#fingers crossed I can actually eat lunch today
howlingdemon13 · 6 months
Babes, when I tell ya that I’m at the end of my rope mentally with this job…
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oneforthemunny · 1 month
I’m loving these blurbs girl!! Can I request something for my favorite cowboy where sweet girl tries to convince Eddie that she doesn’t need his help with everything around the house because she’s a strong independent woman! (even though he spoils her rotten and makes sure she doesn’t have to lift a finger 😂) love you!! 🩵
this is so sweet girl of her omfg. a little bratty and moody and she takes it out on him like that, then he turns around and just watches until she has to ask lmaooo. spoiler- that's how this blurb is gonna go haha. slight dom/sub undertones but no actual smut.
"Don't lift that." Eddie's gruff tone calls from behind you. The sound made your skin crawl, shoulders tensing with annoyance. "I'll get that. Just leave it."
"Oh, no," You snapped back sarcastically, teeth grit in agitation. "I'll get it."
It was silly, childish even, you knew that. The argument was just that, silly. You'd gone out to see Eddie, trying to coax him inside to eat lunch with you, stop working and give you a little attention.
"I gotta finish this, honey."
"You could finish it later. Please? Come eat inside with me."
"You know I gotta get this done."
"But you can't do it later?"
"No, I got other things to do."
"You always have something to do."
"Yeah? I sure do. Maybe if you helped me instead of poutin' all the time, it'd get done quicker."
You knew he was teasing, from his snarky, sing-song tone and curling of his lips. But it infuriated you, rubbed you all the wrong ways.
So, determined and furious, you slipped your little rubber work boots on and some extra gloves that were a bit too big for you, opting to help Eddie with his chores.
"Quit that." Eddie clicked, tossing the hay bale in the corner with a soft grunt. "You're gonna get yourself hurt, now, just let me do that."
"No," You snapped, blocking his hands that tried to take the small hay bale away from you. "You say I never help you, so I'll do it. I got it."
"That's too heavy for you. You're gonna hurt yourself-"
"-No," You sneered, teeth grit, gloved hands slipping under the rope that held the hay in place. "I won't. I got it. I don't need your help."
Eddie paused. For a moment, he contemplated catching you by your chin, making you apologize, but he knew you'd probably like that- that it was what you wanted. Instead, he crossed his arms, standing back to watch you.
"Alright," He nodded coolly. "Go on."
You shimmied your hands under the straps just like you'd seen Eddie do before, bending your knees, before you tried to pull up, only to drop it right back on the barn floor with winded grunt. Why the fuck did hay weigh that much? It's fucking straw?
Eddie smirked in the corner, watching you try over and over and over, shuffling a few steps before dropping it right back down, winding yourself.
You looked over your shoulder sheepishly, eyes cutting to see him there, a silent pleading in your eyes. Eddie shrugged. "You said you could do it. Go on then. Move it for me."
Mean, oh, he was being so mean today. You pouted, huffing with a petulant fury. You tried again, and again, and one more time until your back felt like it might snap.
"Ok," You grumbled, dropping the bale with a final grunt of failure. "I can't do that one, but I can do something else."
"No, you told me you could move that one." Eddie shook his head. "What? 'S just supposed to stay there?"
"No," You hissed, eyes narrowing in annoyance, embarrassment. "You can just move it over there, and I'll do something else-"
"-Me?" Eddie jabbed a gloved finger to his chest, voice lifting with that arrogant teasing tone he loved to mock you with. "Now how's that fair? You told me you can move it, and now you're just gonna demand I move it? Thought you were helpin' me."
"I am." It came out more like a bratty whine than a statement. "I just can't move that one."
"So you want me to move it then, hm?" Eddie lifted a brow, lips twitching to hide his grin when you huffed and gave a curt nod. "Fine, but you better ask me. Better ask me reallll nice and I just might."
"Seriously?" You snapped, tongue clicking in annoyance.
"Yes. C'mon now, baby, you told me you were gonna move this, and now you can't? That's really settin' me back." Eddie shrugged. "Least you could do it gimme a pretty please?"
Your cheeks burned. For a second, you contemplated telling him to fuck off, stomping back to the house- but you knew the stubborn bastard would stay out there all fucking night if he had to, stand out there and leave it until you came out and asked. Might as well do it now, get it over with so maybe he'd get a little soft with you, give in and come inside and eat with you.
"Fine." You gritted with a nasally huff. "Eddie will you please-"
"-eh," Eddie lifted a finger. "What're you 'sposed to say?"
Your eyes narrowed at him, jaw setting in irritation. He was just trying to embarrass you now, get you riled up and whiny. "Will you pretty please move the hay for me?"
Eddie smirked, pushing off the wooden wall, hands sliding under the hay bales and lifting it with a soft grunt, walking it towards the stables with the others. "Now was that so hard?" He quipped, hands dusting the other off.
You rolled your eyes, turning with a huff. "Why don't you try askin' me nice like that to come inside with you, hm?" Eddie hummed.
You turned just enough to give him a pout, one you knew had him buzzing with excitement, eyes widening and grin widening, a sure sign that you were close to getting what you wanted, you always did.
"Eddie, will you pretty, pretty please come inside and have lunch with me?" It was a little more sarcastic than what he would have liked, but he relented, tossing his gloves to the side, following you into the house, opening the screen door for you, smacking your ass playfully just to hear you squeal when you slipped inside.
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st7rnioioss · 4 months
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⋆·˚ ༘ * "I really want to kiss you." pt. 2
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: matt sturniolo x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: part 2 to "i really want to kiss you", go read that! (im avoiding doing a summary)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: fluff, kissing, swearing
part one
a/n: i didn’t really expect to make part two, but here we are. just a bunch of fluff, no plot really LMAO.
───────── 🐇
Friday, 9:23 pm
“Hey, you home yet?”
“Not yet, still on my way. You looked good today”
“Stop, I’m blushing”
“What I’d do to sit beside you and watch”
“Matthew, you should concentrate on not getting run over. Cut the flirting!!!”
“Sorrryyy, I can’t help it, it’s not my fault you’re practically perfect”
Sunday, 8:47 pm
“Oh my God, finally! I can’t believe it took you guys that long,” Madi exclaimed on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah, he honestly kinda took me by surprise. I didn’t actually expect him to kiss me, but I had my suspicions,” you said, tucking yourself up in your covers in your soft bed.
“Tell me everything tomorrow at school, please! Also, do you think Nick and Chris knows?” Madi asked.
“Yeah, Nick texted me that Matt came home stumbling into the kitchen, yelling ‘I finally kissed her!’ and then proceeded to smile and ramble about the whole thing. His parents knows too,” you couldn’t help but blush at the imagination.
“Stop, that’s adorable. Anyways, I gotta go, I’m sorry! Tell me all about it tomorrow!” she said, the frown practically being audible.
“No it’s fine, Madi! I love you!” you said just before hanging up.
Monday, 12:21 am
“And then he asked me to kiss me again,” you giggled, taking a sip of your soda as you watched Matt turn beet red.
“Shut up, you’re embarrassing me,” he mumbled, playing with his lunch food as he looked down at you beside him. Chris was playfully hitting Matt’s shoulder, a proud expression on his faces, his mouth full of food. Nate was laughing at Chris, trying not to spit his food out.
“Finally! This was honestly painful. If only you knew how many times he came home just to ramble about you. Exhausting!” Nick sent a look to Madi who nodded, both smiling playfully at Matt. This made you blush, grabbing Matt’s hand under the table, looking up at him to smile softly.
“Well, he’s my boyfriend now, so you guys can stop complaining now,” you laughed, squeezing Matt’s hand. Matt sent a cheesy smile, giving your cheek a quick peck.
“Gross. At least don’t kiss during lunch,” Chris complained.
“Chris, shut up and eat your food with a closed mouth,” you mumbled, the whole table laughing at Chris’s offended expression.
Monday, 7:49 pm
“Matt, you’ve got to be kidding,” you laughed while yelling at Matt. You were walking on the sidewalk, the pouring rain rapidly soaking your shirt.
First he had suggested that you just took an uber home from the McDonald’s, but then he got the fantastic idea to walk instead. You liked the idea until it’s started raining heavily.
“Oh my God, my mom is gonna kill me,” Matt laughed, throwing an arm around your shoulder, looking down at you, completely drenched. In a white shirt, of course.
“Well, it was your idea!” you protested, crossing your arms because you got colder.
“Oh? So it’s my fault? You agreed to walk instead of taking an Uber!” he laughed, poking your cheek. You grabbed his finger with a soft smile, rolling your eyes at him.
“Stop fucking poking me, Matt” you lowered your voice, not letting go of his finger. He then eventually got free from your grip, intertwining his fingers with yours. He just smiled at you as an apology, and it sure as hell worked.
“Well, I’m enjoying myself. I like spending time with you, even if it’s in the pouring rain,” he shot a somewhat shy smile, his eyes darting between your eyes and your chest. He then eventually settled on your eyes, leaning closer to whisper in your ear.
“You’re so gorgeous, even completely soaked. I love you, you know that, right? I’m glad I decided to kiss you on that park bench,” he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, making you halt your walk.
“Oh stop it, Matthew, you’re making me flustered,” you blushed, covering your face in your hands.
“Hey, don’t do that, I want to see your pretty face, just like I told you!” he giggled, grabbing your hands to lower them from your face. You locked eyes with him, reaching for his now soaked hair to move it out of your way, pecking his forehead gently.
“I love you way more,” you cheekily smiled, the both of you continuing to walk, Matt’s arm around your shoulder, yours around his waist.
a/n: i’m screaminggngnnggg😕😕😕 chris fluff coming soon😈
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mirkwoodmunson · 1 year
how do you think eddie would react to having a partner that always says shit like “i had a handful of rainbow sprinkles for lunch today” ,, like they’re the laziest ever, very chaotic in how they take care of themself, so eddie’s just like🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️please gOd —
https://youtu.be/z2s56IQzsBE <- live footage
i CANNOT express how much i love this request REYYY 🫶🫀🫰 thank you for sending and being patient with me i hope you’re doin’ good!!!
contains: cursing, food mention/consumption
“What’re you eating?” The question has a heavy layer of exasperation to it, sprinkled with humor as you slowly turn to look at Eddie with spoon sticking out of your mouth and held in a fist, in your other hand a jar with the label obscured by your fingers.
“…Nutella,” your response is muffled and globby, obscured by the thick mass in your mouth, sheepish in tone as you smirk around the spoon and slowly swipe it out from between your lips. Eddie groans but can’t help a crooked smile, rolling his head as he reaches out to take the jar while you lick the spoon clean.
“That’d be hot if your mouth wasn’t full of chocolate.”
“It’s hazelnuts!” You attempt to defend, holding up your cleaned spoon.
“Yeah, loaded with sugar. Did you have any real breakfast?”
You stare at him for a moment before looking at the jar and sniggering. Eddie groans again and goes to put it away on the tallest shelf he can reach.
“How many times! Scoop of condiment does not a mealtime make. Wayne got a bunch of ready-to-eat shit, y’know — granola bar wouldn’t kill you.”
“I could choke.”
Eddie rolls his head to the side and eyes you until you’re giggling and snaking into his arms, and he can’t help a snort as he pecks your forehead and winds them around you.
“Seriously, you gotta eat like, food. Nutrients. Y’know, vitamins and minerals and shit.”
“What, like, five cheeseburgers and a large fry from McDonald’s?”
“I hadn’t eaten in like, twelve hours! And that’s like, meat, babe. Potatoes. You don’t get sugar crashes from meat. In approximately half-an-hour you’re gonna be conked out on the sofa whining for a snack.”
Your expression turns more and more pursed and pouty as he goes on, rolling your eyes and huffing dramatically as you start to slide away from him.
“You’re a snack,” you softly clip back sarcastically, but Eddie just grins and pulls you back in, going nose-to-nose with you and shaking his head teasingly side to side.
“Don’t I know it,” he croons, nipping your bottom lip as you feign disgust, giggling and half-heartedly pushing his face away as he grins and teeths at your lips and cheeks.
Approximately thirty-five minutes later you’re strewn across Eddie’s lap on the sofa while The Blob plays on the TV; your boyfriend strokes your hair and bites back his laughter as you’re half-asleep yet starting to grumble about how hungry you are, your stomach grumbling ominously as you clutch it.
“Close your eyes for a bit, I’ll go grab you something,” Eddie offers softly.
“Noo noo,” you shake your head, beginning to remove yourself from his lap. “I’m a big kid. I’m growed. I can slice my own apples,” you slur out sleepily, groaning as you stretch.
“Hey, apples! There ya go!”
You spite his brimming enthusiasm and flip Eddie the bird as you make your way to the kitchen, to which he laughs and grins, offering one in turn as he turns his attention back to the TV, trusting you’d not find your way back to the Nutella.
A few minutes of silence before he hears a soft ‘ooooh~!’ of intrigue from the kitchen, then he waits and listens for some sort of indication you’re actually preparing something for yourself.
Instead he hears a rattle.
Perplexed, Eddie peers up at the little window into the kitchen, but with your back turned he questions what you’re currently dumping a fistful of into your mouth. He stands and heads into the kitchen to investigate, leaning against the entry into the room and crossing his arms.
“Alright, gremlin, what’ve you got this time.”
Your expression is that of a nervous dog, staring at him from the corner of your vision with your head still tipped back and a hand over your mouth, trying to get the last bits of whatever it was to fall into your open maw. You lower your hand and smile sheepishly, pausing a moment before starting to crunch. Eddie quirks a brow.
