#fighting for my life trying to decide which aligned jazz to use
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imma-potatoo · 3 years
:00 oh my god, i love your side swap au 👉👈
can you perhaps,,, share each sides’ appearance?? and personality?
Appearances here!
Light Sides!
•Janus is very happy and bubbly. He likes to see the best in people, but knows when to cut ties when the situation calls for it. Janus takes a really long time to build trust with and wouldn't really hesitate to do what he thinks is right, but would still feel extremely bad for whatever he did. Janus is also very good at hiding his emotions. Like very good. He loves Jazz, and the 1920s aesthetic, although he he hates most of their standards, he also LOVES dancing.. Like REALLY LOVES dancing. He can and will do the Charleston in the living room at 3 pm because he's bored and he can
Janus is also really protective of his family, but he has a lot of empathy. He can't stand seeing other people hurting, so even though he still represents selfishness, he would try to help the other person if he's able too.. Basically, effective altruism.
Janus represents Validity, Societal Self Preservation, and a large portion of Morality that Thomas listens to
• Remus is very very chaotic. But he is more calm in his methods compared to canon Remus. Since he's the main creativity, he doesn't have to be as drastic in his measures to be listened to. So he's more calm, he still spits out gory and grotesque ideas like wildfire though
Remus loves making things. He makes things to make their lives easier, make their lives harder, make it so that everytime they turn on the sink Lady Gaga plays on the loudspeakers. But he also added a ice dispenser to the fridge, so it evens out. Being Thomas' primary creativity, Thomas still does youtube, however his content is much more dark. A good example would be BlackBox TV for Thomas' channel in this au. Short horror videos that tell a narrative that sometimes ends on a lighter note, but more often leaves you terrified.
Remus represents Creativity, Confidence, and Self Expression (not intrusive thoughts because Remus has the ability to properly demonstrate his ideas, and doesn't need to force them on to Thomas)
•Virgil is honestly kinda chill. He still represents anxiety, but more as a fight or flight response then anything more. He's the oldest of the light sides and is the most protective of his sides. He's not really a fan about his sides leaving the light side but wouldn't stop them if they wanted to. He just wants them to be back for dinner.
Virgil is serious, he loves his sides, but with the other two being complete goof balls, Virgil steps up and does the hard things. That being said, Virgil will goof off and have fun most days, there is very few moments where Virgil is completely serious. He also can, will, and has, woken up his sides for breakfast blasting MCR through the loud speakers
Virgil represents Anxiety, Bravery, and Fight or Flight. His job is to assess situations that might be dangerous and decide on the course of action
Dark Sides!
•Logan is a very strange side. It's really hard to get close to him, but once you do he'll never leave your side. To say Logan is protective is an understatement, he would rather be torn limb from limb, then have someone pluck a single hair from his loved one's head. On the outside, it seems that he has no empathy or even the capability to have emotions, but Logan is actually extremely empathetic, the Dark sides are just not allowed to show weakness
Logan is the one who gets things done. Roman wants everything handed to him, and Patton is too busy yelling at them to do anything. Logan doesn't care about a lot of things, he keeps a straight face with practically everything. Roman once butchered his dinner with a steak knife and Logan blinked and told him "If you really want to be a Prince, stop acting like the beast"
Logan represents Judgement, Logic, and Memory Retention
He was called Manipulation, but my friend (@red-imeanblue) pointed out that Judgement would be better, since Logan is quite Judgmental about Thomas' choices.
•Roman is very petty. He's extremely jealous of his brother, of Remus' life, of his family, of his opportunities, of his relationships, how he's listened to, and if he had the chance, he would sabotage every single part of his brother's life until Remus has absolutely nothing left but the shreds of what he once had.... Well, he would if he didn't expect it to happen by itself. Roman wants everything handed to him on a silver platter, and he wants it as soon as he says the word. Roman hates working, he doesn't want to put in the effort for what he wants, but refuses to take anything else
Roman is basically Heather Chandler, petty, full of himself, thinks he's the most important person in the world, can and will publicly mock you, and isn't afraid to blackmail you if you step a millimeter out of his expectations.
Roman represents Pride, Creativity, and Ego
•Patton is cruel. There's really no other way to put it, Patton is cruel. Patton wants all the sides to align to his very slim view of correct behavior and would do anything to get the sides to stay within that view. Patton believes the light sides to be ignorant to the correct course of action, and harmful to Thomas in every way possible. He's strict, and has complete control of the food supply in the dark side, which he can control at whim, he uses heavy guilt tripping and manipulation to get what he wants
Patton hates the light sides. He hates them and everything they stand for, and he doesn't stand for any of his sides talking to them. Patton is not above physical or mental abuse either, in his mind, a complacent side, is better then a happy side.
Patton is responsible for Guilt, Gas-lighting, and a small remaining thread of morality that has become twisted.
Please feel free to send more asks about this au! I love talking about it!!!
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dungeondivebar · 4 years
Dungeon Dive Bar Crawl - Heck Knights In Space!
As we announced last week, we’ll be running a 24 hour stream for Extra Life on November 6 and 7! Check out that link for some more information on the stream and how to tune in.
Each Friday until the event itself, we’ll be publishing an interview with the GM of one of the adventures along with other material to get everybody super jazzed for the stream.
This week we’re talking to Megan, though you may know me better as Retha ;)
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How long have you played TTRPGs in general? About five years now. I'd heard a lot about them beforehand, but could never find a group because no one in my tiny hometown was a nerd like me. Finally, in my freshman year of college, I found a group of nerd friends, including Alex, and started a D&D game. 5e was pretty brand-new at that point, so we started in 4e and then changed over not long after.
What is your favorite thing about TTRPGs overall? I love the character design. I'll usually start with a build and work out the concept as I go, but as I build further I usually find the character's personality solidifying in my head, and it's only a matter of time before they have a specific appearance, too. I'm an artist, after all. 
How long have you played Pathfinder and Starfinder in particular? I've been playing Starfinder basically since it was released. I was barely familiar with Pathfinder at the time; I'd played a game with some friends that fell apart after about four sessions, and at the time I wasn't a fan of all the rules and options. Starfinder seemed a bit more reasonable on the options side of things, though, since it was brand new.
I came over to Pathfinder via the lore. I've always been interested in divine casters, and I took an interest in the gods of Pathfinder as they were represented in Starfinder. It's a long story, but I started writing a Starfinder fanfic that had me digging deep into Pathfinder lore, and eventually I got interested enough to actually try to play the game, theorycraft some builds, and get involved in the community of a certain other Pathfinder podcast.
Have you ever been the GM of a campaign or module before? I'm not quite a "forever GM," but I have GM'd a lot. My GMing resumé includes a D&D 4e homebrew that turned into a 5e homebrew, a 2-year Starfinder homebrew, a running play-by-post of the Runelords trilogy, Against the Aeon Throne twice (plus a follow-up homebrew adventure one of those times), an attempt at Hell's Vengeance, a rewrite of Tyrant's Grasp for an all-divine party, the Pathfinder 2e adventure Agents of Edgewatch, and countless one-offs. (Notable one-offs included an all-Shelynite party braving Nidal and a tournament of universes where characters from the Forgotten Realms, Eberron, and Golarion came together to fight Tiamat.)
What is your favorite part of being a GM? Getting to make up my own stories or add my own elements to prewritten ones, and ultimately, getting to decide what system we're playing, though if we're doing a long-term campaign the players get some say in this too. I love setting up opportunities for roleplay. I also like seeing what characters people bring to the table, especially when they have a lot of backstory I can work into the campaign.
What will you be running for the Dungeon Dive Bar Crawl? Can you tell us a bit about it? I'm running a homebrew scenario I've temporarily called "Heck Knights In Space." As the name might suggest, I required all the other players to be Hellknights for this game, which mostly just translates to lawful-aligned in Starfinder, since there's only one archetype for it and I didn't want to force everyone to take it. I don't want to spoil anything for the players if they happen to be reading this, but the module's premise is centered around exploring an abandoned Hellknight Citadel that's been broken into and involves both starship and ground combat.
What are you most excited about when it comes to Heck Knights in Space? Getting the chance to combine two of my favorite things-- Starfinder and Hellknights. As far as the module's content goes, there are some enemies that I've been wanting to use for a while now, as well as some I built myself.
Why do you like Hellknights so much? 
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...In all seriousness, though, I'm a very lawful person IRL, and also an edgelord. I first read about Hellknights in the Starfinder Pact Worlds book, and basically instantly fell in love. On a deeper level, I'm intrigued by the different Orders and their different philosophies-- I definitely don't like all of them. You've got everything ranging from a group of detectives whose specific objective is to take out bad-faith actors, to a group of bounty hunters that operate across multiple star systems while using their codes as protection from those systems' own enforcement organizations, to a group whose main "thing" is finding new and improved ways to summon devils and work infernal magic. And they all operate under the same overarching codes, the Measure and the Chain, with what I can only imagine are vastly different interpretations.
What do you like the most about the Starfinder system? The lore! The flavor! Watching people try to come up with a balanced party for starship combat (or not try, and then just utterly fail in starship combat... I’ve had that happen in a few Society games, oof) is always a good show. Building my own enemies to fit the campaign is always fun too, especially boss enemies.
Can you explain how starship combat works for the viewers? Screams internally well here goes nothing. PCs operate from within a starship and choose a role on the ship. The only part of their character build that's really relevant to what they're doing is the skill modifier they're using for that role. It usually becomes a team effort, though, because it's a collaborative game.
There's different phases in which different roles operate, though the captain and chief mate can operate in any phase they need to.
Engineering phase is first, and gives ships' engineers and magic officers a chance to repair any damaged systems or boost operational ones to give a bonus to anyone using them this turn.
Next is the helm phase, where pilots roll off for initiative. It's a bit like Star Wars X-Wings in how it handles initiative: the lower roll actually goes first, because whoever acts second has the positioning advantage. (I think at one point Paizo admitted that X-Wings inspired them). Also in the helm phase, the science officer can scan the enemy ship to gain info about it, or can move your shields around to defend the firing arc the enemy ship is facing.
Finally, there's the gunnery phase, where ships attack each other. Obviously, the gunners act during this phase.
It sounds really complicated, but it's easy enough to understand once you get going, as long as you understand what your role can do!
What do you think players are the most excited about? Depends on the player. I know David is super excited about the starship combat system. Alex is more interested in ground combat; he has a technomancer build he's been theorycrafting for a while. Sam is excited about the huge variety of race options; last I heard he was trying to make fetch shakalta happen. Though if that doesn't work, we might see a familiar face…
What do you think our viewers will enjoy the most? If my brother-in-law is any indication, the callbacks to a specific group of Hellknights in Pathfinder will be pretty fun. ;) 
And that’s it for this week’s interview! Tune in starting at 9PM Central on Friday November 6 for the stream and in the meantime, join us at the bar for new Dungeon Dive Bar episodes every Monday at midnight Central!
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scripted-dalliances · 5 years
Rest In Peace: Chapter Six
Title: Rest In Peace
Chapter: 6
Summary: A part of Faithless Fairy Tale, a more in depth look at how they brought Laura back to life. Appearance of old faces, creation of new ones and if you’re looking for canon, it left a long, long time ago. If you squint you might be able to see some pieces from the book.
“No, love, in real life you can get all the way to death and never have finished one single story." -Catherynne M. Valente
“I can't believe I'm doing this.” Laura tells herself, looking at the open deep freezer before her. What had started as a seedling of a threat from Sweeney, had now become a reality of her own making because she could feel herself getting squishy.
She had moved what she could, shoving it into a different freezer across the way. Piling things that wouldn't matter next to it. If Ostara really cared about the damp bag of peas, she would buy her a new bag. Correction, she would make someone who was tall and ginger buy a new bag. This was technically his idea.
With help from an overturned bucket, Laura climbs in and lays down. The deep freezer is wide and long enough that it's an easy feat if she curls on her side. She can't really feel the cold any more, but she does relax a bit. No longer feeling like she's about to melt, or worse, start dropping limbs like a break dancing leaper.
-but the silence becomes an issue. And the darkness.
Laura forces herself to fake breathe in deep and out, twice before accepting defeat and pushing the freezer back open.
With renewed energy, she climbs out and rushes up the stairs, back into the massive kitchen where she finds Sweeney about to bite into a sandwich.
“I need your help.” She admits, and it pains her, it really does. The last time she asked for help...shit she doesn't even remember. Its like taking a knife to her own guts. But somehow, in the after math of his little story time, she finds the words slip out easy as a sin.
Sweeney looks angrily at her, then to the sandwich in his hands. Then back again, clearly struggling to make a choice.
“You can bring the damned sandwich. I don't care.” She tells him, only to promptly turn back down the stairs so she doesn't have to argue with him.  She waits on top of the bucket until he shows up. He takes one glance at the freezer then at her and frowns.
“I thought we were good.”
“We are.” As good as either of them could get. Her being dead, him her killer and the god that decided to fuck with them both gone. Obviously there was remaining issues but they were working on them. “I need you to talk to me while I chill in here. So I don't feel like I'm about to melt into a goo.”
“...You want me to talk?”
“Yup.” She chirps. Opening the freezer once more to climb in, back into the winter darkness that awaited. This time, when it shuts closed, she waits to hear his voice.
Finally after a beat, she hears him.
“What exactly do you want me to say?”
“I don't care.”
She can't see it, but she knows he's rolling his eyes.
“How about I tell you of the time some undeserving bastard stole my coin and how I met the smallest, bitterest dead bitch in the world?”
Laura grins widely, knowing he can't see.
“Yeah. Okay. Tell me that one.”
