#finnreylo fanfiction
southsidestory · 7 years
Star Wars Fic Master Post
Mostly Reylo, but there’s some genfic and FinnReylo in here too!
1/1 Complete
Rating: Teen
Ship: Reylo (platonic only)
Summary: Ben has heard the tales of Anakin since he was a child, and the stories have always fascinated him. He envies the power the man wielded, so great that it inspired the fear of a whole galaxy. He’s never been able to decide whether it was strength or weakness that led his grandfather to betray the emperor, but he hopes that someday he’s as widely remembered as Darth Vader.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: True need hurts in the pit of your stomach, a hollowness begging to be filled. Rey remembers that feeling as well as her own name, because hunger was her constant companion for fifteen years, the closest thing to a friend that she knew.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Rey has been waiting for so long to be wanted by whoever left her behind that the idea of turning him away is unfathomable.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: As soon as it’s over, Kylo is reminded of what this is between himself and Rey. And more importantly, what it’s not.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Ben Solo has just turned fifteen when his uncle adopts a brat of a girl named Rey. She’s thirteen, with bitten off nails, scabby knees, and chestnut hair that she wears pulled up into three messy buns. She carries a pilot doll wherever she goes, and she’s just scrawny enough for it to be concerning.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: She can’t leave him—this clever, charming young man who’s been marked for great things—to rot here on a backwater planet, enslaved and used.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Finnreylo
Summary: This bed is a safe haven, a place of peace in the middle of a war. It smells like the men who belong to Rey, and she loves lying here, tangled up in a three-sided embrace with her partners.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Teen
Ship: Reylo
Summary: This is the Force, Rey knows, trying to draw her to Kylo Ren, but she doesn’t care about whatever greater purpose a higher power has in store for them. She hates this man, and she despises any connection they have, no matter how divine its origin. (Or: the Force ruins Rey’s first vacation.)
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Ben—her faceless friend, the boy she’s been admiring across a thousand miles—finally shared a photo of himself. He’s striking and handsome, beautiful in an odd, vulnerable way. And Rey recognizes him, because Ben is the spitting image of the camboy she’s been getting off to for the last six months.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Teen
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Rey’s new GED instructor is a college student who introduces himself as Ben. He’s tall and broad-shouldered with huge, jittery hands and prominent ears that he’s unsuccessfully trying to hide under a mop of pretty hair. He’s hot, in a stuck-up rich boy kind of way, and he looks to be about Rey’s age. Then again, maybe she’s so desperate to feel less alone that any half-decent man would seem appealing.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Leia and Han tie the knot after thirty years of avoiding it, much to their son’s displeasure. Rey was tasked with guarding the bride, but somehow she ends up drinking wine with Senator Ben Organa instead.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Teen
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Red, Kylo thinks. She’d been missing red, before this moment. It fills him with more pride than it should, because red is the color of passion, provocation, and fury. He’s always heard that the red-blind are a cold sort. Pragmatic and patient above all else, until they meet the one who will drive them to take risks, to indulge their impulses, to choose selfishly instead of wisely. This is what he’s meant to bring her: the kind of love that burns.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Teen
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Kylo Ren is masked and menacing, his aura cold and tumultuous, a dark storm in the Force. Maybe she should be intimidated by this black-clad creature with no face, but she isn’t.
1/1 Complete
Rating: Teen
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Rey, that’s her name, but Kylo can barely bring himself to think it. It’s more comfortable to consider her in less personal terms: the scavenger, the girl.
3/10 Active WIP
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: For a moment—just a moment—Rey allows herself to imagine a world outside of Jakku. A far away place, green and beautiful, where she could be free.
5/5 Complete
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Epilogue
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: "You need a teacher.“ Rey often recalls Kylo Ren’s words. When she has to beg Luke Skywalker to train her, she thinks she shouldn’t have to fight for this, and remembers her enemy’s impassioned declaration in the middle of their battle on Starkiller. How eager he was to show her the ways of the Force.
2/5 Active WIP
Chapters: 1 | 2
Rating: Mature
Ship: Finnreylo
Summary: Finn brings out the best in Rey, her kindness and compassion, and he makes her happy. And Rey, she seems to soothe Finn, to make him laugh, where Kylo only ever manages to anger or frighten him. If he was a less selfish creature he could find some solace in the good they bring each other, but Ben has always been too consumed with his own wants to achieve any measure of peace.
3/? Tabled WIP
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: He’s unguarded, defenseless, and if Rey reads his mind right now she’ll find everything she’s looking for in an instant. Maybe he brings out more than darkness in her, because something like compassion keeps her from doing it.
