scribefindegil · 1 year
with crafts, sometimes buying the specialized/higher quality tools and materials makes an unfathomable difference and sometimes it hardly matters at all and the problem is that there's not an easy way of determining which one it's gonna be
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kendallsroyco · 6 months
9 years ago, Daredevil S1 premiered on Netflix and changed lives
Next year, we get to see Matt Murdock again for one whole show 🥹
A whole decade next year! Look at how much he's grown 🤧❤️
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fumifooms · 5 months
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That. That screentone on Chilchuck’s chest in the low open collar. Is Chilchuck having chest hair canon Kui. Kui? Gripping my knee
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akiacia · 5 months
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the myth of eros and psyche
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rosiethorns88 · 1 year
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Dropping the latest Sketch-a-Wish voted on by my lovely Patreons for June! A cozy scene from Legends & Lattes (by @travis_baldree), featuring Viv and Tandri trying out Thimble's scrumptious Cinnamon Roll! If you missed it, reading this book for this SAW prompted me to make my own Cinnamon Rolls from scratch (for research, of course!) I have a highlight of these shenanigans on my Instagram. 😂 Are we excited for the Bookshops & Bonedust prequel? 🔥
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evansboyfriend · 20 days
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top ten most gut wrenching heart breaking buckley siblings moments
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Finer Things 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as non/dubcon, age gap, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your mom surprises you with a visit but has a lot more in store than you could ever imagine.
Characters: Tony Stark
Note: Another sexy silverfox.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Thor loves thunder. Take care. 💖
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“It will be so good to see you, honey,” you mom’s buoyant voice rings in your ear drum and you move the cell away from your ear. You make a face and catch the eyes of passerby, cringing at yourself as you veer away from the coed and continue towards your residence. 
“You too, mom,” you reply as you keep to the edge of the walk, sure to keep out of the way of students and faculty alike. 
“I have a surprise too!” She rings out. 
“Mm, you do?” You frown. The last time she had a surprise, it wasn’t really for you. Her trip to the Caribbean had you alone for your sixteenth but that was like five years ago. 
Your eyes skim the rustic colours of the curling leaves as wind whips around the collar of your coat. You plug your other hear so you can hear her voice. 
“Oh yes! It’s all really exciting. Just make sure you wear something fancy. I looked up a few local spots and this one looks very upscale,” she trills. 
That’s your mom. She spends more than she should, or has. If she had access to your trust, you wouldn’t have tuition. It’s just another part of your life that makes you feel helpless. 
“Alright, I’m sure I have something...” 
“What about all those clothes I gave you when I cleaned out my closet?” She preens. 
“Mom, I couldn’t fit them in my suitcase.” You don’t mention that you didn’t fit into them either. Your short and rounder than her. 
“Do you need money? I could send you my credit card number... one of them.” 
“It’s fine. I’ll find something,” you assure her and dodge out of the way of a group of frats. You feel so invisible. It’s like no matter what you do, no one sees you, even standing right in front of them. “I should go. It’s windy.” 
“Okay, I guess you can go,” she whines. “But I’ll see you tonight. Oh, I’ll send you the address too. Should I send an uber?” 
“Mom, please, my tuition includes a bus pass--” 
“The bus? Oh, at night?” 
“Mom,” you grit again. “Please. I’ll get there. See ya then.” 
“Alright, alright. I love you. Buh-bye.”  
You hang up and tuck your phone away, keeping your hands in your pockets as the tails of your coat flap with another chilly gust. You slope your shoulders against the autumnal temperate and hide your cheeks against your scarf. You love this time of year for the apple cider and pumpkin everything but the weather isn’t always so pleasant. 
As you get to your building, you look up at the windows. There are signs decrying the latest political frenzy and flags with varying shades of rainbow, and some stickers stuck on the panes. Your own window is barren. Just like you, your living quarters are plain. 
You let yourself in through the front door with a flash of your fob and drag your feet up the stairs. Gabourey is in the kitchen on speaker phone. You often fall asleep listening to her conversations, though you try hard not to. Racquel would be working down at the bookstore, and most times you wonder where Virgie is, she’s in her room napping. 
Your entry goes unnoticed. You hide in your dorm and put your bag on the chair by the desk. You untie your boots and carry them back to the mat. Too late, you already soaked the small patch of carpet between your bed and the desk. 
You toss your coat on your bed and go to the wooden armoire next to the sink in the corner. It isn’t much space but it’s yours. You open the doors and stare down the garments hanging inside. You favour plaid, tweed, and muted colours. The plum turtleneck would go nice with your circle skirt but it feels so stuffy. Your mom said fancy, not uptight. 
Hm. A classic black dress. Everyone has one. Even you. It’s simple. A wrap with a bow at the hip. It emphasizes your curves but doesn’t make you look bigger. You can put a necklace on with it and fight your hair for some semblance of presentability. 
