#final fantasy xv oc
zafys · 1 month
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ffocarchive · 1 month
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strifentines · 10 months
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hi guys. finally finished the design for my ffxv oc cathy. i know she does not look like she belongs in ffxv but she does trust. she is a waitress at a cafe that ignis frequents
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vampychocobo · 1 year
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Working on a ref sheet for my ffxv OC lol
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ArtFight 2023- Ardyn-owned by KingSalmon (crownedsalmon Twitter)
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nyanykamito · 2 years
hear me out vampire x vampire hunter ffxv au.....
nyx is a vampire, his village was attacked. His mother was killed but him and his sister were bitten but they managed to get away.... but his sister couldn’t handle it...so she didn’t make it. 
Nyx was struggling but he could control his urges, he was actually taken in by a vampire hunter, Regis. He is head of his clan...he knew Nyx was a vampire but took him in anyway because he saw the potential. It came with its ups and downs but Nyx became in debt to him and promised to watch over his son. 
Nyx watches over Noctis to keep him safe and out of trouble, which comes with its troubles because its Noctis we’re talking about... He has prompto and the boys to get him in/out of trouble. 
poor nyx has his work cut out for him, god forbid its a new moon...and thats when he has to go away from everyone because his urges get alittle wild. He also suffers with trauma from his village and sister too... oof
aside from angst, vampire nyx acting as a vampire hunter and body guard to protect Noctis. And he has to fight other vamps, werewolves and other dark entities...but he prevails. 
sliding in my oc because reasons,
she’d be a vampire hunter/ mercenary, she was tasked with kidnapping the prince for money. She was bored and had nothing better to do so she accepted it, course she didn’t count on running into nyx. 
They crossed blows and she found out he was a vampire, of course she lost their little battle and was locked up. He later comes and questions her, why didn’t she snitch on him. 
she simply states that would be a dirty win, she could have done that....but she likes fair fights. though human to vampire fight...isn’t really fair. 
stuff happens and she gets a chance to redeem herself, but she’s warned and she blows it off. Noctis’s home is attacked and things happen.. Noctis is taken and Nyx’s little secret is blown..but not by her. 
so thus begins a quest of nyx, my oc and few dorks as they try to retrieve noctis.... Oh yeah prompto has collected a shite ton of garlic and stakes so just incase nyx tries something he’ll stabby stabby. 
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oddchirithy · 6 months
"Two thousand years she lay there...in a garden buried beneath the earth, never knowing a day beyond when she fell into slumber..."
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lillenshivari · 2 years
Lillen Shivari, a Final Fantasy XV OC.
Figure I should post something up about this Tumblr and who it represents. This Tumblr is for the FFXV OC Lillen Shivari. Lillen is part of the "Chocobros". She travels with Noct and the others from the moment they set out from Insomnia. She knows Ignis fairly well from interactions around the Citadel, and has briefly interacted with Noctis and Gladio previously, but not to the point of seeing them as friends and she'd never met Prompto until a few days before they had to set out on their trip. Lillen is a brawler type, like Tifa from FF7 or Zell from FF8. She uses Shurikens as her secondary weapon, allowing her to have a ranged option, and her personal skill is singing. It works much like the "Cheer" ability from Comrades, allowing her to provide various status buffs at the start of a fight. She initially takes her assignment as one of Noctis' Crownsguard very seriously. For much of the journey she only refers to him as "Highness", and Iggy as "Ignis". Early on she occasionally scolds the others for their informal treatment of Noctis, such as saying how she can't believe they would make his Highness push the Regalia. She eases up some after the attack on Insomnia, realizing that things are now far different than when they first set out. She initially is very annoyed by Prompto's overall behavior. She feels it isn't at all fitting of a member of the Crownsguard, as she doesn't yet know that Prompto hasn't trained all his life like she, Iggy and Gladio have. Some time into the journey she accidentally overhears Noct and Prompto's conversation on the roof of the motel, and later pulls Iggy aside to ask him about things, knowing she can trust Iggy to not tell the others about the convo later.
