#fitton farm
if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"Windsor Man, 3 Others Slug Guard, Flee Prison," Windsor Star. October 27, 1943. Page 3. ---- Johnson In Jailbreak At Guelph ---- Reformatory Attendant Beaten on Head With Hammer; Quartet Seizes Clothing ---- Four prisoners at the Ontario Reformatory at Guelph escaped today after slugging a guard with a hammer.
The four were: Norman Pringle, 20, Oshawa: George Whitefoot, 17, Sarnia: Lyle W. Banks, 18, Sarnia: and Lawrence William Johnson, 21, Sandwich West, who once escaped from Windsor police and was later captured.
The guard, John Nevin, was taken to reformatory hospital for treatment of head injuries.
The escape was made from the reformatory laundry where Nevin had taken the prisoners. Five others in his charge made no attempt to escape.
Nevin took a party of nine men to the laundry to start their day's work. There four of the younger men attacked him, and one hit him over the head with the hammer, knocking him unconscious.
The other five men in the party apparently had no part in the attack. The guard was removed to the reformatory hospital and regained consciousness later.
SNATCH CLOTHING On their way through the laundry the men snatched up clothing which they later donned, it was indicated in reports reaching police. Two army battle dress uniforms and two civilian suits were missing from the laundry. One was a zoot suit and one brown with a green stripe.
Four men, dressed in this type of clothing were seen later at the farm of Earl Carter, at Arkell, near Guelph. Carter was in the milk house when he saw the four men dash into his stable. He went to look for them, but they had disappeared through a rear door.
Later J. Fitton of Arkell, driver of a milk truck, saw the four at the nearby intersection of Victoria road and Arkell road. Two were wearing army uniforms and two were in civilian dress, he reported.
Police took up the search in the Kitchener area after reports that two soldiers and two civilians were seen hitch-hiking in that direction. All roads leading from Guelph to Kitchener and Hamilton were blocked by officers.
PLEADED GUILTY Johnson, whose home is listed as 499 Victoria road. Sandwich West. pleaded guilty in Windsor city police court May 6 to stealing 700 gasoline ration books and to escaping police custody, and was sentenced a week later by Magistrate J. A. Hanrahan to 12 months on the first charge and six months on the second, the terms to run consecutively.
The theft of the gasoline ration books was made on April 10 from the office of the Walkerville Automobile Licence Bureau, 382 Devonshire road. Johnson was arrested two days later in Toronto and returned to Windsor April 13 to face a charge of theft of the books.
As he neared the Windsor police station in custody of Detective James Hill, Johnson bolted and escaped. He was recaptured May 5 at Dresden. brought back to Windsor, tried and sentenced.
DESCRIPTION GIVEN He is five feet nine inches tall. weighs about 155 pounds. He is a medium-skinned colored man, of quiet disposition. Police here believe that Johnson. whom they term easily led, is not likely to have been the ringleader in the prison break.
Pringle was sentenced by military court martial at Camp Borden to two years: Whitefoot was sentenced last March at Sarnia to nine months definite for violation of suspended sentence, and Banks at Sarnia to 12 months definite for auto theft last March.
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wellamarke · 4 years
It's been raining for 4 days and we're under a flood watch. Has it ever flooded at Fitton Farm?
Do you know, I think it has!
“I’ve found the hole where the rain was coming in,” Arthur called down, voice only just audible on the ground over the rain thundering on - and through - the roof of the barn.
“Found it, or made it?” Douglas yelled back from the foot of the ladder.
“No, it was there before. I’ve just made it — easier to see.”
“Terrific,” Douglas murmured. “Down you come, then. It’s no use – we’ll just have to patch it when the rain’s stopped.”
“If it ever does,” added a bedraggled Martin, who was raking the best of the hay further from the corner of the barn that was more or less underwater. His progress was impeded slightly by Talisker the farm cat, who seemed to think his rake was a lively and interesting toy.
Arthur began the descent from the ladder, hurried along by an odd sort of creaking sound from the direction of the roof (up).
“What’s that?” Martin asked, looking up. Talisker took advantage of the stationary rake and sat down firmly on top of it.
Douglas followed his gaze. “Ah,” he said, with the peculiar kind of calm that came from the acceptance of fate, “Do you know, I do believe that’s the rest of the roof giving way.”
Though he would certainly never admit to having over-exaggerated, Douglas did later concede that it wasn’t quite the rest of the roof that had collapsed, but rather the beam adjoining the one that had already gone, a few slats and the rough bit they’d patched on last summer to cover an existing hole. It amounted to one-third of the barn being laid open to the elements - which were currently pouring down in torrents - and a number of homeless and rather disgruntled animals.
Plus one slightly bruised Douglas, who had used his moment of clarity to twist Arthur’s ladder and push him nicely out of the way, only to fail to move even one step of his own volition.
“Thank goodness for Gerti,” said Arthur, wrapping his arms around the cow’s neck. “Douglas saved me, and she saved Douglas.”
“Yes, and she was the only one with enough presence of mind to not need saving herself,” said Carolyn, in a clipped tone that was undercut slightly by the towel she slung over Douglas’s shoulders.
Martin coughed. “Talisker and I were perfectly fine.”
“Well, but Skip, you two were under the bit where the roof was already gone.”
“True,” Martin allowed. “Good old Gerti.”
She bobbed her head in recognition, at least of her name if not the praise. Douglas grinned, and patted her flank. Truth be told, it was all a bit of a blur, but he gathered that at the crucial moment, as the other animals skittered sensibly to the other end of the barn, Gerti had instead approached and knocked him clean over, sending him sprawling out of reach of most of the debris. Between them, he and Gerti had intercepted one panel, but it was the old rotten one they’d tried to patch, so most of it was water-weight.
Absentmindedly, he removed the towel from his shoulders and used it to rub her down. Carolyn tutted.
“Right. Look alive, boys,” she said. “I’m not leaving anyone in that death trap of a barn overnight. Toby can stable with Hamilton, that ought to at least be entertaining, and some of the more docile girls might as well go in with the sheep. As for the others...”
“I’m sure Brill wouldn’t mind having a sleepover,” Arthur volunteered.
“That demon pony? Certainly not. She kicks.”
