lorcanxdeath · 5 years
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Full Name?: Lorcan İlaya Mikhael d’Eath.
Lorcan ( pronounced LOR - KHAN ) means “little fierce one.”
İlaya ( pronounced IL - LIE - DAH ) means “fair, honest, just.” It is the name of his mother, given to him in honour of her.
Mikhael ( prounced ME - KULL ) means “Who is like God?” His father is Orthodox Christian, so he was given a biblical secondary middle name.
d’Eath ( prounced DEE - ATH ) means “death” but also “fuel, tinder.”
Age?: Twenty-one.
Gender?: Cis Male.
Pronouns?: Him / He.
Birthday?: March 20th, 1960 ( the first day of spring ).
Zodiac Sign?: Pisces.
Where were you born?: Ankara, Turkey.
Where were you raised?: Vadu Izei, Romania.
Hair colour?: Dark chestnut brown.
Eye colour?: Blue like his mother, but they can turn black when he needs to feed.
Height?: 6′ 2″.
Tattoos?: He has a sleeve of the galaxy on his left arm, which changes colour depending on his mood & a skull with roots growing out of the mouth on his calve. Both were drawn and done by his friend and roommate Blaise Blackthorn.
Piercings?: N/A.
Any other notable features (scars, freckles, etc)?: He has a scar over his right breast -- a wizard tried to stake him in the heart as a child, but luckily missed his heart.
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?:
İlaya d’Eath ( nee Burakgazi ): His mother died in childbirth so he never knew her. His father gave him his mother’s name as his first middle name, to remind him that his mother loved him. So while he never knew her personally, he is grateful to her for bringing him into life -- she is a large influence in his music he writes.
Ion d’Eath ( pronounced I - YON ): His father is around one hundred and fifty years old, a full fledged vampire. Ion kept to himself most of his life, secluded, until he found İlaya and they had Lorcan together. With İlaya gone, Ion is very protective over Lorcan his son, especially since he knows that he is the cause of Lorcan’s hardships, being both human and vampire, never being accepted fully by either species for being half-breed. While his father is a little old school, quiet and shows his form of love in non-conventional ways, Lorcan loves him deeply.
Saoirse O’Connor ( prounced SER- SHA ): His vampire “step-mother” -- she is a new vampire, turned by a rogue vampire and rescued by Ion sometime after they moved to Ireland, who he helped teach to live as a vampire. Lorcan doesn’t know her extremely well, as she and his father only started dating about three years ago and he only gets to see her during the summer months; however, he likes her just fine. As long as she makes his father happy, then Lorcan will be happy. She is kind to him and he absolutely loves her strong, Irish accent.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up (if applicable)?: He was an only child growing up, but now he has a half-sister that he absolutely adores named Ava, who is around two years old. She is a little rascal, always biting everything, and he would do anything to protect her.
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: He really only had his father growing up. He made a few friends while he was at Durmstrang Institute, but at that time he was still learning on how to be half-vampire, trying to keep it secret, so he never let anyone get close.
Who was their childhood best friend?: N/A.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Lorcan grew up in the countryside, so he’s always enjoyed the outdoors. He was sometimes limited to the physical activites he could do outside, as the sun can weakened him if he is exposed to it for a long time. This was one reason that Ion gifted a guitar to him at a young age, so he had a hobby indoors.
House?: Ravenclaw.
Year?: Tenth.
Bloodstatus?: Half-blood / Half-breed (vampire).
What form does your boggart take?: An innocent person, with bite marks on their skin, bleeding out.
What form does your patronus take?: A bat.
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: N/A.
Are you a prefect?: N/A.
What clubs are you in?: Music.
What is your wand like?: Hornbeam, 13″, Coral.
Hornbeam: selects it’s mate with a single, pure passion, which some might call a small obsession -- more kindly - vision, which almost always be realized (for Lorcan, his music). Hornbeam wands apart more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, and will become so personalized, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use. Even for the most simple spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honour, whatever it may be, and will refuse to perform acts -- whether for good or ill -- that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand (source: link).
Coral: wand’s core properties are unknown.
His wand was made by Mykey Gregorovitch.
Do you have a favourite spell?: Rictusempra.
What’s your favourite class?: Astronomy.
What’s your least favourite class?: Flying.
Sexuality?: Pansexual.
Relationship status?: “Faking dating” Mary MacDonald.
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: He secretly dated Narcissa Black from Christmas 8th year to Christmas 9th year, Hugo Mendoza from 9th year to the next summer, but he has had many flings and sexual encounters throughout his years at Hogwarts.
Do you have a crush?: Maybe.
Do you believe in love?: Yes, he believes that you can have many loves and soulmates throughout life.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, with Narcissa Black for a time.
Do you miss anyone?: His mother, always. He also missing friendships he had with some that were lost when his vampirism came out.
Do you want to get married?: He doesn’t care, he would be with someone married or not.
Who are you best friends currently?: Anna, Bert, Blaise, Daisy, Edgar, Flo, to name a few.
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Sometimes, if he admits it, it can be hard to see his father with another woman who isn’t his mother, but he reminds himself that it has been years since his mother’s passing, and his father deserves to move on and find love again.
Do you have any pets?: He has an Ural Owl from Romania named Cirilla (nickname Ciri). He also gets along great with cats, surprisingly.
Do you drink?: All the time -- his favourite drink is Jasmin red wine and whisky.
Do you smoke?: Sometimes.
Do you do drugs?: Yes -- he is willing to try anything and everything (sometimes it doesn’t affect him or can affect him differently, because of his vampire genes).
What are your hobbies?: He has his own band (the leader singer) and can play guitar and piano -- he composes the songs and writes his own lyrics. He also has a love of space, stars and constellations.
What is your opinion on muggles?: He doesn’t think of them often, but he doesn’t have a problem with them, though there is a small fear of humans hunting vampires.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war?: Lorcan has remained neutral, though if he had to choose, he would probably choose the Order, since there was a highest chance of them not mistreating him as a half-breed.
What is your biggest strength?: Aside from the physical strength and speed he gets as a half-vampire, it would be his openness and empathy.
What is your biggest weakness?: He falls in love too easily, and will always put others before himself.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Necks to You, a song he wrote about Jasmin.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: HIS DICK one day he will be proud of his vampire heritage.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: He hopes to one day pursue a full time career with his music and band.
