#firgo rights
into-the-clintoris · 2 years
For the ask meme: the firbolg?
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The firbolg is so nonbinary he's just like me fr
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WHG 18 - The Initial Reaping
It’s time! There are exactly 24 tributes, and submissions are closed! So, there are two tributes per district, and the stage is set for round 18 of the Writeblr Hunger Games!
Please look over the characters and let me know if anything needs to be changed! I will not actually put the characters into the simulator until Wednesday, June 29, so please let me know before then! 
I will be posting the prompt list for pre-Games writing right after this with everyone who is participating tagged in it, and we also have a Discord, where we discuss and collaborate! So, please let me know if you’d like to be added to that!
Now, let’s see who is going to be part of this deadly beach trip!
District 1
Eclipse Shester (they/them), @concealeddarkness13
Ashira Firgo “Ash” (she/her), @concealeddarkness13
District 2
Ivory Hawthorn (she/her), @written-in-gold
Sword (she/her), @avaeverstone
District 3
Nexys Dimaano (he/him), @magnus-s-writes
Cleo (she/her), @avaeverstone
District 4
Tsunami (he/him), @knmartinshouldbewriting
Haf (she/her), @knmartinshouldbewriting
District 5
Evangeline Kakra (she/her), @written-in-gold
Ernest Montgomery (he/him), @ratracechronicler
District 6
Evalyn Roseblood (she/her), @evethenovicewriter
Serena Darcy (she/her), @evethenovicewriter
District 7
Milo Henrikson (he/him), @evethenovicewriter
Amethyst Sharman (she/her), @onmywaytobe
District 8
Anevieve Benchak (she/her), @spacebrick3
Sydney Jennan (he/him), @spacebrick3
District 9
Ajax (he/him), @knmartinshouldbewriting
Dusk (he/him), @avaeverstone
District 10
Antonio (he/him), @maple-writes
Trielace (she/her), @pen-of-roses
District 11
Ari Rust (he/him), @written-in-gold
Vonnie Stone (she/her), @sparkles-and-hens
District 12
Jaime Garnet-Batista “Garnet” (he/him), @drabbleitout
Ives (he/him), @drabbleitout
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concealeddarkness13 · 2 years
WHG 18 Clipped Wings Part 1
Content warning for suggestive themes. This is Eclipse’s perspective in the WHG! Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @knmartinshouldbewriting, and @drabbleitout!
When I woke up the day before the reaping, there was a storm of servants setting out suits and dresses and chatting among themselves. It was the day of the wedding, and it apparently would take all day to get ready. I sighed and zoned out as I got up and got ready.
It had been a month since the Capitol destroyed my home in District 13. Horatio Firgo, a close advisor to President Snow, took me in, since I was the child of the mayor of District 13, since he was “friends” with my parents. And he was the one who decided that the Capitol should destroy District 13. No matter what he said about rebels destroying District 13, killing my parents, it was really the fucking Capitol. And Firgo decided that I would get engaged to his daughter, Ashira, to keep me safe, totally.
We had been engaged for a month, and I didn’t hate Ashira. She seemed to have plans of her own, but she didn’t get along with her parents. It hadn’t been bad getting to know her. But Firgo had been hinting that there was something he wanted from me. Some kind of powers I had, but I didn’t know about them at all. That made me think that they were planning on sending me into the Games to bring out my powers. I knew that they totally sent people in and took them out instead of letting them die, so that was probably what was going to happen here.
But yeah, back to the present. I finished showering and looked at the options. Just really a dress or a suit. Both white. But I certainly wasn’t in a dress mood, so I chose the suit, and they got to work.
And fuck, it did take hours, enough that I was starving once they were done getting me perfect. I was in the suit, all covered with oils and shit, and my hair was pulled up in a fancy ponytail. My makeup accented the sharpness of my face, and the jewelry they gave me was filled with diamonds. I sighed and tried to smile. They had made me look great without it being a weird Capitol outfit, thankfully, but I wasn’t thrilled about the circumstances. But, well, this would probably be the best way to be able to get close enough to Firgo and his wife and get revenge for my home, since they were the ones who came up with the idea to begin with.
Cameras were everywhere as I walked into the building where the wedding would take place. It was basically a normal arena, with hundreds, if not thousands of people actually watching, and they all cheered when I walked in. Firgo and his wife were sitting at the front, and I walked over and kneeled before them, and Firgo put his hand on the top of my head, signifying his blessing for the marriage.
I stood next to the official who would be marrying us, and Ashira walked in, being escorted by a Peacekeeper. I didn’t look at her, though. I wasn’t going to play for the cameras. Firgo took her from the Peacekeeper and handed her off to me, and I finally did look and blushed despite myself.
She was also wearing a white suit, and it was skin tight and very flattering. Fuck. This was dangerous. I didn’t know what her plans were, but she had already hinted that she wanted to use me in them. I had to figure out what those plans were, but she hadn’t told me yet.
