wrestlehead · 2 months
Mikhail Maslov
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fatphobiabusters · 2 months
Why do broish circles of the internet use the term "endomorph"? What's it mean? Why the prefix "endo-"? I only ever find blogarticles whenever I try to search the term.
I've seen the term before so I'm not completely surprised by it.
In fact the height comparison website I found for fandom shenanigans uses the system:
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So after some basic searching I've found it's eugenics. Why is it always eugenics?
Tldr its a system of body categorization created by William Herbert Sheldon.
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His system was based on the bodies of ivy league men, from his Wikipedia article, a quote from Ron Rosenbaum about it:
"He believed that every individual harbored within him different degrees of each of the three character components. By using body measurements and ratios derived from nude photographs, Sheldon believed he could assign every individual a three-digit number representing the three components, components that Sheldon believed were inborn -- genetic -- and remained unwavering determinants of character regardless of transitory weight change. In other words, physique equals destiny."
Heres the Wikipedia about the system and the creator.
ecto- meso- endo- are references to layers of development "He created these terms borrowing from the three germ layers of embryonic development: The endoderm, (which develops into the digestive tract), the mesoderm, (which becomes muscle, heart, and blood vessels) and the ectoderm (which forms the skin and nervous system)." In short it's inner, middle, outer. morph means "form or structure".
Now to the point: broish alpha male believer types are eugenists with a fresh coat of paint. Not surprised they are frothing over ANOTHER chance to say they are genetically destined to be great or to be a loser. They look for excuses for not working on their personalities or manners and eugenics is easy. They want easy excuses and think using outdated crap "science" makes them look smart.
As for why other groups of people would use the term (such as the team behind that height comparison website) I can assume the worse or I can assume they needed a system for sorting and thought the terms sounded "professional".
-mod squirrel
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godsg111rl · 11 months
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a few endomorph friendly beverages.
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amorgansgal · 2 years
TW: Eating plan (diet) and exercise
Trying to be considerate for people who don't want to hear about this or might be dealing with an ED. This is me just rambling/venting, it's nothing important.
So back on the ol' endomorph eating plan/exercise regime and I already can tell that I need to be really careful to not let myself go too extreme with diet/exercise. It's about making permenant healthy changes, not assuming I only have to do this for six months and then crashing again. My brain wants to though, my brain is like 'Let's take the foot off the break and just go buck wild!' No brain! Bad brain!
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retrofitness · 2 years
How to Build Muscle Fast - Endomorph Body Type
Endomorphs have a hard time building muscle, but there are methods which can prove to be very effective. This video will walk you through the 2 most effective training styles for endomorphs: weight training and bodybuilding-style weight training. You'll learn what they are, the pros and cons, and when it's best to use them. We'll also cover some of the most important things that you need in order to succeed with either style of training.
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fitness-0 · 6 days
 Are You an Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph? Discover Your Body Type.
The key to your fitness journey, Determine whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph and understand how your body type influences your health, diet, and exercise routines. Customize your fitness regimen for optimal outcomes. Begin today and revolutionize your approach to well-being.
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ballersculture · 12 days
Best diets and training for Endomorphs
The human body can be classified into three categories based on body types: endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. Endomorphs tend to have a higher percentage of body fat and struggle to lose weight, while mesomorphs are typically more muscular and have an easier time gaining and losing weight. Ectomorphs are usually lean with a fast metabolism and may find it challenging to gain weight or muscle…
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dstprl · 20 days
The Ultimate Guide to Working Out for Your Body Type
Learn your body type and the best way to workout and eat to support it with this ultimate guide. #endomorph #mesomorph #ectomorph
Learn your body type and the best way to workout and eat to support it with this ultimate guide. Do you ever feel like your workout routine isn’t quite delivering the results you want? It may be time to consider a more personalized approach based on your unique body type. By understanding how your body responds to exercise and nutrition, you can optimize your fitness journey and achieve your…
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information-2-0 · 9 months
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jostelhealth · 10 months
Metabolic Wellness for Endomorphs: THE ULTIMATE guide for Fitness, and HealtH
If you’ve ever felt like your metabolism is moving at a snail’s pace, this post is your golden ticket to revving things up and metabolic wellness, especially if you’re among those with an endomorph body type. We’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting a metabolism-boosting lifestyle that’s tailor-made for our unique body type. Each person has a different body type and its corresponding…
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senor-monstruo · 1 year
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Ever wanted to put limits on yourself with the help of arbitrary labels instead of treating yourself like an individual?
I know, who the bleepity bleep hasn't!!!
Well, today's your lucky day because here's how to make your dream finally come true!
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Are there any good categories to put bodies in? Like if I wanted to draw selections for a dollmaker, and label them.
In a health class I took, I briefly learned about android and gynoid fat patterns, as well as those body types called endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.
But when I looked up the endo/meso/ecto triad, I found stuff like personality traits attached and it seemed weird and pseudosciency.
I just want to be able to draw a set of bodies and have people feel reasonably represented by an avatar.
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bubbloquacious · 1 year
A monoid? Oh, you mean a monad on a one point set in the bicategory of spans of sets?
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fitnessminx365 · 1 year
✅Top 5:Best Weight Loss Supplements For Women|Supplements For Men(Buying Guide)📌 "#ad"
About Video: Hello Welcome To Our FITNESS MINX Channel. We are going to show some of the Best Weight Loss Supplements For Women|Supplements For Men To Buy that are best sold and reviewed in the last couple of months on Those Companies. If you want more information and updated pricing on the product mentioned be sure to check the links in the description. So let's get started with the video.
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Disclaimer: Portions of footage found in this video are not original content produced by FITNESS MINX. Portions of stock footage of products were gathered from multiple sources including, Different Company manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources.
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blackpink · 1 year
i... i guess i will incorporate cardio back into my workout routine... 🫠
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