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finestra-rp · 5 years
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Welcome, welcome to our first task of the school year! Under the cut, you will find a character questionnaire determined to delve into your character a little further. This task is optional, but we hope you take part. Please tag your tasks with finestra:task01 !! You can either answer this in character, or out of character !! 
We are also now implementing a point system! For every questionnaire completed, your character's house will be awarded 10 points!! Help your house win the cup at the end of the school year !
Full Name?:
Zodiac sign?:
Where were you born?:
Where were you raised?:
Hair colour?:
Eye colour?:
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?:
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?:
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?:
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?:
Who was their childhood best friend?:
What was their lifestyle like growing up?:
What form does your boggart take?:
What form does your patronus take?:
Do you play Quidditch? What position?:
Are you a prefect?:
What clubs are you in?:
What is your wand like?:
Do you have a favourite spell?:
What’s your favourite class?:
What’s your least favourite class?:
Relationship status?:
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?:
Do you have a crush?:
Do you believe in love?:
Have you ever been in love?:
Do you miss anyone?:
Do you want to get married?:
Who are your best friends currently?:
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?:
Do you have any pets?:
Do you drink?:
Do you smoke?:
Do you do drugs?:
What are your hobbies?:
What is your opinion on muggles?
Where do you stand in the upcoming war?
What is your biggest strength?:
What is your biggest weakness?:
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?:
What is your biggest regret to date?:
What is your favourite thing about yourself?:
Where do you see yourself in the future?:
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bertiebertaubrey · 5 years
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Full Name?: Bertram Aubrey
Age?: 19
Gender?: Demiboy
Pronouns?: he/him and they/them
Birthday?: February 14
Zodiac sign?: Aquarius
Where were you born?: Bath, England
Where were you raised?: Bath, England
Hair colour?: Black
Eye colour?: Brown
Height?: 5 ft 11
Tattoos?: None
Peircings?: None
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: Mole mark above his lips
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Bertram always respected his parents, and in exchange, they didn’t put any kind of extreme measures on him. They did mention countless times how blood purity was important on them, but never put any actual expectations on him regarding that. 
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: N/A
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: It isn’t someone that was in his life per se, but Bertram was aware his father came from a family of 4, but from those 4, there was one he knew nothing of. When he was younger, he would often wonder who that person was, or why his father refused to talk about them. As he grew up, he stopped thinking about them.
Who was their childhood best friend?: Preferring books to people, Bertram never actually had a childhood best friend. If he was ever forced into a social gathering, he might have went with some of the other kids, or he might have stayed by the food and watched people instead. Either way, he never really had a friend before Hogwarts.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: It was somewhat of a laid back lifestyle, although he would often be brought to social gatherings because of his parents. However, he wouldn’t really care much about them, preferring to focus on the things he actually loved.
House?: Ravenclaw
Year?: 9th
Bloodstatus?: Pureblood
What form does your boggart take?: Being rejected everywhere for not being good enough
What form does your patronus take?: Non corporeal at the moment (ooc: just wait and it’ll be corporeal, he just gotta suffer first and discover the world of FEELINGS)
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: No
Are you a prefect?: No
What clubs are you in?: None
What is your wand like?: 12 inch, ash, dragon heartstring, quite rigid. 
Do you have a favourite spell?: Silencio
What’s your favourite class?: Charms
What’s your least favourite class?: Astronomy
Sexuality?: Gray aroace
Relationship status?: Single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: None
Do you have a crush?: No
Do you believe in love?: He isn’t sure what love really mean, but he does believe it is something that can happen.
Have you ever been in love?: Definitely not
Do you miss anyone?: No
Do you want to get married?: It isn’t something he has really given any thoughts about, but given the right person, he would not be opposed to it.
Who are your best friends currently?: Regulus Black
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: As he grew up, his parents became stricter regarding their blood purity. Seeing as he had never shown any interest in anyone, they were growing scared he might run off with just anyone and ruin their bloodline, they have started discussing a possible betrothal. It isn’t something he appreciates, causing him to distance himself from his parents a little. Still, he respects them, and will do what he can to please them.
Do you have any pets?: Apart from his owl, no
Do you drink?: Yes
Do you smoke?: Occasionally
Do you do drugs?: Occasionally
What are your hobbies?: Reading, drawing, music
What is your opinion on muggles? He doesn’t have an opinion on muggles, but he does have an opinion on their art. While his family was rather strict regarding muggles, and not letting in any muggle inventions, Bertram managed to get his hands on a bunch of muggle books, and was positively impressed. He has since taken an interest in their art, may it be literature, movies, or paintings, but when it came to muggles, he was indifferent.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? He doesn’t have much of an opinion on the war. He has decided to stay away from it, and hasn’t paid much attention to it to have an actual idea.
What is your biggest strength?: He likes to think his biggest strength is how he doesn’t let himself be fooled by just anything. He would hate to be the gullible type.
What is your biggest weakness?: His lack of social support would be his greatest weakness. He does try to get everything done on his own, but if he ever required assistance, he would have trouble finding it.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: He remembers that one time, as a 3rd year, when he was able to make a 7th year Slytherin who was picking on him completely shut up and walk away. He doesn’t remember what he said exactly, but he knows it might have been quite something to render someone utterly speechless, and he’s proud of that.
What is your biggest regret to date?: Even if he tries to avoid social gatherings, there are some parties he skipped that he regrets not going to. This isn’t for the missed social interactions, but more because he would’ve love to be there and see in person all the events that went down those nights.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: His hair
Where do you see yourself in the future?: He used to think he would love to hold a high position in the Ministry of Magic, but he isn’t sure anymore. When he thinks about the future, it’s a blur, and it’s scary.
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mineurblack · 5 years
finestra task 001 | character questionnaire
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Full Name?: Narcissa Minette Black
Age?: 20
Gender?: Female
Pronouns?: She / Her
Birthday?: December 31st
Zodiac sign?: Capricorn
Where were you born?: Black Manor, London, England
Where were you raised?: Black Manor, London, England
Hair colour?: Stark blonde, bordering on white
Eye colour?: Green
Height?: 5′7″
Tattoos?: No. That’s unbecoming of a young woman.
Peircings?: Just the two on her earlobes.
