#finn balor x reader x rhea ripley
judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
Taking a stand
Pairing: Finn Balor x Fem reader x Rhea Ripley
Description: You join the Judgement Day after having enough of Roman along with notes and some heat with Finn and Rhea
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You couldn't believe you were doing this to Roman knowing he would harm maybe even kill you if you didn't run if the boys didn't before he did. You had been in the bloodline for a few months before Sami joined and things were good for awhile but you had enough of worrying of roman harming you or the boys mainly Jey since he was the one roman was the hardest one out of everyone, everything leading to now started two months when you found a letter in your jacket pocket after getting jumped by a few of the girls and roman slamming you into the wall making the boys beat you up as much as they didn't mainly Solo since he was the one you were closest to out of everyone whispering sorry to you before you were in your locker room reading the letter leaving you a bright red mess secretly spending the new few weeks trying to figure out who was leaving the notes and letters even flowers in your locker room feeling confused and stun when you walk in to find Rhea in your locker room after your match against Dakota Kai unable to keep your eyes off rhea even though you were scared. The thing you weren't expecting was her to kiss you placing a hickey on your hip under your shorts catching your breath against the wall while she waves before unlocking the door and leaving you a breathless, tousled, and turned on mess reading the note she left in your pocket but you are caught off guard when Finn walks in locking the door only to grin at you which left you putty as he pinned your arms kissing along your neck tying a bandana around your face feeling your heart go erratic at him running his hands over your body kissing and licking your thighs before he was buried between your legs while you held onto the couch biting your tongue trying to compose yourself after he takes the bandana off pressing a soft kiss to your lips before helping you up "Join us we can help you and also we don't harm each other because of a loss" you spend the next week thinking on and off on it until roman broke the final straw writing a letter and leaving it in the judgement day locker room while they were out in the ring making your decision before the bloodline went out to the ring. After seeing jey yet again be abused by roman you snapped squeezing Sami and solo's hands before whispering to them "I'm sorry but this is for the best know that I still love you guys" the boys eyes widen realizing what you were meaning as you slide back in the ring with a kendo stick hitting roman in the face before going crazy screaming and crying before you're pulled off by solo as you scream "I AM DONE" the whispers of the boys saying they love you and hugging you before walking backstage broke your heart crying with mixed emotions not even realizing that you were surrounded by the judgement day being held in rhea's arms and hugged by the boys before the twins, solo, and sami walk backstage sharing hugs with them looking at them when solo holds your wrist "We still got your back and no matter what we still family" more tears run down your face sharing one last group hug and I love you before they walk away going into the judgement day locker room where your hands are intertwined sitting in rhea's lap and legs on finn's lap where they hold you tightly feeling a new sense of safety and love as you fall asleep telling them that this was the first step of you taking a stand against roman seeing finn kiss your knuckles and rhea pressing a kiss to your temple
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fandomfucker · 4 months
Can I request poly! Judgement Day x virgin fem! Reader?
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Mixed with this request: TJD X female reader story where they're all just chilling at home (rest and relaxation day) and the day ends with the devils tango?
WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT!! (Condoms used, oral f&m receiving and giving, spit, fingering, vaginal penetration, choking, pet names, anal mentioned, praise, slight degradation, hair pulling)
A/N: Sorry its taken so long 😅
Word Count: 4,816
Reader's POV
As a pro-wrestler in a polyamorous faction, we took our days off very seriously. We didn't get many and even when we did get one, despite all being on the same show, the five of us were rarely all together.
Now, for the first time in almost two months, we all had the day off together. And we were going to make the best of it.
The first thing we all did together was sleep in. We had pushed two king beds together for one massive bed to fit all five of us when we moved in and we loved it. Not only could we all cuddle together at night, but it gave us more room for sex.
Having never been in a relationship before this at all, much less a poly one, I had been waiting to have sex with any of them. Just until I felt completely ready for it.
My other partners however, relished in the new amounts of space with each other. They would always reassure me that it didn't matter to them if I never wanted to have sex, so I've always felt very secure in my choices.
I woke up tangled in a mass amount of limbs. Being in the middle of four other people was usually wonderful but could also be suffocating at times.
Damian clung onto my back, his face pushed into the back of my neck while Finn clung to his. Dominik laid in front of me with his forehead resting against my chest while Rhea laid in a similar position as she spooned him from behind.
Taking a second to just breathe them all in, I snuggled back into my cocoon between Damian and Dominik and just enjoyed the moment. For once, there wasn't an alarm clock forcing us all to get up and leave, and all five of us were finally together.
"Mornin' sweetheart."
I lifted my head as best I could at the voice, still wrapped up tight in the boys' arms.
"Mornin' Mami," I grinned back.
"You want some breakfast? It's already almost 10:30." Rhea asked me, sitting up and beginning to stretch as her eyes roamed over the situation I was in and huffed a small laugh in pure amusement as I just stared up at her.
She began trying to gently pry Damian's hands from my waist where they were locking me in as she rolled Dominik over so he was also away from me.
"Come on! Get up!" Rhea playfully huffed as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me up.
Groaning, I made myself dead weight which only made her try harder to get me up.
"Can't we just stay here all day?" I pleaded, using my best persuasive voice.
"We can, but got to get some food in you first, my love."
Rolling my eyes I finally conceded with an "okay, okay, jeez" and let her pick me up to carry me out of bed so as not to disturb Dominik.
As soon as I was removed from his grasp, I heard him grumble his half-asleep annoyances before moving into the spot I'd just vacated and cuddling up to Damian who immediately wrapped his arms around him.
Rhea and I awed at them as she carried me out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Sitting me down at the kitchen counter, she kissed the top of my head before walking over to the fridge and examining the contents inside.
"What do ya' feel like?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me.
I hummed to myself in thought as I looked past her into the fridge. "Can I just have some yogurt and coffee?"
She raised a brow at me. "That's gonna hurt your stomach."
I just waved her off and gave her a big toothy grin as she rolled her eyes but gave me my yogurt and began making a pot of coffee.
Heavy footsteps padded down the hallway and before I even had the chance to turn around to see who it was, a large hand landed on the top of my head, pulling me into them.
A kiss was planted on the top of my head, with a mumbled "good morning" before I was released and the chair next to me was pulled out and filled in by Dominik.
"Mornin', Mami," He greeted Rhea sleepily.
She threw a small smile over her shoulder, bidding him a good morning in return before going back to what she was doing.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dom scrutinizing me from where he sat not even a foot away.
"What?" I asked him.
Instead of responding to me, he just frowned and leaned down, grabbing the leg of the stool I was sitting on and pulling it towards him so that the seats of our chairs touched.
"That's better," He mumbled to himself as he slumped against me, holding me tight as he closed his eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.
My cheeks quickly heated as I looked over to Rhea in confusion, who was now watching us in amusement. She just shrugged at me before moving to the cabinet to grab some mugs.
I wrapped my arms around Dominik and began to lightly stroke his arm, tracing his tattoos.
Goosebumps began to spread out across his body underneath my fingers and he shivered, making me giggle. I cradled his head against my chest and gave the top of his head a kiss in apology.
His grip tightened on me and he snuggled his head further into my collarbone.
Rhea came over and placed two steaming hot mugs of fresh coffee in front of us, making Dom's head shoot up but his grip on me never faltered.
He stuck one of his knees in-between mine to keep me close as he reached out only one hand and grabbed my mug, beginning to cool it off by blowing on it.
Watching him do this simple little gesture of affection and care made me fall even harder for him. Once he had cooled it to what he deemed to be an acceptable temperature, he handed it to me, accompanied by a forehead kiss, before grabbing his own coffee and doing the same thing.
Sipping my perfect temperature coffee I just stared at him in wonder and love. In all the other relationships I'd been in since I was a teenager, no one had ever cooled off my coffee for me simply because.
He caught me staring at me and looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes mid-blow.
My cheeks flushed again and a ducked my head down, staring at my coffee to avoid eye contact.
I could hear both Dom and Rhea laughing at me but before either of them could say anything, Finn walked into the room, followed closely by Damian.
"Mornin' loves," Finn went around the kitchen giving all three of us a kiss on the head before seating himself at the head of the kitchen table.
I myself gave him a small grunt in greeting as I began to shovel my yogurt into my mouth so we could all go back to bed sooner.
"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy, mi amor." Damian took the spoon out of my hand, forcing me to swallow what I already had in my mouth before taking another bite. "What's got you in such a rush?"
I stole my spoon back, receiving a quick frown in response as Rhea answered him for me.
"She just wants to spend the whole day in bed with everyone. But everyone else still needs to eat first too so slow down, babe." She reprimanded me.
Dominik stole my attention away from our girlfriend by resting his hand on my knee.
"I'm not hungry so once you finish we can go back to bed until everyone else is done, okay?"
Nodding happily, I took my time and slowly finished the rest of my yogurt, taking sips of my now lukewarm coffee in between bites.
Rhea made Finn and Damian some more coffee while Finn made the three of them a proper breakfast. Watching them just interact with each other as I ate my own breakfast made me happier than anything.
I sat and watched Rhea, swatting Damian's hands away from trying to take her vegemite away from her. And then Damian complaining that her kisses would just take like vegemite now, and her putting even more onto her toast.
She pulled off a bit of the crust with a much smaller amount of the vegemite on it, and handed it to me. I happily grabbed it and popped it in my mouth, thanking her as I enjoyed the Australian treat.
Of the four of us non-Australians I liked vegemite the most. Not anywhere near the degree that Rhea did, but I did like a small bit on occasion.
Once I had finished my yogurt, Dominik took my hand and helped me off the stool. I went and gave Finn, Damian, and Rhea, who had now joined them at the kitchen table, a kiss on the cheek before taking Dom's hand again and letting him lead me back to our bedroom.
Immediately I catapulted into the bed, scrambling to get under the covers and comfy as I possibly could be. I heard Dominik laugh at my antics before also jumping into the bed, landing right next to me as he also scrambled under the covers.
Fully enveloped in the blankets, we stared at each other in the dark, giggling like we were little kids hiding from our parents after doing something we weren't supposed to.
Dominik kissed me on the nose before rolling over to lay on his stomach, and I quickly followed suite.
Our whispers filled the bedroom as we huddled close together under the blankets, as if we actually had any secrets from the others. The others who would soon walk into the room and stop dead in the tracks at the sight of us underneath the blankets, our whispers having ceased the moment we heard them cross the threshold.
"Gee, I wonder where Dom and Y/n are!" Damian playfully exclaimed before immediately divebombing on top of us. Dominik and I both let out a grunt as the air left our lungs and the blankets were pulled back to revel Damian's grinning face.
"Whatcha' doing in there?" He waggled his brows at us, resulting in me slapping his chest lightly as a light blush coated my cheeks while Dominik giggled beside me.
I ducked my head down to hid my face but was immediately brought back up by Rheas fingers underneath my chin, only increasing the heat on my face as our eyes locked.
She grinned at me, leaning in to give me a kiss on the top of my nose before settling under the covers next to me.
Still blushing, I settled back fully under the covers, situating myself to now lay on top of her. My arms rested together on Rhea's plush tatted thighs, my head laid atop them as she massaged my head with her nails.
The feeling of her nails on my scalp soothed me and pretty quickly I was falling asleep. Not that I minded, as Rhea's legs are always the best place to fall asleep. However, I was rudely awakened not long after by Dominik calling for my attention.
I peeled an eye open, seeing Rhea glaring at him from above me and slowly pushing myself to sit up.
"What?" I asked grumpily. I heard Rhea chuckle above me before she started scratching my back with her nails, something I often did to the four of them as well.
"There was an update on your game!" He excitedly showed me, shoving my Nintendo Switch in my face. Disney Dreamlight Valley was a game I had started playing by myself a little while back as it was a very relaxing, peaceful, game. Dom and Rhea both wound up getting into it a bit as well and would play on my world just to get me more materials and money. If we weren't all playing together then sometimes they'd take my phone to help me level up as well as was the case currently.
"What? No way! It's not supposed to be 'til tomorrow!" I excitedly grabbed my phone back from Dominik and began looking around in the game and checking for updates. I heard Rhea make an "ooh" noise behind me and soon both of them had joined my world and were running around with me.
Finn and Damian posted themselves at the ends of the bed, Finn cuddling into Rhea with Damian into Dominik and me in the middle of them all. The TV turned on and the two eldest of the group began channel surfing, Rhea imputing her opinion every so often of what she didn't want to watch. In the end they settled on Tattoo Wars again.
For the next few hours, I just played my  on my switch, while the TV played in the background, my partners surrounding me on both sides. 
Eventually, my legs started cramping and my eyes burned from the bright glare of my screen. I put my switch to the side and slide down the bed, under the covers, and rolled onto my stomach. I laid my arms back across Rhea's thighs and began idly tracing her tattoos.
Her leg twitched, nearly kicking my own leg, as she let out an involuntary giggle from above.
The covers lifted above my head and I looked up, meeting her eyes. "What are you doing, bug?" I grinned up at her innocently, dragging my finger up her thigh again making her shiver.
Like a panther, quick as lightning she lunged for me and had me on my back with my hands pinned above my head as she straddled my hips. She gave me a grin of her own now as I was completely in her control. Or as she and the others liked to say, under her spell.
My eyes widened slightly and I could feel my core grow hot with lust as I stared up at her above me, her necklaces dangling in my face. All three of the boys had now stopped what they were doing and watched us from where they each sat around the bed.
Breathing became harder as each of us refused to break eye contact, her looks quite literally taking my breath away. She leaned down and grazed my cheek with a kiss, making me shiver now.
Pining my wrists together in only one hand as the other one trailed down to my exposed thigh. She trailed her finger up and down the center before inching her way towards the inside of my thigh.
On pure instinct, my legs parted, making way for her hand to do whatever it pleased. "Good girl." She whispered in my ear, pulling away to grin wickedly at me as the ends of her hair now tickled my face.
The small pool of wetness between my legs only grew with her words. Her hand began to tease the brim of my shorts as she lowered her mouth to mine.
I moaned into her, the taste of her vegemite toast still on her tongue as she used it to explore my mouth. My hips lifted up into her hand, chasing friction as she slipped under my shorts, tracing circles on my clothed core.
A gasp left my mouth at the sensation of her cool fingers on my hot skin. "Be a good girl for Mami and I'll give you what you want, hm?" She murmured on my lips.
I nodded as another gasp escaped me, putty in her hands as she rubbed circles around my clothed clit.
She sat back a little and looked around at the boys who were now watching us raptly. "Can the boys join in too or do you want them to leave?" Rhea leaned back down to ask me quietly, just in case it would hurt the boys' feelings.
"They can join." I replied, albeit shakily.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure." I smiled nervously at her.
She kissed my lips again, leaving me chasing after her as she pulled away from me, slinging her right leg back over my hips to sit on my my right side.
She moved the both of us so that she was on her knees, back against the headboard while I sat in front of her with my legs extended. She kept me there with a tight grip on my shoulders as Damian moved to be in front of me.
Rhea massaged my shoulders, her hands traveling up and down my arms sensually as I tried to focus on Damian in front of me.
He laid a hand on my thigh, the other hand coming up to cup my face. Leaning in, he placed his lips against mine. His hand on my thigh traveled up to the bottom of my shorts while one of Rhea's hands traveled down to cup one of my breasts through my shirt.
"Wait, wait, wait," I stopped, pulling away from Damian's lips.
All four partners immediately stopped in their tracks, whether they were touching me or not, and the ones that were pulled away.
"Are you okay?" Finn asked me in concern from the other end of the bed.
I nodded, "Yeah, um but...c-can we..."
Damian gripped my chin, gently tilting my head up to look at him. "Anything you need, Princesa. Just tell us what you want."
Blushing at the nickname, I wet my lips nervously before taking a deep breath.
"Can we use condoms? I know y'all usually don't and Rhea and I are both on birth control but I feel better with the extra protection."
"Of course carino, whatever makes you more comfortable." Dom piped up from where he now laid under Finn.
"Do you just want pregnancy protection or do you want me to use some too? 'Cause I have some in the drawer." Rhea questioned me. She still sat behind me on her knees massaging my shoulders and has now started up again.
I smiled at the genuine worry in her voice, truly willing to do whatever I wanted to make me comfortable. "No that's okay, babe. Just for the vaginal stuff with the boys. Everyone's been tested and hasn't been with anyone outside the group right?" I received four nods in confirmation. "Then I'm all good. Just nervous." I grinned up at her.
She grabbed my throat, forcing my head back even further, "Perfect. Just lay back and we'll do the rest."
She leaned over me and kissed my lips, still keeping a tight grip on my throat. Damian grumbled in front of me at the loss of his position and moved himself between my thighs. He hoisted up my hips, pulling my sleep shorts down and off my legs, my underwear entangled with them.
Reaching over to the bedside table, Damian withdrew three condoms from the drawer. He took one for himself and passed the other two to Finn and Dominik who were off to the other side of the bed but just close enough for me to reach them.
Rhea slid her lips down my chin, all the way to my throat, just under my ear and began her assault there, biting my skin only to lick away the hurt a second later. Breathy gasps left my mouth as she left her mark on me.
My shirt was ripped off my body for better access, my nipples hard and aching under her sensual touches.
A hand on my upper thigh made me turn my attention back towards the man in front of me. I'm met with the sight of his now covered cock standing stiff as he strokes himself, watching me and Rhea together.
A particularly hard bite makes me yelp at the same time Damian grips my thighs, harshly pushing them apart to bare myself to him. Sliding his hand up my thigh, he dragged his thumb up the center of my folds before leaning down and spitting right where his hand just was.
Upon seeing this, Finn and Dom both scooted their way over, moving around so each of them was sitting on either side of me. They each gripped a thigh and leaned down, adding their own spits to the mix.
And Rhea had no problem leaving my neck to move down and spread around the mixed spits of our partners with her tongue through my already soaked folds.
Without Rhea behind me now I was able to lay back on the pillows like she had told me to, as my partners all had their way with me.
I could tell they were still holding back a little and taking it slow though.
Finn and Dom were both naked now as well and I stroked each of their cocks just as Finn had instructed me to as Rhea fucked me with her tongue, using our partners' spit as lube. Damian watched over us all and positioned himself behind Rhea, pushing down on her upper back as she laid bent over on her knees before me.
