#final bfsn
carrieeve · 10 months
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I had to double check but yes, it's a Tuesday, so happy bfsn!
How are you guys doing? We've had an exciting couple of days here, it's finally time to form the government and we're literally at this moment waiting for the parliament to vote. It's been nuts.
I managed to snap a few photos after the main square, not only with decorations, but also a little snow! The weather changed snd it's all gone now, which is disappointing.
In other news, I managed to finally finish and publish a fic, after months of struggling. I hope this will bring more inspiration in the future.
Hope you guys are having a good evening :-)
@pendragaryen @togetherkru @ninappon @natassakar @kizo2703 @heartbellamy @jeanie205 @roguetwelve @immortalpramheda @geekyogicheese @okmcintyre @julibernardo @infp-with-all-the-feelings @igotbellarkeforthat @lee-em-dee
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togetherkru · 2 years
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Good evening Sunflowerkru! Yes, it's already evening in France. Here are some pictures of the asters in my garden which are blooming (finally!), while the temperature in the morning is close to frost... October is here...
 The morale is fluctuating for me because someone very close to me had a very hard blow this weekend, and with my husband we are doing what we can but the future is not very cheerful. Sorry, this is also my way of staying positive, as the BFSN is precisely the time when I can connect with you. I'm also so happy about the #thebestofthe100 event! It's great to see so many beautiful gifsets! Keep it up! And I'm looking forward to your photos, your stories of the week. I am thinking of you all.
Tagging/sending much love to : @geekyogicheese, @natassakar, @pendragaryen, @lee-em-dee, @igotbellarkeforthat, @ninappon​, @roguetwelve, @bellamyblake, @isweartobreathe, @kateemcintyre, @immortalpramheda​, @carrieeve, @bookwormforalways​,  @broashwhat​​​ @moreflowersthanweeds​​​ @jeanie205​​​  @kizo2703​​​ @infp-with-all-the-feelings​​​ @brightblakes​​​​ @heartbellamy​​​​  @travllingbunny​​ and  @julibernardo​ ;-)
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geekyogicheese · 2 years
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I posted 513 times in 2022
16 posts created (3%)
497 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 503 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#bfsn - 72 posts
#sunflowerkru - 49 posts
#bob morley - 23 posts
#my bfsn - 23 posts
#bellarke fam - 20 posts
#lovely mutuals 💕 - 16 posts
#eliza taylor - 16 posts
#the 100 - 15 posts
#bellarke - 14 posts
#beliza - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#ah stef me too! both swamped and i really feel for the ukraine because so much time has passed and they're still fighting so hard 🙏
My Top Posts in 2022:
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Lots of love to you, my dear Nadia <3
Ahhhhhhh my Stef, much love to you ~ thank you for the good vibes and always positive energy 💕
2 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
💗 Incoming love train! I appreciate you and recognize the amazing presence you have on this site, thank you for contributing to our community! 🌷 send this to all the blogs you love! don't forget to spread the love. 💌
@togetherkru Stef! You have made my day. I love your warmth, positivity and enthusiasm ~ for the things we ship but also the people you bring into your circle.
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2 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. spread positivity. 🌈 💜 🍀
Thanks @theatresteph! Right now, this is what makes me happy:
1. Friends and family
2. My health
3. Music
4. Reading
5. The planet
3 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Getting to know you ask game
Thank you @ninappon for the tag 😍
Favourite colour: green
Currently reading? Big Sky by Kate Atkinson
Last song you listened to? Gimme That Boom by Skindred (obsessed!)
Last series you watched: I watched three in rotation ~ a rewatch of Arrow and for the first time ~ The Bear and Dopesick (both awesome!)
Last movie you watched: crikey I can't even remember 🤣
Sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury and spicy
Currently working on: jeez so much work ~ two freelance edits and some copywriting, and then my day job is completely nuts right now. If only I could sit in bed eating nachos 🤪
Tagging/saying hi: @carrieeve @hedoublehockeystix @togetherkru @natassakar @pendragaryen (Stef and Natassa and Anne I know we know one another well but I can't not 🤤)
10 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy new BFSN to the sunflowerkru! Thank you to @togetherkru and @natassakar for thinking of me always 💕 much love to you ladies.
I have high hopes for a change in what's been happening in Europe.
South Africa is finally coming to the end of its state of disaster ~ two years after it was implemented. Things feel quite normal right now. This is a recent pic of me and some friends at a St Patrick's Day gig at a local watering hole. It felt wonderfully normal.
Sending love/tagging: @pendragaryen, @immortalpramheda, @imaginetonprincecharmant, @igotbellarkeforthat, @jeanie205 and everyone else out there 🍂
14 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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talistheintrovert · 4 years
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I joined this fandom three years ago when I looked like that top picture, long hair, ginger, just coming off of one of the worst years of my life and desperately needing something to hold onto. And boy did I find it. In you guys. In t100 fanfic. In gifsets. In all the love and friendship and laughs. I am SO SO SO grateful for this show bringing me all of that, because I'm honestly not sure if I'd even be here without it.
I look like this now! (I shaved my head to raise money for charity and now I'm choosing to live this bleached lesbian fantasy for a while). I’ve had a million hair transformations since I started this show and you have been here to witness all of them, which is making me weirdly emotional. I'm gonna try and keep this brief (which if you know anything about my fics, is something I say a lot... so... this is about to be a college essay) but I just wanted to say a proper goodbye to the show and this tradition, because while the fandom is moving on and so am I (the long way round), this show has brought me so much joy. 