It doesn’t matter much anyway, it’s just your mom. You don’t really care what other people think. She’s the one so hung up on appearances. You’ll just enjoy the free meal, if her card isn’t declined. 
Your mom texts as you shove your wallet in your purse. You put your glasses on over your fresh coat of mascara and read her message. ‘Uber on it’s way for you.’ 
You huff and key in your message, ‘mom, I told you not to worry.’ 
She sees it but doesn’t answer. She never listens to anyone. Ever. It’s why you haven’t seen your own grandparents since your graduation. What a lovely day that was. 
You shrug and grab your coat. Oh well. No use in arguing now. With how quick the app is, the driver’s probably right outside. Besides, you weren’t exactly looking forward to waiting for the bus in the bitter cold. 
As you come downstairs, you get another text. In the chat, you find a screenshot of your mom’s phone, but that’s not her phone number on the confirmation screen. Or yours. Hm. 
You match the license play before you approach the car. You get in and greet the driver. He doesn’t answer you. Wow, you’re in his back seat and you still can’t get a hello. Or maybe the music’s too loud. 
You clutch your bag in your lap and watch out the window. The tension rises to an awkward strangle and when at last you reach the restaurant, you thank him. He turns down the music before you can get the door open. 
“Thanks for the tip, lady,” he says brightly. “Awesome!” 
You smile and bid him ‘you’re welcome’, rather than correcting him. Even if it’s undeserved, you’ll take it. Your mom must already have ordered some wine. Her statement must be close to its limit. 
You get out and look up at the curvy cursive of the restaurant sign. It’s fancy for sure. You cross the pavement and enter warily. You might just convince her to go somewhere else. Somewhere affordable. 
You stand around in the lobby and stare at the hostess as her eyes cling to the tablet on her podium. She taps around on the screen and ignores you. Is she? Or does she just not know you’re there? You clear your throat and step up. 
“Um, hi, I’m meeting someone here. I think they’ve arrived but, er, yeah,” you grip your phone tight, “Joyce.” 
“Joyce,” she squints and checks her screen. You give your last name but she still can’t find it. 
“One second,” you back up as a couple enters and you pull up the chat. 
You frantically text your mom; ‘I’m here but they don’t have your name.’ 
The checkmark goes blue but she doesn’t answer. The bubble doesn’t even pop up to show she’s typing. Your stomach swirls and you look around. The couple is shown into the dining room by a server as the hostess looks at you. You can feel her judgement. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” a man appears in a suit, “I think my guest is here. Young thing--” 
The man pauses and you look up. Your heart picks up in recognition. It’s him. Tony Stark. The Tony Stark. Billionaire, engineer, generous donour to the university. He smirks at you. 
“There she is,” he heads for you and you shake your head. 
“Oh no, not me--” 
He says your name and you choke on your tongue. You touch your collar and shake your head. He chuckles. 
“Sorry, did I scare ya?” He beams at you. “Your mom’s holding the table.” 
“My mom--” you stammer. 
“Come on.” He beckons you with his hand, the flash of his expensive  
“Mr. Stark, did you need anything for the table?” The hostess asks. 
“I’m good, sweetheart,” he winks and keeps his arm extended to you. 
“Alright, well if you do, ask for Chelsea.” 
He laughs again and waves you close. You walk to him in shock. 
“Actually, Chelsea, her coat,” he says. 
He surprises you as he unbuttons your jacket himself. You just stand there. He pushes it back on your shoulders and you squeak. You turn to let him free your arms and he hands the wool over to the hostess. 
“There we go,” he purrs. 
You step away and cross your arms defensively. He bends his elbow and looks at you expectantly, “come on.” 
You hesitate but step forward. He grabs your wrist before you can react and hooks your arm through his. You still can’t believe it’s him. Or that he’s there with your mom. This is her surprise? How the hell does she wander into these things? 
You let him lead you into the dining room. Despite the lingering nip of the fall in your cheek, sweat forms on the back of your neck and speckles your scalp. You look around and find at least a dozen pairs of eyes watching you in turn. 
Stark leads you to a booth where your mom wiggles on the bench. She shimmies out from behind it and throws her arms up. Your escort releases you, brushing between your hand and your skirt, and your mom wraps you up in a hug. She rocks you with a squeal. 
“Honey! I missed you.” 
“Mom,” you groan. 
“Joyce, please, give the girl a moment,” Stark chuckles, “come on, let’s settle in. I’m getting a bit peckish.” 
You eagerly take his lead. You nod as your mom lets you go and you keep your eyes on the table. You slide in next to your mom as she sits. 
“Wine?” Stark offers as he lifts the bottle already on the table. 
“Erm, I don’t--” 
“She’d love some,” your mom answers, “don’t let me have all of that or I might regret it in the morning.” 
You force a smile at her joke. The undertone gives you an ick but you ignore it. Stark pours the glass. 
“We haven’t formally been introduced,” he says as he plunks the bottle down, “Tony Stark.” 