“Demon pony?” The wound to Arthur’s heart was evident in his voice. “Mum, she’s not, she’s lovely.”
“She doesn’t mean to kick as much as she does, perhaps,” Martin said mildly.
“Don’t side with Arthur, Martin, it doesn’t become you. Anyway, I’ve thought of a solution. Take the tractor out of its shed and put the other cows there.”
Martin was immediately alarmed. “But the tractor...”
“Can rust merrily in the sun for all I care, if this blasted rain ever stops. Go on, shift the metal monster, will you.”
“I haven’t got my driving gloves.”
“Oh, for— Martin. Go. And. Move. That. Tractor.”
Martin headed for the shed, still not looking pleased at the thought of his beloved tractor languishing in the rainstorm. The others set about dividing the cows into categories of ferociousness, with Arthur still spouting alternative plans.
“We did work it out that all the animals could fit on the ground floor of the house,” was his latest ploy. “Maybe just a couple of cows...”
“I think not. Right, then... Arthur, you wrangle that lot over to the tractor shed and have Martin help you settle them. Snoop and I’ll take mine up to the little barn. Douglas, frankly I’m not sure why you’re still here. Get yourself inside and put the kettle on.”
“I can help,” he protested.
“Yes, thank you. By having tea ready for us when we get in.”
Shivering with the combined effects of being drenched and slightly in shock, Douglas attempted to look dignified and sorely used as he ambled up to the farmhouse. A few of minutes later, from the kitchen window, he watched the three bedraggled figures returning, squelching their way across the thick mud. The kettle sang merrily from the stove, and the rain poured on.
“You cannot fold a flood and put it in a drawer,” Douglas remarked solemnly to Talisker the cat, who was licking herself dry over by the door. “Because the winds would find it out, and tell your cedar floor. Emily Dickinson, that. She forgot to mention what would happen to the roof.”
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 9 April 1836
8 ½
12 ¼
no kiss F42° at 9 ¾ and rainy morning and breakfast - with A- reading till about 12 from p. 112 to 276 of ‘A tour thro’ Germany containing full directions for travelling in that interesting country: with observation on the state of agriculture and policy of the different states, very particular descriptions of the courts of Vienna and Berlin and Coblentz and Mentz with the Banks of the Rhine, the present theatre of war. Illustrated  by a chart, with the route coloured. London: printed for C. and G. Kearsley, n°46 Fleet Street 8vo pp. 390 1 vol.’
the journey to Vienna and Berlin in 1786 and to Coblentz [Koblenz] and Hanover in 1792. at p. 183 someone has written in pencil on the expression ‘it rained in, at a hundred different places drop, drip, drop’ ‘Elegant for an university professor’ - at 12 John Booth came wanting orders about the coffin - Greenwood thought the corpse had best be brought down on a coffin board - afraid I suppose of the stairs - after a moments consideration said the coffins had best come tonight, and be put in the saddle room till tomorrow night, when the body had best be closed up, and remain in the drawing room till Monday morning - sometime with Marian who quite agreed to the arrangement about the coffin but wished Frank to sleep in the saddle room tonight - wrote and sent by John Booth at 1 ½ the above orders to Greenwood and note to ‘Mr. Mackean Yorkshire District Bank’ enclosing the check omitted to be sent before for the £100 sent to me on the 4th inst. and asked if the 3 bills were cashed (A-‘s but to be placed to my account and I to pay her the money) and wrote and sent note to ‘Messrs. Parker and Adam solicitors H-x’ enclosing check n°27 dated today for £50 = £25 to be paid to Nelson today and £25 paid on the 26th ultimo - nothing paid last Saturday - thanked him for his inquiries after the family (in his note on Monday ) and said I had great satisfaction in believing every one quite as well as could be expected’ - from 1 ½ to 5 ½ chiefly with A- she wrote out her account with Jenny Fitton and Hannah Heap, broke sugar candy in a mortar, etc etc and had her schoolmaster who found some mistake in the rules given for cutting out the Sunday school boys shirts - I had David Booth and paid him for the repairs done to Mytholm farm house cottages and wrote a few lines to Madame Lecomte saying that as her sister-in-law had agreed to all my conditions I concluded the matter settled - had merely waited to fix the day for her entering my service - would engage her from the 1st May - rather uncertain as to my plans - might want her in a fortnight or ten days from this present time - begged her to hold herself in constant readiness - took A- out at 5 35 into the walk - left her in the house at 6 5 and I went to the lodge (nobody there) and came in at 6 25 - dinner at 6 35 - coffee - Mr. Jubb came - ¾ hour in the house with Marian and my aunt and ¼ hour (till 8) with A- and myself - Marian quite as well as could be expected - seems to A- and me very or almost very well - my aunt going on very well - the left leg quite healed - the other healing - good pulse - need be under no anxiety about her - my letter to ‘Madame Lecomte 11 Bryanston street Portman square London pp.d’ went by tonight’s bag which brought back nice kind letter 3 pp. and ends from Lady VC- Brafield house - going to the Lodge for a fortnight on the 20th inst. Mr. Cameron to be off to the Highlands on the 15th - V- in the midst of the domestic trouble of parting with her own maid, her cook and housekeeper and manservant - does not take the 2 children to the Lodge - ‘there was such a beauty seen as my boy who has just completed his year, I want say so much of his person, as of the great hopes I entertain of his intellect if he is spared to us, but how many dangers must he pass before the age of manhood! I sometimes despair of rearing him - those who understand things, till me his forehead is quite remarkable, and I can myself see the greatest different between the 2 children’ - kind letter also 2 ¼ pp. from Mrs. Duffin, York, common place condolence and inquiries - ¼ hour with Marian while A- was with my aunt then she and I together with my aunt from 9 to 9 ½ then till 10 50 getting things together and setting out the hall breakfast table –i.e. to shew George how it ought to be - thoroughly and incessantly rainy day - no workmen here - Robert Mann or 2 of his men? came in the morning but went away again - message this morning from Mr. Freeman very civilly saying I might keep the 3 legs as long as I wanted them - answer compliments and much obliged - the men (Freemans’) not come on Monday - the funeral of my father to be on that day - for no other reason would I have put them off - said afterwards Robert Mann + 3 might come on Monday because they could work at the new road at the back of the house and would not want me - F40° now at 10 55 pm - A- tired
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feedergoldfish · 3 years
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, First Officer Douglas Richardson here. Just to let you know we're making our final approach now into what I am fairly sure is Fitton Airfield. Unless it's a farm -- or just possibly the A45. It's not the sea, because that's blue. I should perhaps explain that Captain Crieff and I have a sportsman-like little bet on today about who can fly the best after drinking a liter of vodka through a straw. The captain went first. You may have noticed the take-off run was a little bumpy, particularly over the golf course. Now it's me to land... just as soon as I decide which of these two runways to aim for. And I'm happy to tell you that I feel lucky! So, on behalf of all your crew today, may I just say, GERONIMO!!
