#fictober day 5 of 5
randomfoggytiger · 1 year
"As Agent Mulder Says, There Are Many Different Kinds of Vampires" Part II
(Fictober, Day 5)
Wherein I give Scully back her faith, for her sake (part I here.)
"You could argue that Christianity's Christ was a vampire."
40,000 feet and a compact, drowsy plane didn't seem to hinder Mulder and his theories. Which was unusual, Scully owned-- an overturn of his respectful distance, an intrusion on her necessary focus and regulated breathing. Perhaps he intuited that her fear of flying paled in comparison to her fear of eternal excommunication.
"He reportedly--" vampires a fact, religion a report, "--'shed his blood for the remission of sins'--"
Scully huffed out a strained, faint, "Wrong bible, Mulder."
He leaned in, careful and calm and stabilizing. "All I'm saying is that... that there are similarities to be drawn between your fate and your god's. You say He works in mysterious ways, Scully, and what is more mysterious than what happened in Chaney? What has already happened in your life?"
Her shoulders relaxed by inches, soothed despite his innocent heresy. "You don't believe in God's Will, Mulder. You don't even believe in God."
"But you believe in it-- 'believe in a miracle and you're halfway there.' And I think our partnership's big enough to handle a few... differences of opinion."
Scully half-turned, eyes teary as they flicked across his face. "Mulder, this isn't your burden. And I understand, I do, that you want to help any way that you can. But--" she couldn't help a faint though miserable smirk, "--the Son of God resurrecting as a creature of the undead isn't very comforting."
"Mustard seeds and mountains, Scully. I'd say you even have what it takes to be the first vampire saint. Belief. Faith. Isn't that what you've been trying to hammer home to me all these years?"
"So, you... what? Want me to prove my faith to you by walking into a church and burning alive?"
"If it helps, I'll be right beside you to burn alive, too."
There is a god, she reasoned at the airport, watching while Mulder wrangled the luggage to give her time to herself. And that god had led her to this moment, she believed-- she had to. And if that god had led her here, he had led her to Mulder, too.
And there is no just God that could kill a man like Mulder.
If Mulder burned alive, then what sort of god had she served?
If Mulder burned alive, she would join him.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Scully did not burn to death when she set foot in Father McCue's parish.
She insisted on walking in first. The hair on her arms and neck stood straight, the air whistled with invisible charge, and the blood in her ears rushed and receded. Exchanging wary glances with Mulder, who was now directly at her side, she continued up the aisle slowly, easing through the unwelcome atmosphere.
Then it waned. Then it eased. Then it vanished.
Scully opened her eyes, the pulpit before her; and turned with a question to her partner. He gave a head nod, looked around uncomfortably, and whispered, "My stop's here," before drifting away to one of the pews. She felt like smiling for the first time-- vampires are facts, religions are report, and a pulpit is the best place to lead your partner if you're rusty on Catholic methodology.
The confessional box, to her heightened senses, was a comfort-- stale varnish and wafted candle smoke smelled like the old ways made new.
"Father, since I was a child, I longed to be a part of the church, diligently learning our faith's rituals and rites by heart and priding myself on knowing all the answers-- whether it was in my book or in my world.
"I walked away from my beliefs in medical school but came back to them after an unexplainable case two years ago. Since then, I've clung to them despite my wavering."
She paused, searching the narrow floor, the panel wall, the ceiling. "Something has happened to me, Father, that once more I can't explain. But it has happened; and I don't know if it's a sign to banish my doubts or a final proof that what I believed was a lie."
"Daughter, you are here now for answers, too," the shadow of her confessor replied. "Do you seek them to prove something to someone else? To yourself?"
"I... I want to be free. I want the truth to free me."
"Do you already know the truth, as I think the little girl who memorized all her rites and the rituals would know it?"
Scully wondered if it was foreordained for Mulder to creak loudly in his pew right then; and imagined him picking at his nail, head down. "I believe so, Father."
"Then go to it, my child-- do not doubt it anymore."
Mulder's head was still down when Scully walked out of the booth; but he bounced up stiffly and met her in the aisle by the time she closed their distance. She stood quietly, watching him lock onto her face and divine that it was peace, not pain, settling in her eyes.
"Everything good?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "I don't know if it means I'll be wearing my cross anytime soon, but..." Tilting her head fully back, Scully stared unabashedly at her partner. "Mulder, you said there were many different kinds of vampires. What kind are we?"
He was struck dumb. It wasn't a miracle, nor was it supernaturally unexplained; but Scully decided to let it count.
She finally got an answer back in the car.
"I think we're the lucky ones."
Scully mulled this over, glancing from Mulder's earnest face to her reclaimed church to the glovebox where her cross still nestled in a crumpled ball of tissues.
"I think that's a place to start." She inhaled deeply, then let it out slowly while grinning at her truth hunter.
"Let's go, then." And Mulder dislodged them from the sidewalk, hit the gas, and sped them forward into the sunset.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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scullysexual · 1 year
fictober day 5 | m | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
She can feel the heat radiating from him, smell his unique scent. The sight of him, even in the dim light, has her brain all woozy. She’s never even done this before. The first touch of her lips to his cock has a sigh escaping his lips. [Scully gives Mulder a blowjob]
Day 5: Oral.
The bed creeks under the weight of Scully’s body as she slides herself beneath the covers.
Mulder dozes next to her, his face all contorted. Even in sleep he can’t seem to catch a break.
Scully gently drags her fingers across his face, attempting to soothe the worry lines. He sighs, awakening.
“Hey,” she says when he looks up at her.
“Hey,” he answers back.
“You okay?” Her hands comb through his hair and Mulder closes his eyes.
“Better now you’re here.” He reopens his eyes. “I just want to forget about this day.”
Her heart aches. “Me, too,” she whispers. Then an idea strikes her. She starts to move away.
“Where are you going?” Mulder asks, worry evident on his voice as he reaches out to grab her, stop her.
Scully can only smile. “Nowhere,” she says simply. “Lay on your back.”
He does so as Scully situates herself near his hips. Her hands reach forward grabbing the waistband of his boxers. Mulder sits up immediately.
“You don’t need to do that,” he says.
“You don’t want me too?” She moves her hands away, waiting for his consent.
The smile he gives her makes her feel a little wild. He shakes his head.
“I want you to more than anything but—”
All the permission she needed, Scully gently pushes on his shoulders in an attempt to make him lay down again.
“Then let me,” she says with a whisper.
Mulder lays back down, shifting to get comfortable as Scully resumes her earlier position, pulling him free.
She can feel the heat radiating from him, smell his unique scent. The sight of him, even in the dim light, has her brain all woozy. She’s never even done this before.
The first touch of her lips to his cock has a sigh escaping his lips.
“Oh, Scully…” he moans and Scully feeds off of it, she wants to hear it again.
She learns his dick with his lips and then her tongue. Tongues the ridge just below his head. Listens to the sighs and moans that fall from his mouth- the occasional swear word when she hits a particularly good bit. Her own wetness is sticky between her legs by the time she takes him fully into her mouth.
She wants to try deep-throating him but she’s never taken anyone his size before. To gag on him and ruin this moment just didn’t appeal to her.
Scully opts for the safer option- not that Mulder seems to mind- lost in some blissful pleasure world. With her mouth she goes as far as she feels safe to, her hand wrapping around his base and covering the rest.
It stays like that for some time. Scully finds a rhythm that works for them both. Mulder’s moans become louder until there’s the feel of his hand in her hair and the gentlest tug known to humans.
“I’m close,” he says.
She has two options: Option 1- she jerks off. Option 2- she lets him come in her mouth.
She had never let anyone come in her mouth before. The act just felt gross and unhygienic no matter who was it. Yet with Mulder, it just felt right.
Going with option 2, Scully makes no effort to pull away or stop what she is doing.
“Scully…” Mulder warns.
She can feel him holding himself back. His eyes are dark when they make contact and she just hopes to God her message her clear.
You can come in my mouth.
He explodes. Her name and a string of fucks bellowing out from his mouth. She swallows all of him, her hand still jerking away, getting every last drop.
“Fuck, Scully…” he says again, breathless.
Scully wipes her mouth, grinning as she crawls back up to him. His arms wrap around her, tucking her against him.
“That was incredible,” he says.
“Did it work? Did you forget?”
He chuckles. “Oh yeah, I definitely forgot.”
“But what about you?” he’s saying, already pushing her onto her back. “You need—”
“It’s okay,” says Scully, a blush starts spreading over her. “I came too.” A post orgasmic tremor ripples through her folds.
“You…” Mulder says in awe. “Fuck, Scully!”
He is kissing her then, hard and Scully laughs against his mouth.
“You’re incredible, you know that?”
The blush grows hotter but she’s still proud of herself.
“So I’ve been told.”
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elvendara · 1 year
@mysme-fictober & @juminweek2019
Michael's Edition
5 October 2023—VENUS FLY TRAP Jumin Week--Free Day
Jumin ran a hand through his dark hair, grey eyes flashing like a midnight storm.
“All right then, let’s try this again shall we?” he said irritably.
“I don’t know what the hell you want from me.”
“I want to know where you came from! How…just how are you talking?”
The large Venus Fly Trap simply hung its head and shrugged its leaves. “How am I supposed to fucking know? You’re the one with the big brain, figure it out.”