Look, the show is bad now. We don't have to beat around the bush about it, this shit is garbage. But what isn't garbage is all the talent that all of you have poured into the show over the years - fanfics, art, gifsets, fanvids, meta, and every other idea under the sun - you guys have been brilliant and no amount of bad writing can undo that.
I usually do MVP of the week, and I kinda wanna make all of you the MVP of the week, because y'all ARE. Every single day you are the MVP, the VIP, the AUTOMATIC, SUPERSONIC, HYPNOTIC FUNKY FRESH, the HYDROMATIC, GREASED LIGHTNING and don't you ever forget it. Each and every one of you brings value to the world, and so many of you have brought value to my life specifically and I can't thank you enough for that.
But. I can't leave this final bfsn without shouting out the MVP's of my heart. To @clarkgriffon @fen-ha-fuck-you and @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky I cannot even put my love for y'all into words. It's incalculable. It is not hyperbole to say that I would not still be here if it weren't for you, and that you have, on more than one occasion, literally saved my life by just being yourselves and being the best friends I could possibly ask for. If I am even half as good a friend to you as you all are to me, then I can die happy. You're basically family at this point and I hate saying that stuff because it sounds cheesy but FUCK IT we're here and we're queer and we're in deeply platonic love with each other. My wives. I don't deserve a single one of you, let alone the honour of having all three of you in my life. I fucking love you.
I was gonna do more shoutouts, individual ones for people like Meg and Erin and Eisha and Leah and An and Bridget and so so so so many more, but I realised the list is basically endless, so just know that if I have tagged you, it's because you have touched my heart. I hope you all continue to be wonderful humans that make the world a better place just by existing in it: @little-oxford-st @foreverandalwayscrysis  @yourereallyhere @choose-wonkru  @chants-de-lune @thebraveprincesspure @angelbellamy @aainiouu @michaelgrantnash @braveprincess @chasethesun18 @thelegendofclarke @hostagetakerandhistraitor @probably-voldemort @eternal-bellamy-blake @solacelight @leiaslightsaber @goddess-clarke @griffinnblake @yiangchen @johnmurphysass @constellationbellamy @jmbelles @mamabearsdontthink @loveisalwayswise @reyskyber @starboybellamy @bvrnes-bucky @spookytack @bellamyfknblake @galaxyblake @bellarkebc @thelittlefanpire @ravensluna @carrieeve @eyessharpweaponshot @pawprinterfanfic @nvermindiseeyou  @broashwhat @catastrophic-chloe @shaeheda @clo-heda @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @galaxyblake @swainlake @life-astudyofhypotheticals @bellamynochillblake @sassmasterblake @matthevfairchild @shialablunt @lameblake @wankadi @bellamys11thfreckle @artenistic @bellofthesky @hellyeahbellarkee  @katkomskaikru @sallysimpsons @historyofbellarke @moonaskingtostay @moprocrastinates @charmanderdiyoza @charmainediyoza @iwilltry-tocarryon @tonystarkys @lightcomingthroughthedarkness @ladyoldstones @biblarke @madmultiverse @taylor-morley @ruggedmurphy @octaviahales @igotbellarkeforthat @captainwilldameron @captaindaddykru @bellarkhugs and anyone else who I missed because I know a lot of y’all have left the fandoms or changed urls or both, I’m sorry and I love you too 💖💜💙 I appreciate all of you so effing much
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katkomskaikru · 4 years
My last BFSN
This is my last BFSN post. I wanted to say a final thank you to everyone in the Bellarke fandom. I've never gone online and joined a fandom type of group before when watching a show. I either watched it alone or only talked about it with people who I knew in real life who watched it. But I can't imagine a group of people being kinder and more accepting than the group of people I met online in this fandom.
I'm not sharing a photo because of insecurity reasons but I am going to share a little something about myself instead. I was going through a lot when I first started watching the show. I probably got hooked on it as much as I did because my dad had died a few months before the pilot aired and it made me identify with Clarke. Then I continued going through a lot of health issues and the show was my escape. (And fanfiction and talking to you guys online was my escape during the season breaks.) In March of 2019 I attempted suicide. When I got out of the hospital I was dealing with everyone I knew knowing about it (because my mother had told them) and I felt like I had let everyone I knew down and no one understood where I was coming from. Just a few days after getting out of the mental health center Bob posted that tweet about how he had struggled with depression and anxiety his whole life and how he had tried to kill himself before. It made me feel less alone and a little less crazy. I've also talked to a few of you in private messages about my struggles and I want to thank everyone who's listened or talked to me about it. It's made a big difference. Because of this and more, this fandom has been much more than just a show to me.
I want to tag a lot of people, and I’m sure I’ll still forget a lot.
@thecorrosivepen, @natassakar, @igotbellarkeforthat, @harpermiller, @goddess-clarke, @alexmaanes, @geekyogicheese, @together-is-my-favourite-place, @bellarkegriffin-blake, @inmyshadowyouthrive, @ladysanss, @bellarke-meet-again, @headheartbellarke, @outsider22, @buttered-rice1, @tookawrongturnandjustkeptgoing, @staceyisnthere, @theatre-steph, @immortalpramheda, @frecklesandfanfics, @messybutmagical, @moonshoesreyes, @mariee-theresa, @imaginativelyinspired, @gorgondrifter, @travllingbunny, @wicked-conspicuous, @bellarkeloveisreal, @madelame, @griffinbellamy, @bellarkesblodreina, @tabatharich, @talistheintrovert, @mamabearsdontthink, @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky, and so many more, but I’m really shaky from a blood thinner thing, and I don’t think I can type anymore. But know these are just a few of the amazing people I have met online over the years. Thank you to all!!! Know you’re loved and appreciated!