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: Excellent eyebrows. Striking beauty. Other than that, not a blemish on her skin.
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Narcissa’s relationship with her parents was distant and cold, to say the very least. Cygnus Black, already on his second marriage, wasn’t the warmest father by a long shot. He demanded submission and obedience from his girls. Most childhood photos of Narcissa have her as a very stern kid, never smiling once. He first used the Cruciatus Curse on her when she was seven, after she stumbled and fell into one of his friends at a gala, embarrassing him. Other than moments of punishment, he was decently distant. Druella, on the other hand, was always there, nagging her about her appearance and behavior, molding her into the perfect woman.  The one time her father wasn’t distant in her life was the year before she left for Hogwarts. Both of her sisters went to school, leaving her alone, and he took that time to teach his youngest a few good lessons. He wasn’t truly a monster, in his eyes, and he gave her some of the rare good memories she’d have with him during this time. Taught her card games and chess. Taught her how to bluff, how to keep her cool, even when in immense pain. Taught her the power of politics and money in everyday life, and how to manipulate others into getting what she wanted. Needless to say, it was an informative year.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: Narcissa’s main source of love and care was from her elder sisters, Bellatrix and Andromeda. She stuck very close to them, turning to Andy more for physical comfort and Bellatrix when she wanted to feel safe. It was a nightmare, that household, but one she oddly grew into as she aged.
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: Wretch the House Elf was often the one taking care of Narcissa and helping her get ready most days. It was a kind relationship, but Wretch was still beneath her, and she knew it.
Who was their childhood best friend?: Priscilla Parkinson
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: The Black family was prestigious, being one of the most noble and ancient pureblood lines in the English Wizarding World. She grew up living the lavish lifestyle of near-Wizarding royalty.
House?: Slytherin
Year?: 9th
Bloodstatus?: Pureblood
What form does your boggart take?: The Black Family Tapestry, all up in flames. The fall of House Black.
What form does your patronus take?: Crow
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: No
Are you a prefect?: No, but she wishes to be when the time is right.
What clubs are you in?: Charms Club, Potions Club, Slug Club, Chess Club
What is your wand like?: It’s a rather beautiful wand. 12 1/4″ Elm wood wand, Vampire Fang core. Unyielding. It is dainty, for how long a wand it is, dark-stained to look almost black. Silver detailing, including small studs along the handle.
Do you have a favourite spell?: Apparition. As mundane as it may seem, she prides herself on being near silent when she does it. Only the quietest of “pops” from her.
What’s your favourite class?: Charms
What’s your least favourite class?: Divination, which she no longer takes. 
Sexuality?: Heterosexual
Relationship status?: Single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: Two serious relationships, one with Frank Longbottom and the other a summer after him with the French Minister of Magic’s son. However, she dabbles sometimes in little flirtationships, mostly getting bored with them after a month or so. If she wished to count it, she was betrothed to Sebastian Nott for the better part of two months, before that was ended by a rather unfortunate “accident.”
Do you have a crush?: I wouldn’t call it a crush, for it’s a bit stronger than that, but yes.
Do you believe in love?: Yes, but she doesn’t believe that it’s necessary for people of her stature. Marriage between purebloods generally doesn’t revolve around love, so she’s consigned herself to the fact that she’ll always have the love of her sisters, and that will have to be enough. 
Have you ever been in love?: No, but she was nearly there with Frank. She’s nearly there with Lucius, as well. But no.
Do you miss anyone?: Andromeda. Their relationship hasn’t been the same since Andromeda refused her betrothal and left the Black family, though they’re getting better.
Do you want to get married?: It’s expected of her, but she’d likely want it regardless. Something extravagant and beautiful.
Who are your best friends currently?: Priscilla, still. Alecto, Stefan, Emma, and Phin.
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Her relationship with her parents has remained mainly the same. She’s closer to Bellatrix now than she once was. Her relationship with Andromeda, however, had suffered in the past few years, though it’s getting better.
Do you have any pets?: No, not yet.
Do you drink?: Yes
Do you smoke?: No
Do you do drugs?: No
What are your hobbies?: Practicing Occlumency could be considered a hobby, right? If not, reading is a common hobby of her’s.
What is your opinion on muggles?: She doesn’t think highly of them. They’re beneath her and others like her. However, her opinion is that they’re less like a group to be eradicated and more along the lines that they deserve a different, lesser world than true witches and wizards. Separation.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war?: Firmly with the Death Eaters, though she won’t get the mark.
What is your biggest strength?: Her ability to adapt. She will change herself slightly to fit different situations.
What is your biggest weakness?: Possibly her neutrality, from time to time. She also has a rather explosive temper once she gets truly furious.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Securing a longterm partnership between her father and the French Minister of Magic, even if the relationship between their kids didn’t pan out.
What is your biggest regret to date?: Nearly killing herself after Andromeda left the family. It was a quick endeavor, downing several potions and poisons without knowing what they’d do and simply waiting to die. She regretted it the moment she had a moment to breathe, and ran crying to her eldest sister, begging her to save her.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: She’s rather fond of her own intellect.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: She won’t admit this, but she does daydream about life about Malfoy Manor. 
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niobebulstrode · 5 years
finestra task 001 | character questionnaire ;;
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-- Full Name?: Niobe Isla Bulstrode -- Age?: 21 -- Gender?: Female -- Pronouns?: She / Her -- Birthday?: November 22nd -- Zodiac sign?: Saggitarius ( Scorpio cusp ) -- Where were you born?: Bulstrode Park, Buckinghamshire, England -- Where were you raised?: Bulstrode Park, Buckinghamshire, England
-- Hair colour?: Raven -- Eye colour?: Blue -- Height?: 5’8” -- Tattoos?: Dark Mark tattoo, tattoo of three eyes on the right side of her back, near her shoulder. They’re smaller, decently detailed, and are in a straight line down. No color. --Peircings?: Both her ears are double pierced, though she doesn’t wear anything fancy in them. Mostly, the double piercing was to piss off her mother. --Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: A few different falls from Quidditch left some scars on her torso and her left side, as she always seemed to have the misfortune of landing on that side. Her nastiest scar is covered up by her tattoo.
