#finncorrect quotes
magicmalcolm · 5 months
Sami Zayn, texting Finn whilst he's home in Ireland: "I JUST THOUGHT OF THE CUTEST CAT NAME"
Sami: "JIPPI"
Finn Bálor, smiling to himself: "It's 12:30 am for him and this is what he's thinking about."
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magicmalcolm · 5 months
Finn Bálor: "Time for a coffee break, let's meet back here after fifteen."
Finn: "…to specify, Sami, I meant after 'fifteen minutes'. Do not drink fifteen coffees."
Sami Zayn, wide-eyed and vibrating: "Too late!"
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magicmalcolm · 10 months
Sami Zayn: "Finn slipped on some ice this morning. Landed right on his butt."
Carmella: "Oh my God! Is the ground okay?"
Finn Bálor: 😠
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magicmalcolm · 7 months
Sami Zayn: "You know, my Aunt is almost Irish."
Finn Bálor: "...'almost' Irish?"
Sami: "Yeah, her name is 'Iris'."
Finn: 🤦‍♂️
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magicmalcolm · 10 months
Finn Bálor: "The Christmas Tree we replanted from last year is wilting a bit, so I put some solar powered lights around it."
Sami Zayn: "He's trying to spruce it up a little."
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
Finn Bálor: "Sami, you can't just sit here in the dark listening to your music."
Sami Zayn: "I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off the stereo."
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
Finn Bálor: "You know what it's like when you drink coffee and can't sleep?"
Sami Zayn: "Oh, I'm the total opposite."
Finn: "Really?"
Sami: "Yeah, when I'm asleep I can't drink coffee."
Finn: 🤦
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magicmalcolm · 9 months
Finn Bálor: "I know you're salty about us beating you all the time, but you're not the kind to hold a grudge over something like that."
Sami Zayn: "You're free to think that."
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
Finn Bálor: "Where's the cat?"
Sami Zayn: "She doesn't respond to that."
Finn: "…I'm not saying it."
Sami: "Then I'm not telling you."
Finn: "OK, where is Her Majesty, Empress Clawdia?"
Sami, turning the recliner chair around: "On her throne."
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
Finn Bálor: "This candle isn't really putting me in the mood like I thought it would."
Sami Zayn: "So it's more of a can't-dle then?"
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
Finn Bálor, texting Sami: "hey, i'm stopping by timmy's before i pick you up this morning. want anything?"
Sami Zayn, texting back: "Ah yes, Breakfast At Timothy's."
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
Sami Zayn, out hiking in Canada: "There's a cool rock out here."
Finn Balor, back in Florida: "i'd kinda like a cool rock. 😊"
Sami: "We don't need it."
Finn: "i'd like it though."
Sami: "We don't have space at home to put it in."
Finn: "maybe you don't want to make space. i still want that rock."
Sami: "You don't even know what it looks like!"
Finn: "i'll never know if you don't take it back for me! 😢"
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
Sami Zayn: "You're not going to eat that entire bag of lentil chips, are you?"
Finn Bálor: "Of course not!"
Sami: "Oh, okay, that's good..."
Finn: "I dropped one on the floor, so obviously I'm not eating that one."
Sami: 🤦
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
Sami Zayn, messaging Finn: "Hey babe, I met a guy today, He was really handsome and I think I'm in love with him. His name is Rodger."
Finn Bálor, messaging Sami back: "show me the cat."
*Finn spends the next five minutes "aww'ing" over the picture of the cat*
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
Finn Bálor: "Sami's body really is the perfect size, shape and soft-to-firmness ratio to provide the optimal cuddling experience."
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
Finn Bálor: "Poetry is a gift to the Irish from the gods themselves."
Finn: "Yeats, Wilde, Joyce…"
Sami Zayn: "…Bono."
Finn: "Don't push your luck."
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