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slytherinsallows · 7 months
Smutmas Day 2!
I actually read the prompt right this time! Out of all @little-emerald-snake prompts this one was the one I was most excited to write 🥵 Enjoy!
“It’s my thigh or nothing. Im not helping you.”
// Dom Seb
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Mc was practically frothing at the mouth for Sebastian by the time the last bell rang. It didn’t help that all through lunch he was gently stroking her thigh under the table, letting his fingers wander up to her panties yet denying her of the satisfaction and trailing back down her leg again. She’d had enough of the boy. She’d never met such a tease in all her life, he was just… something else…
She knew he was going to the library to do some independent studying this evening and she was determined to surprise him when he came back. She ran to his dorm and used alohamora on his lock, jumping on his bed, ready for him to come back so she could start pleading to him to finish her.
Wild thoughts ran through her mind as she tossed and turned in his bed, her ears finally perking up as she heard a rummaging outside the door.
She heard that familiar dark voice muffled through the door.
“That’s weird…”
She covered her mouth to stop herself from making any noises as he unlocked the door and entered the room.
“Who’s there?” Sebastian asked cautiously, before turning the lights on.
Mc stayed silent, a little worried he’d be angry at her now or better yet mistake her for a burglar or something and hit her.
He flicked a lamp on, looking to his bed and smirking.
“Oh so we have a little theif here it seems?” He purrs as he approaches her slowly, dropping his bag down by the door.
Mc’s cheeks turned pink at his accusation, shaking her head softly.
“I’m horny Seb.” She said, big doe eyes looking up at him pleadingly, hoping that would be enough to seduce him. But much to her annoyance, Sebastian could be patient, when he wanted to.
“Are you now?” He raises an eyebrow as he sits on the bed, taking off his tie.
“I don’t think that’s an excuse for breaking into another students dorm though, is it?” He teases her.
“What would the prefects say?”
“Please Seb. No…” She said, scooting back on the bed until she hit the headboard.
“Tell you what.” He pats his clothed thigh looking into her eyes.
“It’s my thigh or nothing. I’m not helping you.”
Mc’s face goes into a pout at his offer, clearly upset he wasn’t just gonna take her after all he’d put her through today.
“No buts. You use this or you go without, love.” He smirks devilishly, knowing how much this was eating at her. He shuffled onto the bed properly, Mc still sat upright in protest.
He lies there smirking at her for literal seconds before she caves in, taking any scraps she can get, wholeheartedly wrapped around his finger at this point, and he knew it. He loved to abuse this power he had.
She swiftly removes her top and skirt, revealing her lacey pink bra and panties to his observant eyes. “You’re still wet from earlier. Good girl. It’ll make this easier for you.”He smirked, earning him an eye roll from the girl.
She straddled his thigh, moaning as her clit briefly brushed against the fabric. Sebastian watched her, smirk still painted on his lips, enjoying every second of the show.
She begins grinding on his thigh, desperately trying to create friction between it and her sex, whimpering at the lack of satisfaction it gave her.
“Look how pathetic you are baby. Humping my thigh like this. You’re desperate for me hm?” He raises an eyebrow, teasing her through her agony.
She nods rapidly, giving into what he wants to see, high pitched moans escaping her lips as she rubbed on it faster. Sebastian had fantasised about this for months now, seeing her a complete mess just for him, her grasping at the sheets as she can only use his thigh for pleasure, crying out his name. It could make him cum untouched.
Mc readjusted, straddling him backwards, giving the boy an amazing view of her ass as she grinded on his leg. Sebastian crossed his arms behind his head, taking in the view. He was always more of an ass guy, and Mcs was his weakness, seeing it bounce on his thigh like that and the slither of her pussy hidden by her soaked panties… he was tempting himself to just take the poor girl now.
“Take the panties off love, you’ll be able to feel more.” He instructed, Mc looking back at him hearing his voice.
“So now you care about my needs?” She groaned, doing as he said, finally able to feel some friction.
“Mm don’t get bratty now. You were doing well.” He stated, knowing it would just make her angrier. Mc but her lip and tried to ignore him, turning back around to face him, her legs planted on either side of his right thigh. He leaned into her, nibbling at her neck, provoking a hitched moan in her throat as he worked her bra off. “Sebastian.” She panted softly as he threw her bra on the floor, taking her nipple into her mouth and rolling it between his teeth. “S-Stop… I’ll cum really fast.” She whined, struggling to talk as his head rummaged between her breasts, his hand roaming her thighs.
“What a shame. Then you’ll just be longing for the real thing then won’t you?” He says between kissing her down breasts. “Should teach you for breaking into my room at night.” He smirks deviously.
“Seb I’m serious… fuck” she cries, eyes scrunched tight as she rides his thigh, gliding her clit over the bump of his knee, finally on the edge of some pleasure. “Cum for me baby, cum on my thigh like a good slut” He orders, pawing his insanely hard member as he watches her movements get more and more desperate.
Sebastian covers her mouth to stop her from screaming as she gets there, letting her bite his hand as her walls clench around nothing.
“Good girl, good girl.” He soothes as she cums on his thigh, her cheeks pink and hair messy. She shakily climbs off his thigh, noticing a small wet patch of cum stained his trousers.
“Looks like you enjoyed yourself love” he teases, eyeing her wetness.
“Oh shut it sallow…”
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slash-me-please · 7 months
I am sure your tired of writing for Amanda by now but your the only person I could find that’s willing to write for her and is actually good at it 😭 spare me i’m desperate and don’t know how too request but could you do a imagine with Dom!Amanda and shes really protective over reader to the point where it’s kind of toxic, she finds out who readers shitty ex girlfriend is and does anything and everything to show the said ex that reader is hers now like: showing up at her place of work with reader, making out in front of her, really touchy, whispering dirty stuff so the ex can hear, etc. Just some examples. You can pick whether reader is fem or gender neutral it doesn’t matter to me :)
On another note: Thank you for your service🫡 I love your writing so much.
you said dom!Amanda therefore you are getting smut i am so sorry to force this on you. :) not really love u.
A/N: Sorry about the wait!! I got caught up on bills today and have been working full time and also doing schoolwork. Luckily I paid my rent + electric so i have some free time!!!
Warnings: Revenge sex trope, voyeurism/exhibitionism, bondage/shibari, fighting, jealousy, dub!con, reader being an absolute asshole, murder, use of vibrator.
Pressing your fingers against the loose fabric of a dress, your lips held in a thin line. The needle pressed through the fabric, and back again. You were focused on your work, a nice sheer fabric for a nightdress you had been working on for a while. You were a tailor for a small business which made custom handmade dresses, one of the best tailors of the six of you.
The office you worked at was small, just like the business. The six of you crowded into a medium sized room. Your boss had created you a small section to yourself, as she insisted on making you employee of the month. So you pressed your hands against the fabric, the slow push and pull of your hands against the machine kept you in a trance. You had loved your job once, and while you enjoyed what you did- there was one downside.
Her. The problem. The reason you got into fights with your girlfriend every night this week.
As you pieced together your nightdress, across from you your ex watched- eyes wide and focused on your hands. You wanted to say something, you wanted to complain. Anything. But you never did, instead opting to do your job.
"L/N!" You flinched, hand jerking forward and pinching your finger in the machine. You yelped, pulling backwards and cradling your finger against your chest. "Look what you did!" The familiar voice of your lover rang through your ears, and you felt yourself turning to look. She was barreling towards you, eyes focused on your boss, who had yelled your last name. She seemed angry, reaching foward to hold you against her stomach.
Amanda placed a brown paper bag on your table, freeing her hands to examine your finger under her "Professional" gaze. She seemed almost content for a moment, eyes narrowed in on yours. "It's just a nick, but i'll fucking murder that ratty-bastard if you want." Your head shook back and forth, eyes widened with shock. "I'm not sure that's necessary!" You whispered, turning away from her to move back to your dress. "What are you doing here Amanda?" She sighed, the back of her hand hitting the paper bag. "I brought you lunch,"
"I might be too busy eating out Jenny to get to that, sorry." You snapped, turning your head away from her. "Fucking look at her, she's fucking you with her eyes. I don't know why you're acting like you can't see that." Amanda snapped back, her arms crossing against her chest. "It doesn't matter what she thinks about me. I told you I only want you! Why does it matter if she's looking at me?" Amanda released a sigh again. "It's about respect, I don't understand why you allow her to do that." You felt your face begin to heat up, beyond aggravated with the entire situation. "She's just not even worth the fucking air! I'm sorry you're too insecure to let it go!"
You only began to feel bad when her face fell and she turned on her heel and out towards the parking lot, but you didn't dare follow her.
You can end here, or read this fucked up smut.
Vision static and dizzy, you wobbled in the chair you were tied to. The last thing you remember was getting home and your lover reaching her hand around your mouth and nose to suffocate you with a damp rag. Your throat felt dry and sore, as if you'd been yelling but you knew that you hadn't. Amanda got like this sometimes, but you knew this time was your fault.
It looked like you were in an abandoned garage, the lights were cool and flickering. You were propped on a chair, both legs tied with a spiral futomomo tie and kept apart with a spreader. You were entirely naked, and bare to the garage.
And your ex.
There sat Jenny, her eyes wide as she stared at your bare form with an underlying lust beneath that fear. Her mouth was ducktaped shut and she was chained to the chair by her ankles and wrists. You squirmed beneath her gaze, whining out for Amanda. A few moments later she made her entrance, yanking off the worn pigs mask. She glared at you with an anger you'd only seen a few times. Goosebumps erupted onto your skin.
"I'm sorry, can you let me out?" You plead, and she frowns. "Don't act like you don't deserve what you're going to get."
She made her way behind you, and you heard her shuffling a few items around. You thought for a moment that maybe she had a table back behind you, but she left you no time to dwell when you felt a cold hand grasp your shoulder.
"Tell me, Love." Amanda took a deep, shuddering breath. "Do you like her eyes on you?" You whined, head craning back to look at her and deny the accusation. "I only want you baby, I promised!" Your pleading did not phase her, she only reached into your hair and yanked your head forward. Your eyes made contact with Jenny's and she watched as Amanda's hand flicked on a vibrator and licked it.
"I want you to watch, let me show you what's fucking mine."
And with those words, she hunched over you and placed the vibrator over your clit. Your head threw back, and you yelped. "Goddammit!" Your legs shuddered against your restraints, pulling against them with a pain. "Please!" Amanda laughed, her eyes trained downwards as she watched your sex shudder against the silicone head of her vibrator. "Good girl..." She whispered into your cheek, placing a cruel kiss on your skin. Your voice wobbled, back arching as you pressed yourself impossibly closer to the source of your pleasure.
Across from you, Jenny watched, cheeks flushed and eyes dilated. Her legs rubbed together as she watched Amanda rub the toy against your clit. She treated you generously, her other hand snaking down to your throat to give it a squeeze as she upped the setting on her toy. You keened loudly, hands balling into fists as you chanted her name.
"You like this? All I had to do was force you to show her who you belonged to?" She sneered, pushing the vibrator lower. She let it sink into your hole, and she began to lightly thrust it inside of you. "God!" You cried, mouth hanging open as your climax ran up to you. "I'm so close!"
Amanda snickered, glancing up to watch Jenny stare between your legs.
Her mouth twisted into something angry, her other hand reaching down to rub your clit in circles. You flailed against her ministrations, mouth open in a wail which could not be contained. Finally, you came against her hands, legs quivering as you soaked her hands and the toy, the rest of your cum wetting the concrete floor beneath you. With that, she flicked the vibrator off and placed it back on the table, grabbing something sharper.
"Did you enjoy the show, Jenny?" You heard her breathe. You heard her walk back behind you, her hand yanking your head backwards. "Love you..." You gasped, picking your head up to give her a kiss. She nodded, fingers releasing your hair. That is when she walked past you, flipping a hunting knife around in her hand. "It'll be the last one you'll ever see."
Jenny began to push against her restraints, shaking her head no and yelling pleas. None of which appealed to Amanda, instead the smooth twist of her wrist pushing the blade into her abdomen and then actively gutting her appealed way more.
You watched the life leave her eyes and you sighed, making eye contact with Amanda and biting your lip.
"Are you done?"
She dropped to her knees, crawling forward to attach her lips to your cunt.
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liquid-luck-00 · 8 months
Marks of Magic
Day 5 Pumpkins of Maribat Spooktober 2023
First *** Previous *** Next
Language and cursing is used
1540 Words
It wasn’t until Wednesday that she was able to talk with Jason again. The teachers told her he was out sick but she didn’t believe it. Every call, every text she sent was ignored. She doesn’t know why he was ignoring her but something was weighing on her.
She walked into home room and there he was like normal, but he didn’t look up and give her a nod or even acknowledgement. Even as she put her things down, he turned away. So she sat down not saying anything but put the journal down between them, like any other day.
Neither of them moved to write, much less actually spoke, and their silence continued, one class, then two, three, by the time lunch came around she had enough. Whenever the bell would ring he would practically run out of the class. And in the next class he would ignore her again. So, before fourth period would end she grabbed the back of his school blazer. The bell ring and she held tight. He got up but was forced to pop back into his seat.
"If you hate me and never want to talk to me again…" She choked out. "It’s fine, but just tell me so I can get over it."
Tears began to sting her eyes, she was staring at Jay’s back, her hand now falling back into her lap.
"Why?… Why would I hate you?" He turned towards her, and she finally got a good look at his face for the first time that day. His eyes were puffy, one looks like it had been swollen shut.
