kirisclangen · 9 months
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She/her, 81 moons, cis molly
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loverclan · 9 months
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these designs will almost certainly change but heres the og clan!!
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Branchstar (Branchspark) - long haired orange tom with tabby stripes
Family: Treeleap (father, deceased), Birchfeather (mother, deceased), Leafbreak (sister), Firerunner (son), Snailstep (son), Marigoldfur (daughter)  Gender / Sexuality: tom / demisexual  Personality: big heart, warm, paternal  Backstory: Branchstar had been a very average run of the mill warrior. As a young tom he fell for a younger shecat, and they had a beautiful litter of kits. Mentoring one of his kits to warriorhood, Branchstar started to be referenced as a senior warrior. When he was given the title of deputy after Kestrelflight, his father in law, retired, Branchstar had been surprised. He did his best to do his job well, and when Linnetstar died he was heartbroken. He lost his mate to a strange lump in her belly before he became deputy, and unlike most fathers in that position, he made sure not to baby his kits.  He can often be seen as a paternal figure, warm and inviting. His warm big heart is why his warrior name had been Branchspark. Branchstar has only lost one life to yellow cough, thankfully, and is as strong as ever. Regal and charming, Branchstar is a forest favorite. Happy to help when needed, he would never stop his medicine cats from aiding another clan. He will use the justification “if my enemy is weak, how can my warriors become stronger?”  Branchstar admittedly leads with his heart a lot, so when he named Tansysprig his deputy, none were too surprised. She is a great option, and helps keep her leads thinking reasonably. Ideal Partner: replace tansy, or gimme someone for him to fall in love with again, maybe someone who mentored his other kits? Position | Clan: Leader | Whisperclan 
Firerunner - long haired dark orange tabby tom with white chest
Family: Branchstar (father), Elmfrost (mother, deceased), Snailstep (brother), Marigoldfur (sister) Gender / Sexuality:  tom / gay  Personality: proud, courageous, brave, self sacrificing  Backstory: Firerunner was well prepared by his father to become a warrior. He trained hard and showed his bravery when he worked with a patrol to chase a fox off of the territory. Earning his warrior name Firerunner eyes are on him and his success. Anything he does is bragged about. If he leads a patrol that finds something good, the other cats aren’t mentioned only “Firerunner lead a patrol…” Aware of his legacy, Firerunner hopes to be a good warrior, and prove an old prophecy wrong; from a spark comes fire, and all will be consumed.  Ideal Partner: med cat who knows the prophecy, fellow stronk warrior, gimme a trans tom who wants kits pls? Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
Snailstep - ginger tom with white patches
Family: Branchstar (father), Elmfrost (mother, deceased), Firerunner (brother), Marigoldfur (sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / pansexual  Personality: lax, wise, calm, never seems rushed, spiritual, believes things happen for a reason,  Backstory: Snailstep has always been close to his mother, even if he sees his fathers face in his reflection on the water. When Elmfrost died, Snailstep had also been sick, but recovered. He became friends with Wildshine, his sisters apprentice, and discovered his faith when his mother visiting him in a dream the night after her death. Snailstep still remembers falling asleep with a pained chest from his illness, and then seeing his beautiful mother in Starclan.  Since then, Snailstep has seemed to become more wise, although he’s never questioned the warrior code, now he doesn’t due to his loyalty to Starclan. Snailstep hopes to be invited to the Crystal cave to share dreams with his mother again.  Ideal Partner: an apprentice of his mother, or a kit who grew up with him, or that cute young shecat who thinks he’s the bees knees Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
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leohnoz · 7 months
Leaders 2 + Edits
MORE leaders (or adjacent) from clangen blogs i follow! First post here
TW for flashing/flickering in the video, blood, and eyestrain for close-ups. Those close-ups, credit @'s, timestamps and extras below.