-- What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Niobe has always been, for lack of a better term, a “Daddy’s Girl.” He seemed to favor her over her siblings, and she craved that sort of attention. He treated her more like a son, imparting on her lessons in leadership and tenacity, how that could get her far in life. Her mother and her were closer when they were younger, even though she was impatient and rebellious. However, as she grew older and it became clearer to Niobe that her expectations were going to be far different from her brothers, she grew resentful of her mother, who became the personification of everything she didn’t want to be. --What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: Niobe and Caunus got along about as well as siblings like them could. She did like causing trouble around him just to see his response, but at the end of the day, he’s her big brother and she does love him. Danaus is her favorite of her siblings, the two being the closest thing to kindred spirits she can get. Her youngest brother, Pyramis, is someone she’s always felt that she has to protect. The older they get, the more annoyed she gets by the fact that he doesn’t seem to get the world they live in and the position he has. --Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: When Niobe was seven, she begged her father for a flying instructor, despite her young age, and her father couldn’t tell her no. That man became her greatest friend as a child, and she was flying around Bulstrode Park on a broom before anyone was the wiser. --Who was their childhood best friend?: Her old flying instructor, though he’d have likely not called her a friend in return. --What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Niobe grew up in the lavish life of a Pureblood Family with some wealth, but hated all the pomp around it. The frilly dresses and fixed up hairstyles filled her with dread, but the privileges it brought her never seemed to bother her. She bought into the idea that, because her blood was pure, she was a better witch than those less pure than her. It’s tha thought that sticks with her to this day.
-- House?: Slytherin --Year?: 10th -- Bloodstatus?: Pureblood -- What form does your boggart take?: It’s herself, but she’s different. She looks more like her mother, hair coiffed, makeup pristine. It’s the lack of individuality that scares her, and the fact that, day by day, that looks like her future. -- What form does your patronus take?: A Hippogriff. Unsurprisingly, a force of nature. -- Do you play Quidditch? What position?: She’s both a chaser and the Captain of the team. She takes it very seriously. -- Are you a prefect?: No. -- What clubs are you in?: Dark Arts Club, Duelling Club, Potions Club -- What is your wand like?: Niobe’s wand is 13”, unyeilding, ebony wood, with a dragon heartstring core. It’s a rather plain wand, without a lot of flourish, but her mother had them add a small turquoise to the handle, her birthstone.  -- Do you have a favourite spell?: Bombarda. She likes making things explode. -- What’s your favourite class?: Quidditch.  -- What’s your least favourite class?: When she had to take it, History of Magic. The past never interested her as much as the future.
--Sexuality?: Demisexual. Full on demi. Demiromantic, demisexual. --Relationship status?: Single -- How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: Never. Zero. -- Have you ever had a crush?: If she was asked this, she’d say none, but she did have a period in her seventh year when she got extremely possessive of her friendship with Corban and couldn’t stand seeing him with other people. But that’s not an idea she likes to consider, what that meant. So she ignores it. -- Do you believe in love?: Not really. She thinks people get lonely, and that’s about it. -- Have you ever been in love?: No. -- Do you miss anyone?: No. -- Do you want to get married?: No. Desperately, she doesn’t. She feels like it’ll strip her of her individuality, so it’s not something she wants to go through with. However, with her betrothal announced… It’s only a matter of time. -- Who are your best friends currently?: Corban Yaxley is her best friend, soulmate, all of the above. He gets her in a way few others do, and she doesn’t have to worry about not being accepted by him at any point. She’d also held a decent friendship with Elijah Rowle before he was sent to Azkaban, which has her reeling. -- Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Her relationship with her mom sours by the year, while her relationship with her father just gets better. Her brothers mostly stayed the same. -- Do you have any pets?: Yes. She owns a one-eyed monstrosity of a Maine Coon named Bludger, and he literally only likes her and her brother Pyramis.
-- Do you drink?: On occasion, but to excess when she does. -- Do you smoke?: Yes. It’s her worst habit by far. -- Do you do drugs?: She’d tried drugs once or twice, but it isn’t a common thing. -- What are your hobbies?: Niobe is a very physical person. I hate to consider fighting a hobby, but it sort of acts like one to her. It’s a way to wind down and get frustrations out. She also enjoys a good sort of physical activities.
-- What is your opinion on muggles?: She definitely thinks she’s better than muggles, no doubt. She may hate how rigid Pureblood society is, but that’s one aspect of it she doesn’t question in the slightest. She was born of magical parents; surely this made her superior. -- Where do you stand in the upcoming war?: She’s a Death Eater, tattooed and all. -- What is your biggest strength?: Her physical strength is quite possibly her biggest strength. Perhaps her tenacity could be listed as well. -- What is your biggest weakness?: She can be impulsive and doesn’t often listen to the advice of others. She’s very closed-off. -- What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Making Quidditch Captain for the Slytherin team is her biggest pride. -- What is your biggest regret to date?: She once got frustrated after some Pureblood Gala and threw the pearls her mother had gifted her into a lake. Turns out, they’d been her Grandmother’s, and her mother hasn’t talked to her kindly since. As sorry as Niobe is, though, she refuses to apologize. -- What is your favourite thing about yourself?: She likes her skills on the Quidditch field. While she knows she can still improve, she’s quite proud of herself. -- Where do you see yourself in the future?: She doesn’t like to think about the future, because she assumes she’s just going to end up having to fake being the Perfect Pureblood Wife for her future husband. But when she dreams, she sees herself playing Quidditch professionally.
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edwcrdtcnks · 5 years
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Full Name?: Edward “Ted” Warden Tonks 
Age?: 21
Gender?: Cismale
Pronouns?: He/Him
Birthday?: May 4th
Zodiac sign?: Taurus
Where were you born?: Bristol, England
Where were you raised?: Bristol, England
Hair colour?: Dark brown
Eye colour?: Hazel
Height?: 5′11″ (180 cm)
Tattoos?: A tattoo of a lion on his shoulder that he got on a dare, but was okay with it because it represented his house. Triceratops on his right ring finger to match the dino tattoos Charlie and Gideon got as well.
Peircings?: N/A
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: Alway has long hair and is afraid to cut it. 
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Ted was always incredibly close to his parents growing up. While they were busy with work being a college professor and a doctor, they were very loving parents and took care of their son very well. 
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: N/A
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: His grandparents on both sides. He was over at one of their houses almost every weekend growing up. 