2/3 Tabled WIP
Chapters: 1 | 2
Rating: Mature
Ship: Reylo
Summary: Rey’s plan is simple. She’ll learn from Kylo Ren, and she’ll do what has to be done to gain his trust, until she gets what she needs from him: information on her family. Who her parents are, whether they’re alive or dead, and where to find them. Then she’ll leave. How, exactly, Rey isn’t certain, but she has time to figure that out.
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jesssssah · 5 years
Storm (WIP) - Masterpost
Tumblr media
Explicit (MCD and NSFW although neither of these are in every chapter and the chapters containing these are marked)
FinnReylo, Finnlo, Reylo, FinnRey (FinnReylo and FinnRey are platonic) ReyRose
Trigger warnings:
Gore (references to blood and injuries inflicted by a knife), MCD (Dark!Rey)
This is a TROS-era, fix-it-style, canon-divergent story.
**TROS SPOILERS follow**
The story begins with Finn and redeemed Kylo Ren/Ben Solo killing Dark!Rey with the Sith dagger found on Passana. Kylo/Ben and Finn - who don’t know each other very well yet, although they are aware of each other and have been since before Finn defected from the First Order and joined the Resistance - follow a ritual that Rey has studied in the Jedi texts; she foresaw her path to the Darkness and a way to return herself to the Light.
The body of this story tells of how Force-ghost Mistress!Rey seeks revenge on Emperor Palpatine, who has manipulated her as he manipulated Kylo/Ben, and ultimately defeats him. And of how, through her training of two apprentices along the way - Kylo/Ben, who’s training is still incomplete, and Finn, who’s training is yet to begin - her friends are instrumental in that journey; in the end the trio defeat the Emperor, restore peace to the galaxy and bring balance back to the Force.
No surprises! It's HEA!
Before notes:
In this story Ben Solo lives, Finn is Force-sensitive and Rey is not a Palpatine.
This work is tagged NSFW but I will mark the chapters and the ships so you can avoid if needed because smut is not in every chapter and nor is every ship.
The MCD in this story is marked at the start of those chapters.
At no point does Ben Solo die in this story although Kylo Ren’s death is referred to and there is a journey throughout the story around those ideas. Feel free to ask questions if you’re not sure about whether you want to read or not based on that; happy to clear that up just don't want to spoil too much! But this story is written based on the idea that Kylo Ren and Ben Solo are personas of the same person, and are inextricably intertwined. So the idea that Kylo dies in this story is not actually possible. So just trust me on this one, I’m looking after them both. It’s a fix-it, after all! <3
This is a multi-ship work. No apologies. Please don't interact if you don't like that. There are lots of mono-ship fics to read if you'd prefer and that's fine. <3
I hope you enjoy the story! I like to write short chapters (500-1000 words) so the reads are short and the updates frequent.
Read the first seven chapters here on AO3.
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politicalmamaduck · 5 years
Hi!! Can you recommend any good Reylo murder mystery fics, please? Thank you!! 💖
Hello @flyingfalconflower12 and thank you so much for the ask!
I don’t know of any specifically Reylo murder mystery fics off the top of my head (I’m thinking something along the lines of like a Clue movie AU?! That would be awesome), but I will definitely plug the upcoming @reylofanfictionanthology, Amid Secrets and Monsters, as many of the fics will have definite murder and mysterious themes. The Anthology will be revealed on October 1! You can see here for the daily Mystery Moodboards corresponding to each fic.
Additionally, @leofgyth and @flypaper-brain write a Finnreylo murder AU, if you’re into that ship! You can find those fics on AO3 here.
I’m so sorry I couldn’t be of more specific help, but I hope you find some awesome fics and definitely please let me know of them! I’m sending lots of love and happy reading your way!
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grlie-girl · 8 years
Finnreylo Fic Rec
If we could change fate by fyora 
Rey considered it a curse, and hoped that the fact that she was seventeen with no words blazing a path across her skin meant that she would never have to feel the pain of knowing her soulmate only upon her or their death.
It was a cruel, absolutely cruel world, in which sentients would only ever know true happiness, with the knowledge that the partner they'd been with for years and years perhaps... that they would only ever know that the other was their soulmate upon either of their deaths.
But no. No, she wasn't lucky enough to get none.
Instead, she received two burning marks upon her forearms.
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queenofcarrots · 6 years
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun] 
Thank you @lilithenaltum for tagging me!
ed. I just picked five
1. Finnreylo (Rey x Finn x Kylo) [also 6]
2. Finnlo (Finn x Kylo) [also 7]
3. Reylo (Rey x Kylo) [also 8]
4. FinnRosePoe (Finn x Rose x Poe) [also 9]
5. Tasertricks (Loki x Darcy Lewis) [also 10]
Now answer the questions so your followers can learn a bit more about your ships
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6?