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0:00 - Splinterstar, 0:38 - Amberstar/feather, 2:57 - Honeystar
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1:02 - Cinnamonstar
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1:37 - Ashpaw/sight
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2:01 - Rapidstar
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2:30 - Dancingstar, 2:39 - Partridgestar
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3:25 - Poppypaw
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3:41 - Kestrelstar
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4:08 - Froststar, 4:35 - Branchstar II, 5:14 - Brindlestar
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5:38 - Fallenstar
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6:16 - Pearlstar
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7:05 - Shadestar
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7:29 - Flyquiver/star
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7:54 - Pythonback
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8:16 - Brownleaf
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9:02 - Leapstar
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9:48 - Messing with backgrounds
-forgot to save the image without my watermark on all the cats... so had to go back and redo it all
-redrew Twistedeyes because of the 3d effect on her, and redo Fogstars/Foamstars fade effects
-generally fixing little mistakes from the first batch
-had to go back thru Songclangen because HONEYSTAR
-lots of forgetting to resize these cats
-forgot to record for a few
-went back and fixed Leapstars face, didn't like it
-messed around with placements a lot
@fallenclan, @whispering-clan, @juniper-clan, @we-are-dogclan, @bitterclan
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fallenclan · 19 days
how does the clan feel about mistlefrost and inkynose both being deliberately "punished" / injured on ravenstar's orders? also, i'm theorizing that inkynose challenged ravenstar's decision to harm mistlefrost, so, ravenstar, like the hilarious funnyguy he is, decided to do the same thing to inkynose.
has cloudtuft told anyone else (besides blossomfur) about his relationship with pondshine?
do you have any shallowclan lore bottled up? i'm super curious about branchstar and his daughter beechleaf.. what was their relationship with violetstar like? does she approve of her successor?
-🐉 (some thoughts and mostly questions!)
the thing about Ravenstar is that, to the clan's eyes, he was Chosen By Starclan. he's also the Clan Leader, which, by default, is a position near-implicitly trusted by the whole clan. even though he's done some terrible things, they do trust his judgement, and he does have justification for his acts (Barely. I mean so flimsy its insane), so while there's definitely some distaste for him amongst the more righteous and soft-hearted cats, the majority of the clan still believes he's a great leader.
nope! just Blossomfur right now, although I do have to imagine his sisters and mom knew that Something is up, even if they didn't know exactly what.
Beechleaf & Branchstar!!! I do have just a bit of lore on them. Beechleaf actually has a sister, Birchclaw, and both of them were born just before Violetstar died and Branchstar became leader. They don't know their mother (she's a loner), but are extremely happy with their father, who is honestly better at being a dad than he is at being clan leader. He's kind of a pushover. As for Violetstar, were she alive she would Not be happy with her successor. She chose Branchstar because she basically needed someone to do the 'boring' tasks (take care of hunting patrols, figure out who to apprentice to who, etc) while she focused on the other clans and on the war. Also, he was easy to control, and wouldn't object to her more bloodthirsty whims. She meant to appoint a new deputy eventually (assuming he wouldn't be able to defend himself in the war and would soon die--spoiler, he lived bitch), but didn't get the chance before she died. Branchstar is old now, but Shallowclan has lived in relative peace since he became leader, so he is pretty well liked, and is balanced out well by his slightly more vicious deputy, Fernshadow.
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vaporclan · 4 months
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Moon 173
Oh hey haven’t seen Paleghost in a while!
For context they tend to keep to themselves and not get involved in anything. After Foresttrail and Brokenpaw and Branchstar/Ice they prefer to just be alone. Theyre not close to anyone in camp. They just do their job and go about their day. They struggle with empathy quite a lot and don’t really feel much when the cats they aren’t close to die. This used to frustrate them but they’ve accepted it nowadays
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catsthatbiteeachother · 8 months
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some fanart of @through-frost-and-flames 's Branchstar
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moss-path · 2 years
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Some ideas for fleshing out ShadowClan’s family tree, mostly focusing on Yellowfang. Check out my other family trees here. 
Considering the lack of cats in allegiances outside of ThunderClan, I find it kind of fun to make the whole family tree. I have one done for each clan from about MV to the most recent book. I’m slowly making the heads for each one to make it a better visual. I generally try to make them genetically accurate but sometimes making them look cool is more fun.
Notes on changes are below the cut. :)
Cedarstar and Silverflame are siblings
Deerleap and Brightflower are siblings
I always throught Brackfoot and Amberleaf looked alike so they are also siblings
I’ve changed Clawface’s name to Clawstrike. He’s still the brother of Nightpelt/star, I just didn’t include him on this tree
Yellowfang tortie rights
I’ve given Boulder a clan name, Bouldernose. He is mates with Cinderfur instead of Ashheart. They use a surrogate to have their kits and Bouldernose is their bio father. I’ve eliminated Ash to avoid any family tree crossing and to make it a little less confusing.