After gaining a better understanding of who Prompto is, she grows to like him and ends up falling for him. Ignis and Gladio figure out how she feels, though they keep it to themselves. Noct remains oblivious, as does Prompto until they reach Zegnautus keep. When they rest up after Prompto reveals the truth behind his codeprint and who/what he is, Lillen asks to speak to Prompto, and Ignis quietly suggests to Noct and Gladio that they give the two a few moments. She looks over and tends to some of the wounds he sustained during his captivity, then reveals her feelings towards him, though she doesn't come out and say "love" right away. After Noct disappears into the crystal, Lillen and Prompto stick together, hunting daemons together. I plan to have her lose her memories during the events of Comrades like the player character does in that DLC, though her story won't follow the DLC fully, and she will eventually regain them and reunite with Prompto, leading to their eventual marriage. They spend the 10 years Noct is gone going between helping Cindy at Hammerhead and helping Wiz find and care for Chocobos to keep them safe from everything going on. I plan to work out an alternate ending for Lillen's story than what the game provides, though, offering a much happier ending for the majority of characters involved. Initially events will play out like in the game, however Noct will be put into a type of sleep rather than dying, and will be awakened by Gentiana/Shiva at some point and told there is a chance he can stop the darkness without having to sacrifice his life. He soul/spirit would be sent back in time along with those of his friends, where they would have the chance to do things over and potentially do things differently. Noct will agree, not to try and save himself so much as to try and prevent much of the loss and suffering the people of Eos previously went through. When the gang begins their journey for the second time, they will initially have no memories of their past lives, though they will feel a nagging sense of deja vu. As they journey, various events will trigger memories, and they will be able to make different choices. This will allow certain characters to be spared their previous fates. Jared's death can be avoided. Iggy's blindless can be prevented/reversed (I haven't yet decided just how I want to handle that part, as I still need to read Dawn of the Future to see how things play out there), Luna and Ravus' deaths can be prevented, and of course Noct wouldn't die in the end. I haven't yet decided if Noct will spend time in the crystal again or if he'll be able to stop things without having to hibernate again, since by the time they reach Zegnautus keep for a second time they will have regained all their memories. I plan to take bits and pieces from all the other endings provided by FFXV and its side content, such as Episode Ignis' alternate ending, and that provided by DotF, to put together my own take. I'm using the time travel concept the game offers up via Umbra and the Chapter 15 content. Part of Noctis being able to stop the scourge without sacrificing himself will involve his needing to do things only available in Chapter 15 in the game, such as getting ultimate weapons and defeating the sealed away daemons from the "Beneath Lucis" questline. I hope to eventually write up some bits and pieces of fanfics for Lillen and how some of this plays out, but I'm not sure when I'll actually get around to doing it.
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mrs-sharp · 6 months
Everytime you realise your favourite fictional character is... fictional.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 months
The Bliss of the Fall
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Well, your love is worse Worse than cigarettes Even if I had twenty in my hands Oh, babe, your touch, it hurts More than hangovers No, that bottle don't hold the same regret
And my mother says that you're bad for me Guess she never felt the high we're on right now And my father says I should run away But he don't know that I just don't know how
Well, if it's unhealthy then I don't give a damn 'Cause even if it kills me, I'll always take your hand It's unhealthy, they just don't understand And when they try to stop me, just know nobody can You're still gon' be my man
"Unhealthy" - Anne-Marie ft Shania Twain
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It had been a twisted game of hide and seek, between them that night.
Ardyn had seen the change in his wife.
She was hunting him down, and the thought caused a smile of satisfaction that grew wider with each passing moment.
Even now, as he enjoyed his glass of champagne - the first of many little transgressions for that night, he hoped- his eyes were following his wife.
Luscinia would move discretely, pleasantly entertaining her fellow colleagues with her silver tongue, a social butterfly as she always was during diplomatic events. Ever charming and filled with zestful vivacity, she was busy chatting and entertaining friends of old that she hadn’t seen since their wedding day, her cheeks flaming.
But Ardyn knew that her burning skin was his doing.
He could see it in the way her fingertips constantly reached for a spot on her neck, exactly below the sensual curve of her jaw. Just a single, daring brush of his lips in that sweet spot, moments before they were to meet the other delegates of Lucis; it had been enough to provoke a reaction in her that he was not expecting at all.
He had felt her shivering, the soft gasp that she had tried to strangle in her throat.