[Finnreylo] I always loved the dynamic among those three coming out of TFA, it was probably the lightsaber duel on Starkiller that did it to me.
What’s your favourite fanfiction for 4? 
[Finnrosepoe] I don’t actually know if there is FinnRosePoe on their own, they are usually background in Reylo fics. That said I love them in Let’s Get Together
What’s your favourite fan art/picture for 2?
[Finnlo] TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. I cannot possibly pick just one. 
What’s your favourite headcanon for 1? 
[Finnreylo] They are all broken/damaged in different ways, and they support each other completely and just love each other so much, they are able to work through everything life throws at them even when it’s really hard.
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? 
[Finnlo] (Fanon, not canon): They’re both so soft, and Finn is supportive, and Kylo just worships the ground Finn walks on. 
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? 
[Finnrose poe] Those kids giggle all the time all the time whether they are having sex or not.
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry? 
Kylo and Finn, both by themselves and within the context of Finnreylo
Which ship has the strongest bond?
Reylo, they have a literal Force bond in canon.
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about?
Finnreylo, she is the queen of ships and I love her the best.
Which one was your first ship? 
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen?
[Finnreylo] It would happen because Kylo was being a butt. He would leave and Rey and Finn would stay together but they would be miserable without him.
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse?
LOL the way I’ve done this, they are both Reylo. 
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why?
[Finnlo] In canon they do, because of the whole “Supreme Leader being with the lowly Stormtrooper” problem.
What is 9′s favourite date to go on? 
[FinnRosePoe] Disney World!
What’s your favourite canon moment between 10? 
[Tasertricks] They literally never meet in canon, talk about a lost opportunity
What do 5 argue most about?
[Tasertricks] Loki wants to be naughty and Darcy has to hold him back
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? 
Finnreylo it’s not even particularly close
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? 
[Finnreylo] D/s, Kylo is a big ol’ sub and Finn and Rey take turns domming him.
Do 8 want children?
[Reylo] Absolutely.
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather became canon? 
Tasertricks vs. FinnRosePoe, I choose Tasertricks
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? 
They are all over each other all the time and everybody thinks it’s cute.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?
Finnreylo and Finnlo, I think.
How would the proposal between 5 go?
[Tasertricks] Loki would propose and Darcy would think he was joking and she’d get annoyed, and then he’d be sad because she’s not taking him seriously, but it would work out in the end.
Who cooks more often in 3? 
[Reylo] Kylo, definitely. I don’t think Rey can cook at all, and she’s not picky, so when she does cook it’s not really good.
I’m tagging @lovethemfiercely and @valsansretour and @gamebird and @doing-talking and @skiplo-wave and @toxiclightsabr - no pressure!!
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southsidestory · 7 years
How Long is Forever? Chapter 2
Rating: Mature
Ships: finnrey, reylo, finnlo, finnreylo
Notes: Many thanks to @xxlovendreamsxx and @reylotrashcompactor for their constant support and beta work on my stories. You ladies are my inspiration!
The quote featured in this chapter is by Erin Van Vuren.
Chapters: 1
They’re always coming and going. And you’re always answering the door. Maybe you enjoy abandonment a little bit. After all, it’s all you’ve ever known. And there’s a comfort in repetition.
Rey stops sparring with Kylo, and when the general tries to pair them together for a mission, she refuses to work with him. Finn heard from three different people about what happened in the technos’ bay, so he doesn’t have to ask why she’s avoiding her—friend? Ally? (It’s hard to pin down Rey’s relationship with Kylo, because she’s never very keen to discuss it.) His wife is too good, too true, to ever be unfaithful, so she’s doing her best to remove herself from temptation’s way.
Things go back to something like normal, except that there are now quiet moments when Finn catches Rey staring off into the distance, as if she sees something impossible and tantalizing just out of reach. She always trains alone, now that Luke is off-world, and every time she returns from practicing her forms, she’s frustrated and short with him. And once, he wakes in the middle of the night to hear the water running in the bathroom. Rey thinks she’s being clever, covering the sound of her sobs with the shower, but she can’t fool him. After two years of marriage, he knows most of her tricks.
Today, she’s barely picking at her food—a sure sign that something is wrong—and Finn only has to look across the hall to see Kylo watching them. He’s trying to be subtle about it, but he can’t seem to help but glance at Rey every minute or so.
“Are you happy with me?” Finn asks.
“Of course,” Rey says, but her answer is so quick, so automatic, that he fears she put no thought into it.
