#first snowball fight for Gaara
sandsibs-and-co · 2 years
Gaara: I have never been in a snowball fight before. I don't know the rules
Lee: What?
Gaara: like is there a point system or is it to the death?
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hydrangeyes · 8 months
Fics/Drabbles/Rambles I wrote masterlist!
I will try my best to keep track of all of them and post it all here lol
Edit: Most of these are old! But silly fun and silly to read! Pls keep in mind there are some nsfw fics in thus list and I made sure to tag them as such! I don't plan to write nsfw as much or if at all anymore, but I don't plan to delete the ones I did write.
Mr. Villian's Day of shorts:
Encountering the Villian on your day of!: And so it begins
Ice Cream: You judge the villain when you're being just as weird
Uh Oh: A close call with someone who knows what they're doing startles you away from exploring.
Names: Note to myself to remember their names
My other works (Let's hope I linked these right lmao):
Old Gojo x male reader: Christmas ask
I Ramble about Victor (Potion Permit)
Christmas Cookies: Fatgum x Male Reader
You are what you are: Dabi x Male reader x Shigaraki
Pet: Reigen x Male reader
Snowball fight: Hawks/Keigo x Male reader
Hypnos (Hades) Imagines
Hair day: Established Dabi/Touya x Male reader
Blueberry Eyes: Established Dabi x Male reader
Bleach Rambles: around the time I found out about Bleach coming back
Dating Adult Denki Imagines
Ah: Idk what character this was for but could be for any
Bhna Valentines day imagines
Homage: jjk x male reader
Homage pt.2
It's hot okay??: bhna x male reader, could apply to any of them
Gojo and nipple play
First Loves: Established Dabi x male reader, Demi vent hours
Drabble ???: Hawks x Male reader
Fantasy: Bhna x male reader fic old
Who knows: Hawks x male reader
Sauce: Fatgum x male reader
A wonderful Christmas time!: Dabi x male reader
Bundle of Daffodil Flowers: Potential Botw link x Male reader
Feels: Mic x Male reader, potential mic x reader x Aizawa
Missing You: Aizawa x Male reader
Devotion: Draxum x Male reader
A new adventure awaits you: Luffy x Male Reader
Muzan likes to be punished: Muzan x Male Reader
The sun and His moon: Tsuchigomori x Seme male reader
Gojo x Male reader: the start of me nicknaming gojo little sapphire
Tobirama x male reader: I wanted these old men
Huh you're cute: Blunt male reader x Macaque
Rogue: Missing male reader x Sun wukong
Your favorite brat: Male reader x Sun wukong
Attention: Macaque x Immortal Male reader x Sun wukong
Love Language: Lmk x Male Reader
Dragon male reader x Macaque: nsfw was requested, nsfw was given
Mk x Spray Painter Male Reader: cute fluff
Unnamed: Botw link x male lynel hybrid pwp that I forgot about
Aishite: An old Your boyfriend AU drabble
Gaara fic Ideas
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ask4mycashapp · 2 years
hey <3 could you maybe write a gaara x reader (gender doesn't matter!) where they both dance while it snows? ;; and reader shows the snow off to him since it never shows in suna god i'm so soft for him :( i hope you have a nice day/night and tysm for reading <33
hii <3 i love gaara too! enjoy this drabble :D. thank you for requesting and i hope you have a nice day/night as well!
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dancing in the snow
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"y/n are you sure this is a good idea?" gaara was skeptical. of course he trusts you, he wouldnt be dating you if he didnt, but hes never heard of this "snow" you spoke of. you giggled, "mhm! we both have coats and gloves so we should be fine. snow is kinda like cold sand, youll love it!" and with that you both continued to walk together, conversing about random topics along the way,
"you know something i really want to do, gaara?"
