#first order of business is updating this blog tho bc i use it but i don't *use* it
ichorblossoms · 1 year
i should be more deranged on this blog
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
[i promise im not becoming a beastars blog im just currently binging it and need an outlet + Netflix has not given us shit about The Society updates and with COVID19 they prob won’t for a while]
ANYWAYS fake woke cancel culture is such a cancer lmao. Im trying to go thro the beastars tag to see opinions on characters and some people, who clearly have never watched/read it are.... hating it. Someone said “its a typical sexual thing from male writers” as if the creator/writer isn’t a whole ass woman ahdjdjdjd.
Like ngl shit does make me uncomfortable when it gets sexual but like that’s not the plot at all, and after reading the manga after the first arc shown in s1, it has even less sexual moments. Is an interesting show/manga. It has many interesting real life debates on ethics. In the manga i found it funny how they had a small arc about the dairy insdustry beinf unethical, interesting bc a lowkey vegan argument is not what i expected from the show. I know there’s a lot about sexism, racism, and even shows the struggles on interracial relationships and mix children vs how society sees/treats them. But i just didn’t expect them to talk about certain vegan arguments. But there’s also the debate about like ethical vs non ethical meat eating which, as a vegetarian, i find so interesting???? Ik the show hasn’t gone there yet, but there’s def points on how you COULD eat meat in an ethical way and how it’s necessary for some bodies without having to do it in a vicious way just to sell. I’m a vegetarian not bc i dont agree we shouldn’t eat meat but rather bc i think the industry (thanks to capitalism) abuses too much of the animals in order to sell more thus I don’t want to give my money to them. I have never seen this debate outside documentaries.
Anyways the show/manga is like.... actually very philosophical which i didnt expect at all?? Is a lot of reflection on society’s way to doing and hiding things plus the good old “nature vs nurture” debate when it comes to people’s actions. Thinking it was just some furry shit is what got me to ignore the show until recently. I do have to say tho, if people don’t like it I don’t understand why they don’t just... ignore it??? Like i def didn’t like the show and felt uncomfortable with it before actually understanding what it was about, and i just... minded my business??? Is weird people go on rants calling people who like the show “freaks” lmao. SPECIALLY when it’s obvious they’ve never actually watched the show or even asked what’s about and/or what got people interested on it. Are there furries watching it?? Yeh. Im not about to kink shame either. Shit makes me uncomfortable but also there’s a clear diff between furries and bestiality (im assuming this is what makes people uneasy bc is what i felt uncomfortable about when i first learned what furry meant) and going to actual furries to insult them when they are doing their weird, harmless, shit and minding their business is just uncalled for. And this is coming from someone who like.... doesn’t wanna have anything to do with furries (no offence).
What im saying is. Unless people are being harmed by something or harming others, let them enjoy shit and don’t make assumptions??? Feels like it should be basic human logic by 2020.
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