He pushed her head further into me, making me moan aloud and squeeze the boys' dicks as well, causing them both to moan too. Dominik moved closer to my face and motioned for me to put his dick in my mouth. I did as I was told but wound up having a bit of difficulty still stroking Finn at the same time.
Dominik gripped my face in her hands, cupping right where my jaw met my throat. "Just focus on Finn, cariño."
I followed instructions and just focused on Finn as Dominik gather my hair in one hand, keeping the other hand cupping my jaw as he began to fuck my throat. "Tap my thigh if you need me to stop." He huffed out, continuously slamming his hips into me over and over again.
Not having to focus on two things at once now, I was able to stroke Finn faster, stretching my fingers down to knead his balls, making him throw his head back in ecstasy.
Rhea kept eating me out, fucking and sucking with her tongue until I was practically vibrating with the pleasure. She hummed onto my clit in amusement as my thighs squeezed around her head, only adding to the pit of fire brewing in my stomach.
I watched as Damian kneeled behind Rhea and, without a word, slammed himself into her, making her moan as she was thrusted into my pussy. When he had even taken her shorts off was a mystery to me.
Being the most unexperienced one there, I came first. My thighs clenched and shaking around Rhea's head as her metal tongue piercing swirled around my clit, being pushed and pulled into me as I watched from my vantage point Damian fuck her hard and quick.
"Fuck!" Dominik exclaimed right as he came hard into my mouth. Pulling out, he gave me the option to spit or swallow it.
I maintained eye contact with him as I swallowed it, the grip he had on my hair getting tighter as he watched it go down.
"Good girl, you beautiful little slut." He praised, kissing me on the mouth before pulling away and turning my head towards Finn.
Taking Finn's cock into my mouth, I set the pace this time as I felt Rhea dislodge herself from between my thighs.
I sucked Finn off until he abruptly pulled out of my mouth and came on my tits instead of in my mouth.
He grinned at me hungrily as he watched the liquid slide over and down my breasts, mixing with my sweat and making them shiny.
"Ah fuck!"
I turned and saw Rhea on her stomach just to the side of me with Damian still fucking her from behind, his hands holding her hips tight.
Just by the look on her face I could tell that she was coming pretty hard. I bit my lip as I watched the two of them together.
Damian moaned and gave one last large thrust as he also came into the condom he wore, still inside of Rhea. He head was thrown back, his eyes closed but when he turned to look at me it was like there was no one else in the world.
"You wanna get in on this?" He questioned me, moving away from Rhea to take off and throw away the condom. I nodded eagerly and awaited my instructions.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dom and Finn already back on top of each other, kissing each other like their lives depended on it while Finn fucked Dom.
"What do you want then, sweetness?" Rhea breathily asked me as she pushed herself up.
My face grew hot at the nickname. She hadn't called me that one before and it caught me off guard, not to mention, I was too embarrassed to tell them I wanted her to sit on my face while Damian fucked me blind.
Sensing my nervousness, Damian reached out and tucked back the strands of hair stuck to my forehead with sweat.
"Y/n, I promise you, whatever you want is totally okay with us. We've probably done it before anyways," He smiled at me. "Just tell us what you want so we can make you feel good."
I sucked in a deep breath, before just speed-running my words. "I want Mami to sit on my face while you fuck me."
"That, we can do." Rhea grinned cheekily at me. Gripping my shoulders she gently pushed me down to lie flat in my back, throwing some of the extra pillows behind me to the floor for more room.
My hands reflexively gripped her thighs as she swung her left leg over my hip. Smiling down at me, me began making her way up my body until she was directly over my face.
She stroked my hair as I held onto her upper thighs for dear life. "You ready?"
I nodded, the more than perfect sight of her bare pussy over top of me more than enough to steal my breath away.
Rhea leaned on the headboard with one hand while the other stayed entangled in my hair as I felt Damian put my legs up so my knees were in the air. 
I felt him situate himself between them, gripping my own thighs for support as he rubbed his cock up and down my pussy.
Rhea turned back towards him and gave him a nod but before I could ask them about it, Rhea spread her knees out and rested all her weight on top of me, while Damian simultaneously inserted himself into me, straight to the hilt.
My back arched in ecstasy as Damian began to pound into me, the same way he had to Rhea. I kept my tight grip on her thighs to keep myself grounded as I reveled in the sensations from both partners.
Rhea's grip on my hair tightened when I stuck my tongue into her cunt, making me go deeper and faster than I thought I could. Keeping one hand on her leg, I brought the other one down to rub on her clit.
I could feel Damian doing the same thing, thrusting into me as he drew circles on my clit making me moan into Rhea's pussy, only adding to her own pleasure even more as she grinded down on my face. 
Soon, I could feel both of our thighs beginning to shake on the verge of orgasm as well as Damian's thrusts beginning to become erratic.
With a final thrust of both tongue and cock, all three of us came, shaking and panting.
As soon as Rhea was able to move again she removed herself from my face, resulting in a whimper from me as her slick stuck to my chin, strings of it connecting the two of us as she pulled away.
Feeling a weight that wasn't Rhea on my stomach I looked down to see Damian's exhausted head lying on my lower belly. I smiled and ran my shaky fingers through his hair, a smile tugging at his features as sweat shone on his skin.
I didn't even notice Dom and Finn's absences from where they had been next to us until Finn was holding a wet wash cloth and making Damian get off me. He kissed my thigh before spreading them apart again and starting to clean me up.
I smiled at him in thanks, still at a loss for words as my head rolled to the side, watching as Dominik cleaned up Rhea.
"I think I'm ready for actual food now." I announced. "And maybe a shower," I scrunched my nose in fake disgust, watching as my partners all looked at me like I had hung the moon.
"Actually, I'm thinking we have a girls only bath time, hmm?" Rhea responded, holding out her hand for me to grab.
Once my hand was enveloped in hers, she led me off the bed and into the master bathroom, locking the door behind us to the annoyance of the boys.
That night started me and Rhea's tradition of taking a bath together after every group session. Not only because we both despise being sticky, but because it also gives us a little bit of girl time after being with all the guys.
Which 90% of the time just led to more sex between the two of us. The boys don't need to know that.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 month
part one, part two, part three, part four
damian priest x reader (platonic), rhea ripley x reader (platonic), the judgment day x reader (platonic), drew mcintyre x reader
‼️angst, crying, nightmares, flashbacks, panic attack, rhea gets violent, family issues, domestic violence, verbal violence, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, reader being self conscious, a little longer than usual, SORRY IT’S ANGST DON’T READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE‼️
likes, comments and reblogs are always welcomed!
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don’t break my heart - part 5
“stop that nonsense y/n” your mom laughed in the background while you were talking about your future with your father “you’re gonna be a doctor or a lawyer, maybe a teacher too, you’re gonna have a good education and find a job, you’re gonna find a good husband and you’re gonna give him the future he deserves for providing for you”
“what about the future i deserve? what about my plans? my dreams?” you screamed for the millionth time that day.
“the world isn’t made of dreams y/n. the world is made of fact and it pains me that you can’t get that into your silly brain” she laughed off “being a wrestler means not having a stable place to say, means travelling around the world and being always broke and your father and i can’t support you till you’re dead” she said, sitting in front of you at the kitchen table where you and your father were talking before.
“i don’t want you to support me forever! i’m not asking you to do that! i’m just asking you to be supportive of my dreams and-…”
“i said stop that fucking nonsense! you’re not going to be a wrestler! i don’t know who put that idea into your head but it’s never going to happen!” she screamed, slamming her hands on the table, making you flinch.
“dad please…” you didn’t want to sound weak, but your father took your side most of the times. except, not this one.
“your mom is right y/n, you need to open your eyes about the world we live in. it’s not made of rainbows and dreams. the faster you learn this, the sooner you’ll apply for college and get a degree and then a job, the happier everyone will be” he tried to be more gentle with you but still, he was siding with your mom and you couldn’t accept that.
“so what do you want me to do? settle for a life that i don’t want?” you asked, tears in your eyes.
“you wanna be a wrestler? then start training because those chocolate bars you hide in your room aren’t doing you any favour” she laughed making you look up at yourself in the mirror in front of the table “oh don’t be so focused on that y/n, you look good but you will look even more fabulous once you’ve got your first belt” she laughed, poking at you, making fun of you.
“mom!” you almost screamed “why are you being so mean?”
“i’m not being mean y/n. i’m just telling you the truth! imagine going out to the country club and telling our friends that our daughter is a wrestler” she joked with your dad, making him laugh “it’s gonna be so embarrassing”
“so this is what is about?” you couldn’t believe your ears “you’re embarrassed! you think i’m gonna make you look good because if i become a wrestler you couldn’t brag about how your daughter it’s better than your friends daughters! because everyone of them have their destiny written and they can’t say no! it’s because you couldn’t handle me choosing what makes me feel good because you didn’t have a choice!” you raised your voice, making both of your parents angry “you didn’t have a choice mom! but that doesn’t mean i can’t have mine!”
“y/n don’t fucking raise your voice at your mother!” your father screamed. you didn’t like when he screamed. he always turned to be violent at some point.
“i made my choice! i wanted to stay at home and being a housewife because that was what was better for this family! for us!” she spat back.
“no, you chose to be a housewife because you got knocked up” but before you could even say anything else, a loud slap echoed through the room. your father’s hand still too close on your face while your mother stood back.
“that’s enough! i told you millions of times that you don’t have to scream at me, or at your mother. now, you either apologise to us or you’re gonna be in big troubles” your father said but you were tired of being controlled by your parents. you were tired of being their toy. so you simply left and hid into your bedroom.
both of your parents follow you up on the stairs, trying to open your door “get this door open or i’m gonna break it y/n!” your dad screamed.
“i’m tired!” you screamed from the other side of the room “i’m so tired of you not listening to me! i’m so tired of you choosing for me! it’s my life and i wanna make my choices, i wanna make my mistakes and learn from them! you are my parents and you should be supporting me not pushing me down! this is my life and i wanna live it the way i want it! being a wrestler is all i want and you can’t keep this from me!” you were crying at this point, your voice cracking everytime you spoke.
your dad broke the door down, entering your room with your mom and start searching for something. when he found a backpack, he gave it to you “fill this with some clothes”
“what?” you asked in disbelief.
“don’t make me repeat things twice. fill this with your clothes, brushes, books, anything you might need, and do it quickly!” he screamed again making you jump “you wanna be a wrestler and yet you’re scared of people arguing” he laughed.
you did as he told you, not even caring what you were packing. once he was satisfied enough with how full your backpack was, he dragged you down the stairs and into the living room, your mom following behind “you wanna be a wrestler?” he asked, waiting for your response.
“more than anything in this world…”
he dragged you to the front door, opening and letting some of the rain wash the entry carpet “then go! go live your dream and don’t come back” he was pushing you out and you were trying your best to resist him but he was bigger and stronger so it took you no time to push you out and leave you in the pouring rain “you wanna be a wrestler? go! but don’t expect us to welcome you back once you miserably fail…”
“what? mom…mom, you can’t kick me out! this is my home…i…what am i supposed to…where am i supposed to go? mom please” you were crying, begging but they wouldn’t have mercy on you.
“i’m sorry y/n but you made your choice, we are letting you go as you wanted…” she wasn’t even upset about the whole situation.
“mom…dad, you can’t kick me out, please…it’s dark and cold and…and it’s raining and i don’t know where to go…”
“no wrestler, no failure will live under this roof” your father said, before closing the door right in front of your face.
you were left there, under the rain, with only a small backpack and big dreams in your hands.
your screams could be heard in the every room of the hotel but you couldn’t help them, not when you were dreaming, not when your dreams turned into flashback of the past, making you live a real nightmare all over again.
damian’s room was opposite to yours and rhea’s was just as next so it took them one second to run out of their rooms when they heard you screaming.
rhea opened your hotel room with a kick while damian turned on the lights. it was clear to them that you were still asleep and they didn’t want to scare you awake.
“what do we do?” rhea whispered to damian, who was clearly as worried as the woman.
“i don’t know…we should wake her up, gently…” he said. his heart broke when he saw your eyes closed as much as you could, like you were crying.
damian slowly walked towards your bed, his hand resting on your shoulder, gently moving it as he was whispering your name to wake you up “y/n…please hermosa, wake up” he whispered sitting next to you.
rhea sat on the edge of the bed. in case she needed to held you back. you had nightmares in your past and it wasn’t new to them but you never had nightmares this strong.
“y/n…” damian whispered again.
you felt him touching your shoulder, in your mind he was someone who wanted to hurt you so you woke up with a loud scream, trying to shove damian’s hand away.
“hey hey…it’s me y/n, it’s damian…” he talked softly, his voice low.
“please…please don’t hurt me, i promise i’ll be good, i’ll go to college but please don’t hit me again…” your held up your hands, shielding your face. you were visibly crying, still confused as you didn’t recognise that you were in a hotel room and not your house, that you were with damian and rhea and not your parents.
“hey mariposa…no one is going to hurt you…” damian soft voice spoke to you, bringing you back to reality. you slowly slowed your hands down, opening your eyes and meeting damian and rhea.
they both had a scared look on their faces. they didn’t know what to do.
“it’s me…it’s damian…” he wanted to wipe some of your tears away but when his hand tried to touch you, you flinched away, making him stop his movements.
“hey love…” rhea spoke to you, tears in her eyes “no one is going to hurt you, i promise you, no one’s here…”
“it felt real…” your broken voice spoke “like it was happening again…”
“can i touch you?” damian gently asked you and you nodded. he slowly opened his arms to let you rest on his chest, helping you calm down “deep breaths…deep breaths y/n…”
you tried to calm down as he instructed you to do, and after a few minutes your breathing became natural. tears were flowing down your face, you couldn’t stop them.
“i’m sorry if i woke you up” you apologised, feeling guilty.
“it’s okay love…” rhea softly smiled at you. they both were genuinely concerned.
“what happened y/n?” damian asked gently , not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“i’ve had this flashback…of when, you know, they kicked me out…and this time it felt so real, like they were here again…like everything it was happening all over again just because she reminded me…” you still cried in damian’s arms.
“who reminded you? who’s she?” rhea asked, looking up at damian.
“liv…i saw her last night, in the reception hall and she said how much of a burden i’ve always been to the judgment day…she said that finn told her everything about my past, about me still being in therapy, about how finn was tired of me complaining and crying…she said awful things that made my flashbacks click in i guess…why would finn told her everything about my past? was i really a burden to him? to you?” you asked, looking up at damian with sad eyes.
“no, no, absolutely no. i told you y/n that you would never be a burden for us…i care about you so much and everything you went through is awful…but i promise you that we will always be here for you…” he delicately wiped your tears away and kissed your forehead.
rhea was fuming.
she couldn’t believe that finn would say something so delicate and private to liv. finn knew everything you went through and he was always there to support you and help you. finn was the one who insisted on you going to therapy and he was the one who would accompany you to the sessions every week. he would wait in the car for hours, but he would wait just to make sure you were okay. he never once left you going alone.
so rhea couldn’t understand why finn used everything about your past against you when he was the first person to come to the rescue when you were in a bad place with your mind.
“rhea?” damian called her when he saw her looking at the door.
“liv is dead. and finn’s too…” she said before moving out your room.
she started looking for the pair’s room. looking for liv first, she started banging on her door, not caring if it was three in the morning.
finn, who was on the next room, woke up when he heard the noise coming from outside “what is going on? what is this noise?”
rhea turned to face him, walking toward him.
“rhea what’s going on?” he asked but before he could continue, she punched him right in the face.
“you’re a fucking bastard!” she screamed, punching him again.
liv came out of the room, trying to separate rhea from liv.
“get your fucking hands off of me! you’re not better that him” she pushed liv away.
“rhea what’s going on?” finn asked, a little concerned from the whole situation.
“why would you tell her? y/n didn’t deserve that…finn, she cared about you, she cares about you, she admires you…why would you do that to her?” rhea kept screaming.
“rhea what?” finn then remembered telling liv about y/n’s past. he didn’t want to, he never meant to tell her but he was upset when you joined damian and rhea instead of joining him. so, that night, he told everything to liv, full of rage and anger, he never imagined liv would use this against you “rhea what happened?” he asked, a worried look on his face.
“she’s not feeling good, thanks to you…” rhea looked at both liv and finn “liv, you’re mad at me, you’re mad at the world, i get it, but don’t use someone’s past against them…you have no idea what she’s going through…” rhea said tired “you’re a woman, be more than this…”
in the meantime, you were sure your screamed woke everyone in the hotel. but rhea was making it worse, you could hear her from your room.
“damian…should we do something?” you asked, your head still resting on his shoulder..
“no, rhea will take care of this…i’ll stay here with you, close your eyes mariposa…you should rest a little” he whispered softly.
you nodded, too tired of answering. you were exhausted and waking up in the middle of the night after a big evening of working took a toll on you.
damian felt for you.
you didn’t deserve all of this. he knew that finn was mad with rhea and him so he couldn’t understand why would finn put you into this.
“is y/n okay?” finn asked to rhea, visibly worried.
“no she’s not, thanks to you…” she couldn’t even watch him in the eyes.
“rhea i - let me talk to her…” finn almost begged while liv watched from the side, realising that she might have overstepped and gone too far.
“absolutely not! you are no longer welcomed around her, not after you just put her through…she woke up crying, begging for us to stop hurt her…i don’t know what you told liv, but y/n is hurting right now and it’s all on you!” rhea said before leaving.
finn stood there, too stunned to speak.
dom heard everything from the other side of the door. he knew that if he got out he would cause more damage cause he also said some things about you to liv. and right now, he was feeling like shit.
finn was battling with himself. hating himself for hurting you.
“let’s go inside finn…” liv whispered but he shoved her away, wanting to escape from that moment.
rhea came back to damian and softly smiled when she saw you sleeping against his chest “should we stay here?” rhea asked, watching your figure as it was peacefully sleeping.
“i don’t think i can move rhea, she fell asleep on me” damian chuckled “you can go back to sleep rhea, i’ll stay here in case something happens” rhea nodded and left the room. she knew you were in good hands.
“what are you doing here?” you shockingly asked when you opened the door of your new florida home.
“it’s nice to see you too” your mom joked “won’t you let us in?”
