#fitness trainer henderson
vitalityfit · 2 months
Tips for Hiring Personal Trainers in Henderson, NV
Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exhilarating and daunting, especially when navigating it alone. That's where personal trainers come in. In Henderson, NV, a city known for its active lifestyle and wellness culture, finding the right personal trainer can make all the difference in achieving your fitness goals. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, build muscle, improve flexibility, or enhance overall health and well-being, a qualified personal trainer can provide guidance, motivation, and accountability every step of the way. Here are some essential tips to consider when hiring personal trainers in Henderson, NV:
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Qualifications and Certifications
Before committing to personal trainers in Henderson NV, ensure they have the necessary qualifications and certifications from reputable fitness organizations. Look for certifications such as NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), ACE (American Council on Exercise), ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), or NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association). These certifications indicate that the trainer has undergone rigorous training and education to provide safe and effective fitness instruction.
Experience and Specialization
Consider the trainer's experience and specialization in working with clients with similar goals, fitness levels, or health conditions as yours. Whether you're a beginner, an athlete, a senior, or someone with specific fitness needs or limitations, choosing a trainer with relevant experience can ensure personalized guidance and effective results. Inquire about their track record, success stories, and client testimonials to gauge their expertise and credibility.
Personal Compatibility
The relationship between a client and their personal trainer is built on trust, communication, and mutual respect. Schedule an initial consultation or trial session to assess your compatibility with the trainer. Pay attention to their communication style, personality, and coaching approach to ensure it aligns with your preferences and comfort level. A positive and supportive trainer-client dynamic can enhance motivation, adherence, and overall satisfaction with the training experience.
Goal Alignment
Clearly define your fitness goals and expectations upfront, and ensure they align with the trainer's philosophy, methodology, and approach. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, gain muscle, improve cardiovascular fitness, or enhance athletic performance, communicate your goals explicitly to the trainer. A skilled personal trainer will tailor a customized workout plan and progression strategy to help you achieve your desired outcomes effectively and efficiently.
Availability and Schedule
Consider the trainer's availability and schedule compatibility with yours when making your decision. Determine whether they offer flexible scheduling options, including early morning, evening, or weekend sessions, to accommodate your busy lifestyle and commitments. Additionally, inquire about their availability for ongoing support, check-ins, and progress tracking outside of scheduled training sessions to ensure continuous guidance and accountability.
Facility and Equipment
Evaluate the training facility or gym where the trainer operates to ensure it meets your preferences and requirements. Consider factors such as cleanliness, equipment availability, ambiance, and accessibility when selecting a training environment. If you prefer outdoor training or home workouts, discuss these options with the trainer to ensure they can accommodate your preferences and provide personalized training solutions accordingly.
Cost and Value
While cost is an important consideration, prioritize value and quality when choosing a personal trainer. Compare pricing structures, package options, and payment plans offered by different trainers, keeping in mind that expertise, experience, and personalized attention come at a premium. Assess the overall value proposition, including the trainer's qualifications, track record, services offered, and additional perks or benefits, to determine the best investment for your fitness journey.
Trial Sessions and Feedback
Take advantage of trial sessions or introductory offers provided by personal trainers to experience their coaching style and training methodology firsthand. Use these sessions to assess the trainer's professionalism, expertise, and ability to motivate and challenge you effectively. Provide honest feedback and communicate any concerns or preferences to ensure a collaborative and productive training partnership moving forward.
Progress Tracking and Evaluation
A reputable personal trainer will incorporate progress tracking and evaluation mechanisms into your training program to monitor your results and adjust your plan accordingly. Inquire about their approach to tracking key performance indicators, such as body measurements, strength gains, endurance improvements, and adherence to nutritional guidelines. Regular progress assessments and goal reassessment sessions will help you stay on track and make informed adjustments to your fitness plan as needed.
Commitment to Continued Learning
Choose a personal trainer who demonstrates a commitment to continued learning, professional development, and staying abreast of the latest fitness trends and research. Inquire about their participation in workshops, seminars, certifications, or advanced training programs to ensure they are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to support your fitness journey effectively. A trainer who invests in their own education and growth is more likely to deliver innovative and evidence-based training solutions tailored to your needs.
