meenoosart · 11 months
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Please, massive applause for Meenoo who finished yet another inktober... (You rock, sweet cat.)
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tj-dragonblade · 9 months
Came across a Picrew thing earlier for creating three of your favorite ships or some such (here is the link if you'd like to do your own) so here are my current OTP and two of my dearest OTPs from previous fandoms.
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Sandman: Dreamling! Curly Dream agenda! I love these guys; they restored my faith in fandom and got me writing again, and there is just so much to explore with them.
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Naruto: YamaSai There were no good options for Yamato's hair so he looks like he just got out of the shower and pulled on the fluffy sheep sweater, and now I half want to write it oops. The rarepair ship I built with my own two hands and lots of love sweat and tears. They will always be tremendously dear to me.
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Saiyuki: 58. Gojyo and Hakkai and all their profoundly fucked-up baggage. I have such deep love for Minekura's deeply-traumatized boys and the deep-rooted connections they find in each other.
And, since Saiyuki Gaiden could technically be regarded as a separate fandom:
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Bonus GouTen! I tried. Poor Goujun has freckles instead of scales but not bad for what we're working with. I always loved these guys best out out of the possible Gaiden ships but they were less popular than others and I never did enough with them.
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mechadeimos · 6 months
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IT’S HERE!!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖
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kkaras-sk · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!   Dear @luciusaelius I wish you a nice day and a life full of joy and laughs! An AU world were Homura is a sensei teaching “special” kids to be in a harmony with their "spirits".
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navy-s-forest · 11 months
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lunairetiic · 2 years
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OT3 (based on this)
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ailee-art · 2 months
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Maomao 🐱
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gentrychild · 1 year
5 headcanons for a Saiyuki AU where Goku gets send back in time to his younger body. It's up to you if this happens before or after the 500 years of imprisonment, but it's definitely before the main events of Saiyuki canon. Thank you!
Ugh, choices, choices. If I pick Goku in the heaven era, odds are that he isn't remembering a thing? If I pick Goku a little before the main events, he knows stuff but he will have to go through several years of solitary confinement, at the very least, and it's the one thing I don't want to do to him.
You know what? Seiten Taisei ex machina!
1 - So, for some reasons, when Goku is sent back in time to his younger body, his diadem was off. (I am going to guess that he was too powerful to be neutralized in any of the usual ways so the collision of several sutras that were used to banish him sent him back in time.) When he wakes up, he is in heaven, he has just recovered all of his memories, and he is freaking out. Also, he is weaker and smaller, which isn't cool.
2 - This is not a "Goku remembers the future the first time he sees Konzen and starts crying" or something story. This is a story where Konzen woke up in the middle of the night then screamed because Goku was standing over the edge of the bed, looking at him with golden eyes that slightly glow in the dark. Once Konzen recovers from a very literal heart attack (he's a god, he will be fine), Goku, who is more serious that Konzen has ever seen him, informs him Tenpou, Kenren and the both of them need to leave Heaven about yesterday. The mortal world is lovely this time of the year. Also, they are kidnapping... bringing Nataku along with them.
3 - Once Goku recovers from the paper fan-induced-concussion of all paper-fan-induced concussions, Konzen is actually worried about him? That is completely unlike Goku, after all. He talks about it with Kenren and Tenpou and they kinda assume that the stress of living among a bunch of asshole gods is starting to get to Goku. Tenpou argues that a vacation might be good for Goku but Konzen says he can't just drop everything.
4 - I know the exact way Konzen snaps. This is a very quiet snap, btw. He is complaining to Tenpou about Goku who keeps telling him they need to relocate NOW and while they are walking, a god who isn't talking softly enough is "Yes, the new heretic one would make a good war god to counterbalance Li Touten's power." Konzen doesn't say anything. He just turns heels, grabs Goku, and they are out, with Tenpou and Kenren trailing after them (Nataku is hidden under Kenren's coat, he has been waiting YEARS for an occasion to kidnap himself a new little brother, it's ON).
5 - So obviously, half of heaven gets really mad about it and send people after them. Said people get utterly obliterated since pretty much no one except for Tenpou and Kenren has fought any battles since Nataku's birth. Also, Nataku and Goku are very OP. About a century of shenanigans ensue where Homura is catapulted as the new prince of war and tasked with the very undignified task of chasing after them. He tries to find some common ground with Goku about both of them being heretics and talks a lot but Goku absolutely doesn't care. Also, Goujun always ends up as the traitors' hostage. They do not take him hostage. The universe decides that he will be the hostage of Goku and co. He is really tired.
+ 1 - I don't know who it will be but someone will adopt Bear Nataku.
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bijectiveandinvertible · 10 months
The Dragon King of the West glowered at the General and the Marshall of the Western Army. 
“Explain—” he demanded, “How exactly did you both manage to destroy an entire hectare of the Jade Empresses’s Garden when you were supposed to be escorting the Goddess Freyja around the palace.”
“Well—“ Marshall Tenpou started explain. But he was interrupted by General Kenren, “See we may have angered the God Óðr by comparing the Goddess with Konzen.”
“Konzen? Konzen Douji?” Goujun’s eyes bugged out.
“We were just making conversation.” Kenren defended himself.
“We merely told the Goddess that she and Konzen had the same hair colour,” Tenpou explained.
“And when the Goddess asked about Konzen—“
“One of the guards may have made regrettable comments about Konzen—“
“— and Óðr may have overheard.”
“And when the God of Frenzy hears something that might sound like an insult towards his wife—“
Goujun glared harder, his spiked ears flicking in anger.
Kenren brightened before commenting, “You know… Goujun, you have the same ears as the Goddess Freyja. Are you also a Vanir?”
