godsg111rl · 9 months
seeing new stretch marks on my ass >
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godsg111rl · 9 months
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asked a girl that had a BBL for her gym routine today (not one of my proudest moments btw). but in my defense, her thighs DID match that juicy ass.
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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the gym has been kicking my butt but at least I’ve been showing up.
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godsg111rl · 1 year
i’ve been slipping up on my diet (and it shows!!!!!! 🫣).
major reality check to focus though.
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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a dedication to (African) food and the health(ier) relationship i’m building with food in general.
I’m learning that i CAN enjoy eating without it being at the expense of my body & wellness.
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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Top: July 6th, 2023 weighing 155 lbs, 2 days into consistent workouts coming from an inactive lifestyle and poor diet.
Bottom: July 24th, 2023 weighing 142 lbs, 2 weeks of living a more active life and eating a Mediterranean diet
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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a few endomorph friendly beverages.
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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today’s burn out
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godsg111rl · 1 year
7/5/23 Wellness Journal Entry:
Workout: 10 AM - 11:30 AM
5 min stretch
core & arms:
10 crunches (reg)
20 toe touches
60 sec jumping jacks
2 mile run with walking breaks
Things I Ate/Drank:
1 cup of acv, lemon, and water
1 fried whiting & quinoa with water
1 baked chicken breast, 3 spoons of white rice, 5 pieces of grilled brocoli with water
i drank 10-15 cups of water in total
Self Care Work:
for the mind:
- completed a new level on duolingo
- did extensive research on being an endomorph and finding out what works for me on my fitness journey
for the spirit:
- gave thanks and talked to God before bed until i fell asleep
for the inner creative:
- doodled on procreate for a while
- took beautiful nature photos during my jog-walk
- made strides in branding for my business
for the vessel:
- i had 0 alcohol
- spent time in nature
- had the best shower
- cleaned my space
- finally stopped being pussy and got back on my workout grind
one act of kindness:
- sat through the most boring CutCo sales presentation to support my dad’s friend’s son. plus left an amazing sales review for him
- held space for a friend going through it
Something New I Learned:
The 3 somatotypes
Benefits of stair climbing
Rate Day: 8/10
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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i was fighting for my life during this AM work out. but i’m so proud i got it done.
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godsg111rl · 1 year
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so i went to the gym today for several seasons.
1. i decided to be smart with my money and there’s nothing fiscally responsible about paying for a service monthly that you don’t use.
2. as cliché as it sounds, i decided to be the change I’d like to see in my world. & that means taking control of my fitness and overall holistic health.
so i stopped myself from making up the same tired excuses that keep me living a sedentary lifestyle and really decided to take control of my health.
3. i visited a location that isn’t my home location today and it was refreshing. & it wasn’t packed! (yay for small wins!!!)
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godsg111rl · 6 months
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godsg111rl · 6 months
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Ive been in such a weird spot w my body dysmorphia lately. I want to lose weight but then I come across photos like this where I was so heartbreakingly small & that makes me question what it is that i truly want for my body…
My friends love(d) my skinny built. But I don’t think I was too much of a fan of it. Granted my face was sharp and v cunt enough to cut a bitch. But I think I cared way too much about the male gaze (and more importantly, my ex’s) that I felt so pressured to gain.
Now I just want to remain active and let my body do what it does.
I don’t want any supplements that will curb my appetite. I want to let my body be and operate as it pleases to.
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godsg111rl · 6 months
secured my new gym membership and can’t wait to get started at a better gym
an old friend of mine has a membership at my new gym & agreed to be my gym buddy/accountability partner.
i’m excited because she actually knows what she’s doing in the gym unlike me who does a little bit of everything lmao
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godsg111rl · 6 months
steamed clams and kombucha for dinny bc my gut health has been outrageous lately.
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godsg111rl · 9 months
the fact that I’ve been 131lb and 141lb in the same week is wild to me.
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