I'm probably going to continue to post some Bellarke and The 100 stuff in my blog and maybe eventually find other things I love to add to it as well. So I'll still be on Tumblr if anyone else is! (And I'm still going to use the same username because I like it and I have a lot of followers now that I don't want to lose touch with.)
I'm still going to go ahead and watch the final episode although I am worried because I read that the final scene last week where Clarke almost euthanized Madi was written and directed by none other than JRott but it was too long for his episode so he put it at the beginning of the last episode. So if that's a sign of what we're in store for tonight I don't know how I'm going to stand a full hour of it but I'm going to try. I'll post something when the episode ends but nothing this long or personal. So this is me saying goodbye to the people who aren't going to continue to follow the fandom after tonight and thank you for all the love and laughter you guys have given me 💖.
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pendragaryen · 4 years
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The things that stay with us...
This was supposed to be my last BFSN-post while the show is still airing - the last BFSN-entry right before the series finale. But now it’s just... a FSN-post? Call it a Big-Hug-post. A Hug-Gratitude-post. Or whatever you prefer. Though in my heart Bellarke will ALWAYS be canon (and nothing can ever change that): They didn’t give it to us in the actual show (a show, whose narrative clearly told us otherwise all this time, but well.. whatever...). It’s too much honour to grace such a disappointing last season with a BFSN, dearies. (Or... even more so now? ;P ) So, call it what you like i guess! ;). Honestly, i didn’t want it to end.. just like that... without any last words to you, the kindest, most tolerant and beautiful minded fandom i’ve ever been (proudly!) a part of since 2016. (The selfie lies. It’s not current. I’m sorry, i can’t show you my face these days.. This is from the day just before it all went inevitably down with this season: BB’s death. So... enjoy: That smile’s for you, fam! ;) 2nd pic: The tattoo i got almost two years ago now, on Sept. 22nd 2018, and that never fails to remind me of my emotional support person and the fact, that after every “down” in life there will come an “up” again <3<3<3 )
What makes the whole experience of this last ever season of The 1OO for me so incredibly sad is.... Well, please bear with me if you will... My english STILL isn’t the very best... But i’m trying to put my feelings into words:
Last year, when we got the news that S7 would be the final season, i DREADED this moment. I was AFRAID of this last day (and the hours) before the actual finale. And why so? Bc I am a person, who’s an incredible loser when it comes to let go of the things i love so dearly. Like The 1OO. I... in times i was OBSESSED with it, with the story, with the chacracters and the way they’ve been written, so credible, so tangible in their actions, nothing was just bad or good and even the villains actions had been understandable to some extend. It was amazing! I felt with almost every character! I LOVED it. (And to be very clear here: I’ll never STOP loving The 100′s 6 seasons, that are still existing for me!)
But what i wanted to say is: I dreaded the moment when l would have to let it go. THat inevitable moment, when this show with all its storylines and characters, that have been a part of my life for the last years and that i love so dearly, really ends. Forever. It would end and i wouldn’t be ready to let go, bc it means the world to me. Bc it changed me in more than just one way - no, even better, bc it made me want to change myself! “To do better...” *ugly crying...* THis show SAVED me in a way and in a time, where i was in a very dark place in life, in a very dark mind space (constant illnesses, termination of my job due to these illnesses, an ugly lawsuit etc. pp) , this show and its actors, especially one Robert Alfred Morley (yes), who helped me to look at myself and my mental insecurities and illness from a whole new point of view. I wasn’t ashamed of myself anymore. I felt... relieved. Understood. I even felt kind of loved for what i am, even with my anxieties. (There may or may not come a point or even a person in everyones life, that helps to develop this new kind of view on themselves. And for me this person was and always will be Bob Morley. And whatever happens, i’ll always love him for his open- and kindness and be thankful for his inspiration. I still call myself lucky to have talked with him a couple of times. I treasure these moments. Always.)
So, i was AFRAID of this day, when this all would come to an end. I KNEW it would wreck me, i would be devestated, i would be so incredibly sad, that i won’t be able to put it into words.
And here i am now. I AM sad. I AM devestated. But for so very different reasons that i could never imagine in my wildest nightmares... This last season... Season 7--- no i won’t start again. Not AGAIN. But... just that: What they’ve been creating for us here... it really overshadowed my joy of watching this show throughout this last season, yes even BEFORE that horrible murder of my all time fave and comfort character. I take back whatever i said about S6 or even S5. THIS... S7 was the season, that didn’t feel like the show i fell in love with anymore. Though changes CAN be refreshing and exciting... these changes haven’t been that for me.
Look. The thing is: Even WITH Bob’s request for time off and everything... There would’ve been PLENTY options for the writers to actually make it all make kind of sense! THEY COULD’VE DONE IT BETTER! If they’d really wanted to, that is... And here’s the point: I think they didn’t WANT it. For whatever reasons, whatever happened bts, they decided to do it like they did. And no-one’s able to understand their choices or the characters anymore - those characters we used to know so well, these characters i felt with over the course of so many seasons - who i could understand! EVEN THE VILLAINS! And now... look at the thanks we got. I can’t understand shit anymore when it comes to S7. Bc nothing makes sense. When i see even the GREATEST meta-writers among us surrender in their posts - than it’s really sad times for this fandom...