Finn takes her hand, twines their fingers together. He tries to keep his voice quiet, unaccusing and safe from eavesdroppers, when he asks, “Then why do you want him so badly?”
Rey allows herself to look across the hall, and Finn knows she’s gazing at Kylo.
“It’s not that I love you any less, or desire you any less, than I did when we first married,” she says. “I don’t want Ben more than you, or instead of you.”
Finn frowns, relieved but confused. He doesn’t say anything, though, because he suspects that Rey isn’t finished.
She takes a deep breath. “I just—maybe I need you both?”
Finn can’t think of anything to say to that, and Rey stares pointedly at the table. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me to be so selfish, so greedy.”
“You’re not those things,” Finn says. “And there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“You’re not mad?” Rey asks.
No, he isn’t, although Finn supposes perhaps he should be. “You’re not sneaking around behind my back, are you?”
“Of course not!” Rey says. “I’d never hurt you like that. And besides—I may want Ben, but only if having him never comes at your expense. Does that make any sense at all?”
“I think so,” Finn says. He doesn’t fully understand what she means, but he barely cares. What Rey feels for Kylo isn’t borne from dissatisfaction with their marriage, or disappointment in him as a husband, and that’s all that matters.
He’s tired of watching his wife wilt, seeing her brightness dim as she fights her own desires. She’s making herself miserable trying to make him happy, and Finn can’t think of anything he could want less.
Later, he kisses his way down her chest and stomach, then settles between her legs. Finn knows her body, has learned every part of her, and it’s almost easy to make her moan, to make her come. Rey shouts his name into the cloying shadows of their bedroom, clutching the sheets in her fists, as she rides out her climax.
He climbs on top of her and kisses her, presses his cock against her wet sex. Rey wraps her legs around him, and Finn can’t wait another moment. It’s been so long, and he’s missed her so much. She whimpers when their bodies join, and he goes slowly, gently, careful not to hurt, until Rey begs him to have her harder.
“Is this how you imagine it with him?” he asks, breathless, while he fucks her. This isn’t the sort of question he’s supposed to ask his wife, but Finn stopped caring about other people’s rules the day he left the First Order.
Rey blushes all the way down to her breasts. “I don’t think you want to hear about that,” she says.
“I do, though,” Finn whispers, and it’s true. He’s been painfully curious about this for weeks, but for the first time since he discovered that his wife wants another man, his curiosity isn’t colored by jealousy. He wants to hear about her fantasies—all of them, no matter how secret or shocking—because how else can he give her what she needs?
Finn gives a rough thrust, and she throws back her head, mouth open on a gasp.
“When you pretend he’s in our bed, what do you think about doing with him?”
He touches her sex, rubbing rapid circles there that make her shiver.
“Sometimes I think about hurting him,” Rey says, so softly that he almost misses her confession. “Or letting him hurt me.”
“Tell me,” Finn says. Voicing these things sends a shock of heat across his cheeks but hearing her answer is too satisfying to let shame stop him.
She stammers through a quick list of deeds: pulling Kylo’s hair and slapping his face, restraining and choking him; having these things done to her in return. Her desire to punish Kylo is easy to believe, but it shocks him a bit that Rey—always so powerful and in control—wants to be hurt back. What shocks him even more is that the thought of his wife being thrown around by another man doesn’t bother him at all. Finn imagines Kylo fucking her, those large hands of his wrapped around Rey’s throat, strong body pumping between her legs—
He bites back a groan when he comes, grits his teeth to keep from making any noise as the pleasure overwhelms him.
Afterward, Finn lies beside her, breathing hard.
Rey runs her fingers up and down his chest, idly touching him. It feels right, simply because he’s hers. “You liked hearing about that?”
“Yeah,” he whispers. “I did.”
He’s not sure that he found Rey’s fantasy so arousing purely because of his wife’s part in it, and he doesn’t quite know what to do with this discovery. It isn’t that Finn has never found men attractive before—Poe, at least, is far too handsome not to notice in this way—but Kylo Ren is not like other men.
He spent so many years ground under the heel of the First Order’s boot, a system that Kylo supported, and his contributions to the Resistance have not done enough to earn Finn’s trust. If he’s honest with himself, he knows that his nervousness where Kylo is concerned is rooted in latent fear as much as disrespect. The bastard still calls him FN-2187, that awful number that made him less than a person. Just a nameless, faceless soldier in a series. Expendable.
He should hate Kylo without reservation, should find him too deplorable to desire in any way. But apparently he doesn’t, and neither does Rey.
His wife falls asleep with her face pressed against the nape of his neck, one arm hooked around his chest, a slender leg slung over his hip. It’s a sweet little peculiarity, that she prefers lying like this, despite being a bit shorter and much lighter than him. The big spoon, Poe called it, when Finn mentioned this quirk of his wife’s.