He tells her tales. Some from his past, now that she knows, he can tell her the bits and pieces that aren't important. That only he knows, that only matter to him. He tells her of the Gods and Goddesses he has met, working for the man she knows as Wednesday who would later be revealed as Odin. He tells her how some of them are doing just fine, how others live in the gutter. Which ones he likes. Which ones he hates with a passion.
Who chased him from their doorsteps and who tried to eat him.
He tells her about the time he went on a drunken rampage and burned down a Lucky Charms factory.
About the time he got into a fist fight with an Irish nun in New York because she wouldn't stop bad mouthing his kind. He had been young and bitter, and following some young lad who still believed.
“Who won?” Laura's voice echoes out from the deep freezer.
Sweeney grins, “I fuckin' did. Cops saw her throw the first punch, hauled her away.”
Laura laughs, and he decides to tell her about the time in Las Vegas, he saw three strippers of various stages of undress bitch slap Odin. How when he went to defend the old dirty bastard, they kneed him in the junk and stole his wallet.
All because they were all sisters of Lady Luck.
That one makes her laugh hard enough to pop her jaw out of its alignment.
“Your turn.” Sweeney proclaims hours later. The night is nearly over, and he's not slept but it's not a problem. He doesn't feel tired.
“My turn?”
“Tell me a tale.”
“Nah,” She drawls, “I mean, the dead tell no tales, remember?”
“Cop out.” He tells her, throwing a pea he found on the floor at her freezer.
A whole minute passes in silence before she speaks again.
“How about I tell you about the time some asshole leprechaun tried to bully me?”
“Aye, tell me that one then. He sounds like a handsome lad.”
Laura isn't the best story teller, but she manages to spin a web of interest. More than once getting distracted by a minor twist that she has to explain. Or to defend her choice, because Sweeney isn't a good listener and he wants to argue with her just to drive her up the wall. There are points in stories where she has to raise her voice just to keep it going over him.
She has to fight to tell her tales.
She tells him of the time her mother had an affair with her Sunday school teacher, and that's probably what jump started her apathy for religion. He mocks that maybe that's just how her mother choose to pray to her god.
She tells him about meeting Shadow, and he complains how lame of a meeting it is. She argues that it's a lot more interesting than most.
Finally she tells him about the world of sand, the God judging her and the feather instead.
“...Shit. That sounds like Mr.Jacquel. Or Anubis if you’re dead. Cheerful bugger was he? Haughty as the Pope and twice as judgmental? Wears a black smock like a granny at a funeral?”
“That doesn't make sense...but yeah. Why, he on Odin's side too?”
“No. He doesn't pick sides. Death gods don't have troubles like the rest of us do as much. They just get bored, go mad with it before they fade. Grimnir was friendly enough with ‘em, but only because they owed him a favor or two. What did you do?”
Laura thinks about lying, of telling him that she was drawn back before anything could be done.
Instead, she finds herself telling him the truth, “He tried to reach for my heart and I smacked his fucking hand. Then told me he had to weigh my heart against a fucking feather of all things.”
“That's how they do it, I hear there was one that ate your sins or something like it. Was he there?”
“Never got that far. I slammed my hand down on his stupid little scale. Good or bad, I lived my life and it sure as fuck wasn't light as a feather.” Laura recalls the god's stunned expression, that quickly turned into simmering anger at her attitude. “He told me I was to go to darkness. Not peaceful nothingness, darkness. To be crammed into a hot tub like the one I attempted to killed myself, complete with bug spray. So I told him to go fuck himself.” She still remembers how she felt. Pissed off and cheated.
Maybe she didn't believe in a fluffy cloud heaven, and more over knows she doesn't meet the requirements to get through those particular pearly gates but it had seem unfair regardless. If she hadn't believed, if she had simply vanished from the world that would have been better. Easier to accept.
Instead she felt insulted and punished for not believing at all, in anything. For not making a choice. And that wasn't even mentioning she wasn't even suppose to die, that gods had interfered with the course of her life for their own personal gain.
“Oh, I bet he was pissed. No one likes disorder like Mr. Jacquel.”
“He was fine with it last time I saw him.”
The lid of the freezer is lifted, Sweeney peers down at her, “You saw him again?”
Laura leans up onto her elbows, “Yeah. After I punched the shit out of those guys for hurting Shadow. I tore my arm off, and was trying to piece it back together with Aubrey’s crafting supplies. Next thing I know I’m bumping into him and his brother. They offered to stitch me up and give me a make over.”
His face contorts into clear confusion.
“The gods of death gave you a bloody make over.”
“You got a hearing problem? Yes. Why?” Laura stood up, only mildly annoyed with the fact that even in the box she was hardly reaching his neck. “I got the impression they didn't care what I did. So what does it matter? You said yourself they don't really pick sides.”
“Aye, when it comes to Grimnir and his war, no. They keep to themselves, on occasion they help out for a favor but that doesn't mean they ain’t got their own agendas. That's every god, dead girl. Not a single damn one of them does something for nothing. Not even Jesus Christ himself.”
He has a point.
“All he said was that I had a heavy heart, and oh man, didn't that suck. Oh, and some bullshit about vowing to return me to darkness.”
“Well it is the man's job.”
Something clicks, “Why is that?”
Sweeney sucks in a deep breath and rolls his eyes, “If I have to fuckin’ explain the ins and outs of what it means to be a god of death, I will cut my own throat with a fuckin' butter knife. His real name is Anubis, surely you took an ancient history class once or twice. Or has the American educational system become that bad?”
“It has, but not my question. I meant why him. I didn't believe in anything, that's what he told me himself. So why the hell was Anubis the Egyptian god of death in charge of my, clearly not Egyptian ass?”
It's a good enough question to stump the leprechaun for a moment or two, eventually offering a hesitant, “Coulda been the ol one eyed bastard again.”
“Question is still why, numb nuts. I was dead, super buried and all that jazz. No way in hell he accounts for Shadow getting your coin and him dropping it on my grave. What would have been the point of him going the extra mile of hiring Anubis to deal with me. I mean, if we are going by that logic, wouldn't it be easier to send one of the Jesus Christ super stars, someone I would have easily recognize and maybe not question if he just kick me down to hell?”
“I've only met the brothers twice, all I know is that they have a crazy cat sister and a crazier missing brother. Rest of the family is either rumors or gone. They've been running that funeral home for ages, neither of them have a taste for trouble or war. All they really seem to care about is hearing a good story and getting a good nibble on the dead.”
Which, holy shit why did no one mention that had to be something she worried about now.
“You mean they could have eaten me?”
“Not you, dead girl. To them you are a questionable chicken salad sandwich from the gas station gone bad. They like their meat a bit fresher.”
“Thanks.” She glowers, debating whether or not to punch him but when she goes to peer over the edge of the freezer, finds that something is missing. “Where's my bucket?”
“Oh, you mean my bucket? The one I had to sit on so my arse didn't go numb as fuck, sitting on the ground down here, talkin to you? Aye, that bucket is over there.” His joy evident as he points to said bucket,  which is a clear distance away from where she needs it to be. If she doesn't want to attempt to climb out of this damn thing like a toddler out of a crib.
“Go get my bucket.”
“My bucket, you mean.”
Laura feels the anger in her bubble up, “Either you get that bucket for me or I will stand up on this ledge, fling myself up at your stupid head and rip out every single strand of ugly hair you have. Including your fucking nose hair!”
“You can’t reach, cunt!”
“Wanna fucking bet?”
Laura makes a false pinching attempt towards him, and he steps back so quick he almost trips over his own feet. She smiles, satisfied at his growl until he stomps over and picks her up. Massive, strong hands wrap around her waist and for a second she is weightless.
She has always been a tiny woman, shorter than most, and that meant she was used to people; mostly men hauling her up. She didn't hate it, and even enjoyed the action with Shadow but normally it was just the sensation of being carried up. Of her toes leaving the ground and her weight being rested against someone's chest or arms.
Like she's something to carried, luggage turned burden because that's what happens. They pick her up, twirl her around and only then, realize slowly she is heavy in different ways.
She isn't what they expect hidden under her appearance, of a slim girl with no scars to see. She is dense bones and tense muscle, lacking sweetness and kindness, with a heavier heart than most. That’s when they put her down. Or let her down. Which ever comes first.
It's different with Sweeney, in his grasp she feels lighter. Like she's made up of something soft and airy, like spun cotton candy from a carnival. All because his strength completely envelops her, forcing her to realize this is him weak. This is him without his luck that currently rest in her belly, and yet it's still enough to make her feel as though she was floating.
Shit, if this is half of what people felt in the arms of their patron of worship, she could understand.
Unconsciously, she reaches out before he can let her go. Touching his wrists where they rest on her waist, making him go still. Obviously he had meant to just help her out, but she isn't ready to let this feeling go, not  just yet.
It's nothing like kissing Shadow, where she felt her heart beat, like she was drinking down a new born star and would happily implode if she could have just consumed her fill of him and his warmth; his love, she had wrongly assumed.
This, makes her lungs expand and draw in air. She exhales slowly, sharper than before. Like for once she needs to breath.
“What is this? What's happening?” She feels rather than sees his shrug, the bunching of his arms the way his pulse jumps under her thumbs.
“Your guess is good as mine, dead girl.”
Laura’s mind races. Nothing makes sense. Sure they swapped some stories, and she did her best to keep an open mind but surely it's not that easy? Getting an oil change is harder.
“It feels…” She can't explain.
Sweeney shifts subtly, enough for her to look up at him and gauges his guilty expression.
“Don't make this weird.”
“I ain't!”
“You so are.”
-and just like that, he is dropping her completely. Pulling his hands away and stalking back up the stairs. Muttering darkly under his breath.
Before he can shut the door, Laura shouts.
“That was a weird reaction, by the way.”
He slams the door so hard it cracks.
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wvrmtails · 5 years
(  and what loneliness is more lonely than distrust?  )
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( keiynan lonsdale, twenty one, agender ) my goodness, is peter pettigrew back? it’s been a few years since the halfblood has been around the castle, but i’d recognize he/they anywhere. rumor has it the seventh year spent the past few years aligned with the order. they’re stillallocentric & cunning and obsessive & passive, though. and the gryffindor still reminds me of ketchup stains on band shirts, an incomprehensible minute long string of curses, tracing the veins in your wrist, the smell of breakfast and fresh coffee, card tricks at three in the morning. well, then, i guess some things never change. 
links:  playlist.  pinboard.  stats. 
triggers: child abandonment, eating disorder (specifically bed/bulimia), depression, anxiety, weed. there’s a heads up before every bulletpoint!
child abandonement mention |  peter grew up in glasgow, scotland and was raised by his mother, a halfblooded witch called daraja pettigrew. his dad wasn’t in the picture, hadn’t been from the moment his mum had told him that she was pregnant. | end of mention
which meant peter learned how to be alone from a young age. his mother worked a lot, after all, so she could pay the rent of their small flat and give peter the bare minimum, the things he needed. peter delved into fictional worlds: he read books. comics, mostly, but also a lot of roald dahl. he also watched a lot of telly, because tv is the bomb.
went to muggle elementary, where he was kind of? an odd one out. his clothes were always a bit lumpy, his words a bit jumbled, his eyes shifty. was an outsider on good days, a target on less good ones. he spent many lunch breaks eating alone, and most of the time he didn’t mind — being alone meant he could let his mind wander.
still, it fucked with his self esteem. no kid likes feeling alone, or like an outsider.
and then hogwarts rolled around and! friends! marauders! peter felt so at home! oh my god okay listen. he loves the marauders so much and he was so hyped and happy to be part of this little group and there was a Lot of hero worship there, esp in the early days?
peter always loved heroes. he loves comic books and people who save the day and get the girl and do it all. i think he kind of … projected that onto james and sirius especially? did not know how to do this friendship thing as an 11 year old tbh, was a mess, was blinded by their amazingness damn
also. re: being sorted into gryffindor! peter admires heroism and bravery and chivalry, and it’s your values that get you sorted some place. and he does try to be brave, and he IS, because he becomes a damn animagus for his bud! i mean! he was not a hatstall btw  — i choose to ignore that stupid bit of post canon. it took a while for the hat, sure, but no more than two minutes. 
pete was & is a shit student, not bc he was dumb, but just because school was not. his thing. his jam. the system was just not for him. deadlines? exams? homework? no thank you. anyway, peter’s skills flourished a lot more in different settings, like … using charms for convenience. or becoming an animagus for his bff. making potions against hangovers. etc.
becoming an animagus for remus was ! important ! to peter ! he did it for remus, not because of peer pressure, or anything else — he did it because it was right, and his friend deserved it and ! he did it, too, because he could. sure, his transfig grades may have been more than poor, but the kid did have some skill. he just needed motivation, which mcgonagall didn’t give (bc. she scared him.) and this situation? motivated the hell out of him. 
peter would be lying if he said he wasn’t taken a bit aback when he learned about remus’ lycanthropy — not because he was scared of him, to be honest, but he was just ? shocked ? he was more scared for remus, and so sad? so fucking sad for him? : (
collects chocolate frog cards like it’s his damn job. i mean, he did it before hogwarts, but once he arrived and there was more opportunity to trade and a whole club dedicated to it, peter grew more and more driven to complete his collection, lmao. peter also really likes playing gobstones and is pretty good at it? same with chess & card games — he loves games!!!! so much!!!