It’s not even just about Bellarke anymore. Sure, i AM disappointed that they’re not canon now. But then they shouldn’t have arranged the whole story around these two! “The backbone of the whole story”!!! I am laughing. In that case S7 was SPINELESS! Let me tell you. Everyone’s just... flailing around... great little side storylines, but somehow... disconnected from each other and all over the place. That’s how it felt for me to watch this season. And i’m feeling so exhausted by now... I never stopped hoping... I always thought, at some point it would make sense. I’ve read all your great metas AND I WANTED TO BELIEVE! It made perfect sense! (I seriously felt like Fox Mulder from time to time this season... and the lack of sense in the storyline as well as the complete absence of my personal faves (yes i include Clarke (Eliza) here, bc heck, she was so sidelined this season too, self inflicted or not) - all these things had been the “UFO’s or aliens i was hoping to see” one day... Guess i was wrong.)
I’m babbling... Sorry. But it will be for the last time in that kind of form. Promise.
At the end of the day (at the end of all things.. sigh, Frodo... i see you... *blinks back tears*) I am so glad that you’re all here with me, in the same boat. That I’m not alone feeling this kind of lost and baited and betrayed. Bc whatever you like to call it: The narrative promised us otherwise. Did JRott OWE us canon Bellarke? NO. Of course not. But HIS STORY did. The story he’d been telling us for SIX GD YEARS! THAT is what makes me so mad. But most of the time (and despite the selfie above) i’m just sad. Sad and disappointed. I know it will pass one day. And that i’ll find joy in watching S1-4, even S5 except for a couple of scenes, and certain episodes of S6 again. But now is not the day. Even IF they’ll give these characters a “happy ending” in some transcended form or whatever, in the afterlife maybe,... S7 is ruined for me. It wasn’t even a bliss for me before, but it was certainly ruined after they killed “The Heart” - pointlessly (THIS is what will haunt me even years from now..).
Today is the day for saying goodbye. It aches my heart, that we’ll have to do it the way we have to now. But at least we are together. So let’s raise a glass in honour of all the hours of joy and excitement this show brought us over the years, maybe even the tears and laughter, let’s raise a glass for the outstanding performances of the cast and the great storylines some writers developed for us. I am thankful beyond words. Let’s raise a glass to this awesome, talented fandom! I’ve met and talked to dozens of you guys througout the years, and it had always been a pleasure! I hope we’ll stay in touch! <3<3<3 And last but not least: Let’s raise a glass for Kass Morgan. This is HER baby in more than just one way. Without her vision... there wouldn’t have been a show. Or even Bellarke. CANON Bellarke, that is! ;) And i LOVE it!
These are the things that stay with us, these are the things we will remember.
So, have fun with the finale tonight guys! Or should i say: Good luck? ;) I won’t watch now. I haven’t watched since 7x13, and i won’t start again tonight. Not even for the finale. BUT... i’ll probably do it some day in the future. I’m still kind of curious after all. And there are still some characters i want to know how it ends for them. It‘s just... i don’t want to support any ratings. I don’t want to support JRott anymore. But i’ll probably get back to it - if what y’all will write about it afterwards looks promising or not... ;)
See you on the other side!
(Tags under the cut)
Hugs and love to you, dear fam! Tagging @together-is-my-favourite-place @natassakar @geekyogicheese @immortalpramheda @carrieeve @bellamyblake @angelbellamy @burninghoneyatdusk @iwearplaids @wankadi @katersann @nvermindiseeyou @ruggedmurphy @clarkgriffon @poppykru @broashwhat @malclmbright @kizo2703 @cominguproses13x @clarkeindra @tenmonologues  @shialablunt @sometimesrosy @zavens @wonderingwhyy @charmainediyoza @the-suns-also-rise @lee-em-dee @bellamynochillblake​ @junebugninja @songhyeri @underbellamy @talistheintrovert @jeanie205 @bellamys11thfreckle @doontpanic @clarkegriffinblake @goddess-clarke @eyessharpweaponshot @hostagetakerandhistraitor @infp-with-all-the-feelings @theatre-steph @historyofbellarke @as-inevitable-as-morning @bisexualbellamyblake @little-oxford-st @delicatebluebirdruins in no particular order (i am so sorry in advance, if i should’ve forgotten someone... >.<), and yes, i include you too @merlination my Danny, bc without you, i wouldn’t have started watching The 1OO in the first place... ;)
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eyessharpweaponshot · 4 years
i don’t feel right doing a proper bfsn when i’m not watching the show anymore but i just want to say, seeing all of your beautiful faces today makes me happy.
i’ve had such a positive experience in this fandom over the years. we’re cried and laughed and cheered together. thank you for tagging me in bfsn, following me (either on tumblr, twitter or ao3), interacting with me, sending me asks, reading my fics, collaborating with me and supporting me through this journey. and a special thank you for everyone who has nominated and voted for my fics in the awards (both current and old).
i’m not sad that the 100 is coming to an end because i feel it’s not the same show as we once loved. but i will forever be grateful for the people i’ve met through this fandom, the wonderful friends i now know and the fabulous readers that comment and scream about my fics.
