adriart · 2 years
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here’s my submission for @finngualart‘s @ofmdcoloringevent! i had so much fun doing this!
i fell in love with the way you do lines so i actually learned something from this as well <3
thanks so much for organizing this <3
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Decided to try my hand at the @ofmdcoloringevent, thanks to @finngualart for the beautiful lineart 💜
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smeerp · 2 years
Sending my thanks to @finngualart for this perfectly timed colouring contest! It was just what I needed to start digital painting again, so much fun to do.
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so in January, @finngualart made this awesome lineart and shared it with the fandom as a coloring challenge. the deadline was end of January 🤣 I really wanted to finish it in time, but I was off my meds and had too hard of a time focusing on anything. so even though the challenge is long over, I still decided to share my final result now that I finished.
I learned so much from this! I'm mostly new to colors, coloring pencils and all that, but this challenge allowed me to try different things. I would do a lot of it differently now that I know, but still I'm proud of this end result.
Thank you @finngualart for this fun challenge!
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saccharineclouds · 2 years
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here’s my submission for @finngualart ‘s contest! I had a lot of fun listening to ofmd playlists while colouring the boys~
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samuelroukin · 11 months
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gaat ie? ;)))
normale woensdagochtend 😩
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lupismaris · 10 months
22 and 47 for spotify wrapped :)
Ahhh hi Friend!!! 💕💕
#22 I Know by Shovels and Rope
#47 Hammers and Nails by The Bones of J.R. Jones (I think you're gonna love him!!!)
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queer-crusader · 10 months
no. 17 on your spotify wrapped top 100 pls :)
Behold! (Funnily enough I always forget what this even is until I hear it)
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klngfili · 10 months
88 and 47 for spotify wrapped :)
47: Finding You - Kesha
88: Shrike - Hozier
tysm :)
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avuck · 1 year
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I found @ofmdcoloringevent yesterday and had to partake, even if I am super late to the party. I've never done something like this before but it was super fun!
Lineart by @finngualart of course ♡
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do-you-have-a-flag · 2 years
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i just wanted to do something fun with the colours using @finngualart​ lineart!
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nohtora · 7 months
guess who i met todayyyy :D
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i was so nervous bc i'm not really the type to do this but he was so sweet :'))) cheers to him for stopping at stage door in 38°c (100°f) weather for me !! ( rum+ass print by finngualart ofc <3 )
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cufeilidh · 2 years
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I'm just in the process of learning to do digital art on an ancient tiny tablet, so I literally printed this out to color with markers and pencil crayons as a fun coffee time activity
The lineart isn't mine!! It's @finngualart 's!!
They posted it for a coloring contest and I happily took them up on it! (Thank you!!)
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korirambles · 2 years
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I saw @finngualart was doing a coloring contest and thought heck yeah that looks so much fun and I was right it was! The line art was so much fun to color even though I���m getting it in just under the wire it was an absolute blast!
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
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I know I’m a bit late but I recently got some coloring pencils and thought I’d do @finngualart’s @ofmdcoloringevent
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by the way this is terrible picture quality but this is what I ended up doing with my wall last week. I still have to stick everything down more securely and I might make a few adjustments but I'm pretty satisfied.
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I even made a shitty gallery guide:
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1. Pictures of me with the 4 core members of Darlingside 2. Picture of me with Aaron Tveit 3.-4.   Carousel animal ornaments from the Smithsonian 5.-9.   Photo collages with my college friends 10.-12. Drawings of Les Amis de l'ABC as pigeons by me 13. Portrait of Victor Hugo by Alphonse Legros (Harvard Art Museums) 14.-15. Winnie-the-Pooh pencil drawings by E.H. Shepard (Victoria & Albert Museum) 16. Isabella Stewart Gardner museum, photo by Clements & Howcroft 17. Etching from Carceri d'invenzione (Imaginary Prisons) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (British Library) 18. Cantica de Medicina by Avicenna (Boston Medical Library/Center for the History of Medicine) 19. Vanitas Still Life by Herman Henstenburgh (Morgan Library & Museum) 20. Mystique by Amy Brown 21. Art by Ulla Thynell 22. Medea by William Wetmore Story (MFA Boston) 23. Rockets and Blue Lights (Close at Hand) to Warn Steamboats of Shoal Water by JMW Turner (Clark Art Institute/MFA Boston) 24. Twilight by George Inness (Williams College Museum of Art) 25. Path to Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich (Nicholas Roerich Museum) 26. Star of the Hero by Nicholas Roerich 27. Palden Lhamo by Nicholas Roerich 28. First Touch (redraw of a still from Pride and Prejudice (2005)) by Kalogh on redbubble 29.-43. Art by @ullathynell (bought from artist's website, but she also has society6) 44. A Thousand Cranes (left screen) by Kayama Matazo (National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo) 45. Art of northern flicker by Sarah Martinez 46. Bird art by me 47. Cover design for Bury the Lede by Dora Lariat by me 48. "ex libris" book plates from my college English department 49. Ship with seven men, net and gull by Alfred Wallis (Kettle's Yard, Cambridge) 50. Farewell by @riisinaakka-draws 51. Piece of eight necklace 52. "Know no shame" inscription from Black Sails 53. Book of adventures by dandingeroz on redbubble 54. Farewell and Good Riddance to Skeleton Island by riisinaakka 55. The Walrus at Night by riisinaakka 56. The map from Treasure Island 57. Hush by @finngualart (SaskiaDeKorte) 58. Returned to the Sea by SaskiaDeKorte 59. Flint coloring page by SaskiaDeKorte, colored by me 60. Madi by riisinaakka 61. Longing by riisinaakka 62. Watercolour raven by SaskiaDeKorte
And (doll tw) here's a "before" shot from a while back (I'd changed the curtain and taken down the mirror in between)
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