Who was their childhood best friend?: Before Hogwarts is was a kid named Mathais that lived next door. But upon arriving at Hogwarts the moment he met Frank and the Prewett twins they became very close.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Ted’s life was rather simple and easy. His parents worked good jobs but they didn’t live in the biggest house because they didn’t need it for the three of them. 
House?: Gryffindor
Year?: 10th
Bloodstatus?: Muggleborn
What form does your boggart take?: His mangled, injured body being circled in Death Eaters who are taunting him
What form does your patronus take?: Piebald Stallion
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: No
Are you a prefect?: Yes
What clubs are you in?: Cat Owners, Charms, Chess, Dueling, Healers, 
What is your wand like?: Solid, 13 inches, aspen wood, griffin feather. His wand is split into two sections with a panted black handle at the end that has silver detailing with spiral patterns. 
Do you have a favourite spell?: Accio
What’s your favourite class?: Charms
What’s your least favourite class?: Divinations 
Sexuality?: Pansexual
Relationship status?: Single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: Three. Anna, Benjy and Daisy. 
Do you have a crush?: Not really? There is a person I enjoy spending time with but I think I’m a bit mature for crushes. 
Do you believe in love?: Absolutely
Have you ever been in love?: No
Do you miss anyone?: Parents
Do you want to get married?: 100% yes
Who are your best friends currently?: The Prewetts, Frank and Charlie
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Yes, mostly because protecting them from the magical world has been difficult. 
Do you have any pets?: A Siamese cat named Stanley
Do you drink?: Yes
Do you smoke?: Occasionally
Do you do drugs?: No
What are your hobbies?: Reading, learning magic, volunteering
What is your opinion on muggles? They’re amazing! 
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? As of now Ted is neutral, but he does support the Order and wishes to help them
What is your biggest strength?: Patience 
What is your biggest weakness?: Stubbornness
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Becoming a prefect
What is your biggest regret to date?: Not telling my parents about the school attack
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: My hair and dad joke abilities
Where do you see yourself in the future?: Working as a healer or a professor. Married with kids and living in a small house where we’re all happy. 
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divineaes-blog1 · 5 years
TASK 001 ( + FLASHBACK ! )
        “ is there where i ---- oh okay. ”  she slipped into the cold, hard chair, eyes widening innocently at the two officers across the table. she wasn’t under arrest; they just had a few questions for her so why did her skin feel on fire under their scrutinizing gaze? small hands squeezing and wringing each other underneath table nervously, tightening up her shoulders as they began.
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Full Name?: Vanessa Isabelle Flores
Age?: Twenty - Two
Gender?: Cis Female
Pronouns?: She / Her
Birthday?: December 4th, 1959
Zodiac sign?: Sagittarius
Where were you born?: 24 Sundew Street in Coventry
Where were you raised?: Same home
Hair colour?: A dark brown
Eye colour?: Hazel
Height?: 4′9
Tattoos?: Ummm [ looking down at arms ] yes. these, this and ... [ a shy smile, fingertips brushing quickly over right thigh before pulling away ] here
Peircings?: Ears, cartilage, nose and naval
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: A scar right here from ... falling off my bike ...   [ easily lying, pointing to a jagged scar across left shoulder, but proceeds to keep secret ones inflicted by her parents over the years that the ink on arms now hide ] and this small mole in the corner of my right eye here.
What was your relationship with your parents growing up?: [ glancing away ] it was ... not the typical dynamic. they were ... absent some of the times and other times ... [ blinking before flashing a feigned soft smile ] we didn’t get along. that’s all.
What was your relationship with your sibling growing up?: [ a genuine smile now ] great. i’m a lot older than luca; i was fourteen when he was born. i always took care of him and i think he clings to me because of that. 
Were there any other key people in your childhood? What was your relationship like?: my parents both left family behind in merida when they came to live here, so i only knew my friends’ parents when i visited and they were always nice
Who was your childhood best friend?: to be added.
What was your lifestyle like growing up?: my parents both work in the ministry --- worked, sorry. they ... we were well off enough ... 
House?: ravenclaw
Year?: 11th
Bloodstatus?: pureblood
What form does your boggart take?: .... luca’s death
What form does your patronus take?: bunny
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: no
Are you a prefect?: yes!
What clubs are you in?: cooking, art, photography and film, tutoring
What is your wand like?: here
Do you have a favourite spell?: i don’t know if it’s my favorite but it’s the one i use the most. episkey, because i’m so clumsy
What’s your favourite class?: charms
What’s your least favourite class?: arithmancy 
Sexuality?: heterosexual 
Relationship status?: ah, single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: when i was younger, i had a cute little four day thing going on with a classmate ... it was sweet. other than that, there was two others a bit more serious but we were better friends.
Do you have a crush?: i don’t thi --- no.
Do you believe in love?: yes
Have you ever been in love?: no
Do you miss anyone?: no
Do you want to get married?: unsure
Who are your best friends currently?: to be added.
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: i’m ... not sure. their sudden absence makes me feel ... just as terrified ... if not more.
Do you have any pets?: pabo, my black cat. he’s something else.
Do you drink?: mostly during celebrations, like winning a match
Do you smoke?: no i can’t stand the smell
Do you do drugs?: no
What are your hobbies?: art, taking pictures, wandering around the castle, getting dragged into crazy things with my friends, taking naps ... does that count?
What is your opinion on muggles? they have --- every right --- to exist and have their existence be valid. 
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? muggles, muggleborns, halfbloods all deserve justice and the right to be happy. i stand with the people fighting for that right. i just ... i can’t actively fight but i try my best i ---- i try to be supportive ...
What is your biggest strength?: i’d like to think people know i’m there for them.
What is your biggest weakness?: that i’m a coward
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: my grades probably.
What is your biggest regret to date?: leaving luca in that place to go off to school ...
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: can i get back to you about that ..
Where do you see yourself in the future?: with luca, always. maybe still doing art; maybe teaching charms?