i’m not going anywhere in the near future and will always finish my stories. thank you all and if you’re still watching, i hope you can find some happiness in the last episode 🥰
happy bfsn for the last time ✨ tagging all of my freaking amazing mutuals 💛
@pawprinterfanfic @icantloseyou-too @burninghoneyatdusk @kombellarke @infp-with-all-the-feelings @thelittlefanpire @igotbellarkeforthat @clarkeindra @sparklyfairymira @underbellamy @queenemori @nvermindiseeyou @wankadi @probably-voldemort @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @goddess-clarke @pendragaryen @broashwhat @animmortalist @changingthefairy-tale @helloeurydice @theatre-steph @aainiouu @mobi-on-a-mission @andthelightbulbclicks @swainlake @biberoni @marauders-groupie @johnmurphysass @poppykru @shaeheda @useyourtelescope @elora-lane @catastrophic-chloe @kinetic-elaboration @the-griffin-green-blakes @viviansternwood @elizajane @keiraknighted @clo-heda @bettsfic @clarkgriffon @canijustbellarke @octannibal-blake @talistheintrovert @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @foreverandalwayscrysis @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @asroarke @carrieeve and apparently that’s all they’ll let me tag but sending massive hugs to you all if you’re not mentioned here 💛
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theatresteph · 4 years
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The last ever BSFN.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I took this photo before the episode. I decided to wear my Blodreina eyeshadow as a final farewell to the show I loved, and final FUCK YOU to what it became. I also wore my beloved Too Busy Shipping Bellarke shirt. I bought it right after 6x10 aired, believing that I needed to be wearing a Bellarke shirt when I finally saw them get their happy ending. It hurts that while I was loving season 6 and desperate to celebrate a future endgame, Jason was planning their destruction, but I still love it. It’s like another form of armour; it shows the world and myself that I’ll always love them, and I think that’s a pretty awesome message.
I love this fandom so much!!!!! I’ve gained friends and experiences through this show that I’m determined to keep with me for the rest of my life. It definitely wasn’t all fun, but it was moving. I’ll hold on to these memories, and I’m not going anywhere. I only just started writing fics and will certainly write more. At the moment, life is hard for a lot of reasons, and the ending is one of them, but like all things, it will pass.
I love Bob and Eliza so much and I can’t wait to see them in new projects. They have impacted me in ways they’ll never know, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Wow, I really can’t believe this is the last time I’ll ever do this! It’s really bittersweet 🥺.
I love you all so much!!!!
@kombellarke @kattitudereads @kizo2703 @emoreeblue @foreverandalwayscrysis @queenofwhateverwewant @katkomskaikru @eyessharpweaponshot @burninghoneyatdusk @timelessphoenix @pendragaryen @natassakar @geekyogicheese @princessblakefeelings @poppykru @queen-of-the-wallflowers15 @carrieeve @travllingbunny @sheigarche @venetum @fandomxgodess @otp-armada @queenemori @daenoora @small-towngirl22 @the100trashcan @broashwhat @bellarkesurvivestogether @changingthefairy-tale @historyofbellarke @jeanie205 @clo-heda @chloejane @helloeurydice @together-is-my-favourite-place @swainlake @project-annihilation @pawprinterfanfic and everyone I’m forgetting (Sorry!!!)
We’re finally free!
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goddess-aelin · 4 years
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Happy Last BFSN EVER!
As many of you know, I actually haven’t been watching the show....at all. It really is a dumpster fire (or should I say DUMBster fire ha) where nothing makes sense. I’m SO incredibly mad at the worst creator ever and his trusty sidekick, kimshum. I’m so sad that this is the way that the last season went. First we get absolutely no promos, we get no Bellamy in said promos, we have SO much drama with rumors and accusations, then Bellamy dies with absolutely no drama, no sendoff, no SENSE! I haven’t watched that scene and I don’t plan on doing so any time soon unless things change drastically tonight. I hope you guys who are still watching enjoy it and know how truly strong you are. Because after certain things have come to light, I don’t want to give Jroth any satisfaction. The one good thing that will come out of this is that we get to watch his career flush down the toilet. If there is no payoff tonight, this will literally go down as one of the worst show endings ever. And ya know what? Jroth deserves that title due to his pettiness and actual gaslighting of the Bellarke fandom (and yes, we can safely say that after how things progressed and then all of a sudden regressed, and him telling us that we are misinterpreting what we are seeing right in front of our eyes.) 
Update on my life- I’m in art school now! I’m so excited and I’ve been loving it so far. I’ve been so busy that I’ve barely had time to enjoy really anything but at least school has been fun so far! The above pic is just something I was playing around with one night.  
I also was nominated a few times for the Bellarke fanfic awards as a creator! I was nominated for best art to accompany a fanfic ( @pawprinterfanfic ‘s AMAZING fic, When the Wolves Come Home,) and best fanartist! I appreciate the nominations! I want to take this last little bit of time to tell you guys how much I appreciate and love you guys. I’ve made so many amazing friends and met so many awesome people over the years and for that I am so grateful. I’m not sure how active I’ll be on here in the Bellarke fandom specifically but I’m sure you’ll catch me reblogging and raving about Lucifer and the Witcher in the future. Big thanks to the Bellarke fanfic writers who single-handedly saved the hearts of the fandom. You guys are heroes.
Special shoutout tags to my loves, @griffinnblake @queenstephaniaa @pawprinterfanfic @foreverandalwayscrysis and @talistheintrovert who I consider the truest of the true and best of the best of friends. I love fangirling with you guys and know that when something goes down, you guys will always be there to listen to my screaming and ranting. :)
also tagging all of my other fandom friends: @clarkgriffon @clarkeindra @poppykru @queenemori @queenofthewallflowers @broashwhat @mobi-on-a-mission @sparklyfairymira @aainiouu @andthelightbulbclicks @craniumhurricane @carrieeve @ruggedmurphy @useyourtelescope @eyessharpweaponshot @important-metaphors @hellyeahbellarke @animmortalist  @bellamyblakru @burninghoneyatdusk @underbellamy @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @together-is-my-favourite-place @natassakar @astridandoddsandends @shaeheda @lizzybizzyo @icantloseyou-too @famousflowermagazine @as-inevitable-as-morning @captainwilldameron @chasethesun18 @lesbellamy @swainlake @harpermiller @katkomskaikru @johnmurphysass @charmainediyoza @braveprincess @nvermindiseeyou​ @lameblake​ @angelbellamy​ @loveisalwayswise​ @chants-de-lune​ @thelittlefanpire​ @youleftme-clarke​ @eternal-bellamy-blake​ 
I’m totally sure that I’m forgetting people so if I did, sorry! Consider yourself tagged :)
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sunbeamfrog · 4 years
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Happy... BFSN?? but make it in late fashion
So... we've come to a point in life where one of the shows I've followed through the years is ending, and spoiler alert, I'm not into it. I think I made it pretty clear that this season was not for me BUT I will have you all know I am already very thankful I was introduced to the fantom when I was.
