smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Branchstar (Branchspark) - long haired orange tom with tabby stripes
Family: Treeleap (father, deceased), Birchfeather (mother, deceased), Leafbreak (sister), Firerunner (son), Snailstep (son), Marigoldfur (daughter)  Gender / Sexuality: tom / demisexual  Personality: big heart, warm, paternal  Backstory: Branchstar had been a very average run of the mill warrior. As a young tom he fell for a younger shecat, and they had a beautiful litter of kits. Mentoring one of his kits to warriorhood, Branchstar started to be referenced as a senior warrior. When he was given the title of deputy after Kestrelflight, his father in law, retired, Branchstar had been surprised. He did his best to do his job well, and when Linnetstar died he was heartbroken. He lost his mate to a strange lump in her belly before he became deputy, and unlike most fathers in that position, he made sure not to baby his kits.  He can often be seen as a paternal figure, warm and inviting. His warm big heart is why his warrior name had been Branchspark. Branchstar has only lost one life to yellow cough, thankfully, and is as strong as ever. Regal and charming, Branchstar is a forest favorite. Happy to help when needed, he would never stop his medicine cats from aiding another clan. He will use the justification “if my enemy is weak, how can my warriors become stronger?”  Branchstar admittedly leads with his heart a lot, so when he named Tansysprig his deputy, none were too surprised. She is a great option, and helps keep her leads thinking reasonably. Ideal Partner: replace tansy, or gimme someone for him to fall in love with again, maybe someone who mentored his other kits? Position | Clan: Leader | Whisperclan 
Firerunner - long haired dark orange tabby tom with white chest
Family: Branchstar (father), Elmfrost (mother, deceased), Snailstep (brother), Marigoldfur (sister) Gender / Sexuality:  tom / gay  Personality: proud, courageous, brave, self sacrificing  Backstory: Firerunner was well prepared by his father to become a warrior. He trained hard and showed his bravery when he worked with a patrol to chase a fox off of the territory. Earning his warrior name Firerunner eyes are on him and his success. Anything he does is bragged about. If he leads a patrol that finds something good, the other cats aren’t mentioned only “Firerunner lead a patrol…” Aware of his legacy, Firerunner hopes to be a good warrior, and prove an old prophecy wrong; from a spark comes fire, and all will be consumed.  Ideal Partner: med cat who knows the prophecy, fellow stronk warrior, gimme a trans tom who wants kits pls? Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
Snailstep - ginger tom with white patches
Family: Branchstar (father), Elmfrost (mother, deceased), Firerunner (brother), Marigoldfur (sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / pansexual  Personality: lax, wise, calm, never seems rushed, spiritual, believes things happen for a reason,  Backstory: Snailstep has always been close to his mother, even if he sees his fathers face in his reflection on the water. When Elmfrost died, Snailstep had also been sick, but recovered. He became friends with Wildshine, his sisters apprentice, and discovered his faith when his mother visiting him in a dream the night after her death. Snailstep still remembers falling asleep with a pained chest from his illness, and then seeing his beautiful mother in Starclan.  Since then, Snailstep has seemed to become more wise, although he’s never questioned the warrior code, now he doesn’t due to his loyalty to Starclan. Snailstep hopes to be invited to the Crystal cave to share dreams with his mother again.  Ideal Partner: an apprentice of his mother, or a kit who grew up with him, or that cute young shecat who thinks he’s the bees knees Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
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renderotica · 2 years
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Renderotica SFW Image Spotlights
See NSFW content on our twitter: https://twitter.com/Renderotica
Created by Renderotica Artist  firerunner
Artist Gallery: https://www.renderotica.com/artists/firerunner/Profile.aspx
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pigeonrocks · 2 years
art dump. bc uhm. uh
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celestianwitch-blog · 7 years
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my art is really bad but i haven’t drawn my other wizzy ocs yet so here’s my kids
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naturalexplorer · 2 years
