#fictif howie x mc
jadeee · 8 months
howie yan 📷 roadkill
last updated: 10.24.23.
i’m not acting
i never thought i would be in love
a warm heart
just one more episode
random things about howie
nsfw alphabet - a, h, f, k,m, n, v {18+ only}
exercising with howie
howie …
as a boyfriend part 1 & part 2
with an mc who’s not used to being touched
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
here's my hot take: Howie is more himbo than Lucio and Sage will ever be, even combined.
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kailoweenie · 2 years
HCs being in a poly relationship with the roadkill squad
Lots of group hugs, especially Howie dragging you all in for one
Whenever you 4 are on a roadtrip together, y'all would take pictures everywhere
Hanging out in Poe's aunt's lodge is a must
Poe can cook so he wouldn't mind doing it for any of you guys
Tess would love to watch action and horror movies, Howie likes musicals and animated movies, Poe would not admit it but likes drama and Rom com ones!
Might have to sleep in different beds however
Howie might take a lot of the room on a bed and Poe snores a bit (as said in one of Howie's chapter)
Tess thrashes around a bit and might accidentally smack her palm on you
So yeah different beds
Tess takes you all out on carnival dates and often ask you guys to help out at her family's ranch
If Howie ever tells his parents about his relationship with you 3 his parents would be supportive of all of you guys
Same goes to aunt Lynn! She'll just be really happy to see Poe grow up and allowing himself to be loved
Howie would give you piggyback rides for fun
Poe would definitely bring a medkit just in case one of you guys do something stupid (*cough* Tess fighting someone for being rude) again
Poe is the mom of the group basically
Overall being in a poly relationship with them 3 gives you fun, love, and happiness
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oceanatydes · 3 years
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HE’S SO SEXY 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😳😳😳😳😳😳🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
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part one of two pairing: Poe Colestead x MC (gn reader) status: chapter 2 of 2 coming soon! chapter wc: 4,019
The only thing worse than the earliest Literature seminar on a Monday morning is the earliest Literature seminar on a Monday morning with Poe Colestead.
read on ao3 want to be tagged when the next chapter is posted?
The only thing worse than the earliest Literature seminar on a Monday morning is the earliest Literature seminar on a Monday morning with Poe Colestead. This is something you picked up quickly — just after two meetings of your seminar — when he told you that you were reading from the wrong edition of Homer’s Odyssey and that it, in his words, “Made such a big difference.”
You had checked. The edition you were reading was among the approved editions for the class. A fact that Poe Colestead did not consider nor seem to care for once it was brought to his attention.
“Maybe the professor should have checked with you before making the syllabus, then.” You said, snarky because it was early and you were tired and this man you’d just met was critiquing your perfectly valid choice.
He only laughed, “Maybe!”
It was that day that the professor finalized the seating arrangement. And so you were stuck cozied up next to Poe Colestead — snobby, opinionated, difficult Poe Colestead — for the rest of the semester.
The second time you spoke with him, you were having a particularly terrible morning. You had woken up late and hadn’t had time to eat breakfast before class, so you tucked a granola bar into your backpack to eat on your way. You had just a few bites left by the time you settled into your seat next to Poe.
“Would you mind chewing a little quieter?” He asked. Almost politely, like it was a perfectly normal thing to request of someone.
You chewed louder just to spite him.
The third time, you regrettably spoke to him first. In a good mood for once, you complimented his reading of a poem after class. He’d interpreted it well and it made you think that maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. You extended an olive branch as you packed up your things at the end of the seminar, saying, “What you contributed was really well thought out today.”
And, of course, he squandered it. “Really? I thought that what I said was pretty obvious.”
Of course.
“Have a good day, Poe,” You said, fleeing the scene before he gave you another reason to hate him.
Today, you are expecting the worst. The poetry unit is coming to a close and your professor asked everyone to choose their favorites from the unit and discuss them in small groups. Of two. Groups decided by the seating arrangement. It’s almost certain that you will have to talk to Poe about your favorite poems for the entire duration of the class.
You arrive just a bit early, choosing to find out your fate sooner rather than later. To your surprise, you find that Poe is not in his usual seat. In fact, he’s not there at all.
He was always there before you, even once when you had arrived almost thirty minutes before class to speak with your professor. He was always there with his laptop open to his fancy note-taking app and with his textbook out on the table, sometimes sipping from a terrifyingly pristine aluminum water bottle. Sometimes with a fancy little coffee from a small artisanal coffee shop. So, where was he now?
“Is there something wrong?” Your professor must see a look of confusion pass over your face as you look at Poe’s empty seat. She follows your gaze and says, “Mr. Colestead is usually here by now, isn’t he?”
“Talking about me?” A familiar voice calls from the doorway right behind you. “Traffic was awful today.”
You roll your eyes. “Well, you’re still early.”
“Glad to see you,” your professor says to Poe. “You’ll be working in groups with your table partner today.”
Table partner, that was you. Working with Poe, just as you feared.
Poe catches your eyes as he unpacks his backpack and you have half a mind to ask if he really needs all of those things for class before he smiles and says, “I’m glad we’re working together.”
Right. You change the subject, looking at the coffee he’s put on the desk. “Starbucks today? That’s out of character.”
“It’s not as good as the place I usually go, but I didn’t want to actually be late.”
“I thought about getting you something, but I don’t know your order.”
Sure he did. “Sure you did.”
He laughs, “I’m serious! We’re partners.”
That would have been a nice gesture, had he done it.
“What is your coffee order?” He asks.
As if he would like to know. You look him up and down, waiting for him to laugh or make a joke. Maybe for him to say, ‘just kidding, I wouldn’t actually buy your coffee’, but he doesn’t. He awaits your answer with an expectant grin.
You sigh, giving up, and tell him your favorite drink.