While The 100 wasn't the first show I got sucked into, it's the one that lasted the longest for me. I've spent endless hours reading fanworks, consuming fanart and creating some myself- and I met so many wonderful people by doing so and I am beyond grateful it happened.
And for the first time, I feel liberated from the series as I choose to bring with me some of the lessons from the show. Some directly, some as a result of its failures. That is all completely fine with me. It taught us that we as people can be self-made and we can be humbled despite our obstacles. It taught strength in admitting fault, and strength in letting your guard down. It taught that creators are not "gods" (that's a fuck you jason) among many other things. I'm sure we've all brought something from it, so thank you for that team behind the 100 (not u jason and not u shum).
Now I'm a pretty private person and I don't often share much- least of all when I disappear for weeks or months at a time. But do know I am doing better than I did before and I am growing still. Learning still.
During this year I've lived out, almost lost my cat, difficult family matters, bonded with some people, cut others off, trying to learn how to learn loving myself and also my art and recignizing my efforts. And I've learned you'll know a friend from foe by how they treat your friendship and your secrets.
I've drawn a lot. I've started writing again. I'm working out regularly (healthily) and im attending classes (safely) while working and taking care of myself. I'm starting to maybe believe in myself, which feels good.
I hope by whatever presence I've had in this fandom, I've come off as nice. I hope you've enjoyed my art-which by the way thank you SO much for nominating me on @bellarkeficawards for my collaboration with wonderful @queenemori on "A Twist of Fate" which i will tag when i get on a laptop... its been a great experience joining @bellarkebigbang for a second year and i hope you've enjoyed my ramblings in the tags and the random ass artworks..... So to all you out there, not sure whether they've had an impact on this fandom, not sure what to do...
1. We still breathing?
2. People see your creations a lot more than they let you know and you deserve to bask in that knowledge.
3. Fuck Jason, seriously.
Thank you all wonderful people, please feel free to join!! My memory will betray me yet again but alas, I'm tagging you lovelies: @eyessharpweaponshot @bellsqueen @bisexualbellamyblake @queenemori @nvermindiseeyou @fuckyeahbellarke @icantloseyou-too @andtheycallmethecockroach @natassakar @marauders-groupie @carrieeve @broashwhat @montygreen @wellsjahasghost @pendragaryen @goddess-clarke @underbellamy @octaviadblake @bellamybb @bellsqueen @bellarkewhoa @clarkegriffinblake @persepholily @fyeahbellarke @griffin-and-blake @wellamyblake @griffndors @ohbellamy @the-griffin-green-blakes @ravensreyez @blakelivey @ruggedmurphy @behlamy @the-suns-also-rise @yourereallyhere and so many others!! Thank you ❤
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One last BFSN
I'm a pretty sentimental person, and though I haven't been involved in this fandom for very long (only months?) I'm incredibly grateful for those I've interacted with and gotten to know! I always expected to just linger on the edges and not actually try to be involved, and honestly, it was nights like BFSN and BWC that made me think "man, these people are having so much fun and actually forming friendships! Maybe I should try it out!" And then I still didn't for a while longer haha, but I'm so glad that I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and did.
This season really went in ways we never expected, but if nothing else, we get to give Bellarke the ending they truly deserve -- over and over again! And in so many different worlds!! Thank you fic writers for your time and energy that you put into crafting such wonderful stories for our favorite characters! (Oh and don't forget to vote in the @bellarkeficawards people!! And donate/request to @t100fic-for-blm!!)
I'm not sad this season is coming to an end, which is weird to say. But I am sad that I only had a few months with all of you. While I'm not leaving, I expect some of you may move on to bigger or better things and, if that's the case, may you only look back on this little fam and remember the joy and support and love you experienced. Because that's been my favorite part of this fam -- you guys have gone above and beyond what I ever expected. So thank you, truly.
Bellarke is ours, forever.
Much love, Bellarke fam✌🏻
Tagged tonight by some of the kindest and most gentle souls I've come to know: @pendragaryen @bookwormforalways @kylie-in-the-sky @gansxythethird @wonderingwhyy @igotbellarkeforthat
Tagging/ sending love and hugs: @otp-armada @slick-as-hell @pawprinterfanfic @burninghoneyatdusk @changingthefairy-tale @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @poppykru @ruggedmurphy @katersann @carrieeve @edgelessness @angstybleuskies @together-is-my-favourite-place @eyessharpweaponshot @communicationnskills @elora-lane @animmortalist @thefangirlingbarista​
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carrieeve · 4 years
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Happy finale night, fam!
We've been through a lot together, you and I. I never in my wildest dreams expected that we'd end up here, like this, but it is what it is. I wish I could say that I hate this show but I don't, I can't. For over six years, it, the characters, the fanfiction had seen me through the worst, most difficult moments of my life and you, the fandom, the wonderful people I've met thanks to the show, are a great reason why I managed to get through it. You and our ship have given me a place where I could open up and enjoy myself, surrounded by people who understood me. Regardless of what happened this season, whatever might still happen in the finale, they can't take that away. 