"i want to dance in the snow with you."
when you finally got to your village, the village hidden in the snowy mountains bruh i came up with that on the spot dont judge 😭, gaara was amazed.
he crouched down to grab a handful of snow, when it stuck together he was confused, "huh?" he threw it up in the air to see it would stick together, it did, but once it hit his hand again it shattered.
you found his childlike curiousity adorable, well maybe your biased because you find everything he does adorable. when you first heard that gaaras never seen or even heard of snow before you were upset. how could anyone ever live without making snow angels, having a snowball fight, building a snow man with an igloo, and, your personal favorite, dancing in the snow???
you immediately decided you had to take your boyfriend to your home village to make him new snowy memories, with you <3.
awww... burn ☺️ ahem anyway-
you and gaara played in the snow for a while, laughing and smiling, giggling and joking. you built snowmen, snowwoman, igloos, a whole snow village. snow angels in the shape of both you all around the snow village. you continued this until it started snowing again, unique crstals falling from the sky.
gaara gets up, motioning you to do the same. once you do gaara smiles, "y/n," he extends his hand out to you, "may i have this dance?" you happily grab his hand and begin to slow dance.
there was no music, but you and gaara didnt care. you both were focused on taking in the moment, doing your best to carve this into your memorys forever. neither of you wanted this moment to end. it was just you two and the snow, nothing else, nobody else.
when you did eventually have to go home, you did so reluctantly,
"y/n, do we really have to go?"
"dont worry gaara, ill take you back here soon <3."
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this is my first work in like what 3 weeks? idk im pretty rusty so sorry if this sucks ass 🥲
bro im so behind on requests im sorry yall 😭
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sandnin19 · 8 months
Gaara Week 2024- Day 1: Just Gaara
Day 1: Just Gaara
Naruto’s voice rang in his head even hours after their encounter earlier that day. Gaara couldn’t stop replaying the scenes from earlier in his head. The cold wind slapping his face and the snow creeping into the open crevices of his clothes. The sting from the bombardment of…snowballs. His siblings were on a joint mission with Naruto and some of his peers in the Land of Iron, but seeing as their duties were completed, his orange-clad friend had suggested taking advantage of their time in the snowy climate by having a snowball fight. 
This was the first time Gaara had ever been in a snowball fight. Growing up in the desert didn’t give him much opportunity, then again his isolated childhood didn’t allow for a lot of trivial, childish games regardless of the climate. Which may have been why he shocked his siblings upon being the first to agree to participate in Naruto’s suggestion. 
If it was a snowball fight he wanted, it was a snowball fight he’d, his siblings thought with mischievous grins. 
So that is how the people from the Land of Iron saw some of the most skilled shinobi of the Leaf and Sand engaging in a snowball fight. And it is also how Gaara sat on the floor of the hotel room he shared with his siblings in front of a fire with a blanket wrapped around him. The activity was…fun, but a native to the desert he was not used to this kind of cold. Not that it bothered him much in his current state of mind, continuing to reminisce about his day. He was unsurprised with Naruto’s efforts to help him fit in and act like a normal kid for once, but what he was surprised about was the effort from Naruto’s friends as well.
He had been downright cruel to them, and they had no reason to even attempt to be friendly or civilized yet there they were, tossing snowballs and laughing with each other as if he had not tried to kill them less than a year ago.They were calling out to him, telling him to watch out or to toss him a ball to throw himself. And they did so without fear or much hesitation. They were too caught up in their little “war” to even think twice about being scared of him. The only thing that mattered to them was that their team prevailed over the other.
He jumped ever so slightly at the sound of his name being spoken in almost the same way as Naruto and his friends had said earlier, but with a more gentle touch. Turning his head to see his sister softly smiling down at him as she offered him a cup of warm tea. He accepted it with a quiet “thank you” and resumed sitting towards the fire. His sister, pleased with their interaction, ruffled his hair as she sat down next to him with her own cup. 
They sat in silence for the rest of the night as their brother snored loudly from the couch, appreciating the comfortable silence they were able to partake in after years of tension filled stillness they endured. When Temari finally felt the urge to yawn, she did so quietly before getting up and taking both their cups. She ruffled his hair once more and said, “Goodnight, Gaara,” with the same softness as earlier before heading to bed. Gaara smiled once again at the sound of his name. For the first time in his life, he hadn’t been addressed as “Sabaku no Gaara,” “The Sand Demon Gaara,” or even with the honorific “Lord Gaara” because of his relation to the Kazekage. No, today he had been just Gaara, and that was enough to make him smile.  
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kumeko · 5 years
snowball fight
Characters/Pairings: Team 7, Sand siblings
A/N: Written for the Konoha High zine run by @teajikan-zines. I wanted to write a nice fun, fluff piece for once
Summary: Crouching behind a thick hedge in the middle of winter, Sakura wondered just why she ever listened to Naruto and his stupid ideas.
