#{ queue a spell on me }
tiddygame · 1 month
used to, ghost would always sleep on his side facing the door with his back almost pressed to the wall. in a room where the bed isn't in the corner? he'd either move the bed or sleep on the floor in the corner.
it doesn't take long for soap to figure out his lieutenant's sleep pattern and does his best to quietly help. the first time they have to share a bed (obvi before they're together cause this is fanfic, how else would it go) neither is really sure what to do.
the bed is in the corner, but during the typical "who takes the bed, alright fine we both will" argument, they come to an impasse. neither will let the other take the floor nor do they know the best way for both to be on the bed. either ghost has someone in the way of him and the door, or has someone at his back that he can't see.
they do eventually land on (without discussion bc ghost is a prideful bastard) soap taking the wall side, but ghost is still nervous. he surprises himself by being much more comfortable than he thought he would, it feeling less like there's a stranger right behind him and more like soap is watching his back for him, even though he knows soap is asleep. ghost himself doesn't really sleep, but that is to be expected.
something something they get together and ghost realizes he's most comfortable knowing soap is there, not to protect him cause he's still to prideful for that, but to help watch his blind spot without having to push himself against the wall.
(also ghost likes being the little spoon. hmm? what? who said that...)
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har-har-harvey · 5 months
also, since tumblr won’t let you post more than one video unless they’re links or embeds, here’s a link to another clip i posted that adds a bit more context to the scene :)
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djsadbean · 3 months
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doodles from my beautiful mind
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amphibianaday · 2 years
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day 1181
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Beau White, Give Me Confectionary or Give Me Death, 2013 Oil on Canvas
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lucienarcheron · 7 months
High Lord of the Day Court - Helion Spell-Cleaver
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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b1mbodoll · 4 months
i’ve talked about tame toys (dildos, plugs, straps, collars / leashes) but what if i said anal hooks… is that too much? pls lmk in asks… btw im gna queue this for when i’ll probably be asleep bcs im shy
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Just a heads up, bats aren’t really categorized as microbats and megabats anymore. The current categorization is Yangochiroptera and Yinpterochiroptera, since more recent research has shown that some bats (like bumblebee bats) share more in common with fruit bats than other so-called megabats. Nothing wrong with using them as tags if you want to separate bigger and smaller bats but just thought I’d let you know. :)
I know anon! Have done since before I started this account :> The only reason I use the older labels is because they're easier to spell and I'm a little more familiar with where bats fall within them, it just makes queuing easier because I don't need to look up quite as much additional information!
I appreciate the intent though and I get it, maybe once I'm more familiar with the dividing lines I'll tag em that way but for now we're goin old school I suppose lol
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raspberrysmoon · 1 month
horrible news, the smut i want to read doesnt exist. i have to write it myself
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gynandrophagy · 1 month
Tune in every day at 7:30 PM EST for Daily Antennae!
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tear me to shreds i care not adagio is wife adagio is life
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lovedrac · 2 months
American Girl please do Snow White… Only then will I feel very confident in spending that much money……..
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boredcouchpotato · 1 year
So I have this scenario in my mind for quite some time now.
I think after Russian tournament when Voltaire and Boris got arrested, the police conducted a investigation in the abbey too (obviously). So that means all the abbey children which also includes demolition boys don't have a place to go.
Kai also don't have a home (assuming that his parents or any immediate family member are not in picture)but I will get to it later that if Voltaire is arrested.
All of them ( abbey kids not Kai) has only two options left that is either to be placed in either foster system and attend therapy which is mandatory for them because there is no way they will not need therapy or the other option is to run away and go back to streets.
So the children obvious will choose to stay in foster system because
1) that means they shelter to sleep and food
2) they can get proper education ( I don't believe that Boris was not in some way brainwashing them to believe that he is their saviour of sort and they should obey him without any complains) which can help them to improve their living condition.
Ofcourse their are exceptions (the kids who are brainwashed) but majority of them are smart ( no way Boris would keep academically weak kids because to him they (kids) are replaceable). So they just decided suck it up and go to foster system.
It's a little different for demolition boys because they actually got pretty famous from the tournament and they are the most messed up kids of the bunch. But by the time they are in g- rev demolition boys attend therapy and it actually helps them a lot also maybe they have a loving guardian or mom or whatever, they gets adopted. I don't know who adopts them but they all get in adopted by same person which means they are basically living as brothers. And it creates their bond even stronger and they see each other as family.
They get the time to start to heal.
But what about Kai??? I don't think they were in contact this whole time, because d- boys and Kai acknowledge each other as someone they knew from the past sort of like an old friend which we don't talk anymore but we are polite with them. Except d- boys and kai don't do polite.💀 So how was he dealing with all this??? Where will he go??
What I think happened here was that Voltaire never gets jail time. Yes, he gets arrested. Yes, he was put on trial. But we also have to keep in mind that he has a lot of money and bribery is very common. What if he bribed the judge or if his lawyer somehow managed to prove that Voltaire did not know what was "actually" happening in abbey. That he (Voltaire) thought that he was just donating to an organisation that helps kids and not some organisation that do experiments on children. Otherwise why would he put his own grand child there. And he did not know this was happening because when Kai came back he has lost his memory in an fire accident. That Kai is lying about the physical abuse he received at his home in Japan because he has messed up memory because of that accident. So the court decides that Voltaire is not guilty and he still has Kai's guardianship.