Jumin gritted his teeth. They’d been at it all night, ever since the last evening when this one plant had begun to grow unexpectedly until it was almost as tall as he was. It had startled him and he’d fell backwards, hitting his head on one of the pots, knocking himself out. When he’d come to, the plant hovered over him and he could swear it had been trying to figure out how to best eat him.
“Do you have to be so vulgar?” he asked.
“I don’t know, do you have to be so fucking stupid?”
“I’ve had enough.” Jumin’s shoulders dropped and he turned to take a long drink from his wine.
“Oh yes, because getting drunk always helps with making decisions.”
“And how exactly would you know what drinking does? You’re less than a day old.” Jumin spat.
“Maybe, but at least I know enough not to dull my wits.”
“What wits? You don’t even have a brain.”
“Are you sure about that? How else can I talk?”
“Then maybe I should check?” Jumin smirked.
“As if! You wouldn’t fucking dare!”
“Oh wouldn’t I? I know you’d eat me given the chance. Given that, I’d think you’d want me to get drunk. I won’t give you the satisfaction.”
The plant shrugged its leaves but said nothing.
“Was it something that I accidentally fed you? No, I’m very meticulous. Maybe there’s something in the water supply, hmm, that could be it, but then, why only you?” he mumbled to himself, thick strands of hair stuck out in every direction, frustration clearly written across his face.
“You know what, go ahead and drink yourself silly, the fermentation will season you up nicely. After all, we both know how this is going to end.” If it could, the Venus fly trap would smirk.
With a sigh Jumin rolled his eyes. There really was only one way this could end, with one of them dead. And it wasn’t going to be him.
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Prompt 5: “You’re the smartest man I know.”  
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail 
Ratings: PG-13 
Warnings: Hinting at sexual day dreams. 
“You’re the smartest man I know.” Stelle commented, moving her piece on the board between herself and Dan Heng. He had been teaching her how to play Star Chess as soon as he had managed to learn it. While he was better at it than her, she at least had a chance at beating him. From the stories Yanqing had told her she would never have that chance with the general. She would be losing before she even realized. It.  
At that point she had made a vow not to play a master at his own game. Not unless she felt it absolutely necessary. She at least liked the illusion that she had a chance for victory and any winning against Jing Yuan would be on purpose rather than any skill on her part.  
Dan Heng raised an eyebrow as she completed her move. “That’s not exactly a compliment given who you spend your time with.” He answered in his usual disinterested way. Stelle didn’t mind. He had always been like that, and she had caught the glimpses of the emotions that lay behind that cold exterior.  
“I spend time with Mr. Yang and he’s smart.” She leaned back with her arms crossed.  
“If you’re comparing me to Mr. Yang, your standards for who is more intelligent are skewed.” The Vidyadhara moved his next piece, taking one of hers in the process.  
That brought a sigh from her, she was fighting a rear action battle here with little chance at turning the tables. “Okay, you’re the smartest dragon I know.”  
That actually brought a huff of laughter, something rare enough from him. “Because you know so many.”  
“That means you just get to be the smartest by default.” Another snort of quiet laughter left Stelle feeling rather proud of herself. His past had left him a somber man but every once in a while, his companions could coax emotion out of him. The revealing of his Vidyadhara form had brought those even closer to the surface. Which pleased March (who had been trying to get Dan Heng to smile the entire time she had known him) and Stelle to a lesser extent. He at least responded more openly to her teasing.  
Stelle lost in the end, Dan Heng completely overtaking her pieces one by one until she had nothing left. “You’re way too good at this for being only a little more advanced than me.” She sighed. “This is why I think you’re so smart. You pick up things so fast.”  
“While you only pick up trash.” He commented, placing the board back where he kept it.  
She shrugged. “I can’t argue with the truth.” She could but it would be a pointless fight, one that she wasn’t really interested in. Besides, something else had caught her attention. The flash of turquoise scales crested by lighter colored fur. He must have been relaxed sitting here with her to have all his draconic features out in the open. Or perhaps sitting for a game wasn’t something that the tail got in the way of.  
Glancing at Dan Heng who was still slightly turned away from her to put the chess pieces in a nearby drawer, Stelle reached out to run her fingers through the soft fur that she could reach. She had only been able to touch him once and he was just as soft as she remembered. Curious now, Stelle turned her entire attention to the coiled tail, stroking the fur, tracing the waterlike scales, trying to catch the flipping end in her hands. She wondered if the tuft there was just as soft as the rest.  
“Stelle.” The growl had her looking up to see Dan Heng staring at her, a pink flush touching his cheeks and spreading up to the tips of his ears.  
Stelle thought he looked particularly pretty, and her touches stopped temporarily as she took him in. “You’re very pretty when you blush.” She commented, unafraid as always to say what was on her mind. 
That caused the shade in his pale skin to darken further, the gleaming eyes fixed on her face as she resumed her curious exploration of the tail next to her. He always blushed at her compliments, something he didn’t entirely understand the reason for. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been complimented before. He had just simply brushed them aside, but with her he couldn’t help it.  
His teeth gritted as her fingers took up their movement again, seeming intent on exploring every inch of the tail. In a way he regretted ever showing it to her. Had he known she was this much of a tease he would have never let go of that secret unless he had no other choice. “Stop it, Stelle...”  
“Does it hurt?” The girl in question glanced over at him and now he could see the definite impish gleam in her golden gaze. Still, her hands stopped their tortuous teasing for the time being, simply holding onto to it so it couldn’t wriggle away.  
“No.” He had to answer her honestly. “It’s just...overstimulating. Knock it off.” That had her considering for a long quiet moment, making him believe she would obey him. Of course, he had already warned her away once and here she was again. Stelle embodied chaos and unpredictability. Perhaps that was what drew so many people to her.  
A hint of a smile touched her lips and much to his embarrassment she didn’t withdraw from him, instead stretching forward to reach as far as she could without moving and dragged her hands down the length of his tail. That brought a gasp to his lips and another smile to hers. “I think you lik-”  
“Stop.” He growled. She never had the chance to finish her sentence as his hands shot out to grab her wrists and physically pulled her away. He knelt over her, hands held above her head and staring into her wide eyes. With her hands caught there was no way she could retaliate against him. Gleaming eyes looked down at her, trapped beneath him.  
The sight had a few intrusive thoughts bubbling to the front of his mind as he started to lean just a bit closer. How would it feel to have her writhing beneath him like this while he had his way with her? What does she taste like?  What sounds would she make as he took her apart, teasing her as she seemed intent to do to him. Would she scream his name in ecstasy, unable to utter anything else as he---”  
He abruptly put a leash on those thoughts, releasing Stelle and removing himself from her. He had to get himself under control. Those were not the thoughts of a friend and teammate. It ashamed him to have had them flood his mind and imagination.  
“Dan Heng?” Stelle’s quiet voice broke him out of the thought spiral.  
He shook his head at her. “You should leave.”  
The plea was enough to convince her as the command didn’t. Dan Heng knew she loved her friends and would do anything they asked of her. Turned away from her to bring himself back under control, he heard her walk to the door and then leave. With a sigh he sank into his chair. His Vidyadhara form brought all sorts of feelings that had been suppressed in his human guise. And like this, they were doing him no favors.  
“Note to self,” He muttered into the desk where he had rested his head. “Do not under any circumstances let Stelle that close again.” His control might not last the next time and the last thing he wanted was to damage his friendship with the enigmatic girl that carried a Stellaron next to her heart. 
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scully-loves-ruthie · 2 years
Fictober Day 5
Prompt: No anything but that
Fandom: The X-Files
Dear Mulder,
          My therapist says the best way to deal with all my unprocessed emotions is to write it all down in a letter to you.  Whether or not I give it to you is based on how I feel after writing it. 
I miss you Mulder, I miss you every day.  You’re just on the other side of the office door and it’s still somehow not in the same house as me.  I miss when you loved me, really loved me.  Not from the obligation that trauma often brings, or even from all the innumerable tragedies we’ve barreled through together.  I think I’ve missed you since the day you left me all alone with William.  The Mulder that left wasn’t the same Mulder that came home.  I know, I know I’m not who you left behind, even worse there was only me when you returned.  Whoever we were when it was all over, we were still us, Mulder, and Scully.  We were once an immovable force, we were something I always felt was fated, written long before we met, something that would exist well into the forever place that our souls would one day reside.  When I thought of home, I just thought of you.  Now you’re the thing swallowing me whole. 
          I’m so angry at you.  I know it’s not the same now than were agents.  I know writing has been more difficult for you than you thought it would be. I’ve told you over and over again some things just can’t be written some of our story was never meant to be told to anyone.  They were the secrets keeping us connected.  The wounds from so much of our past will always exist partially unhealed.  Digging it up trying to quantify it in a book is destroying you.  Day by day I walk past the person I used to know.  I keep waiting for you to reemerge, instead I’m met with a blurry eyed, scruffy shell.  I am so mad at you for giving up for allowing yourself to be eaten by all our history.  Don’t you think I feel it to?  Don’t you think I feel my soul forever chipped and jagged from the loss of our son.  Don’t you think I want our partnership together again.  Of course you don’t, you only think about what losing William and The X-Files has done to you.  I don’t want to exist in that space anymore.  No more monsters, no more loss.  I asked you, when you bought this house, married me and moved us here if this could be enough.  You swore, you promised you could move forward you’d write fiction, you’d learn to cook, you’d garden, and we would be us.  Little by little you dropped those promises outside your office door.  I can’t relive any more cases with you for the sake of the book. I can’t ignore that you are barley ever sober anymore by the time I get home. 