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evanofthorns · 5 years
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Full Name?: Evan Rosier
Age?: 21
Gender?: Cismale
Pronouns?: he&him
Birthday?: November 11, 1959
Zodiac sign?: Scorpio
Where were you born?: London, England
Where were you raised?: London, England
Hair colour?: Dark brown
Eye colour?: Blue
Height?: 5′6
Tattoos?: a rose and a snake on his fingers, a skull on his right forearm, a jasmine on his right ankle, a cat with some flowers on his left side, a belladonna on his right bicep, bellatrix/andromeda/narcissa down his spine, a sunflower on the back of his neck(doesn’t have it yet)
Peircings?: None
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: None
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: He was always closer to his mother than his father, but he still respected both of them. He saw them as the type of people he wanted to people, and has done everything he could to please them.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: n/a
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: There was his uncle, his mother’s brother who moved to England with her. After his parents’ death, he was taken in by the man, and it was quite different. He always felt like the man cared more about his last name than him. Evan realizes he is quite controlling, but having lost his parents, he considers the man as his second father now. There was also the Black sisters, which he would consider as his own sisters at one point, but after his parents’ death, he didn’t see them as much anymore. 
Who was their childhood best friend?: Adira Selwyn
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Either it be with his parents or with his uncle, it was always a rather strict environment. Of course, he was allowed to act like any child would, but at a young age, expectations were placed on him, and it only got worse once he became the last Rosier heir.
House?: Slytherin
Year?: 10th
Bloodstatus?: Pureblood
What form does your boggart take?: His own death, finding a covered body only to realize it has his face when he pulls the cover off.
What form does your patronus take?: Non corporeal
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: He used to play as a chaser.
Are you a prefect?: Yes
What clubs are you in?: Dark Arts club and Slug Club
What is your wand like?: 13″, Elder wood, Dragon heartstring
Do you have a favourite spell?: Obliviate
What’s your favourite class?: Charms
What’s your least favourite class?: Herbology
Sexuality?: Bisexual
Relationship status?: Single Forever on and off with Jasmin Macmillan
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: 1
Do you have a crush?: Maybe
Do you believe in love?: Not sure anymore
Have you ever been in love?: He thought so, but everything he thought is being challenged so he’s not sure anymore.
Do you miss anyone?: More than one, but he won’t be seeing them anymore
Do you want to get married?: If he finds the right person
Who are your best friends currently?: Adira Selwyn, Winnie Abbott
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Yes, a lot
Do you have any pets?: A calico cat named Cuddles
Do you drink?: Yes
Do you smoke?: Sometimes
Do you do drugs?: Sometimes
What are your hobbies?: Practicing spells, drinking, piano
What is your opinion on muggles? He used to hate them, muggleborns more than muggles, really, but he’s starting to see them under a different light.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? He is a Death Eater, although he is starting to realize he might not be on the right side of the war.
What is your biggest strength?: He likes to think he’s a great dueler, despite not being part of the club. He actually believes he does not need the club to get better.
What is your biggest weakness?: He will never admit it, but Evan is very fragile internally, and he’s currently feeling incredibly broken. Because of that, he feels on edge and his reactions are not as thought out as they used to be.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: He is actually proud he’s still alive and hasn’t murdered more people(and that he is still free despite the one murder he committed).
What is your biggest regret to date?: Getting the Dark Mark.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: For now, his favorite thing revolves mostly around the fact he knows he looks good, and it’s only boosting his ego whenever someone mentions it, but it’s one of his responses to being so broken down.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: He has never thought about the future, mostly because he does not believe he will have one. He is studying to hopefully become an Obliviator, but he’s not convinced he will be able to do it.
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opheliarowle · 5 years
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Full Name?: Ophelia Euphemia Rowle
Age?: 19
Gender?: Demi Female
Pronouns?: She/Her (normally), somedays they/them (will become more frequent after her father’s death)
Birthday: September 22nd
Zodiac sign?: Virgo
Where were you born?: Rowle Manor, Lincolnshire, England
Where were you raised?: Rowle Manor, Lincolnshire, England
Hair colour?: Dark brown 
Eye colour?: Dark brown
Height?: 5′5″ (165 cm)
Tattoos?: An outline of a snitch on her left wrist and an eagle owl on her right shoulder blade
Peircings?: Ears
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: Fi has several scars along her body from enduring torture from her father. The most notable is the one on her left arm just below her shoulder. 
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Fi used to be extremely close to her mother, but never to her father. As she grew up and became more rebellious her relationship with her mother faded into both parents hating her, especially her father. From the age of eleven, her father tortured her whenever she spoke out of turn or did the wrong thing.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: Fi used to be rather close with her siblings, specifically Serena but as they all grew older and her siblings left for Hogwarts their relationship faded. 
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: Her father’s parents lived in the manor with them and she was rather close to her grandmother who is now dead. Whenever Fi felt out of place or different her grandmother would reassure her. 
Who was their childhood best friend?: Her siblings and Phineas Parkinson 
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Fi had an extravagant lifestyle. They lived in a giant manor and she was always listening to stories about the amazing pureblood parties. Her father was always extremely secretive though which always left a weird feeling around the house, especially to Ophelia. She was raised to be a prim and proper child and pureblood. 
House?: Ravenclaw
Year?: 8th
Bloodstatus?: Pureblood
What form does your boggart take?: Being disowned by her parents
What form does your patronus take?: Eagle Owl
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: Yes, seeker and captain
Are you a prefect?: No, but she was during her younger years at Hogwarts. 
What clubs are you in?: Healers, Dark Arts, Dueling and Music/Drama Club
What is your wand like?: Supple, 11 and a half inches, acacia wood,  Augurey Feather core. It has small elegant carvings in it and the end has a small sapphire in it representing her birthstone. 
Do you have a favourite spell?: Episkey
What’s your favourite class?: Any and all of her healing classes
What’s your least favourite class?: Potions
Sexuality?: Biromantic Demisexual
Relationship status?: Single Pringle
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: 2. One serious relationship with Hugo Mendoza. One fake on her side relationship with Sebastian Nott.
Do you have a crush?: No
Do you believe in love?: Yes, but sometimes she doubts it.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, with Hugo.
Do you miss anyone?: Hugo and her grandmother.
Do you want to get married?: No. She doesn’t currently believe she is good enough to be anyone's wife
Who are your best friends currently?: Phineas Parkinson, Nicola Malfoy, Declan and Winnie Abbott
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Most definitely. They all hate her now. 
Do you have any pets?: A family barn owl named Bartimus. 