She leaned on me and looked over as the official started talking. Looked like neither of us would be paying attention to the vows. “We have the same tastes,” she purred. “You look fabulous in white.”
I blushed more. “I would have preferred a less traditional color, but this will have to do.” The official started with the vows, and I decided to be a little shit, since I had memorized the vows. I leaned a little closer, and as the official was speaking, I whispered to her. “Do you look at pictures of cute baby animals and squeal in delight?”
Ashira, on the official’s cue (but also right in time with me), said, “I do.”
The official kept talking, but she had to hide that she was laughing, and I smiled a little. She leaned in too and whispered back at me. “Do you sleep with stuffed animals because they’re nice to cuddle, no actual judging here?”
And right on cue, I had to say, “I do.”
We both laughed quietly, and we didn’t pay any attention to the vows as we kept making each other admit to somewhat embarrassing things while the ceremony dragged on. I mean, why did it matter? This was going to be a loveless marriage, most likely, and this was only happening because Firgo wanted to keep up appearances. Might as well have some fun with it.
The official finally finished the vows, and he took the rings and gave them to us. I put the ring on Ashira’s finger, and she did the same, and the crowd cheered and cried and all that other shit.
The official smiled, as if he hadn’t noticed all our whispering behind his back. “In all your decisions, you will now take someone else into consideration as well. In all your rest, you will now rest beside someone. In all your hard days, you will now have a shoulder to lean on. Cherish your love and never take it for granted.” The crowd roared, and Ash pulled me into a kiss. Which was actually nice. Fuck.
I had to endure the party afterwards, talking politely and pretending that I wasn’t pissed off at the Capitol for destroying my district, but it was finally over, and Ashira took my hand and pulled me along. She was smirking, so I knew exactly what was going to happen. And sure enough, she led me to her room.
Heat rushed to my cheeks as she opened the door and led me in and closed the door behind her as I just stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. It was the wedding night. What if I pissed her off because I wasn’t good enough?
She walked over and brushed her fingers over my shoulder, and I shivered at the light touch. She leaned in so her lips were inches from my ear. “Dearest, would you like to be with me, or would you rather not?”
My cheeks were burning as I nodded. “I’d like to. If you’d want me.”
She smirked. “Of course I want you, dearest.” She snuggled her face into my neck. “You’re gorgeous. And you mentioned a tattoo at the engagement party. Where would it be, Love?”
I turned around so I was facing her, and I smiled a little. “I’ll let you find it.”
She purred and pushed me to the bed where I lost my balance and fell on the bed, and she leaned over me. She started unbuttoning my suit jacket, and I just stared up at her. She was so beautiful. I couldn’t imagine that she was actually interested in me. Was all of this just an act?
I frowned, my hands wandering under her suit jacket. “What are these plans you have for me? You keep teasing me with the fact that you want to use me for something, that you’re not just doing this out of the goodness of your heart, so what do you want from me?”
She laughed and kissed me on the lips, and I melted as she took off my suit jacket and started working on the shirt underneath. “Don’t you want the surprise, Love?”
“No.” I spoke in between kisses. “I’d rather know what I’m getting myself into.”
She pulled back a bit. “But then you can get out of it easier.”
I tilted my head, as I pulled off her own suit jacket. “I have my own plans, so I won’t be leaving.”
She tilted her head back with a smirk, running her hands over my back, but before she could say anything, she looked down at my bare stomach and gasped. “This is your tattoo? It’s gorgeous!”
It was a tattoo on my stomach, of the night sky, filled with colorful stars. Ashira leaned down and kissed my stomach, and my breath hitched, and I blushed. “But what do you want to use me for?”
She snickered, still kissing my stomach, and her shirt was almost off too. “I’ll tell you if you promise to tell me your plans. And as a show of faith, tell me first.”
I took a breath before I mumbled out the words. “I want to kill your parents for destroying my district.”
She laughed, not the reaction I was expecting, as she pressed herself closer. “What a coincidence. I want to destroy the Capitol, including my parents, for everything they’ve done, the atrocities they’ve committed. My father seems to think you have some kind of powers, and I want to use you for that.”
I tilted my head, my hands wandering up to her shoulders and hair. “Why didn’t you just ask me? I would have agreed. Why all this talk about using me? I want to help you with that.”
Ashira froze and stared at me. “Wait, what? You just want to help me?”
I frowned. “Yes. People can do that.”
It looked like it was a revelation for her. What the fuck had she been through? “Well,” she coughed. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer. I know that my father is having you reaped tomorrow. So, I’ll just volunteer and get us both out. And anyone else I can get out. And we can work together.” Her hands wandered farther down my back and hooked around the waist of my pants. “I’ve never had a partner before.”
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into-the-clintoris · 4 years
THE OTHER THING I really love about Fitzrain over Maplekeene is that for whatever reason, Fitzroy gives me strong “comfort straight person” vibes and Fitzrain furthermore gives me “comfort straight couple” vibes.