A typical announcement aboard Gerti, the only plane belonging to MJN Air -- aka "My Jet Now", so named by owner Carolyn Knapp-Shappey after she was awarded it as part of her divorce settlement.
Cabin Pressure is a 2008-2014 BBC radio sitcom, directed by John Finnemore and starring Finnemore, Stephanie Cole, Roger Allam and Benedict Cumberbatch.
You can listen to the entire series as a podcast via Dimsdale, a hub for radio content. This quote is from S01E01.
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accio-spaceman · 5 years
VORTEX Magazine - Issue 87
May 2016
Download for FREE on the Big Finish website
  The Tenth Doctor Adventures
Matt Fitton, Jenny T Colgan, James Goss, and Russell T Davies weigh in on the new “The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Volume 1″ series.
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[Above Matt Fitton, Jenny T Colgan, and James Goss]
 Responsible for bringing the stories to life has been script editor Matt Fitton, who has written Technophobia, the first of the Big Finish Tenth Doctor stories, as well as working with the other scribes on the series. Jenny T Colgan has written Time Reaver, while Death and the Queen has come from the imagination of James Goss.
 (Full Article Under Cut)
Talking of this series, Matt says: “It had a long gestation period – when the licence first came through, we started thinking about different ways of doing Tenth Doctor stories.
“When it became clear we had Donna as well, we sent a pitch to be approved by the BBC, so we could give them a concept of what we wanted to do, story-wise.
“We decided to do something similar to the way they did things with the TV series. The first one was going to be a story set in contemporary London with a strange threat, so it was similar to a series opener of the era. The second story would be set in outer space, with something weird, wonderful and alien, and then the third story would be something possibly historical or a bit more emotional and based on Earth.
“These were the briefs that want out to Jenny and James, so they were able to flesh out their stories. We had lots of exchanges of ideas, back and forth.
“James is a good, solid, clever writer who you know you can rely on. I was really pleased to get Jenny involved as we were keen to have something of a name attached to the series, and she is such a good writer who loves her Doctor Who too. It’s great to have a Sunday Times best-selling writer with us!”
In order for Matt to get the feel for the era again, he had to dig out his DVD collection.
In Technophobia, the Doctor and Donna visit London’s Technology Museum for a glimpse into the future, but things don’t go to plan. The most brilliant IT brain in the country can’t use her computer. More worrying, the exhibits are attacking the visitors, while outside, people seem to be losing control of the technology that runs their lives. Is it all down to simple human stupidity, or is something more sinister going on? Beneath the streets, the Koggnossenti are waiting. For all of London to fall prey to technophobia...
Smiling, Matt says: “It was a question of going back and watching the episodes again, which is what I do with the classic series. You watch the episodes and how the characters work – the Doctor and Donna are just such vivid characters, as they are so full of life on screen.
“I suppose there’s an added pressure knowing you’ve got David and Catherine performing your lines. Everyone knows Catherine’s a brilliant comedian and some people forget just how great an actress she is too – you want to give her something to really work with.
“You know David’s so good and will be able to do anything you give to him.”
David Richardson says: “Technophobia began life as something else altogether. I’d been holding on to the idea for a story about sleep deprivation – what would happen if the whole world lost the ability to sleep? That was going to be our first episode. And then we submitted it to Cardiff, and of course Sleep No More was planned for series nine on television, so there was a clash. Matt Fitton rather brilliantly took the core idea and twisted it into something else entirely different but really clever.”
 “Everyone knows Catherine’s a brilliant comedian, and some people forget just how great an actress she is too – you want to give her something to really work with.”
– Matt Fitton
 Time Reaver
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[Above Jenny T Colgan wearing an “I 'heart heart' Gallifrey” t-shirt.]
 The second adventure for the Doctor and Donna is Time Reaver. Although Jenny – an accomplished romantic comedy novelist as well as a prolific writer of Doctor Who fiction – has since written a play for Big Finish’s first River Song series, which was released earlier this year, she actually wrote her Tenth Doctor story first.
In Time Reaver, the TARDIS lands on Calibris, the spaceport planet where anything goes. The alien Vacintians are trying to impose some order over the smugglers and pirates that crowd the port. Soon the Doctor and Donna discover why. An illegal weapon is loose on the streets. A weapon that destroys lives... Slowly and agonisingly. The Time Reaver.
Despite having written for the Doctor several times in prose – including In The Blood, a new Tenth Doctor and Donna BBC novel being released this month to tie-in with the Big Finish audios – this was Jenny’s first script, a fact she was extremely excited about.
“I never believed that people actually jump for joy but I did actually hop around the kitchen a little bit. Then I was so terrified I’d actually tell someone I got horribly paranoid. But it was an extremely exciting moment.
“I pitched a few things and they chose the one they liked. Funnily enough, Time Reaver is quite traditional sci-fi – it’s a mechanical interchange planet, like a massive interplanetary King’s Cross – whereas my friend and colleague James Goss has written one about Donna getting married, so it feels a bit like we’re on each others’ turf!”
Jenny didn’t feel the need to go back to watch some TV episodes featuring the Doctor and Donna.
She explains: “I’ve written for four different Doctors and you do have to shake their voices out of your head a little bit, just to give yourself a bit of a mental shake up because they’re all so different. Matt Smith is nothing like Peter Capaldi who is obviously nothing like David, etc. The Tenth Doctor understands human emotions, whereas the Eleventh gets a bit bamboozled by them, and the Twelfth understands in theory but he doesn’t really care very much – although he’s learning...