          I want to love you again Mulder, not just exist in the same air space.  I want to want you again.  Fuck, I still need you, but I have no idea where you’ve gone and if the man, I married is ever gonna walk out of that office door again.
          Please Mulder.  Our story has three side and right now every single one of them is wrong.  Stop trying to rewrite our last ending. Look up from the typewriter.   Put down the bottle and be a part of this story.  Our life now.  Or it is the end Mulder.  I can’t stay here anymore, not like this.  Not without you.  Not without the person I love. 
          I think of giving you this letter and all I feel is no, anything but that.  I’m afraid you’ll be gone forever if I do.  I’m afraid you already are.
@fictober-event @xffictober2022 @today-in-fic
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richonneevents · 7 days
Richonne Fictober 2024 Rules, Guidelines, & Calendar
Tumblr media
Richonne Fictober 2024 is a 31 day challenge for fanfiction writers/creators to write/create and publish a Richonne-centric story or related content everyday for the month of October.
Fics should be between 100 and 5,000 words. Rick and Michonne must be the main pairing. Richonne is an interracial pairing, so be mindful of tropes and language that perpetuates racism and misogynoir. Rick is a canonically disabled character, so be mindful of using tropes and language that is ableist. Fanartists should be mindful of not whitewashing Michonne, Andre, and RJ in their pieces.
Please tag @richonneevents and use the tag: #richonnefictober24
Be sure to tag your prompt and which day you are filling.
In addition to Richonne-centric fanfiction, creators are encouraged to make fanart; playlists; edits; moodboards; rec lists; graphics; podfics; gifsets; photo sets; fanvids etc.
Day 1: Making Caramel / Candy Apples
Day 2: Seasonal Shopping (Clothes, decor, etc.)
Day 3: “The leaves are changing!”
Day 4: “Pumpkin spice...what?!”
Day 5: Autumn Breeze
Day 6: Overcast Morning
Day 7: Bobbing for Apples
Day 8: Pumpkin Patch Visit
Day 9: Rainy Day
Day 10: Scarecrow
Day 11: Haunted Hayride / Haunted House
Day 12: Horror Movie Marathon
Day 13: Jumping in A Leaf Pile
Day 14: Warm Apple Cider / Hot Chocolate etc
Day 15: Corn Maze
Day 16: By The Fire(place)
Day 17: Candles 
Day 18: Flannel
Day 19: Nestled Under Blankets
Day 20: Festival 
Day 21: First Frost
Day 22: Kissing In The Rain
Day 23: Baking Pies
Day 24: Cemetery Stakeout 
Day 25: Black Cat
Day 26: Dead-End
Day 27: Underneath The Sky
Day 28: Full Moon
Day 29: Carving Jack o’ Lanterns
Day 30: Costume Party
Day 31: Trick or Treat
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wilbursprincess · 8 months
“It Was So Lonely Sleeping Alone”
Superstarbur x Female Reader
Warnings: Just a whole lot of soft, fluffy reunion sex. Enjoy :)
This was one of the blurbs I wrote for my personal fictober this year, with the prompt “Reunion Sex”. First of 5 blurbs from my fictober I like enough to post, haha! This one is inspired by my own Bursona invention, whom I call “Superstarbur” after my favorite Taylor Swift song Superstar! I know, I know, quite the mouthful lol.
Smut under the cut!!!
I sigh, stretching out my legs on the empty, empty sofa. Wilbur’s been gone for just over two weeks, playing multiple sold out shows all over the country, and I was happy for him. No matter how many cute little videos of him slipping my name into songs during soundchecks, half-asleep selfies in his bunk on the bus, or dirty texts detailing every little thing he wanted to do to me, I still missed him. A lot. I missed Wilbur so much I could almost feel his absence, like an aching hole in my chest.
In the absence of him in our house, I’d taken to wearing his clothes. Obviously, they didn’t fit me at all, hoodie sleeves draping far over my hands and almost tripping on the hems of his sweatpants. But I didn’t care. They smelled like him, a familiar mix of his aftershave, deodorant, and shampoo, which was the closest I had to Wilbur himself.
A car door slams outside, making me jump, phone plopping screen-down onto the rug. I shake my head, silently chatising myself for being so jumpy at such a small sound. Retriviving my phone from the floor, I get up the sofa, heading into the kitchen. Maybe tea would calm my nerves.
Setting the kettle on to boil, I rummage through the cupboards, setting Wilbur’s favorite mug down and dropping a chamomile tea bag inside, adding a generous squirt of honey before topping off the mug with the freshly-boiled water.
I hear a key slide into the door, snapping up my head.
It’s just Tommy checking in on me.
The door flings wide open, bringing with it the chill of night air and a spray of rainwater, and the thunk of a suitcase.
A suitcase?
Socks sliding on the wooden floor, I run into the front hallway, just as an achingly familiar voice speaks from the doorway.
“Will?” My breath catches in my throat as Wilbur steps into the light. “You’re home?”
He smiles, looking absolutely exhausted. “I am. I decided to surprise you by coming home a day early-”
Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, I run into his waiting arms, not caring how the water from his raincoat soaks into my clothes. “I missed you so much, Will,” I murmur into him, and he nods, hugging me tighter.
“Fuck, I missed you so much too,” he replies, tipping my chin up and kissing me. It’s deep, slow, and soft; making my heart swell with love.
“Do you need anything?” I ask when we pull back some time later. “You look exhausted.”
Wilbur smiles, somewhat-wearily. “That’s quite an understatement. I feel like I haven’t slept the entire tour.”
I press my mug of tea into his hands. “Have this, Will, you’re freezing, and go change,” I tell him, ushering him into our room. “I’ll make you some food, ok?”
While he changes, I get to work in the kitchen, frying eggs, popping toast into the toaster, and mashing up the remnants of an avocado I found in the fridge.
“That smells amazing.” Wilbur’s voice makes me jump, looking up from where I’m flipping the eggs. He’s changed into flannel pajama pants and an oversized hoodie, the silly matching cow slippers I bought us last Christmas on his feet. “Fuck, I haven’t had a proper cooked meal in ages.”
I slide the eggs onto the avocado-laden toast, topping it with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and my favorite bagel seasoning. “Here you go. It’s not much, but-”
Before I’ve even finished my sentence, Wilbur’s shoved a bite of toast in his mouth.
“You could maybe try not to choke on your first night home in over two weeks,” I tease, and he swallows the mouthful with a smirk.
“That’s the best meal I’ve had all tour,” he says, smiling. “I’m so glad to be home.”
I perch on the counter while he finishes his toast and tea in record time, entertaining him with stories from when he’s been gone.
“Do you want to sleep now, Will?” I ask, rinsing off the plate and putting it in the dishwasher.
Sleepily, he nods. “I didn’t sleep great on the bus,” he murmurs, looking like he’s about to fall asleep at the table. “I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.”
“You go get ready for bed, I’ll finish cleaning up,” I tell him, leaning up to plant a kiss on his forehead.
Wilbur’s already in bed when I get into our room, dozing while I turn off the light and snuggle up to his side.
I close my eyes, expecting him to be asleep already, and I’m not expecting him to stir, groaning and pulling me closer into his chest. “I missed you so much,” he whispers, lightly planting kisses all over my face. “It was so lonely sleeping alone on the tour bus.”
“It was so lonely sleeping here alone too,” I murmur my reply, playing with his hair. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
Groaning, Wilbur rolls on top of me, slipping his hands up my shirt and kissing me so hard it shocks me for a second. “I need you,” he breathes, squeezing my hips as his teeth sink in my lower lip. “I’m so horny.”
Giggling, I trail a hand down his bare back. “Are you, now?”
He nods. “Haven’t had any privacy all tour,” he gasps, rubbing over my nipples. “Walls are too thin on the bus.”
“Well, I’m all yours,” I coo, reaching down to palm at him over his boxers. Wilbur whines and tries to push up into my touch. “You wanna fuck me?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” he groans, fumbling to get out of his boxers as I tug my shirt off over my head. “I might not last very long. Haven’t cum for two weeks.”
I laugh. “No problem.”
His fingers trail south, thumb flicking my clit as his fingers pump in and out of me as he grinds on my thigh.
“Oh, fuck, right there,” I moan out, eyes rolling back into my head. I’ve had plenty of time alone in our house with my toys when I missed Wilbur, but even just his fingers felt so much better than anything I could do myself.
Wilbur pulls his fingers out of me, sucking them into his mouth and sighing in pleasure.. “You always taste so good,” he whispers, sinking his rock-hard length into me. “But you feel even better wrapped around my cock.”
His first thrust makes us both groan, my back arching as I feel myself stretch around him. “You fill me up so well,” I pant. “You’re so big.”
I wrap my legs around his waist, letting him get a better angle and thrust into me deeper, his soft moans in my ear making everything between my thighs drip.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Wilbur whines.