But it was her eyes that had given away that, this time, the shivering wasn’t out of uncomfortableness, but out of pure craving. Those eyes - the same colour of the sky at sunset- shining with desire, almost feverish
He knew, because he had felt the same warmth flare up in his loins at that sight, a blazing inferno in his stomach at the possibility that finally she might want him with the same voracity he wanted her.
Ardyn narrowed his golden gaze, smirking when he saw her excusing herself from the group of diplomats, trying to maintain her composure, but betrayed by the way her eyes and the way they flickered around ever so slightly, scrutinizing the room, scanning every single face, looking for him.
“I won’t have you, until you come to me willingly,” he remembered whispering on their wedding night, his lips merely a breath away from hers. “I won’t take you until you want me, until I hear the plea leaving your lips. I won’t have you until you will beg me to.”
He could see the scene even now, clear as if it had happened the day before: Luscinia laid against the cozy pillows and soft blankets, bare on their bed, ready to undergo her wifely duties, determined as she was to fulfill her part of that Accord that was meant to keep Lucis - to keep her brother - safe from the Empire. The Accord that had been her brainchild.
And she was willing to do whatever she needed to fulfill her part.
But despite the voluptuous way her body curved and the more than revealing lingerie she had worn , Ardyn had seen an emptiness behind her eyes - an impenetrable wall- that had made him uneasy. A starless night where no light burned. A gelid void that seemed to extend to all her being. And Ardyn had hated that sight, more than he had cared to admit. He had thought himself a monster often, but not the kind of monster that would take a woman against her will. And most certainly, not to take his wife against her will.
Two years had passed since that day.
And finally, the tide had changed. And tonight he knew, as he put his hat back on and left his hidden spot , starting to whistle a tune that he knew Luscinia would hear even among the crowd, that her cold wall had finally melted away. And that the moment he had anticipated for - that he he had started to wish for - was about to come to him, straight into his own open arms, and of her own volition.
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I have no idea what possessed me to do this, BUT ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT I DID IT, FML.
You know Kingsglaive? The scene of the night BEFORE the signing of the Treaty, when they are all celebrating on the rooftop??
Well, if you remember, there is some sort of Aquarium thingy on top of a staircase, and beneath it, a huge door that I headcanon would bring to the lower level of the acquarium thingy.
That's PRECISELY where Luscinia and Ardyn decided to *finally* give in to the freaking lust and craving that had been building up in the past couple of years since their wedding.
Also, I like to imagine that, after getting married, Ardyn would start to borrow his wife neckscarf and wear it around his wrist, especially when they are separated and he cannot be with her.
Like, the man cares about her, but he knows she is a freaking black cat that won't give in that easily.
AND THAT SONG. THAT SONG IS JUST *PERFECT* FOR THEM. Bless my husband for suggesting it to me for them, because omg, it is so perfect.
I know I am still learning, but I have to be honest, I am truly truly happy with how it turned out! All those little details, the way I managed to draw the boobieeeeeees!! AND THE SHADING OF THAT LEG. I peaked at that. I will never be able to colour anything this well.
Honestly, my poor eyes are burning for how long I worked on this, I need to truly rest a bit!
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zafys · 11 hours
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And they were colleagues...
(redraw of a scene from dc strange multiverse of madness)
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ffocarchive · 24 days
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vampychocobo · 9 months
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toshikijeevas · 12 days
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I'm sorry but Ardyn just looming over me waiting for me to stand up is killing me
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Luscinia Lucis Caelum - Infographic
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"She says look at us I just see my reflection I'm tempted to trust But she got bad intentions And she comes at night She's the devil in disguise Always picking fights Trying to take over my mind She wants my eyes She's the voice that isn't mine Nowhere to hide She's the devil in disguise"
(first template by @phillipsgraves, thought I took the liberty to add the second page myself).
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You probably don't know this, but when yours truly cannot settle down to peacefully draw or write (because the brain do not allow), I love to actually do some infographics for my ocs, just for the fun of it.
Though, sometimes, like in Luscinia's case here, working on her character sheet actually helped me deepen my knowledge of her and come up with some ideas that I hadn't think about when I first created her!
I am really happy with how all these turned out, and I hope you will like them as well!
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crus-tulum · 4 months
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Я ЗАБЫЛА КАК РИСОВАТЬ😐 бро из фф15 и осы камни
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