Yeah. I got in a fisht fight.-C.T.
That was meant to be a fish pun-C.T.
Oh i see. . With who?-Bibi
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atypi-cals · 2 years
BEC is so funny his subnautica playstyle is like. "what do I need? ok. Google where to find. ok. go. get it. finish the thing you've been drifting towards for like a week In 15 minutes"
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annachronisme · 2 years
It could be worse, right ? Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
@kodaik97 @flustratedcas @didntwant2come @dreamlandforever @bidisastersworld @grtwdsmwhr
They had started to bicker right after. Apparently, his way of announcing bad news was not the best. Wayne never had any complains but for some reason Harrington didn’t seem to approve his methode.
“What do you mean locked?” spitted Gareth through gritted teeth.
They exchanged a glance. Which one was gonna sacrifice himself to the wolf. Steve sensing a lost battle here, rolled his eyes at him.
“Someone locked the door behind me.” He said, passing a hand nervously in his hair. 
“So this is your fault !" Accused Gareth, slapping his hand on the table, making Steve flinch back with a sour face. 
“Leave Steve out of this, shithead !” shouted Lucas, jumping at Steve's defense. “Steve wouldn’t do that!”
“Oh because you know him so much, right !?” Gareth shouted right back. 
“Better than you do, fucking asshole. What’s your problem!?” Shouted Mike. It was kind of endearing how much the kids were ready to defend the ex-jock like that, even little Mike Wheeler who always seemed to hold a kind of grudge against the dude he still defended the man.
He wondered what could have happened for some nerd kids to be saddled with Harrington of all people and to be so attached to him. Even weirder was that Harrington was even more than them.
While he was busy studying Steve's character like some carefully crafted characther, the other had started to fight. While no fist were flying -thanks whatever deity was ot there he really didn't want to break a fisht fight today- it had developed into a ‘who scream the loudest’ fight, creating a cacophony of shouts. Harrington still had not said a word, shoulders drawn up into his ears. Everytime someone managed to be louder than the rest, he would frown even harder, like he was in pain or something. 
“ENOUGH.” He shouted, slappin both hands on the table. He saw Steve jump from the corner of his eyes, clearly not expecting him to shout.
“All of you. Shut. The fuck. Up. I'm not above killing all of your character off for the shit you just pulled. ” He tried his best to say calm but it was realy hard. The situation was already not ideal, he didn't need a fight now.  
“But-” Wheelers started to interject.
“I said shut up, Wheelers, you’re all on thin ice as it is. Now put your ass down and listen.”
They all sat back down, slowly , still throwing glare at each other, clearly not over that argument. 
“Munson …”
“ That." He took a deep breath, no need to get snippy with Harrington he didn't do anything. "Goes for you too, Stevie.”  he said more softly, sitting back down. He will panic later -way later, once he's safe in his room- about how he called Steve fucking Harrington 'Stevie' and didn't get pounded.
“ As we were going to explain. Someone, that is not Steve,- he said glaring meaningfully at Gareth seeking down in his chair. “ locked us in the Drama room. Steve went to check the emergency exit in the back and it is also locked, clearly the assholes who did this thought really hard about it but not hard enought to think about the fucking fire hazard it meant. Anyway, Harrington, you’re the last one who came maybe you saw something ?” 
“I- I don’t think so ? I did feel like someone was following me but I thought it was just my paranoïa acting up again. ” He noticed Dustin had turned a worried look at Steve, Mike and Lucas too but it was way more subtle. Harrington smiled reassuringly at the kid who did not look convinced at all. There was something going on there he was definitely not aware of. 
“Okay. It’s fine. We’re fine,,, Uncle Wayne is not going to look for me until tomorrow night, at the very last. Gareth, Jeff ?”
Both shook their heads. No one, on their side, not tonight at least. Maybe tomorrow morning when they wouldn't find them home. Turning toward the kids, he saw that they wore a similar grimace on their faces. 