“Guys, this is bad idea,” Sakura hissed as she crouched behind a thick hedge. Crossing her arms, she rubbed her shoulders to stave off the cold. Shit, it was freezing outside. If she just turned around, in two minutes she could be inside her high school. Her warm high school. The fluffy gloves on her hands were not meant to actually touch the snow, let alone make snowballs. When no one said anything, she added, “A terrible idea.”
Naruto scoffed, the snow crunching beneath his boots as he shifted positions. A slowly growing mountain of snowballs sat beside him and even as he talked, he continued to scoop up snow. “It’s a great idea,” he corrected, shooting her a winning smile and puffing his chest with pride. “Besides, Kakashi-sensei said it’s good.”
 “He did not say that, idiot.” Sasuke rolled his eyes. His skin was lightly flushed and she felt a pang of pity; he had never been good with the cold. Tugging his scarf higher up around his neck, he peeked over the bush. “He just said ‘it’d be a great learning experience’.”
 “Learning experience?” Sakura shot Naruto a glare. “We’ve been crouching behind a bush for ten minutes for a learning experience?” She was so stupid; Kakashi-sensei was clearly setting Naruto up for something and she was going down with him. When Naruto told her to follow him with a mischievous grin, that smile only ever meant trouble and she should have known better. Ino had even warned her and in the end, she could only blame herself.
 Hell, she should have realized something was up the moment Naruto suggested skipping lunch. He never skipped lunch.
 Naruto sighed, his expression full of pity. “No, we’re standing here for a prank.”
 And if they weren’t all dressed in thick, padded jackets that made them all look more like fuzzy chicks than anything else, she would have murdered him then and there. Even if they were childhood friends. If anything, she deserved a medal for lasting this long without killing him. Naruto wasn’t an idiot—despite his grades, he picked up things fast as long as he was interested—but sometimes, he acted like one.
 She should just get him to stop hanging out with the local first-graders. It was bad enough that they had two high schools within spitting distance of each other without throwing in an elementary school into the mix. Instead of elevating them to his level, he just turned even more child-like than usual.
 “And that is why you’re a good for nothing,” Sasuke sniped as though he wasn’t scanning their surroundings just as eagerly as Naruto, an excited gleam in his eyes. As though there wasn’t a pile of perfectly formed snowballs beside him too.
 Then again, Sakura wasn’t one to talk. She was still making her own pile as well; she’d been through this enough to know when she should just resign herself to her fate.
 “I’ll show you who’s—” Naruto’s growl died in his throat as he abruptly squatted. Shushing them, he whispered, “Ok, Gaara’s here.”
 Sakura instinctively hid. Gaara. She’d hoped for a random Sunagakure student but it had to be Gaara of all people. “Maybe we should pick someone else. Didn’t he put ten guys in the hospital?”
 “Nah, it’s cool.” Naruto gave her a thumbs up and his trademark smile. His reassuring expression did little to assuage her fears. “That’s just a rumour; he’s a nice guy.”
 How does someone just get a rumour like that? And if he was so nice, why were they throwing snowballs at him? Before she could ask, Naruto had already picked up his snowballs and leapt out with a loud shout. “DODGE THIS, GAARA!”
 Well. There went any chance of survival. Or even stealth—what happened to the element of surprise? She paled as his bright, orange coat disappeared around the hedge, certain that was the last time she’d see him. Unhelpfully, Sasuke squeezed her shoulder. “Try not to be number eleven.”
 He was lucky he was hot—she wasn’t sure if he was trying to be funny or if he was just being a little shit. “Ha. Ha. Ha.” With a curse, she picked up two snowballs and trailed after him.
 Naruto had always been a heads-on guy; between that and his loud mouth, they were never going to be sneaky about this. The second Sakura stepped out from cover, she slipped on a patch of black ice and fell, narrowly dodging a snowball.
 “Huh. I thought that’d hit you,” a girl drawled. Sakura blinked, her eyes adjusting to the glare on the snow. In front of her, a girl in a pink, fur-trimmed coat and black tights stood, another snowball in her hand. A pair of brown earmuffs covered her ears, her blonde hair too thick and wild to fit neatly into a hat, and her sharp smirk promised pain.