Instead of Brightflower being the mother of Marigold and Mint, Rowanberry is. Brightflower is a permanent nursery resident and their deaths still hit her hard. Clawstrike’s continued support of Branchstar starts to break apart their relationship as kits continue to die.
Poppytail (Tallpoppy) has kits with two different cats. Her first litter is with Branchstar (Brokenstar), and consist of Ratclaw (Ratscar) and Oakfur. Though the relationship might have started amicable (I don’t imagine they loved each other, but Branch wanted kits to follow his example), it slowly broke down as Branch continued to commit war crimes.
Poppy later has kits with Whitewater. They make up Poppy’s canon litter during TNP + Snowbird. While Snow and Rat are no longer littermates, they’re still half-siblings. 
Rubblestep (Rubblekit) survives to adulthood and has Snaketail, Ivystrike, and Owlclaw with an unknow cat, probably a loner.
Quietpaw (Quietkit) is one of the early apprentices that die before their warriorhood. The BoulderxCinder littermates are around the same age as Littlecloud.
Applefur and Smokefoot have two kits, Shrewfoot and Olivenose.
Oakfur has kits with Ivytail of RiverClan! They have Graymist together. I like to think that there are a lot more half clan relationships than seen in the books, it’s just less of a deal when it isn’t super political.
Ivystrike is Ivytail, funny how I managed to get both the Shadow and River one in here.
I cut off the tree here to avoid making it super big. I may go back and post of a tree with Scorchfur and Snowbird.
Ivystrike has Grassheart with Stoatfur. Berryheart and Yarrowleaf have their canon kits. And Shrewfoot has Wasptail and Stonewing.
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pizzasdumbcats · 5 years
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Name: BranchStar
Position: Starclan member, leader before Mottlestar (hollow camp)
Gender: Female
Age at death: 105 moons
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clambucket · 2 years
Cringe is dead make warrior cats oc named Petalnose with a fringe and pale yellow coat with white splotches down her chin and paws and the tip of her tail but she has little dark brown speckles along the top of her head and spine and there’s one on her forehead that looks like a heart and she has light gold eyes but she’s super tiny and really strong but she had a kit with a tom from shadow clan named Featherfern and he’s a fluffy dark grey ish brown over most of his body and he lost half his tail from an encounter with young two legs but despite being from Shadowclan he has a heart of gold reflected in his kind blue eyes and their kit is named Mintpaw but his name will be Mintstep when he’s older but right now he’s a medicine cat apprentice and oh yeah did I mention Petalnose is a wind clan cat and Mintpaw lives with her and she claims to not know who his father is but he has Featherferns grey brown coat but his moms eyes and white paws and the vision the current wind clan medicine cat saw that made him choose Mintpaw was catmint plant sprout from the moonpool and climb high into starclan during his last visit so he just knew who to make his apprentice but what no one knows is that Mintpaw never wanted to be a medicine cat because he had promised another apprentice Gingerpaw that he would never leave his side when they became warriors but it’s fine because Gingerpaw will become Gingerclaw then Gingerstar so still get to spend time together all the time and the other cats always thought it was weird Gingerstar never had his own kits but he did end up taking in a newborn kit found on the outside edge of wind clan territory as his own and all the cats thought it was so brave to raise a kit as an unmated male but no one knew Mintstep was helping raise the kit and the kit was named Petalstep later on as a warrior and no one really thought much about the name but after Gingerstar died his ninth time his Deputy Branchfoot became Branchstar and named Petalstep his deputy but she died tragically over a petty dispute with shadowclan that quickly escalated and the one to land the final blow was Wingtail a young tom with fluffy grey brown fur and cold blue eyes
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kirisclangen · 10 months
Beetleclan: Proud, Charming, and Exploratory
The cats of Beetleclan are often good at talking, and they make good use of it. They’re great at getting what they want out of situations, while still having all parties come out at least somewhat satisfied, and they take great pride in that fact, often referring to themselves as the best mediators of all the clans. They also often like to roam as far as they’re possibly allowed, often wandering far up the beach past what would usually be considered any clan’s territory. They don’t claim it, of course, they’re not so greedy to take land they don’t need, but it’s still fun to explore around sometimes, and what can they help if prey just happens to stumble right into their claws? Beetleclan is led by Branchstar, and is camped in the hollowed remains of a large old Twoleg sea-monster.