"Because I was stupid, and cocky, and could have easily gotten both of us killed." Tears now flowed down her cheeks as she tried to palm them dry.
"I don’t hate you." He reached up to her face, hesitating for a moment before trying to dry her tears as well. "I hate that I didn’t do anything. That I just stood there while you could have been killed."
That’s when she finally looked at him. His words were so sincere, that she stopped crying to look at him. And then she finally seemed to notice, his left eye it had been swollen shut recently. She could she the expertly blended foundation and undertones to cover the bruises underneath, but she could tell.
She lifted a hand and her fingers ghosted over the injury. "What happened?!"
"I was stupid." He grumbled, turning to the left so she couldn’t see his eye. "I snuck out and got in a fight."
"Jay." She wanted to make it better, but there isn’t a cure anymore.
"They want to meet you." He dropped after a few seconds of silence, finally looking at her again.
"B and Alfred. They think your a good influence or something."
"Oh, and why would they think that?" She stood up pulling her with him. "Come on let’s go eat."
"Fine." He scooped up his bag and followed her.
"So I looked into that Halloween thing."
'Yeah and I’ve decided I want to make that one thing from a pumpkin."
"A Jack-O-Lantern."
"Yeah that."
"You want to do it tonight."
"Really!" She beamed only bringing it up as a distraction, but now they might actually do it.
"I’ll ask Alfred if we can grab some today before we head home."
"So I’m going to meet them today!" Her mind finally catching up to the conversation.
"Why not?"
"Sure! Why not!" She grinned.
"You must be Miss Dupain-Cheng." And older man waited for them by a town car.
"Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you." She gave a small curtsy.
"I assure you it is all mine, I am Alfred Pennyworth." The man ushered them into the car before sitting behind the wheel. "Would you like to retrieve an over night bag, as it may be late after you finish your activity and school work."
It never crossed her mind as she wasn’t planning on staying the night. "I wouldn’t want to impose."
"It would not be, seeing as I drop Master Jason at school in the morning as well."
"That would be great, thank you."
So they stopped by her apartment building, she grabbed a quick overnight bag and ran back outside. And got back in the car. She seemed at ease casually talking with Alfred, as he insisted she call him, and Jay. Soon enough they arrived at a manor and she watched the perfectly scaped lawns and flower beds roll into the imposing manor.
"You must be Marinette." A man smiled at her as they got out of the car. "Bruce Wayne a pleasure to meet you." He extended a hand and she took it.
"Like wise." She smiled. The comment from a few nights before finally making sense.
"Your home early." Jay commented as he pulled her inside past him.
She looked back quickly.
"Give him time Master Bruce." Alfred placed a hand on the other man’s shoulder, who instantly deflated a bit. Then called out to them. "Pumpkins are in the dining room."
"Thanks Alfred." Jay called cheerfully over his shoulder. "We can do our homework there too."
"Sounds like a plan."
Home work was simple and they got through it pretty fast, but not before Alfred called them for dinner. Which brought yet another new face.
"Seriously Bruce, another kid!" A man not much older, maybe 18 or 19 if she had to guess, came into the room.
"Master Richard, this is Marinette." Alfred cut in, since Bruce was pursing his lips into a tight line.
"Hi! I’m Jason’s friend." She waved at him.
"Oh baby bird you made a friend!" She thinks he may have jump across the table if Alfred wasn’t still standing next to him.
"When did you get back, Dick?" Jay asked from beside her.
"Jay!" She yelped, smacking him on the shoulder. "That was so rude!"
'It’s fine." Richard laughed. "I prefer to go by Dick."
"Oh." She hummed.
"I just got back, Jason." Bruce stood up and walked out of the room. "What’s with him?" Dick looked towards Alfred as if he had the answer but the man simply shook his head. "Noted. So what’s with the pumpkins?"
"We are carving them, that’s how you say it right?" She bounced excitedly, turning towards Jason for confirmation.
"Your right, Nettie."
"Then there’s only one thing to watch while carving…." They turned towards Dick. "It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
"Is that a Halloween movie?" She asked.
"More fall, than Halloween." Jay responded.
"I will set up the living room then." Alfred left the room.
They finished the meal and she was genuinely so surprised just how lively both of them were. She missed having dinner with others, her parents especially.
It was nice, nothing like the cafeteria at Gotham Academy.
They moved to the living room after and here came the hard part. What to carve?
Jay had immediately stabbed a knife through the top and pulled the stem off like it was a handle of a lid on a pot.
"We forgot a bin for the guts." He mumbled before getting up, and leaving calling out to them. "I’ll go grab one from the kitchen."
She just stared at the pumpkin.
"Thank you."
"Huh." She looked up at Dick.
"You’re a good friend to him Marinette. I’m not here often and Bruce isn’t the most open person emotionally, so thank you for being Jason’s friend."
"I could say the same thing. I’m only going to be here a few months, but even back home I didn’t have many friends, so I’m glad I met him." She copied what Jason had done and began to cut out the top of the gourd.
"He might not be my brother in blood, but he is my little brother." He sighed, staring out the window as the moon rose in the sky. "That probably doesn’t make much sense."
"It does, the blood of the covenant and water of the womb, and whatever else is in that saying."
"He started to rub off on you, huh." He jabbed at her.
"A bit I guess."
She laughed as Jay barreled into the room. "Okay let’s do this."
Dick and Jay argued on whether the jack o lanterns should be scary or cute and she just sat back and listened. She had grabbed a marker and debated herself on what to draw before inspiration hit. Maybe it’s because of everything that had happen recently, but when she recapped the marker two figures were on her pumpkin. Tikki and Plagg were in the center of the pumpkin circling as if forming a Yin and Yang. She knows she shouldn’t cry but tears threatened to fall regardless.
"That is so cute Mari!" Dick exclaimed over her shoulder.
"What are they pixies?" Jay asked as Dick’s squeal got his attention.
"In a sense, I guess."
"Miss Marinette!" She hadn’t noticed that Alfred had come back into the room. "How do you know of these creatures?"
He knows of the kwamii! How? It shouldn’t be possible but…
She started fiddling with the ring she couldn’t bear taking off.
"Why wouldn’t I after what happened in Paris, you’ve seen then too haven’t you?"
She tried to dodge the question but that only arose more suspicion from the man.
Well shit.
@jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 11 months
Battle of the Larynx II
Miguel O’Hara x afab!reader
Pt. 1, Pt. 2. Pt. 3, Pt. 4
Synopsis: Having Spider-Man as a boyfriend was becoming increasingly more difficult, and his reoccurring absence is tearing you apart
Warning: ANGST, mentions of breakups, self harm (not eating caused by depression)
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And they talk without thinking
They bark while they're shaking
With teeth that are round and dull
And they yell while they're chasing
While I'm steady pacing
My syllables hit the floor
How stupid, selfish baby
Don't you battle with my larynx toni—
Macie: “Melanie Martinez? Weird choice for a heartbreak song.” Your coworker and close friend critiqued while snatching the earbuds out of your ears
Y/N: “I like it, and it’s helping so leave me alone.”
Alchemex was quiet and slow at 8 AM, the only tasks you had assigned were to organize itineraries and pick up lunch for your employers. Once that was done you used the time you had to yourself to sit at your reception desk and wallow.
Macie: “Here, eat this.” she said handing you a container of vietnamese spring rolls and mango slices she brought from home
Y/N: “I’m not hungry Mac”
Macie: “Yes you are, you’re just saying that so you don’t have to feel anything other than sadness, but I’m not gonna let you sit at your desk all day and sulk. So eat something, please.” You took the food and ate it while she watched you like a hawk to make sure you got every last bite. She was right, making yourself miserable wasnt helping you but it was the only thing you knew how to do right now.
It’d been 3 weeks since you pushed Miguel O’Hara out of your life, and for those past 3 weeks you have been an absolute mess. You could barely get 2 meals down, your sleep schedule was ruined, you had no motivation to complete any tasks, and you avoided your friends and work almost entirely. It probably wasn’t a good idea to use nearly all of your sick days just so you can cry and mope about a guy but it is what it is at this point. You were fortunate enough though to have friends that wouldn’t stand for you ruining yourself while you recovered from heart break. Today your coworkers unanimously decided they needed to save you from depleting all your sick time and practically dragged you into work today.
Macie: “C’mon, tell me what’s on your mind babe.” She took a seat in her chair next to you
Y/N: “It’s just…why hasn’t he called me? Why hasn’t he tried to come back to our apartment? I just fuck I feel stupid but I wanted him to fight for us and he hasn’t at all.” Tears pricked from your eyes and you let your head fall onto your hands
Macie: “Well, why do you think he hasn’t reached out?”
Y/N: “Because he’s a little bitch that doesn’t care about me.” You cross your arms like a stubborn child
Macie: “That’s possible, but what is your heart telling you?” She asks
Y/N: “…He’s doesn’t know how to apologize for everything, or if I’ll accept it.” Macie nods in agreement
Macie: “I’ve never met Miguel other than passing him to get to the vending machine, but I’ve listened to you cry on my couch about him on multiple occasions. It sounds like this isn’t his first screw up, but it is the worst and I’m sure he knows that. It’s very possible that you two are done for good and I think he’s scared to face that…or make things worse.” You shrug in reply, “Be honest with yourself, would you have even listened if he came back immediately?”
Y/N: “No…I probably would’ve told him to fuck off.” You chuckled
Macie: “See. Maybe this time your taking from him is a good opportunity for the fog to clear, you can figure out if it was just your anger that pushed him away or if you actually want to break up with him. No one’s saying you have to forgive him but don’t write his hesitance off as not caring just yet, I have a gut feeling that he’s just afraid right now.” She pulled you into a much needed hug and ran her fingers up and down your back
Y/N: “…It hurts so bad Mace…I miss him so much and I don’t want to”. You sniffled
Macie: “I know babe I know, if it makes you feel any better you look really hot today even with runny mascara. He’s an idiot for fucking up with you so badly.” She said while planting a sticky lip gloss kiss on your forehead.
Macie helped you fix up your makeup in the bathroom and you both returned to work, luckily the front desk foot traffic is always slow with only phone calls and e-mails to keep you busy. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to keep your mind off of everything.
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Miguel wasn’t doing any better than you were. It wasn’t like him to talk without thinking, he was always so stern and calculated with everything he did in life, it was what he was known for but that night it was as if he lost all control. He felt horrible about everything, everything he said to you he wishes he could apologize for but he was terrified that it wouldn’t change anything…or that he might make things even worse.
Miguel’s world came to an abrupt halt since you shut him out. He was bitter and angry and lashed out on his fellow colleagues far more than he usually did. Even his favorite variants couldn’t shield themselves from Miguels wrath. Yelling at Miles or Gwen was routine, but yelling at Peter Parker (Earth-13122) was unheard of and it showed just how badly your absence was effecting him.
Nowadays if it wasn’t for missions or to go into headquarters it was rare for him to ever leave his room— well what was supposed to be a room. All of his belongings were still permanently relocated at the apartment that you both used to share, meaning his old apartment was long gone. There was no place for him to go back to when you kicked him out, so that meant the twin size mattress in Peters guest room that was far too small for his tall figure was what Miguel had called home for the past month.
The clock read 10:34 AM when Peter went downstairs to Miguel’s living space, Peter knocked and poked his head into the guest room
Peter: “Miguel?”, Peter looked in to see a semi asleep Miguel. “Cmon man get up you need to eat something. MJ made French toast, you need food with your depression.”
Miguel: “I’m not hungry.” He sighed and rolled over to face the wall. His appetite wasn’t important to him especially if it meant watching Peter and MJ canoodle at the kitchen counter the way you and him used to. Peter stepped back into the hallway, a worried MJ was motioning him to go back and talk to Miguel.
“Go talk to him!”
“I don’t want, to he’s gonna yell at me!” They both whispered, low enough for a regular person not to hear but it was enough for Miguel’s heightened sense to pick up. Choosing to ignore them, Miguel covered his face with the pillow trying to drift back to sleep until he felt a small weight crawl on him and start tugging in his hair
Mayday: “Uncle Mickey! Wake up Mickey! Come eat breakfast with me!”
Needless to say Maydays cuteness was enough to get Miguel out of his cave. He ate breakfast in silence and by the end Peter had convince Miguel to return back to work, saying it would help him take his mind off things. Mj lent Miguel some of peters old dress clothes from when he was 4 sizes larger, the pants flooded of course but that’s what happens when you’re a foot taller than most people.
It was raining in Miguel’s dimension when he returned, making the drive to Alchemex that much more depressing. It didn’t even register to him that you would be working, he panicked about what he would do or say when he sees you.
Miguel: “Lyla are you there?…” No answer, “Lyla?…Okay I’m sorry.”
Lyla appeared on an illuminated orange screen
Lyla: “Sorry for what? Use those big boy words.” She mocked, arms crossed and turned away from him, refusing to look at him until he gave a proper apology
Miguel: “I’m sorry for yelling and for being a dick for the last few weeks. Okay?” He sighed
Lyla: “See. Was that so hard?” He growled in annoyance but was honestly glad to have her talking to him again, even if she was just a combination of zeroes and one’s she was helpful, “Still having lady troubles I see?” She teased
Miguel: “God, shut up.” He grumbled
Lyla: “That’s it goodbye—
Miguel: “No! No I’m sorry.” He groaned and sank in his seat at the red light rubbing circles on his temples, “What the fuck am I gonna do Lyla? She probably hates me.”