  If she’d been scared before, she was downright terrified to find the number two terror of Sunagakure in front of her. Temari. Sakura felt a chill run down her spine. Over her shoulder, Sakura spotted a red head in a red jacket, her two boys circling around him like sharks. Temari and Gaara. The Sand siblings. She should have written her will first. And here Naruto and Sasuke were running around like this was Shino and Kiba. Maybe she was the only one with a self preservation instinct. Which was not working otherwise she wouldn’t be in this situation. “Hi?”
 “Your aim isn’t what it used to be.” Next to Temari, the last of the three siblings stood, purple tattoos on his face. Sakura felt a little bad for him, he was almost invisible compared to the rest of his family. “Maybe you need a little practice?” Kankuro teased before getting a snowball to the face. Staggering backwards, he wiped the snow off his face. “What was that for?”
 “Just showing how good my aim is.” Temari glared at him, daring him to say anything else.
 Sakura inched backward while they were distracted. The snow shifted under her weight, the recent dusting not packed in yet. In the distance, she spotted Naruto, letting out a grunt as he got a snowball to the gut and slipped on a patch of ice. Sasuke leaped up to hurl one Gaara, looking more like baseball pitch or a volleyball spike than anything else. What was this, an action movie?
 At the sound, Temari reached down and scooped up another handful. “And where do you think you’re going?”
 Beside her, Kankuro was grumpily reaching down to make his own and Sakura desperately yelled, “Guys?”
 “Don’t worry, we got him Sakura!” Naruto shouted back, tumbling on the ground as he slipped on a patch of ice. Sasuke didn’t say anything, too busy making a snowball.
 “Not the point,” she grumbled, rolling out of the way as a volley of snowballs came at her. Of course they’d both pick the strongest guy to pick off, leaving the other two to her. Boys. A snowball hit her back and she groaned. It felt almost like ice, it was packed so hard. However, now she was behind the hedge and now she could mount her defense.
 Quickly, she scooped up a loose ball of snow and tossed it. It broke apart in the air, spraying snow into the wind.
 “What was that?” Temari snorted, laughing.
 “A distraction!” Sakura yelled before tossing her premade balls. One nailed Temari in the chest, the other hit Kankuro’s face a second time and he went down.
 “AGAIN?” he complained as he collapsed, wiping his face. “Are you trying to break my nose?”
 “You’ll look better.” Temari grinned, flicking the snow off her chest. She looked more aggressive than before and Sakura had seen that expression on Sasuke before, a beast awoken. Temari was interested now and Sakura swallowed.
 That was fine. That was more than fine. She was in the chess club and smart and maybe she didn’t have the best gym grades, but she was prepared. Sakura had a pile of snowballs and a hedge and maybe she was a little screwed because Temari was stalking forward like a tiger. Sakura started hurling every snowball she could get her hands on, even the ones that Sasuke and Naruto had made. They didn’t need them and even if they did, they wouldn’t remember the pile until after the fight.
 Temari dodged most of them, letting the brunt of the attack hit the slowly recovering Kankuro. Why couldn’t Sakura have faced him? He felt more up her speed. The few snowballs that did hit Temari did little to stop her, despite the soft grunts she made on impact, Temari kept advancing. She stopped every few steps to make another snowball and toss it.
 Sakura slowly inched her way backwards but the hedge would do little to stop Temari once she was on the other side. She’d just have to risk it and run. Her high school was so close, it’d be easy to run back. Peeking over the hedge, she spotted Naruto and Sasuke still fighting Gaara, snowballs flying through the air like a machine-gun was shooting them.
 Her brow furrowed. Seriously, what was this, an action movie? Before she could follow that thought any further, a snowball hit her face with a sickening splat. She winced, blinking through the pain. Temari’s aim was almost flawless and what she lacked in quantity she made up with quality.
 Sakura gave a last look at her school before sighing and scooping up the last of her snowballs. She couldn’t leave her friends here, no matter how idiotic they were. Besides, all she had to do was get Temari down and she’d be home clear. Taking a deep breath, she ran out from her hiding spot before she could change her mind. There was still the patch of black ice Naruto had slipped from; if Temari set foot on it she’d be down.