“I’ll make a note of that,” he says. And you almost fall out of your chair when you see him type out a note in his phone’s notes app. Your name as the note title and the order you just told him the body. The spell is broken when he says, “I’m pretty sure they can make that at the café I like, but it might just be a Starbucks thing.”
And, with that, the moment is gone, ruined by his stupid affinity for stupid, pretentious coffee. Why can’t he just go to the campus Starbucks like a normal person?
The actual class discussion goes about as well as you could have hoped. Poe is smart, at least, he knows what he’s talking about and your mini-presentation at the end of class is met with high compliments from your professor. As annoying as he is, you make a good team.
“See you Monday?” He asks as he’s packing up his books.
“Yeah. See you Monday.”
By Monday, you have all but forgotten about annoying Poe and his pretentious coffee and his color-coded notes. Seeing him again after the weekend is always a rude awakening. This morning, however, something is different. Instead of the usual silence and avoidance, he smiles at you when you come in the door. And when you sit down, he turns to face you.
“Good morning,” he says. “I got you coffee.”
Sure enough, there is a coffee cup next to his with your name written on it. Only yours is from Starbucks and his is not.
“Did you…” You trail off, looking back and forth from the mismatched coffees to his smug expression. “Did you go to two different coffee shops?”
He nods, grin widening. “Yeah, the Starbucks is right on campus so it wasn’t trouble.”
“Yeah, it’s right on campus. So most people would just go there,” you laugh, incredulous.
“I like what I like.” He shrugs, unbothered as always. There’s not any indication in his demeanor that the coffee is anything but a kind gift.
One might even consider it an olive branch, unless he’s tampered with it, which is not outside the realm of possibility. You take a deep breath and a tiny sip from the drink. It tastes delightfully not poisoned. Looking back at Poe, you find him staring expectantly.
“You’re welcome.”
“Oh.” You blush, embarrassed. “Thank you.”
He laughs easily. “No worries.”
As soon as you leave class, you immediately duck into the closest bathroom and send a text to your best friend Tess, asking if she’s still going to meet you in the library to study (and complain about Poe Colestead). You know her class schedule, and know that she’s likely already in the library preparing to hear you complain about Poe Colestead (and study).
She texts back an affirmative and you sigh with relief, pocketing your phone. You rush across campus to the library, mentally making a list of all the things you have to tell Tess. By the time you arrive, you’ve worked yourself up about him all over again.
“That bad, huh?” Tess gave you a sarcastic pout. Tess enjoyed teasing you, even though she was generally convinced that Poe was a pretentious asshole who deserved your hatred, while your other best friend Howie was the head spokesperson for team ‘Poe Colestead is Probably Actually Very Nice’. With Howie still in a History of Live Theatre class for the next fifteen minutes, you are free to hate on Poe without criticism.
“What did he do?” Tess was practically rubbing her hands together with excitement for the latest update. She often treated your personal drama like a juicy reality show. “Wait, let me guess! Did he ask to borrow a pen and then keep it? Or talk over you during the discussion? Oh my god, did he ‘piggyback off of your point’ again?”
You sigh, slouching dramatically against the study table. “He bought me Starbucks.”
Tess reels back, blinking rapidly, the wind has been knocked out of her sails. “Was it… Poisoned?”
“No.” You frown. “But he was such an ass about it. He got his own coffee from that fancy local place he likes and got me Starbucks.”
“He went to two different coffee shops?”
“Yes! It was so…” Your mind reels, searching for the words to describe the bizarre encounter.
Tess laughs, supplying, “Nice?”
You startle. “No!”
“No?” Tess crosses her arms at you, looking you over with a frown. “Babe, I hate to sound like Howie here, but that sounds really nice.”
“It was…” You knit your brows. You would never willingly put the words ‘Poe’ and ‘nice’ in the same sentence. The very idea of Poe being kind created an error pop-up in your mind like, ‘Error! Behavior does not compute!’ You double down. “It was psychological warfare, Tess. He’s playing a game.”
Tess laughs. “Uh-huh. And what game is that?”
You frown. Of course, you have no idea what game he’s playing. Just that he must be playing one. The coffee makes no sense otherwise. “I don’t —”
“Hold that thought!” Tess interrupts you, a terrifying sly grin overtaking her face. “Is that him?” She nods her head gently to your left and you turn to see Poe himself browsing a shelf just a few feet away.
Of course, she would recognize him, given the extensive Instagram stalking the two of you had done at the beginning of the semester.
“Great.” You sink into your chair. “First the coffee, now he’s stalking me.”
Tess rolls her eyes. “Will his wickedness ever cease?” She says, voice dripping with sarcasm. “We should talk to him!”
“What?” You splutter, “Absolutely we should not!”
“And miss the opportunity for me and…” She checks her watch. “Howie, in five minutes, to see that Poe Colestead is a monster once and for all?”
“Keep your voice down,” you scold, lowering your voice to a whisper. “And fine. I’ll ask him to come sit with us if you promise not to embarrass me.”
“Promise,” Tess says. “Scout’s honor.”
You screw up your courage and frown deeply at Tess one last time before standing and making your way to Poe. You’re right at his side before he even notices you. Typical. He’s always in his own world, not concerned for anyone else. “Hey, Poe,” you say. And you regret every choice you’ve made that brought you to this as soon as his eyes meet yours and he smiles. “What are you up to?”
“Oh, uh.” He looks away and then back at you, almost as if he’s nervous. System error: you’ve never seen Poe nervous. “I was trying to decide whether I have time to read a book for fun or not.” He laughs, confidence back in a flicker. “I probably don’t.”
“Do you want to work on the class reading together?” You ask before you lose the nerve. “My friends and I have the good study table. The one with the most power outlets and the big window.”
Poe looks at the indicated table, nodding to a waving Tess, and then back at you. He smiles again. “Yeah, sure.”
