#final year tho 🧌
stevebabey · 1 year
hey! you absolutely don't have to answer this if you aren't comfortable, but what are you studying at uni? (it's my default question i'm sorry i love hearing about what people love so much (or at least like enough) to pursue for at least a few years!!!)
no one string togeva all the details i’ve posted on this blog and come hunt me down cos i think i’m being too liberal w my details on here lmaoooo
i double major in education and geology! :) it’s delicious, they don’t overlap at all and i picked them both on a whim! didn’t even know what geology was when i started uni but i really froth it now!!!! it appeals to a science-y side of myself i didn’t realise i had & i feel MAD smart talkin bout what we learn <3 i love rocks and learning all ze earth processes. education is just slay nd i’m good at it and maybe i can make a job outta helping peeps, which would be nice :D
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qtssvnwoo · 1 year
helloo this is my first time requesting so hopefully its not confusing🧌
can i request fluff prompt number 2 and comfort number 9? with draco malfoy
so like basically y/n is kind to everyone including malfoy and y/n has a crush on him and draco asks “why do you love me?” (prompt 2 )and y/n’s like “because i believe theres something good in you” then walks away and draco had this weird feeling and he cant get y/n off his mind and starts liking her then when draco became a death eater y/n found out but she still decided to love him just the way he is and shes always there for draco even tho hes kind of mean to her (prompt 9) and he kinda likes her but dont know how to express hes feelings
im sorry if this is cringe 😞
Of course my love! So sorry if this is late, but, I had such a fun time writing this, so thank you!!
Prompts: Fluff 2: "Why do you love me?" Comfort 9: "I love you okay? Nothing will ever change that."
I See You-Draco Malfoy (request)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Maybe bad writing cause I haven't written a fanfic in a while, I've been working on my own story.
A/N: Also, let me know if I should make a series regarding one of the Harry potter characters, I'm going between Ron and Draco right now!!
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   Y/n. They were known around the school for being the kindest person in Ravenclaw, most people liked them, all except a few. Draco Malfoy in particular wasn’t so fond of Y/n. He hated the way they smiled at everyone, how they never stood up for themselfyet stood up for everyone else. He hated how innocent they seemed and the way their eyes sparkled when they talked about traveling the world. 
  Ever since they were in their potions class together in 3rd year, Y/n knew they felt something for Draco. They heard his laugh from across the room and saw his charming smile and knew from then on that they were truly in love. Everything Draco did left them in a trance, even when Draco wasn’t so nice to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Fifth Year*
  The sound of people yelling, laughing and talking didn’t seem to phase Y/n as they sat at the courtyard, drawing underneath a tree. They had been working on a particularly difficult picture that had taken them a couple of days to even get the base sketch down, and they were finally finishing it. They had drown out all the noise of people talking so much that they hadn’t even noticed the sound of Draco’s heavy footsteps approaching them. 
  “What could you possible be so focused on?” y/n tensed up at the sound of Draco’s voice, they weren’t expecting Draco out of nowhere, causing them to jump slightly and blush slightly at his mocking tone. They murmured some words, some words Draco could not understand.
  “I can’t hear you when you don’t talk L/n.” He smirked. Draco was aware of Y/n’s feelings for him, he had known ever since he had heard them talking about it in Herbology last year. Since then, he had decided to make them lose their feelings for him, he had hated the idea of people liking him, or even liking someone back knowing how his path was set for him, he didn’t want to bring anyone into this mess he had to fulfill. 
  “I said I'm drawing! I have to focus, it's a gift for Hermione.” Y/n first spoke with confidence, but, slowly their words got lost in translation as they had felt bad for shouting at Draco.
  “A gift? For the mudblood? How ridiculous! You would draw something for someone like that?” Draco mocked. Before Y/n had the chance, Draco grabbed the sketchbook from their hands and looked at the drawing. 
  “Malfoy Stop! Give that back!” Y/n tried their best to get their drawing back from him, but all he did was dodge them, moving from side to side. 
  “This is horrid! What is this supposed to be? A rat? Or maybe it’s a self Portrait?” Draco laughed to himself, but Y/n didn’t laugh. The words had hurt them, had cut them deep. They knew he was probably only doing it to make them mad, but nonetheless, the poison words coming from him choked them, slowly tearing away their confidence. 
  “That's not nice Malfoy.” Was all Y/n could say. The cockiness in Draco’s eyes got bigger as he laughed at them. 
  “That's all you have to say? How pathetic.” And with his words, he threw the sketchbook into a nearby puddle. Y/n just stared at the puddle, watching as the pages slowly soaked up the water, causing the ink to run across the pages. They couldn’t help but slowly feel their throat close and their eyes start to water as they watched the drawing slowly get ruined by the dirty water. They slowly looked over at Draco and mustered up a small smile.   “That’s okay, I needed a new one anyways.” Was all they said before walking past Draco and picking up the sketchbook. “I’ll see you in Potions Malfoy.” 
  Draco watched as they walked away, in shock. He had just ruined their sketchbook, something that took lots of time and effort into creating and they didn’t even say anything. 
