#fix moodle
moodlemcdoodle · 2 years
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
I love when I'm actually trying to submit an assignment for once and moodle won't fucking load
#i got a weird error message like 'undefined' and the whole page is just grayed out and supposedly still loading#tried reloading the tab and it just wouldn't work. didn't even get a login screen#cleared cache; got a login screen but then got the same error and site refused to load#like.... i'm genuinely trying to submit my work lol. this is so funny#it loads fine on my phone but my assignment isn't on my phone and i don't think i can get it there#or can i? i mean i guess i can. it's just an html file. but submitting it from my phone sounds like a process i don't have the energy for#i'll just try again tomorrow. if i can't get onto moodle tomorrow i'm fucked anyway because i have to do a quiz tomorrow#i'm also hoping to get my other assignment submitted tomorrow. the assignment that's still only 10% done. that assignment.#i could work on that thing right know but i know i'll get annoyed and ragequit when i run into problems; so what i might do INSTEAD#is anticipate the problems i'm probably going to have (i.e. resizing the carousel; moving the carousel; embedding the youtube video; moving#the youtube video; setting an accordion as a sidebar; doing anything whatsoever with the accordion-sidebar; placing the info where i want)#and do some reading on how to do those things and then bookmarking the resources so i can read them again#because i have all the memory of a goldfish when it comes to this stuff#i could also run through the git tutorial so i don't have to do it on thursday while exhausted from physio and pilates#idk though. if it seems like it's going to be long i will absolutely not be doing that right now#look i finally fixed my portfolio today and figured out how to do a gradient. i don't want to do very much#personal
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moodlesmain · 2 years
You watched snapcube’s vid last night didn’t you lmao
i actually like, only just watched it lmaooo. But also literally i'm fucking obsessed with that game already you have no idea, it's genuinely up there with my favourite actually good sonic games, it's so delightfully over the top and I love how through the whole thing Shadow has NO CLUE what's going on he's so confused and stupid through the whole thing it's great. Honestly the dub has just given me a new reason to obsess over it again (and work more on my Time Loop AU which I've had rattling around my skull for like a year now)
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starlightiing · 16 days
💜with galex? 😙
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss - GALEX
Stardew Valley AU for the win? Yes. YES. Galex Stardew Valley AU.
"I finished repairing the fences for the cows, by the way. The wood on the left side was nearly rotted through, and I swear if you had let Oodles of Moodles or Cowabunga escape--"
George scoffs and rolls his eyes, effectively cutting Alex off with a curt, "One plank was rotted through, Alex. One plank."
"And that's one plank too many, if you ask me. I saw the way Oodles of Moodles was eyeballing her escape." Alex says with a grin, one that betrays the nature of his words. "It's high time I teach you how to fix your own fences, I reckon."
"I reckon," George agrees, "Especially if it will put an end to your dramatics. Shakespeare would have loved you."
"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much. Now hand me that hammer." Alex points to the discarded tool at George's feet, before sliding a dirty arm across his forehead to wipe away the sweat that had built up there.
George bends down and grabs the hammer, though his gaze is completely deadlocked on Alex. It's a rather warm day and the thin white t-shirt that hugs Alex's chest is nearly soaked through with sweat. George would normally find reason to curl his nose up at this - but he can make out every curve and dip of Alex's chest through the now translucent material, and quite frankly he thinks he has had enough.
Enough of Alex coming to his rescue every time he calls. Enough of those bright, Earth-shattering smiles he flashes George's way every time he makes a ridiculous joke. Enough of his strong hands and his warm eyes, and that utterly infuriating sound he makes before he laughs. He's had enough of the teasing, enough of the ambiguous flirting, and the way Alex really sees him for who he is beyond the front of the rich, spoiled city boy that everyone else is so eager to accept at face value.
George is not an impulsive person. His words and actions are so carefully crafted in his mind, down to the finest detail. He thinks and he plans - that is his specialty. Funny, how one glance over at a man so beautiful it makes his knees weak could destroy everything he's ever known about himself and worked so hard to achieve.
He rushes forward, mind and heart tangled deeply in turmoil, and presses a kiss to Alex's lips. It's a soft thing, no more than a mere meeting of warm skin against warm skin, but it alights something in George that makes his heart beat faster and his hands tremble. The hammer slips from his grasp and hits the ground with a dull 'thunk', and neither of them pay it any mind.