He has the odd thought, just before drifting off to sleep himself, that Rey would look both beautiful and mildly ridiculous if she tried to hold Kylo this way.
Rey wakes to the smell of burning food. She hears Finn, voice pitched high as he yells, “Shit!”
The smoke detector goes off, and Rey laughs into her pillow, because even through the blaring alarm, she can hear her husband cursing a colorful streak.
She hurries to the kitchen, where she finds Finn standing on a chair, waving a stack of flimsies at the detector, as if fanning it will trick its sensors into ignoring a room full of smoke. Just as Rey opens her mouth to make fun of him for it, the alarm stops and the red light on the detector blinks to a cheerful green.
“Huh,” she says. “Neat trick.”
Finn smiles at her. “You’d know it already if you ever made breakfast.”
“I don’t cook for you because I love you,” Rey says.
Neither of them had many opportunities to learn their way around a kitchen, but Finn at least has some interest in trying. Rey suspects that it’s his reaction against growing up with no one to cook for. Now that he has someone to love, he wants to spoil her.
They throw away the blackened toast, and Rey eats two bowls of scrambled, scarlet eggs that have been spiced with pink peppers and yellow onions. It’s Rey’s favorite kind of meal, flavorful and hearty, full of bright tastes and vibrant colors.
“This is delicious,” Rey says, and Finn laughs—probably because she spoke through a mouthful of food.
He must know better than to start a conversation when she’s eating, because he waits until they’re washing dishes to say, “We should talk. About last night.”
Rey wills herself not to blush; she blushes anyway. “Last night was fun,” she says, as lightly as she can manage.
Finn takes a clean dish from her, dries it, and puts it away. Then he turns to her, and his grin is genuine, if unimpressed. “Last night was fun,” he says. “But it was also kind of a mess. So why don’t we sit down and talk about it?”
Her husband is kind, and loving, and too generous for his own good. Rey already knows what he’s going to say, and she doesn’t want to hear it.
“We don’t need to—”
Finn cups her cheeks between his palms, and his touch is so warm. Just the barest brush of his hands on her skin makes her feel wanted, safe, loved. At home.
“It’s okay,” he whispers.
They go back to bed and cling together beneath the covers. Rey buries herself against the crook of Finn’s neck, and breathes him in. He smells like smoke and the faded, lewd scent of their lovemaking from last night. Once she feels calmer, they pull apart and sit up.
Finn speaks first. Of course he does; he’s the brave one, of the two of them. The bravest person she’s ever known.
He says, “I think I get it now, what you’ve been trying to tell me. Kylo isn’t a threat to what we have. We come first for each other, right?”
“Always,” Rey says, without hesitation.
“Good,” Finn says. “So if you want to start seeing him, I’d understand.”
He smiles, but it’s weak around the edges.
The day Rey met him, Finn was running away from the First Order so he wouldn’t have to hurt innocents. Then he ran back to Starkiller to rescue her. He’s always been so damn self-sacrificing, and it drives her mad. Rey suspects that Finn is so quick to put the welfare of others over his own safety because he doesn’t value himself as he should, and she’s not about to let him do it now.
“No,” she says. “I’m not risking our marriage—not risking you—over some stupid infatuation. It’s not worth it.”
Rey spent most of her life wishing for the impossible, but each tally-marked day on Jakku crushed her hopes a little more. By the time Finn wandered into Niima Outpost, she’d made an art out of loneliness, honing her self-sufficiency for the sake of survival. She’d tried to push him away, just like she did everyone else, but they met under such chaotic circumstances—the Force throwing them headlong into danger together—that she’d let her guard down. Finn broke through the walls around her heart like they’d been built on sand, like they weren’t even there. By the time she kissed him goodbye on D’Qar, Rey was already so enamored with him that half the reason she ran to Ahch-To was to get away from her feelings.
And later, once she’d returned with Luke, falling in love with Finn had been easy. Friendship flowered into passion, then love, and they’d married within a year of meeting. She’s fought too hard and survived through too much to throw away the best part of her life on a man like Ben Solo.
“No,” she says. “We’re done talking about this. Don’t bring it up again.”
Finn stands, pulls on his clothes—standard Resistance wear except for the jacket that once belonged to Poe—and says, “I love you, Rey, but nobody gets to tell me when I can’t speak. Not even you.”
The door closes behind him with a sharp, echoing snap. It sounds final in a way that Rey doesn’t like.
She sits in the middle of their bed long after he’s left, clutching her knees to her chest. The last time Rey felt this small, she was watching a ship retreat, shouting her fears to the bright Jakku sky. Begging not to be left behind.