Just as they can't take away the six beautiful seasons and the relationship between Clarke and Bellamy. In a few hours, we'll all be free and so will they. And they'll be ours forever. 
I worried about this show ending, over the last few months. I have a tendency to overreact and to get a little too attached, so I worried that this end would be hard for me. I thought I would want to just leave it all behind, that I'd lose the inspiration to write. In a way, I guess it's not such a bad thing that I've given up on canon weeks ago. And in a way, by destroying his own story like this, Jason helped me to realise that this simply will not be the case. I'm nowhere near done.
I'm so grateful for this fandom, for all the wonderful years we've had together and for all the things coming for us still. This isn't a goodbye, this is a new chapter.
Oh! And thank you for voting for my fics in @bellarkeficawards! I'm absolutely floored and amazed that you like my stories so much.
I was tagged tonight by @talistheintrovert @together-is-my-favourite-place @peterstarkss @eyessharpweaponshot @nvermindiseeyou @infp-with-all-the-feelings @poppykru @wankadi @justalittlebluetiefling @gansxythethird @bookwormforalways @natassakar @pendragaryen @smokyy-mountain-rain @goddess-clarke @bellamyblake @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @broashwhat ❤❤❤
Tagging @changingthefairy-tale @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @burninghoneyatdusk @bellamynochillblake @useyourtelescope @icantloseyou-too @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @aspeckof-stardust @star-sky-earth @clarkgriffon @sometimesrosy @jeanie205 @travllingbunny @cosasrandomdemivida @katersann @kombellarke @irisouy @hostagetakerandhistraitor @kizo2703 @julibernardo @otp-armada @thetravelerbewithyou @historyofbellarke @asroarke @marauders-groupie @craniumhurricane @johnmurphysass @niylah @pawprinterfanfic @kindclaws @fen-ha-fuck-you ❤❤❤
How is that it?! Tumblr won't let me tag more (and also ate my notifications, so I might've missed someone) but just know that I love you all. I'm abysmally bad at human contact but even if we haven't spoken, just having you there was enough. That meant everything. Thank you for six wonderful years.
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immortalpramheda · 4 years
Well, we’ve come to the end. I’ve been feeling quite negative and down about the show since 7x13, as most of us have, but since this the final episode EVER I wanted to take part and celebrate this show that I love dearly and of course this amazing fandom!
I’ve been invested in this show for 6 years and despite everything I’m going to be sad when it’s all over and there are no more new episodes to look forward to.
I am so grateful to have been a part of this fandom! It’s been so much fun interacting with you all and made this experience so special. All the incredible fan created content celebrating this show and characters we love will continue long after the show has finished I’m sure.
May we meet again ❤️
Tagged by: @together-is-my-favourite-place @natassakar @geekyogicheese @pendragaryen @burninghoneyatdusk @poppykru @katkomskaikru @lee-em-dee
Tagging some people who have made this fandom experience amazing: @katersann​ @the-suns-also-rise​ @itsamepigalet​​ @bellamyblake​ @historyofbellarke​ @burninghoneyatdusk​ @bookwormforalways​ @carrieeve​ @clarkgriffon​ @isweartobreathe​ ​ @livenerdyandprosper​ @infp-with-all-the-feelings​ @irisouy​ @kylie-in-the-sky @clo-heda @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
And just a big thank you to everyone who has ever interacted with me on here
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bookwormforalways · 4 years
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the finale bfsn! ✨
tagged by @natassakar, thank you lovely! 
it’s been a long ride. seven years. wow. I will be watching live, but honestly and sadly, I don’t have high hopes for the finale. 🤷‍♀️
While the show may be ending, the characters, the story, the fandom, and the friendships I’ve made along the way will live on. I am so grateful for the community of friends I’ve made here on tumblr, discord, and ao3. 
also, voting for Round 3 in the @bellarkeficawards  opens in a few hours. I’m honoured to be listed in a few categories - The Write Choice for best romance fic (under 10k), Accidentally (Pregnant &) In Love for best parenthood fic, and myself for best underrated writer! huge thanks to everyone who voted for these in Round 2! 
“maybe life should be about more than just surviving” - I’m choosing to believe this will be the legacy of the show, and will take it as a reminder to truly appreciate the love and joy, friends and family, experiences and opportunities around me. 
(bc I’m a hermit who doesn’t take selfies, have some pics from when I backpacked through europe, but my friend and spent the entire trip talking about the 100 because we were obsessed. we would watch the new episodes on an iphone at our hostels, lol, what a time, the good old days.)
sending love and hugs to you all! 💜
@infp-with-all-the-feelings | @carrieeve | @gansxythethird | @kylie-in-the-sky | @burninghoneyatdusk | @changingthefairy-tale | @igotbellarkeforthat | @queenemori | @nakey-cats-take-bathsss | @dayo488 | @bellamyblake | @together-is-my-favourite-place & so many more! 
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talistheintrovert · 4 years
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Oh my god. I cannot believe I’m here, this is crazy, but I hit 1k a little while ago and I am truly grateful to every single one of you. You are wonderful humans and I don’t deserve you but I’m so happy you all follow me. This blog is one of my favourite places to be and I love sharing it with all of you. 
The last follower celebration got a little out of hand, so this time I’m doing things a little differently!
1. I’m posting a 1k Celebration Fic, (a WIP that I’ve been promising to post for almost three years) and every chapter will be dedicated to a different wonderful human I’ve met through becoming mutuals on this app. It’s coming out really soon, so watch this space!! 