“no…no i won’t, now get lost” you said trying to close the door but your father stopped you.
“that’s not nice y/n…we taught you better than this” he said and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“really? you fucking abandoned me!”
“we know” your mother said “and we came here to apologise”
“no, i don’t believe you” you scoffed “ there has to be another reason if you came here today. is it because of money? you need money? what do you need from me?”
“we…” your mother couldn’t lie “we have been watching you since you joined wwe” she said smiling, suddenly feeling like a proud mother “and we are so proud of what you accomplished”
“what do you want from me?” you asked again, getting irritated.
“listen we had some problems and we had to sell my car…” your mom said, quite ashamed of that “and we told everyone that we were actually fixing it but money are quite low and…”
“and? and you expect me to give you money because of? it’s gonna make you look bad at the country club or are you that broke that you are not even allowed at the club anymore?” you asked, already knowing the answer the moment neither of your parents answered you “like i thought…” you chuckled “listen to me you either go away or i’ll call the cops”
“are you threatening us, young girl?” your father asked looking angry as always, but this time you were a little less scared.
“no, this is a warning. i don’t wanna see you ever again or next time i’m filing for a restraining order…” you said closing the door right in front of their face just like they did with you.
you woke up again that night, the thoughts of your parents never leaving you.
damian sensed that you were awake but it was only 6 am, he knew you could sleep a couple of more hours so immediately he went on alert.
he looked down at you trying to see if you were crying, but he saw you were looking at the ceiling probably thinking of something or someone “hey…you okay?” he asked softly.
“uhm…yes…” you didn’t know what to answer.
“talk to me…” he whispered.
“they are still here somehow, i still feel their presence and i hate it…i hate them, and…and everything they put me through…but i feel them everywhere i go, everywhere i look, i can hear my mom saying how disappointed she is or my dad saying that if i don’t do well or if i fail i’m gonna be in big trouble…and i can’t do this anymore, i felt like i was doing good with therapy…i felt like i was starting to live again and then…then this shit with the team happens and i feel like i’m getting kicked out all over again…losing finn and dom hurts, i cared so much about them…” you didn’t want to cry again but you couldn’t stop a few tears that fell from your eyes.
“hey…just wanted to remind you that it’s okay to feel sadness, it's a natural part of life but please remember, you are not alone in this, i’m here for you, rhea too…you’re not alone in this journey, you are stronger than you think, and better days are just around the corner…i know this will pass, healing takes time, and i will always admire you for reaching out for help…and you are so brave and strong, i promise you we are with you all the way through this…we are so proud of you ” he told you, making you reach for that comfort you lost many years ago. it was the comforting voice of an adult, of someone who cared for you. it was the comforting words, the words that you begged your parents to say but never said.
and that comfort you found it again in damian’s embrace.
“go back to sleep y/n…you can sleep a couple of more hours and i promise you that i’ll be here once you wake up” he smiled, making a promise he wasn’t going to break.
the voices about a fight between the members of the judgment day flew quickly through the hotel walls. everyone woke up with the news of rhea attacking finn and liv but no one knew why. somehow they knew you were involved but they didn’t know why.
drew got worried when he didn’t see you in the gym. it was like an habituè, every hotel you were in, you were always hitting gym in the morning so he couldn’t understand why you weren’t there.
“shayna” he called when he saw the dark haired woman entering the gym “do you know where is y/n? or damian? or anyone from the judgment day ?”
“oh…you didn’t know?” she asked.
“know what?” he asked, a little worried.
“there was a fight between rhea and finn tonight, i think about y/n not feeling good or something, i really don’t know but punk said there was a lot of noise, especially from rhea screaming” she informed drew before starting her training.
drew was left there, speechless.
you were hurt?
he flew out of the gym and went towards your bedroom.
damian and rhea were both there, you were already awake but too tired to do anything. crying took a big toll on you. your eyes were heavy and red, your head was pounding heavily and you were tired.
you all heard a knock on your door and damian went in protective mode, fearing it would be finn as rhea went to open the door. she was met with a worry drew.
“drew” she whispered.
“is she okay? i’ve heard she wasn’t feeling good…” he asked, looking at the man who was shielding you.
“she is…but it’s not the right moment” rhea wasn’t stupid. she knew there was something between you two and even if she didn’t like it a little bit, she couldn’t help but be grateful that someone like drew was worrying about you.
“rhea who’s at the door?” you stood up, walking alongside with damian “oh…hi drew” you tiredly smiled at him.
“hey…” he smiled, observing your face. you were tired and it was clear to anyone that you had a rough night “can i please talk to you?” he asked and you nodded, smiling at him.
“guys…it’s fine i promise, i’ll let you know if it isn’t” you said, trying to let them go.
rhea nodded and damian smiled at you “we are one door away” you thanked them as they left.
you sat on your bed and drew followed you, his eyes never leaving your face. he was trying to see if there was something, anything that could tell him what was going on but he couldn’t find any sign.
“is everything okay? how’s your back?” you asked him. his heart melted, loving how caring you were even when it was clear that you were the one in pain.
“i’m okay…my back is okay, thank you” he smiled at you “what about you? you don’t look fine y/n” he said but you couldn’t find any words to explain what was going on.
after what happened with finn you didn’t know if you could trust him with something so delicate as your past. you knew he wasn’t finn but you’ve always valued the irish man like family, like someone who you could count on but after last night you didn’t know who to trust.
“talk to me…please” his eyes almost begging. he saw the redness around them, he knew you cried but he didn’t know why.
“it’s a long story and i’m sure you have more interesting things to do…” you smiled at him.
“i have all the time in the world for you, i wanna make sure you are okay, and clearly you’re hurting right now…” his clear eyes never leaving yours.
so you told him everything.
you told him about your family. how your dad was abusive and violent. how your mom used to make fun of you. how they never supported you. how they kicked you out when you were only a teen. how they threatened you and came back once you got famous. how you had to file a restraining order against them because they wouldn’t leave you alone. how, thanks to them, you’ve been doing therapy sessions for years. how you thought you found a new family in the judgment day. how broken you were when the team split up because to you was like living all that happened with your family all over again. how you trusted finn with your secrets and how he went and told everything to liv. how liv used it against you last night causing you the worst breakdown you’ve had in a long time.
drew was speechless. he couldn’t understand how your own family could turn their backs on you. you were their daughter and they were supposed to protect you. so he couldn’t really understand how some parents were capable of damaging their kid so much.
“and that’s it” you said, avoiding his eyes “pretty fucked up, isn’t it?” you tried to laugh but it was more of a sarcastic laugh.
“i’m so fucking sorry you had to go through all of this…there are no words to express how sorry i am, i can’t imagine what you had to deal with and i can’t imagine how painful it must have been and i swear finn is a dead man” drew said making you laugh, a genuine laugh.
“i think rhea took care of him already” you smiled.
“yeah, i heard” he laughed “but i want you to know that i’ll be here for you, what i said last night, i meant it…y/n i like you, i like all of you” he slowly reached your cheek with his hand, making sure he wasn’t overstepping “i like you when you go out in the ring and kick asses, i like you when you are just you, the normal you, i like you when you’re sad or happy, i like when you shy away from a compliment…i like you and i wanna be here for you, if you’ll let me”
and again, you weren’t good with words so you replicated the actions from last night. you moved closer to his body, your hands both around his neck while you moved closer to him. your lips meeting his in a delicate and gentle kiss, almost like saying “thank you”.
he smiled into the kiss, his hand resting on your cheek “thank you for trusting me with this y/n” he whispered before meeting your lips again.
there was an awkward silence for a few seconds. where you just tried to avoid drew’s eyes while his eyes couldn’t leave your face. he understood that you were a delicate person, who’s been through hell and more. and he promised to himself to never hurt you like your family did in the past. he wanted to see you smile every day, he wanted to be the reason for you to be happy, he wanted to be there for you so he made a promise to himself, he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you again.
part 6 will be out after monday night raw cause i need ideas, let me know in the comments if you have any idea you would like me to add!
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 🖤
Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Bloodline!Reader
“Let me take care of you, sweetheart.” + “Take out your anger on me. I can handle it."
Summary: Your family is pissing you off, and Dominik is more than happy to let you take your anger out on him.
A/N: Dominik brain rot is real and this is the result of it (this took so long 😭) and was inspired by the gif below. This is my first smut and probably my last, so please be nice! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 6,016
Warnings: SMUT!! Cursing, family drama.
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You sighed as you rubbed your temples, closing your eyes for a moment and feeling the incoming headache about to come as the room got louder and louder with anger. You opened your eyes to see Roman and Jimmy still arguing, yelling and getting closer and closer to each other. Jey was sitting in the corner, jaw clenched as he let them get into it. Solo was standing next to you, keeping a watchful eye on them in case things got out of hand. Your eyes met, and you can tell by the look in his eye he was done with all this shit too.
Why couldn't they talk this out like men instead of acting like children? You thought, rolling your eyes. You snapped out of your thoughts when Jimmy pushed Roman into the corner, all of you quickly getting up to separate them.
"You guys need to stop this!" You shouted angrily as you and Jey held Jimmy back, Solo trying to calm Roman down but to no avail.
"No, he needs to stop being a manipulative asshole! Apologize for losing? Acting like you wouldn't have lost without our help. My help. I ain't apologizing for shit, ‘Tribal Chief'!"
"Jimmy, chill out!" Jey tried, but Roman's laugh echoed throughout the room, and Jimmy tried to get out of our grips.
"Nah, let him run his mouth. You don't see your brothers acting like this, huh? Or your sister? You know why they aren't acting like this? Because they know that I am right, they know that you disgraced everybody. You disgraced this family, your ancestors, your legacy, and me, your Tribal Chief. You need to apologize for them, but most importantly, you will apologize to me."
"I ain't apologizing for anything! You wouldn't have even been Tribal Chief if it weren't for us, uce! You were a disgrace until we helped you get to the top! So if I am gonna apologize to anyone, I'ma apologize to myself for helping you get there in the first place!" Jimmy spat out, nostrils flaring as he clenched his fists, continuing to try and break out of our grip. You felt all the patience slip out of you in that very moment and you snapped, grabbing Jimmy’s shirt and pushing against the wall.
"You all need to shut the fuck up!" You screamed, Jimmy becoming lax in your grip with a look of shock on his face, the others quiet in shock as well. Finally, they shut up.
“You need to put your ego’s in check and start acting like men instead of acting like children!” You yelled furiously, scowling at them.
"He needs to-" Jimmy began, but you gave him a glare that could kill and he shut his mouth.
"You both need to stop trying to be right and start talking to each other like grown ass people. You need to stop holding grudges and let shit go. " You hissed, letting him go and turning towards Roman.
"And you need to keep your 'Tribal Chief' ego in check and stop crapping on people just because things don't go to plan." You snapped at him.
"Uce, calm down." Jey made his way towards you, trying to quell your anger before you said something Roman would make you regret, but you gave him a look and he backed away. You couldn't care less about Roman right now, he needed to hear the truth.
"Calm down? Are you kidding me?" You scoffed in disbelief.
"Don't you see what's happening? You're giving everybody what they want. They want to see us crumble, want to see our dominance fall so they could rise and take our top spot here."
You looked at Jimmy, seeing his face turn from anger to a mixture of embarrasment and relization."You're feeding into Sami and Kevin, letting them get in your heads. Why do you think they keep digging and digging? Because they want to keep those titles, and your basically ensuring they win by engaging with their stupid bullshit!"
You turned to Roman, who was stunned silent for the first time in a while. He had rarely seen you angry, even when you were kids. You were always the moral compass for the group, keeping their moral up with your caring energy. But you thought that now they needed the hard truth instead of caring words.
"And you need to stop letting your ego cloud your morals. Just because we're family doesn't mean you get a pass to be an asshole." Roman met your challenged gaze, still silent but didn't look as angry as before. Solo stood next to him, a stunned look on his usually stone-cold face as he watched you rip everybody to shreds with a tone you usually reserved for your rivals.
"You all are out of your mind if you think I'm letting everything I worked hard for go to waste because you don't want to get along. Get it together the next time I see you, I'm getting some air." You casted everyone a look before grabbing your jacket, slipping it on and leaving the room.
You franticly sped out of the arena, needing to just breathe and feel the cool night air on your skin. The fans were long gone by this time, so you didn't need to worry about being spotted. You sat on a bench, putting your head in your hands and trying to breathe through the haze of anger you felt suffocating you and coursing through your veins.
"Trouble in paradise?" You snapped out of your daze, already knowing who it was and not bothering to pick your head back up.
"Shut up, Dominik. I'm not in the mood." You mumbled loudly enough for him to hear. You heard him laugh, not taking you seriously. "Ooh, the full name this time. What happened to Dom? Am I in trouble?"
You picked your head up, glaring at him. "I said I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone and find someone else to bother."
He stopped laughing, realizing you weren't joking. "What happened?"
"None of your concern. Are you deaf? Leave. me. alone." You made a move to stand up, but he pushed you back down gently, sitting down next to you.
"Can you not be annoying for once and actually listen to me?" You spat at him, trying to stand up again but he grabbed your waist, restraining you.
"What happened?" He repeated, seeing your eyes glazed with anger. He had never seen you this mad outside of the ring before, and it made him unnerved for it to be directed at him. You were usually playful with him, sometimes having mean banter with your character work but you both didn't mean any of it. But you were never like this.
"Family business." You finally answered him, short and clipped. You tried looking away from him but he gently grabbed your cheek.
"Look at me, mi corazon." You tried to ignore the way the pet name made your stomach tighten with butterflies and listened to him, looking deep into his eyes, distracting yourself with his brown orbs that almost made you forget about your anger. Almost.
"What did your family do?" You felt the anger rush back and you mockingly chuckled. “Jimmy and Roman keep starting arguments on literally anything instead of focusing on winning. Now everybody thinks were weak and vulnerable, even though I've done nothing but pull my weight!" You huffed out, breaking out of his grip and standing up, clenching your fists. You muttered to yourself angrily, wanting to scream, hit something, do anything to let out the frustration gnawing at you.
But Dominik stood up with you, grabbing your wrists, and yanking you back into his arms. You scowled at him, trying to pull away from him. “Let go of me!”
“Not until you breathe, mi vida.” He held your wrists in one hand and grabbed your face with the other, softly caressing your face, his heartbeat and husky smell of his cologne invading your scenes.
“Look at me, mi amor.” Dominik instructed, his brown eyes gazing into yours as you ignored the way your stomach churned everytime he spoke Spanish to you and kept trying to pull your wrists away from him. But he opted for letting go of your face, bringing your head into his chest, and you felt his hot breath near your ear as he nuzzled his head into your neck. "Cálmate, carino."
Screw him and his stupidly hot Spanish. You felt yourself melt into him, some calmness washing over you the longer you were in his arms. He let go of your wrists, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, shivering when he laid feather-light kisses onto your neck.
Dominik continued kissing your neck, loving the feeling of you in his arms and shivering under his touch. He waited for your breathing to slow down to let you go, but he wrapped an arm around your waist, not wanting you out of arms reach.
"You better now, sweetheart?" You nodded, you still felt that haze of anger but it wasn't at strong as before. "I need words, baby.”
"I'm better now, Dom." You grabbed his free hand and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
"I can tell now that you called me Dom." You rolled your eyes playfully at his smirk and grabbed the hand that was around your shoulder and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
“Do you have a ride back? Dominik asked, to which you shook your head. “I was too mad at the boys to drive with them, so I’ma just get an uber-”
“You’re riding with me.” You gave him an amused smile at his demanding tone, it was usually the other way around.
“You sure you don't need mami's permission for that?" You giggled when he yanked you closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his forhead leaning against yours and his lips so, so close to yours.
"You know more than anyone I don't need her permission." Dom pushed his lips onto yours, kissing away your smirk and losing himself in the taste of you. God, you were addicting.
You kissed him slowly at first-as if you wanted to torture him-and he hated and loved you for it. He groaned into your mouth when you snuck a hand up to his hair, pulling it just the way you knew he liked it and kissing him even harder, your tongue slipping into his mouth. His fingers dug into your waist almost painfully as you clung to him, his touch burning your skin in the best way and you pulled his hair harder in response.
You pulled away first, the both of you panting and out of breath. You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling brightly at him when he leaned into your touch. You felt the heat creep back up looking at him, his hair slightly touseled and his muscles showing through his dark black tee. You felt the urge to kiss him again, so you did. He laughed into your lips, letting you steal another kiss before pulling away. “I meant what I said before. I'm not letting you go into a random car by yourself in the middle of the night just because you're mad at your idiot brothers."
"They are not idiots."
"They are if they decided to make you angry." You laughed, playfully nudging him, and he grinned before brushing your hair out of your face. You looked up at him through your lashes, seeing him gaze at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Let me take care of you, sweetheart." You bit your lip, struggling to choose between your stubbornness or giving in to what you want. As if sensing your internal conflict, Dominik caressed your face, running his thumb over your lips, making you break out of your stupor. He smirked when you instinctively parted your lips, it’d been too long yet your bodies still remembered each other.
"Please?" You couldn't refuse him, not when he was looking at you like you were the only thing he ever wanted to think of.
"Fine, but I get to have the aux." Music was the last thing on your mind, but he didn't need to know that. At least not right now.
"Deal, but only cause you have great taste."
"You're right. I do have great taste." You eyed him up and down, winking at him and giving him a smirk that made him utterly weak for you. "Lead the way. You're driving."
The drive was quiet, music playing softly in the background as you put a hand on Dom's thigh, inching higher and higher the closer you got to the hotel. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he tried to get himself under control. You grinned seeing him like this, letting you be in charge. You needed to release your anger and have a stress reliever, and he was more than willing to let you use him as one. It wouldn't be the first time.
Before you knew it, you were at the hotel. You kept your hands to yourself until you went into the elevator, and as soon as its doors closed, you were all over Dominik, gripping his shirt and pushing him against the wall, giving him a searing kiss.
He welcomed it, kissing you back just as hard, moaning into your mouth when you bit his lip. He grabbed your legs and hoisted you onto his waist as if you weighed nothing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting yourself get dizzy in his arms, letting out a whine when he slid his tongue against your lip to draw it between his teeth. Your mind switched off, and all you could do was feel feel feel. Feel his bruising grip on your legs, his lips nibbling and biting any part of your mouth he can find, the heat growing in between your legs, his muscles flexing underneath your arms as you both turned each other into a writhing mess.