Finn comes to his door while the sky outside is grey, more night than morning still.
“I haven’t even had a cup of caf yet,” Ben says. “So this better be good.”
“Oh, it’s great,” Finn says flatly. “Zak Malbus caught a stormtrooper on his last mission and brought him back alive. So guess who gets to do the interrogation?”
Ben rubs a hand over his face. “Us.”
It isn’t the first time. They’ve been given this task twice before. Finn understands which questions to ask, the right direction to press in, how to obtain the most information with the least damage. And Ben, of course, has the ability to extract answers from an unwilling subject.
“I’ll get dressed,” Ben says.
Fifteen minutes later, they’re sitting across from FN-2000, a stormtrooper from the same class as Finn. He’s a good-looking man in his mid-twenties with a prominent scar across his cheek. It stands out, pale against his dark skin, the kind of mark that never enjoyed the privilege of a bacta bath.
FN-2000 grins when he sees Finn. “Well if it isn’t the traitor. I wondered if I’d be seeing you here, Eighty-Seven.”
“Hey, Zeroes.”
“You two know each other?” Ben asks.
“Yeah, we go way back. Been on the same fireteam since he we were kids. At least until Eighty-Seven here let Slip die, ran away, and killed Nines,” Zeroes says. Then he looks right at Finn, and his smile twists into something ugly. “Guess you weren’t the perfect stormtrooper after all.”
Finn looks away. “I never said I was.”
Ben takes a seat across the table from Zeroes and says, “This isn’t the place for you to air your grievances and petty jealousy. It doesn’t matter who the two of you used to be. Finn is a captain here, and you’re a prisoner. So show some respect, or I’ll make you.”
Ben can feel Finn watching him, but he doesn’t dare break his gaze from Zeroes to see the expression on his face.
It’s straightforward, as interrogations go. Zeroes clearly gets under Finn’s skin more than the last two stormtroopers, but even when Ben can feel that he’s on the verge of losing his composure, Finn keeps himself together. Asks the right questions, the smart questions, until he lulls Zeroes into a false sense of security. The stormtrooper says too much—enough that being rescued would lead to greater pain than can be found in Resistance prison. It only takes the threat of Ben’s interrogation skills to get Zeroes to spill everything he knows.
“Sibensko,” he says. “I came from a new base on Sibensko. It’s a small installation, nothing like Starkiller, but the locals are sympathetic.”
“He’s telling the truth,” Ben says. It doesn’t take a full mind probing to tell when someone is lying, or when they aren’t. Especially if the object of attention is as nervous as this one is now.
“It’s been—” Zeroes stops, his lips pressed together tightly.
Finn leans forward, patient, waiting.
After a minute, Ben breaks the silence, because patience isn’t a virtue he’s ever possessed. Not as Jedi or a devotee of the dark side or a wanderer of this strange grey path he’s taken now.
“What has it been?” he asks.
“Safe,” Zeroes whispers. “So far Sibensko has been safe for us. And now it won’t be.”
Ben snorts. “Well, you’re not wrong.”
Finn steps on his foot under the table, too subtle for Zeroes to see but hard enough to hurt, and Kylo hides his grunt behind a cough.
Zeroes spends the next hour giving them all the details of the Sibensko base, an underwater city that was rebuilt in the shadow of the Amaxine Warriors’ hideout. (“Friends of your general’s,” Zeroes says, nodding at Ben, and that’s intriguing enough that he’ll have to ask his mother about it.) There are a half-dozen unforgiving cameras capturing the confession, so there’s no need to take notes, but Finn records it anyway, tapping away on a datapad. Ben suspects that he simply wants something to look at besides his ex-teammate.
After they’ve updated the brass, Ben tells Finn, “Thank you.”
Finn looks at him, his eyes sharp and suspicious, like he thinks Ben’s gratitude might be a trick. “What are you thanking me for?”
“He made you nervous, but you didn’t let it get in the way of your job, and I didn’t have to probe his mind at all.” Ben stares at the wall just above Finn’s head. “It isn’t something I enjoy.”
“Anymore,” Finn says.
Ben stands up straighter, drawing as much distance between himself and Finn as possible without giving away any ground. He tries not to think about the shallow space between, the heat that’s charging the air, as turbulent as clouds on the edge of brewing into a storm.
“In case you didn’t notice, there are two traitors standing here,” Ben says, “and we just worked together to make a third. I’ve seen your mission reports; you’ve killed hundreds of stormtroopers, soldiers who were programmed from infancy, just like you were. This war is a mess, and none of our hands are clean.”