Lyla: “After everything you said I wouldn’t be surprised if she did, but Peters right Miguel you need to just apologize and actually EXPLAIN yourself. Stop acting like such a tough guy and open up to her already. You keep her in the dark all the time and let her wonder if she did something wrong or if you even like her, maybe if you were actually honest with her she’ll understand. And even if she doesn’t understand you STILL owe her an apology. That part’s non negotiable.” Lyla criticized with no intent of being gentle. For an AI she actually gave genuinely good advice.
But he wasn’t ready to see you yet, he wasn’t ready to say what he needed to say, had no idea what he was going to say. So when he made it to Alchemex instead of going through the front entrance like he usually did he opted for the back entrance where the delivery trucks usually are. Stunned faces met his along with whispers and other greetings. A few, “Welcome backs” and handshakes from his fellow geneticists, too many faces and none of them was the one he wanted to see…
Miguel barely got any work done that day, instead he chose to spend all his time pacing back in forth near the second floor ledge. Though his office was on the top floor, the second floor had a view that peered past the large glass staircase and directly over the receptionist desk. So throughout the day he made a routine of getting up every 30-40 minutes to go to the second floor bathroom so he can look over at you on the way back to his office. He couldn’t stop himself from trying to catch a glimpse of you, he got warm each time you smiled at a new person entering the building. It was fake of course, he’d seen your real smile and it was breathtaking. This on the other hand was a plastered in customer service smile accompanied by forced laughs.
Around the the 12th time he went to go check on you he froze when he saw you weren’t at your desk anymore, but it was around the time of your lunch break so he suspected you were in the cafeteria. It was kind of pathetic the way he felt himself rush to the elevator with urgency to get to the food court but it was what he was doing.
The area was busy, filled with lab coats and other Alchemex staff. When he finally located you he stopped in place. You were smiling, genuinely smiling, with some idiot employee he had never seen before. He was leaning against the wall talking your ear off as you bought a soda from the vending machine, and he was far too close. Miguel’s eyes darkened when he hugged you goodbye, holding you a few seconds to long.
“Do you know that guy over there? He’s been staring for a while” Your coworker asked, nodding over to Miguel who stood by the elevator door glaring through angry brooded eyes. You stilled as you met his gaze that softened the longer you looked at him
Y/N: “No…No I don’t.”
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Macie: “He just stared? Ew that’s creepy.” She giggled, “Whatever just ignore it, he hasn’t made an attempt to talk to you so don’t even entertain schoolboy behavior like that.”
Y/N: “Yeah, but you should’ve seen him he looked like he wanted to murder somebody...I hate that I thought it was kinda hot.”
She slapped you on the back of the head bringing out a string of giggles amongst the both of you. You took her advice and decided to just forget about the interaction and try and get through the rest of today. You sifted through emails and answered phone calls for the next few hours until a younger boy, no more than 19 years old, walked up to the front desk.
Y/N: “Hi there! can I help you?” You questioned
“Got a Grubhub delivery for Miguel O’Hara.” He held up a closed Thai food bag
Y/N: “Oh okay you can go up that elevator on the left, it’s the sixth fl—
“Customer requested no contact delivery so I guess this is on you guys. Okay bye I’m gonna leave now, remember to tip, thanks!” the rude little bastard plopped the take out bag on the counter in front of you. You’re heart practically plummeted to your stomach at the realization. Miguel knew what he was doing, he knew that if he requested no contact that meant the assigned assistant for genetics department had to deliver it. These snooty scientists didn’t want a random person walking through their building, it happened all the time just never with Miguel. Fuck
Macie looked over at the bag then back at you, just as flabbergasted as you were. Begging her to deliver it for you was no use, she was the assistant for the botany department and could get in huge trouble if she did. Reluctantly you made your way up to the floor his office was located on, the walk from the elevator to his office door felt like an eternity but you swallowed your fear and knocked.
Miguel: “Come in!” He sounded nervous, he looked like it too when you opened his door to see him already standing in front of his desk. Miguel looked disheveled and tired
Y/N: “Here, is there anything else you need Mr. O’Hara?” You deadpanned and handed him the bag. You weren’t surprised to see that he threw the bag away immediately, it’s not like his intention was to eat anyways.
Miguel: “Can I talk to you? Please?” He asked, you sighed and nodded in agreement closing the door behind you to give you both some privacy
Y/N: “Okay go ahead. Talk.”
Miguel: “…Who was that you were talking to?” he asked in a slightly desperate tone
Y/N: “That’s the first thing you have to say to me?” You scoffed
Miguel: “Please just tell me who he is…”
Y/N: “Who? I’m a receptionist I talk to a lot of people.” you lied knowing exactly who he was referring to.
Miguel: “The guy in the cafeteria, with the black hat. Who was he?”
Y/N: “That’s Anthony. He works in security for your department. But I guess you wouldn’t have known that, it’s not really a job that contributes anything to this world, is it?” Miguel winced at the sting of his own words being thrown back at him
Miguel: “…I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have said that.” he said in a tone barely above a whisper
Y/N: “Great, thanks I’m gonna go back to work now.” You dismissed his shitty excuse for an apology and turned to leave
Miguel: “Y/N I’m trying to say sorry to you!” he said almost begging. He was willing to beg if that’s what it took to make you listen
Y/N: “You’re always sorry! Every week it’s a new apology and honestly they’re all starting to sound the same and Im so tired of it!” you shouted
Miguel: “But I—
Y/N: “No I am talking, you are listening!” you silenced him, “You made it clear how you felt about me and I’m not going to keep myself in a situation where I’m just a fill in for someone else.”
Miguel: “…What are you saying?”
Y/N: “I don’t want to be with you any—
Miguel: “Please, please don’t say that N/N.” He practically leapt from his desk when you turned to leave without saying anything. It didn’t matter how many times he said your name it didn’t stop you, not until he physically blocked the door with his own body
Y/N: “O’Hara MOVE!” you demanded. The sound of his last name being said again signifying just how detached you we’re becoming
Miguel: “No. I want to fix this please!”
Y/N: ��Find a new replacement then!”
The two of you went back and forth for what seemed like hours, his pleading was relentless. You’d never seen this side of Miguel before, he was unhinged and desperate it was like watching a child have a breakdown. But it wasn’t changing your mind, you deserved better.
When you reached for the door handle once again that’s when all of his words came spilling out.
Miguel: “You’re not a replacement! You’re not a joke or useless or anything stupid I said! I didn’t mean any of it I was just tired of being painted as the bad guy so I wanted to make you feel worse than I felt! But…I am the bad guy Y/N, Im a selfish fucking moron and I ruined a perfectly good thing just because I was scared we were getting too close and that would mean I might forget about Dana and Gabriella! So every time you wanted a date night or wanted to bring me to a family dinner or even just wanted to be around me I made excuses, because every time I did those things I felt myself forgetting. But I’m sorry! I’m sorry for saying terrible things to you and I’m sorry for making you feel worthless, I’m sorry for being so fucking stupid throughout this entire relationship, I’m sorry Y/N….”, He looked down ashamed, he sounded so small and vulnerable something he had not been in a very long time. You froze in place, taking a moment to process everything.
He finally looked back up at you and you stared at him with wide blank eyes. Whether it confusion, sympathy, or hatred he couldn’t tell, but your silenced scared him.
Miguel: “Please… say something.” He begged
Y/N: “Miguel…you’re grieving and I understand that, I think in some way you’ll always mourn the loss of Dana and Gabriella. But we can’t continue this at the expense of my own feelings, I need to know that if we were to keep this up you’re not going to keep hurting me during the process of you healing.”
Miguel: “I understand, I’ll do better I promise.” He felt a wave of relief surge through him. He leaned in to try and hug you but he tensed again when you rejected it, placing your hand on his chest and pushing him away.
Y/N: “I…I think we need a break Miguel…” His shoulders dropped in disappointment
Miguel: “So that’s it? We’re done?”
Y/N: “No…no were not done, I just can’t be around you right now. Just because I sympathize with your pain doesn’t brush over the fact that you just admitted to neglecting me on purpose all this time. I can’t ignore that. I need some space, and I think you do too...”
Miguel: “Y/N…”
Y/N: “Bye Miguel…” You opened the door and exited to see concerned faces all staring as you walked by. It didn’t matter what they thought, today would be your last day anyways. You left your name tag on the front desk and gathered your belongings. Miguel watched from his office window as you got into your car and broke down in the drivers seat before leaving the parking lot
Lyla: “Miguel…are you okay?” she interrupted, watching him stare emotionless out of the window
Miguel: “No.”
Lyla: “…Do you wanna talk about it?”
Miguel: “…”
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HMBAU Chapter 3: Uncharted Territory and New Friends?!
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I had just kind of sat there dumbfounded
Because now there was an entire plate of assorted food on my plate 
Like holy shit this is a whole ass buffet
“Eat up so you have enough energy for the rest of the day!” Bokuto said kinda loudly and smiling 
I still sat there just shocked eyes wider than a tuba bell
“Alright Y/N-chan I guess we’re gonna do this the hard way” Oikawa said to me standing up from his place in the circle 
He didn’t say anything but he just walks over to me sits back down criss-cross and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me, his fingers settling on my waist and hips
“O-Oikawa what are you doing?!”
“Juuuust loosening you up a bit” He said with his chin on my shoulder
“Hey Oikawa, is this really a good idea?” Yaku pipes in
“It’ll be fine Yaku-chan~she’ll be fine”
With no warning as to what he could be talking about, I felt his hands move and he did the unthinkable
He started tickling me with no mercy
“Wahaiaiaiaiait nohhohohohohohoho”
“Oh yes~I’m sure you know what you need to do for me to stop~just tell me you’ll eat and follow through with that”
“Ohohohohohokahahahahay I wihihhhihhill juhuhst pleahehehehehese sthohohohp”
“Okay good!” he stopped when suddenly an apple slice with peanut butter on it appeared super close to my face
How on earth?!
And then I saw the person who was holding it was Osamu
Figures, only he would be able to accomplish perfect apple slices that fast
“Ah! I-I c-can e-eat myself b-but thank you”
“Ok” and he put it down on the plate
I knew he was good with food but holy shit the layout looked spectacular
Damn him for knowing me too well
I slowly started eating while the others started up a conversation
“Hey Bokuto, did you finally get a pedal note?”
I felt Oikawa laugh and pick me up off his lap and chime in with “Wait Bokuto-chan can’t pedal hahaha”
“Actually Bokuto he can. I know he seems weaker than a twig but his strength will surprise you” now that got me and I choked a bit
“IWA-CHAN DON’T SAY THOSE THINGS! YOU ALREADY KNOW I CAN WALK WITH THAT THING FOR A MILE ” only for Akaashi to finally notice choking and he alleviated it using the heimlich
“Are you ok?!”Akaashi said while also coaxing me to drink some water whilst the others continued to bicker in the background
“Y-yeah I’m ok but thank you”
He just smiled nodded and went back to where he had been sitting 
I just kind of sat there slowly eating everything and getting full like never before 
But I guess at some point I got lost just watching them because I got snapped out by Osamu
“Hey Y/N our break is over it’s time to go to the band room”
“Ah ok”
“Hey uh-Y/N?”
“Wanna walk there together especially since we keep our instruments near each other?”
“Uh-sure why not”
“Cool. So how come you pack such small lunches?”
“Oh well, I’m kind of a picky eater and I’m also watching what I eat so I can be healthier and raise my endurance on things. I also don’t think about it really”
“Is it just me or is everyone acting kinda strange today?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like I usually don’t talk to anyone and suddenly people are swarming me, especially the brass leaders! Has that been happening to you too?”
“Nah I think it’s just a you thing as far as getting lots of new attention.”
“But like why me?! I’m not interesting at all and coulda sworn no one around me really paid attention to my existence!”
“Probably because your talent piqued a lot of people’s interests, especially the leaders because they saw it, I know I was”
“But like Oikawa is acting the weirdest towards me, and none of the other flutes are! Am I a threat?!”
“No I wouldn’t say you are a threat, more like a successor”
“But i have no leadership skills! How would I be a good successor?”
“Your potential and that you aren’t Kageyama”
“But like who else has an eye on me?”
“The tubas”
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gguksgalaxy · 1 year
4:38pm | Minghao 1k
Fluff (very very slightly suggestive), requested by anonymous, request me here
info: I didn't have much in mind for this so I'm not really satisfied but I still hope that you like it!
Minghao’s apartment is quiet when you enter. That's how it seem at first. Upon further inspection, you can hear his shower running. His shoes by the door tell you that it indeed is him and not one of his roommates. Good. You’re looking for a quiet place to study, and your boyfriend was about the only person who knew how to actually be quiet when you asked. 
Or so you thought. 
About 30 minutes later he finds you sitting cross-legged at his living room table. Bent deeply over your anthropology book. He chuckles under his breath. Before you can even look up at him, you feel water drip onto the back of your neck. 
You squeal. “Minghao!” You look up to find him behind you with his hair still wet from the shower.
He laughs now, bending over you and closing your book. “I think that’s enough anthology for today.” 
“Anthropology,” you correct. “I have an exam in three days.” 
“And you’ve been studying non-stop for almost a week now. Enough is enough, babe.” He looks down at you, keeping his finger on top of your book in order to keep it closed. “You can argue with me, but I know you just reread the same paragraph 10 times and haven’t picked up a single thing.” 
You frown. “How long have you been watching me?” 
“Long enough to make tea,” he says, motioning towards the kitchen behind him. “Come on, you need a break. Didn’t you get up at six this morning?”
“Five,” you mumble in return. 