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LONDON WALK THROUGH HISTORY A special day to walk past the Queen's coffin in the ancient Westminster Hall, and witness the arrival and departure of the King in Parliament Square for their vigil. It took 12 hours to get to the hall that was a slow 'pilgrimage' along the South Bank that I know so well, with stories from my father that I shared on the walk. I started early at 06.40 at St. Saviours dock, then a slow 3 hours to Tower Bridge. Then past HMS Belfast where I witnessed the firing of the guns in the Royal Pageant in 2012. Also past St. Paul's and other landmarks, such as the Oxo Tower, one of the few buildings left untouched on the South Bank in Blitz according to my father. Past Waterloo Bridge, when I told others about when the stone lions drink (fixtures on the stone pillars on the Thames), London is in danger of flooding, since the level is above pavement level on the other of the Embankment, another story of my father. And, in the late afternoon, , opposite the Houses of Parliament, the Covid Wall with hundreds of hearts for those that died during the pandemic. Then across Lambeth Bridge to Victoria Tower Gardens, the final zig zag route to the hall. A special memory for me. My father, 17 during the Blitz, was a firerunner around Westminster, alerting fireman to potential fires, and stamping out incendiaries (left to burn they caused numerous fires, and it was important to save Parliament and the Abbey). Once he was stamping out incendiaries in the gardens near the Victoria Tower when a policeman was injured by one that exploded when stepped on. A ploy by Nazi Germany to deter people from stepping on the incendries. Then into Westminster Hall and past the Queen's coffin, so difficult to decribe the feelings of history. Once through, Big Ben shone as the sun set, Parliament Square packed, awaiting the arrival of the King and the other royals for the vigil. I saw them all arrive over heads of onlookers from the corner of the square opposite the statue of Churchill. I then stayed here during the vigil, to view them all from the kerbside as they left. A special day #queensvigil #queenscoffin #westminsterhall (at Westminster Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CilYNUOjwbm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cholloterapia · 3 years
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🔥 Chollazo loco para que estrenes al mínimo el reloj multi deporte Garmin Firerunner 45S ✅ Ver chollo: https://cholloterapia.com/chollazo-loco-para-que-estrenes-al-minimo-el-reloj-multi-deporte-garmin-firerunner-45s/ #Cholloterapia #Ofertas #Comprar #Chollos #Cupón #Barato #Descuentos #Telegram #Chollo #código #Amazon
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naamahdarling · 7 years
Who was the first character you remember creating?
Oh gosh oh wow, umm, there were several who were kind of all created together.  They were all anthro cat people.  (None of my current OCs are anthro animals, but I have like four werewolves; I have the soul of a furry.)
Arren Shadowchaser was my “Mary Sue”.  Like 95% of OC creation at that age is purely aesthetic, so I did a lot of fooling with her Look.  She was a gray-brown snow-leopard-ish woman with long brown/black hair that she kept in a half-pony and two braids.  I want to say her eyes were teal or purple?  I think she went through a phase where her fur, like her entire body, all of her fur, was a truly impressive shade of peacock blue-green, which was unnatural and 100% inspired by this hideous leotard thing I had that made me feel like a superhero, so it’s NOT CANON YOU GUYS it’s too embarrassing to be canon.
Arren could use magic and had elemental powers, I think either air or earth?  She was also a ferocious warrior who used a longbow and also a magic sword, and later on she was chief of a clan, the Renegades, who lived in the woods and did a kind of Robin-Hood thing, only I never made up any actual oppressive rich assholes for her to fight so there wasn’t much for them to do besides ride around on their hella-rad telepathic super-smart 1,000-pound lions.
Arren had a little brother, Aro, who was kind of a skinny twerp but in a lovable way. I don’t remember what he was good at except getting menaced cinematically and IIRC dying a couple of times to motivate our heroine.  He was brown and black with a white tummy and chin, and shortish black hair he kept in a kind of humiliating cat mullet.  He wore a sleeveless vest with peacock feathers over the nipples, and leather pants.  In retrospect, I think Aro was probably very, very gay.
Srisin … Flame?catcher???? was Arren’s love interest.  He was an orange tiger with flame powers and he wore a lot of black leather. He had a brother named Orin who was a white tiger and I think he had ice powers because water powers are stupid. (That’s what I thought at the time. Pre-teen me had yet to meet and crush on Aqualad from Young Justice.)  Orin wore a lot of blue and I think he had his heart ripped out at least once.  I was really into heart-ripping.  (Still am!)  Anyway, they were in a poly triad with Arren.  She loved them both, but Srisin was the bad boy so he got a lot more play.  But Orin was the wise and mystical one so you kind of wanted him around in case anyone needed to, like, read a fuckin’ book.
When I was 11, I wrote a 99-page (wide-rule notebook paper) book about Arren, Aro, Orin, and Srisin.  It cribbed from everything from Elfquest to Dungeons and Dragons to Dragonlance to Tailchaser’s Song to Thundercats to The Belgariad because no 11-year-old is particularly original.