“But I don’t need to go back and watch series episodes, I watch them all the time. I can recite Forest of the Dead off by heart (I shan’t, but I can). Silence in the Library is a real touchstone for me. I have two Tenth Doctor/Donna projects coming out in May: one is set just before Library and one just after Midnight.
“Here is a funny thing; my kids were watching Silence in the Library last week because the six- year-old is finally old enough to deal with the skeletons, and when River says ‘Have we done picnic at Asgard yet?’ (which I wrote this year for the Eleventh Doctor and River), they all turned to me and went ‘But how did you know?’ And then when he says ‘Why would I give you my screwdriver?’, they all went, ‘Because mummy wrote that you had a sonic trowel and the Doctor thought it was rubbish!’.
“It was just so, so very lovely to be able to play with all of that when you’re writing for Doctors past, and so very special to me.”
Death and the Queen
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[Above James Goss holding a cat.]
 The concluding play in this first run of Tenth Doctor adventures is Death and the Queen, by James Goss. As we’ve seen in The Runaway Bride, and learned subsequently, Donna Noble has never been lucky in love. So when, one day, her Prince does come, she is thrilled to have the wedding of all weddings to look forward to. The Doctor isn’t holding his breath for an invitation, and her future mother-in-law is certainly not amused. But on the big day itself, Donna finds her castle under siege from the darkest of forces, marching at the head of a skeleton army. When it looks like even the Doctor can’t save the day, what will Queen Donna do to save her people from Death itself?
James explains how the conversation went when he was asked to write the play: “David Richardson: ‘This is obviously top secret and you can’t tell anyone’.
“Me: ‘I think I’ve just told a whole train carriage’.”
James is no stranger to writing for the Tenth Doctor – his BBC Audio play Dead Air, read by David Tennant, was voted 2010 Audiobook of the Year. The award was selected by voters visiting the Audiobook store. It beat other books nominated including Adrian Mole: The Prostrate Years, Othello, Animal Farm, Shakespeare in Love and War Horse.
James wasn’t given much of a brief for this tale, as he says he was given: “Not much really. Just keep the Doctor and Donna together as much as possible and have them having a great amount of fun. Which I hope they do. “I had another idea which is also amazing!”
With the script having been finished months before it was actually recorded, has it been a nervous wait for James?
“Not really. So often these things are a tearing hurry, but this was a nice sense of it sitting on a shelf, gently maturing. I re-read it the night before the recording and sweated fear.”
And is he excited to hear the finished play?
“VERY. How else does anyone answer this? Donna Noble is getting married again. The Tenth Doctor’s trying to help. What could possibly go wrong?”  
 “So often these things are a tearing hurry, but this was a nice sense of it sitting on a shelf, gently maturing. I re-read it the night before the recording and sweated fear.”
– James Goss
 Russell T Davies
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[Above Russell T Davies in the doorway of the TARDIS.]
 Another person who’s particularly looking forward to hearing the plays is former Doctor Who executive producer Russell T Davies. He created both the Tenth Doctor and Donna, and in his role on TV, he oversaw every single word which came out of their mouths.
In an exclusive interview with this magazine, Vortex asked him how odd does it feel, that a part of his time on Doctor Who is now being brought to life on audio by Big Finish?
He says: “Actually, yes, good question, because odd is the right word. Along with wonderful and exciting and brilliant. But I pored over every single word the Doctor and Donna ever said to each other – apart from Steven Moffat’s two-parter, I probably wrote most of their dialogue – so to not know what they’re going to say next is a little bit strange. Just a little bit! In a good way. But really, I can’t wait to hear those two actors riff off each other again. David and Catherine are such good friends in real life, there’s a genuine spark between the Doctor and Donna.”
Russell wasn’t involved with the storylines?
“Not at all!”, he says. “Well, they ran them past me in simple synopses, but it’s Big Finish, they know what they’re doing. And besides, you can’t make these things with someone sitting far away, trying to meddle. It’s a Big Finish licence, so it’s a Big Finish show, it’s their version of the Doctor and Donna. And that’s Big Finish’s speciality – recreating eras faithfully but always finding something new to say.”
And how excited is he to hear some new stories, being brought to life by David and Catherine?
“Very! Those two, back in action, after all these years, it’s an absolute joy. Just the other day, I was in Superdrug, and the woman at the till asked if I wanted a bag, and I said no, I’ll put it in my pocket, and she sighed wistfully and said, ‘Women don’t have pockets.’ And it made me think of Donna! I laughed to myself for about 10 minutes afterwards, remembering Donna’s line about getting her wedding dress from Chez Alison. It made me think how much I miss her. And bang on cue, here she is, back again! And I don’t think a single day passes without someone telling me how much they loved David as the Doctor. It’s an honour to get him and Catherine back together. Yes, I’m excited!”
 “Those two, back in action, after all these years, it’s an absolute joy.”
– Russell T Davies
– VORTEX Magazine, Issue 87, Pages 6-15
The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Volume 01 
London’s Technology Museum faces a revolution. Is it all down to simple human stupidity, or is something more sinister going on?
Time Reaver
An illegal weapon is loose on the streets of spaceport planet Calibris - and the Vacintians are closing in…
Death and the Queen
The Wedding of all Weddings comes under attack by a skeleton army. Can Queen Donna save her people from Death itself?
Written By: Matt Fitton, Jenny T Colgan, James Goss
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs
Cast: David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Niky Wardley (Bex), Rachael Stirling (Jill Meadows), Chook Sibtain (Brian), Rory Keenan (Kevin), Jot Davies (Lukas), Alex Lowe (Soren), Sabrina Bartlett (Cora), Terry Molloy (Rone), John Banks (Gully), Dan Starkey (Dorn), Blake Ritson (Rudolph), Alice Krige (Queen Mum), Beth Chalmers (Hortense), Alan Cox (Death)
Available as deluxe five-disc box set, limited edition of 5,000, and as individual vanilla releases.
For full details visit www.bigfinish.com .
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5437 White Farmers Murdered by Blacks in South Africa
Transvaal farmers‘ union TLU SA has documented 5437 Farm attacks and 2067 farm murders in South Africa from 1990 up to May 2020. These figures only represent incidents reported to TLU SA and not all farmers. It also excludes farm workers that have been killed.