Your boyfriend fights the urge to roll his eyes and you push him back still. “Hey! Don’t shove me!” He steadies himself on your shoulders. “Listen, taking one evening away from that ancestry book of yours really won’t hurt anybody. Definitely not your poor boyfriend who’s feeling awfully neglected.” He gives you his version of puppy dog eyes. Big eyes, pursed lips, slightly raised eyebrows. It’s always a challenge and a plea. 
Today had been a long, tiring day. He had been right, about you staring at the page unable to read. Maybe he’s right about this too. Maybe you do need a night off. Just a bit of relaxation. 
“I can see the cogwheels turning in your pretty little head,” he muses. “I’ll get the tea.” 
“Hao,” you trail as he walks off. 
“I know, no sugar.” 
You chuckle. “Bring me something to eat.” 
He stops, shooting you a glare over your shoulder. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”
“Uh,” you think, “do peanuts count?”
“I’m whooping your ass when I get back.” 
You’re still smiling at him when he comes back. “You know that you’re the best boyfriend ever, right?”
He sits down beside you, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your year. “I know, but that doesn’t mean I won’t judge you for not eating.” 
You sigh. “Listen, I just forgot, and I was too lazy to find anything to eat on campus.” 
Minghao sighs, fingers absentmindedly carding through your hair. “I know you don’t want me to baby you but I’m seriously considering making you packed lunch.”
“I’ll be back to normal when exam season is over,” you shrug. 
He shakes his head, kissing your cheek again. “Just want you to take care of yourself.” 
You nod, leaning into him. He’s always been attentive, and he can get a bit aggressive about it when he wants you. Like, he will respect you when you want space, but he will also nag at you to take care of yourself until you do. Just a little. With a lot of love. He has made you realise that taking time off is important. It’s just that when you get stressed, you tend to forget. Which is why you’re so grateful to have him. 
He cuddles closer to you, leaning back against the couch. “So, what are we doing?”
“I don’t mind. You’re the neglected boyfriend, you pick an activity,” you tease.
Minghao is so beautiful like this. When he’s not trying. Not that he isn’t always, but there is something so ethereal about him when he’s not paying any mind to it himself. The slope of his jawline, the taunt stretch of his neck as he scans the room for something to do. 
“I mean…,” he trails off, looking back at you with a hint of mischief. You recognise that look all too well.
“No,” you deadpan. “I am way too tired for any of that.”
He laughs, nuzzling into your shoulder when you try to pull away from him. "I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I just showered.” 
You yawn, and in return, so does he. “If you can’t think of anything I will go back to reading my anthropology book.” 
Minghao whines, shaking you. “Anything but that stupid analogy book.”
“Stop mocking it!” 
“I will when it stops receiving more attention than me.” 
“You are such a baby sometimes!” you accuse mid laughter. 
He shrugs. “I like to accept and show all facets of my personality.”
“How philosophical of you good sir. Now please choose an activity or I will simply choose to nap on you.” You sprawl out in his lap, not really caring that you’re on the floor. His rug is much softer than his couch anyway. “You have literally 30 seconds before I pass out, I’m warning you.” 
Minghao groans, shifting your body and before you know it you’re hauled onto the couch. “Fine, nap, but not on the fucking floor.”
“I bet the floor’s seen less fucking than the couch,” you counter with one eye open.
He stops midway sliding in next to you, grimacing. “You have a fair point. Bed it is.” 
Request me here | © GguksGalaxy 2018 - 2023
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Hi, this is my first time requesting. I hope this is not utter bullshit. Could you maybe write Eddie x male reader, where he comforts the reader about struggling to eat?
Hi! No this isn't bullshit. Not in the slightest! Thank you for trusting me enough with this request! I hope I've done it justice for you.
Eddie Munson x male reader.
Send me request here! Currently writing for Eddie Munson.
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
There are days where everything makes your throat tighten. Foods that you normally loved made your stomach queasy. There is no warning when these days hit. You can literally eat the sandwich, the pasta, whatever it is, without problem the day before. And then the next day as your work to prepare or reheat it, your feel the bile rising in the back of your throat.
Today is one of those days. It's day three after grocery shopping and everything you've bought feels unappealing. You don't even know what you want instead. You just know you don't want what you have. And it's just easier to avoid the problem and survive on handfuls of cereal and water and crackers.
Eddie notices it though. How you've pushed the food around on your plate today just like you did yesterday. He's only got half the bag of pretzels left but he wants you to actually eat something. There's still a few more classes left in the day. The last thing he wants to hear is that you passed out in the middle of Drama because you just hadn't eaten.
So he pushes the bag a little closer to you. You notice it inching in but try not to think anything of it. Eddie talks with his whole body sometimes. This is no doubt just a byproduct of his wild gestures. He laughs with the rest of the group and the conversation floats like it always does in the loud cafeteria.
The bag inches closer again. This time Eddie's hand is resting on outside of the package as he moves it your way. You bring your gaze from the cross ring up to his face. He's looking at you with a small cocky grin. "C'mon, don't you want to grow up big and strong like me?"
You snort. "Munson, a strong wind could blow you over."
"I am only human after all," he returns. "Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with." He punctuates by moving the bag directly in front of you. "I'm not sick, promise."
You stare down at the bag. Your stomach doesn't seem to reject the thought of the pretzels. But you're worried that after the first bite it's going to be a done deal. But Eddie's big eyes are staring at you, poring over you like he's genuinely worried.
You take the end of the bag with your fingers and Eddie grins before letting his grip go. You take one pretzel and snap into it carefully. The first bite isn't terrible to get down. You take it slow though. You give yourself a minute to let the first pretzel to settle.
When your body doesn't lurch, you grab a second one. Eddie's smile is brighter as he chats. By the time lunch is over you've only four of the remaining 8 or so of the snack, but it feels like a breakthrough from the stint you'd been in. As you toss the contents on the the tray of cafeteria food untouched into the trash, Eddie gingerly reaches for your elbow. You know it's Eddie because he's only as gentle as Eddie can be. It's a firm enough grip but Eddie's pressing closer and closer into your personal bubble.
"Wanna skip next period? Nurse has all the best snacks," he reasons. "Or if you want something different, I'm more than okay with skipping Mr. Randall's class to take you off campus for something."
You start to shake your head, start to tell Eddie he doesn't have to do all that but Eddie voice cuts you off. "C'mon, it's your choice. I just--I know it's not easy to like actually eat when the food is so shit. Whatever you want, man."
"That's the problem, man. I don't know what I want. Nothing sounds appealing."
"We could at least get orange juice. That's good, yeah? Nurse Jenkins is a sucker for a bad boy and I can score you at least two bottles."
The sugar wouldn't hurt. But you're not sure if you can go for two bottles. And you don't really want Eddie skipping his classes. "You're the last person to need to skip. Like ever."
Eddie gives an indignant squawk in return. His offense is clearly jest, but he still pouts just a little at your words. "Rude."
"But I'll let you walk me to the nurses office if you promise to go straight to class."
Eddie purses his lips together. His grip still hasn't fully left your elbow. "I need to see you take at least two sips before I go."
Of course he would. He's that type. "Deal, Munson. Since it's going to kill you if I don't eat."
Eddie nods at the remark. "It's breaking my heart."
The sentence sits ful at the utterance. There's no dripping teasing tone. There's no faux concern or sarcasm. It's a full sentence and you wonder if Eddie's noticed these days. Why would he be worried at all about someone like you?
As the two of your breech the doors of the cafeteria, Eddie's hold grips and the two of you walk with a couple inches between the two of you. It's mostly silent between you, though the hallways are still full with students heading to their next classes.
"Does this happen a lot?" Eddie questions a few feet from the nurses often.
You shrug. "It happens enough."
"What-what do you usually manage to eat?"
"Water. Cheerios--boring as it fucking sounds they're not too sweet. Crackers are good."
Eddie nods, fingers tapping against each other and the rings softly echo with their clinks. "How long does it last?"
"No longer than a couple days. This stints kicking me in the balls though. I don't know if I like ate something bad and it's lingering or if it's stress? Just...everything sounds gross most of the time."
"I mean, the school lunches would never actually help anyone if they were having issues eating, ya know? They look like slop sometimes."
The two of you linger outside the door, never reaching it fully to make you warrant the knock, but clearly you two have passed here because the intent is for you to be there.
You give a soft tuft of laughter in an exhale through your nose. "Yeah, they're not always appealing."
Eddie pushes forward, hand raising to the wooden door. It's a two knock warning and then he cracks it open, gesturing for you to enter in the increasing gap. It's quick really as you explain that you'd appreciate some orange juice if she can spare it because you've had trouble getting much down and are hoping the juice will get you through the day. She offers you a pass to head back home if you need, but you decline it saying that you'll come back if you really need it.
Eddie lingers as promised only long enough to see you get two sips down before he takes the pass to make it to his class. The juice is just enough and by the time you get home you feel like you have an appetite again.
But you notice later in the week and early next week when Eddie cracks open his lunch pail there's a roll of crackers in them. And the next week it's rotated out for a second bag of pretzels .
"Don't you, like, hate those," you say pointing into the pail and seeing what is definitely Cheerios. About a month after Eddie walked you to the nurse's office, you notice he's got a whole rotation of foods he doesn't even touch each week. You're not even sure why he's keeping food he's not going to eat. It's a waste in the end if he's just tossing them out at the end of of each week.
Eddie shrugs. "Keep spare, sue me," he huffs. The conversation ends there. Until the next day, he notices about halfway through that you're pushing the peas around and then slides the sandwich bag to you.
"Should I still sue?" you mutter digging in for a handful of the cereal.
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 2 years
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Sam Kiszka X Reader
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, oral (m/rec) Fingering (m/rec), slight dirty talk I guess? I think thats it,
I think this might turn into a series, we shall see.
You sat in your chair in your home office, staring at the spreadsheet on your computer.  You were in a tank top and some linen shorts seeing as you didn’t have any zoom meetings today.  You weren’t even supposed to work today at all actually, you had planned on spending the day with Sam.  Your boss had called you bright and early and asked you to work on a last minute project and have it in by the end of the day.  When you told Sam he definitely looked let down, but just nodded and turned the other way in bed to go back to sleep.   It was getting close to lunch when you heard some footsteps padding into the room behind you. 
“Want to take a break and come eat some lunch with me?” He asked as he bent over the back of your chair and kissed your shoulder.  You could tell by his lingering kisses and the way they traveled up your neck that he wanted more than just to eat lunch with you.  
“Sammy I can’t,” You said and leaned away from his kisses, “I have to finish this project by tonight, I should be done by 5 then maybe we can go get dinner?”  He sighed loudly, something he always did when he was feeling a little hurt.  You had been working a lot recently and not been able to spend as much time with him as you used to.  You knew he thrived off attention and quality time, and these last few weeks had been hard for him. 
“Alright,” he said defeated as he walked back out of your office.  You turned your attention back to your computer and a few minutes later you heard those footsteps again, “Here you go baby” he said as he sat a plate next to your computer atop the desk.  On it was a turkey sandwich and your favorite chips.  “I put a few chips on the sandwich too, just how you like it.”  You smiled softly as you looked up to him, suddenly feeling even more guilty about bailing on your plans with him today.  He was always so attentive in catching the little things you liked, like chips on your sandwich.
“Thank you” you said as you reached out to grab his hand before he could walk away.  He just nodded, forcing a small smile before he walked out, shutting the door behind him.   You worked as fast as you could, for hours.  You had definitely lost track of time when you finally closed your laptop and turned to the clock.  9 o’clock, fuck.  You quickly got up and walked out of your office.  Most of the lights were off in the house but you could see the kitchen light was on.  You walked in to see Sam had cooked dinner and left yours covered in foil for you to reheat when you were ready. He was an angel, you didn’t deserve him.  You weren’t hungry right now, right now you just needed to show him how sorry you were, and how much you loved him.   You walked down the hallway and could hear the tv on in your room, telling you he was probably still awake.   You stopped in the doorway.  He was lying in bed with a few pillows propping him up enough to see the tv.  The comforter was up to his waist but his bare torso was visible.
“Thank you for cooking me dinner” you said quietly.  He crossed his arms and his eyes looked to you for a moment with a pouty glare before silently looking back to the tv.  He was definitely mad, understandably so.  You slowly walked over and climbed on the bed, straddling his lap.  He kept his eyes on the tv, looking right past you.  “I told my manager I’m not coming in tomorrow because I stayed up so late to work on this, so we can hang out all day tomorrow”  You moved your hands up and down his abdomen lightly, just wanting to touch him. 
“Maybe” He said flatly,
“Oh, maybe huh?” You said in a teasing tone, leaning forward to kiss over his collar bone and up his neck.  “Anything I can do to get back on your good side?” You slightly ground your hips down onto his through the comforter.  He just shrugged his shoulders, he was very insistent with this fit.  You grabbed his chin, turning his attention to you, “Does my poor, sweet, neglected Sammy need to be coddled? Does he need me to wrap my lips around his cock until he feels better?” He looked at you with doe eyes as he nodded. You knew his silent treatment he had going on would go to shambles as soon as his dick was in your mouth, and you were looking forward to it.   You clumsily climbed off him enough to remove the comforter and position yourself between his legs.  His hard on was already straining against his boxers, “Look at you, are you this hard because I talked about sucking you off or where you touching yourself before I came in here?”  You glanced up at him as you pulled his boxers down, tossing them to the floor,
“I wasn’t touching myself, I was waiting for you, I’ve wanted you all day” He admitted as he got comfortable, it made your heart ache. His voice was so quiet, sounding like he was still hurt, but he was playing it up and you knew it.  You licked a stripe up the underside of his cock, causing him to take in a sharp breath,
“Well how about while I do this, you think about how you want me, anything you want and its yours” You said before taking him down your throat abruptly,
“O-Ok” He choked out as you started bobbing your head up and down. One hand tangled in your hair and the other he placed behind his head, propping himself up so he could watch you.  You looked to him and met his eyes, his bottom lip was glossy from him repeatedly licking or biting at it.  Small little breathy grunts were passing his lips as you worked at him with your tongue. The corner of his mouth turned up in a small smile when he realized you were looking at him.  You pulled your mouth off of him and wiped your chin with the back of your hand,
“Did you think about what you want?” You asked, looking up at him through your lashes as you placed kisses up and down his shaft,
“Yeah, it-it’s a little different..” He said, a sudden blush covering his cheeks as he looked away from you, not wanting to make eye contact. 
