#taz ranier
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Catchin’ up on graduation! Love these lil system-dismantling kiddos
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elikalay · 4 years
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Feel like pure shit just want her back x
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incorrecttaz · 3 years
Firbolg: I think Fitzroy was right.
Argo: I'm surprised he hasn't marched in here declaring 'I told you so'
Ranier: No, he wouldn't do that!
Fitzroy: Ranier, you're right. You are 100% right. I would never say that.
Fitzroy turns around, the shirt he's wearing says 'Fitzroy Told You So' on the back, while Ranier and Argo are trying not to die laughing*
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winter-skye · 4 years
Wearing a mask in public is good because no one can see me smiling at my phone. Why am I smiling at my phone? I'm looking at taz memes
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gingerrhd · 3 years
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It's so warm here today *-*
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I loved the Grad finale, don’t get me wrong. I almost started crying when Travis described everyone on Nua helping each other. That being said I was fully expecting Rainer to bust in and wreck Order’s shop and I am truly heartbroken that that did not happen.
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into-the-clintoris · 4 years
THE OTHER THING I really love about Fitzrain over Maplekeene is that for whatever reason, Fitzroy gives me strong “comfort straight person” vibes and Fitzrain furthermore gives me “comfort straight couple” vibes.
Before I explain what I mean, I’m going to let yall know that I am going to use “straight” and “gay” as shorthand for m/f and m/m, even though the sexuality of persons involved makes using those labels for an entire couple a nuanced discussion...you know what I mean. 
ANYWAY in general, queer people are starved for representation, so every bit we can get our hands on is exciting. That combined with the necessity of hiding queer relationships for so long has left on gay couples in media this residue of desperation, excitement. Well written queer couples fill us with yearning as we watch with bated breath about their fate (MOSTLY NOT COMPLETELY). 
Hetero couples, on the other hand, have been shoved down our throats since the beginning of time. We see Hallmark movies that are just about the same straight couple over and over, movies that do not need a romance plot shoehorning one in, sitcoms in which all the men sleep with a string of women and the women sleep with a string of men. Straight couples, badly written, are boring, rote, monotonous. All the same.
But then, once in a while, there’s this straight couple that is so perfectly written, so love re-defining, and so beautiful that it morphs that feeling. Instead of boring or monotonous, the straight couple feels familiar. The best way I can think of describing it is like home. That heterosexuality, simply by virtue of being well written, feels like home. This is how Lup and Barry feel. How Darcy and Lizzie feel. They’re classic, comforting.
I don’t know why, but when I heard Fitzrain, that’s how I felt. It’s this young love, clueless man and confident, endlessly kind woman that just can’t seem to work up the nerve to talk to each other, but have every reason to love each other unconditionally. They blush, exchange glances. They’re in college for Christ’s sake, they probably have little study sessions and coffee dates and and and and and. 
I understand that this isn’t like...an analysis of Fitzrain, it’s just me going “Bro trust me. It’s in the vibes.” Even if there’s not actually that much evidence for it, I just feel like I enjoy the feeling of that homey, comfort straight couple vibes.
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Hey guys I really really really don't want Rainer to be the spy but uh...
Episode 3:
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Episode 23, 11:52:
Gray: "You've gotten used to certain comforts, and I can take that away. Your beloved crêpe machine in the cafeteria? I gave that and I can take it away."
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marsdave · 4 years
Broke: being sad about fitzroy being ace because it means your ship won't happen
Woke: realizing that your ship can still happen because sexual attraction isn't everything
Bespoke: All or Nothing
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you cant spell necromancer without romance ;)
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day-time-dream · 4 years
wait guys holy shit!!!! if lup and barry were gordy’s adopted parents then its entirely possible magnus actually did make ranier’s chair!!! even if he didnt make it for her, it could have belonged to gordy and he could have modified it to be her mobility aid!!!!!
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Ohh if requests are open again, then a.) I wanna say that I adore your art style and it rlly inspires me. And b.) can you draw Rainer (TAZ: Grad) giving her pet squirrel skeleton a little smooch on the forehead? I’d appreciate the dopamine if it wouldn’t inconvenience you! Ty!! also, like, if you wanna request a TAZ doodle from me (just so we’re... even, I suppose?) you totally can! Only if you wanna :)
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Just sent one into your inbox! Tysm this was so lovely to paint <3
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sunnys-art-corner · 4 years
New theory
Ranier’s dad’s parents are barry and lup
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winter-skye · 3 years
Hi I miss Rainer
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gingerrhd · 3 years
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Now I fitzroy lord Knight of absentia of the relm shall kin God no doubles
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atazblr · 4 years
So I love the “Rainer is the daughter of Barry and Lup” theory
But I feel like maybe Taako and Kravitz make more sense? Because I feel like Barry wouldn’t be the lucha king, Lup would be the lych queen.
Meanwhile, Taako totally would call Kravitz that just to tease him, and Ranier would join in.
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