In conclusion, hiring a personal trainer in Henderson, NV, from Vitality Fitness is a significant investment in your health, fitness, and overall well-being. By considering these essential tips and factors when selecting a personal trainer, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals, preferences, and lifestyle. Whether you're seeking accountability, motivation, or expert guidance, a qualified personal trainer can empower you to unleash your full potential and achieve transformative results on your fitness journey.
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chris-martinez · 1 year
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Healthy living is everyone's desire that's why people include exercise in their daily routine. People like to do workout at home, park, or at the gym. For better physical fitness people hire personal trainers to design their workouts & diet plans. A personal trainer makes exercise interesting & maximizes the workout timing. Listen to the podcast & know why personal trainers are important for healthy living. If you want to hire a personal trainer in Henderson & Las Vegas then contact Aguirre Fitness. Visit the website to explore our other fitness training program. For more information, call us at (702) 308-7816 to discuss your fitness needs.
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yudgefudge · 11 months
Footballers as Pokemon trainers, pt2
Christian Pulisic, Mohamed Salah and Jordan Henderson are the subjects of today. I don't really have a pattern or order for who I do for these, just who I feel like doing and can come up w a solid team for. Also, requests are open! I may reject them, if I don't know anything about that player. I'm gonna do coaches too.
@liverpool-enjoyer @addictivewhispering if u don’t wanna be tagged in these u can say so!
I think Pulisic would focus on simpler strategies based on dealing damage. Like he'd be that one kid we all used to be who didn't know what status moves are for lol. He also spams items.
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Expecting Braviary first? Well yes, but I think marill would be his starter pokemon. 1) chelsea makes me think of water types, 2) it's round like a football, 3) its ability huge power makes me think of how pulisic is super strong yet also like. just a funny lil guy. 4) I think pulisic would be a fairy type trainer. Plus its also sort of american flag colors + it reminds me of pulisic on the champions :)
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2. Braviary
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3. Slurpuff
He's from hershey which is apparently a chocolate (????) so yeah he gets this thing. also he's dopey and silly just like pulisic so yeah!
Salah would probably not even battle tbh. I think he'd have his Pokemon as companions. But when he has to battle he takes a very conservative approach to it, focusing on healing and status moves that ensure the most passive way of beating the opponent.
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What else for the Egyptian King himself? Out of all the "king" and "royal" Pokemon, Slowking for sure fit best, as it seems simple-minded, but is really just humble and wise. Also he has a fancy headpiece like Salah's FUCKING AWESOME 'fro. I think Slowking would be his starter Pokemon as well.
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2. Litleo
Ideally he'd have a Pyroar, but I like Litleo more. Did y'all know Salah LOVES cats??? And Litleo (and Pyroar) are also royal Pokemon. Plus, Pyroar reminds me of the Sphinx, and they seem like they'd live in the Sahara, so they're native to home. Also the fire type reminds me of Liverpool and gegenpressing, like the directness of the strategy, I guess?
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3. Altaria (Mega)
I know the real shiny Altaria doesn't change the color of the cloud feathers, but I like to think Salah caught a special one with all black feathers, so it has its own afro! :). Plus it also reminds me of him a bit, Salah is full of smiles but is also fierce on the field, Altaria is very cute but also strong, especially thanks to dragon dance. I think he'd mega evolve it too just to upgrade the afro.
Now, Henderson is the first in this series who I think would take battles really seriously. Like, I think he's a tough battler who pushes his Pokemon to their limits. He still cares for them of course, but he enjoys Pokemon battling a lot, and especially enjoys winning them.
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This is one I'm 100% confident on. I believe this is Henderson at his core. Definitely his starter. Also, kind of LFC's mascot? Like, it's a bird. It's also stoic and serious just like Hendo. It's also super strong, like Hendo!!!! Also, the flying type also reminds me a lot of gegenpressing.