“I love how vocal you’re being, it’s so hot,” I moan, tugging at his curls. He responds with another loud moan, tugging me up so my clit grinds into his lower stomach.
The urgency of his hips snapping up to thrust deeper and deeper, all the beautiful noises he’s making, and the fact he’s panting like a dog tells me he’s close to his own climax, and if we hadn’t been apart for over two weeks, I’d be making fun of him right about now for not even lasting five minutes.
My own orgasm hits me like a train, and I press my face into his shoulder as I ride it out. When I manage to come back to earth, the sight of WIlbur’s face as he’s right on the edge of finishing almost makes me cum again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cries out, and I feel him twitch inside me, spilling himself inside me before pulling out and releasing the rest on my stomach.
Before I can remind him that he’s just cum all over my stomach, he flops back down, all ready to cuddle. “I just came so hard and so much,” he murmurs happily. “I think my balls may be completely deflated.”
I burst out laughing. “You know you’re laying in some of it, right?”
He pushes himself off my chest to see I’m right. “Oh shit,” he laughs.
“You wait here, I’ll get us cleaned up,” I tell him. “I know you normally handle this, but you look like you’ve collapsed.”
After running some warm water over a towel and cleaning up the mess dripping down my thighs, I head back into our bedroom, kneeling on our bed next to Wilbur and gently cleaning him up.
“I love you so much, darling,” he murmurs, looking at me with soft admiration in his deep brown eyes. “You’re coming on the next tour. I can’t be apart for you for so long ever again.”
I lean in, hair brushing his bare chest as I plant a kiss on his forehead. “Even though we won’t be able to do this?”
“I’ll bribe everyone to leave us alone on the bus for a few hours whenever we’re in the mood,” he promises. “I’ll bring you out on stage every show and ask the fans to bring you gifts.”
“What kind of gifts?”
I smile down at my now-fast asleep boyfriend. “Goodnight to you too, I suppose.l
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jarofstyles · 1 year
FICTOBER DAY 5- Can I Hold Your Hand?
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Here is day 4, a bit of cutie dadrry <3 Enjoy!
FICTOBER Prompt list and Masterlist
“Can I hold your hand?” The small voice peeped up at him. Their son in his train conductor costume had been insistent that he was too big to hold his father’s hand, he was a big boy now and he could do trick or treating all by himself. 
Y/N pushed the baby carriage, his little sister still a drooly little baby with a plush pumpkin costume on her body and a tiny hat on her head to keep her warm as the october air chilled up. His wife was dressed up in a poodle skirt and letterman jacket, a little tie around her neck and a bouncy ponytail bobbing as she walked. Harry had chosen function this halloween, wearing jeans and a black leather jacket. His saddle shoes were the only thing he purchased for the getup, his hair slicked back in a 50’s like manner- except that one strand that escaped and curled over his head. Y/N had been adamant he not try and fix it, it apparently did something to her. 
“Yeah? Not too big to hold my hand now, mate?” He teased, placing his hand down for the smaller one to take. Their gait was slow, their son not the fastest with his Thomas the Tank Engine soft cut out around his body. It made him a big more clumsy, too, which is why Harry was glad Y/N had put knee guards and gloves on him.
“No. I’m am big, but I don’t like all the noises.” He tried to maintain, but the spooky music filtering through the neighborhood and sound effects of the motion sensor activated decor making the poor thing jump. Hell, one of those things had even made Harry clutch his chest as he had approached the front door to ring for candy. What was with these things getting more and more accessible to the public? He remembered the only time he used to see these things were in haunted houses he went to in uni. Now it seemed everyone on the block had a jumpscare waiting to strike. Stupid screaming skeleton. 
“It’s okay, baby.” Y/N crooned. “Did you know that on one of our first dates, Daddy took me to see a movie and got so scared he screeched?” It was true, but it was justified. Most of the room had jumped or made a noise too- it just so happened that his had been a bit more loud and high pitched than he would have liked. 
Harry looked at her with narrowed eyes, scoffing as his wife grinned like the little shit she was. Really? “Are you ever going to let me live that down? I told you, it was just a bad jump scare. You jumped too.” He looked towards their son, who was giggling simply because Y/N was. “Mumma’s being silly. It’s not a bad thing to scream either, it’s natural.” 
“But you’re so big and old, Daddy. You can’t get scared.” He giggled, his fingers squeezing on to Harry’s as they approached another pathway to go up to the house. It was decked out in cobwebs and had some cool orange and purple lighting, spooky sound effects filtering through hidden speakers in the bushes. The howl of a wolf sounded, having him step closer to Harry’s leg. “You go with me?”
“What’s this, then hm? Make fun of me for being scared and then asking me to go?” He ruffled the conductor hat on his head. “You’re lucky I love you loads and Mumma is afraid of the spiders in those webs or I’d made you go with her.” It was all in jest, Y/N simply shrugging. How was she supposed to know what spiders were fake or real? It would be a perfect place for one to hide and jump into her hair!
“It’s okay to be afraid of things, baby. Your father is just silly. Even sillier than me.” Her hand came up to squish Harry’s chin, letting her lipstick give a big kiss mark on his cheek, the bright red in the perfect shape of her lips. When she pulled back, there were loud giggles as the mark was revealed. Harry didn’t mind, clearly, blushing slightly as he knew exactly what she had done, but to their son it was apparently the funniest thing in the world. Y/N shot him a playful glare before threatening him with the same.  “Go on, then. Or you’re getting a kiss mark from me too. Grab Mumma a chocolate if there is one.”
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Mad Scientist
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Day 5 Prompt: "You're the smartest person I know."
Summary: Kol's dating a scientist who's buried in college-level work and more than ready for a ridiculous, fun version of science for a break.
Word Count: 1,685
Category: Fluff, Humor
Shoutout/Credit to The Scientific American for the info on how Mentos-Coke reactions work!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Darling? What do you think would happen if I made pancakes with Mountain Dew instead of water?"
I paused, my pen hovering over the page in the middle of summarizing my findings for a lab I'd been working on at my university. I didn't turn around to face my boyfriend, Kol Mikaelson, who stood behind me in the kitchen, instead just staring off in thought for a moment.
"I don't know," I said, finally turning around to look at Kol. "As far as I'm aware, water's not one of the things like baking soda or eggs that's insanely important to the chemistry of baking. As long as you have the same amount of liquid, it should be fine. Maybe a little sweeter than normal, but basically still a pancake."
Kol grinned. "Excellent."
"What exactly brought this on?" I asked, standing from the kitchen table in the Mikaelson compound where I'd been working and wandering towards my boyfriend. "Just out of curiosity."
"Well you see," he said, holding his hands out in a grand presentation gesture and fixing me with a giant grin. "While I was getting the ingredients for making pancakes, I also found Mountain Dew. The rest is history."
I trailed off as I finally reached Kol, stopping so I could hold onto his arm and lean around him to look at the ingredients laid out on the counter, Mountain Dew included. My eyes wandered back to my books, still open and waiting for me on the table. I had no desire to go near them again right now, and this was the absolute perfect distraction. I looked back up at the grinning face of my boyfriend.
"Do you need any help?"
Within half an hour, Kol and I's initial experiment had expanded to encompass the entire kitchen and just about every ingredient we had in it. The Mountain Dew pancakes hadn't been much different than the regular pancakes, so we'd gotten progressively more creative in our ingredient substations, snacking on our successes as we went. My books lay long-forgotten on the table, Kol enabling my chaotic science tendencies in the best way possible.
"What if we put pop rocks in it?" asked Kol as he riffled through a drawer of sweet treats in one corner of the kitchen. I hummed to myself as I mixed our latest version, with orange juice instead of water.
"I don't know," I said. "I think we'll just get little pieces of candy in it without the pop, since the liquid in the batter would probably dissolve the candies enough to trigger the reaction before anything else. We won't know for sure unless we test it, though."
I finished stirring, then wandered over to join Kol. He'd set the pop rocks on the table along with a few other types of candies, and now stood in the open door of the fridge. I rested my head on his arm and hummed thoughtfully, until my eyes landed on something else interesting in the fridge.
"Since you've been back in the modern world... has anyone introduced you to the marvel of Coke and Mentos?"
Kol turned to face me, eyebrows furrowed but a smile on his face.
"No love, I can't say they have."
I grinned. "Then I can't wait to be the one to show you."
I snatched the bottle of Coke out of the fridge, snagging the Mentos and a piece of paper with tape too before plopping them both down on the table where we'd been mixing our batter. Excitedly, Kol joined me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Okay, so first we need to make the tube to hold the Mentos,  to make sure they all drop in at the same time when we want them to," I explained while I worked. I rolled the paper into a tube, covering one end with my thumb and then holding it out for Kol. "Put seven Mentos in there, please."
He complied, sneaking one for himself and then passing one to me. I looked over my shoulder at him, smiling, and he leaned in to give me a soft kiss.
"What's next, darling?" he asked, his voice low. I leaned back into him a little more, but returned my attention to the Mentos.
"Now, it's time for the reaction. Unscrew the lid of the soda, please." Kol took care of it, shifting a little behind me in anticipation. "Good. Now, I'm gonna dump these in, and after I do we're gonna step all the way back, okay?"
"Okay. And what happens after that?"
I shot him a grin over my shoulder. "Science."
