idreamtiflew · 3 years
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More POTS era (give or take) Tortall characters par moi using the Artbreeder software :) 
Queen Thayet of Conte
King Jonathan of Conte
Buriram Tourakom
Raoul of Goldenlake
Wyldon of Cavall 
Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau
George Cooper of Pirate’s Swoop
Myles of Olau
Numair Salmalin
Veralidaine Sarrasri 
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fiefgoldenlake · 3 years
Wishing Tree 2021
That time where I remind you that we’re actually a sort of functioning discussion board...
One Sentence Week is now over, but there were some really interesting fics written, check them out here!
Now we’re moving onto Wishing Tree, one of my personal favourite events, where posters put up a ‘wishlist’ of prompts, and our members write to fill them. You can sign up here - gift-giving is my favourite part of this holiday, and it makes me happy to play Santa. Come join us!
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raoulgoldenlake · 6 years
Garvey couldn’t say exactly how it happened. One minute they were sitting next to each other on Cleon’s bed, and then next moment, his hands were around Cleon’s waist and Cleon was kissing him.
Stop! This isn’t something boys do, not with other boys. The voice in Garvey’s head was forceful, but like so many other situations that year, Garvey couldn’t make his body do what his mind commanded. Every rational thought, the part of his brain that still remembered the Code of Chivalry demanded that he pull away, and yet. Here he was.
He couldn’t have said how long the two of them kissed each other, only that Cleon was first to break the kiss, and with a fierce blush said, “now problem 3. I still don’t understand it,” and the boys went back to math as if nothing had happened.
Who would’ve thought I would write a Garvey/Cleon fic? And yet, thanks to @fiefgoldenlake, here it is.
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minstr3lsong · 6 years
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That awkward moment when @fiefgoldenlake reblogs a quote you posted five years ago, and your notes explode.
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kriseleven · 10 years
Malorie's Peak Prompt #104: 'Songbird'
Title: Gilded Cage Rating: G Malorie's Peak Prompt: Songbird (#104) Summary: For the first time since the earthquake, years after taking the throne in the midst of chaos, Jon visits Delia.
Delia sat in the rigid backed chair, waiting for her guest like a queen at audience, rather than his prisoner. It was all about appearances. She had learned that years ago, and learned it well. So, she put on her best dress, her jewelry, and her haughtiest expression. It fooled no one. She still could not leave this place, and it changed nothing about what she'd done with Roger. It would not make her queen.
But she raised her chin when Jonathan walked in, and held her silence as he examined her.
The songbird at the window trilled in the silence from its gilded cage.
Jonathan didn't take a seat, though there were plenty to choose from. Even imprisoned, Delia was a daughter of the Eldorne family and they were in the Book of Gold. Her prison was as luxurious as any noble lady's chambers. It should have supported this act she was putting on, the one of control, that the king would not take a seat she had not offered. It would have been a victory for her, before, when she knew him last. Instead, this agreement to play by the rules of her game infuriated her because they both knew the agreement was where the power was. He wasn't condescending in his acquiescence. Worse, there was a kindness, a sympathy, in him.
The years showed on her former lover. There was grey in his dark hair, lines around those Conté blue eyes, but time had given him strength in dignity, instead of stealing it from his youth. He had been an arrogant child when she had pulled him into his bed. He had been vital and entitled and impassioned, when she had seduced him with kisses and looks and Roger’s orders. Now, he was a man who knew himself too well to be fooled by any cheap tricks (and the only tricks Delia had ever been taught were cheap when they were all just skin deep).
She expected him to ask the questions she had rehearsed so many answers to. The whys of her betrayal and rebellion, but instead he stood because she had not invited him to sit and watched her, as she watched him. She wondered what changes age and truth had brought to her face. She rather thought she didn’t want to know.
The songbird at the window sang in its gilded cage. Delia remembered a convent mother telling one of the girls, once, that songbirds raised in cages could never survive if released, that on their own they would soon starve or fall prey to something raised strong, to fight and hunt and survive. Jon stood with the strength of an earthquake and betrayal and a kingdom resting on his shoulders. Delia sat pretty and useless and trapped, trapped, trapped.
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floorsofsilentseas · 11 years
Tamora Pierce Challenge: Malorie's Peak Prompt Month
Do you like writing or reading Tammy? Like awesome prompts to write for and amazing fanfic to read? Of course you do! All through July the MPP Challenge at Goldenlake is open. Just 5 fics around a couple, character, or theme using the MPP prompts! Come sign up; you know you want to!
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fiefgoldenlake · 3 years
One Sentence Fics
What One Sentence Weeks is a fun fic exercise that challenges you to hone the brevity of your writing, by writing a complete story in just one sentence. Props for short, sharp sentences - long run-on sentences defeat the purpose of OSW, so avoid them if you can! Check the OSW forum in the Library for some previous examples, if you want more of an idea of what is possible. When 1-14 November 2021 Where Goldenlake's Events forum. What you need to know 1. Only one sentence per fic! 2. Try to avoid writing long run-on sentences if you can. 3. No prompts; lots of freedom! 4. You may submit as many One Sentence Fics as you like, so long as you read and abide by Goldenlake's fanfiction rules and ratings system. 5. Dashes and semicolons make for excellent best friends. 6. Have fun!