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2. Centiskorch
With what I said earlier about Fire types and gegenpressing, I wanted to give Henderson a fire type as well. Then I remembered Kabu, the gym leader who uses this Pokemon, and I thought Kabu reminded me a lot of Hendo, so here we are. This one isn't perfect but I still like it a lot.
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3. Honchkrow
Big bird who's the head honcho (captain) of his gang. Also honchkrow looks homophobic which fits with henderson at al-ettifaq! :))))))). But really I do think this is a fitting Pokemon, Henderson feels like he would have no issue training dark types. Honchkrow also gets Moxie as an ability which feels a lot in line with how Liverpool tends to get better as the match continues. idk if this is acc true just something ive noticed.
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bvrningshq · 3 months
open to - women plot: based. muse: deandre henderson (25-27), fitness trainer. two children with his ex-girlfriend/high school sweetheart from before he started dating your muse. he's got boyish charms but still lacks maturity in certain situations; more than likely the breakup was due to his infidelity but can be anything.
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"I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but I kinda got a big favor to ask." DeAndre doesn't even greet her with a 'hello', cutting straight to the chase before she has the opportunity to dismiss him. He'd come to the one place he knew she would be this afternoon: her workplace. At least, she couldn't kick him out of here. That was his thought process anyway. "You know how my Granny's been sick, right?" He continues, as his grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer before they'd even broken up. "She's stopping treatment and she wants to have the whole family together one last time, and you know how much she and the rest of my family love you and I know she'd want you there." He pauses long enough to sheepishly rub the back of his neck. He hadn't even dropped the bomb yet, and he was about to. It felt like ripping off a band-aid. "And I might've not told them we broke up yet..."
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part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Nancy used to love going to hospitals. In the same way she loved spelling tests and Sunday school, anywhere a grown-up might evaluate her on a dozen different metrics and not find Nancy Wheeler wanting in any of them, she loved hospitals. What a stupid thing, she thinks now, to have always expected everything to go well for her in a place people came to die.
Emergency rooms are loud, but Nancy finds herself wishing for the chaos of those first few minutes when they’re bundled into a waiting room and told that someone will let them know as soon as possible.
There had been a brief and terrifying burst of excitement when Steve, held together with adrenaline and gauze, twisted the wrong way and pulled his stomach back open. There’s a design flaw, Nancy notes, her hands overlapped with Robin’s pressed against Steve’s torso to try stay the blood, in the layout of the waiting room chairs. It’s difficult for the staff to get the gurney close. It takes too long. Steve gives them a thumbs up as he’s wheeled out, and Nancy files it away into the corner of her mind that takes problems, pieces them apart, and ruminates on them until she decides if there’s a story there or not.
“He’ll be alright.” Nancy says to Robin, whose hand is still in hers, to Dustin and Lucas in the chairs across from them, to herself.
“Eddie too.” Dustin says.
“And Max.” Lucas doesn’t look at her, but Nancy nods.
She echoes him. “And Max.”
Robin doesn’t let go of her. Nancy feels the blood cupped between their palms dry into a scab holding them together. Every few minutes, Robin squeezes her hand as if reminding her body that it is being touched, and Nancy feels the scrape of Steve between them. It’s a bio-hazard. She lifts her feet for the custodian who mops the floor beneath them half an hour into their vigil and flinches at the squeak of her trainers against fresh linoleum when he’s done.
The Sinclairs are the first to arrive. If Erica weren’t with him, Nancy is sure Lucas would pitch a fit about staying, but his arm has stayed wrapped around his sister’s shoulders. He deposits Erica into their father’s embrace, chuffs Dustin’s arm, and writes his home phone number on the back of a magazine subscription card falling out of a six-month old eWeek.
“You call me,” he hands Nancy the card. Both of their fingerprints stain the thick white paper, “the moment something happens, okay? The moment. I don’t care how late it gets.” Lucas’s father frowns behind him, but Nancy promises.
When she arrives fifteen minutes later, Mrs. Henderson folds Dustin into her arms without waiting for him to rise from his chair. Nancy watches him stiffen and melt in turn. Claudia Henderson has no apparent thought for anyone other than her darling boy and, “My gosh, what’s happened to you? We need to get you cleaned up,” brushes him up and out of the waiting room over Dustin’s protests.