With that, I put the tube of Mentos to the neck of the bottle, then quickly moved my thumb and let them drop all at once into the soda.
Kol's grip tightened on my waist as he used his vampire speed to get me to the far edge of the kitchen, hopefully out of the splash zone. A moment later, the reaction started, and the soda quickly bubbled and fizzed until it became a geyser, exploding out of the bottle. Kol gasped from behind me as it hit the ceiling, and I smiled.
The reaction didn't last very long, but once it fizzled down, it took Kol a minute to let me go and move to meet my eyes. He had a ridiculous grin on his face that I quickly mirrored.
"That was amazing, darling," he said. I practically glowed at the compliment.
"Thanks! It's really cool how it all works, actually. See, carbonated beverages are full of dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which wants to form bubbles and escape the pressure of the liquid. But to do that, it has to break its bonds with the water and interact with itself. Because the Mentos candies are actually covered in a bunch of tiny grooves, it makes it easier for the bonds between the carbon dioxide and the water to break, making the reaction of bubbles escaping the soda happen at a much, much faster rate!"
I'd started pacing a little, gesturing with my hands as I explained, but froze when I realized I'd been rambling for more than a little. I turned back to Kol with a grimace.
"Sorry. I know you probably don't care about how it works-"
"What? No! That was excellent, the way you explained everything!" He grabbed my hands in his as he pointedly met my eyes. "Darling, you're the smartest person I know. And it's absolutely incredible. Please don't ever apologize for the way your eyes light up and your voice gets all excited when you talk about something you love. It's one of my favorite things in the world to see."
I started tearing up a little bit at Kol's words, and as soon as he finished speaking I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, kissing him, hard. He smiled into the kiss and wasted no time wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tighter to him. Finally, after a few long moments, I pulled gently away.
"As much fun as I'm having... I do need to finish the lab writeup for my actual science class."
Kol sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then fixed me with a devilish grin.
"Fine. As long as you promise to let me know anytime you have an experiment to do that I can sit in on."
I beamed back at him. "I promise."
Kol gave me a sweet smile, then leaned in and kissed me one last time. Despite the homework hovering in the other corner of the kitchen, I could feel Kol sucking me in and distracting me to the point that I didn't care about my work. I was just about to give in, too, when someone coughed loudly from behind us.
Kol and I turned around to find Elijah standing in the kitchen doorway, his eyes scanning the disaster zone the kitchen had turned into. Soda still dripped from the ceiling, and horrifying pancake mutations were spread on almost every surface.
Elijah sighed heavily, his exhausted stare turning back to me and Kol.
"I trust that this will all be cleaned up before the two of you run off to other activities? Preferably sooner than later?" he deadpanned. Kol scoffed, and I tried and failed to fight a guilty grin.
"Yes, Elijah. We'll take care of it," I said. He nodded once, pausing to stare at everything for an extra moment before shaking his head.
With that, he turned and walked out of the kitchen. Even without vampire hearing, I heard his heavy, long-suffering sigh from the other room. I turned to Kol and giggled.
"He loves it," Kol said confidently, waving me off. "We keep his life interesting."
"Well, that second part is definitely true. Come on, let's clean up at least a little bit of the mess. We need to do it at some point anyway, and I really do need to go back to my homework."
Kol booed and rolled his eyes, but moved to start helping me deal with the mess anyway. He picked up the now mostly-empty bottle of soda and held it thoughtfully, then turned to me with a glimmer in his eye that I loved.
"You know darling, if we pointed these in a specific direction for the reaction... we could probably shoot the soda at Elijah and the rest of my siblings."
I grinned. "We absolutely could do that."
We stared at each other for a few beats, nodding slowly, communicating without words.
"I'll superspeed cleanup," Kol finally said. I nodded.
"I'll finish my lab writeup as fast as possible."
"And I'll go get more soda and Mentos while you do."
I high-fived Kol as I crossed the room to retake my seat at the kitchen table and he turned into a vampire-tornado of cleaning. We had evil masterplans to enact, after all, and with the two of us working like a well-oiled machine, the rest of Kol's family and anyone else in this house didn't stand a chance.
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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lady-ashfade · 11 months
Never come back.
Day 5 Of Fictober.
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Human!Bakusquad x Naga!Reader. Quick drabble.
A lot to happen in a short amount of time. Idk with this but I thought about it.
Warnings: threatening from reader, readers dark pasted mentioned, cussing, horrible writing on this one, fish death.
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In every story there is always a girl falling in love with the monster she finds in a cave. But in this story you are the girl in the cave, alone with your treasure. Far from any human connection and where no one should ever find, with millions of gold trinkets and gold safe within your protection. You lived many years from hatching alone with empty eggs of your siblings and a mother with no heartbeat. Only for your father to be the only one was left and who raised you while he could, teaches you to speak and how to hunt. He taught you how to survive one your own, knowing one day he’d be gone.
Being alone meant you got to pick a new home for yourself where not even the deadest of predators could find you. A cave with a lake within it, much space to climb and slither around and keep your treasure in. Your heart aches for someone to love and to keep you company but to afraid to look for them. After all you lost so much already and being alone was all you knew. You spent years clearing and moving things around in case anyone found you. But no one would be as stupid to enter your home…
“Dude, look how cool this shit looks.”
The group watch denki shine his flashlight around the dark and wet cave walls. Everyone watches their step and looked around themselves. “Does anyone feel like we shouldn’t be here?” Kirishima asked as he tugged at his backpack straps. Mine nodded at the redhead, “It was so warm outside but this place is so cold.” She shivered. The group were in summer clothes that weren’t made for this type of situation.
“Shut up, fuckin pussies.” Bakugo rilled his eyes and walked in front of the two, his phone shining his own light. “Came here to find some shit remember? It was your fuckin’ idea.” He sent a back glare at kiri as the man just shrugged. Mina held onto kirishimas arm and rolled her eyes at the blonde. “Actually, it was my idea.” She smirked as he turned his head and gave her a snarl with flared nostrils.
“Great, then you probably lead us to almost getting kill- Again! I had to save all our asses last time.” He shouted and his voice was so loud throughout the cave. Mina giggled and rushed to him and jumped onto his back almost making him fall, “But this time I have a good feeling.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and he blushed light pink for a moment before turning his head. His arms hooked under her legs as she wrapped her legs around his waist and neck.
“I wish I could smoke down here,” sero sighed and kicked a rock. “Left my shit at camp.”
Denki smirked as he saw a archway like opening in the cave and saw something shining through it. He stopped in his tracks and held his hands up to stop them all, “Get the camera!” He shouted excitedly. Kiri pulled out the camera immediately and was beaming with happiness, “Rolling.” He pointed the camera at the other blonde.
Mina jumped off bakugou as denki talked to the camera like some YouTuber. Everyone sneakered at him but followed him forward wondering what he saw or what he’s up to. Bakugo yelled at the other blonde and told him to hurry up so denki did so. Soon denki was walking into the room and they all froze at the sight in front of them.
“Holy shit.”
“What the fuck?”
“About time.”
“…I’m going to buy so much clothes.”
Mine ran passed the boys and went to the gold she she saw, many jewels and jewelry, small gold cups and coins. She picked a few up and threw them in the air, “We’re so rich!” She proclaimed. Sero came at her side and looked at some of the stuff that was in the almost infinite pile of treasure. He picked up a goblet and looked at the designs engraved in the gold. Snakes running up the bottom and around the cup.
“Treasure hunters! That’s what we are.”
Kirishima turned off the camera and ran to denki and pulled him into a jumping hug, Bakugo just looked around. He was in slight shock at finding so much shit. His eyes trail to the floor and found something strange, so he walk towards it and bent down. A small fish with only its head on it’s bones not looking a day old..Nothing rooting, hell the blood was still wet.
“I don’t like this guys.” He stood up and crossed his arms. “Somethings not right, pack all you can and lets go.” He took the bag off his shoulder and threw it over to them. Staring at the group he saw them looking at him but not saying a word and barely moving, he rolled his eyes. “Can’t take orders? I swear,” he huffed.
He was about to move to do it himself until something wet dripped onto his shoulder and made him shiver. Body freezing and eyes going wide as he looked closer and realizing they weren’t staring at him…
Something wrapped around his legs and lifted him into the air before he could react, a small yell leaving his lips. “What the hell?” He ask as he was flipped upside down from whatever was hanging him. The others watch in fear as the big snake like creature got ahold of their boyfriend and held him in the air.
“Humanss~ Should have known, nothing else yells like you.” Your tongue made more sounds as it rattled out of your mouth. “A full pack here no less? Greedy little things,” you shook your tail and made the human in your clutch swing a bit as you looked down at him. “Going after my treasure.” You listened at the one you hold onto as he yells at you but you pay it no mind. Looking back at the others you glare harshly.
“How many know you’re here? I bet you wanted to have my scales~ too!” You shout and hiss at them loudly to make them flinch. They group together and hesitant their movements in fear. They looked at the human you held and you looked down at him too, they seemed to care for him…
“Mate?” You asked and juggled him around again. Your hand came up to meet his ears and his hair to look over each detail, “Plain looking human.” It was almost laughable how calm you spoke when you said it.
“Please, we didn’t know this belong to you! I swear if you let us go we’ll never return.” You drop your hands away from the boy and look at the girl talking to you. She had tears in her eyes but determination… “Can’t trust humans.”