They go on some sort of chosen-four-representatives-of-the-elements quest thing to return the sacred orb/s to their gods, fight a bunch of really fucked up demons, there’s a lot of blood and gore and some excruciating torture of sexy cat boys, they all learn that they have magic powers, their warcats learn to fly, and they totally earn the favor of their deities and are made into elemental demigods.  Sweet.
This horrifically gross and violent and no doubt borderline incoherent bit of juvenalia is still out there, probably at my parents’ house, and when I find it I promise to transcribe and post some of it.
I had another character named Kala’an Firerunner, and he might have predated Arren, I’m not sure at this point.  Kala’an and Srisin kind of run together.  I honestly am having trouble remembering because this was 30 years ago and I’ve had many naps, some emotional trauma, and a more-than-reasonable-amount of teenage-rebellion-era LSD since then.  I’m honestly doing well to remember my own middle name.
Anyway, Kala was from a whole separate milieu.  I think there was both magic and genetic engineering/far-future/postapoc shit going on in his backstory, like he escaped from a mutant farm or something, he was an ex-experimental subject who got pyrokinesis from being exposed to some artifact or relic or whatever.  I think he was the result of that whole persecution fantasy thing, where you create this fantasy world where you’re exceptional but imprisoned by people who only want to exploit you while denying that you have any value at all.  Sort of a metaphor for my whole school experience and not at ALL something I carry a massive chip on my shoulder about to this day.  Hahaha.  *wipes sweat*
Anyway, those were my first OCs.
GOD the shitty Elfquest/Thundercats vibe is incredible, I just want to pay someone to D R A W  T H E M  A L L.
Oh god everyone please like this post my eleven year old self would be so happy for people to care about the things she imagined.
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scribesofcalamity · 7 years
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Brom and his Jackal FireRunner
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thesylverlining · 7 years
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It’s here. CHAMELEON MOON BOOK 2: THE LIFELINE SIGNAL is now a gorgeous, actual physical paperback book!!
Parole is still burning. And now the day everyone has been waiting for is finally here: it’s collapsed. A lucky few managed to escape with their lives. But while their city burned, the world outside suffered its own devastating disaster. The Tartarus Zone is a deadly wasteland a thousand miles wide, filled with toxic storms, ghostly horrors, and just as many Eyes in the Sky as ever. Somehow, this new nightmare is connected to Parole. And it’s spreading. Now Parole’s only hope lies in the hands of three teenagers reunited by their long-lost friend Gabriel - in their dreams. Growing up outside Parole, Shiloh Cole always had to keep xir energetic powers a secret, except from xir parents, Parole’s strategist-hero Garrett, and Tartarus expert Maureen. When Parole collapsed, all contact was lost. Now, connected by Gabriel and their colliding pasts, xie joins collapse survivor Annie and the enigmatic, charismatic Chance on a desperate cross-country race, carrying a disc of xir mother’s vital plans, whose encrypted contents may be Parole’s salvation. 
First they’ll board the FireRunner, a ship full of familiar faces that now sails through Tartarus’ poison storms. Together, they’ll survive Tartarus’ hazards, send a lifeline to lost Parole - and uncover the mystery connecting every one of them. The world outside Parole isn't the one they remember, and it didn’t want them back. But they'll save it just the same. It's what heroes do.
This is so exciting, I can’t stop vibrating with joy, okay. This book took around 4 years and sometimes I legit never thought it would actually be done, but it’s real and in my hands and more beautiful than I ever thought possible. The cover is so amazing - thank you Laya/@aroaessidhe​ - and the interior design/art are too - thank you Lyssa!! And the handwriting is mine. Which still just. Feels. SO GOOD. <3
And it’s on Amazon now, as an eBook AND PAPERBACK! (Ebooks are in a ton of other places if you don’t use Amazon, here’s a Universal Link with Kobo, Barnes and Noble, etc.)
JUST... This is good and I feel good and hopefully you will too if/when you read it. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sticking with me through this!
...And there’s a lot more to come. <3
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fuckyeahasexual · 8 years
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3/21 - New release and a free ebook!
The Lifeline Signal releases today! RoAnna Sylver’s newest to the Chameleon Moon series is sure to bring us more queer and disabled characters while spreading an surprisingly believable message that it’s all going to be okay. 