Lucas has Dustin’s phone number, surely, or his walkie talkie if it isn’t lost somewhere in Upside Down. Getting Eddie out of there had kept them all too busy to take inventory.
Nancy follows the Hendersons by sight through the open door then the sound of Dustin’s placating down the hall until he’s been consumed by the low drone of hospital noise and she and Robin are alone.
Robin’s heels are up on the thin lip of waiting room chair, knees pressed to her chest. Nancy expected to field a thousand questions to slake the endless well of Robin’s runaway thoughts, but then, Robin hasn’t left her side. There are no secret answers Nancy might have found to give her, so Robin is quiet save for the occasional big breath, the sort that shakes her shoulders and usually precedes a sob but comes with a squeeze of her hand.
The poster on the opposite wall, visible now that teen heads are no longer blocking the way, is of Redwoods. Below the trees in block type, the words ‘Growing Together’ attempt to perk up the place. Max has probably seen Redwood trees on her way from California to Hawkins, Nancy imagines. She should ask her about them if it wouldn’t be too strange coming from her friend’s older sister. She wishes she’d gone with Mike now, to see them herself.
“Do you think it’s really over?” Nancy startles at the question. Robin doesn’t turn to look at her to ask it, still staring into the middle distance in front of them.
Nancy’s thoughts turn again to Max, to the last time they’d sat together in the wake of a disaster and the almost end of the world, the time before that, and, “No,” Nancy says. “No, I don’t expect so.”
At first, Nancy thinks the sound Robin makes really is a sob this time. She turns in her seat, ready to put a hand on her shoulder, tell her the old lie about everything being alright in the end despite the spiral they’ve been heading down since Mike stashed a girl in their basement, the fact that Nancy isn’t sure it’s ever going to be over for any of them whether Eleven shows up to close the portals for good or not, and sees Robin’s head tipped back, face scrunched as she tries and fails to keep from giggling.
It would be cute if it weren’t horrifically inappropriate. It’s still, Nancy steadies herself and glances around to make sure no one is paying them any attention, quite cute.
“Jesus H,” Robin wheezes. “You’d think at some point all the freaky mind powers would be enough, right? Like, is evil a gas, filling whatever space we put it in, or what? Maybe if we took the superpowers out of the equation things would actually calm down for a minute.”
“I don’t actually think El has her powers anymore, so we might just be screwed.” Nancy catches a laugh in her throat. She feels the prickle of Robin look at her, the tension in their clasped hands. Nancy meets Robin’s eyes for only a moment before Robin’s giggle turns into a guffaw and just as quickly descends into the sobs Nancy has been bracing for all along.
If Nancy could cry now, she doesn’t know if she would remember how to stop. Tears are, always have been, an indulgent all night affair, but Robin’s crying is silent. Her tears dry up quickly, but Nancy doesn’t let her go.
They sit together until a woman with a clipboard elbows through the double doors marked ‘Hospital Personnel Only,’ and asks for the Harrington family. A pang of guilt burrows into Nancy’s stomach; she hadn’t even thought to call them, but Robin is already standing. Robin lets go of her, Steve flaking to the linoleum between them, and sure, Nancy thinks. That makes sense.
on ao3
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jennaguirreseo · 1 year
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Expert Guidance and Support
Embarking on a body transformation journey can be challenging, both physically and mentally. That's why having a knowledgeable and supportive coach like Jenn is invaluable. She will guide you every step of the way, offering expert advice, motivation, and accountability.
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aguirrefitnesseo · 9 months
The Importance of The Women Weight Loss Program
The core philosophy of the best women’s weight loss program by Henderson’s gym trainer revolves around a holistic approach to health and fitness. Unlike crash diets or extreme workout regimens, this program focuses on sustainable, long-term results that consider both physical and mental well-being.
Read More: https://medium.com/@aguirrefitnessseo/discover-the-best-womens-weight-loss-program-by-henderson-s-expert-gym-trainer-828d77e473fd
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beautiful-btr · 4 years
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Big Time Rush Working out Together: The Saga
(x, x, plus stories from ericthetrainer on Instagram)
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h2shonotes · 2 years
Just say it. I WANT MY H2shO™️!