You fight to hide a frown as you lead Poe over to the table. Truly, you hadn’t anticipated Poe accepting your offer. You were so certain that he would — at the very best — politely decline. At this point, you were running out of excuses for his abnormally pleasant behavior. Maybe you would just have to accept that the real Poe had been abducted by aliens.
“Tess,” you say, sitting back down across from her. “This is Poe, he and I have Lit Seminar together.” You gesture for Poe to sit. “Poe, this is Tess. We were roommates first year.”
Tess springs into action, shaking Poe’s hand with an overeager smile. “It’s so good to finally meet you!”
Poe scrunches his nose, there’s a flicker of the snobbish boy you know. “What do you mean ‘finally’?”
“Oh, I’ve heard all about you,” Tess says, wiggling her eyebrows meaningfully. So much for her promise, she quickly flashes crossed fingers at you under the table.
If he’s surprised, Poe doesn’t show it. He sets his backpack down and takes the seat next to you. “It’s nice to meet you, Tess.”
“Our friend Howie is on his way now, we always study here on Mondays.” Tess smiles way too brightly. “You’re welcome to join us anytime.”
You grit your teeth as Tess chats Poe up, asking him questions about his major and your class together. You feel as though you’ve been transported to an alternate universe, the way your best friend has turned on you, and Poe Colestead acts incredibly kind towards her. He smiles and answers all of her questions easily, not at all like the boy you know. You jump in occasionally so as not to draw attention to your shock, but you find it hard to carry on with the conversation in your current state of bewilderment.
Just when you think you can’t take any more chatting, you see Howie striding towards your table. He arches an eyebrow at you, looking between you and Poe.
You throw a pointed glance towards Tess and he nods, understanding. Antics are usually all hers.
“Heyy,” Howie drawls. He offers a hand for Poe to shake. “I’m Howie.”
“Nice to meet you,” Poe stands up halfway and shakes hands with Howie easily before sitting back down and casting a grin in your direction. “Actually,” Poe turns his whole body towards you, catching you by surprise once again. “It’s lucky we found each other because I was going to ask you about the reading this week but I forgot to ask for your number.”
“Oh.” You blink, unsure how to respond.
He pushes his phone towards you on the table. “You could give it to me now.” He smiles. “So we don’t bore your friends with Lit Seminar chat.”
You do your best to ignore meaningful looks from Howie and Tess as you punch your number into his phone. You name your own contact. Just your name, no emojis.
He sends a text to you with his name, saying, “So you have my number too.” As he pockets the phone, he smiles gratefully. “Thanks.”
When you look back to Howie and Tess, you catch them sharing a conspiratorial smile. You’re going to kill Tess.
“Tess?” You ask, “Come to the bathroom with me?”
She gives you a look, knowing she’s in for it, but nods and gets up from the table. You’re only barely out of earshot when she whispers, “Oh. My. God.”
“Tess.” You push open the bathroom door, frowning. “Whatever you’re about to say, do not say it.”
“Fine,” she says. “I’ll say the other thing I’m about to say. Which is that you’re an idiot.”
You frown. “Uncalled for.”
“It’s true! He has a crush on you.”
“Some way of showing it.”
Tess rolls her eyes at you. “He’s literally been so nice.”
“Not always! What about all of the complaining I’ve been doing all semester? Out the window?”
“Not out the window,” Tess says. “Seen in a different light.”
“I’d like to go back to the old light, please. You’re being delusional.”
“One of us is being delusional,” Tess laughs, “And it isn’t me.”
Before Tess can drill into you further, the both of you get a message in the group chat from Howie, asking if you are alright.
She says, “Come on, I’m right, you’re wrong. And we left poor Howie alone with him.”
When the two of you come back to the table, Poe is gone and Howie is alone.
“Were we gone that long?” Tess asks. “Sorry.”
“No, Poe has a class soon.”
You scoff, “Probably in an hour. He’s always, like, ridiculously early.”
“I think you’re cut off from Poe slander until further notice,” Howie says. “And you need to tell me how right I was. Because I was so right.”
“Right about what?”
“He’s super nice! What did I tell you this whole time?”
“That he was actually super nice,” you grumble, “and that I was just misunderstanding him?”
Howie beams, clearly enjoying teasing you. “And?”
You sigh, “And maybe you were right? I don’t know, I’m still not convinced.”
“Oh come on!” Tess jumps in, “Howie doesn’t even know about the coffee!”
You shrink further and further into your chair as Tess fills Howie in on your morning and the not poisoned coffee. By the time she’s finished, she and Howie have both joined forces against you on team ‘Poe Isn’t An Ass He Just Has a Crush’.
“Okay, say you’re right,” you say, rubbing your temples. You very much do not want to humor them but see no other way out of the conversation. “Then… What? Am I supposed to wait for Poe to ask me out so that I can turn him down? Wait for him to be super rude again to prove the two of you wrong?” You sigh, “I don’t know what you two want from me.”
“Or you could get it over with by asking him out first,” Tess says like it’s the most obvious answer.
You practically jump out of your seat at the thought. “Absolutely not!” You look to Howie for support but he only shrugs.
“It’s not an awful idea,” he says. “Like, ask him to study and see what the vibes are.”
“The vibes are,” you say through gritted teeth, “That I hate him.”
“Do you?” Tess laughs, “Because you sure do care about him.”
“Besides,” you continue, not even humoring her insinuation. “He and I don’t have anything in common. It would only end in disaster.”
Howie and Tess share a silent look.
Howie shrugs and Tess frowns at you. You’re missing something.
“Babe,” Tess says, “Here are the things we know about Poe Colestead: He’s stubborn, he likes to read, and he’s a star student in his Lit Seminar…”
Howie finishes her thought, “You know who else is a stubborn star student who loves reading?”