A few hours later
“Explain—” Konzen demanded, aghast at the amount of paperwork in front of him, “How exactly did you both manage to destroy an entire building by angering the Dragon King of the West into reverting to his true form!”
Written for @monthlyminekura Christmas Edition. Day 11: Elf
A/N: The Vanir's are basically elves in Norse Mythology from what I understand. Or rather Tolkein took the concept from here.... Look not a lot is known about norse Mythos in general as little records exist. But google tells me that Óðr is the God of Madness/Violent Anger (?) maybe.
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iapetusneume · 1 year
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list:
the first fic you ever published there
the last fic you published
any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once
your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works
the fic you wish more people read
the fic you agonized over the most
the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort
and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
So, I recently uploaded (and backdated) everything I've ever wrote up onto Ao3. So this is a reflection of 23 years of writing fanfiction. Some of this stuff is very old. I'm still proud of it, but I've also come a long way.
I had a hiatus of writing fan fic for like... 10 years, between my last Dragon Age piece and my first Warhammer 40,000 piece. (Warhammer does appear on here twice!)
Also, this got long. So it's going under a cut.
the first fic you ever published there
Twisted Well - Inu Yasha / Sorcerer Hunters
the last fic you published
Shared Compliance - Warhammer 40,000
any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once
In Memoriam - Naruto
Noon Delight - Fruits Basket (2001 Anime)
Gone, But Not Forgotten - Rurouni Kenshin
Ghosts - Mass Effect (Trilogy)
Reflections of a Student - GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka)
Silver Acid - Hellsing
Measuring Time - Sailor Moon, Jaedite/Rubeus
Dragon's Heat - Saiyuki Gaiden, Goujun/Konzen
A Second Language - Harry Potter, Dumbledore/Grindelwald
Temporary - Kyou Kara Maoh!, Gwendal/Gunther
An Important Reminder - Shinou/Daikenja
Oops - Bleach, Tatsuki/Orihime
your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works
Belated Reunion - Dragon Age, Nathaniel/Anders (note, this isn't finished. I do mean to finish it one day)
Vocalization - Dragon Age, Nathaniel/Anders (this is my favorite finished piece, and also one of the best pieces of my writing)
Bashert - Saiyuki, Sanzo/Goku (yes it says the series that has the most works, but it would be criminal for me to not put something for Sanzo/Goku here)
the fic you wish more people read
Truth In Rumors - Dragon Age
the fic you agonized over the most
Somewhere I Belong - Saiyuki
the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort
Alone - Saiyuki
and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
A Slow Poison - Saiyuki
Truth In Rumors - Dragon Age
Cantilever - Warhammer 40,000
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tj-dragonblade · 7 months
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper, thank you! It's delightful to see new/different get-to-know-me questions circulating
Who was your first fictional crush?
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Tygra from Thundercats. Had a friend when I was maybe ten and we'd hang out at recess and she'd make up Thundercats stories, and she loved picking on Tygra in these stories, so at some point I ended up going 'stop being mean to him, fuck it he's mine now' and I don't know if you'd call it a proper crush but there you go.
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour? …Purple
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day? Don't know that I've ever been scarred by fic, per se. But that MCU fic where they used pancake syrup as lube still drifts to mind every now and then
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me? Ahhhhhh, uhm, I don't really have the kitchen skills uh. I will corral Mr TJ to make you his signature chili and cornbread
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos? Kangaroos
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them? Danzo from Naruto perhaps - I mean it's not an 'oh my god I just love this guy' kind of thing as 'this dude is absolutely fascinating and compelling as a villain to the story who willingly makes himself the villain for the greater good and thereby maybe sees himself a sort of hero.' I enjoy him where most of fandom loves to just hate on him, and I definitely like him far better than any of the other villains that Naruto fandom adores
But also. Erik, Phantom of the Opera? Like yeah okay he's Got Issues he's murdered he's a stalker a manipulator etc etc but I have never felt inclined to root for anyone else in that story, sorry. He's probably the prime candidate if I was going to undertake to rewrite 'the story you think you know' a la Wicked or Maleficent
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls? I'm sorry I have never seen Mean Girls and don't know enough to answer this one
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom? Favorite as in current? Barring that 24-hour diner business (I had the impression it was worldwide but I could be wrong), probably alright. Favorite as in longest-standing? I'll probably be fine in the Trek-verse too
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre? I have not
Do you feel sorry for Medusa? Not something I'd ever thought about? But I am a fan of the trend of taking classic stories and reworking them from new perspectives, different points of view, with the idea that the narrative we're used to being given may not be how it actually went. So…I'm inclined to view her sympathetically?
Which song makes you think of your OTP? Uh, for current otp, maybe it would be Ville Valo's Olet Mun Kaikuluotain? Not even lyrically, just. Vibes. Soft waltzy quiet cozy romance vibes and that's what I want for them
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest? Depends on several factors but usually it will be if a song is firmly attached to a story in my head, where the story is built on or around the song. Like there was a whole multi-incarnation backstory I had in my head for Goujun/Tenpou at one point in my Saiyuki days, springboarded from Nightwish's Ghost Love Score to some degree, and for awhile that song would put me deep in the thought-spinning for that (which of course I never wrote)
Tagging, no obligation, tag me in your existing post as applicable: @danikatze, @zzoomacroom, @teejaystumbles, @academicblorbo, @staroftheendless, @chaosheadspace, @rooftopwreck
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mechadeimos · 8 months
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"Ah, they had to bring that up. (?)"
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I just finished reviewing Saiyuki Gaiden.
Those who know, know.
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navy-s-forest · 10 months
☠️🍦🐉so happy
Tenpou & Kenren &goujun
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