“And I guess that absolves you of everything, right?” Finn steps closer, closer into his space, until Ben can smell the clean scent on his skin, standard soap and something else—Rey.
“Of course not. Nothing could absolve me.”
He leaves before Finn can say anything else. There’s nothing left to talk about anyway.
He thinks of Rey, strapped to that interrogation chair on Starkiller Base, crying as he stole into her mind to spy on her most private memories. Of Finn, burned and bleeding in the snow. And his father, falling falling falling off the bridge—his father saying, “I’ll be home soon,” one lie after another, because he was a liar—and Ben would give anything, even his own wretched life, if it would bring his father back to tell lies again. But it won’t.
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politicalmamaduck · 7 years
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2017: a year in review
I’m really, really proud of the many things I accomplished this year, my moodboards and fics being primary among them! Above are 4 of the many moodboards I created this year, and here’s the fics I published on ao3 and Tumblr in 2017:
Femslash February prompt fills (Star Wars: Kaydel Ko Connix/Jessika Pava, Rey/Phasma, Padme/Sabe, Padme/Rey)
the sanctifying power of this night (Star Wars: Jyn Erso/Orson Krennic)
two traitors and a scavenger (Star Wars: Finnreylo)
Hacked (Star Wars: Reydar)
the taste of victory (Star Wars: Reylo)
Dragons and Duties (ASOIAF: Stannis Baratheon/Daenerys Targaryen)
across the stars (Star Wars: Reylo)
The She Wolf of Naboo (Star Wars: Anakin/Padme)
Mother of the Rebellion (Star Wars: Padme)
Braids (Star Wars: Han/Leia)
through the darkness hails the light (Star Wars: Reylo)
The Last Shot (Star Wars: Reylo)
the lights of his life (Star Wars: Bail/Breha)
The Survivor and the Scavenger (Star Wars: Rey/Phasma)
Falling Embers (Star Wars: Reylo)
light brings forth hidden truths (Star Wars: Reylo)
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren in action (Star Wars: Reylo)
The Winter Lights of Chandrila (Star Wars: Han/Leia)
I am also particularly proud to be a mod for both @reylofanfictionanthology and @padmedefencesquad, with the following projects this year:
Ring in the Reylo
Love in Unexpected Places: Reydar Month
Padme Defence Squad Week
Celebrate the Waking
Finish Your Fics: NaNoWriMo
The Last Jedi Flash Fiction Challenge
More than Love: St. Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange
A huge, huge thank you to all of my amazing friends for their support and beta help, and to all of the brilliant creators who participated in the above projects. Thank you all for making 2017 an incredible year in fandom.
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southsidestory · 3 years
If you are queer af (as you say), why the only thing I see on your blog are f/m ships?
you don't like ship f/f-wlw?
This is a shitty ask. Like a *really* really shitty ask. Just gonna make that clear right off the bat.
Yes, I am as queer af as I say! Questioning that because of what I ship is absurd.
You wanna see the queer content on my blog? Then check my #stucky and #utena and #korrasami tags. There's a little Mor x Emerie and Kelly x Yorkie (from the "San Junipero" episode of Black Mirror, which I highly recommend, my fave queer rep ever) and Stormpilot and Finnreylo and Gallavich and Sambucky and InoSaku and a number of other queer ships scattered throughout my blog as well! But I guess you didn't search too thoroughly before you sent this. 🥰
Most of the fanfic I write is f/m, yes, but not all of it, and even in those stories I often feature queer secondary ships. Some of my best fics are my Stucky works (m/m), I've ventured into Stormpilot (m/m) and Finnreylo (f/m/m), and I'm very proud of my Utena/Anthy story (f/f).
The latter of which, by the way, is one of my less popular fics. Because fandom largely does not give a flying fuck about f/f couples, especially when you want to write them as anything besides fluffy uwu girlfriends!!! Which is not my jam. I like dark angsty romance, and that is very much against what fandom expects from f/f ships. I don't write based on fandom expectations, but I will admit that this obsession with making all wlw content soft and sweet has soured my interest in writing f/f fic. I find it annoying, and annoyance is not conducive to creativity.
I also write a lot of original stories, and guess what, many of them feature queer characters! The first novel I wrote with @reylotrashcompactor is a f/m romance with two bisexual leads. We have a college series planned that has wlw couples, mlm couples, f/m couples, enby romance, and some poly rep too.
But more importantly, it's incredibly rude and queerphobic to suggest that I have to prove my queerness with what I ship. Shockingly, I can write, read, watch, and reblog things that don't always reflect my life and identity! I do not need to perform my queerness via goddamn fandom for my identity to be real.