weed & anxiety tw | peter started smoking pot in the summer between his fourth and fifth year, and never really stopped. it made him slack more at school, but also eased his anxiety, which had started to develop in his fourth year. as months passed, peter became more and more of a stoner, which made him both more relaxed and funnier, but also ... a whole of a lot lazier. | end of weed tw
peter had always been a bit ... fidgety, easily on edge, a bit nervous, but he’d never really known anxiety until around fourteen years old. his insecurities grew, as he started comparing himself more to his friends and finding nothing but things he lacked in comparison to them, and questions as to why they put up with him. | end of anxiety tw
so his schooldays mostly looked like ... doing nothing, playing games, having fun with his mates, getting high, forgetting his homework, stressing about homework, and somewhere, in a tiny corner of his being, worrying about the war. whenever those worries started coming up, though, he was able to push them away, because the war was not yet there, not for him at least. there was graduation to worry about first, and once that was done, then he could worry about the war.
and then the war came to hogwarts. peter was shocked. peter had been in denial about the war and how close it could hit him, because in his mind he and his friends would be safe at hogwarts, would be safe until at least graduation, and then that was all gone. peter didn’t do much during the battle. i can imagine that he just hid, that he tried to stay out of trouble, that a side of him showed itself that he did not like at all. he worried about his friends, hoped they were safe, but didn’t go looking for them, didn’t try to protect them: he clung to safety and hid. like a fucking coward. he prayed, for a moment, and then cursed god to hell and back. probably smoked a few cigarettes, too.
post battle & currently.
peter is ashamed. ashamed of his cowardice, ashamed of his passiveness, of his incapability to stand up and fight, like so many of his friends did. a disgust grew in his chest for himself, and yet he was glad, somewhere, that he had hidden. he’d not seen as much as others had. he’d not gotten hurt. he had not died.
he did join the order, along with his friends, in an attempt to make up for his earlier lack of bravery, but he finds himself incapable to do much. he’s not good at dueling and while he’s able to be strategic and cunning, his mind seems to shut down whenever he tries to apply himself. he’s terrified, frankly, and he’s angry, because he should just be at fucking hogwarts. 
that idea i mentioned earlier, that the war wouldn’t be real until after graduation, and then graduation being postponed significantly, kind of froze peter up. rather than dedicating himself to the order in his own ways, as he would do in a canon verse, or eventually deciding to walk over to the death eaters, peter just became passive. i think peter hung around hq a lot, cleaning up and cooking food and making sure there was always enough tea/coffee/beer/liquor around for when there were meetings. would rather clean a dirty toilet than go on a mission. The Order’s personal MAID! 
depression & weed & eating disorder (bed/bulimia) tw | peter feels useless. he feels like a shitty person. he feels like he’s a burden. he hates himself. peter starts secluding himself, hiding in his mother’s home. he smokes more pot. he sometimes goes a week without seeing someone besides his mum. he watches too much telly and reads comics and drowns in fictional worlds and he becomes depressed. he sinks into it without noticing and can’t come back from it. his eating habits ( which have always bordered on unhealthy ) turn worse; peter binges, and then restricts, falls into a cycle. it’s the only routine he has.
when he’s around his friends, he lives up a little. he cracks jokes and wants to play games and laughs and feels a bit more alive, but he always craves his time on his own. that’s his new way to feel safe: to stick to his newly found routine, hidden in his room, away from reality. | end of tw
and then, finally, he was able to return to hogwarts. the three years spent away from school feel like a blur, if you ask him now, a useless blur, and peter’s laughing when he steps on the train. he’s glad. he’s glad. he can return to his plan to graduate and then, maybe, find the power in himself to face the war, rather than still, kind of, deny it. peter just wants to return to his last year and make the most of it, and return to the way life once was. ( that that’s kind of impossible is, well, yet another thing he’s in denial about. )
random facts & ramblings.
peter parker is his favourite superhero just because ... they share a first name and because peter parker is a bit of an underdog too and peter is just like! amazing! he named his owl parker.
he hates cats. used to love them --- he was allowed to take the cat from home with him to hogwarts when he was eleven, but he brought him back home after an unfortunate incident where his cat nearly ate him while he was in his animagus form. “sorry ma, i don’t love him any more. here. have him.” 
peter is actually a solid cook. this is because he learned to make some basic food when he was still a kid, first with his grandma, and later on his own. he liked doing it for his mother and he was. .. good at it? peter is also just passionate about food and finds comfort in cooking. breakfast food and baked goods are Prime Food Categories. 
he is asexual af, panromantic. has kissed both guys and gals and nb pals but did not like it??? confused. does not understand sexuality and all that jazz but tries not to think abt it because like! he’s got enough stress! doesnt need to think abt this!
peter is also agender, but i think he’s a lot less aware about this, because it’s confusing and so he just tries not to think about it. he does feel okay with he/him pronouns, but just doesn’t feel connected at all to being a boy/man
peter has abandonment issues because his dad, well, never even bothered to be there. not even for a second. he’s just constantly scared that people will leave and it’s funny, because he will probably end up abandoning all of his loved ones KDJFHSDF.
peter is quite non confrontational but also not ... meek? he just avoids it, either by physically staying out of people’s way or by dismissing most of the things said and getting out of there. a Passive Kid. will, however, defends his friends honour, because damn it, he loves them so much.
he’s such a fucking dork i swear to god. but he’s funny! peter is really funny. i deeply believe in this. he makes great puns and is able to just come out of nowhere and make a comment that just. hits the nail right on its head. 
peter curses a lot and has a scottish accent and sometimes he will have a minute long cursing session that no one rly understands.
listen i have such a wide array of hc’s im not going to list them all here just ask me
possible plots.
tutors. someone help peter graduate bc that is like. something he does want to do. he’s taking his newts in transfig, potions and herbology.
fellow collectors. please trade chocolate frog cards with peter and help him finish his collection before he loses his gd mind.
let’s play a game! peter rly likes playing games and tbh he’s usually in for one ( though it does depend on who you are, lmao ) so! maybe your character and peter just like hanging out and playing some Games.
i will add more im just so tired of typing rn KSDFHSJKDFHKJSDFKDSFH
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dcehyuns-blog · 6 years
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• — [ kim taehyung / cis male / he / him  ]  ┆‹ ❝ oh, them? that’s daehyun park, one of vivienne’s precious sixteen. they’re known around here as a hawkeye, which works since they’re intelligent but also hedonistic. let’s hope they mess up soon, so another one can rise. ❞ ›
hello ya’ll !! sliding in risky business style to give you this chaotic as hell intro post because that’s what i’m good at !! my name is caitlyn, in 24,i live in cst and i’m so beyond exited to be here !! i will say that i’m really good at playing semi-trashy characters, and daehyun is really no different than that ?? in fact hes,,,, pretty yikes !! but i also live for anything pain and angst involved ?? ig i just love to hurt my babies ?? anyways, under the cut is some basic stats and a bit about tae’s personality. you can find his full bio right HERE ( it’s long, just a fair warning. ) & a basic list of wanted plots for him right HERE as well !!
feel free to like this and i’ll slide into your dms for plotting, or if you’d like, you can ask me for my discord because to be honest, i do tend to respond there a little bit quicker than i do on tumblr but i will be on most the evening !! can’t wait to start writing with ya’ll !! anyways, on to the important things !!
basic stats.
full name: park daehyun.
nickname(s): dae, hyun ( his mom made it sound like “hon” though ).
age: twenty-three.
date of birth: october 31st.
zodiac sign: scorpio.
place of birth: seoul, south korea.
gender: cismale.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
romantic orientation: bisexual.
religion: n/a.
language(s) spoken: english, korean, french, spanish, welsh, russian, japanese, italian, romanian, greek, gaelic and bulgarian.
physical appearance.
face claim: kim taehyung.
hair color: ever changing. ( currently silver )
eye color: brown.
height: 6′ 0″.
weight: 225 lbs.
build: athletic.
personality & traits.
label: the hedonist.
positive traits: charismatic, venturesome, intelligent, outgoing.
negative traits: hedonistic, impulsive, cocky, flirtatious.
fears: claustrophobia.
hobbies: playing video games, reading books / comics, boxing, pool, soccer, football, working out, playing guitar, playing piano, cooking, hiking, camping, fishing, golf.
quirks: believes in karma, fights for animal rights, fights for gender equality, fights for human rights, fights for marriage equality, wears mismatched socks ( sometimes ), counts stairs, plays with fire, plays a musical instrument, boxes, enjoys nature, tells the truth / can be brutally honest, uses bad puns whenever possible.
father: park heonwoo.
mother: baek jisu.
adoptive father: graham james reed.
adoptive mother: isabel rose reed.
pet(s): none.
financial status: upper class.
myers-briggs: entp-a ( the debater )
enneagram: type 8 ( the challenger. )
moral alignment: lawful evil. ( the dominator. )
temperament: choleric.
hogwarts house: slytherin.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him. because he really… doesn’t want to get hurt again & doesn’t want to put them @ risk.
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
wears a shit ton of suits???? but also wears tf out of jeans, v-necks, sweats, leather jackets and anything that makes him look like your typical fuckboi ?? it’s kinda his aesthetic.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
his cars are literally his babies ??? like he ?? has a problem ??
a hotmess
loves halloween so much?? even though it’s his birthday?? he gets so hype for that holiday it’s unreal.
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at meetings and the likes.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s actually v hurt inside because that’ll cause him to start having to deal with his feelings again, and he doesn’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like if he’s speaking 2 u… its usually flirty as hell unless it has 2 do w business or he’s just known u for centuries ?
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell ??
hella nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, plays piano / gutair & all that jazz.
super, super intelligent. could probably work @ nasa but instead he decided to do what he does & he honestly… ain’t complaining.
drinks..heavily..  like every night?? it’s a problem tbh.
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he ‘relates’ to it.
is a highkey hoe but he keeps it on the dl
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening.
loves boxing so much and can be seen at the gym quite a bit.. also has bruised knuckles 24/7 because of it as it’s a way to take out his aggression and feelings out on a punching bag?? esp whenever he hasn’t gotten a 'mission’ in a while
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall?? which is really hard to do due to his job but if u do it he’ll cherish u.
is one of those people who’s instagram feed is nothing but pictures of his dogs, suits, cars & food.
has a bad habit of smoking whenever he’s stressed out, which is usually all of the time so he smokes…. more than he should
will also talk about his dogs more often than he talks about his life.
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t such a hardass.
is a burnt cupcake who has really good intentions but has EXTREMELY horrible execution skills. ( and no i don’t mean the violent kind bc he’s actually v good @ that )
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
July 17 Dancitron Movie Night - Sing
Swoop and Tarantulas got in a small kerfuffle and Prowl sent a flying kick at Swoop, and honestly Prowl jumping into a fight with a Dinobot is easily the dumbest thing he’s done all month.
Soundwave, Tarantulas and Prowl hung out after movie night was over. The contents of said hangout are still being roleplayed out and the chatlog is forthcoming. Highlights of what IS included in this log: Tarantulas has promised to capture a bunch of cephalopods for Soundwave, Bevel, and Prowl to meet. (Prowl doesn’t really care about meeting them all that much, but he decided to come along anyway so that Soundwave gets to meet three more species.)
ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *Soundwave settles in on his usual spot, props his legs up with one feeler, and uses the other to give himself a head massage.* Swoop 7:50 pm *scampers in smelling like a furnace* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm [[Please smoke outside.]] Swoop 7:50 pm *which isn't measurably different from how he usually smells, but much more ... immediate this time around* What? Oh! Kehehehhehheh Me Swoop not on fire it okay :> *is a stinky stinker today, be prepared to get ash on all the things* best decepticon leader 7:52 pm ((We don't have Starbuck's here, is it good? FakeProwl 7:52 pm *appears, claims h is usual spot, and then gives soundwave a vaguely semi-concerned look. why headrub?* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm [[Try to contain your smell, then. We will have other guests.]] ((idk i don't like coffee haha)) Swoop 7:52 pm ((I don't drink coffee but their hot chocolate isn't bad.)) Uhh... how? Keheh FakeProwl 7:53 pm ((same. their ice tea tastes like ice tea, nothing super special. def overpriced.) Tarantulas 7:54 pm (( starbucks is like fancy-mcdonalds of coffee tbqh Bevel 7:54 pm [[starbucks is ok for like fastfood/chain shop coffee. i like their chai [[not much of a coffee drinker tbh Bay 7:56 pm (( *settles into chat* i didn't know who to bring, bc it's been a while. So for now I'm just a bunny 8D )) FakeProwl 7:56 pm ((eyyyy)) ((... i don't think i ever played with you on this account but hiiiiii)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm ((fifteen minute warning. y'all get your snacks and drinks and bathroom breaks)) Swoop 7:57 pm ((thanks mom)) Bay 7:58 pm (( WELL idk about tumblr, but we've def played in the chat before -- looong time ago Bevel 7:58 pm [[roger roger, slender Bay 7:58 pm (( *with Prowl, I mean )) FakeProwl 7:58 pm ((did we?? which of your characters?)) Bay 7:59 pm (( I remember I came in as Jazz a few times? Unless there are secretly more Prowls than I'm aware of Bevel 7:59 pm [[all the prowls FakeProwl 7:59 pm ((............ you have too many characters, which jazz are you)) Bay 8:00 pm (( it was just an NPC Jazz on Twincast's blog boomtank 8:00 pm ((gdi bay Bevel 8:00 pm [[...was that my prowl? Swoop 8:00 pm Her Carly make a cake for Sparkplug birthday Chip say it taller than him And them laugh and then Sludge try to touch and it SMASH dead cake Bevel 8:01 pm *oh right here now just in time whoo, trudges over to her seat* Bay 8:01 pm ((...you know, now I'm doubting myself. HM.)) Swoop 8:01 pm *IS A BABY DRAGON sort of* FakeProwl 8:01 pm ((mighta been ur prowl, i don't specifically remember playing with an NPC jazz)) ((was the prowl you played with Aligned or IDW? im IDW)) Clich A 8:02 pm It is I, who is a bunny now apparently. Impact 8:02 pm *nyooms in* What's the moooovie? Swoop 8:02 pm *pretends to cough and pounds his chest so a little flame flickers out* *sparkplug taught him that one* :> Bevel 8:02 pm *makes room for tiny Impact* Impact 8:02 pm 3:D Bay 8:03 pm ((I do not recall. It was probably literally over a year ago at this point. I'mma give it a shrug. I remember them debating Twincast's defection to the decepticons, but that's about it? )) boomtank 8:03 pm -trots in and glances around for a seat- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Soundwave nods to the assorted newcomers and lifts his datapad to double-check the title. Once he sees what it is, he wonders why he even needed to do that.* [[Sing.]] Bevel 8:03 pm [[oh then it was probably definitely mine as it's been over a year since i've rp'd anything Tarantulas 8:03 pm *erring on the wrong side of caution, tarantulas arrives in root size, his usual mess of legs and fur, "sneaks" over to try and surprise prowl and/or soundwave* Swoop 8:04 pm *notices that he has dust, dirt, and/or ash falling off himself* FakeProwl 8:04 pm ((i don't remember that debate so yeah, prob not mine)) Swoop 8:04 pm *proceeds to jump somewhat in place to make a bigger mess* *good job swoop* Bay 8:04 pm ((Then I've had y'all mixed up for that long LOL. geez. this is what I get for crossing fandoms)) FakeProwl 8:05 pm ((i think we probably haven't played since i drifted off of starscream? unless we played on my drift at some point)) Swoop 8:05 pm *fuck clean floors, anarchy for life* Bay 8:05 pm ((I played w/ Drift as Kid. I know that for a fact. FakeProwl 8:06 pm ((THAT'S right. So it has been more recent than starscream.)) ((STILL. far too long.)) ((u jumped to megaman with butters, didn't you?)) Bevel 8:06 pm [[nice seeing you again, bay boomtank 8:06 pm ((Baaaaay what have you been up to? Bay 8:06 pm (( I DID and then to Yugioh & it's been. 8T I have regrets)) FakeProwl 8:06 pm ((lol)) ((how's that anime hell treating you)) Impact 8:07 pm ((i used to highkey adore yugioh but then the original series ended)) Bevel 8:07 pm [[*has been buried in the marvel fandom since leaving tf, so many regrets* FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((marvel's a rough place to be rn)) Bay 8:08 pm ((TBH there's a lot of drama in YGO and it's p elitist. idk. I play a filler character which means few ppl will give me the time of day)) Impact 8:08 pm ((awww, that sucks)) FakeProwl 8:08 pm ((tch. sucks for them.)) boomtank 8:08 pm ((their loss Bay 8:08 pm ((Also, I've had to make a whole new universe/timeline for every new character I encounter ((and I scream rl loud)) FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((ugh god ygo is one of those fandoms?)) Clich A 8:09 pm ((Oh wow, that can go to heckie.)) Bay 8:09 pm ((YEP FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((i can't STAND roleplaying in fandoms where everyone insists on a separate verse for every character interaction)) boomtank 8:09 pm ((that...kinda REALLY sucks Bevel 8:09 pm [[oh geez, i hate that FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((WHAT ABOUT CONTINUITY? WHAT ABOUT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT??)) Bay 8:09 pm ((there are a few group unis, but it's. ugh &&YEAH. P MUCH.)) Bevel 8:10 pm [[what about the fun of playing with eight different versions of the same character all at once and having to make up nicknames to keep them all straight Swoop 8:10 pm Soundwavwe ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *If Tarantulas has made his way over to Soundwave, he'll find that the feeler massaging Soundwave's head turns and tries to catch him instead* [[Yes?]] Swoop 8:10 pm This sound like Her Carly sleepy music You put on LOUD FUN stuff!!! Clich A 8:10 pm Got any Miles davis in this playlist? FakeProwl 8:10 pm ((you haven't truly roleplayed until you've made a "Soundwave liked this post" bingo card and couldn't even fit all the Soundwave URLs on it.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm [[One something more Swoop's style and then that, as requested.]] Swoop 8:11 pm :> Bay 8:11 pm ((SO YEAH. I mean I've had some fun, but I wouldn't recommend it at all. 8'] I miss y'all regularly Clich A 8:11 pm Would Swoop enjoy "Screaming Jay" Hawkins? This is something I would like to know. boomtank 8:11 pm ((and your tf muses are still mia? FakeProwl 8:11 pm ((ur always welcome back here~~~)) Bay 8:12 pm ((don't tempt me)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((*tempt tempt*)) Impact 8:12 pm ((*teeeeempts*)) boomtank 8:12 pm ((come baaaaack FakeProwl 8:12 pm ((also im trying to bring starscream's blog back from the dead so, yknow, folks to interact with would be VERY welcome.)) Swoop 8:12 pm *is 1000% sure Jazz has played this song while they were training before* :> Bay 8:12 pm ((also I might have to refresh here a sec, bc I just realised there's nothing playing on my end & there probably should be lmfao)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Don't tell him. Someone already ruined Mr. Saxobeat.* FakeProwl 8:12 pm ((yeah, we got music going on here)) Swoop 8:13 pm *you're the one who can read minds, buddy* Bay 8:13 pm ((YEP THERE WE GO ((branch.io is very important)) Bevel 8:14 pm [[i came back as an updated version of an OC I used to play with minor plans for an old blog eventually Impact 8:14 pm ((:D)) Bay 8:14 pm ((fffff. I'd probably just come back as Twincast/his crew boomtank 8:14 pm ((awww Swoop 8:14 pm You Soundwave always do sitty music thing. Us do FIGHT stuff one day! Him Chip show games - Tekken, Mortal Kombat - fight tournament. THAT more than talky movie! Then OTHER dinobots come too!! Bevel 8:15 pm [[but bevel gets focus right now because OCs are a bit harder to establish tbh boomtank 8:15 pm ((boom gets to poke at twin again? Swoop 8:15 pm *JUMPS* Bay 8:15 pm (( /we *we'll see Tarantulas 8:15 pm *yeah, gonna try to dodge soundwave's feeler, probably fails because of the whole mess-of-legs thing* FakeProwl 8:15 pm *what's all this feeler waving abou—? oh.* Hi. boomtank 8:15 pm ((hehehe Swoop 8:15 pm *bounces straight into tara* Ka! Clich A 8:15 pm Ooh, nice, thanks Soundwave! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *Also, the mun missed Prowl asking a question, so - a quick private text.* Clich A 8:16 pm WHo wants to big band dance with me? *Brow waggle* boomtank 8:16 pm -is just going to watch this mess of a room- Tarantulas 8:16 pm What's that sm - /ah/ Swoop 8:17 pm *catches onto a couple of tara's legs and just holds them* kehehehhehe Tarantulas 8:17 pm *ptero, meet spide* Impact 8:17 pm *wiggles by Bevel, gotta get comfy* Bevel 8:17 pm *pulls out a rust stick for Impact* Impact 8:17 pm *DELIGHTED GASP* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm @P: (txt): Sore spot. Backed into Buzzsaw sculpture during transport. Soundwave: fine. Tarantulas 8:18 pm Let go, let /go/, PLEASE. *not a fan. squirming legs will toss the kiddo around if he's not careful* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((ALL RIGHT SO... uh, I think there's flashing lights at some point and... and to be honest I watched this like two weeks ago so I don't remember well but I don't think there's much else?)) Swoop 8:18 pm *IMMEDIATELY clamps down once the wiggles start, it isn't even a thought, just an instinct* Tarantulas 8:19 pm *DEFINITELY not a fan* Lady306 8:19 pm ((wait I remembered a muse I could bring in w/o having to remember too much .u. )) Impact 8:19 pm ((oh?)) Swoop 8:19 pm *eventually all the parental lectures catch up with Swoop's body and he lets go* Bevel 8:19 pm *hopes this is a movie that's actually appropriate for Impact* Swoop 8:19 pm *but .... the setae feel weird on his hands* Lady306 8:19 pm ((306 -- assuming my name changes like it should)) Swoop 8:19 pm *better catch one in his fingertips and bring it with him* Bevel 8:20 pm [[it did ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm ((one sec my audio glitched)) Tarantulas 8:20 pm *gonna get that servo slapped, swoop* What are you DOING. FakeProwl 8:20 pm *DISTRESSED TARANTULAS. Immediately zeroes in on the conflict.* Swoop 8:20 pm *bounces, holds up the yanked setae* Swoop grab! FakeProwl 8:20 pm *If it goes any further he's launching a flying kick at swoop's head* Lady306 8:21 pm *casually strolls in... not entirely sure what's going on, but he's going to get comfortable!* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[Let go, Swoop.]] ((oh ffs chrome... hold on y'all.)) Tarantulas 8:21 pm He can have the seta, for Primus's sake, but Swoop, you can't just - *inarticulate noises* Swoop 8:21 pm *cocks head* boomtank 8:22 pm -well, this is interesting to watch- Swoop 8:22 pm Can. DID! Keheheh. Tarantulas 8:22 pm You OUGHTN'T have Swoop 8:22 pm Why? Tarantulas 8:24 pm Because you don't just JUMP people you haven't - I mean, I /suppose/ we've met, but still Lady306 8:24 pm *if there's room somewhere over by Boom, he'll probably go sit by him, actually. It seems safe.* Swoop 8:24 pm Me Swoop am bomber :> ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm ((OKAY FINALLY... sorry, y'all. my new computer is a glitchy piece of crap :| )) Tarantulas 8:24 pm The only bomber you are is a STINK bomber, by the way Swoop 8:24 pm ((pee on it to establish your dominance)) Impact 8:24 pm Animal movie! 3:D boomtank 8:24 pm Ah. Hello...um? Lady306 8:24 pm Hello, darling Swoop 8:24 pm Kehehehh! Yah. Me Swoop burn stuff *reaches up to try to touch the optics on Tara's forehead* FakeProwl 8:25 pm You might be a bomber, but Tarantulas is neither an enemy nor a target, and should not be treated as such. Tarantulas 8:25 pm *stands up straight for once so swoop can't reach* best decepticon leader 8:25 pm ((technical difficulties FakeProwl 8:25 pm Tarantulas, come over here. *he's going to be an anti-Dinobot shield* boomtank 8:25 pm -there's space, and Boom is probably a safe bet- Lady306 8:26 pm *and a cute bet* Swoop 8:26 pm *grabs tara's shoulder and steps on his knee to try to climb up* KEHEHEHEH Tarantulas 8:26 pm Ah - *don't have to tell him twice, prowl, tara's scrambling over to ya* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Makes room* Tarantulas 8:26 pm *and falling over because he got climbed on* FakeProwl 8:26 pm *THAT'S IT, THAT'S THE SIGNAL FOR THE FLYING KICK* Swoop 8:26 pm *SWOOP WINS* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[SWOOP.]] boomtank 8:27 pm -wait, what?- Swoop 8:27 pm Hi :> FakeProwl 8:27 pm *admittedly there isn't much weight behind a hollow holomatter avatar, but.* best decepticon leader 8:27 pm so dramatic ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Other side of the room or Laserbeak will not visit later.]] Tarantulas 8:27 pm *grumbling in a heap on the floor* Swoop 8:27 pm *is a bigger heap once Prowl hits and tara is the bottom of a pileup* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[Oh, for Primus' sake.]] Swoop 8:28 pm *is used to wrestling dinos so this is nothing* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[This is a movie night, not a brawl.]] Clich A 8:28 pm *Clutches spark* I love this song.. boomtank 8:28 pm ....whoever you are, I think we need to scoot over a bit more FakeProwl 8:28 pm *immediately rolls off and tries to rescue tarantulas from the bottom* Lady306 8:29 pm 306, but, ah, yes I tend to agree Swoop 8:29 pm *holds onto tara but whines at Soundwave* Me Swoop want to play with Bird! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Then let go.]] Lady306 8:29 pm *quietly obliges the not-request and scoots further over* Swoop 8:29 pm *holds up his hands but makes no other move* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Now go sit down.]] Tarantulas 8:29 pm Last I checked, I'M not Bird, so go play with HER *grumble mumble* boomtank 8:30 pm -follows to keep out of the way of the pileup- Swoop 8:30 pm Nooo kehehehh YOU not BIRD at aaaaaaaalll Lady306 8:30 pm And... I assume you're a Blaster? boomtank 8:31 pm Yeah, that's me Tarantulas 8:31 pm *gonna use his legs and prowl to dislodge the graspless swoop and try to crawl over to the couch* Swoop 8:32 pm *giggles the entire time* You pokey bot Tarantulas 8:33 pm *nope, a BOPPY bot. swoop gets bopped on the helm crest* Lady306 8:33 pm @boom - I apologise if it's rude to ask, but I take it you're alone tonight? Swoop 8:33 pm :V keheehee FakeProwl 8:33 pm *follows Tarantulas, keeping himself between him and Swoo—* Tarantulas! Don't encourage him. Swoop 8:33 pm You bad at punches Tarantulas 8:34 pm That wasn't a punch! That was a minor tap! *whiny hiss* Swoop 8:34 pm Yah! It suck. boomtank 8:35 pm Hmn? Yeah, no one with me. FakeProwl 8:35 pm *points at Swoop* And you. YOU keep your hands off of Tarantulas unless he gives you permission to touch him. Swoop 8:36 pm *is OVERCOME by a desire to poke Tara* Lady306 8:36 pm *smiiiiles at* Then I suppose we'll have to keep each other company, hm? Impact 8:36 pm *dozes off* boomtank 8:37 pm Yeah? Aren't we already? Tarantulas 8:37 pm /Don't./ *he can see the desire in swoop's optics damnit* Lady306 8:38 pm *pfft* Technically, yes. boomtank 8:39 pm ...? Swoop 8:39 pm *has zero interest in the movie, stares tara down* FakeProwl 8:39 pm @Soundwave «Requesting permission to bridge Swoop out if he lunges for Tarantulas again.» boomtank 8:39 pm -confused tank noises- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm @Prowl: (txt): Granted. Coordinates here. *Gives* Swoop 8:40 pm *iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinches* FakeProwl 8:41 pm *reaches back to put a hand on Tarantulas's arm* Tarantulas 8:41 pm *squiiiiiiiints* Impact 8:41 pm ((too sleepy for movie night. i'm off guys. night!)) FakeProwl 8:41 pm ((gnight!)) Lady306 8:41 pm ((sleep well!)) best decepticon leader 8:41 pm ((night Clich A 8:41 pm ((SLeep welL!(( ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm ((night!)) Swoop 8:42 pm ((night)) Lady306 8:42 pm @boom I just didn't expect you to be so cheeky. That's all Swoop 8:42 pm *crouches as he leans, getting almost down on all fours* Tarantulas 8:42 pm *whisperhiss* Prowl, can I test how fireproof my webs are? boomtank 8:43 pm Cheeky? Tarantulas 8:43 pm *too bad if you say no because he's gonna do it* Swoop 8:43 pm ((JESUS CHRIST)) Lady306 8:44 pm Yes, cheeky. FakeProwl 8:44 pm @Tarantulas «Unnecessary. If he tries anything else, he's being immediately ejected.» boomtank 8:44 pm What do you mean? Lady306 8:44 pm I was offering you company and you answered that we were already sharing it I'd call that cheeky boomtank 8:45 pm But...? We are? Swoop 8:45 pm *leeeeeeeeeeeeans forward slooooowly and reaches out with one claw tip for tara's leg* Lady306 8:47 pm *would it be rude to pat you? Because he wants to* FakeProwl 8:47 pm *bridge open underneath Swoop's feet* *bye-bye* boomtank 8:47 pm -go for it. he'd only get more confused- Swoop 8:47 pm *squeals all the way to the next location he'll terrorize* Lady306 8:47 pm *Then he will* Never mind. It's not important Tarantulas 8:48 pm *tara already started to shoot silk at swoop's servo - it gets cut off by the bridge when it closes* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Shakes his head. He was really hoping that wouldn't be necessary. And yet, he's not surprised.* boomtank 8:49 pm -more confused noises from the tank- Okay? Swoop 8:49 pm *and it'll happen again, since he's has punched and headbutted people at movie nights before, there is absolutely no way he learned a single thing* *finger guns* Lady306 8:50 pm ...also, have you been following this movie at all? boomtank 8:50 pm ...nope Lady306 8:50 pm Oh good, I was worried that I was the only one. boomtank 8:50 pm -waves data-pad- Been reading Tarantulas 8:51 pm I /had/ him, Prowl *huff* Lady306 8:51 pm You came here to *read*? That sounds rather counter-productive ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *Well, now that that's over, he'll focus himself more on the film. So much music. Soothing after a rough week and a bump and too much work.* FakeProwl 8:52 pm I'd rather you not need to have him. Bevel 8:52 pm *is following the movie more than anything happening in the room right now* Clich A 8:53 pm That is just impressive boomtank 8:53 pm It's the only place I can go for some peace ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm [[She is a many-talented creator.]] Bevel 8:53 pm *claps* That was awesome! FakeProwl 8:53 pm Besides, he wanted a fight. If he'd got one, it would just encourage him to do the same thing. Lady306 8:54 pm Ah, fair, then... although, I might contest that tonight. *chuckles* What are you reading? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Thinks the word "praise" in honor of Whirl.* boomtank 8:55 pm True, true...and I'm reading reports Tarantulas 8:55 pm He wouldn't have /gotten/ a fight, he'd have gotten wrapped up! FakeProwl 8:56 pm He would have had something to struggle against. Come on. *gonna try to, guide tarantulas to the seat. we're sitting now.* Swoop 8:57 pm ((PFFF okay that was legitimately funny)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[This is either a very power-efficient theater or that was a very inefficient O.]] Lady306 8:58 pm *helm tilt* Should I leave you to it, then? Tarantulas 8:58 pm Nnnn *more whining but he's coming to sit down. can has cuddles pls* boomtank 8:58 pm Nah, I'm good ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[He dislikes the... the whatever that is. The pointy creature.]] Lady306 9:00 pm ((they're acting like 100 grand is a really huge amount. Honestly, a super fancy car like that is gonna be more than that)) Clich A 9:00 pm Looks like a Poorr cuiiie pine Tarantulas 9:00 pm *mumbles* Porcupine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[Porcupine. Thank you both.]] Clich A 9:01 pm OH NO YOU RUN OVER YOUR Never mind. FakeProwl 8:01 pm *yes. absolutely. rubs his back comfortingly* You're not damaged, are you? Where did he pull on you? Lady306 9:01 pm *quietly settles in closer to Boom then. Goodbye personal space* best decepticon leader 9:01 pm Wish I could hit Megatron Bevel 9:01 pm It cleaned the dishes. Awesome. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[If you do so, do it with a warp cannon.]] Swoop 9:03 pm ((what was that voice acting)) Bevel 9:03 pm *so impressed with the pink lady* boomtank 9:04 pm -whelp, he's not going to complain- Tarantulas 9:04 pm No, I'm not. *huff* Just because I'm partially organic doesn't mean I'm /fragile/. Lady306 9:04 pm *excellent. He'd pull you into his lap, but that seemed a bit much* boomtank 9:05 pm -Yeah, he'd be so confused if Lady did that- Tarantulas 9:05 pm *arms curling around, he's starting to sulk over prowl worrying so much, but cuddles are priority* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Glances over at the two of them.* FakeProwl 8:06 pm Good. *continues backrubs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *...Doesn't sound like a full-blown argument. He'll let them be.* FakeProwl 8:10 pm *okay. tarantulas is taken care of. looks at soundwave.* FakeProwl 8:11 pm @Soundwave «I apologize for my role in the altercation. It was inappropriate and counterproductive.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Looks back, tilts his head.* (txt): Next time, suggestion: bridge first. However... Swoop: dangerous. Prowl: protected Tarantulas. Action basis: accepted, approved. Tarantulas 9:18 pm *is totally lost in the movie but there are animals so he's distracted well enough to sit still* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Small cringes at the bad notes.* FakeProwl 8:20 pm *slight nod. yeah. bridge first next time.* FakeProwl 8:21 pm @Soundwave «... How's your head?» Clich A 9:21 pm These are all good things to hear. Bevel 9:21 pm He should leave him there. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm [[Yes, he should. And what do you mean, good things?]] @Prowl: (txt): Ache decreased. Check-in appreciated. ((also: anyone who says they've never wanted to do this kind of thing in the store is a liarrrr)) Clich A 9:23 pm *Seat dancing* FakeProwl 8:23 pm ((i haven't gone to grocery stores with exciting enough music)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm ((:o i must tune your store to our store's channel)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm *Perks. Squid!* Bevel 9:24 pm Oh no. *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm ((what the hell is that menu. go away menu)) Lady306 9:26 pm ((butters is trying to steal me)) FakeProwl 8:26 pm ((get revenge. steal butters.)) boomtank 9:26 pm ((hehe ((yes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *Scoot scoot* [[Bah. He wished to see more squid.]] Swoop 9:30 pm ((Why would they think he'd keep that kind of cash around?)) Lady306 9:30 pm ((ikr FakeProwl 8:30 pm ((seriously)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[Primus below.]] best decepticon leader 9:31 pm so... how many drown Clich A 9:31 pm apparently...just mike Lady306 9:31 pm None, apparently Tarantulas 9:32 pm I'm terribly sorry about your squids, Soundwave. Hyeh boomtank 9:32 pm .... Lady306 9:32 pm And that was also clearly not a very structurally sound building FakeProwl 8:32 pm ... Are the squid going to be okay in the sewer system? boomtank 9:32 pm That...went badly Swoop 9:32 pm ((omfg)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[...He hopes so.]] Bevel 9:32 pm Aww no. best decepticon leader 9:32 pm Probably not Swoop 9:33 pm ((how did a broken fishtank turn into the flashback from Pacific Rim?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((the water pipes were still running)) best decepticon leader 9:33 pm Genius ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((also: no $$$ for upkeep i guess)) [[Property of-- WHAT property?]] Tarantulas 9:34 pm There you are! Lady306 9:34 pm She's petty enough to claim the rubble just to spite him ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm [[Oh, good.]] FakeProwl 8:34 pm Oh good. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *Small huff. Jinx, Prowl.* FakeProwl 8:36 pm *thin smile at soundwave* Tarantulas 9:36 pm *craving cake now. are there treats? he's going to cast his gaze around for some* Lady306 9:36 pm Are we supposed to like the.. koala, was it? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *Over on the bar, bowls full.* [[He thinks so.]] Lady306 9:37 pm Ah, pity boomtank 9:37 pm -huffs- Lady306 9:38 pm *yes Boom?* Tarantulas 9:38 pm *zoop goes the thread. that bowl is tarantulas's now* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *LOUDER HUFF* Lady306 9:38 pm *..what* Bevel 9:38 pm ... Swoop 9:39 pm ((oh good god)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Doesn't know if this is hilarious or horrifying* Lady306 9:39 pm *horrifying* Tarantulas 9:40 pm *definitely hilarious* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Slowly looks over to Tarantulas* FakeProwl 8:40 pm *is trying to figure out what it is* Swoop 9:40 pm ((is anyone else remembering that scene with skids in the marvel comics and just.....)) boomtank 9:40 pm -just watching the show and kinda...no- Swoop 9:40 pm ((combining it.... with this....)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[...Are you a wash or dry spider?]] FakeProwl 8:40 pm PFF—!! *claps hand over mouth* Bevel 9:40 pm Ah, she is singing! Tarantulas 9:40 pm *FLOOFS UP* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Oh! What a voice.* boomtank 9:40 pm !!! Clich A 9:40 pm *falls prone, trying not to laugh* Tarantulas 9:41 pm I - I'm not dignifying that with an answer!!! *you're lucky he's not shoving you off the couch* Bevel 9:42 pm *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm *Dips his helm and places a smiley on his visor. Only meant in good humor, Tarantulas.* Lady306 9:42 pm Should they really be rebuilding on the property the bank repossessed? Tarantulas 9:42 pm *tarantulas hates that smiley so much* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Probably not.]] Lady306 9:42 pm *also where did they get the money for it, anyway* FakeProwl 8:42 pm *it's an adorable smiley* Tarantulas 9:42 pm *a spider paw lands on the smiley and halfheartedly shoves* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *Accepts the half-hearted shove with trembling shoulders* boomtank 9:43 pm -hums a bit and settles to watch the concert- FakeProwl 8:43 pm *... scoots closer to soundwave and tugs tarantulas closer* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Leans in.* Lady306 9:44 pm *also: cute* Tarantulas 9:45 pm *grumbles more but lets prowl pull him in* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *PFF* Tarantulas 9:46 pm ...She looks like a cat pig peacock hybrid ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[That is an interesting mental image.]] Tarantulas 9:46 pm *squints hard* FakeProwl 8:46 pm ... Getting ideas? Tarantulas 9:47 pm I'm not going to graft multiorganic chimeras, no, if that's what you're insinuating Bevel 9:47 pm They are gonna have like twenty more kids now. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[She can invent another machine to help her with them.]] Clich A 9:47 pm Please invent birth control Roseeta Bevel 9:47 pm Yeah! FakeProwl 8:47 pm Mm. Had to check. boomtank 9:47 pm That was fun boomtank 9:49 pm !!! Tarantulas 9:49 pm (( i love that this movie is basically advocating jailbreak for the sake of family love ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((LOL)) boomtank 9:49 pm That...was probably a BAD idea Bevel 9:49 pm [[it also advocates running your family via machine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Looks at Prowl. How's he thinking about the prison break?* FakeProwl 8:50 pm *zero expression* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Ah, well.* Clich A 9:51 pm You cannot deny the power of a lorgee crowd Bevel 9:52 pm 😃 Tarantulas 9:53 pm *giggles a little, it's just like urticating hairs* Bevel 9:53 pm She is awesome. boomtank 9:53 pm These songs are fun Lady306 9:56 pm *um* boomtank 9:56 pm -snickering- Lady306 9:57 pm *is pretty sure the mouse should have been flattened* *not lifted* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm ((they do such a good job depicting stage fright. i have been her so often)) Tarantulas 9:58 pm *oh dear, tara has sudden feels for meena re: anxiety* Clich A 10:00 pm Wish they had..named..girl mouse. boomtank 10:02 pm Oh! It impressed her! Bevel 10:02 pm Yay FakeProwl 80:03 pm ... With that kind of structural damage, they should NOT be rebuilding on the ruins. They should have torn it down completely, removed the rubble, and rebuilt from scratch. Tarantulas 10:03 pm Oho, did you see the squids? *visor wink* best decepticon leader 10:03 pm they are not smart ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Is delighted the squids are back* Bevel 10:03 pm *giggles* best decepticon leader 10:04 pm I would have thought that the squids would have been killed boomtank 10:04 pm That was a fun movie Lady306 10:04 pm It was.. something ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[Hopefully it will not break again, then.]] boomtank 10:04 pm I liked the singing I guess I'm a bit biased FakeProwl 80:04 pm *... looks at soundwave* Do squids actually have biolights? Bevel 10:04 pm [[GDIT I KNEW I RECOGNIZED NANA Lady306 10:04 pm Oh, no, the actual singing was fine, but the rest of it... Bevel 10:05 pm [[*FLIPS TABLE* Tarantulas 10:05 pm *huffs, vaguely offended prowl would ask sw instead of him* Bevel 10:05 pm I liked it a lot. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm [[Some of them have bioluminescence, yes.]] FakeProwl 80:05 pm *soundwave spent over an hour lecturing prowl on a many-limbed earth sea creature. as far as prowl's concerned, he's the expert.* Clich A 10:05 pm Some Cuttlefish have rainbow style lights! Bevel 10:06 pm Can they change colors like that? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[There is a species which uses very tiny creatures living in it to glow based on the levels of light in the area. It is fascinating.]] [[It is a camouflage tactic.]] Bevel 10:07 pm Cool. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[And squid do change colors. Not... quite so neon as that. But others.]] boomtank 10:08 pm -and he's standing up now- Thanks for the movie, but I kinda have to go now. G'night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Soundwave nods farewell to Blaster* Bevel 10:08 pm Bye, Blaster FakeProwl 80:08 pm *... has a sudden realization* *didn't see a single dog singing* Lady306 10:08 pm Take care! FakeProwl 80:08 pm *inexplicably pleased* Lady306 10:08 pm ((LOL Tarantulas 10:08 pm *keeps going in and out of sulking and is considering faking a prior injury, now that he thinks of it* Clich A 10:09 pm Thanks for hosting Soundwave~! boomtank 10:09 pm ((g'night! Mun ahs to sleep! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm [[Quite welcome, Clich.]] best decepticon leader 10:09 pm ((night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm ((night! sleep well!)) Tarantulas 10:09 pm (( night! Bevel 10:09 pm [[night! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm *Now, now, Tarantulas. You know many kinds of organics inside and out. He only favors the one. Let him have his moment.* Tarantulas 10:10 pm *psh, he's catching up on old sulking too from earlier. just give him some pets and he'll perk up* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *Very well. Stretches a feeler behind Prowl to gently pat a spide shoulder.* FakeProwl 80:11 pm *has probably been petting him off and on all night tbh* Tarantulas 10:11 pm *moarrrr* Tarantulas 10:13 pm *squints, this is something he hasn't heard of actually* FakeProwl 80:13 pm *oh! educational videos! prowl's favorite.* best decepticon leader 10:13 pm ((I have to go Tarantulas 10:14 pm (( /waves ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm ((aw! thank you for coming 😃 )) Bevel 10:14 pm [[night best decepticon leader 10:14 pm ((night, thanks for the stream FakeProwl 80:14 pm ((night!)) ... Do they have spots that glow? Bevel 10:14 pm [[prowl should to see rock dog, it definitely has singing dogs ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[This variety.]] FakeProwl 80:14 pm ((i think he'd be inherently suspicious of the name)) Bevel 10:14 pm [[lol Bevel 10:16 pm *100% into this* FakeProwl 80:16 pm *already knows everything the narrator has said. is pleased.* Bevel 10:17 pm *has armor /and/ camouflage ha* FakeProwl 80:17 pm ... So the glowing ones have luminescent chromatophores, then? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[The ones he showed. Photophores. The others use... what are they called.]] Pause. Viruses? Plankton? [[Bacteria.]] Bevel 10:19 pm Cool! FakeProwl 80:20 pm ... Aren't bacteria like parasites? Do they kill the squid? Tarantulas 10:20 pm *finally speaks up* Generally they're symbionts. Bevel 10:20 pm I think bacteria make humans sick. Not squids. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm *Perks. Tarantulas knows of them?* FakeProwl 80:21 pm ... Do bacteria only prey on humans? *that one gets directed to Tarantulas* Tarantulas 10:22 pm No, they're quite literally everywhere and prey on mostly things that can't be seen, if they prey on anything at all Tarantulas 10:24 pm They - hm! *is surprised by video* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm ((one more and then i'll do music lol)) Tarantulas 10:25 pm Soundwave, have you ever actually /seen/ a live squid before? *not accusatory or anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[Not the Earth variety. Nevada is notoriously lacking in oceans.]] [[And they do not fly.]] FakeProwl 80:25 pm ... What about an octopus? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[He has not had the pleasure.]] FakeProwl 80:26 pm *that's tragic* Bevel 10:26 pm I want to see all of them. Tarantulas 10:26 pm Well then, I know what my next order of business is, hyeh FakeProwl 80:26 pm You should introduce him to an octopus. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[He can do that?]] Lean. [[You can do that?]] *Looks over to Bevel. He will show you, if Tarantulas does.* Bevel 10:27 pm *would enjoy that very much* Tarantulas 10:28 pm I - yes? Of course I can. *forgets that other people don't just snatch specimens from Earths for science things* FakeProwl 80:28 pm ... Can any species safely survive on Cybertron? Bevel 10:28 pm You could make an environment for them! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[...Oh. Yes. He would not want to terminate a cephalopod.]] Tarantulas 10:28 pm A few, but none you would have heard of, I'm afraid Bevel 10:29 pm My creator has a special building just for Earth plants. FakeProwl 80:29 pm I'm sure a room could be temporarily arranged for one to visit. Tarantulas 10:29 pm Why would we need a room when I have a /lab/? Bevel 10:30 pm A lab is a room. FakeProwl 80:30 pm ... Is your lab set up to support Earth's ecosystem rather than Cybertron's? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Knows very well about the plants. Is hiding one. >> * FakeProwl 80:30 pm ... Oh. Wait. It WOULD be set up for Earth, wouldn't it. *chimera experiments and all that.* Tarantulas 10:30 pm *snickers and shakes head. there we go* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[...Would it harm them if he touched one?]] Bevel 10:31 pm *not following but yeah ok if Prowl says his lab is set up for Earth she'll believe it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Same. Because if it's not, and the creature(s) die, he'll be irritated* Tarantulas 10:32 pm I could calculate the force necessary to harm one if you needed, but I think you'll be able to tell on your own. That is to say, you'll be fine, don't worry ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Slowly growing brighter. This is the best thing. If it happens.* Tarantulas 10:33 pm I don't know why people think organics are so fragile, they're - well, they are, but they're not THAT fragile Bevel 10:33 pm I want to see. Can I see too? Because squish. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[He is not accustomed to handling them.]] Tarantulas 10:34 pm Don't squeeze, and you'll be fine ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[He knows how much strength to use to contain a flobster. Not an Earth lobster.]] Tarantulas 10:35 pm OH - but for Primus's sakes please don't electrify them ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *Looks at Bevel, and then Tarantulas and Prowl. Would she be able to see too?* FakeProwl 80:35 pm *looking back and forth as they talk/"talk", quietly delighted* *... why's PROWL being looked at? he didn't say anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *He's the one who had the idea.* [[He would never.]] Tarantulas 10:36 pm ......I don't see why not, hm. *if he's letting sw into his lab, why not a mostly-stranger* Bevel 10:37 pm Yay! FakeProwl 80:37 pm *... sudden sharp vent in. oh. wait.* Bevel 10:37 pm *oh no what happened* FakeProwl 80:37 pm @Bevel «Don't visit his lab alone. Go when Soundwave goes.» Bevel 10:38 pm @Prowl <<...Ok.>> Tarantulas 10:39 pm Is there any particular species you'd be interested in meeting? Bevel 10:39 pm *perks at songs* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Immediately wants to say "all of them" and has to stop himself. He knows there are too many kinds for that.* Tarantulas 10:39 pm ....Pick three. Top three. Bevel 10:39 pm *wants to say all of them too* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *His feelers twitch and writhe while he thinks. So hard to trim down* Bevel 10:40 pm Cuttlefish! *c'mon, Bossbot, we just watched a buncha videos about them and they are awesome* FakeProwl 80:40 pm ... Is that three per visitor or three total? Bevel 10:41 pm *hums along to the song while waiting for SW's opinion* Tarantulas 10:41 pm ...I suppose three per visitor, but the more you suggest, the longer it's going to take to obtain them FakeProwl 80:42 pm So that's nine choices. *yes he did just invite himself over.* @Soundwave «Give me your fourth, fifth, and sixth choices.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[One pacific octopus. One bobtail squid. One pearly nautilus.]] *Pings Prowl with something akin to actual glee. Let him think.* FakeProwl 80:43 pm *carefully suppresses smile* Tarantulas 10:44 pm (( i'm tempted to throw "octopus's garden" at you for the lolz ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm ((i'll do it when this is over 😃 )) Tarantulas 10:46 pm You're starting with some heavy-hitters there, hyeh But of course ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm @Prowl: (txt): Mimic octopus, blue-ringed octopus, stubby squid. Bevel 10:46 pm Mimic octopus. The one that turns into other fish. FakeProwl 80:46 pm Mi— *stops* Bevel 10:46 pm *Bevel can't hear you Soundwave* FakeProwl 80:47 pm @Soundwave «... SEVENTH choice?» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm @Prowl: (txt): Firefly squid. FakeProwl 80:48 pm *to be safe, he's waiting until they hear Bevel's third choice* Bevel 10:48 pm Are there really big ones? I want to see a really big one. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((what is with youtube not having this)) Tarantulas 10:49 pm That'd be the pacific octopus, as mentioned FakeProwl 80:49 pm ((... are there different octopus gardens?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((i was trying to find the actual one but i guess it's not on YT)) ((this version will be fine)) Tarantulas 10:49 pm (( oh my god.... beautiful. i/she were referring to the beatles one, but the copyrights are fiddly on the beatles Bevel 10:50 pm [[apple likes to take their songs down a lot yeah Tarantulas 10:51 pm There are larger squids, though Bevel 10:51 pm Really really big? Tarantulas 10:51 pm ...Although I oughtn't have brought them up, I'm not tracking down a colossal squid Bevel 10:51 pm Aww ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm *Damn.* Tarantulas 10:52 pm They're larger than I am - well, larger than I currently am Bevel 10:52 pm ...awesome. [[not sure how big tara is atm but it's probably impressive for an earth critter Tarantulas 10:53 pm (( tara's 32ft, squid can be upwards of 40ft Bevel 10:54 pm [[lol Bevel's as tall as that squid right now Tarantulas 10:54 pm (( xD nice Bevel 10:54 pm [[i love this skit so much Bevel 10:55 pm Something that glows that Soundwave did not pick. *she knows you picked glowy ones* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm [[Hmph.]] [[He knows what he likes.]] Tarantulas 10:56 pm How about we make it chef's choice~? Pick of the day ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm ((me: what are good classic sesame street bits? me: oh! i know. it's not easy being green. me: nO NO NO)) Tarantulas 10:57 pm (( sdgsfg FakeProwl 80:57 pm ... You're not going to eat them when we're done? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[What do you mean, CHEF.]] Bevel 10:57 pm *knows she'd like to see a huge mcfuckoff squid but reasons* Tarantulas 10:57 pm *snickering* No, probably not. I'm not fond of the texture. Bevel 10:57 pm I do not want that kind of energon either. FakeProwl 80:58 pm If you're going to eat cephalopods, at least don't eat the ones we'e befriended. *is expecting soundwave to make friends with them all* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *You bet he's going to. He's going to try listening to their spread out minds too* Bevel 10:59 pm *is going to want to make a robot one for a pet* Tarantulas 10:59 pm You can't really - hyeh. As you wish. Tarantulas 11:00 pm Wh - ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm ((i forgot that was in there omg)) Bevel 11:00 pm *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm ((i'm so sorry)) [[...He did not expect this.]] Tarantulas 11:01 pm *hard side-visor at sw* FakeProwl 81:01 pm *extremely neutral face* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm [[He only knew it was a parody of a human film we have seen. His apologies.]] FakeProwl 81:03 pm *what an important lesson that most Autobots NEVER LEARNED* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *The listening?* FakeProwl 81:03 pm *unfortunately, yes* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Perhaps Prowl should anonymously send them that.* ((one more and then back to music)) FakeProwl 81:03 pm *he's sure they wouldn't listen to it* Tarantulas 11:03 pm *alas, if mesothulas had listened either* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm ((their parodies are usually p funny)) Bevel 11:04 pm ...*starts giggling and probably not going to stop until this is over* Mount Crumb Tarantulas 11:06 pm *...this is strangely uncomfortable for tarantulas, moreso than the ridiculous spider* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Soundwave's quietly dying inside. He didn't know this would have eggs.* *He'll never convince Tarantulas he didn't mean this.* Bevel 11:06 pm *in hysterics now* Tarantulas 11:07 pm *pfft he's not even thinking about the eggs actually, but NOW YOU MENTION IT* FakeProwl 81:07 pm *is it the self control, tarantulas.* Tarantulas 11:07 pm *shh maybe* Tarantulas 11:08 pm *.....he forgot about the snacks he snagged, they're just sitting there in his ding dang lap* Bevel 11:08 pm That was funny. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Is he gonna do it.* Bevel 11:09 pm *he did it* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *No, no. Is Tarantulas gonna eat the bowl of snacks.* Bevel 11:10 pm *he definitely should* Tarantulas 11:10 pm ...Are you trying to pull some sort of reverse psychology here ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm [[Not at all. He's simply suggesting that you enjoy the snacks you claimed. He can't put them back now.]] Tarantulas 11:12 pm *is tempted to subspace them just to spite u* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *That's fine, too. Just leave him the bowl.* Tarantulas 11:13 pm *he subspaces MOST of them and slips one snack in between his mandibles before plopping the bowl in sw's lap. THERE* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Sets the bowl down. Fussy, fussy.* Tarantulas 11:14 pm (( omg cro (( like GONE gone? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((they're on the dead laptop)) Bevel 11:15 pm [[oh honey Tarantulas 11:15 pm (( 😨 sorry FakeProwl 81:15 pm ((oh no)) Tarantulas 11:17 pm *hm. mandibles. he never DID get to talking to bevel about them now did he* Bevel 11:18 pm *nope he did not, though Bevel's been lectured by Prowl and SW now* Tarantulas 11:20 pm @Bevel : «I JUST remembered. We never did have a proper mandibular demonstration. Might you be interested in popping over early before the cephalopod showing, just to sate a little of my scientific curiosity?» FakeProwl 81:22 pm *... scoots hip against tarantulas's, leans shoulder against soundwave's, and dims his optics* Bevel 11:22 pm *had been about to leave and halfway to standing up when she was pinged. she drops back down into her seat awkwardly* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *Contemplates Bevel's presence. Decides he doesn't particularly give a damn if she sees. Gives Prowl's avatar a helm nuzzle and makes sure not to wiggle too much* FakeProwl 81:23 pm *nuzzles back* Tarantulas 11:24 pm *arm around prowl's waist, with his other paw scooping up some snacks from his subspace because you can't eat just one* FakeProwl 81:25 pm *puts a hand over tarantulas's paw.* *this is nice.* Bevel 11:26 pm *...awww, the mystery of SW's Prowl is solved. too bad she's not able to appreciate it since she has to awkwardly navigate a conversation over comms* @Tarantulus «Um, maybe. I got to see if Soundwave has to bridge me over since I do not think you want Blurr to know where your lab is.» Tarantulas 11:27 pm @Bevel : «Oh, there's no need. I have portal technology of my own, I can pick you up at your desired coordinates.» Bevel 11:29 pm *welp* Tarantulas 11:29 pm *welp indeed* Bevel 11:33 pm *ok frag it, she's an adult, even if he is apparently some sort of mass shifter who could outsize her by... a lot.