 “Is that all you got?” Temari asked, her smile all teeth.  She swivelled to the right, moving ridiculously gracefully on the snow. Fluidly, she reached down and create a snowball, barely breaking her stride in the process. Sakura barely ducked in time, Temari’s pinpoint accuracy guaranteeing that even if the balls didn’t hit, they grazed and Sakura shivered every time.
 “Missed me!” Sakura taunted, brushing the snow off her cheek. She hurled a ball of her own and frowned as Temari tumbled to the ground to dodge. Even the tumble looked surprisingly graceful. It was like looking at another Sasuke.
 Temari snorted, looking more amused than murderous. “Feeling brave, are you?”
 “Just a little.” Sakura squeaked as she narrowly dodged a ball. “I take that back, nope, not at all.”
 As they fought, running through the field between their two schools, Sakura slowly hurled every snowball she had. They just had to last long enough for Sakura to reach the ice. For Temari to reach the ice. Actually, where was that ice? Sakura quickly scanned her surroundings and hoped she was running in the right direction. The snow made everything look the same.
 “You’re surprisingly good,” Temari shouted, panting lightly as she crouched to dodge a snowball. The air was crisp and it almost hurt to breathe, but then that might have been because Sakura had been laughing so much. Somehow, along the way, it had become more fun than anything else and maybe Naruto had been onto something when he said the Sand siblings were normal.
 Not that she’d ever admit it aloud.
 “You’re not bad yourself.” And was this what Sasuke and Naruto felt, every time they fought each other? It was stupid but she could understand it, just a little. The high of battle. Of getting a compliment from an opponent.
 Of getting one over her enemy, as Temari fell backwards on the black ice. “Got you!” Sakura crowed, pelting her with the last of her snowballs. “Got you!”
 And suddenly she was the one staring at the sky. The ice patch was larger than she’d anticipated and damn, her back was going to be a giant bruise tomorrow. With a groan, she rubbed her head, wishing she had some painkillers right now.
 At this precise moment, Kankuro suddenly filled her sight, a Cheshire grin on his face and his arms cradling a pile of snow. Before she could do anything more than moan, he dumped it on her and she flinched as the ice stung her skin. “Revenge is best served cold.”
 “Just kill me now.” She whimpered as the snow made its way through the lip of her jacket. Even death was better than listening to that cliched line.
 “And?” Tsunade stared at the wet, bedraggled students in her office, rubbing her forehead. “You again?”
 “You make it sound like it’s always my fault,” Naruto grumbled, shivering. Snow dripped down him and puddle onto the floor, mixing in with the mud and dirt the trio had dragged in. She’d just gotten it cleaned from the last stupid thing he’d done, at this rate she’d have to hire a personal maid.
 “Maybe because it is.” She glowered, knowing all too well that he would be back in her office within the week. It was always something or the other with him. Still. Looking at the miserable students in front of her, she suppressed a chuckle. It wasn’t like she could do anything worse to them than they’d already done to themselves. Pulling out her phone, she snapped a quick photo before they could protest. Excellent. Good quality too. With a content smile, she waved toward the door. “Get out.”
 “Huh?” Sakura blinked, staring at her in confusion. “That’s it?”
 “Just go dry up.” Tsunade waved them off, pulling out her phone. “I have enough angry parents to deal with without adding yours.”
 And besides, if they stayed any longer, she’d burst into laughter and it would undermine any authority she had left over Naruto. It was hard enough to get him to listen as it was without him thinking she actually enjoyed his little stunts.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
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Key ⚘ = nsfw / suggestive (warnings/tags on top of the fic)  ❀ = possibly triggering (all fics have trigger warnings on top) ✧ = GN reader ♂ = male reader ♀ = female reader ♪ = no reader / other
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✧ Snowball fight
✧ Flowers ✧  Full of regrets  ❀
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✧  Mission in a snow village
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♪ General Headcanons
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Itachi Uchiha
✧ General Relationship HC
✧ Mittens
✧ Warmth
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Kakashi Hatake
♀ First Kiss
✧  Leaving on a mission after a fight
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✧ Fireworks
✧  Emotional distance
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Neji Hyuuga
✧ Giving him a love letter
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Rock Lee
♀ With a Tomboish s/o
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✧ A break from the party
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✧  forcing him to take a break  
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