Talk to your club management about being the shO to you or Host your own H2shO™️. 😆 🕺🏽 💦
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oatflatwhite · 2 years
since we’ve seen buddie place video games together…. you're up late playing video games again but you don't mind me slipping down in-between your legs with a blanket and pillow, falling asleep in your arms 🥺 pls
god sorry this has taken me like a month to get to anon oops! from the intimacy in a relationship prompts from forever ago (feel free to chuck some more in my inbox, though i can’t guarantee a timely response!)
read on ao3
It's almost three a.m. by the time Eddie pulls into the drive, his whole body lit up like a walking bruise and leaving him seriously questioning ever picking up a shift from Henderson again. And—okay, it had been pretty easy going the first three quarters, despite the fact Eddie'd barely spoken a word to anyone on C rotation before today. A couple spot fires, an honest to God cat stuck up a tree. But a five-alarm downtown put a damper on any good mood Eddie was cautiously nursing and now here he is, home three hours late with soot still in his hair, probably, and an ache setting in right at the backs of his knees that's going to make the next few days murder if they've run out of Tiger Balm again.
Eddie really hopes they haven't run out of Tiger Balm again. He feels like applying a whole tube to his—everywhere—and a shower hot enough to scald and approximately fourteen hours sleep right about now, but the living room light is still on when he mounts the steps to the porch, a golden thread visible through the gap in the black-out blinds, which either means:
a) Buck left the lights on when he went to bed, or
b) his boyfriend's still awake.
Given the fact Eddie has witnessed firsthand the way Buck hunches over the quarterly electricity bill, he's gonna go with the latter.
When he lets himself inside, Eddie's smiling.
"Honey, I'm home," he calls softly, toeing out of his boots and tucking them into the cubby by the door next to Buck's worn old trainers with the soles splitting away. He rounds the corner to the living room and feels the last five hours wash right off his back at the way Buck smiles at him from the shitty yellow couch they’ve been meaning to replace: tender and tired and easy, like it's no effort at all.
"Hey, baby," Buck murmurs, slipping his headphones down around his neck and pausing the game onscreen. He tilts his head a little, waiting, and when Eddie presses his lips to Buck's he's still smiling, so much so Eddie can feel his teeth in the kiss. "Looked bad on the news. How you feeling?"
"Mm." Eddie leans in, leans down, til he's bracketing Buck in with his tired legs. Buck's hands, steady as ever, curve around his ass and tug until Eddie gives in and straddles him completely. He buries his nose into the muscle of Buck's neck and breathes. "Better now," he says, a little squished, and when Buck chuckles Eddie feels it like liquid up and down his spine.
He nips at Eddie's ear, lightly. "You're cute."
"You are." A kiss, pressed to Eddie's temple. "The cutest."
“Bet you say that to all the boys.”
“You know, it’s never really come up.”
"I." The words stick a little in Eddie’s throat. "I saved a kitten from a tree today."
"Please tell me someone got pictures."
"Funnily enough, there's no one on C shift who wants to ogle me."
Buck laughs again, his hands finding purchase in the comfy sweater Eddie wore to work today. He's pretty sure it's one of Buck's, ill-fitting in the shoulders and washed so many times it feels soft as cotton candy. It's not like he usually wears Buck's clothes to work, but this morning—yesterday morning?—it had been cold, and raining, and so warm in the bed Eddie had to leave Buck in. When he’d seen the sweater spilling out from Buck’s side of the dresser he hadn’t thought twice about grabbing it. And it’s not like he could actually wear it at work, but—if Eddie disappeared once, twice, three times on shift to the locker room to just hold the sweater to his face and breathe—well, no one on C shift knew him well enough to call him out on it.
“I beg to differ,” Buck says, and it takes Eddie a moment to register the words as a reply. He lifts off a little from Buck’s chest and they’re so close Eddie goes almost cross-eyed trying to look him straight in the face.
“Wait, what?”