“What is it babe?” You asked curiously, now slowly pumping him with your hand.
“Do you, remember that thing we talked about a few nights ago?” He questioned, now rubbing his hands up and down his thighs nervously.  You searched your memories and then remembered:  A few nights ago, you had dragged him along with you to the ‘adult toy store’ as you called it.   You had gone to pick out a new vibrator, some lube and maybe some lingerie, you were just browsing really.  At one point you had lost track of Sam and to your surprise you had found him by the strap section.   You had quietly approached him, wrapping your arms around his middle and jokingly asked him if he was picking something out.  He had responded by shrugging it off and walking away.  Later that night when you were home laying in bed, after a particularly exhausting round of sex he brought it up, asking if it was something you would ever do with him, do for him.  You had immediately told him yes, not failing to mention you thought you’d be pretty into it.  He just nodded and changed the subject to whatever was on the television.
“I remember” You replied, “Do you want to try?”
“I-I think so…yes.” He said, finally letting his eyes meet yours again.  You got off the bed to get the lube and he must have assumed you were bailing because he started rambling, “If you don’t want to we don’t have to, just forget-“
“Sammy, Sammy baby,” You hushed him as you turned around, you had never seen him so nervous, “I was just getting the lube” You caressed his face, kissing him passionately as your tongue slid into his mouth. His hands found your hips and you could have sworn they were shaking, “If you want this, I am more than into it”  He took a deep breath and nodded.  You crawled back down between his legs,
“I do, I do want it” He said, his voice more whiny now. 
“Well, we don’t have a strap so these will have to do,”  You held your hand up and wiggled your fingers. His breathing picked up in speed, telling you he was more excited than he was letting on.  You played it cool but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you weren't also nervous. Not that you wouldn't like it, but that you might hurt him or that he might actually hate it and then feel embarrassed or something. You started kissing his thighs, prompting him to spread them a little more with your hands giving them a little push. You covered your fingers in the lube, closed the bottle and tossed it to the bed. Your left hand went back to pumping his cock as your right hand made its way to the spot you knew he'd been dying for you to touch. You applied just a little bit of pressure and his hands instantly grabbed the comforter in fists as he took in a sharp breath, "Just tell me if you want me to stop ok?"
"No, don't stop" He said urgently, "I want more"
"I'm going to give you what you want love, just making sure you are ready" You replied, slipping in just the tip of your finger,
"Fuck" He moaned out, "I'm ready! I'm so ready, please" He begged. You wondered for a moment how long he had wanted this and been too shy to ask for it, you'd ask him later, now wasn't the time.
"Shh baby there is no rush, just relax and feel it" You soothed, placing another gentle kiss to his thigh. You carefully added a second finger to the first, watching him closely the whole time, partly because you wanted to make sure he was ok, and partly because the expressions he was making were absolutely sinful and had you quickly soaking through your panties. You pressed your fingers in deeper and the guttural moan that left his chest had you moaning along with him,
"Oh god, It feels so good, I'm going to cum already" He groaned, his breathing was so ragged you'd never seen him this desperate.
"Take a deep breath," You said, slowing the movement of your left hand on his shaft so he could collect himself for a moment. He inhaled a shaky breath, eyes closed as he slowly breathed back out. You took this moment to start sliding your fingers in and out gently. "You're so soft and warm, so perfect" You praised. Whimpers and whines started filling the room as he tried not to writhe around beneath you. He was absolutely crumbling under your touch, and you wondered if this was what it felt like when he was doing the same thing to you, it was a power trip you didn't know you would enjoy so much. You sped up your left hand again and then started curling your fingers slightly, trying to figure out where that secret spot was that you knew existed. You almost jumped when he arched off the bed and cried out in pleasure,
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Do that again," He pleaded, "I'm going to cum so hard for you, please, please let me cum"
"Cum for me Sammy, I want to taste you" You said as you curled your fingers against that spot you now knew drove him absolutely wild. He threw his head back against the pillows and cried out curses and praises as he came all over his stomach. You couldn't help the pleased smile on your face as you worked him through his orgasm, removing your fingers slowly once you felt like he was coming down. His head raised from his pillow and he looked so delicious like this, his face flushed, lips parted, and a few stray hairs from his messy bun sticking to his face.
"I thought you said you wanted to taste me" He said curiously as he continued to try and catch his breath,
"Oh, I do" You climbed up a little and started licking the cum off his stomach, dragging your tongue back and forth but keeping your eyes on him. His brows rose and a smug smile formed on his face. You loved how he tasted and he knew it.
"I need you to neglect me more often...because if thats how you're going to make up for it..." He huffed out a laugh, "It was so, so good y/n, thank you" His head fell back against the pillow and you were once again straddling his waist. You were still painfully turned on but this night was about him, so you didn't say anything.
"You want to go take a hot bath with me?" You asked as you brushed those strands of hair from his face lovingly,
"Only if you let me get you off while we're in there," He grinned up at you,
"Sammy no, this was about making up for-"
"Don't argue" He smacked your ass playfully, this was the Sam you knew "You don't think I can feel how absolutely drenched you are through these panties" he pulled the fabric and let it go as it popped you.
"Alright if you insist" You giggled as he sat up and kissed you. You climbed off him, "I'll grab some wine if you start the bath?" You bargained,
"Deal," He said as you parted ways in the hallway, "And grab your laptop we have some online shopping to do!" He shouted and you covered your mouth to stifle your giddy laugh because you knew exactly what he meant.
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domoz · 1 year
A little Tobi/Hika sickfic for you
Hikaku rubs at his stinging eyes and re-reads a line for the third time.
It's not even lunch yet. He's usually not so tired this early in the day, but he's had a pounding headache since he woke up this morning and the noise of construction just outside his office really hasn't helped with his focus. He already shut the window to block out some of the unusual chill that's lasted past the early morning, but the sound of hammering and shouting still filters up and frays at his nerves.
Having a place to eat so close to the administrative tower will be nice, really! He just wishes they could make it happen more quietly. Just for today, at least.
Hikaku groans and smothers his face into his hand, resenting how nice the pressure and darkness feels. It would help if anyone in the Nara could be bothered to make their handwriting neat enough to read.
A presence announces itself at the door with a light rap, and Hikaku is faintly alarmed to note that he's so fatigued that it feels like a monumental struggle to lift his head and greet them.
It's Tobirama, arms crossed and frowning faintly.
"I came to see if you had finished looking over contract proposals the Nara sent, but…"
Hikaku winces. He's made it a bit of a point of pride to be on time with his paperwork, and that's something Tobirama seems to appreciate, but now here he is with something truly time sensitive and he can't focus enough to get it done.
"Apologies." He says, "I'll get it to you as soon as I'm finished."
Tobirama nods, but he does not otherwise move, and after a long moment of staring at each other, Hikaku ducks his head and tries to focus back on the work in front of him.
"Hikaku." Tobirama's voice is suddenly much closer, because -- he looks up with a start, he knows Tobirama is fast but honestly, his reaction was slow -- the man himself is closer, leaning over Hikaku's desk and into his space with an unreadable look on his face.
Hikaku can only blink. His mind feels like it's swimming through syrup, and it runs completely blank as Tobirama raises a hand and rests the back of his cool fingers on Hikaku's brow.
"You're sick." He announces, and, well, when it's pointed out so plainly, the evidence does lead in that direction. But then Tobirama goes on to say, "You should go home, you'll do better work when you're well rested."
Those are bold words coming from one of the most chronically overworked people Hikaku knows. And the response that bubbles out of him is, "You stayed in the office when you were sick last month, isn't that a bit hypocritical?"
He doesn't actually mean to say that last part out loud, but with Tobirama so close to him and looking at him so intently, the chill he'd been feeling has been flushed out by a warmth that's only serving to muddle his thoughts further.
"I didn't have anyone encouraging me to do otherwise." Tobirama replies with an unrepentant shrug. Which… Is true enough. Hikaku had noticed, had made sure Tobirama always had some tea ready if he needed it, but he'd not actually pointed out that the man should rest.
"…Hikaku." Tobirama says again, pulling his wandering attention back. The frown has returned with greater intensity, "Who takes care of you in times like this?"
It's already clear that Tobirama isn't willing to be swayed. He's already hard enough to persuade at the best of times, and Hikaku hardly feels capable of a conversation right now, much less an argument.
…But he's not in such a bad state that he needs someone to take care of him. His mind goes to Madara first, but he's far too busy to worry over something like this, and then Izuna, who would also be busy, if he wasn't out on a mission, anyways. The Uchiha are a tight knit clan, and there are plenty of other names he could say, but… There's work, and missions, and new children, and it's really not worth getting in anyone's way over a simple cold…
"…I see." Says Tobirama, taking his extended silence as an answer. One he looks unhappy with, for whatever reason.
Without warning, he stands up and begins gathering all the papers left on Hikaku's desk into a neat pile.
"Ah…?" Is about as far as Hikaku gets into protesting before those cool fingers are on his wrist and the entire world lurches out from under him. He hadn't been feeling nauseous before, but the surprise hirashin brings it to the back of his throat, and Hikaku has to hunch over and breath through it for a few moments before he can get a bearing on where he is.
It's a small wooden house, one that smells distinctively of the pine and sap of a mokuton grown building. It's a little cluttered, but it's obvious that everything has it's own place.
There's a temptingly inviting looking kotatsu in the middle of the room. There's paperwork on the kitchen counter. There's a shrine in one corner, and in the other, an armor stand with a familiar set of blue hanging off it.
…He's in Tobirama's house.
"I'm not going to actually stop you from working, even if I think you should rest." Tobirama ignores Hikaku's gaping and sets the paperwork on the kotatsu, "It should be easier to focus here, regardless. I'm going to make soup for lunch."
Hikaku stares for a long, long moment as Tobirama does, indeed, move to kitchen and start pulling out ingredients. The Senju only glances up at him when he performs a sloppy kai just to make sure there's no genjutsu involved with...Whatever this is, but nothing changes. Either this is a fever induced hallucination, or it's real.
For lack of another option, Hikaku picks his way over to the kotatsu and slides to sit underneath it. It must have only just been turned on, but the warmth already feels dangerously comfortable.
Tobirama had been correct about one thing, at least. The sound of something being chopped in the kitchen makes it much easier to focus than the sounds of construction did. If only he didn't lose what he had gained in the way it's growing harder and harder to keep his eyelids open.
… A few moments to rest his eyes will probably do wonders to get this headache under control, and Tobirama will wake him up to eat, surely?
And if he doesn't, if Hikaku wakes up with his work already done and a meal ready to be reheated and eaten, well… Who could blame him for doing exactly what was planned?
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 11/41
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Chapter 11: Glorious Surprises
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, anal play (butt plug), cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected PIV, unprotected PIA (female receiving) (play safe ya'll!!), DP with vibrator, squirting
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 11: Glorious Surprises
Once you both actually clean up. You slip into a simple, flowy dress making a show of putting on some MeUndies with honey bees on them. Austin wears simple sweat shorts and a t-shirt.
He makes you eggs, toast and greens for breakfast/lunch. While you eat, your toes play together under the table. Neither of you want to break the spell of closeness that you are feeling. Ahh, 'happy-new-person' is just the best.
Austin props his elbow up on the table and sets his chin in his hand. He is watching you with a hint of a smile as you walk back and forth in the kitchen, cleaning up.
“I want to just chill for a while today, is that ok?” he asks.
“Sure, do you need some alone time?” you two have been together nonstop for about 38 hours and that is a lot for people who actually live alone.
“Yeah but, I want to do it with you… does that make sense?” a look of ‘am I weird’ crosses his face.
“Ahh, you want an introverted date," you nod your head knowingly.
“Introverted date? Hmmm, maybe," he sounds unsure.
“You want to be together but doing our separate things with no pressure to interact. Like going to a coffee shop and reading your own book but sitting side by side,” you explain.
“Yeah, I would really like that, I’m craving a flat white right now. Any ideas how we go out without paparazzi catching us?”
“I can go get coffee for us and we can go to the roof,” you need to hit the drugstore for some items for later anyway.
“I didn’t know there was a rooftop patio on the building, “ he says.
“There isn’t, but I happen to have a key for the roof. I had to go check the AC unit up there last week. There is a spot we can go chill for a bit," you reply.
He agrees. You decide to walk to the drug store a few blocks away, giving him some time. You pick up some lube and other supplies for what you have planned for later. You stop for a couple flat whites from his favorite coffee spot and head back. The annoying photographer is waiting on the street again, but steers clear of you as you walk by.
When you get back, you head up to the roof, books and snacks in a bag. You go up the stairwell a couple floors and there is a locked door at the top. You produce the key and end up in a little room with a skylight above you and face to face with a ladder bolted to the wall. It has safety rungs spaced widely in a half circle starting not quite 6 feet up. It’s maybe a 12 foot climb.