* @Tarantulus «...Just mandibles?» *i'm an adult she says. caves immediately to pressure* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm *Someone somewhere is making a bad decision. He can feel it in his spines.* *...Probably Frenzy.* Bevel 11:34 pm *definitely frenzy* Tarantulas 11:34 pm @Bevel : «Yes, whatever you're comfortable with.» *in other words, whatever tarantulas can reasonably get away with* Bevel 11:37 pm *mentally decides to show up like ten minutes before Prowl and Soundwave so Tara will have very little time to actually poke too much at her. it's like following their advice except not at all yeah* @Tarantulus «Ok.» Tarantulas 11:38 pm @Bevel : «Lovely! We'll set things up once I've acquired the - cephalopods, then.» *almost said "the other specimens" instead* FakeProwl 81:39 pm ((run bevel, run)) Bevel 11:39 pm *nods and now she is going to leave before she either agrees to more or something else happens yep yep* Tarantulas 11:40 pm *visor winksmile at bevel as she goes* FakeProwl 81:41 pm *... is the coast clear?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Waves farewell with a feeler. Lots of little wiggly tendrils goodbye.* Bevel 11:41 pm *waves to room and dodges out the door as fast as her big bulk will take her* FakeProwl 81:42 pm ... YOU'RE not the one who sent me this song, are you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Soft puff.* FakeProwl 81:43 pm ... Is that a confession? *the room is down to three. excellent. pulls his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them.* Tarantulas 11:44 pm *little bit of squinting at sw&prowl, but is gonna cuddle real close to prowl when he pulls his knees up* *....while also eating snacks one by one. because why not* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[Consider it signed.]] *Stretches arm behind Prowl's back. It just so happens to also nudge Tarantulas a wee lil lil bit while it's there.* FakeProwl 81:46 pm Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[Thank you again for the opportunity to meet cephalopods up close, Tarantulas.]] FakeProwl 81:47 pm ... You're welcome to continue sending cheesy police-themed love songs. Tarantulas 11:47 pm *also gotta be conscious of - that. yes. not touching soundwave, except soundwave touched HIM, so. alright then* FakeProwl 81:47 pm Oh. I didn't give you my list of three. Tarantulas 11:47 pm Ah, no you didn't. I figured you hadn't made one yet FakeProwl 81:48 pm Blue-ringed octopus, stubby squid, and firefly squid. Tarantulas 11:48 pm ...You asked Soundwave, didn't you FakeProwl 81:48 pm *poker face* Tarantulas 11:49 pm I SUPPOSE that counts. They're wonderful choices, just not simple to get a hold of FakeProwl 81:50 pm Are any simple to get hold of? Tarantulas 11:50 pm Hyeh, I didn't mean literally, physically I'd be hard-pressed to actually catch one. It's just a matter of commonness And their global distribution FakeProwl 81:52 pm ... Not prohibitively difficult? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm *Almost suggests raiding an aquarium. Remembers Prowl is there and thinks better of it* Tarantulas 11:52 pm I shouldn't think so. Not the ones we've listed, at least. That's why I nixed the colossal squid. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm [[Perhaps if you had tanks, and a way to locate them, he could...]] *Trails off. Now thinking about what would happen if he opened a small bridge in the middle of the ocean and ran it past a squid* Tarantulas 11:54 pm Hyeh, no, I can manage on my own just fine. *has plenty of reasons why not to get sw or prowl involved* FakeProwl 81:55 pm ((nice album cover. two thumbs up. A+)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm ((LOL)) [[Very well.]] Tarantulas 11:56 pm *nom. nomnom* FakeProwl 81:56 pm ... Don't do anything destructive to the environment or human property. Tarantulas 11:57 pm Tsk, don't worry so much, Prowl. Of course not. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm [[Or to the creatures you're capturing.]] FakeProwl 81:58 pm *don't say "of course not" like u would actually have compunctions against destroying someone else's property if prowl didn't tell you to have compunctions* Tarantulas 11:59 pm *shush let tarantulas tell prowl what prowl wants to hear* FakeProwl 81:59 pm Or that. We'd prefer them to be cheerful guests. ... Or whatever passes for "cheerful" in cephalopods. Yesterday Tarantulas 11:59 pm Lively. Lively and eating well, I'd say Tarantulas 12:00 am They'll be perfectly cheerful, rest assured. FakeProwl 82:01 am *nods. good. wants soundwave to have A Good Time* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *Very low, very quiet hum* [[Perhaps we could see more of your lab when we are done with them?]] FakeProwl 82:01 am *a sound!!* *leans on a little more* Tarantulas 12:03 am *wavers* ...Mmmaybe. We'll see. I'm not sure what of the lab you even COULD see, safely. Best not to worry about that now though ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *Now you have his attention* [[Why? What is unsafe about it?]] *Doesn't want to move and dislodge Prowl; peers around him with feeler* [[Surely there are precautions he could take.]] FakeProwl 82:05 am *usually would be peering with soundwave. can't work up the giveafuck for it.* Tarantulas 12:07 am *it occurs to him he could invite sw in holo like prowl and avoid quite a few many things that way, hm. more thoughts he'll keep to himself* Tarantulas 12:09 am Not so much for you as for everything ELSE. There would simply be so many things to take into consideration, and depending on which hallways we choose, it just - it's /complicated/ *half true* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *Considers this. Shockwave's lab moves its insides around and can be dangerous to roam unattended. Maybe the "depending on which hallways" means something like that.* *...He'd better not try to sneak off after the cephalopod meeting.* [[He understands. Just this, for now.]] [[Though if there is anything else you wish to show off, he might be curious.]] FakeProwl 82:11 am *assumes tarantulas means that a few hallways exploded and are now too dangerous to travel* Tarantulas 12:12 am Of course you would be. *he knows that curiosity well by now* *ok what. he can't not hear rihanna* ...Soundwave, are you still in charge of the playlist? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[Why? Is there something you'd like to request?]] FakeProwl 82:14 am *... if soundwave is going to be staying after the cephalopod meeting to explore part of the lab, then it would be inappropriate for prowl to not stay as well, since he's the one who's into that stuff. which means he'll be staying longer.* *is suddenly exhausted about a social interaction he hasn't even gone to yet.* Tarantulas 12:16 am Nnnnot in particular, but I - am... questioning that song choice ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am *"The one who's into that stuff," as if he doesn't like learning about everything Shockwave does too* FakeProwl 82:16 am *okay, the OTHER one who's into that stuff* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am [[Ah. It's against your musical tastes, then. He'll be sure to find other artists in the future.]] Tarantulas 12:17 am *hard squint, but sure, he'll... go with that* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *He knows full well what Tarantulas means and is having a bit of fun* *As can be currently heard by the continuation of a theme* FakeProwl 82:18 am *nudges Soundwave* Puppet Man is good. Similar theme, different genre than the first two. *has picked up on the theme; hasn't realized it's being used as deliberate teasing* 5th Dimension. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am [[He does not know this one.]] *Immediately puts it on.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *...Vaguely uncomfortable with this one.* FakeProwl 82:20 am *well PROWL likes it* Tarantulas 12:20 am *is just going to eat, because that's always a stabilizing thing right. gonna turn his head and pop a dozen snacks in where they can't see well* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *It's good, it's just - he wouldn't have thought of it as being part of the same theme if Prowl hadn't said. His mind went somewhere else first.* [[He knows you have the snacks. You don't need to hide.]] FakeProwl 82:21 am *look on the bright side: you probably just learned something new about prowl's sex life* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *Yes. Yes, he has.* *And in that respect, he is interested. And maybe wondering if Tarantulas shares it.* FakeProwl 82:22 am *... and it's a good thing prowl isn't thinking too hard about the song right now or else HE would be uncomfortable too* Tarantulas 12:22 am *tara wasn't paying much attention to the lyrics so he's chill rn* FakeProwl 82:23 am *but he decided he liked the song before it acquired what would have been very negative connotations, so as long as he doesn't listen too hard he's safe* Tarantulas 12:26 am *well, maybe not entirely chill, he did just give an awkward twitch and laugh some as he swallowed* Hyeh, I'm - not hiding the /snacks/, that'd be silly ItsyBitsySpyers 12:26 am ((that is not the song i was remembering oop)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am [[...Ah. Do you not consume fuel in public? He apologizes.]] *Immediately withdraws the feeler* Tarantulas 12:29 am *snickers some, actually* No, not generally, but - I was considering /your/ comfort here, not mine FakeProwl 82:30 am That's good. *uncrosses one arm to pat Tarantulas's... knee? yeah, knee works.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am [[It is not as....]] *Fishes around for a word. Can't find it.* [[He knows to expect the noise. It is less distracting that way.]] Tarantulas 12:34 am *nudges more into prowl at the touch, touch is good* Tarantulas 12:36 am *smol helm tilt* Hm, is it just the sound that might disorient you then? Because I was considering the entire - well. You call them mandibles, but I've more than mandibles technically FakeProwl 82:36 am *more touch? thigh. thigh touch.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:37 am [[It is both, in truth. But he should try to become accustomed to this sooner or later.]] Tarantulas 12:38 am *paw touch on thigh touch* Tarantulas 12:39 am I see. *restraining urge to click his mandibles now, heh* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am [[...You are not required to, of course. You may eat in unseen peace, if you wish. He was simply - commenting. On it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:47 am *Wasn't sure how much contact was permissible in this shared couch sort of situation; going to test the example set by Prowl and curl the feeler he withdrew from Tarantulas' vicinity up and around Prowl's lower leg. Maybe absently pet the armor with the tendrils.* Tarantulas 12:48 am Hyeh, not required to - ? Would you /like/ to see, then? *genuinely wasn't sure, is also very much looking at prowl too* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:49 am [[...................................Yes.]] FakeProwl 82:49 am Yes. *doesn't even know he's being looked at, he just felt like throwing that in* FakeProwl 82:51 am *shifts a bit to get a better view if tarantulas is going to—something's on his leg. glances down. hmm. puts his other hand on soundwave's thigh.* Tarantulas 12:53 am *can't help but laugh a bit at soundwave's hesitance, and shifts while they move around too* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:53 am *Fluffs the armor a bit to make more room for seam stealing and joins the watching* FakeProwl 82:54 am *not going to be as adventurous tonight, there's another person here* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:55 am *As he wishes. Soundwave's thigh armor comes with sizable gaps anyway, pff. Either way: he is, notably, pleased.*
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im living the dream, the climax of my life 7/25/17
today was amazing. so liz slept over and it was the best. we vibe so well together and she is super pure and influential and real and just in my eyes a perfect human being to be around with. she likes jazz she plays instruments she paints- she’s very in tune with herself and everything around her. she painted me a beautiful portrait and love on a canvas i gave her. it is amazing. she wanted me to share my stories about my spiritual interactions with carlo so she can record it and she remembered i mentioned that there is a song i imagine playing when i see him in a field of grass, and she added the notes to it in the painting . she is just so great and influential and we experience and think much of the same things. i like being around her. lots of good music and laughing. she liked the songs i showed her. then i went home and was feeling poopy until i went outside and decided to write how i was feeling. i put anxiety and lack of confidence and just negativity then just didnt feel any better  so i decided to meditate and i did for like 20 /30 min. i went from lotus to just hanging my headd down while i sat. it helped tremendously . i felt three billion times better. i felt like my parents were the sun and moon. creation of all creation. they are the creators of every single thing in my life. they created me thus creating everything around and within me. my mom also symbolized the sun for me, and just recently i felt my father as the moon. i shared that with them and shared a lot with my mother. just after meditating i was so high on life. i thought about who this is it this is now i am experiencing this now and everything is good and life is good and this is real this is what I'm seeing now this is real life this where I'm at just realizing this is where i am right now everything here makes sense and is normal it was like i was reborned actually in a way bc everything seemed brand new and i was confused to what i was seeing!! it makes so much sense tho bc i was just in my head and i cleared it and now I'm seeing everything as it is and realizing I'm ever so grateful for this consciousness. sundown. sunset. i shared with my dad the day i missed my flight that i like sunsets, i feel my brother the most during them.and he shared it with my mom. he invited me to go inside and see a movie with them but i shared to him i like the nature and stuff more and it helps me feel better and that sunset just has a huge impact for me and my soul feels the need to be outside during its energy of the sun passing. and today when i was in my tummy mood or not a clear head i went outside and was just writing down how i felt and he saw and asked if i wanted to spend time with them inside and i was upset so i gave a little sass and said i cant the tv makes me depressed and it just drains my energy and i feel unproductive but I'm glad everything happened bc it happened for a reason and i feel great now and after that time to myself i was the best i can be with my parents i watched tv with them and cracked jokes and just had a lot of fun and t was all pure and sam sent me a song and it was amazing i felt the singers emotion and i just felt every emotion i felt throughout the song. everything just how it was. i was fast with my thoughts and feelings.and i helped my mom with cleaning and it was great- we shared alot and she said she was thinking of me today and is aid oo like what and she said what kind of advice to give me before i leave and said that she just wanted to tell me to keep doing what I'm doing with handling my emotions and being smart and spiritual and she tied that together bc she said she was thinking about all my growth and everything and also gave me the advice to do research in everything i want