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Tanglekit > Tanglepaw > N/A* > Tanglestar Kit > Apprentice > Warrior > Deputy > Leader SkyClan - Non-binary tom (they/them) Mates: Mumblefoot, Mothstorm *Warrior name unknown
Tanglestar is a fairly chill and humorous cat, who knows when to be serious. They don't mind a little rulebreaking, and often search for solutions 'outside the box,' so to speak. They are in a loving poly relationship with their deputy, Mumblefoot, and medicine cat, Mothstorm, which the clan is aware of and mostly supports. Cats outside SkyClan generally only know Tanglestar and Mumblefoot are mates, since medicine cats are still viewed not to be able to have mates.
They were good friends with the ShadowClan leader before Echostar, and continue to be allies towards ShadowClan during the ShadowClan-RiverClan war. They are sympathetic towards Echostar, sensing the young ShadowClan leader is hiding many secrets.
Tanglestar does not like Sorrelstar of WindClan when she rises to leadership, and believes she should 'chill out.' They get along excellently with Branchstar of ThunderClan as they share similar senses of humor, and are wary towards Berrystar of RiverClan, since they are allied with RiverClan's enemy.
“Light brown tabby cat.”
Fun Fact: They are a non-binary tom, born male at birth, and uses they/them pronouns, as well as polyamorous panromantic/sexual.
Wiki Link.
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Rowanthistle - dark ginger orange tom with long fluffy undercoat
Family: Redtooth (father), Seedroot (mother), Flashwind (brother), Tansyspring (sister) Gender / Sexuality: Tom / demisexual Personality: interest in herbs, loves admiring plants, really friendly and social, not remotely offputting, like you wanna trust him when you meet him Backstory: Rowanthistle had always had his eyes on the medicine cat den, but as a younger cat, he had been pushed into a warrior apprentice at an early age. Whisperclan had gone through a dry spell, where no kits had been born, and the apprentice den had been empty for nearly three moons by the time Rowanthistle and his siblings went in. The clan was desperate for young warriors. So Rowanthistle did as he was told, learned how to hunt and fight, and earned his warrior name alongside his siblings.  Rowanthistle has always been the Tom to go out of his way to help others, often first apprentice willing to check on the elders, and even as a warrior he brings them prey in hopes of sharing tongues with his noble elder warriors. He’s happy to help deliver herbs for the medicine cat, and request them when a nursing queen needs some help. He does his best to get as much paws on experience with herbs as he can. Rowanthistle’s plan is to have kits, and then plea with his leader to allow him to train as a medicine cat. If he can give the clan more warriors, then he can be dismissed as a warrior, right? Ideal Partner: queen looking for a new daddy, single queen, youngest warrior b4 Rowan and his siblings, deputy’s kit, interclan relationship would be fun too, like leaf/crow leaf/moth? Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
Flashwind - white and ginger tom
Family: Redtooth (father), Seedroot (mother), Rowanthistle (brother), Tansysprig (sister) Gender / Sexuality: Tom / bisexual - heavily Tom leaning as a form of birth control Personality: selfish, energetic, always wants to go hunting, eager to practice sparring too Backstory: Middle brother to three rambunctious kits, Flashwind knew eyes would be on him during his training. Eager to impress, Flashwind worked hard to earn his warrior name alongside his brothers. Flashwind has little interest in kits, unlike his brother who seems eager to sweettalk the queens. Flashwind knows that he’s expected to look to help the clan repopulate but honestly, he just is not ready to be a father.  Flashwind is a young warrior still filling out his warrior name. He wants to be able to stretch his legs, enjoy the freedom of being a warrior, before being tied down to the nursery and some whining kits. Not to mention a needy mate. Flashwind would rather just not.  Preferring the company of elder warriors, or Tom’s in general, Flashwind will go out of his way to avoid spending time with the young shecats of the clan. Ideal Partner: pls have a cute queen chasing after him, like “ready for my next litter daddy” lmaoo, or gimme the Tom who also doesn’t want kits, or the Tom who had kits out of obligation and is also offput by them Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
Tansysprig - dark ginger tabby shecat