And oh boy, Voltaire is LIVID. Because not only Kai has dared to go against his wishes by not using black dranzer he humiliated him as well by saying he was abusing him. So when they go back to Japan he starts different ways to punish Kai for this. It ranged from financial abuse to emotional abuse but never physical because 1) it will put Voltaire in the spotlight if anyone finds out, and he really wants to avoid that because the court case is still fresh in people's mind
2) he is an old man he really won't have the strength to do that to a teenager himself, ofcourse he can hire people but he had to be careful now
and because Kai never really got therapy he still kind of believes in "emotions are weakness" thing. So he just kind of tried to brush this off, thinking that this nothing and atleast Voltaire is not bothering him anymore.
So yeah, never gets the chance to truly start the process of healing. Yes, he might have opened up to his friends more in next season's but he never shared his personal life, so they never knew what happened to him after Russian tournament. You can't just "fix" his trauma with the power of friendship and his other issues that he might had. He needs professional help.
And he never told anyone about all these things.
So what happens when in g-rev he joins the blitzkrieg boys. He is treated as an outsiders of sort. Lan and Spencer don't really cares what he does as long as he don't get in their business. Tala keeps annoying him about joining team's training and stops going on his own. It's annoying but nothing he can't handle after all he was in a team with Tyson for years. And at first Kai is fine with all this arrangement he is here is win a tournament and then he will go his way. What irritates him the most is Bryan and his jabs. Bryan never trusted him especially after he Changed teams in russian tournament and just because tala chose him his partner in tournament doesn't mean he has to tolerate Kai as well.
At first he ignores him but they gets more and more annoying and personal with each try . Tala and Spencer of course breaks their fight before it gets physical or something serious happens.He knows that Bryan hates him and he has said that to his face multiple times and he has made sure that Bryan knows that the sentiments is same from his side too. It's just when someone is constantly getting into your face and trying to get a reaction out of you especially when you have to concentrate on winning a tournament it gets mentally and physically exhausting. And at first Kai is fine with all this arrangement he is here is win a tournament and then he will go his way. But now he is just tired. He is just so so tired that he feels like he can sleep for a eternity and he would still be sleepy.
(This incident happened sometime after Kai vs ray battle, so you know Kai is literally dead on his feet and he needs a nap before he can tolerate anyone.)
So when Bryan decided that this is the perfect time to poke Kai and call him "a spoilt brat" , "princess" or "someone who gets everything on silver platter" he snaps. And by snaps I mean this fight gets physical very quickly bitter words are thrown at each other. Tala and Spencer had to hold them back. Spencer only managed to hold back Bryan because of his massive muscle mass and tala is able to hold back Kai because Kai is exhausted from the match and tala is taller than him, so it's makes his task easier. You think the fight was done here but No. When I said Kai snapped I mean he *snapped* this guy was still swearing at him (Bryan) and screaming at him and his face was getting red from screaming too much. He (Kai) didn't even noticed that tala is holding him from punching the daylight out of Bryan. At first Bryan was also replying ( means fighting him verbally because he was still being held back), but he suddenly stoped. Because he noticed how Kai's voice cracked and then angry tears started to pour out from his eyes. But at that point Kai is just so angry he never noticed this he is even mixing up the languages like this guy is speaking russian and Japanese mix. And Bryan is shocked, the whole team is. He might be annoying bastard but he never meant to make him cry he then realised that he crossed the line with this one that he shouldn't have. But Kai is not done yet he is still speaking (screaming) in full Japanese now and he is full on sobbing and hiccups which was now starting to develop into a anxiety attack.
Spencer is the one to break out of shock first and he takes Bryan away from Kai's sight because if he is in Kai's sight he will continue to scream at him. And Bryan was is so shocked that he just complies without complain. Tala also breaks out of the shock with this and tries to calm down Kai but nothing works and kai basically cried himself to sleep. So after tucking Kai to bed tala goes straight to Bryan to scold him but when he gets there he sees that Bryan is already feeling guilty. So all three of them just decides to wait till the morning to resolve this matter. But when Kai wakes up the next morning he is absolutely mortified. He feels so embarrassed that he just wants to crawls into a hole and never come out again. And he was determined to do that , he was ignoring his teammates at first but then tala gets fed up (also because tala is the captain of this team and he wants this issue to resolve and he does care about Kai no matter what kai likes to believe) and somehow made him come to the team's practice.
Kai was prepared to be teased mercilessly but he gets surprised when Bryan apologized like he is actually speachless. And kai can tell that Bryan was genuine with his apology. So after some awkward moment he is just like "whatever. I don't care". And they just move on from there. The team practice like they normally would and nobody mentions his breakdown for which he is thankful.
But Bryan do get a little more tolerable after that because he is more mindful of what he is saying. And both of kind of develop a mutual respect for each other. They can actually tolerate each other now and Spencer is relieved too. Because he might not say anything but the hostile environment between the two of them was exhausting for him too. And because Kai isn't irritated now because of Bryan he gets better at practice and less exhausted by the end of the day which means tala can now drag Kai to actually train with team rather than him going alone. It annoys Kai but he doesn't say anything because he wants to avoid another fight if he can, but that doesn't mean he will make it easy for tala. And by the time his battle with takao comes he feels that he is prepared to face him.
I also want this being kind of like a turning point of their friendship. And when Kai becomes an adult he actually goes to therapy himself for better mental health also so that he can also start healing. At first he was hesitant of going there but after he saw how good blitzkrieg boys are doing he decides it about time. He also adopts 3cats and no one can tell me otherwise. Spencer and kai exchange photos of cute animals.
Please the ending got a little lame, but I am not a writer so don't come after me.
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pup-pee · 6 months
i got 2 buy comics 2day & i found some tmnt sooooooooo!! cute mikeys :3!!
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teenage mutant ninja turtles adventures #18
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a-new-hetch · 2 months
my hand hurt and are bleeding now honestly took longer then i thought but thats my queue to stop
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