“Eddie,” Buck says, patiently. He lifts a hand from Eddie’s hip—Eddie mourns the loss—and settles it against the curve of his cheek. Eddie leans into it. No, wait, this is much better. Buck’s hand is warm and dry and a little calloused and if Eddie turns his head—just—yeah, like that, he can kiss Buck’s palm.
It shivers, under his touch.
“Eddie,” Buck says again. “If you think I’m the only one in that station ogling you, think again.” His thumb brushes along the delicate bone beneath Eddie’s eye. “In fact, I—don’t think I’ve told you this, but the day we met, Bobby, Chim and Hen were all ogling you before I even had the chance!”
Eddie—blinks. “Wait. What?”
“Baby,” Buck grins, and when he kisses Eddie it feels like—like frosting. Sugar-spun and vanilla-sweet.
God, Eddie needs to go to bed.
“Hate to break it to you,” Buck continues, “but you’re kind of a hot commodity at the 118.” He tweaks his thumb and forefinger into the fat of Eddie’s cheek, just barely a pinch. “The hottest commodity, some would say.”
“Oh, would they now?”
“I mean, I don’t know who. But some people.”
“Gosh,” Eddie says dryly. “Talk dirty to me some more, babe.”
Buck shoves him. 
“Okay, okay, I’m going.” Eddie peels himself from the couch, from Buck, wincing as his knees complain. “You coming to bed?”
“In a bit,” Buck replies around a yawn. “Gotta defeat this Thunderjaw first.” He tips his chin up again, like he did when Eddie first walked through the door. The kiss is gentle, barely there. Eddie carries it with him to the bathroom, into the shower. There’s already a folded pair of fresh boxers and an old cotton t-shirt on top of the hamper, ready for him. Eddie tucks his smile into his shoulder as he ducks under the spray, scrubbing at the feeling of the smoke against his body like a second skin. He’s pretty sure he gets most of it off and besides—he’s tired. 
Dressed in the pyjamas Buck laid out for him, hair still damp and dripping and smelling like Buck’s coconut shampoo, Eddie shuffles to the bedroom, yawning. The bed’s empty. He collects his pillow and drags the comforter behind him like a cape as he makes his way back out to the living room, where Buck is being thoroughly thrashed onscreen.
“Hey.” He pauses the game. “Want me to come to bed?”
Eddie shakes his head. The couch is shitty and his back is going to regret this in the morning but that’s tomorrow-Eddie’s problem, because right now Buck’s thighs, clad in those soft grey sweatpants that show off his dick really well, which—isn't actually the point, right now, although Eddie shelves that thought for later—look so inviting. Eddie nestles his pillow in Buck’s lap and follows suit, dragging the comforter over his body and lying so he’s facing the TV, paused on Aloy in the act of drawing her bow. 
“Yeah?” Buck whispers, his fingers threading through Eddie’s hair and out again, almost petting him. He folds almost in two to plant a kiss by Eddie’s eyebrow, right where his own birthmark sits. 
Eddie nods, snuggling closer as Buck’s fingers draw away and he unpauses the game. And it’s—a little uncomfortable, the jostling, Buck biting back a frustrated swear when he misses the canister on the Thunderjaw’s back—but Eddie falls asleep anyway.
He’ll show Buck the kitten photos in the morning.  
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chris-martinez · 1 year
How Important Are Personal Trainer For Healthy Living?
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Nowadays everybody wants to live a healthy life. Nobody wants to live an unhealthy, unfit life. That's why most people add exercise to their routine life. People love to exercise in their homes, park, or at the gym. At the gym personal trainer design the whole workout & diet plan as per fitness objectives. They help you throughout the fitness journey. There are huge benefits to working with a personal trainer. Read the given blog & know why personal trainers are important for healthy living. If you are looking for a personal trainer then contact Aguirre Fitness located in Henderson, NV. Visit the website & know about our other fitness training programs. For more information, call us at (702) 308-7816 to discuss your fitness needs.
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sarahkinglove-blog · 6 years
Concept2 Model E - Rowing Machines
Concept2 Model E – Rowing Machines
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Concept2 Model E new Concept2
Indoor rowing is an effective full-body, low-impact workout. Flywheel design minimizes noise while maximizing a smooth feel.