You start climbing one handed, holding your coffee, very aware that Austin is looking right up your dress. At the top you open the hatch to the roof and step through. You are between two taller portions of the roof, the one in front of you, probably the elevator shaft, is blocking the ocean view. There is AC equipment etc up here. It is hot.
“I don’t know about this, it might be more comfy on the balcony,” he says unsure.
“Trust me Austin," you take him by the hand and lead him around the elevator shaft. He stops short, as you giggle.
On the top of the building is a virtual oasis of potted plants. There are big ones with fern and palm trees for shade and little ones too. There is even a patch of grass with two lounge chairs positioned facing the gorgeous ocean view. A little fountain burbles on the side and a couple of cool misters spray the plants. It is much cooler here in the shade.
“This is amazing!” he exclaims.
“Yeah, the super of the building is a hobby gardener. He told me I could hang up here if I wanted to," you can’t help but smile. Sitting in one of the chairs, you kick off your shoes. You reach into the bag, pull out the books and hand him his and a PBJ sandwich.
He leans down to kiss you, “This is amazing," he isn't talking about the roof top.
He sits down in the other chair, removing his shoes, then gets up and pulls the foot closer to yours. He lays back and opens his book, reaching his toes over to touch your feet.
You stay that way for much of the afternoon, reading and munching on snacks. Soon, you hear soft snoring next to you. You look over, the book is on his chest and he is out.
You get up quietly and make your way back to your apartment to prepare your ass for later. You clean yourself out with the enema you bought from the store earlier. Just thinking about Austin’s cock in your ass starts to make you wet again. You go find the silver metal butt plug in your bag of toys… and cleverly leave out your favorite vibrator on the bedside table, then shrug to yourself and leave your favorite dildo out too. You lube up the butt plug and slowly insert it into your ass, it almost feels like too much at the drop off point, it always does at first. You move it in and out a few times, loosening your hole, moaning to yourself, then it pops in and nestles between your cheeks. You love how it feels just a bit heavy when you walk. You leave your bee underwear on the end of the bed.
Once back on the roof, you find Austin is still softly snoring. You sit back down and nestle your feet against his again. You are trying to get back into your book, but the knowledge of the stopper in your ass and what is to come later is very distracting. Luckily, Austin wakes up a few minutes later, moving his feet on yours. He reaches over to you and strokes your arm.
“Hey baby,” his deep voice and soft touch further arousing you.
“Hello you," trying to keep your desire hidden, “nice nap?”
“The best,” he smiles, god that smile melts you, "do you want to head back down?”
“Let's,” is all you can say.
You gather up your things and he takes the lead. He goes down the ladder first and is looking up your dress again as you climb down. You hope he catches a glimpse of silver. When you're in arms reach, his hands slide up your legs to your naked ass as you reach the bottom.
“Where did your bees go?” he says. Your skirt is hiked up over his hands as he fondles your curves.
“Maybe they buzzed away, ” you say coquettishly.
His lips are brushing yours, “Naughty Bees, what is going to protect you from me now?”
He slides his hand between your legs and presses his palm against your mons, rubbing little circles. Little breathy “Oh's” fly from your lips to perch on his. His long fingers curl under, seeking your wet pussy lips, but his finger tips land on the hard base of your butt plug. The jostling movement makes you gasp.
“What do we have here?” he says, gently moving it around as you moan, “I thought I saw something flashing at me as you came down. Is this what you were doing while I was napping?”
You nod, biting your bottom lip.
His voice gets husky with desire, “Show me.”
“Ok, let's go back and-” you begin to turn towards the door.
“No,” he interrupts, "show me right here. Go up, sit on the cage” indicating the ladder with a nod of his head.
You climb up, his hands on you the whole time. You manage to put one leg on either side of the bottom rung of the cage, your back to the ladder. Holding on to the rung above to keep from falling, your dress streaming like the curtains of a stage behind you. You are completely exposed from below, offering Austin a gratuitous view of your pussy and ornamented ass.
“Oh fuck,” you hear him mumble to himself as he looks up.
You are hovering right in front of his face. He reaches up and pets your wet folds before touching the base of the plug with one finger and wiggling it side to side, making you clench and gasp.
Without warning, he closes the gap between his mouth and your clit. All you can do is hold on as he laps slowly, tongue swirling. He continues to wiggle the silver trinket. You wonder if you are dripping onto his shirt, you are so wet all of a sudden. He groans against your pussy, lapping deeper at your sweet cunt, the vibrations of his voice sparking more sensations of pleasure.
Then he slides his fingers in between your lips, feeling the round hardness of the plug from inside. You both are groaning in arousal. Sliding in and out of your pussy and pressing the plug, he sucks at your clit, making you squirm and pant softly. You could come like this, hanging on for dear life as you get eaten out by Austin, damn he is good with his tongue.
Suddenly he pulls away, wipes his face on your skirt and raises his hands to help you down.
“Get down, let’s go," he commands.
Untangling yourself from the metal rungs you stop when you are even with his face and kiss him hard.
“The real question, Austin, is what is going to protect you from me?" you say with a smirk.
“Not a damn thing,” there is something wild in his eyes. He tosses you over his shoulder, he is surprisingly strong. He carries you down the mercifully empty stairwell.
" Austin, I can walk you know," You giggle.
"I'm not letting you get away! Bees or no bees." Opening your apartment door, he takes you directly to your bedroom and he tosses you down onto the bed.
Before you can catch your breath, he is upon you, lips on yours, tongue dancing on yours. He is intense. His hands are kneading your breasts through your dress, his hardness hot between your legs. He reaches down and pulls your skirt up. He swirls his fingers around your clit and slides along your inner lip. He presses his finger under the base of the plug, rubbing the lube into the edges of your hole. The pressure against your asshole both inside and out and makes you moan.
“Ungh,” he growls appreciatively from his throat.
Heat rises quickly into need as he reaches to his own crotch and takes himself out. He rubs some of the wetness on his tip and then directs it to your slit. He pushes in, groaning, feeling the plug's hard bulge rub against his dick.
It. Feels. Amazing- for both of you.
He plunges in and out of you. He is propped up on straight arms above you, his hands are grasping yours, inadvertently holding you down. His head is thrown back in pleasure.
He seems to have a short attention span today as he stops after only a handful of strokes, takes a big breath and pulls out. You unconsciously whimper as he leaves you.
“Oh hunny, 'm sorry, but I’m savin' m'self for yer ass,” he smiles down at you, ”I just needed t' feel yeh 'round me.” he has dropped into his Elvis voice again.
He peels your dress off, and in a flash he is naked in front of you. You lean back on your elbows, knees bent, blatantly admiring his muscular, yet lean body.
“I would never get tired of seeing you naked, with that glorious cock, about to fuck me,” you comment.
He puffs out a little laugh, looking down and away, suddenly shy. Then his glance lands on your body, his eyes glaze over in lust. He kneels on the bed at your feet.
“Do you have any idea how sexy you are? All casually leaned back, curves for days.” he reaches out, biting his bottom lip. He skims your knee and inner thigh with his fingertips. “Legs open just enough that I can see you glistening and that plug glinting at me.” He seems to have not realized that he is crawling on top of you again.
You reach out and grab the back of his neck. Pulling him to you for a deep fiery kiss, tongues curling against each other. You trap his full bottom lip between your teeth for a second before you pull away,
“Now,” you say, reaching for the lube then rolling over underneath him, “how about we start with my little surprise.” You push back into him, ass in the air, forcing him to his knees. You hand him the lube.
“Yes, Ma’am,” fucking Elvis again, still toe curling.
He starts by moving the base side to side, pushing it in a little. The thumb on his other hand stroking your lips.
“Can I pull it out?” he asks.
“Slowly,” you say, nodding.
He grasps the base and starts pulling. Your ass resists at first, having to go over the largest part of the plug first. You are gasping short little breaths.
“Am I hurting you?” he asks.
You shake your head, "It’s just stretching me is all, keep pulling.”
Finally your ass lets it go and it slides out quickly as you exhale audibly.
“Wow, that is a little bigger than I expected it to be,” he says.
“It’s smaller than your cock. You should fuck me with it a bit so I can be ready for you,” you instruct.
He drips more lube onto your asshole and rubs the toy around in it then presses it into your hole. Little ���ohs and ooos’ sound from your mouth.
“Wow,” he breathes to himself, as your ass pulls it in past the neck.
He grips and pulls it out again, it comes easier this time. He starts rubbing your pussy, fingertips slipping in at the same time as he slowly moves the plug in and out of your ass. The stretching starts to feel good and you are pushing back against him.
After a couple minutes You reach back to get him to stop and sit up on your knees.
“Lay down,” you tell him. He puts the butt plug on the bedside table and lays on his back.
”Hold yourself,” you take a moment and appreciate how hot he looks with his cock in his hand, not being able to stop stroking himself. You drip lube on him, he groans as he rubs it in.
You straddle him and position his tip at your partially stretched ass hole.
Slowly you push yourself down onto him, trying to relax as you go. You are gasping at every inch.
He is saying “Oh, Oh, Oh,” over and over again, his head thrown back against the covers. His sexy fucking Adam's apple juts out from the curve of his neck. Finally he is fully seated in your ass.
“Oh fuck that is tight. My god-Are you ok?” he is waffling between pleasure and worry.
“Oh yes, are you?” you put your hands on his chest. He grabs your hips in response.
“Omigodyes,” he says as you move slowly up and down a few inches on his cock. Up and down. Your ass is getting used to his girth and starting to feel really, really good and you rise all the way off him and push all the way down again, your wet pussy rubbing on his pubic bone.
You are both uttering indistinct sounds of pleasure, lost in sensations.
You pull off him all the way, then push him into you, riding up and down on just the head of his cock.
He lifts his head up, eyes boring into yours from under his lashes. His neck muscles straining, chin tilted a bit to the side and down, jawline tense and heaving through his teeth. You can tell that he is barely controlling himself. You curl your lip in a naughty smile. Reassured that your ass has expanded to fit him, you pull off him and lean down close to his face.
“Ok, I’m ready,” you state.
“For what?” he asks.
“For you to take over and really fuck me in the ass,” you answer.
The corner of his mouth curves up as an animal-like growl rises in his throat. You can almost see his demon break free through his blown pupils.
He grabs you and rolls you over on to your back. He stands up, pulls you by the hips to the edge of the bed. Luckily it’s a tall bed. Your legs are splayed apart, feet up. He guides his head at your stretched out hole. Without hesitation, he pushes his cock into your ass slowly but steadily. You find your hand rubbing back and forth on your mound
“Oh fuck yes, just like that,” you affirm.
“Pull your pussy lips apart,” it was not a request. You reach down with the other hand and spread your outer labia, showing him your pink cleft. He is watching himself slide in and out of your ass.
“Mmmm, your inner lips are opening and closing as my cock moves in your ass," his fingers brush over your lips then slide inside your pussy, "Whoa, I can feel myself moving in you." He is aroused and enthralled.
“Oh that feels so damn good,” you moan.
After a few minutes of a slow, steady rhythm that bit by bit is building your orgasm, he stops his hips. His fingers leave your pussy. You open your mouth to whine but his wet fingers slide in. You start sucking and licking yourself off them greedily.
“Look at me,” he commands as you hear a buzz. You open your eyes to see your vibrator between your face and his. It's tight curve is meant to slide in and stimulate both your g spot and your clit.
“I’m going to slide this into your pussy as I fuck your tight little ass," you recognize that he is as much asking, as telling you.
Your eyes widen and you nod as your nostrils flare in desire. You have always wanted all your holes filled. You grab his hand to keep his fingers in your mouth.
He slides the vibrator into your saturated slit. And starts to move in and out of your ass again, feeling the pulsations on his cock.
“Ohgawohgawohgaw” your words are stoppered by his fingers. You are lost in sensations. His dick in your ass, pushing the vibrator up into your g-spot with every thrust, his fingers in your mouth and the vibrating sensations on your clit. These are your whole world right now.
You hear a howling. You realize it’s you, screaming around his fingers. Your climax is starting from a whole new place, deep inside you.
You wail as you come, squirting around the vibrator, drenching his cock and your ass in sweet fluids.
“Oh my god,” he intones. He slows down for a second, “Fuck that is hot.”
You turn off your vibrator off, trying to catch your breath. He reaches down and turns it back on, pressing it to your clit.
”Oh no baby you keep that going,” he holds it in place and begins moving back and forth with intensity. Your own juices lubing your asshole and his cock.
You feel out of your body. “I. don’t. know . if….. “ each word breaking from your tongue with each delicious thrust. You both want more and aren't sure if you can take it.
You feel his hand in the middle of your chest, pressing down tethering you to the bed, to your body, to the incredible pleasure he is giving you.
“Oh no, you are gonna take my cock until we both come,” his voice is low, rumbling and coarse with desire.
You nod, fucking loving this dominance.
He lets go of the vibrator to grasp your upper thigh, pulling you onto him as he pounds into your ass harder than before. You start to fall apart, only his hand on your chest is keeping you from disintegrating.
He fucks you hard, a string of 'oh yeah's' falling from him and crumbling into panting vocalizations.
You thrash, keening like a siren, on his cock, squirting all over him again. The vibrator pops out in a gush. He keeps on slamming into your ass for another couple of glory filled minutes. You are still coming so hard, you are starting to see black at the edges of your vision. For second you go limp, but don't realize it. Finally, a savage roar rips from his chest, his whole body shakes as he thrusts deep, shooting his cum into your ass.