The ‘White Cross monument’ in Polokwane (Pietersburg) now contains 3600 crosses, each purportedly commemorating a farm murder. The government of South Africa and current president Cyril Ramaphosa do not recognize the White Cross Monument, deny its existence and do not recognize incidents of “Boers” or “Farmers” being murdered. Visiting New York in September 2018, South African president Cyril Ramaphosa claimed there are no farm attacks in South Africa.
TRENDING: Tom Fitton Brilliantly Defends Rep. Gohmert in His Lawsuit Against VP Mike Pence to Resolve Election Results (VIDEO)
Despite drastic COVID lockdown measures, there have been at least 156 farm attacks in South Africa in the first half of 2020 and 24 murders. ToekomsVonk documented 132 attacks and 19 Murders up until May 31, and there have been at least 24 attacks and 5 murders in June so far, as documented below. In 2019, there were 453 attacks and 48 farm murders. Out of a farmer population of approx. 24.000, that means the murder rate of South African farmers is 200 per 100.000. In Tijuana, it is 134 out of 100.000, in Ciudad Juarez, it is 104.
Since Monday, 15 June, there have been 31 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders in South Africa. These attacks are frequently accompanied by extremely heinous acts of violence, murder and rape. In South Africa’s Muti religion, the consumption of body parts, especially from live victims, is believed to hold powerful magic. Up to 300 people are sacrificed every year in South Africa so that their body parts can be used in traditional Muti medicine, an ABC Australia documentary found 2005. Most of these are young children, tortured to death.
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Rip: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, Captain Rip Hunter here. Just to let you know we’re making our final approach now into what I am fairly sure is Fitton Airfield. Unless it’s a farm – or just possibly the A45. It’s not the sea, because that’s blue. I should perhaps explain that Captain Lance and I have a sportsman-like little bet on today about who can fly the best after drinking a litre of vodka through a straw. The captain went first. You may have noticed the take-off run was a little bumpy, particularly over the golf course. Now it’s me to land … just as soon as I decide which of these two runaways to aim for. And I’m happy to tell you that I feel lucky. So, on behalf of all your crew today, may I just say, “Geronimo!”
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stopkingobama · 7 years
EPA caught faking data to promote globalist scheme
Judicial Watch announced Wednesday it received documents from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that show the agency’s claim that the Obama administration’s 2015 Clean Power Plan would prevent thousands of premature deaths by 2030 was, at best, misleading.
The documents were produced in accordance with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in June 2017 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the EPA failed to respond to a May 3, 2017 FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (No. 1:17-cv-01217)). Judicial Watch requested:
All internal emails or other records explaining, or requesting an explanation of, the EPA’s decision to claim that the Clean Power Plan would prevent between 2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths by 2030.
The documents forced out by Judicial Watch reveal that carbon dioxide reduction itself would not prevent any deaths. In a June 2, 2014, email from Bloomberg news reporter Mike Dorning to EPA officials Matt Lehrich and Thomas Reynolds, Dorning asks if particulate matter and ozone are the real concern:
So far, what I have found on my own is Table 4-18 on page 4-36 of the Regulatory Impact Analysis report. And, am I reading the table correctly in concluding that all of those reductions come not from the impact on global warming or carbon emissions but entirely from anticipated reductions in emissions of fine particulate matter and ozone that you forecast will come from changes made to reach the carbon reduction goals?
Neither Lehrich nor Reynolds answered Dorning’s question directly, however, Liz Purchia, an Obama-era communications staffer at the agency, characterized the premature-deaths figure as “co-benefits” of carbon reductions and revealed that none of the premature deaths would be prevented by CO2 emission reductions:
This [premature-deaths figure] is a calculation based on the NOX, S02 and PM co-benefits.
It is the soot and ozone that the EPA estimates to cause the deaths, not the carbon dioxide. The Obama EPA sought to force industry to reduce carbon output, therefore, electricity producers would have no choice but to redesign factories in a way that also produces less fine particulate matter (soot) and ozone emissions into the atmosphere.
The EPA did not explain its theory of indirect, “co-benefits” in its press statement, nor did the EPA explain that it is possible to save just as many lives by passing a law requiring less soot and ozone emissions without also requiring a reduction in carbon output.
“Judicial Watch has caught the Obama EPA red handed issuing a series of half-truths and deliberately misleading information – pure propaganda – designed to deceive the American public into accepting its radical environmental agenda,” said Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton. “The documents show the Obama EPA could not demonstrate that carbon dioxide reductions would in fact reduce the number of premature deaths. It is no surprise it took a federal lawsuit to uncover this Obama deceit. We appreciate that the Trump EPA did not drag this litigation out – we hope other Trump officials start finally paying attention to the FOIA law.”
The controversial Clean Power Plan was promoted as combating “anthropogenic climate change” and was designed to mandate the shifting of electricity generation away from coal-powered plants. On March 28, President Trump signed an executive order directing the EPA to begin the legal process of withdrawing and rewriting the Clean Power Plan, which would have closed hundreds of coal-fired power plants, halted construction of new plants, increased reliance on natural-gas-fired plants and shifted power generation to huge new wind and solar farms. On June 1, President Trump also announced the United States would cease participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation.
The EPA omitted the claim that the plan would reduce “2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths” in its final rule.
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unionjackpillow · 8 years
Cabin Pressure Week - AU
Carolyn: Getting a divorce was the right thing to do. Gordon wasn’t a very good man, he was a cheating and lying bastard, and on top of that he wasn’t even a good dad to Arthur.
Carolyn thought about going for her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s pride and joy, his 16 seater plane. In the end she decided against it. The reasonable thing to do was going for the house, the car and an obscene amount of money, part of which she put into a trust fund for Arthur in case anything should ever happen to her.
Sometimes though she wondered what would have  happened if she had gone for the plane. 
The other characters follow under the cut.