Oh no. They can’t possibly be saying… “I am nothing like Poe Colestead!” You bury your face in your hands. “Right? No!”
“Truth hurts, babe,” Tess laughs. “But if you want to prove us wrong…” She trails off, looking pointedly at your cell phone on the table.
“Fine!” If they want to be proven wrong, proven wrong they will be. Before you can think better of it, you pick up your phone and send a text to Poe’s unsaved number.
The text reads: hey Poe! would you like to get together to study this weekend? I’d love to try that coffee shop you like so much. :)
When you slide the phone across the table for Tess and Howie to read, they both agree that it sounds sufficiently flirty, if not maybe too much so. And no more than one minute later, Poe texts back an affirmative that Tess believes is equally flirty.
You groan, “If this sucks, one of you has to come rescue me.”
“Deal,” Tess says.
“Deal,” Howie agrees.
The day of your study session — you refuse to call it a date — with snobby, opinionated, difficult Poe Colestead, you are in a panic. What do you wear to a not-date with your maybe-not-worst-enemy? The answer, it turns out, is very close to what one would wear to a date. Because you have to look your best when you feel your worst, right?
The coffee shop that Poe likes is clear across town, almost twenty minutes from campus. He must get up at the crack of dawn to come here before class every Monday. The actual shop, though, is nice. It’s a bright little café with cute multicolored chairs, bold art on all the walls, and healthy plants in all of the windows. The whole image is incongruous with Poe’s stormy facade, making your head spin once again at the realization that you know so very little about him.
“Hey,” a voice says behind you, making you jump.
“Oh my god!” You reel around, laughing from the nervous energy.
Poe, for his part, looks equally startled by your outburst. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” he says, holding hands up in surrender. “I knew I should have worn my squeaky shoes.” The deadpan in which he delivers this joke makes it even funnier, and you hate him for it.
You clear your throat, hiding your laugh. More confidence is the last thing this man needs. “So, this is the coffee shop that is so worth going out of your way for every Monday morning?”
Poe beams. “Yes, it is. Do you trust me?”
You trust Poe about as far as you can throw him, which is not far. “Sure,” you tell him because you’re curious.
“Let me order my favorite drink for you,” he says, voice almost pleading. “I’ll pay.”
“Fine.” You purse your lips. “But only because you’re paying.”
He smiles wide, something you didn’t think he was capable of before. “You won’t regret it.”
While Poe orders, you find a nice table with sage green chairs. It’s by a window but positioned so that the sun won’t shine in your eyes. Part of you is glad that Poe’s favorite coffee shop is so nice, but the rest of you wishes he’d invited you for coffee in a dank dungeon just so that you could earn your complaining about Poe Colestead privileges back.
Poe rounds the table, carrying two clear cups containing ice and a mysterious bubbly liquid. This time, the drink is definitely poisoned.
“Poe?” You frown at the drink he sets in front of you. “Is this soda?”
“It’s coffee soda,” he says, sounding like he expects you to be impressed. “With lavender syrup.”
“Oh god.”
“Hey now.” He puts a pink straw in your drink, carefully leaving the wrapper on top so that his hand never touches your straw. It’s a frustratingly thoughtful gesture that you choose to ignore. “I thought you trusted me.”
A surprised laugh bubbles out of you. “That was a lie.”
“Well, you’re in too deep now.” He chuckles, not knowing just how right he is. You’re in far too deep. “Drink up.”
“Is that an order?”
“Do you want it to be?”
You feel your stomach flip, and your hands are halfway to your phone to send Tess and Howie an SOS text when you think better of it. It would be better to see this out. If only because Tess and Howie are absolutely right about him having a crush and ending the not-date now would only hasten their teasing.
“Is this drink poisoned?” You ask.
He laughs.
“I’m not joking.”
He laughs again and shakes his head. You hate his laugh and his dimples and his nice teeth. “I’ll switch cups with you if you want,” he says, “but I’ve already taken a drink out of mine.”
Of course, you don’t actually think that your drink is poisoned, but you’ve come this far. You nod and switch your drink with his across the table. Before you lose the nerve, you take a small sip from his drink. His eyes widen almost imperceptibly.
“I was going to say you could switch the straws.” He shrugs and takes a drink from your cup. “Too late now.”
Great. Now Poe’s drink is good, neither cup is poisoned, and you’ve shared a straw. At this rate, you should never speak to Howie or Tess again. At this rate, you should change your name and move to a different country. You will never live this down.
“You like it,” he says. It’s not a question.
“It’s different, but it’s not bad,” you admit.
He leans back in his chair, studying you. “I can live with that.”
this is SO long ohmygd. it was originally going to be a one shot literally just something short and sweet but clearly it is not. i promise i'll wrap it up next time!! in the meantime, thank you so much for reading! all comments, reblogs, tags, etc. are so appreciated. thank you especially to my taglist i love u all unconditionally and i'm not kidding <3
oh! also, the title is a lyric from one of the songs in my poe playlist, so here's that if you're curious.
tags: @1loveyou @rainbowstar @flxraflxwer
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rainbowstar · 2 years
Howie Yan "Roadkill"
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First meeting with Jay (MC)
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bobross0-0 · 4 years
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Ajakakaffagahg I tried it’s so disproportionate ;’) also the way that I would sacrifice my life for him and the way that this scene made me CrY-
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cloudninetonine · 4 years
if ur cool with angst what about Howie and MC as like the last two people alive (as far as they know) and trying to comfort/distract each other before their shelter is inevitably invaded by zombies
This is kinda late but seeing as it’s Halloween it’s fashionably late
You weren’t really scared.
Not anymore.
Tired of all this running, of all hiding, of the fighting, just-
Tired. Tired of everything.