Next thing bakugo knew he was thrown from your grip and down on the ground in front of his lovers. He groans in slight pain at the hard ground he landed on. “Humans kill us- Take my family,” you looked around and they watch you grow bigger as you get anger “Take my treasure!” You lash out and swing your tail at them. The group jump out of the way together and shout at your attempts to attack them.
“We’ll do anything,” the girl you talk to earlier fell to her knees and cried out. “Let us live.” She begged as tears rolled down her cheeks as she hit the ground. You tilt you head at the sight of a human acting such a way…you calm down and sink back down.
“Humans don’t cry- You shouldn’t..” you looked around panicked and find a necklace on the floor and toss it to her to make her stop. “Stop crying! Look, shiny.” She looked down in confusion. You just tired to kill them and now..
“You’re strange. They said you carry large weapons to skin us, they say you scream at us…” they inch back as you got closer to get a look at them, “not like others.” A idea comes to your head.
“Must be weak.” Your tail inches closer as you wrap it around each of them as they try to get away. “Protect instead. Mates- Yes, Mates.” You rub your head on theirs. You hear them protesting and the loud one calling you stupid and trying to hit you.
“My little humans.”
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Awkward Misconceptions
Din Djarin/Fem!Reader
Fictober Day 5 of 31
Words: 948
Summary: You, Din, and Grogu are mistaken for a family.
Din Djarin Masterlist
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The child gurgled quietly in your arms as you sat across from the Mandalorian at the table, waiting for the food and drinks you ordered to arrive. You weren’t sure if he was going to take off his helmet to eat or not, but you didn’t want to make him feel like he had to if he didn’t want to. You had seen his face, but there were still complete strangers in the establishment. Since he brought Grogu to the Jedi and found out that he was the true master of the Darksaber, he hadn’t removed his helmet since. You just hoped that he would at least take some of the food back to his ship to eat it later, because you worried about him sometimes.
It had been a shock when you learned of Grogu’s return, to see the Mandalorian exit a firefight with the creature in his arms that you could have sworn had gone off to learn about the ways of the Jedi, and he explained the situation to you once everyone was safe. Of course you had been overjoyed to see the Child again, and you wondered what his future was going to look like now that he had decided not to pursue the teachings of the Jedi.
You hadn’t spent all that much time around him, but you considered him a friend nonetheless. Several times had he reached out to ask for your help, and you were always happy to lend a hand when you could. Although you had left your previous life as a mercenary behind and now spent your days working as a speeder and droid mechanic on Tatooine, the skills that you had not yet lost were often useful to the types of situations he found himself in.
“Here you are,” the twi’lek waitress said as she approached your table with a few plates of food, and smiled when she saw Grogu, who had hopped down from your arms and was now sitting next to you, perched atop your bag so that he could see over the table and better reach his food. “And what a darling he is! Are you out for lunch with your parents bud?”
You internally freaked out a little when you realized what she had just insinuated, but Grogu just gurgled happily as he reached out to grab something off one of the plates. Taking that as the answer she was looking for, the waitress just smiled and told you to let her know if you needed anything, to which you politely nodded and thanked her for bringing the food.
The entire time, your eyes were on the Mandalorian, desperately hoping that things wouldn’t get awkward, and that he didn’t get up and leave. You’d be lying if you said there weren’t times where you wished that you, him, and Grogu could be a family in the way that the waitress had just assumed, but you didn’t ever say anything about it. In no way did you blame the Twi’lek, it was nothing but a simple assumption (that Grogu seemed to affirm), but you just wished you could snap your fingers and make the blanket of awkwardness that had settled over the table just melt away into thin air.
Thankfully, the food’s arrival seemed to work some magic and help recover the atmosphere of the conversation. After a few bites (and a couple times where you helped Grogu), things were much less awkward, and conversation had started to flow between you and the Mandalorian once more. “Where do you think you’re going to travel to next?” you asked.
“I’m not sure,” he said. “I didn’t expect for him to return at all, let alone so soon, and I don’t know if I want to keep moving or try and find somewhere to settle.”
“If you’re looking for somewhere to stay while you figure that out, I have a few extra rooms at my place,” you offered. Part of you cringed as the words left your mouth, and you thought that he would see your offer as desperate or suddenly say that he didn’t want to spend time with you anymore, but thankfully that didn’t seem to be the case.
“Thank you,” he said. “I may just take you up on the offer, but I have a few things I must deal with first.”
“Of course,” you said. “It’s only if you’d like to.”
Much to your surprise, he reached out across the table to where your hand was resting next to your plate and laid his over it for a moment. “I would,” he said. “I really appreciate how much you’ve helped me.”
He pulled his hand away after he spoke, but you wished he hadn’t.
The meal was over a little while after (you forced him to take the wrapped-up leftovers for himself), and soon you were waving goodbye at Grogu as he sat adorably in the Mandalorian’s new starfighter’s droid-port. He hadn't gotten in yet, and you had plans to wave them off before heading back to your shop. “Hey!” you called out, and he turned back to look at you. Despite the fact that you couldn’t see his face, you would be willing to bet there was a quizzical look on it as he wondered what you could possibly want now. “See you soon?”
There was a short pause before he answered. “You have my word.” You just nodded in response, both of you knowing what it meant.
Although you weren’t a family in the exact way that the waitress had assumed (yet, if you had anything to do about it), you still considered him family, and you hoped he did too. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 5: Rusty Nail (Apple Cider)
Day five! The first week of October is already almost over!, At this point I will start compiling everything on a masterlist as I stated on the previous post I'm writing these in advance.
Notes: Minors DNI, No pronouns used only "You" and maybe a "Y/n" once or twice. Possibly suggestive themes, No smut tho (yet wink wink)
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"You ain't wearin that" Rusty said from his place on the cheap motel room bed. You rolled your eyes.
"Rusty this is what I packed to wear" You said
The two of you were laying low at a middle of nowhere truck stop after one of Rusty's "projects" got slightly out of hand. Rusty had cleaned it up well enough but still suggested the two of you lay low for awhile especially since he didn't have anything to ship at the moment.
"Sugar look, I told you that you aren't wearing that, the last thing I want to do is get into a fight with some lowlife with wandering eyes"
The outfit you had chosen to wear to the small truck stop bar wasn't the most modest but it wasn't as if you were wearing the most skimpy thing either. Rusty could be so jealous sometimes.
"Rusty there's a chance that no one will even be there, we're in the literal middle of nowhere" You sighed sitting down on the edge of the bed to slip on your shoes.
"Well if someone even so much as looks at your wrong then this place we'll have to put in the rearview after I teach em' a thing or two" He darkly chuckled. A smile spread across your face, most people would probably be intimidated as hell by Rusty but the only thing he made you feel was safe.
Rusty got off the bed and put his hand out to you.
"Well sugar what do you say we get too it then?" You nodded wrapping your arms around his much bigger one then slipping your hand into his.
The truck stop bar was about exactly what you'd expect, A few local drunks in the back corner booth, a old out dated jukebox in the corner and a sleepy overworked bar tender behind the bar that was really just their to bring the drunks their beers.
You picked out a private booth for you and Rusty while he walked up to the bar tender to get a beer and whatever you wanted. From the moment you walked in you could feel the eyes of the three drunks in the corner on you, for their sake you hoped they'd stay there.
Rusty made his way back over to you, drink in hand and a smile on his face.
"Well sugar it looks like I've got the prettiest partner in the bar" You blushed.
"Rusty stop" You teased him playfully. Rusty placed the drinks in front of you but didn't sit down.
"I gotta go take a leak darlin' you stay right here ok?" You nodded as Rusty left.
You were looking out the window at Rusty's big rig parked out in the parking lot in front of the motel when you felt someone slip into the booth next to you. Rusty would never sit next to you, always across so he could "Look at that pretty face clearly" as he'd always say so knowing this was a stranger made you tense.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doin all the way out here?" a voice asked, slurred obviously from one to many drinks.
You turned your head to face the voice, deciding to try and get him out of here before Rusty came back.
"Me and my boyfriend are here together" You stated hoping for the man to fuck off.
"Boyfriend? That fella you came in here with? please honey he couldn't provide half the things I could" You reeled back in disgust as the man reached for your hand.
"Please don't touch me, and my boyfriend "provides" perfectly fine thank you, now if you wouldn't mind goi-"
"Now sweetie is that any way to talk to a person" the man interrupted,
"I think the lady was goin to tell you to git" Rusty sneered, having returned from the bathroom to the sight of his baby being harassed by some local drunk. The man smiled and turned to rusty.
"Oh yeah ? and what are you going to do ab-" Before he could finish Rusty grabbed him out of the booth and brought his fist down on the mans face knocking him to the floor.
You quickly took the hint and got out of the booth yourself before getting in the cross fire. Rusty brought his foot down to the mans stomach when he was on the floor, this brought the two friends out of the corner booth towards Rusty.
"Rusty!" You yelled warning him he was about to get ganged up on. Rusty wasted no time in pulling out the gun from his holster.
"Now gentleman c'mon" The bartender said nervously "This is my place of business and I will not have this nonsense here" Rusty still had his gun and his eyes trained on the mans friends when you spoke up.