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fiefgoldenlake · 4 years
Goldenlake Triathlon
The Goldenlake Triathlon is about to start - come join us! What The Goldenlake Triathlon is a fanfiction challenge in which authors attempt to complete a triathlon of three fic events for their chosen character, with options of summer and/or winter events. When Triathlon starts: Wednesday, 1 July Triathlon closes: Monday, 31 August Where The Events forum. How 1. Claim a character. 2. Post your attempt in the masterlist. 3. Complete the event of your choice by posting in the events forum and updating the attempt sheet as you go. 4. Once you have completed your event set, post in the ‘Finish Line’ thread and get congratulated. 5. Start again at #1 or go and complete the set for the other season! Prompts One fic from each set must be exactly 100 or 200 words, and one fic from each set must be over 500 words - it's up to you which ones! Fun in the Sun 1. A Change is As Good As a Rest 2. With a Little Help from My Friends 3. Making a Splash Wicked in Winter 1. A Chill in the Air 2. Spice Up Your Life 3. The Gift that Keeps Giving
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fiefgoldenlake · 7 years
Goldenlake Pentathlon
August is a pretty exciting month for Goldenlake. Not only are we discussing Realms of the Gods (and, you know, learning the proper titles of books we’ve been reading for longer than we’d care to admit...) and debating Tortallan Squad Goals, but we’re also warming up for our Pentathlon.
So! How does it work? You pick a character and/or a couple, and compete in five fic events over a fifteen day period from 12-27th August.
Somebody else has already picked your character or couple? No worries! We’re all about sharing.
What are the events? Well, I’m glad you asked. We’ve got:
1. Frisky Fencing: must feature a humorous or light-hearted element (at least 100 words) 2. Stormy Show Jumping: must feature a difficult or argumentative element (at least 100 words) 3. Synchronised Swimming: must feature teamwork or a harmonious element (at least 100 words) 4. Sharp Shooting: 100 or 200 word drabble (open theme) 5. Cross Country Run: 800+ word fic (open theme)
Not convinced? Just look how much fun we’ve had in previous events here.
Are you excited? I’m excited.
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fiefgoldenlake · 4 years
Fief Goldenlake update!
Triathlon is still going strong! We’ve had eight completed so far, and it’s open until the end of August! Come join in, or read what’s been written so far!
Our masterlist of fic posted is here.
Alternatively, you can find most fic in AO3′s fiefgoldenlake tag here!
And @lisafer just posted an old project she and I (@noburrowingtactics) worked on for Goldenlake’s Fanzine, Giantkiller - it’s a series of Agony Aunt letters. We do our best to preserve the anonymity of our dignified Agony Aunt... Dear Miss R A Oul
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raoulgoldenlake · 6 years
“Squire were you aware of an unincorporated tribe in the East of the desert?”
“Unincorporated?” Zahir usually didn’t admit when he didn’t know what a word meant but after a year as King Jonathan’s squire, he’d learned that it was better to understand everything than it was to seem smart. The King expected everyone to understand him and act accordingly, which meant he was more than willing to explain new words and concepts if people needed.
“It means they’re not part of the larger Bazhir society. They don’t trade with you, they don’t participate in major cultural rituals and most importantly, they don’t participate in the ceremony of the Voice.”
Zahir had heard of that. “You mean the people of the Eastern Shore?”
Surely I can’t connect Tortall and the history of Western Sahara into one fic?! And yet!
Written for @fiefgoldenlake’s Christmas in June
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fiefgoldenlake · 9 years
Goldenlake PSA
The old link to the discussion board has been removed because it is no longer working and replaced with a working link!
The actual link to the discussion board is:  fiefgoldenlake.proboards.com
Feel free to pop over and say hi :)
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fiefgoldenlake · 9 years
Promptmas in July
Goldenlake’s Promptmas in July is now on!
Check out the Goldenlake Events board for prompts and to post your fics!
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fiefgoldenlake · 9 years
Promptmas in July
What: Promptmas in July is Goldenlake's 'Christmas in July' event, where we will have, and you can nominate, a variety of prompts for fic inspiration. The prompts can be general (like we have had in Bingo), in the spirit of the Christmas and holiday season, or you can nominate something a bit more specific, like a character or couple (like a low-key Wishing Tree). Once you have a prompt (or several) that you like, post your fic response (100 words +) in the Events forum. When Is It? Posting: July 24 - July 31 What Do I Do? Take a quick refresher on Goldenlake's Rules and the Fic and Art Rating System. Nominate a prompt, or pick a prompt you like from the 'Promptmas in July' Prompt Thread in the Events forum http://fiefgoldenlake.proboards.com/board/16/goldenlake-events. Start posting your prompt replies (over 100 words) from July 24 - July 31. What Does It Look Like: PJ: Title, Rating Title: Rating: Prompt (and Promptee if it was member submitted): Summary (and any Warnings):
Come on over to http://fiefgoldenlake.proboards.com/ and join in the Christmas in July spirit! :)
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fiefgoldenlake · 9 years
MPP #112 - Taking Flight
This month’s Malorie’s Peak Prompt on Goldenlake is Taking Flight!
From Stormwings to starlings, there are plenty of creatures in both universes that have wings. Don't like animals? Write about Nawat's warriors, or your favourite character learning to put something to flight or 'fly' along with a magical force. Or go for a more figurative meaning: does a character shirk their responsibilities or flee from danger or a threat? So, whether it's Nia making a proto-plane, Merric falling off his horse, Briar playing with dandelion seeds or Kel's griffin coming to visit, get your characters into the air! Whether they come down again is, ahem, up to you.
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fiefgoldenlake · 9 years
Blog changes
First of all, thanks to all of you for engaging with this blog and welcome to all my new followers!
Unfortunately, the pressures of real life mean that this blog will probably drop down to one post a day. (Things are still going along as normal on the discussion forum: http://fiefgoldenlake.proboards.com/)
My current plan is to keep it a mix of Tamora Pierce and other related things (whether they be feminism, Harry Potter or cute cats).
But I would some feedback from all of you! What type of things do you want to see on this blog?
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