So, when you were finally cornered into a little shack somewhere in Ohio, surrounded by a hoard of wailing zombies that clawed at the feeble wood of your abode, drawing closer with each passing second- you gave up. 
Poe and Tess were...gone. Tess had gone down fighting, like the kickass Texan she was, smiling tearfully but strong towards you all, shouting for you guys to “keep going!” as the van drove away from her, you screaming bloody murder while Howie held you and Poe drove, face stoic despite the tears that fell. He was next to go, sacrificed himself to blow up the van and kill the other hoard that was chasing you. Howie had reassured you that it was the only way, that Poe did it so that both of you could live, but you both knew it wasn’t the case. In your hearts, you both knew that he had time to escape, to get out, but he chose to stay, he chose to die fighting and join Tess in whatever happened after death. He missed her, it was obvious and now they were together.
Both of you would be joining them soon.
“Maybe, maybe…” Howie had been pacing ever since you had broken into the shack; you had to give it to him, he was determined to get the two of you out of here but you knew he was just trying to deny the inevitable, delaying the thought that this would be your last few moments together instead of accepting it.
You didn’t blame him, he was scared and you wished that you could take his fear away.
“The roof!” He slammed his hand down in his palm, face lighting up “We could escape using the roof! We’ll just climb to the trees nearby and-”
He was just grabbing at straws now.
The both of you knew that the shabby old roof wouldn’t be able to support the weight of one, forget about the both of you.
You hated not helping, not trying to give a solution but you saw no reason to get your hopes up for something that wouldn’t work.
“-then we’ll jump into the river nearby-”
It was time to end this charade of hope.
“Howie” You whispered, voice soft from crying and exhaustion.
Finally, he stopped, shoulders falling and expression fading away.
You held open your arms “Hold me?”
With a last, tired sigh, the gentle giant dragged himself over to the bed that you had sat yourself on, laying down on the rickety cot so that you could cuddle against him, ignoring the sounds of the raging hoard outside.
It was nice, Howie was really warm and despite the muscle, was comfy to cuddle against, especially the plush of his chest, just wonderful.
You really wished you cuddled him like this earlier, spent more time with him, met him before all this horror movie shit started, that this wasn’t happening-
The tears began to fall before you realised, sobs wracking through your body while Howie held you, face shoved into your hair and holding back his own tears. For so long, you had been strong for all of them, you had kept a grip on your hope during this while shitstorm, act as a rock for your group of friends and in that moment, you deserved to release everything, your stress, your fears, your sadness- he would be your rock in your last moments because that was all he could do for you now.
Another violent bang echoed through the shack, this time followed with a crack of broken wood.
They were finally breaking through.
And it finally set in.
The fear.
“Howie, I’m scared”
Howie’s hold on you tightened.
“I know, I know”
Something caught his eye on the bedside table and he reached for it, holding it between the two of you as you examined it.
A revolver, your revolver, if you wanted to be precise. You had grabbed it earlier on you journey, just before Cleveland, you guys had driven past a gun shop while on your journey and after sharing a look between the four of you, you swerved around and scavenged the shop. It was pretty much empty, which was in no surprise, but you had found some weapons in the back, not the best, a bunch of melees and a few older guns, but you didn’t need anything special. Tess, like her, picked a shotgun, an axe for Howie, baseball bat for Poe and for you, the old revolver. Call yourself old fashioned, but it just seemed fitting for some reason.
Though now, you wished you had picked something better.
Howie clicked open the cylinder and frowned.
“One bullet left, I was hoping there would be more….” He left it open, but you knew what he was getting at.
He wished there was more so you could die peacefully, instead of torn to shreds by the hands of the undead.
It was a morbid thought but it sounded so much better than the latter.
“You should-”
“No” Howie dismissed your idea before you could even finish, handing you the gun with a look of fierce determination in his eyes “You should”
“No, (Name)-”
“You can't change my mind about this, (Name)”
One look in his eyes proved his point: you couldn't change his mind, he would not budge and this was final.
The last bullet was yours and yours alone.
But you were stubborn.
Grabbing the gun, you placed it back onto the table, lying back down in the cot but turning away from him, knowing that one look at him would make you falter, and eventually, accept his wishes.
“We’ll just die together, then”
“(Name), you can't-” You brushed his hand away when it grabbed your shoulder, curling deeper into yourself as you reminded yourself that ‘you were not gonna let him die alone, especially a slow, painful death.
“Just get back down here, Howie”
“Would you just listen-”
“(NAME)!” Howie grabbed you by the shoulders roughly, something you would have never expected him to do and tugged your back up to meet him, tears running down his cheeks and face filled with an abundance of fear, anxiety, exhaustion and love. You were tense in his arms as he shook you slightly, not from fear, but from pure heartache at how broken he looked, despite the hope he had displayed to you for so long.
Though, you guessed you shouldn’t have been surprised, even you had your breaking point when it came to hoping in this situation.
“Please” His voice cracked along with his plead, tears once again filling your eyes and making your lip wobble as you realised just how strong he felt about this, about sheltering you from the torture of been ripped apart by broken hands and gnashing teeth. “Please, just do it….do it for me, please?”
Softly, Howie’s forehead came to press against yours as he continued to beg “I don’t want you to suffer”
You were right, seeing his face would make you hesitate, would make you cave.
“And what if I don’t want you to suffer, huh?” You squeaked, holding his cheeks “What if I don’t want you to die alone and in pain? Huh? Does my opinion not matter?”
He stroked your own cheek “Of course it does and I know you’re scared for me...but it’ll be okay. I’ll be okay, you gotta trust me on this”
“But you won’t” You insisted “You’ll be torn apart by zombies! How is that gonna be okay?”