For the record, I am not a lesbian, and your ask implies that my fictional interests have to be f/f in order to reflect my queer experience. Apart from how problematic that is in and of itself, you're basing it off wrong assumptions about my identity. I'm biromantic and greyace. I've written a number of fics in which characters in f/m relationships are bi and one in which Sakura is on the ace spectrum (see: To Leave Your Love Behind).
If you wanted me to pRoVe my sexuality via my fanfiction to your tastes, your complaint should be that I'm not writing enough ace characters! Which is highly unlikely to happen more, because I really enjoy writing smut, and that is much harder for me to do when I'm portraying a character whose sexuality is closer to my own. If you expect me to apologize for that, you will be deeply disappointed.
And on top of all of that, I WAS MARRIED TO A WOMAN FOR SIX YEARS AND IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH HER FOR OVER A DECADE!!! Please explain to me how my shipping preferences trump my fucking marriage. I'll wait.
tl;dr I don't owe you anything, my queerness isn't contingent upon my shipping, and expecting me to perform my identity to your satisfaction is gross and prejudiced as hell 🙃
P.S. to my followers: I almost deleted this ask but we need to talk about this issue more. I keep seeing the idea that the fiction people create and consume has to reflect their identities. But only if they're marginalized, of course!! It's bullshit. It's dangerous. It's unfair. And it needs to die with fire.
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politicalmamaduck · 7 years
Last sentence meme
I was tagged by the lovely @mollymatterrs to post the last sentence from five of my fics! This is going to be a lot of fun, thank you dearie!
From the taste of victory (Dark Side Rey/Smuggler Ben Solo): She knew two things in her deepest self in that moment: she and the smuggler would cross paths again, and he was hers.
From Hacked (Reydar): Kylo brought Rey red flowers every morning to go with their muffins for breakfast, and neither one touched a datapad. 
From two traitors and a scavenger (Finnreylo): They fell asleep, entangled, limbs jutting everywhere, soft warm skin on soft warm skin. 
From Tall Tales of the Western Wilds (Reylo Wild West AU): She stepped over his body, and out the door into the sunset.
And finally, from my Reylo body switch AU: I know.
Thank you so much for tagging me, @mollymatterrs!
I shall tag, with no obligations and I welcome anyone to join in and say I tagged them: @lariren-shadow @cobwebbing @cynical-harlequin @solikerez @kuresoto @luminousthings @the-reylo-void and @southsidestory! <3
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juuls · 7 years
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If only we could change fate
There was an energy pulling and twisting between the three of them as they fought in the forest. In turns the energy was buzzing with joy, but also with sorrow, as they fought, chased, tripped, slashed, attacked, retreated, and burned and maimed each other.
She couldn't help looking back.
Yet there was another force pulling at her, calling to her from within the ship.
She took one last look at the crumbling ground within the forest -- the forest that hid a mystery she simply couldn't shake -- and then closed the ramp, turning to her injured friend... perhaps her only friend in the entire galaxy.
It felt like she was turning her back on a part of her life, though, only to walk towards another part of her very soul.
She tried desperately to focus only on Finn.
[FF] . [AO3]
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queenofcarrots · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @persimonne
Rules: tag all the people you want! This is just for fun and to better know each other ;) 
Name/Nickname: Dot (”it’s short for Dorothy”)
Hobby: currently reading and writing fan fiction
Are you studying or working right now? Working
Do you like the place where you live? It’s okay. I live near a city and would rather live in the country, but it could be worse
Are you an indoor or outdoor person? Outdoor
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extroverted introvert (I love being around people but find it really exhausting)
The first book you bought on your own: I have no idea. No idea whatsoever.
The last book you bought: It's So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families (my son needs to start learning about bodies and sex, urggghhh)
Your first fandom/first OTP: I was very late to the party, my first fandom was Marvel MCU and my first OTP was Darcy Lewis/Loki (aka Tasertricks)
Your last fandom/last OTP: Star Wars and REYLO (also Finnreylo close behind)
The first fan fiction you read: It was some Jane/Thor oneshot where Thor ends up being stuck on Midgard for months and falls hard for Jane, and at the moment he decides he’s happy staying he gets called back to Asgard. Broke my fucking heart, it did, and I couldn’t wait to read more.
The last fan fiction you read: Chapter 16 of Deadbeat by @reylo-ology
List your three favourite fanfiction tropes: Horror AU (especially cosmic horror), Soulmates, Crossovers/Fusions (especially really weird & unexpected ones). I’m also a huge fan of trope inversion.
Your guilty pleasure in fanfics: Bondage, BDSM, D/s (bonus points when Rey is the Dom)
Tagging: Not tagging anyone today, but anyone who sees this and wants to should do it! Be sure to tag me if you do!
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