Douglas: Douglas was content, not happy, but mostly content. Being a captain at Air England came with a more than sufficient pay-check, job security, and great benefits in the form of lovely stewardesses.  He loved his wife and daughter but he was also kind of restless and bored. This may have been the biggest contributor to his cheating and smuggling schemes, the last of which having been a much closer call than he would have preferred. If he hadn’t noticed that his old friend Derek was one of the customs officers on duty the kimono incident may have had a completely different outcome. He really ought to be more careful in the future.
Sometimes though he wondered whether or not he would be happier working for a smaller company with less pay but more adventure.
Arthur: Being happy was Arthur’s natural state of mind. During and after the divorce he had days that weren’t as brilliant as others but soon enough those days were almost forgotten. He had his mum and she was more than enough to keep him happy.
With her help as well as the help of some very patient tutors he finished school with very respectable grades. Not knowing what line of work would be right for him, he volunteered for a few weeks at Fitton Farm which was part of the Agricultural College. His favourite animal was a docile cow called Gerti. Next he worked at the local animal shelter, taking the dogs for walks, grooming and feeding the cats or cleaning the rabbits’ cages. In the end it came to no one’s surprise that he asked his mum if they could adopt a cockapoo which he had named Snoopadoop. After one look in Arthur’s hopeful face and at the cute little puppy he was petting she very reluctantly agreed. Truth to be told, she was thinking about getting a dog anyway but Arthur didn’t need to know that.
In the end Arthur made his hobby of playing crazy golf into his job when he started working at the Fitton Crazy Golf Course. Years later when the owner went into retirement he was happy to know that the place would be in good hands with his most loyal employee.
Sometimes though Arthur wondered what would have happened if his mum had gone for his dad’s plane. Maybe he would have become a pilot instead of running his own small business.
Martin: He almost couldn’t believe it. After several tries he had finally succeeded in getting his license and becoming a fully qualified pilot. The job hunt wasn’t easy for him though, for the first few years he worked at small companies, doing newspaper deliveries or flying tourists around. With more experience came more confidence and after a few years he landed his first job at a big airline, flying all the planes he only could have dreamt of when he was a kid.  
Jetting all around the world meant that he didn’t manage to see his family as often as he would have liked. Missing birthdays and anniversaries became almost normal and if it hadn’t been for compassionate leave he would haven even missed his dad’s funeral. In the end he made his peace with this part of his work since being able to fly and actually getting paid to do what he loved was worth it.
Sometimes though he wondered whether or not his parents would have been prouder of him if he had followed in his father’s footsteps and had become an electrician.
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podcastpalace · 7 years
Lars Larson National Podcast 112017 by The Lars Larson Podcast .... Tim Graham - Executive Editor of Newsbusters Ryan Mauro—Clarion Project’s Shillman Fellow and National Security Analyst Mitzi Perdue - Wife of the late entrepreneur Frank Perdue (CEO of Perdue Farms). She is also the author most recently of “How To Make Your Family Business Last” Danny Tarkanian - candidate for Nevada senate Michael Daugherty - Director at The National Cyber Security Society and a Board Member at Netshield Corporation: He is author of The Devil Inside the Beltway Tom Fitton - President of Judicial Watch
0 notes
oldguardaudio · 5 years
@realDonaldTrum-> Justified FBI Bashing – James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history.
Trump – my turn
Trump Crowds
Trump airforce one balls
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
I won the 2016 Election partially based on no Tax Returns while I am under audit (which I still am), and the voters didn’t care. Now the Radical Left Democrats want to again relitigate this matter. Make it a part of the 2020 Election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 02:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127280257965412352
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
So now the Radical Left Dems don’t talk about Collusion anymore, because the Mueller Report said there was No Collusion, they only want to talk about Obstruction, even though there was No Obstruction or No Crime – except for the crimes committed by the other side!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 02:50PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127283257383555072
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
I think that China felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around for the next election, 2020, to see if they could get lucky & have a Democrat win – in which case they would continue to rip-off the USA for $500 Billion a year….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 06:20PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127337211777757191
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….The only problem is that they know I am going to win (best economy & employment numbers in U.S. history, & much more), and the deal will become far worse for them if it has to be negotiated in my second term. Would be wise for them to act now, but love collecting BIG TARIFFS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 06:20PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127337212813742082
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
I was NOT going to fire Bob Mueller, and did not fire Bob Mueller. In fact, he was allowed to finish his Report with unprecedented help from the Trump Administration. Actually, lawyer Don McGahn had a much better chance of being fired than Mueller. Never a big fan!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 06:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127342552745762816
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
An Ohio manufacturing CEO explains that cracking down on China has meant stability and predictability for his business.@realDonaldTrump is fighting for business owners all across the US!pic.twitter.com/NJwydmgNTS
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 07:30PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127354617648619521
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Democratic leaders don’t want to talk about the criminal conspiracy their party was involved in related to the illegal spying on @RealDonaldTrump. Their mentality these days is to try to jail political opponents, no matter the rule of law. https://t.co/MLiqfyjiTP pic.twitter.com/usZbY3EWez
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 07:35PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127355718074548226
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….The only problem is that they know I am going to win (best economy & employment numbers in U.S. history, & much more), and the deal will become far worse for them if it has to be negotiated in my second term. Would be wise for them to act now, but love collecting BIG TARIFFS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 11:50PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127418214785474562
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
I think that China felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around for the next election, 2020, to see if they could get lucky & have a Democrat win – in which case they would continue to rip-off the USA for $500 Billion a year….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 11:50PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127418239301169152
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019 at 11:50PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127418407295553538
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
“The Democrats have nothing. Just want to distract from this President. The FBI was not doing its job, the State Department was covering things up everyday for Hillary. At the end of the day they’re fearful of what they did, and should be fearful. This is a tough…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019 at 06:42AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127522225224146949
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….President who is willing to have the battle, and we have a great Attorney General who is willing to lead the battle, and they are going to get to the bottom of it.” @EdRollins @LouDobbs
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019 at 06:42AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127522226381774850
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Under the leadership of @Potus Trump our economy is roaring. Businesses large and small have created more than 5.8 million jobs, unemployment is at a nearly 50-year low, and there are more Americans working today than ever before in the history of this country! pic.twitter.com/417MoB5FVm
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) May 11, 2019
May 12, 2019 at 06:42AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127522331247693824
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Think of it. I became President of the United States in one of the most hard fought and consequential elections in the history of our great nation. From long before I ever took office, I was under a sick & unlawful investigation concerning what has become known as the Russian….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019 at 07:05AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127529870014201856
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….Hoax. My campaign was being seriously spied upon by intel agencies and the Democrats. This never happened before in American history, and it all turned out to be a total scam, a Witch Hunt, that yielded No Collusion, No Obstruction. This must never be allowed to happen again!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2019
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America! https://t.co/wux5QasWgW
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 06:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126616468873936896
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse! pic.twitter.com/yHAClpttLM
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 06:51PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126620440703709185
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 07:21PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126625647214964737
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers – & that’s exactly what we’ve done! pic.twitter.com/mzSYAqGXPk
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:35PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126660886389821441
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
We reached a new low in deceitful politics today.