Despite the situation, despite the fear and everything else that only made you feel worse, Howie sent you one of the breathtaking smiles he knew you loved and somehow, it made you feel better. “Because I’ll know that you won’t be suffering alongside me”
Howie was adamant, that was what you knew to be true and finally, after it finally slapped you hard in the face, you accepted that you could not change his mind.
Not a single bit.
His face brightened “Okay?”
“Okay,” You repeated, smiling with wet eyes “I’ll...do it. I’ll take the last bullet”
In a moment of pure relief, on his side anyway, he tugged you closer and kissed you, hard. It almost felt bruising, but it felt so good to feel his lips against yours, to feel him against you and you kissed Howie back with the same ferocity that he gave you.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you-” The man whispered on repeat, once again pressing his forehead against your own. “Thank you, (Name), thank you so much”
Why did Douglas have to make that fucking wish?
You hoped he was on the other side of death, so you could slam your fist right into his nose.
Though, you were positive Tess and Poe were already way ahead of you on that.
The gun glinted in Howie’s hand and you realised that while in your head, he had grabbed it for you.
“If it weren’t for our situation, I would be offended by your insistence” You joked, grabbing the gun from his hand after sharing a short laugh with him.
A click sounded in your ears when you cocked the revolver.
You flinched.
“It’s okay” He brushed some of your hair back before cupping your cheek “It’ll be quick and you won’t feel a thing”
You hoped so.
“Can….can you turn away?” You squeezed his hand “I-...I don’t want you to see this”
Howie nodded, finally releasing you and moving back, his body turning to show you his back.
Howie trusted you.
You were so glad he did.
Swallowing harshly, you leaned against the gentle giant and grabbed his hand, feeling his warmth radiate.
You wanted it to be the last thing on your mind.
The man rolled his shoulders “Yeah?”
The gun clinked when you readied for the shot.
“I love you….and I’m sorry”
You missed his smile. “I love you too, (Nam-”
A gunshot echoed through the shack, loud and frightening despite the groans, wails and screams of the zombies outside. The bullet made contact with flesh, the sound of it tearing through was sickening but the feeling of warm, thick blood flying in the air and hitting skin.
You felt Howie’s body hunch backwards, the hole from the bullet gushing blood onto your clothes and staining the red as you finally began to cry, moving your hand from his now limp one to hold him, moving his body to lay beside you in the bed.
“I’m sorry, Howie” Moving the man to his back, you softly dragged your hand over his face to close his eyes, ignoring the other hole centred in his forehead. Kissing his stained lips one last time, you cuddled into him, closing your eyes. “I love you”
More cracks echoed through the room, one, two, three, four-light flooded in and hands appeared through the gaps, waving violently in your direction.
“I love you”
From your spot in the van, you snapped up, breathing heavily and on the brink of a panic attack.
“Where-” Your eyes scanned your surroundings, completely missing your setting in favour of finding the only thing on your mind right now.
“H-Howie-” You heaved, grabbing at your chest when you couldn’t find him. “Ho-”
There was a rustle from the front, a familiar mop of blonde hair popping from the front seat.
“Geez” Tess joked, the zombie rubbing her eye “I know I’m undead and all but I’d still appreciate a nap once in a while-”
The Texan’s playful smile dropped at the look of your tearful expression, curling into yourself with your hurried breaths coming out short and wheezy. Tess didn’t hesitate to jump over the seat, pulling you close and shushing you softly, ignoring when you whacked her in a panic only to finally collapse against her in a mess of sobs.
“You’re alright, (Name)” She reassured, patting your back to comfort you “You’re okay, don’t worry”
Your face was buried into her neck, clutching her desperately “Tess- I- Where’s- Where’s Howie- He’s not-”
“He and Poe just went to take a leak” Tess laughed, hoping that the laughter would speed up the episode you were having and calm you down “He’s fine- they’re both fine”
It didn’t completely calm down until the boys had returned, laughing at a joke one of them had shared until you had practically tackled them, holding them close and crying harshly. Tess responded with a shrug when they sent her a look and joined the huddle, the four of you holding one another close until your sobs finally subsided and your breath had returned to you.
“(Name), what- mffphhhh-” You shut Howie up with a deep kiss, holding softly onto his cheek and closing your eyes while he leaned into it, buff arms wrapping around your waist and kissing you back just as deeply. Tess whistled, Poe coughed and you eventually pulled away, pressing your foreheads against each other.
“I love you” You didn’t care it was the first time you said it, not after such a horrid dream.
Howie choked.
“I….I love you too”
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star-of-zaun · 4 years
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sadgirllovesmusic · 4 years
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jadeee · 3 years
I Never Thought I Would Be In Love
You and Howie profess your love for each other.
Word Count: 400
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered as Howie led you through Luca’s mansion.
“And this was his childhood home?”
“Yeah, playing hide and seek was a pain.” Howie laughed at the memory and it echoed throughout the house.
He turned to you once he reached the room he used to call his.
“Even the door knobs were imported from France.”
You raised a brow while observing the ornate piece of gold on the door.
“You’re kidding?”
“Of course,” Howie chuckled “they’re actually from Germany.”
The two of you shared a laugh before walking into the lavish bedroom.
“Uh, I’m so tired.” You flopped onto the bed and Howie sank into the mattress beside you with his face buried in the comforter. You almost melted at how his arm brushed against yours.
“That makes two of us.” He rolled onto his side to face you and you turned to look at him.
You pursed your lips as you studied him. He cradled his head in his hand while he gazed at you.
“What?” He smiled.
“Nothing, I just -” you moved closer to him and rested your head on your forearms.
“I never thought that I would be here.”
“Fighting zombies?”
“No, with someone like you.”
A soft pink crept onto his cheeks along with a smile.
You felt your face turn hot and your chest even tightened a bit.
“I never thought I would be in love.”
You cast your eyes down to the comforter and traced the pattern with your finger.
Howie heard you despite the sudden smallness in your voice.