Includes the Performance Monitor 5, giving you accurate, comparable data for every row.
51cm seat height, nickel-plated chain, adjustable footrests and ergonomic handle
Easily separates into two pieces for storage. Caster wheels make it mobile.
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libertasrpg · 5 years
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We welcome Cloe Mendoza to the city. She’s 25 years old and is an advice column writer. Cloe is often mistaken for Ester Expósito. She’s open.
→ Background Information
There was no one Cloe adored more as a child than her father. While she is the spitting image of her mother, she was a real daddy’s girl. It was due to this relationship that she ended up being so sporty. There was nothing young Cloe loved more on the weekend than going out to the fields and playing games with her father. It was out here she learned all those important life lessons like what fairness is, that you need to work hard to win... and that if you really want to, you can throw a tantrum when you lose. As her dad adored his little girl, he’d usually picked her up to cuddle her and then take her to get ice-cream.
→ Living Situation
While the girls may be the best of friends, they all still have very different styles and very different living habits. So when they moved to Libertas, they all got their own small individual apartments. They’re on the same floor, but separate. While Cloe can often be spotted wearing blue, she’s more likely to say that pink is her favorite color. This definitely comes across in her decor. Her bedroom is basically decked out ceiling to floor in pink items. A lot of the walls around the apartment are covered with pictures Cloe has taken. While it’s not her career path, it’s still a talent she’s proud of. Then obviously there’s the vast collection of sports paraphernalia she has. Items varying from trophies, to signed balls, to mitts are scattered around the apartment.
→ Relocation Explanation
Cloe’s success during college meant she living in some sort of bliss. She was fairly certain that her talents as a writer would find her a job easily. Yet, she couldn’t have been more wrong. Cloe, and all the girls, spent months searching for their dream jobs. Nothing came up though. Eventually they had to admit defeat. They had bills to pay after all. It was a hard couple of years. Everything ended up coming out one night. Cloe was actually the first to break down crying over how miserable she was with her life. The night did get progressively better from there though. The girls ended up coming with the crazy plan of using their savings to get a small office in a new city and start their own magazine. It seemed incredibly crazy at the time, but Cloe especially had faith the girls would pull it off. And sure enough, Bratz magazine happened.
→ Her Personality
People make a lot of assumptions about Cloe because she dresses quite feminine most of the time, and is a very pretty woman. A lot of these assumptions are probably wrong though. Cloe is incredibly lively and sporty, and never takes no for an answer. When her heart and mind is set on something, it’s set for good. She does often fall into the trap of becoming far too concerned about herself but her friends help pull her out of this. The love for sport doesn’t mean she can’t also love fashion though - And boy, does she love fashion. It was a childhood love for the likes of Vogue that lead her down the path of learning all about photography. What’s the use in a good outfit is there’s not someone as good taking the picture?
→ Her Qualities
Playful, athletic, lively, bubbly
Dramatic, pushy, self-concerned
→ Her Relationships
Yasmin Khan (Best friend): Despite it not being her official title, Cloe delights in acting as a photographer for Yasmin’s photoshoots when she needs her to. It lets her use that creative side of herself, which she appreciates. This doesn’t mean that they always agree on everything, but they do always respect each other’s opinions and views as creators.
Jade Henderson (Best friend): Jade is Cloe’s go-to when she needs advice. She knows she can trust Jade to give the most genuine and useful answer. Jade is also her go-to when she needs to spend a good fifteen minutes talking about the latest baseball game she saw. Sometimes, she’ll even go that one step further and drag Jade to said baseball game, or to the gym.
Sasha Washington (Best friend): When Sasha and Cloe see eye to eye on something, they really do completely agree with every fibre of their body. The same goes when they don’t agree on something though. This does often result in them butting heads a little because they’re both such headstrong women. Their ability to move past these little fights though is an important part of their friendship.