Your back hit something cold, and you pushed Dom away instinctively and opened your eyes, realizing you were in front of the hotel room. He whined at the loss of contact, his mouth moving to your neck, and you groaned and arched into him when he sucked a sensitive spot behind your ear.
"Fuck, do that again." You demanded, trying to keep your voice steady as you leaned your head on the wall, giving him more access to your neck. Dom let out an airy chuckle. You were hot when you got bossy. "Whatever you want, Mamacita." He murmured into your skin, obeying and kissing that same spot, trying to distract himself from the way your whines and whimpers were going straight to his dick long enough to get his keycard and open the room.
He brought you both into the room, setting you on the bed, hovering over you, and capturing your lips with his. Any coherent thoughts he had melted away as you deepened the kiss, distracting him with your tongue hot and probing in his mouth.
You took this opportunity to roll the both of you over and switch your positions, not breaking the kiss. You laid on top of him, gripping his shoulders for balance, and grinded your hips against his, internally smirking when Dominik threw his head back, hissing. You did that again, and again and again until he gripped your hips to stop you.
“Too much?” You asked, leaning down to kiss his neck, enjoying him writhing against you. He shook his head, but he could still see the hesitation in your eyes as you stopped kissing his neck. He snuck his hands underneath your jacket and shirt, rubbing circles onto your soft skin, feeling you relax into him.
"Don't be afraid to take your anger out on me. I can handle it." You picked your head up at those words, moving off from him and giving him a questioning look, wanting to be sure he wasn't uncomfortable. He gave you a sexy smirk that had you internally melting in response, shrugging off his shirt. You took off your own, muscled chest heaving as he eyed your bloodline jacket you threw across the room.
"You'd look better in my jacket." You rose a challenging brow, taking off your bra, smirking when Dom's head snapped down to your chest. You leaned down to his ear, sneaking your hand down to his jeans. Your boobs were pressed against his chest and hot breath against his skin making him shiver. You knew just how to drive him crazy.
"Treat me right tonight and maybe I will wear it." You nipped his skin harshly and palmed his dick at the same time. A moan ripped out of him as he arched into your hand, the last strand of composure he had slipping away from him as you continued to palm him.
"Ahh, please, please...don't stop." He pleaded, the rough material of his jeans rubbing into him deliciously and your hands already felt so good. You were making him feel like he was in heaven and you'd barely even begun.
He whined when you moved your hand away, trying to buck his hips up but you pushed his hips down, giving him a glare. "Did I tell you to move?"
"I'm sorry, mi amor-" Dom tried to mutter out as an apology, but you shook your head, cutting him off.
"I'll let it slide this time, but don't do it again. Did you forget that I'm in charge tonight, mi cielo?" He shook his head, his skin heating up and dick getting harder at your words. If speaking Spanish drove you absolutely crazy, imagine how it made him feel.
"Good. Now take off your pants." He obeyed, and you moved off him so he could sit up and pull them off. Once they were off, you moved on top of him, sitting on his chest. He gave you a pleading look, hands itching to touch you. You nodded, and his lips went to suck one of your boobs, his hands massaging your other one.
"Ahh...fuck Dom." You moaned out, the heat between your thighs only intensifying at the feeling of his warm mouth and soft lips sucking on your nipple. You tangled your fingers through his soft hair, biting your lip to contain your moans so the entirety of the hotel filled with wrestlers and your friends didn't hear you. He licked and nibbled at it making you arch your back and stifle your moans. He smirked into your skin, flicked your other nipple until it hardened, before biting and sucking his way down your chest and belly, your skin on fire from his touch.
Before his hands could travel lower, you pressed your hand against his chest. He quickly pulled away once he felt you pushing him, concerned eyes scanning your body for any injury or discomfort.
"Are you okay, Hermosa? Did I hurt you?" He asked, giving you another once over before you cupped his face to stop making him worriedly look into your eyes.
“No baby, you’d never hurt me.” You gave him a comforting look, reassuring him. He looked into your eyes for anything that said otherwise, and once he found none he let out an internal sigh of relief, letting himself lean into your touch. As much of an asshole he made himself to be on TV, he never wanted to make you uncomfortable.
You smiled when he leaned into your touch, stroking his cheek. You loved seeing this side of him he only reserved for you.
“I just thought you’d like it better like this.” You pushed him until his back hit the bed, straddling him. He groaned when you hovered over his face, his lips inches away from tasting your glistening wet pussy.
“Fuck, are you trying to kill me, mami?” Dom whined out, his voice husky with need as he gripped your thighs, trying to pull you down. You held onto the headboard before he could, stopping his attempts. “Please, let me taste you, mami.” He pleaded, giving you puppy dog eyes that you would fall for in any other circumstance. But you'll give him what he wants soon enough.
“Listen to me and I will.” You smirked at how quickly he quieted down at that, nodding at you. “This night is about me. I'm in control. Don't forget that, and maybe, I'll give you a reward. You understand, baby?”
"I understand, mi amor," Dom answered, his voice almost turning into a whine as he tried to control himself from yanking you and tasting you, he didn't want to risk a punishment from you.
"Good boy.” You cooed, the nickname and your sickly sweet tone making his cock harden even more. But he didn't have time to think about it because you were lowering yourself down, sitting on his face.
Your knees buckled and you immediately let out a moan as Dom sucked your clit harshly, hungrily eating you out and groaning into your pussy, making you moan even more.
It was like an out of body experience; you didn't register the moans coming out of you as he licked and toyed with your clit, egged on by the pretty sounds coming out of you. You grinded your face against him when he licked up and down your cunt, his tongue lapping at your folds. He gripped your thighs even tighter, and let you grip his hair and use him as you pleased.
Your moans got more high pitched and shakier as he used his mouth and strong jaw to work every inch of you, holding you tighter as you squirmed against him. He could tell you were getting closer to he flicked his tongue over your clit again and again, causing you to moan loudly and thread your fingers into the sheets. "F- fuck, oh my god, don't stop, Dom." You cried out.
"I don't plan on it, baby. " He mumbled, his words muffled under your pussy. You moaned at the vibrations of his voice that felt so good against your pussy and sent shivers straight up your spine, threatening to send you over the edge. He noticed your reaction and continued to mumble incoherently as his tongue played with your clit, making you get closer and closer to your high.
You shut your eyes when the pleasure became too much, clenching the sheets even tighter as you came with loud moans that sounded like music to Dom's ears. He helped you ride out your orgasm, licking and slurping your juices up until you were gripping his hair gently and trying to push him away.
Dominik tasted your pussy one last time before coming up to kiss you, smiling against your lips. He looked so pretty, hair matted and messy, his face red and lips soaked with your cum that you could taste as he kissed you like his life depended on it.
"Do I get my reward baby?" He asked, pulling away from the heated kiss, pupils blown out with lust. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his skin breaking out in goosebumps as your lips kissed his sensitive skin, meeting his lips again.
"Of course sweetie, as long as you promise to fuck me so hard I forget everything but you."
He gave you a devilish smile that made your lower body heat up again, and in one swift move scooped you up effortlessly and turned your positions around, smirking down at your naked form.
"I promise. And you know I don't break my promises, mi corazon." His voice dropped into a low sexy whisper, eyes never leaving you like he couldn't wait- needed- to have you right then and there. He gave you one last smirk before lowering down and kissing you with intensity, with passion, like he was trying to tell you all the ways you made him high on you, how you were like a drug that he couldn't let go even if he wanted to.
And as his hands lowered down again, and found that one spot that made your eyes roll back and his cock ache when your body arched into him as if you couldn't get enough of his fingers, he knew he definitely did not want to let you go.
You stirred awake gently, shifting under the sheets and feeling warmth surrounding you. Your tired limbs ached as you groggily turned, snuggling and trying to get closer to the heat, feeling a cool breath over your skin. It wasn't until you felt a soft, familiar breath against your neck that your eyes fluttered open, seeing Dominik 's face leaned in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
You smiled at his sleeping form that was cutely attached to you like a koala bear, like he couldn't get enough of you even while he was sleeping. You managed to move away from him just enough to get your phone from the nightstand, laughing quietly when Dom quickly pulled you back into his arms.
You snuggled back into his arms, turning on your phone and seeing the multiple missed calls and new messages you had come through from the twins, Paul and Solo, and surprisingly Rhea while your phone was silent while you and Dom were definitely the opposite. You didn't even bother opening Paul, Jimmy or Romans messages, you didn't have the energy for it.
You opened Rhea’s message first, the two of you were close but she only texted you for emergencies, so you were a bit worried.
DOM’S DOM So, did you and Dom Dom have fun last night?
You weren’t surprised. It was like she had a sixth sense for when you and Dom hooked up.
Yes, we did. I’m not even gonna ask how you know. Mami always knows sweetheart. Bit disappointed you didn’t come to my room though. I haven’t seen you in forever! I can see you later if you let me use you as a cover.. please? Can't exactly tell my brothers about Dominik, can I? You know I can’t say no to you and I can't resist seeing your cute little ass. Catch you later, princess. 🖤 Thank you! See you later babe💗
Yo sis, I know you still mad but I ain't asking you to talk to them, but at least let me know if you're safe or not.
You smiled at his concern, texting him back. He was one of the few in your family who didn't annoy you, aside from Solo.
Yeah, I'm good, just resting up. Just know I'm not mad at you though, just those two bozo heads. See you later <3
You then opened, and frowned, at Solo’s message.
So you with a guy?
There was no way he knew. You weren’t even at the same hotel?! Why and how the hell did he suspect it?
No, I was rooming with Rhea last night. Why are you asking? Just making sure you good. Roman’s kinda pissed at you. He wants to see you later. I’m good, and Roman can stay pissed for as long as he wants. I said nothing but the truth.
You shut your phone off, not wanting to think about your family acting like man children any longer.
You smiled and let out a sigh when you felt Dom trail kisses down on your neck, it was like he could read your mind. It was one the many things you loved about him; he knew what you needed before you yourself even knew. You leaned back, giving him more access to your neck, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin. He continued kissing your skin for a few more moments before propping himself up and meeting your eyes, a soft smile on his face as he took you in.
“You sleep well, hermosa?” He asked with that husky morning voice you always wanted to wake up to as his eyes raked over your form, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
“That was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.” You admitted, giggling at the satisfied smirk that played on his lips.
"I'm glad I could tire you out." Dom teased you, smirk widening when you leaned closer to him to kiss him. Your fingers tracing a path down his chest as you slowly kissed him, savoring the taste of morning on his lips. His arms pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to convey all the desire that had built up during the night.
Breaking the kiss, you traced your fingers lightly along the contours of his jawline, savoring the feel of his stubble beneath your touch. He relaxed into your touch, his hazel eyes gazing at you with a knowing look.
"Your idiot family still bothering you?" Dominik treaded lightly, not wanting to ruin the mood.
You rolled your eyes at the mention of them. "They aren't idiots." You gave him a pointed look when he lifted up a brow and he raised his hands up in defense. "But yes, Roman wanted to meet up with me."
"To apologize to you, right?" Dom moved away from you and sat up when he was met with silence and a guilty look. "Don't tell me your thinking of apologizing to him, mi corazon."
"I don't know, Dom," you sighed, also sitting up and running a hand across your face. "I know Jimmy will apologize to me, he loves me too much to stay mad at me. But Roman would rather drop dead than apologize. And it'll just cause tension if we act like we are in a cold war with each other."
Your heart hurt at the look Dominik was giving you, but you didn't know what else to do except reassure him. "Trust me, it's just easier this way."
"It would be easier if you just joined Judgment Day!"
You sighed and shook your head at Dominiks words. It wasn't the first time he brought it up, and it wouldn't be the last time you refused his offer either. After all those late nights hanging out after shows at Waffle House or other rendezvous activities you'd have, with the two of you cuddled up next to each other, away from the pressure of famous families and overzealous egos, when nothing else but the moon could shine a light on your innermost thoughts, was when he would gain the courage to ask you.
You always looked like you were close to considering it, but it would turn morning and all signs of even maybe accepting it would wash away and be replaced with fear and with you bringing up Roman. And he'd drop it, but he never understood why you did. He could protect you, give you the power you wanted with the Judgment Day! Why didn't you trust him? Why were you so scared of Roman?
"You know more than anyone I can't do that, Dom."
"But you can! You want to stay at the top, we can keep you there!" Dominik insisted, running a hand through his hair frustratingly. "The guys will like you, and Rhea already loves you! We won't treat you like Roman. He treats you like—"
"Like family." you finished his sentence, a hint of bitterness in your voice and a look Dominik couldn't place on your face. "And that's why I can't leave him. At least, not right now." 
Dominik perked up at your last sentence, his eyes searching yours for a hint of understanding. "Not right now?" he questioned, hope flickering in his gaze.
You gave him a small smile, the look in your eyes telling more than words could. "Not right now."
And that was all the confirmation he needed. He didn't need to know anything else- he knew you'd handle it and come to him when the time was right.
His smile mirrored yours as you moved closer to him, your tone shifted from serious to teasing, wanting to change the tense mood. "But until then, don't get in trouble with my family. Solo already suspects us, I don't need him trying to beat your ass."
Dominik laughed, wrapping an arm around you, the tension between you two dissipating as he responded, "Baby don't worry, you know I can take him."
You gave him an amused smile and leaned into him. "Oh, is that why you were hiding behind Rhea last night?"
Dominik chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "I wasn't hiding behind her! I was just... checking out the best angle to hit him, y'know?"
"Mhm, whatever you say baby." You mocked him, giggling at the pout he gave you and deciding to kiss it off of him. Dominik couldn't help but smile against your lips as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving in sync with yours.
Breaking the kiss, you grinned up at him before looking up at the clock and seeing the time.
"Speaking of Rhea, I promise I would hang out with her later. So I better get out of bed before she beats me up." You barely made a move to get out of bed before Dominik whined and pulled you on top of him.
"Can't you stay here longer? She can wait." Dominik pleaded with puppy dog eyes, begging you to stay with him.
You couldn't help but smile at his puppy dog eyes and how he pulled you back onto the bed. "You're too cute, you know that?"
Dominik grinned, his arms wrapped around you as he nuzzled your neck. "So, does that mean you're staying?"
Your hands gently played with the ends of his hair, "How about this? We hop in the shower, make up for lost time, and once we're all clean and pretty, we can go grab some breakfast, and then I'll meet up with Rhea. Deal?"
Dominiks face lit up with a mischievous grin at the thought of you in the shower with him.
"Deal!" he replied enthusiastically, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. He then reluctantly let you go and climbed out of bed, extending a hand to help you up.
You accepted his hand, allowing him to pull you out of bed and lead you to the bathroom. As soon as all of your clothes were shed and the water was on, Dominik picked you up and smashed his lips onto yours, lifting you and bringing the both of you in the shower.
"Dominik... Not now." You managed to protest between kisses as the warm water cascaded over both of you. He ignored your protests in favor of the moans sputtering out of you as he trailed his lips down your neck, sucking harshly into your supple skin.
"Hermosa, I want to taste my breakfast right now." He mumbled into your skin, addicted to the blissed out expression on your face as continued kissing you, lowering himself onto his knees. He was just enamored and completely addicted to you and the hold you had on him.
And you couldn't get enough of him either, just as addicted to him as he was to you. He was just purely addictive- his personality, his charm, his aura,  just him. And as you grabbed a fistful of his hair on the back of his head and guided him right where you wanted him, you knew two things.
Rhea would kill you both after this.
And 2, that you were officially a goner for Dominik. The man who many on the roster called a snake, a manipulative, a liar, a sell out. A man who burned everything he hurt to the ground.
But you wanna know what the scary part was? That you didn't even care.
Not one bit.
And if you got burned?
You would gladly get engulfed in flames if somewhere in that fire you'd get the warmth of his love.
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mamisfavmosher · 5 months
Heyyy I just read your poly judgment day x reader, and I was wondering if I could request something. Could you write something in poly? Judgment Day gets jealous.
I KNOW I KNOW the jealous trope is basic and overdone, but I love it. Could it end in SFW? We all love a bit of NSFW, but I rarely see people write the Jealous trope without making it NSFW.
so I'm thinking something before the time of JD being in the Judgment Day because I wanna write it in a way that Damian is even more pissed because it's JD trying to get with their girl...
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thief in the clubhouse // poly!judgment day x fem!reader
warnings: language, a bit violence, mentions of death threats, etc
Readers POV
I was lounging in the Judgment Day's clubhouse backstage at a show, waiting for Rhea and the boys to get back from a segment. Casually scrolling through my phone and listening to their segment on a monitor, I wasn't paying much attention to anything else.
"Hey, beautiful." A voice from the other side of room called out. I quickly looked over to see who was talking and a glare immediately set on my face. JD stood in the doorway, smirking at me, before walking closer to me to sit on the couch I was lounging on.
"What do you want? You're not supposed to be in here." I told him, a hint of warning in my voice. "They'll be back any second." I pointed back toward the screen where the gothic members of the Judgment Day were exiting the ring.
"It's fine! I don't think they'll mind someone loving on their girl while they're gone..." JD said, scooting closer on the couch towards me. My eyebrows instantly furrowed at his words.
"Don't come any closer. And, they definitely would mind!" I gave him a pointed look and moved over a few inches on the couch, suddenly very aware of all his movements.
"Oh, c'mon. I'm practically in the Judgment Day already. Doesn't that mean you're my girl, too?" JD had a sick smirk on his face as he moved to kneel in front of me, grabbing at my hands.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled out and quickly moved toward the door, desperate to get away from him. At the same moment, the door to the clubhouse swung open, Rhea and the boys walking in.
All four of their faces immediately dropped at the sight of JD, death glares of different degrees being sent toward him.
"He tried to touch me!" I yelled toward them, clearly worked up about the situation. "He came in here and wouldn't leave." I watched with wide eyes as Damian stormed over to JD, throwing him against the wall.
"How many times do I have to tell you! You're not welcome here and you're not part of the Judgment Day! And, now you're touching my girl?! Our girl?!" Damian continued slamming him against the wall, lifting him off his feet and holding him by his neck. Rhea, Finn, and Dom ran over to the two men, genuinely fearing for JD.