He collapses on top of you. You are both panting, shivering. Your ass squeezes around his cock with each immense aftershock, making you both squirm. Finally, he starts to pull out of your ass. It is so wet with his cum and your fluids, it feels so fucking good. You can’t help but rub your pussy as he pulls out. You feel his cum leaking out and down your crack. You squeeze your knees together curling fetal around your core as you moan and convulse.
He is right there behind you, arms around you. Whispering to you, coaxing you back to him.
You two stay that way for a while as your heartbeats recover and the world normalizes. He is stroking your hair.
“Are you ok baby, I thought you passed out for a second?” he asks, sounding a little concerned.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you breathe and nod.
“Oh. My. God. “ he rolls onto his back,” did that just happen?”
You rollover, nestling alongside his chest, “if you mean how you fucked my ass so hard and so well that I squirted all over you. Then you did it again and I came for like 10 minutes and almost blacked out. Then yes, it did just happen.”
”I have never gotten to witness squirting before, did you know you could do that?” he asks, impressed.
“No, that was the first time I’ve gushed like that,” you answer.
“I have to revise your statement from this morning,” he puts his finger on your chin to tilt your head up, boring into your soul with his eyes, “I don’t know what we did to deserve this, but it's so much more than fun.”
The only reply you have is to kiss him. He is right, ‘fun’ is too shallow a word for what just passed between you.
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justahawkinsgirl · 2 years
Two weeks ~ Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x artistic!shy!reader
Summary: You have a surprise for Eddie as your two week anniversary
Tw: nothing, love confession?
Word count: 1163
'What're sketching?' Eddie leans over to you, trying to get a glance of your paper.
You playfully shift away from him. 'It's a surprise.'
Eddie's grin widens as you say it.
After the whole upside down trip (you've nearly survived) you'd grown closer to the famous "freak" of Hawkins High.
You weren't in the Hellfire Club but being Dustin's adoptive sister (he adopted you during your first encounter with the upside down) you had made friends with the group and sat with them during lunch.
So you’d been friends with Eddie even before he was accused for murder. That's also why you immediately stood behind Dustin as he made a plan to try and find Eddie.
During your latest adventure Eddie and you had opened up more towards each other and seeing him almost dead after your fight with the demo-bats made something click in your chest.
You were irrevocable and utterly in love with Eddie Munson.
Eddie went into coma from all the wounds and stayed for four weeks at the hospital. And you stayed by his side. Only going home to take a shower, sleep and get fresh clothes.
After Eddie woke up he had a long journey of recovery ahead. His wounds had healed but one nasty mark in his leg made it difficult for him to walk.
And here too were you the person he could (quite literally) lean on. It was after a bad night where he had called you in distress that you revealed your feelings.
You’d played his favourite music all night to let him calm down and since the sun came up he had been trying to get you to admit that you actually liked Metallica (even though you were a pop girl you loved Metallica but you just wouldn't admit it)
'Just admit you love them!' He pokes your side as he leans closer to you on the couch you were sitting on.
'I will never!' You shake his head like a little kid that didn't want to eat their vegetables.
'Come on!' He pokes your side again, making you jump of the couch trying to get away from him.
'Stop it, Eddie.' You warn him, a finger pointed his way.
'Only if you admit that you at least like them.'
'And what do I get in return of admitting it?' You cross your arms, chin in the air.
'My friendship.'
'We're already friends, smartass.' You flop down beside him.
'That should be enough for you to admit it.' He leans over to lay his head against your shoulder. 'Just admit it. For me.' He smiles cheekily.
You sigh as you feel your heart leaping in your chest at his proximity. 'Fine! They are not that awful.'
Eddie sits up in a second, his hair hitting your face in the process. 'Not that awful?' He looks overdramatic offended and it makes you laugh to see him like that.
'They are okay.' You quickly say as he was aiming for your side again.
'Okay?' Eddie repeats thinking if he'll take it.
'Okay.' You repeat emphasising the word.
He grins, nodding as he turns to you again. 'Okay.'
The breath almost was knocked out of you as you met his eyes. Those eyes. They were like a dark ponds that radiated comfort.
You don't know from where your confidence came in that moment but as the butterflies in your belly came back you practically whispered. 'You are so beautiful. I wish I could kiss you.'
Eddie's grin falters as your words sink in. But before you could regret saying anything a more genuine smile takes over his facial expression. 'Well, why don't you?'
Now you were the one to let his words sink in. 'What?'
His eyes flicker down to your lips before meeting your eyes again. 'Can I- can I kiss you?'
He takes your small smile as a yes and cups your cheeks as he pulls you in for a kiss.
That was two weeks ago. Exactly today. And an idea had popped into your mind yesterday as a surprise for your new boyfriend.
You loved the sound of it. Eddie, the man you've been in love with for almost a year, is your boyfriend.
As you were sitting with Eddie at the diner, waiting for your friends, you finally finished the sketch.
'Can I see it?' Eddie asks for the millionth time.
‘Yes!' You beam as you drop your pencil on the table.
Eddie hadn't actually thought that would've been your answer. 'Wait, really?'
You nod, giving him the sketch.
It was the first letter of your names, blend together in a calligraphic way. The two letters stood in the middle of two wings. One was that of a fairy the other of a bat.
Your eyes scan his face for any sign that it wasn't good or if there was something wrong. But he was just staring at it.
'So? What'd you think?' You nudge his leg with yours.
He looks at you from over the paper. 'What I think?' He asks his voice louder than you'd expected. Before you can say anything he leans forward, careful not to crunch your book, and pulls you in a bone-crushing hug.
'I'll take that as a good?'
'Good?' Eddie breaths out the word in a scoff. 'It's pure talent! It's perfect!' You feel him setting s kiss to your crown.
You shyly push some hair behing your ear. 'It's just a sketch.'
‘Just a sketch? This is better than Van Gogh!' He exclaims.
You laugh at that. 'I don't think you now Van Gogh well enough.'
'Oh, shut up. I'm keeping it.' He pulls back a little. 'Can I?'
You shrug. 'If you want too. It was for you, so.'
He lets out a sound of joy before pampering your face with kisses.
'Oh god, can't you stop kissing for just a moment?'
You and Eddie look to where the voice and see Dustin with Steve and Robin walking in.
'Shut up, it's cute.' Robin smiles at you. 'Fresh lovers.'
'It's been 2 weeks! It's annoying.' Dustin sighs as he takes the place in front of Eddie.
'Jealous that I at least have a girlfriend that I can see every day?' Eddie grins at the kid.
Dustin scoffs, taking a defensive position. 'At least I have good grades in Spanish now. What were your grades again? D-minus?'
Eddie reaches out to slap Dustin's cap in front of his eyes. 'Doesn't change a thing about your jealousy. And to make you even more jealous. My girlfriend is an artist.' He proudly let them see your sketch.
'Oh, wow!' Robin grabs the paper.
'This is amazing!' Steve looks up at you.
'Oh, shut up.' You wave away his compliment.
You thank them and quickly grab the sketch, changing the topic to what you're going to eat.
You feel eyes on you as the others discuss and look over at Eddie.
Eddie smiles as you meet his eyes and lays his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him. 'You're incredible, angel.'
Sketch inspiration:
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lovesick-yanderes · 1 year
Lovesick: Part Three
Part 1 / Part 2
Cal Character Bio
TWs: typical yandere behavior
“Hey, Cal.” You’re standing outside of his apartment’s entrance with your arms crossed, looking around at the other doors and buildings throughout the complex as you greet him. You aren’t focused on him; instead, it seems like you’re searching for a lost item. Cal smiles, masking his pleasure at John’s absence as excitement to see you.
“Hey, _______,” he calmly says, leaning against the doorframe to chat with you. “What’s up? Here to see Buttercup?” As if on cue, the cat slowly strides towards the door, rubbing herself on Cal’s legs and then on yours. She sits down next to you and stares up, leaning her head against your calf as she waits for you to pet her. You don’t.
“Not today. I’m actually here to… Well… John didn’t come home yesterday… I was wondering if you’d maybe seen him?” You ask, your voice faltering a few different times. You’re anxiously fidgeting with your hands and your gaze has shifted to the ground. He notices you shaking as you stand before him.
Cal feigns shock, his eyes widening. “What do you mean he didn’t come home?”
Whatever resolve you’d been holding in suddenly breaks. Tears cascade down your face and you start to sob, bringing your hands to your face to cover them. “I’m sorry,” you wail, sniffling and trying to stop. “It’s just- he’s gone. I haven’t seen him since we went to bed on Friday night, and now it’s Sunday, and-”
“Hey,” he says calmly, walking out of his doorway and wrapping an arm around you. He brings you in for a gentle, reassuring hug. You lean into his embrace, relaxing into his body as he rubs your arm to comfort you. Cal savors the moment, permanently etching how you feel in his arm into his brain before he pats your shoulder. “Let’s go inside. We can talk more once you’ve calmed down, okay?”
You sniffle and wipe your tears, pulling away from him and nodding. With a quiet “okay,” you head into his apartment with Buttercup close behind. Once you’re inside, you climb onto Cal’s couch, and Buttercup instantly crawls into your lap. While you pet her to get your mind off of John, Cal quietly makes you one of your regular drinks from the Cardinal Cafe. When he delivers it to you, you can’t help but let out a strained laugh when you recognize the beverage as one of your favorites. “Thanks, Cal.”
After you finish most of your drink and Buttercup helps calm you down, Cal joins you on the couch. “If you’re not ready, we can take some more time,” he tells you, reassuring you through your emotions. “But I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”
You nod your head, take a deep sigh, and then finish off the last of your drink. “Yeah. I think I’m good now. Thanks, Cal, I really appreciate it…” You set your cup on a side table and return both of your hands to Buttercup, who lays contently in your lap, purring as you gently pet and massage her. 
You narrate your version of events to Cal, who sits quietly, giving you space to speak and clear your mind. “I don’t usually see him until around 4:00 on Saturdays, but I thought it was weird that he hadn’t even texted me… He always says good morning and makes sure I eat lunch. At 6:30, I assumed he was working late or went out with some coworkers… When I went to bed, I figured I’d wake up next to him sometime in the night, but I never actually fell asleep because I was just waiting for him to get home.” You pause and tears start to well up in your eyes. “I was in bed until I came over here. I don’t know where he is, and I’m freaking out, Cal.” You stop petting Buttercup to run your fingers through your hair, inhaling deeply to help calm yourself back down. 
Your sadness nearly breaks Cal’s heart. It’s necessary, he tells himself. They have to be like this now so I can show them how much I love them. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you into a firm side hug. “I’m here for you, ______,” he tells you, resting his head onto yours. You erupt into a waterfall of tears, leaning into him as you wail. “We’re friends. I’m gonna help you through this.”
In the coming days and weeks, you make the call to the police and John’s family to report him missing. Police come and take your statement. An official investigation is launched. A formal search party assembles and combs through the trails John was known to run on. His body never turns up. Months go by. His case becomes cold. 
You stay with Cal, too heartbroken and anxious to step foot in the apartment you shared with John. “I don’t need office space,” he tells you when he insists you officially move into his extra room and off of his couch. He worked at a coffee shop, after all. He could use his laptop anywhere in the apartment. “It’s just until you’re feeling like yourself again,” he assures you, knowing that you’ll never really leave his side again. Once you’re convinced to sublet your apartment for the rest of your lease, he pays for a company to move all of your belongings in. John’s family comes to retrieve his things. Anything left behind is donated. Another couple takes over your lease. And just like that, every part of John is removed from your life. It’s almost like he was never there at all. Almost.
Six months after you move in with Cal, he starts to see progress on your mood. The combined efforts of therapy, quitting your job, and the emotional support of Buttercup helps you rebloom into the person he remembers from the Cardinal Cafe. Of course he’d love you no matter what, but it was nice to see you smiling again. Especially when it was for him.
“Hey, Cal,” you call out to him as he enters the apartment once he’s out of work. He smiles as he walks through the apartment, heading towards your room. He leans against the door frame and smiles at you as you beam back at him. You set your book to the side of your bed as Buttercup jumps up from your lap, rushing to greet him with a loud, wailing cry of a meow. Feed me, now, she begs. “We missed you.”
He sighs in bliss at your statement. 
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something,” you tell him. He watches with admiration as you fidget with your hands, avoiding looking at him while you mumble and launch into a long story. He watches your lips curl into quick, nervous smiles as you talk to him. He’s enamored with you. He’s barely started actually paying attention when your words make his head spin.
“I have feelings for you.”
His ears start to ring. Everything slows, and he can feel each second as it passes. His heart practically leaps out of his chest. You confessed first. He thought he’d be waiting much longer to share his true feelings with you. He was trying to be slow, to respect your mourning period while still showing you how good for you he is… But here you were, already baring your heart. He moves towards you without thinking, crossing the room in a smooth, fluid fashion. He joins you on the bed and takes your hand into his. 
“I’ve known that I liked you for a while now,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You didn’t need to know exactly how long he’d been pining for you. He leans down to rest his forehead against your hand, leaning heavily into your touch. The embarrassment, shock, and excitement of your confession give him a head rush. He feels short of breath and so, so woozy as he lays against you. His cheeks turn red and he feels as if his body is radiating heat. He slowly looks up to you, meeting your gaze with a lovestruck look in his eyes.
“I didn’t want to tell you too soon,” he says. “Didn’t want it to be-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” you tell him, using your free hand to move his bangs and caress his face. “I’m just so glad you feel the same.” You start to lean down to him and he quickly fills the gap, capturing you in a firm, impatient kiss. It is the first of many. He did it.
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