to do and to do it like she noticed i had a hard time sticking to being vegan and so she said to do research and find some motivation for it and to do that everything i wanna do she is just the best and sweetest i love her so much i love us literally i felt so pure with her after meditating like when i sat next to her on the couch i was kissing all over her face her cheeks her nose and her forehead a bunch of times it wa amazing I'm going to miss her so much but we shared how people become closer to their siblings after carlos funeral like gabe and koen and liz and manuel she opened that up to me but it was good after meditating i felt exactly aligned and myself and it was just enlightening and awakening moment then i told them about how i felt good bc i was not confident in most things especially planning things bc I'm anxious about not ppl having a good time bc it would b my fault but i finally did it and all my freidsn are going to pinballz and i picked up brendon and showed him so many cool songs like the mosquito by the doors and a lot of other cool ones and he said u know so many cool songs and how do u know so many and i told him that when i find an artist and song i like i just listen to their other albums and it grows and we got to pinball and it was just fun for me and him we got quarters and did the quarter machines bc the electronics were too expensive and it was so so so fun we played like 9 rounds and i lost each one but it was so fun and i felt so great playing an old 80s arcade machines game it was so simple there was ike 3 buttons i defiantly want to go back and play on those old pinball and 90s machine games t was so fun and then john kiersten sam and brennon showed up and sam looked so damn good god damn i couldn't take it in he wore khakis and a black shirt and vans and his hair looked good and his face looked beautiful as always and i tried not to express or show any of that in person so i kept my distance but overall it wa so funny with everyone and we went to kerbey lane a 24 hour diner and nit was so fun jorge was there too it was a grand ol time and when i was saying by to everyone it was so beautiful john picked me up two times and we hugged like four times and in front of his girlfriend it is so cool he can do that and brennon gave me a nice one and jorge smacked my ass after which i totally hated and took in account that he did that and to realize it made me uncomfortable and omg me and sams good bye will always be my favorite we hugged and he just said to let him know when I'm in town again and that we have dos ee each other again and it wa sa nice hug and i got in my car and he was getting in the seat and we looked at each other and i did the like post up pose like square lets fight and he got out of his seat in the car and opened my car door and i said okay lets do this and slapped his arm and he grabbed my head and gave me a long noogie and it made me laugh so much and when he was done i gave him a huge giant wedgie it was so funny he didnt seem too uncomfortable but god damn i pulled that underwear so high-up literally like half way up his torso and he texted me later saying he lost his watch trying to untuck the wedgie haha i love sam i just hope one day our time will come and we can be intimate together and i can wake up in a bed we slept together in and wake up to him playing piano and I'm naked in his bed like i just want to be so sweet and lovey to him he makes my legs when he looks at me and he just creates and turns something on in me and i like it i like his being he is a beautiful creation i want to treat him so well i want to paint for him i want to shower him in kisses and gifts and loves and songs i want to inspire him like he inspires me all these love songs i sing for him . i want to be able to share one day all the love songs i sing to him- they're so important , each one. they all bring me back to him. driving back i go to jaremys with brendon and we see élena and kevin aka my favorite ppl ever and elena opens the door and i see kevin and run to him and give him a big hug then elena sees us and i give her one but its unusual i went to him like out of my way to hug him but i hope he feels that like my love for him bc its so special and pure and just love like i love them so much and we all sat around the wooden floored apartment and sat on these psychedelic 70s couches and started tossing out of the air dumb jokes and elena looks at kevin and says you're just a totally different person with mary and laughs and says she's the same way bc we spent a few days togeth then she hung out with her friend and kept saying dumb jokes and they just didnt get it and she had to explain that she was with me and i got that too literally being with them i  feel more intone and grounded to myself bc I'm just my dumb self which makes me the same to other people i literally love my life and everyone here and now i have a flight in like 8 hours to colorado to see alea and road trip to san francisco and get dropped off and continue my life at the ashram and as a yogi and a farmer and pure and back to mediating and yoga and I'm going to practice so much music and have a kick ass job being ana astronomy tutor i am ever so grateful for this summer its been the best and i really hope i can feel this way again when i get back with the same exact people
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hhemeraa-a · 7 years
shipping meme !
tagged by: stole from like... 4 different people  @dcsidcrium​ / @portalipsis​ (I think?) / @celestialspitfire​ (I think???) / @lunaciies​ (I think?????) tagging: follow ur heart
         A kick to the nuts. HA - I’m kidding.  I currently do not... have... an otp for Myles... I mean, don’t get me wrong, I ship Troy and Myles harder than I ever want to admit, but it’s no fun playing in a sandbox all by myself, so I try not to think about it too hard.             But my OTP would probably be anything that involves Myles and happiness. I actually want him to admit that he loves someone and my life will be complete. 
        ¯\_(ツ)_/¯            What won’t I RP is a shorter list, but because of how.... emotionally difficult Myles is, a majority of any ship needs to be plotted to some extent or else you are at his mercy which means that any ship success rate goes down to about 2% unless the planets are perfectly aligned. With that said, I’m pretty open to all the genres, even those taboo ones you don’t think I’d be into but I am. 
         I refuse to (romantic) ship with anyone under 18 (muns or muses) and Myles very rarely will ever be interested in anyone between 18 - 21. With that, so long as everyone is a consenting adult, age ain’t nothing but a number. Plus Myles likes ‘em older. He won’t make age an issue if your muse doesn’t make age an issue.             Some of you have muses that are hundreds and thousands of years old, so? It’s a non-issue.
        Myles? Hell yes.           I said prior, but Myles is extremely difficult to ship with unless it’s plotted and there’s chemistry involved. 90% of the time, he is playing to emotions that benefit him in a situation, but doesn’t actually feel romantic inclinations towards someone.  He can be friendly and have one night stands, but if someone asked to be his boyfriend, he’d mean laugh in their face and walk away.             But to answer this question - yes, I am. Only because it takes a lot for Myles become attached and actually have feelings that aren’t just surface value. If he’s gotten to this point (unless it’s the rare 1% where he just instantly clicks), we’ve probably RP’d or plotted a lot and I’m starting to get real fuckin annoyed when people drop the muse or disappear right after all the work we’ve done. I’m tired of it, Myles is tried of it, and [we] I’ve become much more weary about being the one to commit when someone else hasn’t. 
         Idk, usually if there’s a peen out, I’m pretty sure that counts as nsfw. I’m bad at tagging things and 50% of the time my written nsfw isn’t tagged, but that’s only because 1) my blog is tagged as nsfw so browse at your discretion, 2) all images will always be tagged with nsfw, 3) this thread isn’t for you, so why are you reading it lol (I’m half joking, half not) 4) I’m pretty sure my partner knows that it is nsfw.             Unless my partner wants things under a read more or has specific things they want, I sin proudly and openly. 
@portalipsis​  - this has been a real slow burn and probably the only healthy thing Myles has in his life that doesn’t involve explicit fighting or manipulation on Myles’ part. I think it’s very cute in that Myles is kind of aware how Chris feels and is being Extra patient with him because he likes to watch the boy squirm. ALSO Porthos writes smut fanfiction of Hemera and mails it out to people.  Don’t think he forgot. @heavensson​​ - Sorry Spike, but you’re trapped with Myles’ gross ugly affections because no matter what you do to try and get rid of him, you know it’ll just turn him on. Semi-complicated considering Troy is involved in this odd companionship and they can’t really get rid of each other.  @etlascivus​ -  >:3c   Demon’s sneaking into Myles’ room at night claiming him as their own only for Myles to get a boy crush on him. Another complicated and involved relationship considering Myles hasn’t really put together what he feels for Asmo. While I wouldn’t say it’s love, Myles’ attachment quirks are starting to come in strong and Asmo tends to do or say the right thing at the right time to put this uptight bundle of emotion at ease to the point where he doesn’t mind (or has completely forgotten) about the mark on his arm. @corpusdxlicti​ - You mean Myles’ future husband?? Myles will end up feeding off this relationship because of how emotionally detached Vincent appears to be as Myles is 99% more inclined to let himself like someone when they don’t like him back.  Not that this is the case here, but Vincent’s seemingly complete emotional detachment gives Myles the room to dance around in his own emotions - little does he know that Vincent is low key (high key?) possessive/jealous and I AM READY FOR THIS.  @dcsidcrium​​ - the first girl Myles probably ever kissed. Dating his best friend and secret unrequited love. Nikki is the sister Myles never asked for and will defend her to the death all the while cussing her out in the same breath.  He’s also probably shot her more than a few times. A++ friendship. @kashiings​ - Archer you little shit. A verse of its own, Archer is (was) Myles’ best friend in childhood and also first (boyfriend?) although there were clear miscommunications about what they were and it really tore a hole in Myles after Archer went off and got married. Despite all this, Myles is teetering on the edge of loyalty and abandonment, remaining by his side even after he comes back in Myles’ mid-twenties.   @inionnaforaoise​ - Started off as purely professional - these two are frienemies to a fault. The type to drive by and flip the other off under the table while at a very professional meeting or “accidentally” shoot the other in the arm in the middle a fire fight and shrug like ‘oops’. At the same time, they’ll share a drink together and mean laugh about people they hate. If we’re not counting demons with lady bits, she will probably be the first (and only) girl Myles ever sleeps with.  @whiteliily​ - Ash is a national treasure and these two has this weird high school boy crush going on where they just... nervously laugh around each other. I honestly think that Ash is the only muse that has made Myles openly blush without trying.  Even considering Myles’ emotional stuntedness, Ash has been real forward?? Which is pretty disarming for Myles and it’s weird because Myles is like??? Happiness??? Without?? someone??? suffering?? idk man, Ash is great, Jazz is great. This whole thing makes me happy inside.  @bestiadeluna​ - Mally is that friend that Myles flinches around all the time because she’s probably punched him in the arm so many times out of playfulness that it bruised because she’s so much strong than he is.  She’s the drinking friend that shows up on his couch once a month and eats all his pie, or brings someone over so that he can explain what a cuck is much to his dismay.  They don’t hang out often, but when they do, it’s like they saw each other yesterday and someone is bound to either get hurt or in trouble.  @fluffmiester​ - Space Papa. Apparently Rrii has taken Myles in as his son and while Myles is ok with it, he’s going to take every chance he gets to twist Rrii’s words into something gross.  It’s how he shows his affection Rrii, I swear.  @svagefaith​ - Myles’ bitter ass soulmate from hell. The only way these two are going to get on the same page is if some outside event forces them to admit their feelings, but so far the universe is just staring at them like “y i k e s”. They would make amazing friends, but being bound to each other is causing more tension than it’s worth and both are too stubborn to back down, even though they’re both quietly attentive their needs, their emotional connection keeps missing. They’ll get there.  @carnivorarium​ - ZIP because Myles needs more strong independent wolf ladies in his life, although he will always bother her about why she’s single. He’s going to be that annoying younger brother that digs through her stuff and leaves all her tampons out on the curb because he was feeling annoying and she will probably be that older sister that drop kicks into his room while he’s making out with someone so that she can scare the shit out of them in her final form. 
         Yes, although if we have a thread going/there’s chemistry, I’m sure we’ll both reach out to each other about it naturally. 
         I love it!  But I don’t believe shipping is purely romantic and includes platonic things and enemies.   I have very few romantic ships and that’s often up to Myles to decide that. Friends and enemies are great though, so I’m always down to talk about different possible relationships. 
         Yes! And multi-verse unless it’s discussed. 
        Meh - romantic things are nice, but like I’ve been saying, this is completely up to Myles and he’s not inclined for romance. So I’m a ‘more or less’ kind of person. If I really like a ship we have going, I’ll be very obsessed hahaha
         Fandom? Don’t know her.            HA. ok. Um.... well, I used to be really into Deimos and happiness.  I’m still committed to this, but some people within the fandom really ruined the character for me to the point where even after I tried to make a blog to save my feelings, all I see is bitterness and disdain. They say time heals all wounds buT HERE I AM.  STILL BROKEN. Sometimes I write on his blog and I’m filled with such nostalgia... but I hate shipping him with Cain which is my ultimate nOTP but since the fandom is made up of pretty much Cain’s and Helio’s, my time on that blog is.... minimal. 
        My favorite ships always start as an accident - either though starters where we just see something click, or an ask where something funny happens.  Just write with me or approach me about it!  Chances are if you want to ship, you’re going to know something about Myles’ personality that you/your muse likes. If you come to me in hopes to finding a ship without any prior knowledge of him, you might have a bad time.             It’s really easy for things with Myles to get toxic fast, so unless you’re prepared for a slow burn, idk if this is the right place? But again! Just reach out, I absolutely love discussing relationships and plotting, it keeps me alive in my waking hours. 
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