Do you drink?: Only at parties
Do you smoke?: No
Do you do drugs?: No
What are your hobbies?: Ukelele, guitar, quidditch
What is your opinion on muggles? Fi is supposed to hate them and pretends she does, but she’s actually quite fascinated by them. 
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? As of right now, she is on the side of the Death Eaters, but this will slowly switch to being neutral after her father dies. 
What is your biggest strength?: Intelligence. Ophelia is very intelligent without even having to apply herself. It comes naturally.
What is your biggest weakness?: The need to please her 
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Becoming Quidditch captain 
What is your biggest regret to date?: Taking Hugo to her betrothal party
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: Intelligence 
Where do you see yourself in the future?: As a healer, living in a small place by herself being a safe place for people like Phin who need to hide from the death eaters. 
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winnieabbott · 5 years
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Full Name?: Bronwyn Marie Abbott
Age?: Nineteen
Gender?: Cisfemale
Pronouns?: She/her
Birthday?: June 29th
Zodiac sign?: Cancer
Where were you born?: Criccieth, Wales
Where were you raised?: Perth, Scotland
Hair colour?: Brunette
Eye colour?: Blue
Height?: 5 ft 2
Tattoos?: On her left shoulder, she has a moon matching the sun on Anna’s opposite shoulder and also matches the stars Tilden got for her & Anna. She also also has three small daffodils on her inner right forearm to symbolise her lost father, mother & brother.
Peircings?: Helix piercing on her right ear, and two in each lobe.
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: n/a
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: In the short years Winnie spent with her parents, she was very close with all her family, her parents especially. 
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: Winnie got along with all of her siblings. They argued, naturally, but Winnie looked up every single one of them.
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: Her grandparents, as they took her and her siblings in. She was ever so grateful as they pretty much raised Winnie.
Who was their childhood best friend?: Anna. Without a doubt. Winnie felt ever so alone when she moved from Wales to Scotland, to live with her grandparents. However, the girl next door left an everlasting impression on her and Winnie has no idea what she’d do without her.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Fairly comfortable. Her grandparents were fairly well off, so they had everything they could ever need, or want.
House?: Hufflepuff
Year?: Eighth
Bloodstatus?: Half-blood
What form does your boggart take?: Moths
What form does your patronus take?: A dragonfly
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: Yes, Seeker
Are you a prefect?: Nope
What clubs are you in?: Astronomy
What is your wand like?: a finely-carved elm wand. It is nine inches long. The core consists of centaur tail hair.
Do you have a favourite spell?: Accio (she’s forever losing things)
What’s your favourite class?: Astronomy
What’s your least favourite class?: Arthimancy
Sexuality?: Pansexual
Relationship status?: Single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: Two
Do you have a crush?: Yes, two
Do you believe in love?: Yes, of course. She’s a hopeless romantic waiting to be swept off her feet.
Have you ever been in love?: Twice. She was definitely in love with Tilden, but now realises she still loves him - but as a friend. And she was in love with Claire. Even if she will deny it til the end of time.
Do you miss anyone?: Her parents & oldest brother.
Do you want to get married?: Yes. She wants a family one day.
Who are your best friends currently?: Anna, Tilden, James.
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Nope, they’re still as close as ever.
Do you have any pets?: She has a ginger maine coon cat called Aslan.
Do you drink?: Occasionally.
Do you smoke?: Not normal cigarettes, no.
Do you do drugs?: The occasional joint, but only rarely.
What are your hobbies?: Studying the stars, playing quidditch, watching muggle movies.
What is your opinion on muggles? She adores muggle culture.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? She is terrified, but wants to stand up for what is right. She was originally neutral, wishing to stay out of the war but now she finds herself drifting towards the order.
What is your biggest strength?: Her compassion.
What is your biggest weakness?: Probably her loyalty. It’s most likely going to be her downfall one day.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Getting on the quidditch team after years of failing.
What is your biggest regret to date?: Upsetting Tilden by dating Claire. She never wanted to hurt him.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: Her compassion for her friends.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: By Anna’s side, hopefully with the both of them happy. Preferably with someone she loves.
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halfbloodhiggs · 5 years
finestra task 001 | character questionnaire 
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Full Name?: Anna Viola Higgs
Age?: 19
Gender?: Female
Pronouns?: She / Her
Birthday?: April 21st
Zodiac sign?: Taurus, Aries cusp
Where were you born?: Perth, Scotland
Where were you raised?: Perth, Scotland
Hair colour?: Auburn
Eye colour?: Blue
Height?: 5′2″
Tattoos?: Yes. On her right shoulder, a sun, to match a moon on her best friend’s opposite shoulder. The sun’s rays hit the first of the flowers on her right arm, a whole sleeve of them. Different colors. A small yellow heart lies on her chest, nearer to her left breast. A rather large depiction of Fluxweed lies on her left side of her ribs, growing up until it nearly touches her breast. It is another matching tattoo with her other best friend. One single Fluxweed leaf sits on the left side of her neck, mostly covered by hair. She wishes to get more music related ones in the future.
Peircings?: Just her two ears.
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: A light dusting of freckles covers her nose, though they’re never too prominent. Along her back, however, is a long scar, crossing from left bottom to right top. It never quite healed right.
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Anna always had a good relationship with her parents, though she was a Momma’s girl growing up. Her mother’s love of music bled into her own life easily.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: Anna considered Aidan her best friend growing up, especially when she was a sickly kid. He was, up until age seven, her only friend. She adored him.
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: A key figure in her life once she grew out of her illnesses was Winnie Abbott, who moved in next door. This became her person, her soulmate. Once at school, she befriended people easily, some important ones being Benjy Fenwick, Aurelia Tullos, and Tilden Toots.
Who was their childhood best friend?: Aidan Higgs / Winnie Abbott.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: The Higgs family was comfortably wealthy, their father coming from pureblood money. Still, they weren’t the richest of families, either. 
House?: Hufflepuff
Year?: 8th
Bloodstatus?: Halfblood
What form does your boggart take?: Aidan’s dead body
What form does your patronus take?: Hedgehog
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: No, but she is an avid fan.
Are you a prefect?: No.
What clubs are you in?: Art Club, Gobstones Club, Music and Drama Club, Rainbow Club, and Herbology Club
What is your wand like?: 9″ Willow wood wand, Dittany core, slightly springy
Do you have a favourite spell?: Accio, because she forgets things often.