His fingers grazed over yours, “I never thought it would happen to me either.”
You glanced up at him. His eyes were almost as soft as his hand which held tightly onto yours.
The two of you moved towards each other until your lips collided. He cradled your head in his hand as he continued to melt his lips against yours. You rested your hand on his thigh and grabbed a fistful of his shirt to pull him in deeper. He smiled against your lips before breaking for air.
Your hands remained on each other even though your lips were apart.
“I love you,” his thumb traced your jawline “you don’t have to say -”
“I love you too.” The words spilled from your heart to your mouth.
A grin remained on his face, “I love you more.”
He kissed your cheek and you melted into the warm feeling.
~~~ A/N: Howie really needs more content imo so here I am 😭💗 for some reason I can't write long fics for him but I hope you enjoyed this one.
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
By the time the creepy murderers start showing up, I hope it has gotten to the point where the MC is tired of this bullshit and just. chases the fucking murderer with a knife screaming "THIS IS A TWO WAY STREET, BITCH. YOU DON'T WANNA GET STABBED?! DON'T APPROACH ME AND MY (WO)MAN MENACINGLY! HIGH SCHOOL REJECT LOOKIN ASS-"
And Poe/Howie/Tess is just watching like "I'm going to marry that person. KICK HIS ASS BABY I GOT YO FLOWER!"
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jadeee · 3 years
A Warm Heart
Howie refuses to let you sulk alone in your dismal room.
Word Count: 1.5k
You tugged the covers around your head while Howie continued to spew nonsense. You weren’t sure what he was talking about since your mind was elsewhere.
He came to your cold, dark, and quiet house only to completely shift the atmosphere. The curtains were drawn, some old sitcom played in the background and - was he cooking?!
“I was thinking we could go out for lunch!” He shouted from the kitchen, “You don’t have much in your fridge.”
“Ugh,” you grumbled while curling yourself into a ball.
It was only now that you regretted reaching out to Howie. You felt down in the dumps and figured talking to him would help. He did that and some. He listened, talked, and drove all the way to your house.
“Howie, you don’t have to be here!” You shouted back with what little energy you had.
“Just go home already.” You muttered.
“Well,” his voice grew louder as he walked towards your room.
You rolled your eyes, I’m really not in the mood.
“I wanted to be here.” He sat on the opposite side of the bed and glanced down at you.
You rolled over so you wouldn’t have to look at him. Your eyes were red from crying.
He stared at the cocoon you now wrapped yourself in.
“I know we already talked but I felt like I had to see you.”
“I said ‘I was fine’, Howie.” Your eyes stung with incoming tears.
“It’s been a few days and staying inside isn’t helping, maybe -”
You whipped around to face him and dropped your blanket by your sides, “JUST GO HOME!”
His eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“I’m doing perfectly fine,” a tear fell from your face.
You turned your back to him and laid back down, “I’m just peachy.”
Howie hadn’t moved since your outburst, “I -” his eyes scanned the blanket you wrapped around yourself again.
“I’m sorry.”
You shut your eyes at how he sounded so small. At how you hurt him. You felt the bed lighten from his weight as he got up.
“Howie, I -”
Your eyes shot open as his arms wrapped around you.
“Hey, what are you doing?!!”
“We’re going out.”
He carried you in his arms across the room to your closet.
“What?! I said-”
“I know what you said,” he set you down gently “but just trust me okay?”
As quick as you glanced at him, you looked away. His eyes shined in the sunlight and he had a little smile on his face. You clutched the blanket around you.
“Okay… I’ll trust you.”
“Good, I’ll let you get dressed.” He smiled before leaving the room.
He shut the door behind him and you cursed under your breath.
You tugged at your sleeves as Howie walked by your side.
“So where are we going?”
“I figured we could go to that one cafe on the corner.”
He ducked under a low tree branch.
A smile spread across your face “I haven’t been there in forever.”
“The food tastes even better! I’m not sure how, but it just does.”
He said hello to someone passing the two of you on the sidewalk.
You gave them a small nod before returning to your conversation.
“Do they still have that one dessert? What was it called?” You knit your brows together.
Howie glanced at you and silently grinned at your focused face.
“Paulie’s pie?”
“Yes!” You beamed at the phrase while remembering how delicious it was.
“I can’t believe you ordered this first.” You dug your spoon into the pie
“Actually, I can.”
Howie knicked off a piece of the pie “Just eat it already!”
“Alright, alright!” You brought the spoon to your mouth. Immediately, you were taken back to your childhood.
“Delicious, right?” Howie mumbled with his mouth full of pie.
You nodded your head while finishing the last bit of your dessert.
“So...” Howie’s voice was clear.
“Please, I don’t wanna talk about it again.”
“Just answer this, are you really okay?”
He studied your face as he waited for your response.
“Of course not ... I got stood up.” You took a sip of your drink and tried to ignore the voices that flooded your head.
“It’s just -” you rubbed at your forehead.
Howie moved his chair towards you.
“I thought they liked me enough, y'know? I thought I was good enough. All the stuff they said. All the times we talked and -” you felt something wet run down your cheek.
“They don’t deserve you.” He grabbed a napkin off the table and dabbed your tears away.
You looked up at him. It took you a moment to realize you’d practically stopped breathing.
He was so close to you, you could smell his body wash. After he wiped your tears, he set the napkin down and leaned forward.
“You’re second-rate to no one,” he held onto your hand “and anyone who treats you less than is an idiot. Anyone should be lucky to call you ‘mine’.”
The corners of your lips turned up at the word and his eyes widened at the realization.
“I mean, ‘theirs’ not ‘mine’. I didn’t mean to -”
You chuckled at how his face turned pink.
“It’s fine. I know what you mean.” You glanced down at your hand which he still held onto.