"Rusty c'mon please, let's just go" Rusty turned to you and you saw his face soften. You knew that he knew that killing anyone here would be risky so it was best if you just left and didn't draw attention to yourselves.
Rusty placed the gun back in his holster on his side, but not before giving another swift kick to the drunk man still on the floor.
"You're lucky my darlin' is here or this would have a much different outcome" Rusty said before motioning for you to go to the door.
Nobody in the bar dared to say anything as the two of you left.
You waited till the two of you reached your motel room, before saying anything to Rusty about what happened.
"Rusty I get that that guy made you mad, but you can't get reckless like that over me! what if something had happened and you had gotten caught? what am I supposed to do if something happens to you?" You asked him while sitting on the edge of the bed taking your shoes off.
"I'm sorry darlin', I came back from the bathroom and saw him all over you like that I just knew I had to protect you" You sighed
"I get that hon' and I do appreciate it, But I'd appreciate you being around for me and not getting arrested a lot better"
Rusty sat next to you on the bed and took your hand in his, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before leaning over to peck his lips.
"You already have plenty to do when it comes to hitchhikers and pricks, Let's leave the dumb drunks alone ok?" Rusty laughed at that and nodded.
"Anything for you Darlin"
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elvendara · 2 years
Bump in the Night
October 5th 2022
He sat up straight, sweat springing through his pours, amethyst eyes wide with fear. Blond strands stuck to his forehead and when another bump sounded he screeched, clutching the sheet to his chest. His head swiveled on his neck inspecting his darkened bedroom but finding nothing amiss. The sound that had awakened him was a loud thud as if something heavy but soft had hit his wooden floor.
A crash in the kitchen, glass breaking, had him scrambling under the covers, body shivering with fear. Was someone in the apartment? Were they going to just steal things or were they looking for something more? Would they get angry when they found nothing of real value in his humble home? Or was it something more sinister? He heard scrapping sounds, as if something was walking through broken shards.
The tension was intense, the fear unbearable. He scooted quietly off the bed and onto the floor wondering if he would be able to fit under it. If he stayed under the covers, would any would-be thief believe him to be a pile of laundry? Another thud had his already racing heart beating even faster. As he began to hyperventilate, he slapped a hand over his mouth, trying desperately to cover any noise he might be making. Tears sprang to his eyes stinging them painfully, but he was barely aware.
The shuffling he’d heard before seemed to be coming closer and getting louder, if it was someone trying to be sneaky, they failed their saving throw. If it was something supernatural, it obviously didn’t need to be sneaky. He tried to stop shaking but he backed up against the nightstand as the first creak of the opening bedroom door reached his ears. A small squeak escaped his mouth and the door stopped, the room enveloped in dead silence.
“Yoosung?” the whisper was low, the mere sound of it terrifying the blond. He pulled up his knees to his chin and wrapped his arms around his legs, trying not to breath.
“Yoosung?” the voice was louder now, steps less quiet, now quickly approaching the bed. Something slid across the mattress, as if someone’s hands searched for him. “Babe?” the tone was now fearful and worried. It was also familiar.
“Saeran?” Yoosung poked his head from under the sheet, eyes large, relief drowning in them.
With a sigh Saeran threw himself across the bed and grabbed a hold of Yoosung as he crawled back on.
“You scared the shit out of me!” Yoosung huffed, playfully punching the other man on the shoulder.
“Sorry babe. I didn’t want to wake you, but I guess I made a lot of noise huh? I broke a glass in the kitchen, but it’s all cleaned up now. Just be careful in the morning, in case I missed any shards.”
“What were you doing sneaking in? I thought you were spending the night at home?” Yoosung lay back down, his head on the pillow and pulled the red-head into his arms, his heart beating rapidly for another reason now.
“I was, but, I missed you. Thought I could just come in and slip into bed with you. Forgive me?”
“Of course, I’m just relieved it wasn’t some ghost.” Yoosung chuckled.
“Go back to sleep then. I promise no more bumps in the night from me.” Saeran wrapped his arms around Yoosung, the warmth seeping into his body delightfully.
“Mmm…” Yoosung murmured, already falling back to sleep.
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lizzie-boo · 1 year
Halloween Costume
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Fred Weasley x GN!Reader
A/N: Fictober day 5! I really enjoyed writing this one and had the idea for ages so I hope you enjoy.
“Darling, I don’t know what to wear for Halloween” you muse to your boyfriend Fred who is sprawled across your bed. 
“I have an idea,” he smirks, propping himself up to watch you pace the length of the dormitory. 
“And what’s that?” 
“Nothing.” His eyes glint and you let out a sigh. 
“Come on Freddie you have to tell me,” you complain as you drop down on the bed next to him. 
“I did, love. You should wear nothing for Halloween.” 
You reach over to slap his arm while you bury your face into the blanket. His laugh echoes off the walls and you can’t help but smile at his flirty response.
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baronessblixen · 11 months
For the last time...
Prompt: 1. "It's not too late, let's go."
IVF arc, angsty fluff: They're supposed to go to the Gunmen's Halloween party, but there's something they need to make sure of first. (wc: 1,320)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 31: Trick or Treat
When she asks Mulder what she can bring to the Gunmen’s annual Halloween party, she doesn’t expect him to say paper towels. But he does. She repeats the word, and he laughs, saying yes, paper towels and he’ll explain later. That is why she’s at the drugstore at 5 p.m., looking for said paper towels. Except she’s in the wrong aisle. In front of her are pictures of smiling women, chubby-cheeked babies, and blue skies.
Pregnancy tests.
At first, she just stares at them. She just took a wrong turn and now she’s confused as to why there are pregnancy tests. Then, she takes one from the shelf. Just to see what it says. This isn’t the first time she’s buying a test. If she’s buying one, anyway. She bought one once, when she was in college where she prayed every night that she wasn’t pregnant. Another one a few weeks ago, and this time praying that she was. In the end, she’d been pregnant neither time. Third time’s the charm, she thinks.
“Paper towels,” she mumbles, reminding herself why she's really here, but she’s unable to leave the aisle. Her period is late. Has been for a few days. She didn’t think much of it – still doesn’t. It’s been late before. With their job, it seems a given. And yet.
She stares at the boxes and she thinks of Mulder. They only just started being intimate. She can still count their sexual encounters on one hand. That’s how new it is. Just thinking of him makes her feel warm all over. Somewhere across town, he’s getting ready for the Halloween party at the Gunmen's, unaware of what she’s going through. ‘We don’t need condoms’, she’d said that first time. Maybe, she thinks, glaring at the boxes, she was wrong.
She decides to buy a test. An emergency pregnancy test, so to speak. She quickly makes her way through the store, picking up the paper towels, and a bag of candy corn, suddenly craving the overly sugary treat. She pays for everything and hides the pregnancy test at the bottom of her bag. It’s in there just in case, after all.
At home, she puts the pregnancy test and its implications out of her mind. But every once in a while, she glances at her bag, where the test remains hidden. She snacks on the candy corn while she gets ready and waits for Mulder.
“Trick or treat.” A voice that’s distinctively Mulder’s follows after a series of knocks. Scully smiles, opening the door to him. He’s surrounded by several small kids, all grinning up at her, some of them with missing teeth. There’s a little Batman, a Spiderman, and a witch. Luckily, she prepared a bowl with candy and she hands each child some of it, and every single one thanks her. Watching them, she tears up, her hormones overwhelming her.
“Have a spooky night,” Mulder says to them and they giggle as they make their way to the next apartment.
“Hey you,” he says, but his smile quickly fades. “Scully? Are you okay?” She nods, turning away from him because she’s convinced she will start crying any second. She hears the door click close and Mulder follows her inside. He’s gentle as he puts his arms around her from behind.
“What is it?” he whispers into her ear. “Did something happen?”
“No,” she replies truthfully. “I think I’m just tired.” She doesn’t want to burden Mulder with possibilities. Or pipe dreams. She isn’t pregnant. She can’t be pregnant. Buying that test was the worst idea she’s had in a long time.
“We can just stay in,” he says. “Hand out candy to the kids, go to bed early.”
“We’re not 80, Mulder,” she says, finding herself chuckling. She hopes they’re still doing this in 10 years, in 20. Maybe even when they’re 80.
“I know we aren’t.” He waggles his eyebrows at her. “I can think of lots of things we can do staying home.” He’s nuzzling her neck, his nose tickling her skin. She playfully pushes him away and he just grins at her with a dreamy look. What if their child smiles that exact same way? Her expression falters. There is no what if. There’s no child.
“Hey, what did I say? I know it’s Halloween, but you’re scaring the shit out of me.” Instead of answering him, she picks up her bag and hands it to him.
“Look inside,” she says quietly. He takes out the paper towels and then gasps. His eyes shoot up and meet hers.
“Is that- did you take it? Are you? Is it? Are you all right, Scully?”
“I didn’t take it. I don’t know why I bought it. I’m late, and I- I just stood there and I got it just in case. It was a dumb idea.”
“Since when do you eat candy corn?” Mulder asks and for a moment she’s perplexed. He points at the small bowl on the table. “You hate that stuff.” Unlike him, who stuffs one of the colorful treats into his mouth.
“I don’t know,” she says. “I felt like eating it.”
“Take the test, Scully,” he says, pressing the box into her hand. “I think… I think maybe today is a good day to test fate.”