2. Instead of mini fics (which clearly don’t work, c’mon Talis, how are multiple fics over 20k possibly “mini”) I’m going to do aesthetics!
Rules and tags under the cut 💖💜💙
So, Rules:
must be following my bitch ass
reblog this post
non-mutuals pls try to limit to one request each (otherwise i might die, you saw how long it took me to finish my 666 fics) 😅
mutuals can request all three!
send an ask with one of the following:
For a character/ship moodboard, drop a 🎁 in my inbox. I love all of these fandoms but I may have missed some on that list, so if you desperately want something that’s not on there, just ask and I’ll see what I can do! Be as vague as specific as you like - songs and colour schemes are a big help though!
For a character/ship playlist drop in a 🎶 and I’ll create something I think encapsulates the character and/or ship. If you want some examples of previous character playlists you can find them here (although those are just t100, I’d love to branch out)!
For an aesthetic drop a 🔥 into my askbox. This can be anything you like - a mood, an element, a name aesthetic, a colour aesthetic, a song aesthetic, or anything in between! (specifics are good tho - if you come into my askbox with “blue aesthetic” there is literally no telling what you might get, depending on the day, so if you want something specific please let me know!) You might get a moodboard or a poem or a song cover or a drawing or some combination of all of them, plus anything else that springs to mind - it’s ALL FOR THE AESTHETIC BABEYYY 
Again, I just can’t believe you’re all following me and I feel so incredibly lucky to be here, this is honestly such a wonderful thing and it’s a bright spot in a world (and a year) full of darkness. 
I love y’all. 
I’m tagging some wonderful humans that make the world a better place just by existing in it: @clarkgriffon @fen-ha-fuck-you @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @little-oxford-st @foreverandalwayscrysis @still-watching @yourereallyhere @choose-wonkru @grumpybell @chants-de-lune @thebraveprincesspure @aainiouu @michaelgrantnash @braveprincess @chasethesun18 @goodqueenalys @hostagetakerandhistraitor @probably-voldemort @clarke-the-ferrari @solacelight @leiaslightsaber @goddess-clarke @griffinnblake @johnmurphysass @biconicclarkeyg @jmbelles @mamabearsdontthink @loveisalwayswise @baellamy @starboybellamy @blvke-bellamy @brennanblue @bellamyfknblake @galaxyblake @bellarkebc @thelittlefanpire @ravensluna @carrieeve @eyessharpweaponshot @pawprinterfanfic @nvermindiseeyou  @broashwhat @catastrophic-chloe @shaeheda @clo-heda @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @galaxyblake @swainlake @life-astudyofhypotheticals @bellamynochillblake @sassmasterblake @matthevfairchild @shialablunt @lameblake @wankadi @bellamys11thfreckle @artenistic @bellofthesky @hellyeahbellarkee @sallysimpsons @historyofbellarke @moonaskingtostay @moprocrastinates @charmanderdiyoza @charmainediyoza @iwilltry-tocarryon @tonystarkys @lightcomingthroughthedarkness @ladyoldstones @biblarke @madmultiverse @taylor-morley @harpermacintyre @octaviahales @igotbellarkeforthat @captainwilldameron @captaindaddykru @bellarkhugs and anyone else who I forgot I’m sorry I love you too also also tumblr keeps trying to tell me I can’t tag this many people 💖💜💙 (pls let me know if you’ve changed urls, I queued this up a while ago lmao)
Special thanks to @fen-ha-fuck-you for making this 1k celebration banner for me and for always being here even when I’m being the most annoying person in the world (which happens a lot) I love u babe <3
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vulcanblake · 4 years
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Happy bellarke fam selfie night!!! The last one ever! Thanks to @nathanmillers for the tag ;) Here’s a very self indulgent photo of me from when I was experimenting with a different makeup/hair look and was very much feeling myself lmao.
I’ve spent a lot of time trying to decide how I would say goodbye to this show. When I first learned that season 7 would be the last (a moment that quite literally feels like a million years ago now), I was honestly heartbroken. This show got me through more painful and difficult moments in my life than I can even quantify, and it was the show that allowed me to discover fandom and this wonderful little tumblr community in the first place. I’ve probably never been as deeply involved in a piece of media as I was with The 100, and I know I will probably carry it with me forever in some capacity. Even though this season has deeply disappointed me, and ultimately damaged the love I once held for the show, I will always hold a special place in my heart for The 100 :)))
I know it’s been said by many today, but these characters and this story are so much greater than just the show. They live on through us, through the content we create, and through the ways we’ve grown and changed with them. It’s been amazing to grow up with the delinquents these past 7 years, and although I know it’s time to say goodbye I sure am going to miss them :,)
I also want to thank all of you in this fandom for being so welcoming and wonderful to me!!! I was a quiet observer for so many years and was super nervous about creating a blog and trying to become a part of this community, and you’ve all been absolutely wonderful and made my fandom experience for this last season so much more enjoyable. I definitely plan on staying in this fandom and staying *somewhat* active on tumblr after tonight, and I look forward to reminiscing with y’all about all the craziness that was The 100.
Tagged are some people who have been super welcoming and amazing to me, as well as some people that I’ve admired and looked up to in the fandom forever!! And to anyone who has interacted with my content or blog in any capacity, THANK YOU!!! I love y’all dearly :)
@bellamynochillblake @angelbellamy @saintbellamys @246nodone @flowerclarkes @ragnarssons @nathanmillers @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @skainatblida @justmereally05 @pineapplebellarke @piningbellarke @igotbellarkeforthat @selflessbellamy @wellsjahasghost @shaeheda @moonshoesreyes
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