Before I explain what I mean, I’m going to let yall know that I am going to use “straight” and “gay” as shorthand for m/f and m/m, even though the sexuality of persons involved makes using those labels for an entire couple a nuanced discussion...you know what I mean. 
ANYWAY in general, queer people are starved for representation, so every bit we can get our hands on is exciting. That combined with the necessity of hiding queer relationships for so long has left on gay couples in media this residue of desperation, excitement. Well written queer couples fill us with yearning as we watch with bated breath about their fate (MOSTLY NOT COMPLETELY). 
Hetero couples, on the other hand, have been shoved down our throats since the beginning of time. We see Hallmark movies that are just about the same straight couple over and over, movies that do not need a romance plot shoehorning one in, sitcoms in which all the men sleep with a string of women and the women sleep with a string of men. Straight couples, badly written, are boring, rote, monotonous. All the same.
But then, once in a while, there’s this straight couple that is so perfectly written, so love re-defining, and so beautiful that it morphs that feeling. Instead of boring or monotonous, the straight couple feels familiar. The best way I can think of describing it is like home. That heterosexuality, simply by virtue of being well written, feels like home. This is how Lup and Barry feel. How Darcy and Lizzie feel. They’re classic, comforting.
I don’t know why, but when I heard Fitzrain, that’s how I felt. It’s this young love, clueless man and confident, endlessly kind woman that just can’t seem to work up the nerve to talk to each other, but have every reason to love each other unconditionally. They blush, exchange glances. They’re in college for Christ’s sake, they probably have little study sessions and coffee dates and and and and and. 
I understand that this isn’t like...an analysis of Fitzrain, it’s just me going “Bro trust me. It’s in the vibes.” Even if there’s not actually that much evidence for it, I just feel like I enjoy the feeling of that homey, comfort straight couple vibes.
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into-the-clintoris · 4 years
The firbolg carrying argo.......again.... desperately trying to keep him safe as they make an escape...hmmmm.....thats gay
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into-the-clintoris · 4 years
Holy shit
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Seven of those are tendermen/poly first.
And its mine.
I didnt realize how dire the situation is holy shit
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WHG 18 - Day 7
As the sun comes up this time, there is food and supplies over at the cornucopia. That’s right, it’s time for a feast!
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Evangeline continues her killing streak, getting rid of one of the biggest killers of the arena. Trielace unfortunately somehow caught the infections from Ives and Milo. Ives and Milo are the smart ones, but Sydney, Tsunami, and Ajax are the winners, since they got to get supplies without dying! 
(Due to user error, there isn’t a fallen tributes picture, so I’ll name the fallen tributes:) Garnet District 12, Serena Darcy District 6, Eclipse District 1, Trielace District 10
There are six tributes left! Maybe we’re getting close to the end!
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Actually, this is the end! Wow! An explosive finish from Ives, and Ajax succumbs to the venom. And you know what that means: 
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Congratulations! Ives has won the 18th round of the Writeblr Hunger Games! Thank you for the good times, and I hope you keep writing and sharing your writing with me! Also, there is always a way that the simulation was wrong, and your character(s) escaped, and currently, they fight the Capitol or run back to their family to be safe. Conspiracies are always fun! But I hope you enjoyed this, and congratulations to Ives! Thanks for participating!
District 1
Eclipse Shester (they/them), @concealeddarkness13​
Ashira Firgo “Ash” (she/her), @concealeddarkness13​
District 2
Ivory Hawthorn (she/her), @written-in-gold​
Sword (she/her), @avaeverstone​
District 3
Nexys Dimaano (he/him), @magnus-s-writes​
Cleo (she/her), @avaeverstone​​
District 4
Tsunami (he/him), @knmartinshouldbewriting​​
Haf (she/her), @knmartinshouldbewriting​​
District 5
Evangeline Kakra (she/her), @written-in-gold​​
Ernest Montgomery (he/him), @ratracechronicler​​
District 6
Evalyn Roseblood (she/her), @evethenovicewriter​​
Serena Darcy (she/her), @evethenovicewriter​​
District 7
Milo Henrikson (he/him), @evethenovicewriter​​
Amethyst Sharman (she/her), @onmywaytobe​​
District 8
Anevieve Benchak (she/her), @spacebrick3​​
Sydney Jennan (he/him), @spacebrick3​​
District 9
Ajax (he/him), @knmartinshouldbewriting​​
Dusk (he/him), @avaeverstone​​
District 10
Antonio (he/him), @maple-writes​​
Trielace (she/her), @pen-of-roses​​
District 11
Ari Rust (he/him), @written-in-gold​​
Vonnie Stone (she/her), @sparkles-and-hens​​
District 12
Jaime Garnet-Batista “Garnet” (he/him), @drabbleitout​​
Ives (he/him), @drabbleitout​
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into-the-clintoris · 4 years
It appears that I have new friends interested in Firgo rights, so here is a fic I wrote a little while back about the aftermath of the hell dimension, which is really what got me on the Firgo train in the first place.
The Cold Side of the Pillow
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into-the-clintoris · 4 years
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