  Draco couldn’t help but feel bad the next couple of weeks. He thought about the way he just threw the sketchbook, and how Y/n just didn’t react. When they saw each other in the halls, Y/n would flash Draco a quick smile, and a wave before going back to whatever they were doing. During their shared classes together, Y/n would also often help Draco if he needed something. All these kind gestures made Draco’s head spin in confusion, even though he had just been mean to them weeks prior, they had the courage to still treat him decent?  Draco couldn’t stop the feeling of guilt striking him more and more everyday. So he decided to confront Y/n about it. 
  One day after class, Draco had dragged Y/n  (more rough than he had wanted) into an empty hallway to finally ask their the question that had been on his mind since he had ruined their sketchbook. 
   “Why?” Was all he said. He felt like his throat had been closed, restricting him from saying anything else. But, when Y/n only looked at him with confusion, he continued. “Why are you so nice to me? After everything I did, and everything I said. I ruined your sketchbook, tripped you in the halls, I’ve even blamed you for things you never even did. Yet you still take the blame for it and treat me kindly every single time. Why?” 
  Y/n felt a wave of heat rush over them. They had never planned on confessing the true reason as to why they had been so kind to Draco, but now was a better time than never.
  “Well, I do love you Draco, and-” 
   “Then why do you love me? Why do you continue to love me even though I’m such a horrible person.” 
  “Love is the only force capable of turning an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King Jr.” y/n responded. Draco looked at them, and he stared. Not because he was confused, but because he had not noticed how eloquently Y/n spoke. Words flew from their mouth like the drop of rain, and had the sweetness of honey when they reached his ear. 
   “Draco, I see you. I see you as you are. I see good in you and I see someone that is hiding beneath all that tough exterior. You just have to let him out.” 
  Draco looked and watched as Y/n slowly walked away. He couldn’t fathom how someone who he had never shown an ounce of kindness too, could read and see inside him so well. He felt his heart skip a beat as he remembered the words Y/n had spoken to him, his heart raced and his palms started to sweat. He felt weird, silly even. He had never felt this way about someone ever before, Nor did he really want to. 
  But despite his efforts, the next few weeks got only harder for him. The stress of his father making him a death eater, killing dumbledore, and his feelings for Y/n had ridden him with such a burden that he could not even focus in his classes anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*sixth year*
Draco stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn’t believe what he had become. He stared at the mark on his arm in disgust as he felt tears run down his face. He had seated himself in an empty classroom, away from all people. Except for one. 
  Y/n had entered the room five minutes before Draco arrived, they had wanted a quiet place to draw, but they knew that Draco needed this space more. They knew they probably should have just made a quick run for the door, but seeing Draco quietly cry to himself made Y/n’s heart break. 
  They quietly put their hand on Draco’s shoulder, and whispered his name. He knew immediately who it was and his heart stopped. He didn’t even question if he was right, he just stood up and engulfed Y/n in the tightest hug he could. Both Y/n and Draco’s hearts skipped a beat. Y/n hugged Draco tighter and let him cry into their chest, while slowly rubbing his head. 
   After a while Draco had calmed down he let go of y/n, still keeping them in his arms, just hugging them a little less tight. He looked them in the eyes and swallowed back his pride. 
  “You still love me? After all these years of being mean to you and your friends. After all I’ve done? After all I've become?” Y/n looked down at his arm, they gasped slightly at the mark but did not say anything. They rubbed his arm, bringing it up to their mouth and kissing the whole of the mark slowly. Before looking up at Draco with the softest gaze she could give him.
  “I see you Draco, I see you as you are. Not what burdens you. I love you Okay? Nothing will ever change that.” Draco sighed lightly, letting Y/n continue. “Love is the only force capable of turning an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King Jr.” They smiled as they repeated the words back to him that they had spoken so long ago. Draco laughed to himself as he held Y/n’s face in his hands. 
  “Thank you. For seeing me. Thank you for loving me.”
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delcakoo · 2 years
what about hufflepuff!sunoo x hufflepuff!reader?
Both who've been pinning after e/o for years and they finally confess when one of them gets asked out :)
AWWHWHH THIS SCENARIO IS SO CUTE WAITTT and omg u guys rlly love sunoo and hogwarts huh 🧌 same tho
YES okay adding onto the sunoo aus what about bestfriendhufflepuff!sunoo watching some weird guy try to give mc a drink that cleARLY has amortentia (love potion) in it and literally STORMS up to the guy right as he offers it to you and just wacks it out of his hand like đŸ€šđŸ’„ and the mfs like “who the hell are you??”
sunoo grabs your hand n’ pulls out his wand with the other, pointing the end right at the guy like “their boyfriend, you ugly, evil little cockroach (hehe hermione reference). lay a hand even near them again and i’ll have your head.”
AND YOU’RE JUST LIKE 🧌 (im so sorry i just love this emoji so much) “brO what was that for?! he was kinda cute!”
meanwhile the boy just died inside at being bro-zoned 💔💔 at that moment he decided to start formulating the perfect plan on how to ask you out the next day <333 đŸ«¶đŸ«¶
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