“Mr. Stark,” you take his hand as he offers it and shake it, “nice to meet you.” 
“The pleasure’s all mine,” he slithers the cliche and squeezes your hand before letting go. 
You retract and cradle your fingers in your lap. You’re burning with surprise and confusion still. You glance at your mom. 
“Your mom says you came straight from school, smartie pants,” he grins. “I’m honoured you came all this way.” 
“Um, not that far.” 
“You go to Keating,” he prompts. 
“Yes, er, you spoke there--” 
“I did,” he agrees quickly. “Back in the fall. You were there?” 
“Um, ha, yeah,” you twist your fist around your finger. “I-- It was busy, you probably don’t remember but me and my roommate came to the meet and greet. She got your signature.” 
“Oh, she did? But you didn’t?” 
“Erm, no, I didn’t have VIP,” you show your teeth sheepishly, “sorry.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” he waves off your apology. “You get a whole night with me.” 
Your mother giggles and puts her hand on his arm, “so, you like your surprise?” 
“Uh, surprise?” You echo thinly. “Sure, uh... I... feel like I’m crashing.” 
“Not at all.” Stark insists. 
“Thanks, Mr. Stark, er--” 
“Please, it’s Tony,” he says. “My father’s Mr. Stark and he’s a jackass at that.” 
You laugh, more nervous than amused. Your mom rubs his arm and leans into him, “you’re so funny, Ton.” 
“So I’ve been told,” he agrees but his eyes don’t leave you. 
You shift and peer around the restaurant. You already feel out of place here but with him, you’re even more uncertain. A clink brings your attention back to the table. 
“Come on, let’s loosen up,” he taps his glass against yours, “cheers.” 
“Cheers!” Your mother quickly scoops up her glass and knocks it against his. 
His smirk stays etched in his lips as he sips and you pick up your glass. You drink cautiously and squirm under his intense gaze. You wish he’d look away. Look at her! She’s the one you’re here for. 
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apas-95 · 3 months
The sexualisation of children, not simply the sexual abuse of children, is itself reactionary, and historically has been associated almost exclusively with reactionaries.
The widespread child rape of the German Nazis in occupied territories and at home through the Hitlerjugend, the taking of child 'comfort girls' by Japanese Imperial and US troops in occupied lands, and the fact that the overlap between 'virulent racist' and 'open lolicon' approaches 100%, are all fundamentally built off of the exact same bourgeois sexual politics - wherein women and children are property of men; and where the middle-class man especially fetishisises and pursues the greatest possible power differential he can, both for practical reasons, and as an ideological extension of the strict reinforcement of social hierarchy that bourgeois reaction requires.
It is utter insanity (I mean, neurodivergence) to see self-described 'communists' trying to defend open sexualisation of children under the the supposed incapability for anything labeled 'kink' to be harmful - something obviously at odds with the notion that sexual politics exists in the first place! Sexuality must simultaneously be so insignificant as to merit no critique, but also so fundamental as to allow no critique - the 'just stop talking about it' approach one must take when they realise they are standing on historic ground tread only by the most reviled and monstrous enemies of humanity as a whole.
If it cannot be understood on the grounds of basic human decency, then let it be made clear politically: It is a complete and utter willful blindness to the material world to imagine that there exists some 'sex positive', communist way to support the sexualisation of children in the era of fascism.
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WH40k: Rogue Trader romance cards inspired by Dragon Age: Keep tapestry tiles --- part [2/6]
Jae Heydari, the Smuggler
[1/ Yrliet] [3/ Marazhai] [4/ Heinrix]
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sleepsucks · 8 months
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greghatecrimes · 15 days
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Character 👏🏻development👏🏻
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andmaybegayer · 4 months
Every time I sharpen a knife I am astounded by the control and perception you can exert on the world with your hands. You're just rubbing some metal over a rough flat surface, but you can tell when the surface is slightly not flat by a few micrometers because the blade will scrape across it unevenly. You can perfectly follow a curved edge to set an even grind by pure feel of friction, even with confounding factors like an uneven stone and haphazardly applied water as lubricant.
You can maintain a consistent angle and reset that angle multiple times as you flip from side to side, you can feel out that your draw length is the same and you feel a kind of innate wrongness when you don't draw long enough on one side as the other. I'm not even particularly good at this and I can get a shaving edge on my knives in a few minutes.
Like, I do other hand crafts, sewing, sure, I can sew a 2mm backstitch seam all day, but there's so much obvious visual feedback to help you do it, here you are on a mode of operation that cannot be perceived visually pretty much at all, and it works!
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1v31182m5 · 4 months
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ribbittrobbit · 1 year
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FABIAN!!!! ARAMAIS!!!!!!! SEACASTER!!!!!!!!!
wasn't planning to finish this today, but the spirit of fabian compelled me.
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etherealkissed88 · 9 months
its my birthday bitches 🎀
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classycookiexo · 4 months
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