“None of their parents are going to look for them until Monday, if even that.” added Steve. “ They were supposed to sleepover at my house and it’s not unusual for them to stay more than one night, so there’s no luck on that front.” 
“Fuck. What about you Harrington ?”
“No… I have the weekend off and Robin is out with her family for the weekend.” 
Who in hell is Robin?
“Double fuck.” He mumbled into his hand. “There’s nothing left but to wait I guess.”
Time passed. Dustin and Steve seemed to have an entire conversation with their eyes. Steve huffed before turning his back to them, walking away. 
“I’m going to look around for something useful.” Steve mumbled out. He was quickly followed by the three freshmen, following him like ducklings. 
“ This is so bad.” whispered Jeff. 
“It could be worse. At least, we have food.” he awkwardly laughed. 
“We’re gonna have to sleep there. And with Harrington of all people. What a fucking nightmare.” scorned Gareth.
Soon after Steve came back, arms full of blankets he found, followed by the other three carrying pillows. Apparently the Drama club had a lot of accessories stacked somewhere in the back. He threw the blankets in a pile. He was talking in a hushed tone to the kid, they looked unconvinced at best, whatever the older boys was sayings was not taken seriously by them. They sat on the floor near the blankets, all four in a circle. Deciding he really didn’t want to stay all night on a chair, he got up and flopped down into the blankets pile, startling the kids. The blankets smelled weird, not bad pursue but it definitely needed a wash. He heard a faint laugh to his left, turning his head he saw Harrington himself hiding a smile behind his hand.  
“Dramatic much?” he smirked. Oh god. He was cute, the asshole.
“If you’re asking me this, you've never seen me in your life before, and I know it's not possible because we shared classes together at some point.” he said rolling on his back. Gareth and Jeff were moving down toward them, a bit wary in the presence of an old jock like Steve Harrington. 
“Yeah I remember Mrs.Chapman's litterature class. I always liked those lessons. Not that Chapman was any good at making her books interesting, she was suck a bore but you made it bearable so there's that.” He said, smiling softly. The kids were exchanging weird looks between them not saying a things. Eddie's brain however at went completely blank, gaping like a fish out of water.
So that happened.
Henderson, thank god, turned the discussion to DnD. They opened a few bags of chips at some point when they started to get hungry. They talked, filling silence with nonsense, mostly about the campaign they just finished and about the one they did before. Apparently baby Byers was part of the three freshmen group and he was really good, they couldn't stop praising the kid.
And in that time, he once again saw something in Harrington he had not seen before. 
Harrington. Steve 'the King' 'The Hair' Harrington was worse than a fucking Mom.
“ Do not wipe your hands on your clothes, that’s disgusting. You’re not the one who's going to do the laudry later, I am.” He fussed over Henderson who had wiped his filthy hand on his shirt. 
“ Yes, Mom… ” snarkily said Henderson. He had felt himself tense. He may not know Harrington and even though he was starting to believe what the kids said about him and could see how he cared about them, he didn't know he would react to that kind of jab. 
The kid had a death wish or something ? Easiest way to anger a jock even a retired one was to put in danger their fucking masculinity. 
And he was surprised once again, when Harrington not only sighed completely exasperated and turned to him to say ‘you see what I’m dealing with?’ while the tree shithead just laughed at him. When Steve returned his attention to the kids, he leaned into Gareth. 
“Am I still high ?” he whispered. Gareth just looked at him like he was the dumbest person he had ever seen. 
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thommi-tomate · 1 year
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Leon Goretzka
Australia vs Germany 2-3
(Confederations Cup, group stage, Olimpiyskiy Stadion Fisht, Sochi, Russia, June 19, 2017)
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slime-the-awesomeguy · 3 months
hiya si
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i'm just leaving this white boy here. try not to explode him
why thank you, mel. I will do my darnedest not t- OH FISHT!!!
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catboy-joyfriend · 7 months
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adranova · 2 months
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An emote commission for my friend @anal-fishting
Thanks so much! I had fun with this one!
Also, you can get em too!