“The Gunmen are expecting us.”
“They can wait. This can’t.”
“It’s not too late,” she says, trying to tug at his sleeve. “Let’s go.” He slowly shakes his head at her. It’s now or never.
“I’ll even hold your hand.”
“While I pee?”
“If that’s what you want,” he says solemnly.
“You can hold my hand after.”
And that’s what he does. His hand is sweaty, and she feels the restlessness inside him. If he weren't holding her hand, he'd be pacing. But she needs his strength, and he gives it to her willingly.
“Do you want me to talk?” he asks. “Or be quiet? I can do either.”
“You can talk, Mulder,” she says softly, smiling.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“That’s a first.”
“This is too important,” he says. “I don’t want to jinx it. Which one do you think did it?” She turns to look at him. “I think it was the second time. Not the first. We didn’t know what we were doing. The second time. I think that’s when it took.”
“Mulder, we don’t know what the test is gonna say.”
“When have I ever been wrong? About anything that’s important?” She wants him to be right. She’s never wanted anything as much as this. “Your hand is ice-cold, Scully.”
“I’m nervous.”
“So am I, but I have a good feeling. A very good feeling. How much longer?” A moment later, the alarm dings. Scully’s heart races in her chest. The next second will change everything. The greatest joy or the biggest disappointment.
“I don’t think I can do this,” she says, her voice breaking. “Can you look?”
“You want me to do it? Are you sure?” She nods, tears in her eyes. She watches Mulder reach for the test with trembling hands. Her eyes are on his face, trying to read it. He blinks at the small plastic stick before he turns to her. “Trick or treat, Scully?”
“What?” she asks.
“Trick or treat,” he repeats, trying to keep his face neutral. But there’s something. A glimmer. Her heart is still racing, but she’s going to take a chance.
“Treat,” she says.
He shows the test to her, his hand shaking. “We’re gonna have a child,” he says with a laugh.
“We’re,” she begins, breaking off. She takes the test from him and there it is. Clear as day. She’s pregnant.
“I knew it when I saw the candy corn,” he says, taking her into his arms. “You’re pregnant, Scully. We did it. We got our miracle.”
“We did,” she says, still in awe. “We really did it.”
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Felt like putting together a little themed fic rec list! Here are some coda/missing moment fics for 3.07 Red vs. Blue. If I've missed any, let me know and I can add them to the list! (I also might make edits to these posts to add more fics as they get written. If I ever do so I'll be sure to reblog the post for visibility!)
Enjoy all of our amazing fandom writers and leave them some comments & love!
[Disclaimer: If you're an author and don't like to be tagged or linked for any reason, let me know and I'll remove the tag and make sure not to do so in the future, no questions asked.]
◆ Win or Lose by @heartstringsduet (Words: 8.3K; Rating: E; d/s elements)
What if the softball game ended with nothing but TK receiving his rightful reward for winning? What if Carlos ever so slightly tweaked his plans?
◆ in your corner by @heartstringsduet (Words: 7.1K; Rating: M; d/s elements; part 5 of a series)
Win or lose, Carlos promises to reward TK after the softball game tonight. But all it takes is a single moment to unravel what they’ve built together.
◆ it's hotter than hell where i'm at by @petalwritesx (Words: 1.3K; Rating: M)
“If I would’ve known a softball uniform did this to you,” T.K. says, breathless between kisses, “I would’ve bought one a long time ago.” OR: Before their little award ceremony, Carlos and T.K. have some alone time.
◆ Sex Drive by @welcometololaland (Words: 3.8K; Rating: E)
Carlos has a thing for TK playing softball and TK has a thing for reflective surfaces, apparently. OR A season 3, episode 7 missing scene.
◆ "You love this, don't you?" by @irispurpurea (Words: 403; Rating: T)
Fictober 2022 Day 28. Prompt: “You love this, don’t you?” Missing scene from Red vs. Blue
◆ Gold name and number by @goodways (Words: 3.6K; Rating: E)
“I’m just saying Carlos, it was a simple ‘talk shit, get hit scenario’, the law has no place getting involved,” TK spoke with a tone like he was explaining simple first grade math. “First of all, that’s not true and second of all… no, no I think that’s it.” * Carlos has some feelings about TK in his softball outfit.
◆ Take Me Out to the Ball Game by @chicgeekgirl89 (Words: 1.5K; Rating: T)
He’s seen his boyfriend’s ass in a lot of outfits; his uniform, jeans, slacks, but nothing, nothing tops this. His boyfriend is hot. He’s so fucking hot. Carlos isn’t sure he’s ever seen anything hotter in his entire life.  A follow up fic for 3x07 "Red vs. Blue" in which T.K. wears a new kind of uniform and Carlos likes it. A lot.
◆ your hand under my jacket by @kiras-sunshine (Words: 5.8K; Rating: T)
"You know, I’m grateful you came to watch,” TK hums as he steps into their loft through the door, and immediately turns around to give him one of those wide and brilliant grins, and pokes the peak of Carlos’ cap upwards, “even though it looked like you were trying to be as incognito as possible.
END OF EPISODE FOCUSED or BOTH (TW: discussions of grief/death/dying):
◆ Everest to mariana by @paperstorm
A tag for 3x7, 'Red vs Blue', in which Carlos fulfills a teenaged fantasy and TK gets devastating news.
◆ i can't just bring them back, but darling i can hold your hand by @morganaspendragonss (Words: 2K; Rating: T)
It’s been hours, and TK hasn’t said a word. He hasn’t screamed, or cried, or done anything that Carlos has come to expect from someone who just found out a loved one passed away. He’s just curled up in a ball on the bed, staring blankly at the wall, and that’s where he’s been ever since he walked away from the party like a ghost. * a 3.07 coda/3.08 spec fic
◆ underneath by @kiras-sunshine (Words: 4.2K; Rating: T)
Grief is a powerful thing, and it affects everyone differently, creating unique pain and ache for everyone, and it is always a process, and TK has had his grief only for mere hours. It is still new, growing and invading space in him.
◆ not a victory march by @reyesstrand (Words: 2.8K; Rating: T)
Carlos approaches, still under the assumption that everything is fine because it's supposed to be, and TK feels his eyes start to burn when Carlos asks him to tell his mom he says hi.  Because that's something he's never going to do again.
◆ Surrounded by Love by @bluenet13 (Words: 5.8K; Rating: T)
A look at TK in the days, weeks and months following Gwyn’s passing as he processes his grief with the help of his family and friends. A 3x07 Coda
◆ this weight off your shoulders by @marjansmarwani (Words: 1.9K; Rating: T)
When Andrea Reyes receives a call from her son with terrible news, she makes a promise to a woman she only met once but always felt she knew. A 3x07 Coda
◆ may there be abundant peace by @maxbegone (Words: 2.6K; Rating: N/A)
Carlos sighs. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” “Yeah.” “I’m so sorry.” It warrants no further reply, because at this point Carlos is crying along with him, resting his forehead against his temple and securing his hold even tighter. If he didn’t feel so numb, TK would reciprocate somehow. But this day has been simultaneously a blur and the sharpest image, burned red-hot in his brain. He could relive every single moment in perfect accuracy, he swears. __ An introspective episode coda sometime after the events of 3.07 and 3.08.
◆ No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. by @tkstrrand (4 fic series, Total Words: 13.1K; Rating: G)
TK tries to balance moments of joy with grief/guilt following the months after his mother's passing.
◆ sometimes grief is an open wound - it bleeds and bleeds and bleeds by @morganaspendragonss (Words: 663; Rating: M; TW: Self-harm, Suicidal Thoughts)
His doctor puts him back on his antidepressants and he takes them without complaint, even when sometimes they feel like they’re doing more harm than good. The side effects leave him nauseous for a week, his already unpredictable sleep schedule fucked up beyond repair, but TK dutifully swallows them down every morning, because this means that he’s trying, right? It means that… It means something. It has to.
◆ wrap me up, enfold me by @strandnreyes (Words: 2.3K; Rating: G)
“She’s dead.” Those are the last words he has spoken in at least ten minutes. Now as Carlos sits beside TK on the couch, he isn’t sure what to do. His boyfriend is silent and unmoving, almost hauntingly so, and there’s this vacant look in his eyes that makes him look so unlike himself that it jars Carlos.
◆ Before...And After by @littlemissmarianna (Words: 256; Rating: G)
TK takes a shuddering breath. He doesn’t remember much about last night, except that he was catatonic after the call, then dissolved an hour later into a sobbing, hyperventilating mess. The only reason he didn’t shake apart was because Carlos had held him.
◆ wrapped in a cloak of misery by @pendragonsandbuckleys (Words: 1.1K; Rating: G)
The phone clattered to the ground only seconds before TK’s knees buckled from underneath him. - a 3.07 coda.
◆ silent answers by @blueink3 (Words: 577; Rating: T)
It’s Paul who notices first because of course he does. “She’s dead.” Who clocks the fact that something has gone horrifyingly, catastrophically wrong. “She’s dead.” “Carlos?” Not ‘hey, man’ or ‘you good?’ Not the casual, easy tone Carlos has come to appreciate ever since that night at the club. It’s diffused more than one high pressure situation, but this -  Nothing can fix this. A coda to 3x07.
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