"Damian!" and "Damian, let him go!" rang out through the clubhouse as the three other members tried to get Damian to loosen his grip on JD's neck.
"You thought you could touch her?!" Damian yelled at JD among other vile threats toward his life. Finn and Rhea were finally able to pull Damian's arms away enough to drop JD to the ground.
"You piece of shit..." Dom sneered and kicked at JD's heaving body.
"If you even think of touching her again... We'll let him kill you." Rhea threatened in a deep tone, warning him of Damian's wrath. "Get out."
JD scrambled to his feet and stumbled out the door, still gasping for air. Finn slammed and locked the door behind him before walking towards me and pulling me into his arms. His hands smoothed over my hair in a comforting manner, resting his chin on my head. I relaxed in his hold, relishing in his warmth.
"I think we should hire a personal bodyguard for her." Rhea said through gritted teeth, still glaring at the door. Dom nodded in agreement and I let out a small giggle at their words.
"I don't need a bodyguard. Besides, Damian would probably try and kill him, too." I laughed out, gently pulling away from Finn to give Damian a hug. He gladly accepted it and held me tightly against him.
"You're ours. Anyone else gets a death threat." Damian muttered in a growl before planting a kiss on the top of my head.
"Not a death sentence?" Dom joked, gently nudging Damian's arm.
"Depends on the crime. She said he tried to touch her. Not that he succeeded." Damian remarked with a grimace. Rhea laughed out loud at his comment.
"Either way, you're fully protected, pretty girl." Rhea said, walking over to kiss my cheek and gently smooth down my hair.
"I love you guys." I said with a sweet smile, making sure to look at all of them. "Thanks for saving me."
"No problem, lass. We'll always be there to save you." Finn said with a smirk, kissing my other cheek.
"Save a kiss for me, guys." Dom complained, running over to plant a small kiss on my lips.
We spent the rest of the night watching the matches on the monitor, cuddled up on the couch. I had never felt more safe and protected.
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cosmicflw3rr · 6 months
cash in.
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: you cash in at wrestlemania.
A/N: this is inspired by damian’s cash in, just something to put out while I work on my other things! btw pls request stuff I need to unleash my creativity 😈😈
btw in this short fic, for the inst post at the end im using pics from liv’s cash in, and a pic of bianca and montez but you can imagine yourself however you want it’s just pics i chose for the post :)
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your nerves were jumbled up as you watched bayley and iyo sky fight for the title. their feud had been going on for a while now and was finally going to be resolved at the grandest stage of them all.
what they didn’t know was that tonight you’d finally cash in the money in the bank contract you'd been clutching for months. you had never found the perfect moment to make your move. yet, something in the air felt different, electric. today was the day you'd cash it in; you could just feel it.
you had to look away from the screen at the amount of close calls the match had, you moved away from the monitor sitting down on the couch in the little spot the tv crew had for the judgement day. damian, finn, jd and rhea also watched the match intently.
you held your head with your hands, sighing. your leg bouncing up and down anxiously. dominik, your boyfriend sat down next to you placing his hand on your knee to stop it from bouncing.
as soon as dom's hand touched your knee, you paused and locked eyes with him. "hermosa, talk to me," he urged, understanding the weight of the evening on your shoulders, yet not wanting you to be overwhelmed by stress.
leaning back, you let out a groan, the frustration clear in your voice. "what if it doesn’t work? what if I can't cash in the contract?" you shared your fears, the pressure mounting. "I might not get a chance like this ever again." the uncertainty of it all was eating at you.
you were convinced this was a once-in-a-lifetime shot, but dom saw things differently. he knew just how incredible you were in the ring, how you owned every match you fought and put your heart into everything you did. so to hear you think you weren’t ever going to get an opportunity like that again hurt, because he knew you would.
“listen amor.” when you wouldn't meet his gaze, he gently tilted your chin up, eyes meeting yours, and saw the worry glistening there. with a soft, reassuring smile, he whispered, "amor, don't worry. you've got this. you're one of the best wrestlers out there, and no matter what happens, there will be more chances. believe in yourself like I believe in you." his words were the comfort you didn't know you needed.
you eyes met dom’s as you nodded, understanding flickering between you. suddenly, the bell echoed, one, two, three times. your head whipped around to the screen, and there it was—bayley's victory. the members from your faction turned to you, their faces a mix of surprise and disbelief.
aithout a second thought, you grabbed your briefcase and bolted towards the gorilla, heart racing. "I'm cashing in! I'm cashing in!" you shouted at the top of your lungs. the production crew exchanged quick glances, barely able to process your words as you grabbed a referee by his shirt and charged onto the stage, adrenaline fueling your every step.
running down the ramp as your theme blared through the arena, the crowd erupted in cheers, instantly recognizing the moment unfolding. You reached the ring sliding into it with the referee on your heels. you turned thrusting the briefcase into his hands, “I’m cashing in!” you yelled.
he looked down at the briefcase his voice tinged with uncertainty, "are you sure?"
without hesitation, you shouted back, "yes, I'm cashing in, do it!" your hand came down hard on the briefcase, affirming your decision. the buzz from the crowd surged through you, adrenaline coursing wildly through your veins.
bayley staggered to her feet, unsteady. you bounced on the balls of your feet, ready, and as the bell chimed for the third time, you quickly delivered your finisher, the ripcord flatliner.
she hit the mat, motionless. yet, the roar of the crowd told you to keep going. you quickly pulled her to the ring's center, seizing her legs and cinching in a figure four lock, the cheers growing impossibly louder.
the excitement from the crowd was electric and the adrenaline in your body was hard to contain.
with the figure four perfectly locked in, bayley was trapped, dead center of the ring with no hope of grabbing the ropes. you yelled, teeth gritted, tightening the hold. then, the moment came—bayley tapped out, the bell sounding three times.
your music blared out as you released her, you scooted back, your spine meeting the ropes, shock written on your face. your hands flew to cover your eyes, tears leaving paths down your cheeks as you sobbed, the crowd's roar drowning your thoughts, the reality of the moment not quite sinking in.
wiping your tears, you turned to the referee, who held the championship title towards you. grabbing it from, you sat there dazed, just gazing at the title, a fresh wave of tears blurring in your eyes as pride swelled within you.
you got to your feet, lifting your arm, and the cheers from the crowd grew even wilder. you let out a smile, wiping away those involuntary tears. just then, at the top of the ramp, you noticed the judgement day coming out, cheering you on.
without missing a beat, you slipped out of the ring and bolted up the ramp. reaching the top, you found dominik first, waiting for you. the two of you collided into a tight embrace, him lifting and twirling you off the ground.
when your feet touched solid ground, you stepped back, locking eyes with him briefly, then sharing a tender kiss. after the kiss, you both melted into another warm hug, your arms around his neck and his on your waist.
“I’m so proud of you baby. I told you everything would work out.” he whispered, stirring fresh tears in your eyes. you nodded against his shoulder.
"I love you so much," you choked out, voice trembling, tears streaming down. breaking from the embrace, he tenderly held your face, wiping away the tears, then kissed you once more.
a smile broke through as he stepped aside, revealing the judgement day, all hyped up. In an instant, they swept you and dom up in a massive group hug.
you all erupted in cheers, bouncing around with excitement as each one expressed their pride in you, bringing a beam to your face. the group hug ended, and everyone turned towards the ring.
in a swift move, dom and damian hoisted you onto their shoulders, your hands clutching the title as you raised it high, pyro blazing in the background.
with a joyful shout, you took in the cheering crowd. after soaking in the moment, they carefully lowered you back down. you lifted your hand in triumph one last time before Dom draped his arm over your shoulder.
backstage, away from the roaring crowd, the intimacy of the moment enveloped you and dom as the judgment day trailed behind. you wrapped your arms around dom once more, this hug deeper, more personal.
tears freely flowed as the weight of your victory hit you, and dom was there, a comforting presence, rubbing your back gently. "I am so, so proud of you, amor. you've earned this and so much more," he whispered, his words a soothing balm to your overwhelmed emotions.
pulling back from the embrace, you brushed away the lingering tears, offering him a tender kiss. "thank you, babe. for everything," you murmured with heartfelt gratitude.
"this was all you," he replied, his pride in you evident.
"maybe, but your support has been my rock, the thing that's kept me pushing forward," you said, your voice laced with appreciation. his smile then met yours, and he leaned in to seal your shared moment with another kiss.
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y/n: and your new…
tagged: dominik_35
dominik_35: so proud of you amor❤️
y/n: ❤️❤️❤️
rhearipley_wwe: all rise!!
y/n: judgement day is ALWAYS on top!!💜⚖️
yaonlylivonce: so happy for you! you deserve it!! 🥹❤️❤️
y/n: thank you so much liv! I love you so much!!🤍
archerofinfamy: proud of you chiquita💜
y/n: 💜
samanthairvinwwe: by far my fav name to call out tonight! congrats girl! you deserve it!! 👏💗
y/n: shhhh🤫 don’t let them know you have favorites😏
wwelover: was in sm shock watching! congratulations!!
y/n.vsp: the edits I alr have lined up for this😝
wrestlingstan: I KNEW SHED CASH IN! OMG!
WWE: your new women’s champion!
y/n: thank you to all of you who gave me the opportunity❤️.
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starlightsreigns · 2 months
slow down | the judgment day
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summary: maia looks innocent, that's her trademark, but a certain group of misfits knows an act when they see one. it's time to test their theory, and they've met their match - she's their hardest opponent yet and she's here to win.
warnings: 18+ nsfw! unprotected sex, public (sorta) sex, cursing, drinking. smut x1000, minors please don't interact!!
word count: 3.4k
author's note: pls this is truly material to call me a sl*t, but here we are with NO shame. one of the only work that I have that's more than two people, so... yeah. part two, maybe???
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darling, slow down
Maia’s hips sway to the beat of the loud music blaring in the club. Her hands are in the air, completely in a different headspace, thanks to the immeasurable amount of liquor she’s consumed in the past hour and a half. Her friends surround her, almost as a shield, in their own worlds. Her eyes slowly close, feeling free, not even realizing the eyes that we’re watching her, interested, thirsty, and ready to pounce.
Damian sits at the back of the room, perfectly centered to where Maia is dancing. He crosses his arms, so transfixed on her that he doesn’t even hear what his stablemates are talking about. 
“Uh-oh, look who found Maia.” Dominic slaps his hand on Damian’s shoulder, peering over to watch Maia. “Damn, man, I get it, she’s..” He trails off, almost lost in her movements. 
As the song changes, Maia opens her eyes, perfectly falling on Damian through the crowd. She smiles realizing his gaze on her. For a second, she contemplates her next move, but the fire from his gaze lights something deep inside her and she goes with the action she’d never do on a sober mind because she was way too chicken to ever do it. Her long legs are bare, her skirt is short and her stride is long and sultry as she approaches where The Judgement Day members all sit. She glances at them all, taking a moment to lick her lip. 
“Anyone wanna dance?” She leans over to ask, her breast slightly on display and the guys can’t help but take a look. 
Rhea sits back, taking in the slightly younger woman and how everything she wears hugs her body in the right way. Her eyes settle a moment on the black bralette she’s wearing and the way it doesn’t hide her hard nipples, even in the dark. Dominik focuses on her perfectly red lips and the way the lipstick hasn’t moved all night and the way he wants to smudge it. He shifts in his seat, trying to push the thought away before it manifests in a way he couldn’t hide it. Finn, on the other opposite side of Damian whose sitting in the middle, has his eyes on the length of her skirt and the way that he could drag her into the bathroom and fuck her over the sink without messing up her outfit. Then there was Damian, who is stuck on the thought that Maia wasn’t as innocent as she portrays on screen or backstage — he could see it in the way her eyes light up.
As the next song picks up, Damian stands, “I’ll take a dance with you.” He glances back at his stablemates, sending them a knowing nod. “She’ll be right back.”  
Their plan was in action, and little did they know, Maia was on a mission of her own tonight. 
Slow down. 
Maia clasps Damian’s hand as she leads him to the dance floor. A nice funky, R&B beat fills the tight space. With her back pressing onto him they move slowly and sensually. She is pleasantly surprised at the way Damian falls into step with her. The lyrics felt directed to them and she can’t help but turn to look at the older man. 
Baby, I’ve been fantasizing, just looking in your eye.
Their eyes lock on each other. Someone stumbles past and pushes them further together. Maia rest her hand on Damian’s hard chest, her motions still on the beat. Damian snakes his hand around her back, following. 
You know I’m looking for more, and you’re what I’ve been praying for.
Maia turns again, pressing her ass against Damian’s crotch, whining down, bending at the waist to slowly grind against him. His hands move towards her hips, dangerously close to her ass, and squeezing. 
I’m not one to play around like this, it’s so real, and I love how it feels, love it when we slowly sway.
She comes back up to rest against his chest, laying her head back to look up at him. They sway with the music, Damian's arms now around her stomach, staring back at her. 
I love the way we move, the way we move. 
Maia smiles to herself, feeling his light touch – Damian’s hands start at her shoulders, lightly tumbling down her exposed sides. His warm hand on her lower back makes her hum as she glances back at him. His head ducks down to press a warm kiss on her neck. She sets a hand against his thigh, wanting him to get closer to her. His scent was intoxicating and that’s all she wanted. 
We can have every night, yeah, we can have every day. Ooh, I want you too. I need you.
They stay like that for a while. Maia lets her eyes shut, letting the music take control. She doesn’t even realize the effect that she’s having on the Puerto Rican man behind her or his friends seated not too far away from them, completely checked in to what’s going on. 
And when the song transitions to another, Damian goes to move back, but she holds him in place, turning to look up at him. Nothing is said as he lets his hand slightly fall a little lower, resting on her ass. They don’t move, feeling everyone else around them. Her hand rests on his tattooed arm, slightly grazing her fingernails down making him unknowingly shudder. 
Dominik comes up from behind Damian, resting his hand on her hip. Her bright eyes met his with a smile. He pulls her into him and her thoughts shift. His hand lays flat on her stomach with her back to him, once again dancing. 
“You’re too sexy.” He mutters in her ear and she presses her thighs together in search of some relief from the pressure. “Don’t push it away.” Dominik kisses her neck. 
She throws her head back gently into his neck with her eyes closed. Dominik bites his lip, focused on that red lipstick again, desperately wanting to kiss and taste her. Maia puckers her lips, leaning up slowly as he leans down to meet her lips. The kiss is slow and deliberate. Dominik spins her around so they’re chest to chest, reconnecting their lips. She caresses his arm, lost in a trance for a while. 
“Come home with us.” Dominic breathlessly whispers in her ear, letting his hand travel down to the hem of her short skirt. 
Maia turned slowly taking him in, “And what will I win if I do.” Her lips moved perfectly and that’s all Dominik could focus on. “Lost for words?” She teases. 
“We’ll make it worth your time, mami, I promise.” 
He glances back, locking eyes with who could only be described as The Demon. Finn takes his time coming to meet the pair. Dominik gives his place. Maia’s eyes are low in the smoky room and it could drive the Irishmen crazy — and when she licks her lip, he has no choice but to give in to his desires, knowing that he couldn’t wait any longer. 
“C’mere.” His voice was thick with lust. 
Finn leads Maia past the bar, towards a bathroom, pushing the door open with his back. His friends shared a look, knowing things were going perfectly. The bathroom, matching the atmosphere of the club, was dim. He locks the door behind him and stalks towards her, where she leans against the sink, one heel slowly kicked up. Maia smirks when he finally stands in front of her. The music still pulsates through the room and her eyes dips from his to the front of his pants, pleasantly surprised to see how rock solid he was. 
It all felt like slow motion — Finn grabbed her by the hips, spinning her around to face the mirror. They stare at each other through it and Maia can’t help but press her ass against him, moving slowly, teasingly. 
“C’mon, don’t try to be a gentleman, take what you’ve come to get.” Her voice was laced with sex. She slowly hikes up her skirt, arching her back as she leans over — nothing hiding her pussy from his vision. 
At the sight, Finn groans, unzipping his pants. Maia’s breath gets stuck in her throat, feeling the tip of his dick pressing against her entrance. Her lips find themselves between her teeth again, feeling Finn pushes into her slowly. Her mouth hangs open slightly, a moan escaping. When he’s flesh against her, Finn moves his hand to sit around her stomach, pulling her up against his chest and thrusting deep. 
“Fuck.” The profanity leaves her mouth. 
As the music picks up, so does Finn’s movement. It’s not soft and she loved every second of it, he pounds into her as if he knew that’s exactly what she liked. And Maia feels like she’s on cloud fucking nine. The moans never stop from her and Finn can’t control himself at the faces she makes. He hits her g-spot, over and over, pushing deeper into her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck..” Maia is breathless, holding onto Finn’s arm, squeezing tightly.
He didn't let up and Maia was in absolute bliss. Finn’s hand moves from her stomach, down to her clit, rubbing along to his pace, making Maia reach her peak quicker. A single tear falls from her eyes and Finn kisses it, feeling her cling around him. 
A moan falls from his lips, “Go on, baby, come for me.” He bites her lips softly as she completely falls apart against him, feeling the orgasm shake her to the core. “Good girl.” He grunts, and his pace becomes sloppy. 
Maia has to muster all the power in her body to pull him out of her, crouching down in her heels to take him in her mouth. She strokes his dick, letting the tip hit the back of her throat until Finn’s eyes squeeze shut, coming down her throat. His groans are like music to her ears and when she swallows, she looks up at him through her eyelashes, plastering an innocent look on her face. 
She stands up, pulling her skirt down. Maia presses a kiss on his neck, smiling at the light red stain that she leaves. Her finger lightly traces it. 
“Wanna take me home?” Her manicured finger rests on his bottom lip. “I’ll think about it.” She winks, stepping out of the bathroom, and leaving him to get situated.
After more dancing, Maia stepped out of the club in desperate need of fresh air. She leans against the windows of the building, staring out at the parking lot. Even after her bathroom quickie earlier, she wasn’t satisfied and the cold air hitting her skin only heightened that need. As if on cue, Dominik pushed the door open, his eyes immediately landing on hers. 
“What you doin’ out here, mama?” Dominik comes up to her, pulling her towards him.