What’s your favourite class?: Herbology.
What’s your least favourite class?: Defende Against the Dark Arts. She’s horrible with defensive magic. Or offensive magic.
Sexuality?: Pansexual
Relationship status?: Single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: Four full relationships, though Anna is known to sleep around and have casual things.
Do you have a crush?: Yes.
Do you believe in love?: Yes. She has a lot of love in her heart. She just doesn’t believe she can have a healthy relationship anymore.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, and maybe still is.
Do you miss anyone?: Her brother, Aidan.
Do you want to get married?: No. She wishes to have a pot farm with Winnie, Benjy, and Tilden in the Irish countryside.
Who are your best friends currently?: Winnie, Benjy, and Tilden, though she’s regaining Aurelia as a friend... or more.
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: The Higgs family, ever since Aidan left, has felt incomplete. Aidan is distant, now. Her father has grown colder, more agitated. Her mother is quiet, mostly, and she doesn’t sing much anymore. It’s hard.
Do you have any pets?: A toad aptly named “Mr. Toad.”
Do you drink?: Yes
Do you smoke?: Yes
Do you do drugs?: Yes
What are your hobbies?: Anna is the kind to picky up several hobbies and never master them. Jack of all trades; master of none. Ergo, she’s tried several instruments, juggling, baking for a while. Mostly she just listens to music, gets high, and cuddles with her friends.
What is your opinion on muggles?: Anna has nothing against muggles, and believes that the two worlds coexisting is probably the healthiest thing for both of them.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war?: She stands firmly on the side of the Order. A newer member than some, she is very vocally against Death Eaters, and has no problem speaking her mind on the matter, no matter the consequences. 
What is your biggest strength?: Her deep love for her friends. It gives her strength.
What is your biggest weakness?: Her own self-hatred, and her ability to fall into bad habits to numb her own pain.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Honestly, not ending her own life during her sixth year. Also leaving her abusive ex.
What is your biggest regret to date?: Letting her ex use her for as long as she did, and also letting Rae suffer alone for years.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: Her taste in music.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: She doesn’t, really. The longer the war goes on, the more convinced she is that she’ll die somewhere in the middle of it all.
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vodkalastor · 5 years
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Full Name?: Amelia Susan Bones
Age?: 20
Gender?: Cisfemale
Pronouns?: she/her
Birthday?: June 25th
Zodiac sign?: Cancer
Where were you born?: London, England
Where were you raised?: London, England
Hair colour?: Dark blonde
Eye colour?: Brown
Height?: 5ft 7
Tattoos?: none
Peircings?: only her ears
Any other notable features (scars, freckles etc)?: N/A
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?: Amelia was always very fond of her parents, looking up to them and hoping to be like them as she grew up. They were good to their children, and so in return, she was good to them. They never really set much expectations for any of their children, but Amelia always loved doing her best to make her parents as proud as possible.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up(if applicable)?: Amelia was always very close to her brothers, although she was never as adventurous as they were. This difference in behavior only increased as they all grew up. Still, her brothers were both very dear to her, and while she wouldn’t do anything to put herself at risk, she would do anything she can to protect both of them.
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: The Bones were a very welcoming family, and some of her aunts and uncles would often visit. They never left much of a mark on Amelia’s life, but she did develop a certain enjoyment out of large gatherings of people.
Who was their childhood best friend?: Her best friend was a witch named Clara. The two were very close, sadly, Clara’s family moved out of the country just before they begun Hogwarts, and Amelia never heard from her again. Sometimes, she finds herself wondering what became of Clara, and what their relationship would be like now.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Despite their sometimes busy schedule due to their work at the Ministry, the Bones always tried their best to give their children a relaxed lifestyle. They didn’t place expectations on them, only wanting for them to find what their passion was, and supported them in what they decided.
House?: Hufflepuff
Year?: 10th
Bloodstatus?: Halfblood
What form does your boggart take?: Her brothers dying and being unable to help them
What form does your patronus take?: White rabbit
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: No, she considers the game too risky, and prefers watching rather than playing.
Are you a prefect?: No
What clubs are you in?: Charms club and Rainbow club
What is your wand like?: 9 inch, cherry, unicorn hair, supple. It’s a lighter shade of brown, with flowers carved in.
Do you have a favourite spell?: Protego
What’s your favourite class?: History of Magic
What’s your least favourite class?: Flying
Sexuality?: Pansexual
Relationship status?: Single
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: A few, although they were all very short lived. Amelia only had one more serious relationship in her life.
Do you have a crush?: Not at the moment
Do you believe in love?: Yes!
Have you ever been in love?: She thought she was, but she’s not sure anymore if the feelings were strong enough to be called love.
Do you miss anyone?: No
Do you want to get married?: Definitely!
Who are your best friends currently?: Josie Toots, Tilden Toots
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Not exactly. Amelia is still close to her parents and brothers, but she is getting increasingly worried about her brothers.
Do you have any pets?: No, but she does love animals
Do you drink?: Yes
Do you smoke?: No
Do you do drugs?: No
What are your hobbies?: Reading, cooking, and she also loves shopping and trying on clothes
What is your opinion on muggles? Being raised by two wizards, Amelia was always curious about Muggles. She enjoyed learning about their world and traditions, and actually wishes some of their inventions or work were part of the Wizarding World.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war? Amelia, due to the fear of danger, has decided to remain neutral. However, she has a slight preference towards the Order, and will help them with shelter or resources if needed, although she will keep this all a secret.
What is your biggest strength?: Amelia is very good at being impartial when she needs to, and is good at making decisions based on facts.
What is your biggest weakness?: Certainly her fear of danger, which makes her unable to do anything that could be remotely dangerous.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Last year, she wrote a letter to a member of the Wizengamot she particularly looked up to. The letter was about her freams for her future and how she admired them and wanted to be like them. She was surprised, but proud, to receive a letter back wishing them best of luck for the future.
What is your biggest regret to date?: She does not regret much, but she does regret becoming friends or getting closer to certain people, who turned out to be quite different than she expected.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: Amelia loves how easygoing she can be,. She’s someone who enjoys making friends, and so it makes it easier for her to meet new people.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: Ideally, Amelia sees herself working for the Wizengamot. But, she would be satisfied with a simple job in the Department of Law Enforcement.
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