The lies about protection for pre-existing conditions continue.
This was one of the most shameful and dishonest bills passed in the House so far.#HR986
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:35PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126661926136745985
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
D’s bill on the floor today has nothing to do w/ pre-existing conditions.
But it will prevent states from reducing the price of health care. Look at how costs have decreased for states who have taken advantage of the current waivers #ForThePoliticshttps://t.co/6MTGkrIjnL pic.twitter.com/67MQq5L9wZ
— House Republicans (@HouseGOP) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126661994390675457
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
HANNITY IS ON LIVE with The Great One @MarkLevinShow! We’ll break down the Democrats’ disregard for the rule of law and Hillary Clinton’s brazenly hypocritical remarks about @realdonaldtrump. Don’t miss it!https://t.co/WD7ToexL5Y
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 10, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126662229351391232
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Why do Democrats keeping fixating on the same Russia collusion lies?
Because they don’t want to admit that: -our economy is booming -wage growth is skyrocketing -unemployment under @realDonaldTrump has reached historic lows
The facts don’t lie.
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) May 10, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126662291783593984
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 10, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126662393797447685
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House! pic.twitter.com/68fDd6Mu8U
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126662643677319168
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
President Trump is committed to protecting patients and their families from surprise medical bills.
Hospitals and insurance companies will be held accountable by @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/E7EyCWkvtG
— Official Team Trump (@TeamTrump) May 9, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 09:40PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126662736342061056
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 09, 2019 at 11:00PM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126683358917025798
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Republicans must stick together! https://t.co/APrvcjpqOp
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 12:00AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126697884953370625
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner – there is absolutely no need to rush – as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S…….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 06:55AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126802541034070016
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 06:55AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126802542212599808
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 06:55AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126802543928061952
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 06:55AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126802544708280320
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 06:55AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126802545500938240
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:25AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126809699268141057
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:25AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126809700304076800
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:25AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126809701449179136
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:25AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126809702535503872
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:25AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126810275255136256
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:30AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126811013175754752
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner – there is absolutely no need to rush – as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019 at 07:45AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1126815126584266753
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
….The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
@realDonaldTrum-> Justified FBI Bashing – James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. @realDonaldTrum-> Justified FBI Bashing - James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history.
0 notes
wellamarke · 4 years
Day 5 of @cabinpressurechallenge’s Summer Christmas prompts - time to visit Fitton Farm! This is a lot of nothing, really, but we just moved back to the field for the summer so it’s kind of the prevailing mood~
“Well, Arthur,” said the locum vet, standing to his full height and giving Brill a pat, “There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with her at all. In fact, she’s in fine fettle. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a happier pony.”
Arthur beamed. “Thanks! I’m always saying that. She’s got a happy sort of face, hasn’t she?”
“Ye-es, I suppose she has, rather.”
“Would you like to see the geese now?”
“I— well, is one of them sick?”
Arthur considered. “One did eat Martin’s ring the other day. But she doesn’t seem bothered by it.”
“I can check her over, if you like,” said the vet, “But you do realise, Arthur, don’t you, that usually when someone calls the vet out to a farm, it’s because there’s something that specifically requires medical expertise?”
“Usually,” Arthur echoes. “But it’s a bit sad if you never get to go anywhere just for fun, isn’t it?”
“I go to places,” sniffed the vet.
“Like where?”
“Well— last week I went to the opera.”
“Who with?”
“Does it matter who with?”
“Not really,” said Arthur, sneaking Brilliant a polo mint from his jeans pocket, “But I bet it was on your own. So I just thought it would be nice if you came over. It’s you who decided it was to see the animals.”
“That is usually why I come.”
“I know.” Brilliant snuffled at Arthur, hoping for another mint. He scratched her nose as a compromise. “But it doesn’t always have to be. We like you, you know. Even Mum.”
The vet chuckled. “Don’t let her hear you making accusations like that.” After a moment, he added, “Well, let’s see this ring-guzzling goose, then, and afterwards I’ll go out to the top field and see your mother.”
“How do you know she’s at the top field?”
“Don’t look so smug, Arthur. This proves nothing.”
“Maybe,” said Arthur enigmatically. “Come on, Brill. Back to your stall.”