“Just gettin’ some air, what’s up with you, Dom?” Maia hooks her finger around one of his belt loops. “Come to keep me company?” 
They shared a quick look that solidified the fact that they weren’t outside for air. 
The car is parked in the back corner of the parking lot. Maia rested her back on the cool leather, humming as Dominik peppered kisses on her warm skin. She smells like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon. He lays his hand gently on her thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. They maintain eye contact as his finger finds her heat, slowly running a finger through her slick folds. Maia bites her bottom lip with an exhale, resting her head back. 
“So fucking pretty.” He murmurs, sliding a finger into her wet cunt. Maia’s mouth slightly falls open, arching her back looking for more. “Mm, so wet.” 
“Fuck me, please,” She whined.
Dominik chuckled, drinking her in as he unbuckled his belt. Maia had her skirt bunched up around her stomach and her top down slightly to expose her hard nipples. Maia sits up slowly as he pulls his dick out of his pants, stroking a couple of times, his eyes on her. 
“Come ride me, baby.” 
Maia peels off the leather, straddling over him, pressing a kiss onto his lips as he pushes into her. Dominik squeezes one of her breasts, flicking his tongue over her nipple. The sound of their slapping skin is the only sound in the car. 
“fuck,” Maia moans, resting her forehead against his. “oh yeah, just like that.” She holds his face in her palms, printing her red lipstick all over his mouth.
Their pace quickens and their moans start to mix together. The windows start to fog as Maia throws her head back, holding onto Dominik’s shoulder trying to chase the high. His hands connect with her ass several times, the slaps ringing out in the car. Maia groans, 
“You look so fuckin’ good, baby,” Dominik murmurs in her ear. “Come here.”
The new position had Dominik hovering over her with Maia’s legs basically touching the roof of the car. A yelp escaped from her mouth when he slid back in her, making her eyes roll to the back of her head. The pleasure rushed over her again. Her breath caught in her throat, pressing her hand against his chest. 
“Fuckfuckfuck,” Maia moaned, filled with lust. “Holy shit.” she gasped feeling the butterflies in her stomach. 
Dominik’s moans and grunts filled her ears as he drilled into her at a relentless pace. Maia could barely open her eyes to see the fogged-up windows or his sweaty chest, all she could see was stars and her release on the brink. She was so close. 
“Go ‘head, Maia.” Dominik’s voice lulled her on. “Cum for me.” 
And with that, Maia feels all her walls tighten. She lets out a ragged breath as he fucks her through her climax and proceeds to chase his. Maia locked eyes with him while licking her still-red lips. That tears Dominik apart as he pulls out, cumming over her stomach with a grunt. 
Maia smiles drunkenly, closing her eyes for a moment in bliss. 
 The air in the car was thick. The anticipation of what was coming was enough to power the city. Damian sits behind the steering wheel, Finn in the passenger seat with Maia in the backseat between Dominik and Rhea. Her eyes slowly look up to the rearview mirror, catching Damian's gaze as she licks her lip. His hands tighten around the steering wheel, impatiently. 
The house is impressive, but Maia’s thoughts were on everything but that. She holds a new cocktail in a square glass in her hands. She stares out at a pool in the backyard, nearly done with her drink when someone comes up behind her. The lights in the room are low, and music from the club is playing. The person behind her moves her hair, resting a kiss on her neck. She slowly closes her eyes, leaning back against them. 
“I never got that dance.” Rhea’s Australian accent fills her ears. 
Maia turns, setting her glass down. “I can give you a dance.” She murmurs, looking around the room to see them alone. “Or something better.” 
Rhea leans down, taking Maia’s lip into hers, kissing her roughly, trying to memorize her sweet taste. She leans down, hooking her arms under Maia’s ass and wrapping her legs around her waist. The kiss is breathless and they both refuse to be the first to pull away. 
“I have plans for you, baby.” Rhea bites Maia’s bottom lip. “But you have to wait.” She presses her lips to Maia’s one more time before setting her down. 
Dominik appears beside Rhea, taking the chance to capture Maia’s lips in a deep kiss, smacking her ass. She rests her hand around the back of his neck, letting her nails graze over the soft skin then moves them down to the hem of his shirt, wanting to feel his warm skin. Dominik, not breaking the kiss, moves them back to the center of the room. Another body presses up behind her, peppering kisses on her neck. 
“Let’s take you upstairs.” Finn says, lightly nibbling her ear. 
Finn leads them up the stairs, with Dominik closely behind Maia. She holds onto his hand, keeping them both steady as they enter the dimly lit room. Maia takes a moment to scan the room — it’s huge, and her eyes land on two armchairs near the window where Rhea and Damian were sitting, having stopped their conversation at the sight of her. 
Maia walks around to sit on the edge of the bed, facing the pair. She grabs the straps of her top, sliding them down her shoulder slowly, giving them all a view of her breast. She bites her lip, resting on the palm of her hands when Rhea gets up, stalking her like prey. 
“Touch me, gorgeous.” Maia groans softly. 
The Australian woman caresses Maia’s thighs, deeply gazing into the eyes of the woman under her, then gets on her knees to come face to face with her dripping wet cunt. Rhea places a soft kiss on her inner thigh, so close to Maia’s heat causing her to softly fall back against the mattress. Finn and Dominik watched for a moment but received a look from Damian and took their leave.  When Rhea’s tongue met Maia’s clit, a deep sigh left her lip, slowly arching her back. She can’t help but tangle her fingers in Rhea’s hair. 
“So good.” She moans, her breath hitching in her throat. 
Rhea rests her arm over Maia’s lower stomach, keeping her in place as she devours her as if it were her last supper. Her tongue swirls over Maia’s bundle of nerve, her tongue laying flat, sucking roughly on her clit. Maia couldn’t help but grip the sheets, trying to keep her body flat on the bed, but her body had a mind of its own. The euphoric feeling washed over her, leaving her breathless. Her breathing was labored and her hands searched for something, anything. The release was so close that she couldn’t help but shut her eyes as it washed over her with so much force. 
“Good girl,” Rhea purrs, licking her lip as Maia tries to find her breath. 
Her fingers dug into Maia’s hips to keep her still as she ate her like a starved woman’s first meal in years. Maia tried to push her legs together but was unsuccessful as Rhea dipped a tongue into her, disarming her immediately. She grinded down into Rhea’s face, moaning loudly. Maia glanced to the side to see Damian watching them intently and that only turned her own even more as she threw her head back. 
As Maia tiptoed the edge, the rougher Rhea got until she couldn’t take it any longer. For what felt like the hundredth time tonight, she came so hard until all she saw was blackness. Her breath was ragged as Rhea kissed up her body until her lips were on Maia’s in the softest kiss ever. All Maia could do was murmur a word, but she wasn’t even sure of what she said. 
It took a while for her to come to, but when she did, Maia realized that it was just her and Damian in the room. He stood from his chair and came to the front of the bed as Maia got up onto her knees. She watched him carefully as she fixed her clothes. Maia licked her lips as he crouched down to her eye level. 
“Is the nice girl back?” he teased with a smirk. 
Maia shrugged her shoulder, “who says that wasn’t the nice girl?” she whispered, looking at him from underneath her eyelashes. “I been watching you priest, you can’t fool me.” 
Damian chuckled, “and what do you mean by that, Maia?” 
“I want you and you want me all to yourself, am I right?” Maia questioned, moving closer to him. “Because I see how you look at me, I see how you all look at me, but you in particular…” 
Maia gave a dramatic sigh, “I can feel your eyes on my body, so I walk slower. Baby, I always know when you’re around, just tell me I’m wrong.” 
The room felt 1000 degrees hotter as they stared at each other. Damian took in the way Maia rubbed his arm then laid back onto her elbows on the bed, watching him with an innocent smile as if she didn’t just turn him on. 
“I want you, Maia.”
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:) thank you for reading. let me know if I should do a pt. 2, but I fear I write too much damian x
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ripleylove · 4 months
The light of the group.
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requested by: @princessthatcantfuckingsleep saying: Omg hiiiii I love Ur writing 🩷🤍idk if you do The Judgment day x reader [platonic] BUT IF YOU DOOOOcan you please make a story where reader is young like 19 or 20 and everyone loves her and she’s a pretty close with The Judgment day as she's in the group, but she's like a more bubby/girly add on ,but one day Somone makes fun of her for standing out so much/being different than the rest of the group and she gets kinda insecure about it?Like just some platonic comfort ISTG I LUV IT SM, IF YOU DO THIS TYSMMM🤍🩷
pairing: the judgement day x fem reader (platonic)
summary: Shayna decides to make you feel insecure, but Rhea,Dom,Damian and Finn are here to tell you otherwise.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
Well,let's say that you were kinda different from the judgment day.
They were dark,serious and intimidating, while you were the exact opposite: you were bubbly,optimistic and girly.
You stood out from the faction,because you were young and happy,and this was never a problem to you and to the members of the judgment day.
They loved you for being yourself,the light that contrasted with the darkness of the group.
The five of you always had the best fun together, and,in the ring, you all were unstoppable.
Until,during Monday Night Raw,you heard Rhea and Shayna Baszler talking backstage.
"I don't think she fits the group really well," Shayna mumbled to Rhea, "She's just so different,why did you even let her join?" Shayna said with an annoying tone,while Rhea was starting to get irritated.
"Listen,Shayna, i really love you and all but her difference from us and the reason why she joined are none of your business. So please,shut the fuck up." Rhea answered with a sarcastic smile,while getting up to do her entrance for a promo.
You hurriedly ran off,trying not to get caught,but you were stopped by Shayna's hand gripping strongly your arm. You tried to break free,but you weren't as strong as her.
"So,listen to me,for once and for all. You do not belong here and in the judgment day,get this in your head. You do not fit that faction and you must leave. You,a clingy and annoying good for nothing,stole my place in the judgment day. I hope they make you leave,because you don't deserve to be in that faction and in WWE at all. Got it?"
Her cruel words felt like daggers in your heart. Did you really not belong with them? Do they want you to leave? Are they faking it all because they're waiting you to leave?
Tears started to flow,and Shayna finally let go of you.
You started to ran,with no destination at all,just trying to get away from there as soon as possible,until Damian saw you.
"Princesa! Wait! What's happening?" He shouted while chasing behind you.
Your breath was shaky and your nose was blocked form all the snot that formed while you were crying,so you started to slow down.
Damian took advantage of this,and he catched up to you,holding your arms.
"Y/N,what happened to you? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you? Tell me,mi amor." He said softly after he noticed your tear stained cheeks and your red face.
"You come here just because you're pitying me right? Because you all want me to leave!" You chuckled,while tears were still flowing down your eyes.
"What?" Damian was confused: why did you even think about that?
"Oh,you know well what I'm talking about. You all want me to leave because I don't fit the standards of the judgment day and because I'm annoying. Right?"
"What the fuck?" Damian started, "Who told you that?" He asked,but he didn't even give you time to answer.
"Listen,amorcito,everything you said is completely wrong. What's the problem of being different? We love you the same,and your talent is unmatched. Do you think we would fake all the laughs,the hugs and the tears? Who told you that?"
Your lips started to wobble again,and Damian quickly pulled you in his embrace. "We love you,Y/N. Never doubt about that. Without you we would be like a puzzle that missed a piece,you're special to us. Do you want me to call the others so we can cuddle all together?" He asked with a soft tone,and you nodded,wanting to feel the comfort of your best friends.
After almost 5 minutes,you could see Rhea,Finn and Dominik running towards you. "Baby! We're here now." Rhea almost instantly hugged you tight,comforting you in one of the best ways.
"Damian told us what happened. We love you,lass,don't even think otherwise. You're the missing piece of our puzzle,you make us feel complete." Finn said while carefully stroking your hair,and Damian quickly exclaimed: "That's what I told her too!"
"The husbands are telepathic again." Rhea said while teasingly rolling her eyes,causing the five of you to giggle.
"Dulceza,did you think about those bad things by yourself,or somebody told you that?" Dom asked while stroking your cheeks.
You just mumbled "Shayna",not even wanting to remember the moment.
"Puta",Damian said under his breath.
"Oh,she's gonna pay for this" Rhea said,but she got interrupted by Finn.
"Okay okay we got it,we're gonna let her pay for what she did but first let's eat something!"
"CHICKEN TENDERS!!!!!!" Dom excitedly exclaimed, with his eyes lighting up.
So you really do belong there.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx
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mazikeenhyde · 1 month
Oh Baby... Pain is Pleasure
Here we go again people!
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Y/W/N/F – Your Wrestling Name Finisher
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure 
The crowds’ cheers and chants echoed throughout the stadium, the floors under the feet of the thousands of fans felt like they would give way from the excitement. A completely sold-out arena had been packed full to the brim with carboard cutout signs and fandom shirts as far as the eye could see! From the millionaire front row viewers to the cheapest seats way up in the rafters, to the millions of fans watching from home, everyone had been awaiting this moment! The artificial bright and colorful lights flashed all over as the music blared throughout the stadium. The smoke and fog machines mixed together engulfing the walkway and the surrounding edges of the ring, adding to the already tense atmosphere. 
This championship match had reached its peak, Women’s World Champion Dakota Kai vs Y/W/N! I had fought and clawed my way to reach WrestleMania and now I was inches away from becoming the new Women’s World Champion!
Running at each other from the ropes I swung for a clothesline, but Dakota ducked under and with a straight elbow to the face I fell to my knees, my vision blurred, and the blood began to trickle down from my nose. I knew it was broken, but that wasn’t going to stop me. Besides… I kinda liked the pain. It reminded me being back home in bed with Rhea, Damien, Finn & Dom. Our rougher nights of pain and pleasure had certainly helped prepare me for this ‘No Disqualification’ championship match tonight! 
Grabbing her hands around my face she pulled my hair back and got me into a tight headlock with her arms desperately hoping I would tap out. The ref waving his hand in my face repeatedly asking if I was okay, if I was done, if I wanted to quit. 
As my face turned a gentle crimson, and my lips turned a pale blue I gave Dakota a devilish grin and winked at her. Shimmying under her grip to gain back some movement her frustration built ever more. 
“What the hell ya bitch?! Tap out! Just tap!” Her grip got tighter with fury. “Why won’t you quit?!” 
I moved my head up just enough to get out a few words to her, much to the delight of the WWE management team who knew it was far too late to censor as the live camera feed had picked up each word. 
“You’re cute… but Damian… chokes me harder than that in bed.” I turned my eye line to the camera and blew a soft kiss to Damian before throwing myself back and pulling up my legs to kick Dakota off and send her to the opposite side of the ring and into the post.  Her anger was almost at boiling point as she saw me trying to recover. 
I crawled up to my knees taking in a deep breath and shaking my hands trying to fight the pins and needles and get the oxygen moving through my blood stream again. 
Running over at me Dakota lept up at once again wrapping her legs around my face this time and we hit the mat with a loud thump. She locked her legs in tight and pulled me back to get me into an almost perfect submission once again. Her thighs tightened around my head as she held her weight up with her arms screaming at me to tap out. Once more the ref waved his hand in front of my face, but he looked both concerned and surprised as a soft giggle from my lips escaped me. 
“THE FUCK?!” Dakota shouted in anger, and she looked under her arm to my face smirking at her. 
“Rheas…thighs…are stronger” I choked out my words knowing full well my lovers out the back would be dying of laughter watching this match. Whilst Hunter at this point would be firing this camera man who was doing his best to pick up every explicit comment that came from the center of this ring. 
Dakota was done, she knew this was a no disqualification match. There were no rules! So, letting go of me she kicked out and sent me headfirst into the corner ring post and rose to her feet. Rushing out of the ring Dakota grabbed a chair from under the ring and threw it over the ropes before sliding back in. 
Grabbing a handful of my hair she dragged me to my feet, slamming my face into her fist repeatedly as the blood smeared across my cheeks and down her arm. Dazed and lost she threw me over the chair headfirst positioning me with my hands to the mat. She ripped the Judgment Day shirt down from my back exposing my pale skin in the artificial light before unbuckling the belt from her ring gear costume. 
Bringing the thick leather belt down across my back the loud slashes echoed throughout, and they were relentless, one after another after another. Then, kicking out the chair from underneath me I fell weakly to the mat with a heavy thud as Dakota once again tried for the pin. 
“1…2…” The Crowd chanted. 
I kicked out before 3 and pulling my arms up over her head I wrapped myself around her and whispered in her ear smiling once again. 
“Daddy Dom would be proud, but you should get Finn to give you some advice….when it comes to a public spanking” I coughed out catching my breath and planting a soft kiss on her cheek. I dragged the both of us up to our feet before leaping in the air and pulling her face down onto my knees as my back hit the mat and Dakota stumbled back, now half in and out of consciousness. 
I looked up over my shoulder to the top rope, it was now or never.  The last time I had done a finisher from the top rope I had ended up on the injury bench for 6 months. But this was WRESTLEMANIA BABY! Do or die, Live or Lose! So, I set up the final move, a turnbuckle power bomb into the Y/W/N/ finisher! 
Backstage the WWE stage management were frantically rushing around as the show headed towards its finishing line. Production crews, lighting technicians, camera men and more bounced off the walls completing one task after another, switching from one feed to the next, sending word to and from the announcement desk where Michael Cole  & Pat McAfee were losing themselves in excitement. 
“TURNBUCKLE POWER BOMB Y/W/N/F ! TURNBUCKLE POWER BOMB Y/W/N/F! SHE’S OUT, SHE’S OUT!” Michael Cole was stood throwing his arms in the air as Pat McAfee tried to climb onto the desk in front of them. 
“What the….” Cole paused to look up at the sky.
Suddenly, as if on cue the skies above opened and as if to add the cherry to the top of the icing of this glorious display, the rain began to pour down soaking the ring. Lighting illuminated through the sky as the thunder boomed in time with the WrestleMania theme music that was blasting through the arena. Even with the weather not one person could have felt the cold, not one person would have known the temperature had dropped. The heat from this match was powering everyone through! 
 “Can it be…. Lightening?! Jeez people I don’t know what could possibly happen next, we’ve seen it all tonight, here live at WrestleMania!” Cole added. 
“A STORM IS BREWING COLE! DO WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION?! DO WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION?!” McAfee couldn’t contain himself any longer as Michael Cole held onto his leg keeping him stable. 
