
Tagset | Collection | Signup
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zilabee · 9 months
believe me when I tell you - - by tikk
paul/john - 9000 words - pg _____________________________________________
John accidentally discovers Paul's early lyrics for Oh! Darling and notices they were originally written out as Oh! Johnny.
kink meme prompt
In which Paul is oblivious about his feelings because he doesn't have any feelings or if he does have any feelings they're definitely imaginary and don't mean anything. In which John very calmly tries to piece together Paul's non-existent feelings, and what they might possibly mean if they meant anything (which they don't).
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ickaimp · 1 year
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Fic: Mouse of the Baskervilles 3,500 words, Horror. Biting and transformation. Full tags on Ao3. HEED THE TAGS. Uploading old fic to Ao3, and sometimes that means remembering when almost every fic would get a sketch. From October 2010, back when my archive Mischif.net was still up. .... fic was also written back when I was handling human cadavers on a daily basis and it kinda shows.
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wingedflight · 5 months
3SF: Narnia, Lucy/Caspian, you’re so gorgeous/i can’t say anything to your face/cause look at your face
The first time Lucy sees him, this Telmarine prince, this soon-to-be Narnian king, her heart skips a beat; it's embarrassing, considering how many years she's lived in her heart if not in her body, that she could still find someone that young so... interesting. But she's too young for him, the way she looks now, and he doesn't look at her the same way she looks at him, and so Lucy packs up that longing and puts it away until a dark and lonely night in England when she can reflect back on this young and dashing prince and imagine what could have been.
And then: a painting, a flood, an ocean rescue, and suddenly Lucy is dripping on a deck in the middle of the Eastern Sea and Caspian is there again--and this time, he looks at her, and blushes, and looks away.
2024 Three Sentence Ficathon
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