Now Parole’s only hope lies in the hands of three teenagers reunited by their long-lost friend Gabriel - in their dreams. Growing up outside Parole, Shiloh Cole always had to keep xir energetic powers a secret, except from xir parents, Parole’s strategist-hero Garrett, and Tartarus expert Maureen. When Parole collapsed, all contact was lost. Now, connected by Gabriel and their colliding pasts, xie joins collapse survivor Annie and the enigmatic, charismatic Chance on a desperate cross-country race, carrying a disc of xir mother’s vital plans, whose encrypted contents may be Parole’s salvation. First they’ll board the FireRunner, a ship full of familiar faces that now sails through Tartarus’ poison storms. Together, they’ll survive Tartarus’ hazards, send a lifeline to lost Parole - and uncover the mystery connecting every one of them.
[Available Here] 
Also my debut novel Hello World featuring a bi ace hacktivist is having another one day free ebook event! We might end up reading it for Ace Book Club later this year so you want can’t afford it normally please pick it up now.
When a technology company can buy your personal freedom Scott is a hacker ready to prove that a single voice can be a powerful weapon. Scott’s skills as a surveillance expert are useful when he’s breaking down firewalls. But hacktivism isn’t enough; he’s going after the holy grail—UltSyn’s Human Information Drives, human assets implanted with cerebral microchips. After digging deeper into restricted databases, he discovers that those who enlist with UltSyn get far more than they bargained for. Plunged into a world of human trafficking and corporate espionage, Scott is determined to find his sister, no matter the cost. But when the information reveals the people closest to him have been working for UltSyn all along, he has to find her—before UltSyn finds him.
[Available Here]
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pinkledstone · 4 years
Brief Introduction Of Marine Anchor Chains
The marine anchor chains are made of metal, chain diameter start from 12.5MM to 162mm. Grade 2 and grade 3 chains are available.It is used for mooring requirements and is applicable to commercial shipping.The marine anchor chains are for sale at YSmarines with the best prices.
Studless Chain
Stud link anchor chain is made of metal and the chain diameter starts from 12.5MM to 162mm. The chain is produced to ISO 1704 standards and is used for anchor and mooring chains. It has a stud Link chain design and is an exceptional marine chain. There are 2 grades available including grade 2 and grade 3. The difference between grade 2 and grade 3 is the additional heat treatment process after manufacturing. The finishing could be hot-dip galvanized or black painting according to customer's requirements. YSmarines supply stud link anchor chain for sale with excellent quality and could also provide stainless steel chains for choice.
Marine Anchor Chains Fittings
The marine chains fittings have following items normally: Kenter Shacke(Kener jpining shacklw is used to join two chains cable), Anchor End Shackle(Anchor D type end shackle us used to connect anchor with swivel forerunner),Swivel Forerunner(A must 5-link-adator for various connection purposes), Enlarged End Link( connection for swivel firerunner), End Link( connecting with enlarged end link at one side of chain links) and Pear Shackle.
Studless Chain
Studless chain is made of stainless steel and the chain diameter starts from 12.5MM to 162mm.It is ideal for demanding offshore mooring operations due to their extremely high quality. It is manufactured according to ISO 1704 standard.The anchor chain benefits from the same static strength and fatigue life characteristics as studded links. It is finishined by hot dip galvanized or black painting.
All the chains provided by YSmarines are tested by UT & MT detection and proof & loading test have been passed. Their surface could be blacking painting or hot-dip galvanized. All the chains could be approved by marine classification society such as ABS, DNV, RINA, LR, BV, CCS, BKI, etc.