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grubblemunch · 2 months
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
i like how you dont have to use guns. well. it would help to use guns against someone shooting wt you with a gun. but other than that i love my melee weapons and my fishts
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her-ethereal-royalty · 9 months
what do you think of redblood mutants
I know who this is, -^-nd if you think I don’t then you’re sorely fisht-^-ken.
I suppose I’ll -^-nswer, though.
Redblood mut-^-nts seem to be the most common type of blood mut-^-tion. Or if they weren’t culled -^-s soon -^-s they h-^-tched, they would be. Truthfully, I’ve been thinking of -^-dding them to the c-^-ste system under my reign. If they reely -^-re -^-s common -^-s they seem to be, it wouldn’t be TH-^-T b-^-d to h-^-ve to m-^-ke room for them in the empire. I’m thinking they could go right under burgundy, if we truly were -^-dding them to the system.
But it’s not my fin-^-l decision, -^-nd I’m not the empress yet, so.
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kamyru · 1 year
This is your blog and if it’s something that makes you happy, then of course you should talk about it.
Hi, anon! Thank you for telling me this. Sometimes I really forget that I can post things without asking for approval.
I'll use this ask to talk about the plot of what I want to write in my book.
Firstly, there's a God that while bored decides to give some power to one human. And that's how Taiga, a ten-year-old orphan (she/they) starts to see the past, present, and future of every person. For this, it's enough to look at the person in the eyes.
Due to some circumstances, they spends their teen years with pirates. Only after her Captain is killed when she is 20, she decided to get back to their country. There, trying to avenge their Captain, they get a job as a professional jail-escaper. During this, Taiga gets an understanding of how poor the country is. So, she decides to tell the royal family about this.
The royal family has some problems with its reputation and they also need to decide who will inherit the crown: Betelgeuse - war veteran, self-centered, trouble maker prince; Sirius - book-worm with idealistic views; Rigel - the childish princess who in in love with her teacher, but loves the people in her country even more. After hearing the news from Taiga, Rigel decides to talk about them with her best friend - Mauna Kea. They are told that they have to talk with the members of the legendary group "The Four Colonels", who are all war-veterans. Yet, the king takes another decision.
And that's how 11 characters (Taiga, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Rigel, Cheekha Dar, Everest, Masherbrum, Matterhorn, Fisht, Hallasan, and Mauna Kea) get together to solve the problem Taiga came with, decide who will inherit the power, and clean the royal family's reputation.
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margocooper · 1 year
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Рододендрон кавказский.
Цветет в культуре, как и в природе, начиная с 12 лет, с середины мая до начала июня.Обширные заросли рододендрона кавказского можно встретить в походах на Фишт-Оштенский горный массив (нагорье Лаго-Наки).Вечнозеленый, низкий кустарник, часто со стелющимися ветвями. Цветки до 4 см в диаметре, воронковидно-колокольчатые, желтовато-белые с зеленоватыми пятнышками внутри, по 8-12 в кистях, со слабым, приятным ароматом. 
Caucasian rhododendron.
It blooms in culture, as well as in nature, from the age of 12, from mid-May to early June. Extensive thickets of Caucasian rhododendron can be found on trips to the Fisht-Oshten mountain range (Lago-Naki highlands). Evergreen, low shrub, often with creeping branches. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, funnel-bell-shaped, yellowish-white with greenish spots inside, 8-12 in racemes, with a weak, pleasant aroma.
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vyrion · 2 years
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thommi-tomate · 1 year
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Leon Goretzka
Germany vs Mexico
6'⚽ 8'⚽
(Confederations Cup, Semifinal, Olimpiyskiy Stadion Fisht, Sochi, Russia, June 29, 2017)
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21bwc21 · 8 months
Barrie Craig Confidential Investigator Radio Show Microfilm In The Fisht...
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elbrusrussia · 11 months
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Aslanbek's cave in the eastern slope of Mount Fisht. Republic of Adygea. Named after the famous mountain guide Aslan Bagov.
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