→ Possible Connections
Astrid Hofferson (Acquaintance): Ever the fitness fanatic, Cloe does spend a good portion of her time at the gym. It was probably here she met fellow badass blonde Astrid. Cloe is all for powerful women kicking ass in the industry so really admires Astrid.
Maximus Caballus (Acquaintance): When Cloe wants to do a bit more of a serious work out, she’ll look to the likes of Maximus. He’s not a professional trained personal trainer or anything, but Cloe trusts him enough to know what’ll work for each muscle.
Cloe is based on Cloe from the Bratz movies.
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ciaranhanley-blog1 · 5 years
A year is a long time in horse racing
If you read the first post again here you'll see what I wanted to experience by joining the Gordon Elliott Racing Club - "I'm looking forward to seeing the horses in training, seeing them race and hopefully getting in the winners enclosure a few times".  The Cullentra Stables Tour just before Cheltenham was one of my highlights. I really wanted to see close hand how one of the most successful trainers in the world operated. There were two tours in the year - one in February and one in November. You get to meet the horses in their stables and then see them out on the gallops. Also you might bump in to a three-in-a-row Gold Cup winning trainer like Henrietta Knight. I really wanted to bring my son along but thought I'd check it out the first time myself and bring him later on in the year. Unfortunately, we couldn't get to the next one but he's been to the races a few times with me.
I've counted 54 runners in races this year and I've probably been about 10 times. We had 4 trips to the winners enclosure (3 wins for Smiling Eliza and 1 for Scealai Aonair).  I got to meet Gordon Elliott many times and watch him give the final instructions to Davy Russell and Jack Kennedy or a young jockey like Jack Warden, having his first ever race. Watching Smiling Eliza romp home at Down Royal and getting to experience what it feels like to be a winning owner is something I'll never forget and I already have the pictures of the day up on the wall at home. Taking my wife to The Curragh on a beautiful Friday summer evening to watch Eliza run on Irish Derby weekend was brilliant as well. There have been some lows too though. Bettatogether suffered a fatal fall and I watched Forrardon Xmoor being taken away in a horse ambulance at Downpatrick before being put down. I never even got to see Ring Ben because he died on the gallops without ever running for the club while Fairy Flute and Colonel Maximus just got fed up with the racing game. 
Gordon Elliott has had an unbelievable year. He won 3 Grand Nationals, was top trainer at Cheltenham, had a winner at Ascot and led the trainers championship over Willie Mullins up to the final few days but suddenly went from over 500k up to over 500k down at the season finale Punchestown Festival and so the wait goes on for Gordon's ascension to the throne. This time last year everyone was talking about the new equine superstar Samcro but after being canonised at Cheltenham in the Ballymore, he fell at Punchestown, was beaten on season debut at Down Royal and was well beaten challenging the very underestimated Buveur D'Air in the Fighting Fifth. That race helped the racing world realise they already had an equine superstar in Nicky Hendersons charge. But like Gordon Elliott himself, you totally write Samcro off at your peril I'd say.
Probably Gordon's best day of the year was Tiger Roll winning him his second Grand National at Aintree. So maybe fitting that the last run of my year was Smiling Eliza in the listed race at Aintree also. She ran her heart out as ever and only just missed out on a place after contesting the lead for the majority of a race shown live on ITV Racing. A year earlier I first learned of racing clubs watching ITV Racing and now I was involved in a horse running live on the telly.
It's been a fantastic experience and good value for money with on average a runner every week. Tickets were available for about 90% of the races and the others would be in a ballot. I'd recommend the Gordon Elliott Racing Club to anyone who is interested in racing and has wondered about horse race ownership or even just wants tickets to the races that they have a horse running in. I'm sure I could have got to 30 or 40 meetings if I'd had the time. I've got to know a few of the other members as well. There are posts from Alex at the yard via the app at least a couple of times a week. It is very well run as you'd expect of anything associated with Gordon Elliott. I was delighted that a few of my posts from this blog made it onto the website too.
So that was my year in horse racing. Thank you for reading. I've learnt a huge amount this past 12 months and had a lot of fun. My love for the sport has increased ten fold and my appetite to get more involved has only been whetted.
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jennaguirreseo · 1 year
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