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renderotica · 3 years
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Renderotica SFW Image Spotlights
See NSFW content on our twitter: https://twitter.com/Renderotica
Created by Renderotica Artist  firerunner
Artist Gallery: https://www.renderotica.com/artists/firerunner/Profile.aspx
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newwaveswimbuoy · 6 years
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from @carolruizgranados . . . . Hablemos sobre RUNNIN’. Para mí, definitivamente el que más trabajo me cuesta, con el que sufro casi siempre, pero imposible dejarlo a un lado porque al mismo tiempo es el que menos complicaciones representa y el de más fácil acceso. Yo comencé a trotar en el 2013, pero vivía de lesión en lesión, cuando lo comencé a alternar con la natación y ciclismo, ellas no volvieron a aparecer. Llevo años trotando con un grupo en mi ciudad llamado @firerunners donde a diario se respira la sabrosura típica de Barranquilla, pero los entrenamientos específicos y el plan de entrenamiento de triatlón, en la mayoría de ocasiones no me permite que coincidamos. No me considero una corredora rápida, todo lo contrario, soy una corredora lenta 🐢, pero ahí vamos!! En esta foto aún me quedaban un poco de piernas para saltar de la emoción de haber terminado la @mediamaratondelmar. En el próximo @ironman70.3cartagena, correremos una media maratón (21.1km) después de haber nadado 1900 metros y montado 90 km. Let's talk about RUNNIN '. For me, it’s hardest one, I almost suffer every run, but it’s impossible to put it aside because it’s the one with the least complications and the one with the easiest access. I started running back in 2013, but I jumped from injury to injury, when I started to alternate with swimming and cycling, injuries didn’t appear again. I've been running for some years with @firerunners, a team in my city, where every run you can feel the typical flavor and energy of Barranquilla’s people. But, in most cases, my triathlon training plan doesn’t match the team. I don’t consider myself a fast runner, I am a very slow one, but here I go! In this pic, I still had some legs left to jump out of the emotion of having finished the MMM. In the next @ironman70.3cartagena, we will run a half marathon (21.1km) after having swum 1900 meters and ridden 90 km. posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2yAigrJ
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renderotica · 3 years
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Renderotica SFW Image Spotlights
See NSFW content on our twitter: https://twitter.com/Renderotica
Created by Renderotica Artist  firerunner
Artist Gallery: https://www.renderotica.com/artists/firerunner/Profile.aspx
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renderotica · 3 years
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Renderotica SFW Image Spotlights
See NSFW content on our twitter: https://twitter.com/Renderotica
Created by Renderotica Artist  firerunner
Artist Gallery: https://www.renderotica.com/artists/firerunner/Profile.aspx
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thesylverlining · 8 years
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It’s finally happened…
Chameleon Moon Book 2: The Lifeline Signal will release on March 21st!
And it’s available for pre-order on Amazon now! 
Kindle eBook version, which you do not need a Kindle or Apple device to read! Anything (including computers!) with the free app will work!
Send proof of your pre-order, and I’ll send you a free prequel story, You’re Not Going That Way, as a free Amazon gift!
The Lifeline Signal is the sequel to Chameleon Moon/2nd book in the continuing sci-fi/dystopia series, about a quarantined, permanently-burning city called Parole, and the LGBT/poly/asexual/disabled/ND people who survive there every day. Mostly with superpowers. The series is OwnVoices in many ways (the writer/me shares identities/conditions with many characters, including asexuality, acute anxiety/PTSD/depression/dissociation, nonbinary/trans ID, chronic illnesses and polyamory), and is also… fun. It’s just about the most hopeful/least grimdark dystopia ever. Dys-hope-ia. There are also puns.
Book 2: TLS and its prequel short story You’re Not Going That Way (recommended and included free, but not Required) starts to show the world outside Parole… and it is every bit as changed/dangerous as the city in the burning bubble. 
More detailed synopsis under the cut! THANK YOU for reading/boosting! I can’t even tell you how excited I am!
Parole is still burning. And now the day everyone has been waiting for is finally here: it’s collapsed. A lucky few managed to escape with their lives. But while their city burned, the world outside suffered its own devastating disaster. The Tartarus Zone is a deadly wasteland a thousand miles wide, filled with toxic storms, ghostly horrors, and just as many Eyes in the Sky as ever. Somehow, this new nightmare is connected to Parole. And it’s spreading. Now Parole’s only hope lies in the hands of three teenagers reunited by their long-lost friend Gabriel - in their dreams. Growing up outside Parole, Shiloh Cole always had to keep xir energetic powers a secret, except from xir parents, Parole’s strategist-hero Garrett, and Tartarus expert Maureen. When Parole collapsed, all contact was lost. Now, connected by Gabriel and their colliding pasts, xie joins collapse survivor Annie and the enigmatic, charismatic Chance on a desperate cross-country race, carrying a disc of xir mother’s vital plans, whose encrypted contents may be Parole’s salvation. First they’ll board the FireRunner, a ship full of familiar faces that now sails through Tartarus’ poison storms. Together, they’ll survive Tartarus’ hazards, send a lifeline to lost Parole - and uncover the mystery connecting every one of them. The world outside Parole isn’t the one they remember, and it didn’t want them back. But they’ll save it just the same. It’s what heroes do.
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