Herc watched them go, smiling. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he came here a little more often.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 13 April 1835: SH:7/ML/E/18/0017
6 50
11 55
No kiss. finish but dull morning - settled George’s account F48° at 8 20  breakfast and packing and had John into the room till 9 40 - the gin horse Thomas Pearson has borrowed for me (came 1st time this morning) John thinks is glandered - just took leave of my aunt and father and A- and I off to York at 10 - went by the Leeds and Whitehall road to Cleckheaton to call and ask Mrs Fitton (the quondam housekeeper at Crownest) if she knew of any young man who would suit us to take care of saddle horses, and a carriage, and do anything he could - no! but Mr Fitton would inquire for us - 12 minutes there - then by the Birstall road to Leeds very neat modern gothic church (quite new) at Morley - Chantrell of Benson’s buildings Park Row Leeds the architect - engaged with the church commons to do it at £3 per sitting (1000 sittings) a common price and engaged with the townspeople and completed the job for £2900; but they were not satisfied - the church plainer - and roof put on above a yard lower than according to the plan given in by Chantrell - but any informant (a respectable looking man in black at the end of the village that I stopt the carriage to speak to) owned that this alteration as made by Chantrell because the builder as it was, lost by the job he had done - At Leeds at 12 40 - the ostler gave us Chantrell’s address - as above - on leaving Mrs Fitton’s A- and I talked over the groom business and the awkwardness  of Marian’s not choosing to have another man eat in the house - settled to give George the groom’s place for the time and let him eat at his father’s and sleep in the laundry, and get another man as footman, to be in the house at Shibden - this plan pleased both A- and myself - Off from Leeds at 12 ¾ and at Tadcaster at 2 36 - went over to Thomas Briggs’s - he not at home - told his wife what I wanted, and she said her husband should and speak to me here (Black Swan York) at 10 am tomorrow - A- and I had luncheon (cold meat) at the White horse - off at 3 10 and here at 4 8 - my luncheon made me feel tired and sleepy - had slept almost all the way from Tadcaster - lay dozing on the sofa till Parsons came and cut A-‘s hair and my won - read 2 or 3 pp. of Philip on idiopathic fevers - dressed - Mr Jonathan Gray came at 6 20 and staid
2 hours till 8 20 - A- explained the matter of the division of the joint property - what she had written to Mrs Sutherland and what Mrs Sutherland had replied - and put the affair regularly into Mr Jonathan Gray’s hands - he thinks the coming over in July a mere put-off - A- then explained about the waste on Mickle moss claimed by Mr William Priestley  as allotted to High Sunderland, and about his and his brother John’s holding Lathan’s at the Hall end in Halifax and Longley farm in Norland under her uncle Walker’s will tho’ he had no right to [will] away either the one or the other, they being the property of her grandfather and entailed upon her father - he has taken home the necessary papers for consideration and seems to think the farm and house may be recovered - can give no opinion about the waste as yet - I then asked JG to draw me up conditions of letting by ticket my coal and stone in upper place land - he is to call at 11 am tomorrow - consulted him about Harper the architect here whom Parsons had recommended - JG says he is a rising man - is building the new street called St Leonard’s here and gives great satisfaction - I shall send for him to come in the morning or about noon -tea at 8 ½ on JG-‘s going away - and wrote all the above of today till 10 10 - Fine day F56° in our bedroom at 11 25 pm - Just as I was getting into bed found cousin very gently come and half hour (A- asleep) sewing and preparing linen and worsted stocking.
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kimdraker · 6 years
ICYMI (because the courts just handed Mueller a loss in this case) Tom Fitton Hammers Mueller Indictment: 'Russian Troll Farms Pale in Comparison to Clinton-DNC-Obama Use of Dossier to Spy on Trump' https://t.co/wXVLiX0AWs
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) May 6, 2018
0 notes
tomperanteau · 7 years
Tom Fitton Hammers Mueller Indictment: ‘Russian Troll Farms Pale in Comparison to Clinton-DNC-Obama Use of Dossier to Spy on Trump’
Tom Fitton Hammers Mueller Indictment: ‘Russian Troll Farms Pale in Comparison to Clinton-DNC-Obama Use of Dossier to Spy on Trump’
On Friday, the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” The 37-page indictment was a big fat nothingburger. Mueller has nothing on Trump’s camp yet the witch hunt continues. President of…
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americanlibertypac · 7 years
EPA caught faking data to promote globalist scheme
Judicial Watch announced Wednesday it received documents from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that show the agency’s claim that the Obama administration’s 2015 Clean Power Plan would prevent thousands of premature deaths by 2030 was, at best, misleading.
The documents were produced in accordance with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in June 2017 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the EPA failed to respond to a May 3, 2017 FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (No. 1:17-cv-01217)). Judicial Watch requested:
All internal emails or other records explaining, or requesting an explanation of, the EPA’s decision to claim that the Clean Power Plan would prevent between 2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths by 2030.
The documents forced out by Judicial Watch reveal that carbon dioxide reduction itself would not prevent any deaths. In a June 2, 2014, email from Bloomberg news reporter Mike Dorning to EPA officials Matt Lehrich and Thomas Reynolds, Dorning asks if particulate matter and ozone are the real concern:
So far, what I have found on my own is Table 4-18 on page 4-36 of the Regulatory Impact Analysis report. And, am I reading the table correctly in concluding that all of those reductions come not from the impact on global warming or carbon emissions but entirely from anticipated reductions in emissions of fine particulate matter and ozone that you forecast will come from changes made to reach the carbon reduction goals?
Neither Lehrich nor Reynolds answered Dorning’s question directly, however, Liz Purchia, an Obama-era communications staffer at the agency, characterized the premature-deaths figure as “co-benefits” of carbon reductions and revealed that none of the premature deaths would be prevented by CO2 emission reductions:
This [premature-deaths figure] is a calculation based on the NOX, S02 and PM co-benefits.
It is the soot and ozone that the EPA estimates to cause the deaths, not the carbon dioxide. The Obama EPA sought to force industry to reduce carbon output, therefore, electricity producers would have no choice but to redesign factories in a way that also produces less fine particulate matter (soot) and ozone emissions into the atmosphere.
The EPA did not explain its theory of indirect, “co-benefits” in its press statement, nor did the EPA explain that it is possible to save just as many lives by passing a law requiring less soot and ozone emissions without also requiring a reduction in carbon output.
“Judicial Watch has caught the Obama EPA red handed issuing a series of half-truths and deliberately misleading information – pure propaganda – designed to deceive the American public into accepting its radical environmental agenda,” said Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton. “The documents show the Obama EPA could not demonstrate that carbon dioxide reductions would in fact reduce the number of premature deaths. It is no surprise it took a federal lawsuit to uncover this Obama deceit. We appreciate that the Trump EPA did not drag this litigation out – we hope other Trump officials start finally paying attention to the FOIA law.”
The controversial Clean Power Plan was promoted as combating “anthropogenic climate change” and was designed to mandate the shifting of electricity generation away from coal-powered plants. On March 28, President Trump signed an executive order directing the EPA to begin the legal process of withdrawing and rewriting the Clean Power Plan, which would have closed hundreds of coal-fired power plants, halted construction of new plants, increased reliance on natural-gas-fired plants and shifted power generation to huge new wind and solar farms. On June 1, President Trump also announced the United States would cease participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation.
The EPA omitted the claim that the plan would reduce “2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths” in its final rule.
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