He pulled back “We should probably go. I’m sure you wanna get back home.”
“Actually, I don’t wanna go home just yet.”
He smiled from ear to ear “Where should we go?”
“Harder!” You yelled at the top of your lungs.
“Are you sure?”
You felt his hands push your back.
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
The cold wind cut at your cheeks as you swung through the air.
“Just do it, Howie!”
“Whatever you say!”
You gripped the metal chains of the swing preparing for the push.
He pushed you so hard you felt like you were flying.
Your feet grazed against the leaves of a nearby tree. Birds chirped above and children laughed below. The sky was blue and the air was cold, but your heart was warm. Something rumbled from deep within you. Slowly but surely, you laughed. You laughed loud and unapologetically.
Unsure of what exactly was going on, Howie ran to the side of your seat. He watched your face as you swung back to him. His pinched brows relaxed when he saw the smile that graced your face. Your laughter echoed in his ears as you swung back up to meet the birds and the clouds.
The two of you laughed at an old memory when you walked into your home. You took your shoes off by the door. Meanwhile, Howie stood by your side with his hands in his pockets.
“I should get going, but if you need anything call me!”
“You’re leaving?” You asked in a low voice while you took your coat off.
He raised a brow “Did you want me to stay?”
He tried not to smile at the thought in fear of giving off the wrong impression.
You set your coat onto a hook on the wall “Just for a bit… unless you have to go.”
“I can stay if you really want me to?”
“Don’t make me beg.” You joked.
“I’d never make you do something like that.” He grinned as he took off his shoes and set them next to yours.
You put on the sitcom he played earlier since you ignored it then. You had so much fun you didn’t stay up long.
But he enjoyed the moments you did because he heard your laugh again. He saw your smile and the light in your eyes. Instead of watching the show or leaving when you fell asleep, he stayed by your side.
Your head was pressed against his shoulder. He reached for a nearby blanket and you nuzzled into him. He felt his cheeks go hot.
“Keep it together, Howie.” He quietly told himself.
After composing himself, he reached for the blanket again and held onto you so you wouldn’t fall. When he leaned back, he returned to the same position you were in, careful not to wake you. He draped the soft fabric over the both of you.
As he savored this moment, he drifted into sleep and dreamed a dream of you and him. When he woke, the blanket fell from him and acted as a pillow for your head which was in his lap.
He let out a small gasp and tried to refrain from making any sudden movements. He closed his mouth and thanked God that something sat between you and him. Your sleeping face was nearly pressed against his stomach. Every now and then, he could feel your breath through the fabric.
He was dismissive of the fact that his right arm was asleep since you laid on top of it. He didn’t care that his body felt stiff or that the tv asked ‘are you still there?’. I’m here, he thought, with the most beautiful person in the world.
~~~ A/N: I'm trying to keep this man alive 💓 he's so sweet and deserves everything in this world. "He grinned as he took off his shoes and set them next to yours" UGGHHHH 😭 thank you for taking time to read/like/reblog/comment! Feel free to tell me your favorite part.
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oceanatydes · 3 years
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HE’S SO 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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oceanatydes · 3 years
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jadeee · 3 years
Just One More Episode
Requested (sort of) by @coreyartytarty
All-day cuddling with Howie is great, but sometimes you need a break.
Word Count: 500
The screen turned black as the end credits started to play.
Howie’s arms remained wrapped around you while Netflix began to automatically play the next episode.
“Finally!” You flung back the covers so you could stretch your stiff limbs.
“Wait, where are you going?” Howie whined while he pulled you back down.
You shrieked at how his hands gripped your sides, “Howie!” You giggled as you bounced back onto the bed then rested your head in his lap.
He glanced down at you with a smile, “Where are you going?”
“I need to stretch.” You said in between fits of laughter.
You went to sit up and Howie brought you back down by his side.
“HOWIE!” Your playful voice coupled with your smile only encouraged his antics.
“Can’t you just stretch here?” He pouted.
You glanced at the bed you two sat on, “I don’t think so.”
“Are you sure?” He inched closer to you while staring at your lips.
“I’m sure.” You mindlessly answered before sealing the distance between you two.
He held onto you as you leaned back while he moved out from under the blankets. One hand remained on your hip and the other pressed into the mattress beside your head. Your hand traveled up his arm.
You were both oblivious to the show that continued to play in the background.
His hand moved down your leg until it reached behind your knee. Your fingers clutched at the nape of his neck while he left a trail of kisses down your neck. He placed your leg around him before kissing your lips again.
You felt the muscles in your leg stretch as you pulled him closer to you. You moaned against his mouth and moved your lips away from his.
“Is this your idea of stretching?” You rested a hand on his chest.
He smirked, “Is it working?”
“HOWIE YAN!” You swatted at his arm with a smile.
He chuckled and sat down by your side as you laughed.
“You didn’t answer my question, though?”
You could see the possibilities dance around in his eyes.
“We have a show to finish.”
His hands latched onto your sides, “I thought you ‘had to stretch’?” He mimicked your voice with a smirk before kissing you here and there.
“Ha ha ha,” you deadpanned.
You cupped his face in your hands and he looked at you with wide eyes as if he were in trouble. For a moment, you sat in silence staring at him. But the smile that crept onto your face made both of you break.
“Just one more episode and then we can both stretch for real.”
He kissed your forehead, “As you wish.”
As you both settled under the covers, he found the remote and started the episode from the beginning. Your fingers managed to find their way to his hair and he smiled at your touch.
You gasped as the show unfolded, “Did you see that?!”
Howie yanked himself out of his trance “No, I missed it.”
“You have to rewind it, that was insane!”
He glanced up at you while you continued to play with his hair.
“What happened?”
As you filled him in, he committed this moment to memory.
~~~ A/N: This was a lime but imagine a lemon 👀
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