Family: Redtooth (father), Seedroot (mother), Rowanthistle (brother), Flashwind (brother) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / bisexual - Tom leaning Personality: strong, brave, work focused, girl boss, gatekeep gaslight girlboss Backstory: Expected to be a career queen, Tasnysprig doesnt want to spend all her time in the nursery. She’ll have kits, if that’s what the clan needs, but she wont sit around the nursery all the time. Once the kits can be left alone, she intends to rejoin warrior duties, doing her part for the clan. Tansysprig was always coached to be useful, to help out where she can, and the idea of sitting around the nursery doing nothing doesn’t sit right with her. Not that she wont love her kits, but sometimes other things come first. Like making sure the clans fed. Her kits wont be the only kits with hungry mouths. When Branchstar eventually names her as deputy, the clan knows he chose someone level headed, who can think with her heart and her head. She of course loves her kin, but her priority is to the growth and prosperity of Whisperclan, not her own blood. Her unbiased view of the clan is necessary for a good leadership decision. Ideal Partner: the Tom who really wants kits lol, or the Tom who def doesn’t want kits, or someone who already has kits, or the resident den dad Position | Clan: Warrior | Whisperclan
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baseballr00ks-moved · 5 years
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Inktober Day 2- Mindless
Boarstar of CarnationClan
“Boarstar, formerly Boarfang became leader of CarnationClan in a time of unrest. Though instead of mending the wounds his clan had obtained, he only sought to deepen them. When Branchstar died, Boarstar’s memory seemed to fade with him, being the last of the generation who knew well of him. Now Boarstar’s just the subject of kit-tales, despite his very real impact on the clans.” -Leopardmaw on Boarstar
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sammix23-blog · 6 years
Am I a monster (part 2)
Quail kit woke to the sound of screaming he was still in the forest and he saw it his mom and his brother spider kit Mom? He looked on in shock and his mother the one who fed him and raised him and spider kit when their father left and now quail kit had no one now he could barely see anything and he saw blood drops on the snow and that’s when saw a puddle that wasn’t frozen and he ran to it as best as could and saw his face it was horriblely duformed and bloody and it hurt a lot and saw one of his eyes were gone. he felt very weak then a heart beat he saw a she-cat he barely knew and she was horrified and before he could explain he passed out
His eyes flutter open and he looked around
He was in the medicine den?
“So it doesn’t seem to care it’s the reason my wife and son are dead and it’s all its fault,”
He saw the medicine cat who had worried expression on his face “oh you’re awake.” “Where is my mom and brother.” Quail kit asked they’re dead they had lost a lot blood and they’re wounds were already infected when the portal carried them in I tried my best but they had already passed away.” Quail kit was on the verge of tears and that’s when he heard some cat yowl at the medicine cat “Leafwhisker are you still talking to that thing.” He sounded very angry “shut up Stormbird at least I’m not determined to get my own kit’s name changed to withered kit
Withered kit?
So it doesn’t seem to cares it’s that monster fault that my mate and child are dead
He’s greaving but why is he blaming me?
“It’s no son of mine my kit never looked like a monster if he’d stayed put maybe my mate and son would sill be alive” and he left and quail kit didn’t see him for the rest of the day until he got called up by Branchstar “as you know we continue to grief over the loss of Blizzardstride and spider kit and- he was cut off by a cat yowling “just get on with it.” It was the deputy stormbird, branchstar ignored him as he looked down at the kit “your name shall be withered kit for your deformed face.” Everyone was now chanting his new name including his father who was chanting like it was a appertince ceremony instead of a renaming he looked down at the ground he was embarrassed by all the attention he was getting and when it was finally over he walked over to the nursery where heard the queens screeching for him to leave calling him a monster and a freak of nature so he slept outside that night.
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vaporclan · 2 months
By the way, uhhh, I've only ever said this in the Discord before but I think Branchstar 1 has been double dead for a long time. I think I'm gonna make it canon.
We do not see her even once since this incident, so she may have....... Bled out.
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