From backstage Damien, Rhea, Dominik and Finn had all gathered around watching on the monitor. Dominik had Damien’s arm in a tight grasp as Rhea held onto Finn’s hand, all of them watching and waiting to see if their girl could do it. Each of them slightly turned on from their girlfriends’ antics in the ring. 
“Go Bunny…GO!” Rhea bit her lip as her eyes fixated on the screen, she ran one hand down her tight black skinny jeans, trying to contain the pulse that was beating out from in between her legs. Dom was quick to slide his hand into her side jean pocket and nuzzle into her neck planting soft kisses and gentle nips to her skin. 
“Come on baby girl...” Damien whispered under his breath, palming at his crotch in an effort to keep his hard on at bay ,until he could get Y/N and the rest of the group backstage and into the Judgment Day clubhouse. 
Rhea held her breath, unable to gather in any air with nervous anxiety reaching a new high as the monitor feed lite up and they watched Y/N climb to the top rope and send Dakota through the center of the ring. 
“PIN HER! PIN HER!’ Finn shouted slamming his hand against the wall behind the monitor making Dom the ever submissive jump. Damien moved to wrap his arms around the young boy kissing the top of his head and rubbing his arm gently, his eyes still firmly locked on the screen. 
Dom turned his head for a moment over to the management desk who looked concerned, like something was wrong. He caught Hunters eye for a moment and the look they shared, they both knew, this wasn’t going to end well. 
I dragged myself to my feet and stood only a few inches away from Dakota. My entire body was exhausted, that final power bomb had taken Dakota out, she lay motionless in the center of the ring. But at what cost, because here I was, my shoulder was fucked, my knee was fucked, I could barely see, I could barely stand. 
Still, something willed me on, something moved me forward. The crowd screamed and their chants echoed around me, as if they were stood right next to me and also a million miles away. I tried to collect my thoughts to focus as I moved one foot in front of the other, falling on top of Dakota Kai to get the pin. 
“THIS IS IT COLE!” Pat jumped up and down before slipping off the table from the rain residue and onto the arena floor scrambling his way back up to get a glimpse at that final pin. “ THIS IS IT!!”
The entire stadium joined in with that collective… 
The Judgment day panicked and scrambling they pushed past the crew and management staff in the dark trying to find their way to the ring. 
"MOVE! MOVE!" Damian shouted launching camera men out the way as the group ran to protect their girl.
The entire stadium went pitch black. The crowds screamed, young kids cried, and every last piece of music faded out to nothing. 
Every tune fell silent. 
Every note.
Except one….
An all too familiar piano key played out to the arena as smoke filled the walkway and a single spotlight illuminated the ring. 
Silence filled the stadium.
‘Urr Cole? What’s happening?” Pat questioned as the two presenters clung to each other like Shaggy and Scooby doo, shaking in fear. 
“It’s…The Wyatts.”
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toriluvsnickwayne · 2 months
Ummm yall I ltr will never recover from summer slam it is official my least favorite ppv that has ever happened.
As soon as I was done crying abt Rhea’s match Damian’s match rolled around not long after now I can’t stop crying from it
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Judgement Day x reader where the reader loves hugs so much, they practically cling onto any of them like a koala bear. Reader is afraid she might be too clingy, but they assure her that they love it
Close || The Judgement Day x Reader
Summary: You're very clingy, you're not sure if your partners actually like it. They assure you they do.
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Your inclination for clinginess had never been a secret, but it was something you had always been a little self-conscious about. You couldn't help it; you just loved being close to your partners, always craving their touch and affection.
Tonight, as the five of you lounged on the couch, you were especially in need of their warmth and proximity. Finn noticed your yearning gaze and opened his arms, inviting you in. You didn't hesitate, quickly shifting onto his lap as he embraced you.
"Come here, love," he whispered, his voice a soothing melody as he held you securely.
Dominik, sitting next to you, stroked your hair with gentle fingers, his affectionate touch a source of immense comfort. On your other side, Rhea reached for your hand, her grip firm and reassuring.
Damian, noticing your desire for closeness, rested his hand on your knee, his thumb gently tracing circles. The physical contact from all your partners created a cocoon of warmth and love that enveloped you entirely.
You couldn't help but smile, feeling like the luckiest person in the world. Your insecurities about being too clingy began to melt away as you realized that your partners not only accepted your need for closeness but cherished it. Their words of love and affection washed over you like a soothing balm, reassuring you that you were exactly where you belonged, surrounded by the people who loved you for who you were.
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fandomfucker · 3 months
Beach Trip-The Judgment Day X Black!Fem!Reader
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Request/Prompt: The Judgment Day with their girl on a cute little beach trip
A/N: Linked a picture of the bathing suit I had in mind, just pretend it comes with a matching headpiece.
Word Count: 2,692
Reader's POV 
Time off with all four of my partners in the Judgment Day was not something that happened often.
Luckily, this week happened to be one where it was planned out that the five of us would be going down to the beach for vacation.
Before we could leave though, we all had some last-minute errands to run. Well, mainly me and Rhea.
Sitting in the passenger seat of Rhea's truck, I happily listened to the booming sounds of her metal music over the speakers as I scrolled through Pinterest.
"What kind of nails are you gonna get, babe?" I asked Rhea, looking over at her as she hummed in thought.
"I'm thinking, like, black scales with like, a purple shimmer," She answered, briefly looking at me before putting her hand on my thigh and stroking her thumb up and down as she drove.
"Ooh, that'll be cute," I replied as I went back to scrolling through Pinterest for my own new nail set. It was vacation, and we liked to look good on vacation. You look good, you feel good.
"Do you know what you're gonna do with your hair yet?" Rhea asked me. Normally, outside of work, I try to wear my natural hair as much as possible, which isn't always the easiest when it's being grabbed by my opponents to throw me around in a ring.
"I'm thinking I'll kinda match with Damian and get bohemian box braids. I think he's getting his done tomorrow, but then I can wear that cute headwrap that my bathing suit came with!" I excitedly explained. Her grip tightened on my thigh as a smile graced her features.
"That'll look so good, sweetness. I can't wait to see."
"Oh!" I exclaimed excitedly. "And then, I can get my nails to match and since I'll be wearing my bathing suit like all week, they'll match everything!" The girl math was mathing and everything was coming together perfectly.
A few days later, the five of us Judgment Day members all sat in Rhea's truck as we drove down to our beach house for the week. It was right on the beach which was going to be perfect.
Rhea sat in the driver's seat as not only was it her truck, but also because she would get us there faster than if anyone else was driving. Dominik sat in the passenger seat, giving Rhea directions in between picking the music for us to listen to. I liked to stare out the window while I listened to my music so I sat behind Dominik's chair, with Damian next to me and Finn on his other side.
Damian scrolled through his TikTok, occasionally showing one of us a video as his free hand rested on my thigh, while Finn read whatever book he was currently obsessed with. He read them so fast I never knew what he was reading at any given moment.
It was only about an hour-long drive so we were pulling up to the beach-house in no time. As soon as I stepped out of the car I noticed it was weirdly secluded. There weren't any other places directly around us and the tall landscape blocked any possible views. 
Damian stepped out behind me, making his way to the back of the truck, and popping open the covered bed to start grabbing suitcases.
He handed me my duffle bag as Finn and Dominik joined him in unloading the truck. "How about you girls go ahead and go inside and start getting set up, okay?"
"Okay!" I shouldered my duffel bag, grabbing Rhea's hand on my way over to the stairs that would lead us up to the front door. 
Once at the door, Rhea punched the code into the keypad lock, hearing a small click before she pushed the door open. Stepping inside into a tight hallway, there was a small kitchen to the right with another little hall to the left. Going into the hallway on my right there was a bedroom on the right with a queen bed, right in front was a bathroom, and next to it a washer and dryer. At the end of that hallway was another bedroom, with two separate twin-sized beds.
Going back down that side hallway to get to the main hallway that led past the kitchen, I walked into the living/dining room and called out for Rhea. "Hey, babe? Are we all gonna fit in here?"
I noticed another room off to the side and walked into it, finding another queen-sized bed with its own private bathroom. There was a sliding glass door leading to the balcony on the far wall, with a matching door in the living room.
Noticing that the door was open, I walked out onto the balcony and saw Rhea leaning over the railing as she stared out at the ocean, the small breeze blowing her bangs to the side.
"Rhea?" She turned at the sound of my voice, making me smile as I saw the relaxation already hitting her. "Are we all going to fit in here?" I repeated my question.
"Yeah, we should," She moved away from the railing and gripped my hips as we stood there. "I was thinking that we'd take the master, Dom and Damian take the other queen, and then Finn could take one of the twins. He's the only one other than us that would fit and I booked the condo, so if I want a girls-only room to cuddle you all week I'm gonna have that." She smiled at me, so proud of herself for thinking of this situation.
I threw my head back as I laughed. If she wanted to keep me all to herself all week during the night then I wasn't gonna fight her on it. "Do the boys know about this arrangement?"
She laughed again, giving me that shit-eating grin, "Not yet."
I giggled as I heard the boys walk in the front door with the luggage. "Y/N? Rhea? Where'd you guys go?" We heard Dominik shout out through the condo.
"Let's go," I whisper-giggled as I gripped Rhea's hands and tugged her back through the sliding door, the bedroom, and back into the living room where all three of our boys now stood, surrounded by luggage.
"Where should we put these?" Damian asked, gesturing around him. 
Rhea wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind and hugged me tight to her chest. "You can put me and Y/N's stuff in there," she gestured with her head to the room behind us. "And your guys' stuff between the two rooms down the other hall." She smiled at them, albeit a bit passive-aggressively. 
"Wait, we're in different rooms?" Dominik asked us, his upset puppy-dog eyes appearing.
"Yep," Rhea popped the 'P', her accent unusually strong. 
"I want this one all to myself, "She squeezed me and kissed my cheek as my ears burned.
"Come on, seriously, Rhea?" Damian asked her, his voice seemingly deeper in his annoyance.
I could feel her nod my head against my ear.
Finn rolled his eyes, used to Rhea's antics at this point in the relationship. "Whatever, lads. We'll just have to have boys nights every night."
"Yeah!" Dominik agreed, sticking his tongue out at us mockingly before he grabbed his bag and walked back down the hallway to his room.
I played along with Rhea's wants and just shrugged at the two remaining boys who looked at us in disbelief. Damian scoffed before grabbing his bag and following suit, Finn right on his heels.
"They'll figure it out, right?" I asked Rhea, looking over my shoulder slightly at her.
"Yeah, probably."
"Good. Let's go down to the beach!" I excitedly told her, fully turning around to face her. 
She grinned at the prospect of me in a bathing suit, laid out in the sun, "Okay."
The boys, having heard we were going down to the beach, decided that while they were still upset, they weren't upset enough to not go down to the beach with us, and now stood sulking outside the bedroom door where I was finishing getting dressed, tying my matching skirt around my waist. 
It was a cute little orange two-piece I had found at a boutique near our house. The top was really just two little triangles of fabric to cover myself but it had come with a matching tied-up skirt and headwrap. And, it was covered in flowers which just made it that much cuter.
I fixed the headwrap, making sure all of my hair was covered without any weird-looking lumps sticking out, and then checked myself over once more in the mirror to make sure I had taken all the tags off and had the suit on correctly. 
Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I opened the door for a mock fashion show for my partners. 
Damian wolf-whistled at me as I did a small spin to show off the flowy skirt. Finn grabbed my hand and had me do another spin, lifting my hand over my head, to the enjoyment of my partners.
"You look so good, mami," Dom practically salivated as he stared at me with heart eyes. 
Rhea looked me up and down, her eyes briefly stopping on my nails before she got back up to my eyes. "You're right, sweetness. Your nails do match your bikini perfectly, good job picking out the color."
I beamed at the compliment and grabbed the edge of my skirt, lifting it slightly as I gave a small curtsey. "Why thank you, baby."
Damian came up to me, gripping my hips as he also checked me out, his eyes eventually landing on mine too, "Can I just say, with this beautiful complexion," he gently stroked his thumb down my cheek, "Orange is definitely your color." He kissed my forehead.
I blushed slightly as I smiled at him in silent thanks. "Okay, guys, let's go. I'm ready for some relaxation!"
"You know who I realized you look like?" Rhea asked me, completely out of the blue.
The two of us were laid out on the towels higher up on the beach while the boys threw each other around in the water, practically waterboarding each other while we watched.
I pulled my gaze from the book I was reading and turned to her, noticing her eyes were still closed underneath her sunglasses as she lay on her back, staring up at the sun. 
"Who?" I asked warily, not sure I would like the comparison.
"Orange Blossom," Rhea cackled.
I stared at her in confusion before it hit me. "From Strawberry Shortcake?!"
Rhea's laugh grew as I sat there in bewilderment before a laugh began to bubble up out of my chest. And then I was bent over laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.
Rhea herself had to sit up she was laughing so hard to keep herself from choking on her own spit.
The boys, having noticed our laughing fit when they looked up for their periodic check-up on us, began making their way up the beach to where we sat.
"What's so funny over here?" Finn asked us.
"She- she said- she said I-," I was laughing so hard I couldn't get a single sentence out. Rhea managed to sober up before I did and repeated what she had told me.
All three of them were sent into fits of laughter, after having to be shown who she was first.
"Don't get me wrong, you look amazing in orange. But, with the flowers I just couldn't not see it," Rhea cackled. 
I wiped away the tears of laughter that had formed in the corners of my eyes. "No, I totally get it. I don't know how I didn't see it before, oh my God."
"You know what? Just for that..." I trailed off and put my book to the side, hopping up and using all the strength in my body to pick Rhea up bridal style.
Her eyes widened as she startled but I had already fully picked her up and started running towards the water. 
"No, no, no, no, no! Y/N! Don't you dare!" She shrieked as we reached the water. I waded out to where the water reached the bottom of my thighs, about a foot below Rhea.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and clung onto me as she kicked her feet. "Oh, you want me to put you down?" I asked sweetly.
Rhea's eyes widened behind her sunglasses, "No-" She was interrupted as Damian came up behind the both of us and pushed up over, both of us toppling over into the water.
We both stood up spluttering as we watched him double over laughing at us, Dom and Finn on the cusp of the shore watching us.
Rhea and I shared a look before teaming up and each grabbing one of Damian's arms, dragging him further out into the water, him completely compliant as he laughed too hard to care what we were doing.
With unspoken communication, simultaneously, I jumped on Damian's back, sending him forward while Rhea yanked on his arms, further pulling him forward into the water.
Since we still weren't super far out into the water yet and I was on top of Damian, while I did hit the water, I luckily didn't go all the way under. Plus, Rhea caught me a little bit before I could.
Damian stood up from the water, the laughter now nowhere in sight as his annoyance was displayed clear as day on his face.
Small bursts of laughter exploded from me and Rhea as we tried to contain them, but the look on his face as water dripped down was too much. Any semblance of control went right out the window when Dom and Finn came up behind Damian and pushed him over into the water again.
Rhea and I clung onto each other for dear life as we laughed so hard we couldn't breathe, the boys keeping our laughter going by giving us a little show of performing wrestling moves on each other as they continued to fight and push each other into the water.
Eventually, this led to us playing chicken, another few feet or so deeper into the ocean. I was on Finn's shoulders with Dominik on Damians while Rhea played ref on the side.
"Go for his stomach, remember he's ticklish," Finn whispered up at me. 
"Got it," I responded, determined to win as I leaned down and we did our little handshake. 
Rhea looked at both groups. "Ready?" She asked Finn and me, to which we both nodded in response. She turned to Dom and Damian. "Ready?" They both nodded.
"On your mark, get set, go!" She shouted, waving her hand like a flag.
Finna and Damian began walking towards each other as Dominik and I both held out our hands for each other. As soon as he was within reach, I began tickling his ribs, watching as he began to squirm atop of Damian, who was struggling to hold him up as he moved. 
As a unit, Finn and I moved in for the kill. I pushed Dom backwards as Finn pushed Damian. They both fell back into the water with a large splash.
Dominik immediately came up out of the water shouting for Rhea, saying that we were cheating. I gave the three of them my most innocent look possible as Rhea looked over at us while we were accused of interference.
"Nothing there was against the rules, Dom Dom. Y/N and Finn won fair and square." She announced.
Dominik was clearly affronted as a look of hurt crossed his features. "Okay, fine." He threw his hands up in surrender. Then, in the blink of an eye, he grabbed Rhea's arm and dunked her into the water.
And let me tell you, Rhea was not happy when she came back up. The two of them got into a splashing match and continuously dragged each other under the water until Damian inevitably broke it up.
Finn bent down and helped me off of his shoulders, trying to not get my head any wetter than it already was, and the five of us walked back to shore together.
Apart from a day or two spent out shopping, the rest of the week was spent like this. Fighting each other in the water, sunbathing, Rhea and me cuddling long into the night while the boys grumbled and complained and cuddled each other in spite.
It was blissful, and the best week of my life. 
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 month
Hi!!!!! Your writings are amazing! I wanted to ask if you would be willing to write a story based off of this last raw.
When Damian saved Rhea from Doms jump trick I thought it was super sweet and got an idea.
Could you possibly write something where Y/N is jumped back stage by Jd Mcdumbass but The terror twins catch them in the process and while Damian chases him off Rhea comforts you and helps tend to the slight injuries, then Damian comes back to also comfort.
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damian priest x reader x rhea ripley (platonic)
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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don’t touch what’s mine
you were the last og member of the judgment day and after the disaster that happened at summerslam, you stood with rhea and damian. they were your family and you didn’t want to leave them behind.
now it was you, rhea and damian against the rest of the team, and liv. words couldn’t explain how much you despised liv morgan, she wanted to be that girl but in your eyes she was just a failure.
so, when rhea told you to stay backstage because she didn’t want you to risk getting injured, you were reluctant but you did as she said.
you were nervously watching rhea destroying on the mic both live and dom, smiling at her confidence and wishing you could be like her. you’ve always admired her, her strength and her big personality, she taught you to be the person you are today and all you’ve accomplished in the past was much thanks to her.
the whole liv and dom segment was pure chaos, both trying to say the most stupid things just to upset rhea.
you laughed when damian appeared behind them. he was pissed as much as rhea was and he had every right to start his attack on dom.
but in less than a few minutes it erupted into complete anarchy. damian starting him match against carlito early and of course - winning. but the judgment day, or at least “the budget day”, how you liked to call them, couldn’t stand to see carlito lose so they began their attack on damian.
rhea came to the rescue, scaring everyone away. but your heart skipped a beat when you saw how easily finn sacrificed jd to save his own face.
“it’s not gonna work out for you finn” you whispered, softly smiling at the screen in front of you.
and while rhea and damian were happily celebrating inside the ring, you left the changing room to wait for them backstage.
your eyes met finn who was visibly upset, and maybe a little embarrassed for how his team just lost. you couldn’t help to smile and think how stupid he was to choose the wrong part of the team but your happiness didn’t last long enough because you fell on the floor when you heard liv attacking you from behind.
“should have stayed in the changing room where mom and dad want to hide you” she smirked before leaving with dom.
she didn’t hurt you that much but when a hand grabbed your hair from behind, yanking your neck even more on the ground, in that moment, you felt pain.
“you choose the wrong people to have on your side” jd smirked while he was still grabbing your hair “you should have listened to finn back at summerslam” he kept saying but you couldn’t really understand what he was saying as you were focus on your pain, his hand lifting you off the ground by your hair, your scalp was probably turning red from the strength he put into it “we could have been your new team y/n but you chose the wrong people” he laughed.
“i still have no idea why you are a part of this group, all you do is suck” he replied back, no fear of what he could have done with you as you were feeling pain from your scalp to your neck and into your shoulders.
you couldn’t see his eyes as he was manhandling you from behind but you could feel his body going rigid, getting even angrier.
“you’re all talk y/n” he said moving his hand from your head to your neck, making you yelp from the pain but you weren’t going to give up “if they care so much about you, why aren’t they here uh? if they love you so much, why are you here all alone? where are they?” he laughed into your ear, forcing his hand on your neck.
“right here dumbass” you heard damian’s voice and jd’s held on your neck got limp, as if he was scared of what damian might have done to him.
before he could get away with it, rhea attacked him from behind, making him fall on the ground “don’t fucking touch what’s mine ever again" she spat out, making him shiver.
damian grabbed him from the neck, just like how he had grabbed you earlier while rhea went to check up on you.
“let’s go mcdumb” damian called him making you chuckle. rhea took you to the changing room while damian continued his attack on jd “mom didn’t teach you that you shouldn’t hit a girl?” now jd was scared because he knew damian was bigger and stronger than him “but you touched my girl…someone who was a friend of yours before you turned your back on her too and i won’t allow you to hurt her again, clear?” he screamed in his face, making him shiver.
dom, liv, finn and carlito where nowhere to be seen so jd was all alone with priest until someone heart the screams from the corridor.
“was i clear?” damian screamed again, holding him up from his neck and making him fighting for his life.
“priest let him go” punk screamed watching the scene.
“i’m not letting him go before he apologises to y/n! he fucking hurt her! let me repeat this again dumbass, you touch her one more time and you and your little team are fucking dead, clear?” damian shouted, waiting for jd to nod his head before letting him go “coward” he whispered before reaching for the changing room where rhea took you.
punk took one last look at jd, sensing how scared he was “better not to mess up with the judgment day, and especially with y/n…just an advice from an old man” he smirked before leaving.
in the meantime you were checking yourself in the mirror while rhea grabbed some ice for you.
“it’s gonna turn purple” she whispered gently laying the ice on your skin.
“y/n, what were you doing outside of the changing room?” she wasn’t mad, she couldn’t get mad at you, you were like a sister to her but she constantly worried for you and seeing you being attacked by jd made her blood boil.
“i wanted to welcomed you after damian’s win…i wasn’t expecting them to being so mean…” you whispered.
rhea’s heart melted when she heard that you risked it all just for them “angel…that’s so sweet of you but don’t put your health at risk again because of us okay?” she softly smiled at you.
“no buts please…one thing is you going outside because you have a match, one thing is you risking your own safety because of them, and i don’t wanna risk it, please…”
you knew you couldn’t say no when she asked so nicely so you nodded.
damian joined you two back in the room and he brought something cold to drink for you “it should help…” he smiled “are you okay mariposa?”
“yeah…it’s just…it’s gonna hurt for a while…”
“your neck?” damian asked.
“my head, my neck, my shoulders…everything, i still have to get used to them being against us you know” you chuckled, wiping some tears from your face “but i’m glad you’re still here…it sucks getting affectionate to someone just to see them go” you didn’t want to cry, especially after seeing them winning on stage.
damian’s face soften at your words. he knew how important was the judgment day for you so he understood how much you’ve been suffering the past two weeks “we ain’t going nowhere mariposa and that’s a promise…”
“we will always be here y/n…we ain’t leaving you sweetheart” rhea smiled making you laugh “and it’s okay to feel betrayed, we feel it too, but please don’t keep everything inside okay? if you need to talk about it or to cry, we are here for you…”
you were glad rhea and damian were still by your side.
“okay…it just…i wished they weren’t so dumb to throw everything away but it will pass…thanks for being here” you wiped more tears away but your hand was gently replaced with damian’s one.
he was gently stroking your cheek “i promise you that we’ll never leave, but as rhea said, if something bothers you, let it out okay?”
“i will, i promise…but next monday i wanna kick jd’s ass with you guys, please…it will make me feel better”
“oh don’t use this method on me love” rhea joked, knowing she couldn’t say no when you said that something was making you feel good “but we will let you on stage with us, right damian?”
“absolutely, and i will help you kick his ass” he laughed.
“can we go back to the hotel room now? i feel like i need a hot shower and at least ten hours of sleep” you asked making them chuckle.
“let’s go princess…i’ll help ya to put some lotion of your neck and shoulders after you’re all clean…” rhea smiled.
“yes please…i feel like my whole body is on fire right now…” you said, your hand moving to massage your neck.
“we will take care of you i promise” damian smiled “and then i’ll take care of jd dumb fucking ass” he whispered only for rhea to hear.
you didn’t know what to expect but while you were in the shower, relaxing yourself, you heard some noises coming from the corridor.
you heard jd screaming apologies for you, making you laugh. knowing that rhea and damian were behind all of this, you relaxed a little more, knowing that no matter what happened, you would always have each other’s backs.
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riptideripley · 10 months
gif creds: @rhea-ripley
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summary:She’s a bit more..handsy.
slight hand kink,gagging as well
wrd count:907
It was a casual night out for you,your girlfriend,and the judgment day family. Every Wednesday you all go out for dinner as a way to bond and relax outside of work. Something was different in Rhea tonight,she seemed a bit more..handsy. Constantly squeezing your thighs,slipping her hand up your dress just to remove it after a few squeezes,and her favorite squeezing your ass while they weren’t looking. Dominik caught her touches a few times but chose to ignore it,making you very happy that he did.
“Yeah and I told Jey the same thing we told Drew,only one of them listen t- Rhea,ya listening?” Finn questioned her snapping her out of her zoned out aroused state. “Hm? Yeah i’m listening,Drew listening to the both of us was a good idea” she said,shooting him a soft smile as she sipped on the wine she chose. You and Dominik shot each other a quick look,making the both of you giggle. “Aye whats so funny..” Damian asked,nudging Dominik in the chest. “Hey take it easy..it’s nothing” Dominik responded,making everyone laugh. “It is getting pretty late..me and (your name) are gonna head out,i’ll talk to y’all tomorrow for a gym session?” she spoke in a slightly quickened tone,glancing between Finn and Damian. “Yeah sure! 7:30 sharp tho” Finn told her,flashing his cheeky smile. She smiled back in return,shooting Damian a wink that made him chuckle. In return,you did the same to Dominik. He only smiled and continued eating his chicken tenders.
As soon as you two got into the apartment,clothes were flying off. Giving both of her dogs a small light caress and a treat,she carried you upstairs to her room. As she placed you down onto the bed,she bent down to retrieve her favorite toy..a vibrator. You watched her carefully,giving her a playful smack on her rear that made her chuckle. “You really are a tease huh? wearing that tight black dress tonight..” she spoke,her tone low and tempting. Her soft girthy hands slipping up your dress,hiking it up along the way. The sensation of her cold rings along her fingers only messed with your senses more,earning a small gasp from you as you watched her silently.
Rhea only chuckled at this,slipping your soaked panties off of you. You were so distracted and turned on by her hands you didn’t even realize she had turned the vibrator on,pressing it directly against your clit. You let out a soft gasp,instantly biting onto your hand to stifle any other sounds. She only gave you a sadistic smile,moving your hand. “Since you love them so much..try these puppy” she spoke in a deep nonchalant tone,slipping her fingers into your mouth. “Suck.” she spat out,eyes pierced on you. You obeyed,swirling your tongue all around them. The taste of cold metal from her rings,and of course the taste of your slick heat,filled your mouth instantly. She only stared at you,feeling deeply aroused at your state.
Slowly,she moved the vibrator in a circle earning a sweet muffled moan from your lips. She smiled,pressing a kiss against your forehead as she slowly shoved her fingers deeper into your mouth. Naturally you gagged around them,but it didn’t stop you from enjoying it. Rhea chuckled and unbuckled her belt using her one free hand,strapping it around your waist to hold the vibrator in place on your clit. You arched your back slightly,moaning around her fingers. She slyly slipped her fingers inside of you,curling them to hit that one spot you adored. You arched completely off the bed,your mouth falling open letting muffled gagged moans out. She only smiled and shoved her fingers deeper every time you moaned to shut you up.
15 minutes go by,3 orgasms yet she wasn’t done till she had 4. “Cmon puppy..i know you can give mami one more,can’t you?” she spoke in a pleading yet sadistic tone,fake pouting. You could only faintly nod and squirm,signaling your approaching orgasm. She smiled and curled her fingers more,pressing the pads of her ring and middle finger against your tongue. Quickly as if on command,you let out a slightly loud whine as you released making your legs shake. She slowed down her fingers helped you ride out your orgasm,once finished she unbuckled the belt and turned the vibrator off. She threw it onto the nightstand and removed her fingers from your mouth,smiling. “That’s all I wanted to do..for now at least” she said as she checked her phone for the time. It’s around 11:30 at night and she knew she had to be up early,so she helped you slip into some pajamas and wiped up your drool covered face.
She slipped into the bed next to you once changed into a tank top and shorts(the gray ones we all have seen),kissing your shoulder gently. “Maybe we can have some..morning shower sex” she whispered softly,planting a soft kiss on your lips as she smiled. You giggled at this and kissed her temple,”Maybe we can..until then it exhausted” You spoke yawning,feeling her warmth from her face as she slips her way into your neck.
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judgementdayslittle · 4 months
How The Judgement Day treat Little!Reader who had a bad caregiver before them
In the past I had a kind of sort of caregiver who didn't treat me very well. So this is very therapeutic for me! I hope it's the same for y'all ❤️
-When TJD found out you were a little, they were nothing but supportive!
-You were happy to have new caregivers, but you were also still healing from how you were treated before.
-When you were little, you kept for distance for a while. Afraid that maybe they didn't want to deal with a little right now.
-Even if Dom is little, you figure that means it'll be a bother to them to deal with another little.
-It didn't take long for your caregivers to notice you were acting distant. So they tried to ease you into trusting them.
-The group decided Rhea should warm you up first since she's the least scary looking one of the three
-It starts with Mami offering you snacks and drinks.
-"Mami noticed you haven't been eating much lately. Are there any particular snacks that you like?"
-It takes a little bit, but eventually you start eating. It starts with snacks left at your bedroom door. Then slowly, you eat at the table, with just her for now.
-Slowly Dom joins in too. You two start playing together when your both in little space.
-Next Finn slowly joined in on the play sessions. The silly voices he makes with the toys makes little you laugh. Thus you start to get closer to him as well.
-Finally, there's Damian.
-His stature and deep voice make him seem a little bit scary. No matter how many times Dom tells you about how great of a papi he is.
-It takes a little more of a push to get close to him. Mami and Dada suggest you guys help him cook dinner.
-You're a little scared at first. Shaking in your little baby boots even. What if you mess up and he yells at you?
-You're so shaken that you accidentally drop some eggs on the floor.
-Horrified, you start tearing up, apologizing over and over again.
-But there was no yelling, no shouting.
-Instead Damian ruffled your hair.
-"It's alright, it was just an accident. You're okay."
-That just sets off all the water works.
-All the caregivers freak out and keep reassuring you everything's alright. Which just makes you cry more.
-You're then brought to the couch by Mami, followed by Finn, Damian, and a waddling Dom.
-Cuddle puddle time!
-Once you calm down, you explain why you were crying.
-How your past caregiver wasn't good. How they would force you to either be big at times, or to go hide in your bedroom when they didn't want to deal with you being little. How they got mad at you for little mistakes.
-They knew that your last caregiver was bad, but they didn't know it was that bad.
-They promised you that they would always want you around. That you will never be a burden to them, and how You're allowed to make mistakes.
-You start tearing up again, and the cuddle puddle continues!
-In the end, all five of you grow closer for this. And now you have the best caregivers a baby could ask for!
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mamisfavmosher · 4 months
Hi can you write poly judgement day x alt s/o where they got to a haunted house together and they have fun until she gets hit on by scare actors and they get possessive and she has to tell them she’s only there’s please and ps love your poly fics sm 💕
y'all this is so overdue, i'm so sorry
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four haunts // poly!judgment day x fem!alt!reader
warnings: language, kinda gory scene?, haunted house with scare actors
Also, JD McDonagh is not in this... NOT PROOFREAD
Readers POV
Not too long ago, Dominik had discovered some type of year long haunted house and wanted to go, so on our day off we decided to head over and see how it went. When we pulled up to the attraction, it wasn't too busy, maybe two or three other cars beside ours. We all piled out of Rhea's truck and began walking toward the entrance, excited to see if it would actually be scary or not. "This better be good, Dom," Rhea sighed out with a small chuckle, throwing her keys in her bag before hooking an arm around Dom's neck. "Since you made me drive 40 minutes to get here." "It's gonna be great, don't worry, Mami." Dom responded back before looking at the worn down attraction with apprehension. "...I think." I let out a laugh and started running toward the entrance of the house, excited to see what was inside. "C'mon, guys!" I called back to them before stepping into the house. "Babygirl, slow down!" I heard Damian yell out to me, but I was already inside the house, walking down a hallway.
I smiled as I felt my fear and adrenaline begin to pump through my veins. The house seemed to be pretty spooky so far with fake blood splattered on the walls, creaky floorboards, flickering lights, and gross odors wafting through the air. My four partners filed in through the door before catching up with me.
"Let's start with this room." Finn said before grabbing my hand and leading me into the first room on our left. It seemed to be decorated as some type of surgical room. As soon as we were all in the room, the door shut behind us. "Uh... what's going on?" I asked the rest of them quietly, waiting for some type of jump scare.
"No idea, but this place is wack-" Dom cut himself off by his own scream as someone in a creepy surgeon costume jumped out at him. The rest of us jumped a bit as well before cackling a bit at Dom's scream. "Nice one, Dom Dom." Damian chuckled out and ruffled Dom's hair a bit. All of a sudden, the creepy surgeon started coming towards me, reaching out a hand like he was going to touch me. I didn't freak out, though. It was one of the rules posted out front that the actors wouldn't touch you. Till he did. Then I started freaking out a bit.
"Hey, cut it out! I thought they weren't allowed to touch us!" I said with annoyance while slapping his hand off of me.
"Get the hell away from her!" Rhea moved to stand next to me, putting her arm out in front of me as a form of protection against the scare actor. He silently put his hands up in surrender before creeping back into the closet he popped out of. The door to the room opened back up and we quickly filed out to visit a different room. "If any of those creeps try something again, we're leaving." Rhea said in a strict tone, leaving no room for arguments.
The next room we entered was a dining room, a gross, rotting feast displayed on top of the table. Finn let out a quiet gagging noise before we proceeded further into the room.
"Take a seat!" Yelled out a scare actor who was dressed as a half-dead butler. We all hesitated for a moment before begrudgingly sitting down at the disgusting table. A crazed looking chef walked through the entrance to the room straight over to me. As soon as I looked up at him, I could tell it was the same scare actor that played the creepy surgeon. He beelined over to me and immediately put his hands on my chair to try and scoot me in further before he brought his hands up to rest on my shoulders.
"Man, you're not gonna keep doing this!" Damian said angrily as he stood up from the chair beside me. The scare actor quickly backed off a bit, but took a step closer to me and dropped a napkin in front of me before walking back out the door.
I cautiously picked up the napkin to inspect it, immediately spotting a phone number written on it in fake blood. I threw it off into the center of the table in disgust and Dom picked it up to look at it, Rhea and Finn peering over his shoulders.
"Oh hell no!" Rhea said in a furious tone, standing up from her chair and beginning to march out of the room.
"Rhea, wait!" I called out, running after her, but Damian pulled me back and ran after Rhea himself, no doubt having the same intentions as her.
Rhea and Damian stormed after the scare actor as he rushed down the hall. They both yelled a few threats out to him before Finn, Dom, and I caught up to them, pulling them back towards us.
"Let's get out of here before these two rip that dude to shreds." Finn said while grabbing both Rhea and Damian by their elbows and dragging them towards the front door. We quickly made it outside of the haunted house and we forced the two furious, raging members of the Judgment Day back into Rhea's truck.
"Guys, just calm down... it's fine. Really." I said in a soft voice in hopes of them calming down just a bit. They were fired up and angry.
"Baby, if you think for a second that we're not gonna put up a fight when some creep tries to give you his number, then I'm sorry, honey, but you're dead wrong." Damian muttered under breath, practically fuming in the passenger seat.
"I'm not saying I don't appreciate you defending me, but maybe you guys shouldn't go around threatening people's lives?" I questioned with a small smile, reaching my hands out to gently rest on their shoulders.
"Sweetheart, it's kinda our job. We gotta make sure you're safe and protected at all times." Rhea countered back with a smirk. I let out a sigh and playfully shook my head at their mutterings.
"Whatever. I love you guys. Thanks for keeping me safe and protected." I laughed a bit and relaxed into the back seats of the truck while Rhea drove us home, Dom and Finn on either side of me keeping a protective hand on me the whole way.
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