"Well, well, city boy," Alex breathes, and George considers it a triumph that Alex's usual confidence is missing from his tone, "I didn't realize you felt this strongly about fence repair."
"Oh, come off it." George shoots back in response, but he's smiling so goddamn bright he can physically feel the shine radiating off of himself. "Tell me you wanted it, too. That's all I want to hear."
Something strange flashes across Alex's face at George's words. It's akin to surprise, perhaps, like George has said something so completely unexpected. Another triumph, he thinks, as he pulls down more and more of Alex's walls.
"It wasn't already obvious, George? Of course I wanted it. In fact, get back over here. I'm not through with you just yet."
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ihatecispeople · 9 months
I know im of the "falling through the cracks" curse but now I keep falling through the email and admin cracks of my fucking staff responsibilities as a tutor even after ive sent updates to people to fix my email so I'm on the right mailing lists and moodles and all and its driving me crazy and I'm gonna start crying
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mangosmoothiepussyv3 · 2 months
god i hate school sm
trying to do an assignment thats due today. its those college forum posts and i gotta write a response to someone. however my moodle is acting up and says that the due date has passed when it hasnt so i cant reply to people and i rlly need the points bcus im actually failing the class rn so all points help.
im so mad oghhhh
but at least the professor is responding and trying to fix the problem!!
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heljar-heimur · 4 months
small personal vent.
Was sick last week, down for the count for 4 days. I got antibiotics and stuff for my cough and am on the mend. Head is still getting back to normal, I also didn't feel like mixing my ADHD meds with my antibiotics, but can start that again tomorrow.
Now I got what I wanted and can go to a teacher conference thing on Friday, that means minor shuffling of stuff which ordinarily would be fine but that means I now have to make stuff earlier, when I am behind on stuff for my other class.
I caved and even had chat gpt help me write my drafts and I seem to be lacking even the mental energy to fix the draft, reword it and type it up into moodle.
I'm so out of mental energy but I'm the damn teacher and can't skip out on prepping for class, when I have no backup materials, no nothing. I am also now again way behind on grading...... Almost wish I was a morning person so I could just go sleep and finish prep in the morning.
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nicholas5401499 · 2 years
Week 9 - prototyping
Pre class activities
This week we had a video about prototyping with Andrew Simpson. The way he describes the process of prototyping testing different dimensions and interactions with a product was very familiar to my process of designing my perfume bottle. Once I had identified the basic design, I went about making a number of iterations to alter the design to find a form which was appealing and ergonomic. Using this process I was able to identify a design with a tapered side to a smaller base made for a better ergonomic design.
I learnt more this week about the power of the computer assisted world of prototyping and how it can assist you with your designs. The presentation at the MCIC about 3D scanning was really impressive — it’s amazing how for computing power and algorithms have come, even in the 6 years since I was at uni last. Seeing how accurately and quickly designs that have been quickly modelled by hand can be brought into the digital world without needing to use CAD software was surprising. When I visited the MCIC to scan my bottle, I did see the limitations in the process. My design had a few undercuts and “hidden areas” which made it difficult for the computer to scan, making it a delicate process. Even then there were a few artefact errors which make the mesh difficult to work with.
I didn’t have access to my scanned bottle until later in the week, so I used this week’s exercises as a chance to learn about the mesh modelling with the bottle scan provided on Moodle.
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Importing and running the quad remesh in Rhino was very straightforward.
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Once it was in 3dsMax the past few weeks of working with the software meant that I was very comfortable adjusting the object and altering the pivot point.
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The FFD modifier was the most useful tool in this stage of the process (in my opinion). Making small adjustments to the proportions of the model will be really handy.
I used a couple of taper and symmetry commands and the repaint tool to fix a weld seam around the symmetry point, and touch up a couple of scan issues pointed out by Rob in class.
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The end design was a taller and slightly prouder design than the original, but only required minor adjustments.
The 3D scanning tool was very quick, however imperfections can take a long time to fix up.
With uncomplicated objects, 3D scanning is probably not the quickest or best way to work with your design in CAD software. However, I can see it used as a guide for simple shapes to draw computer models.
The tools in 3dsMax and other CAD software would allow the design process to create dozens of iterations on a design such as this, making slight adjustments in form in order to gauge the right aesthetic and functional balance with the use of 3D printing.
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emily5237220 · 2 years
Week 9 Studio Tutorial – Preparing a 3d scan for printing
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Image 1: Rhino Quad remesh
This week's task is to prepare a 3D scan and perfecting it so that it can be ready for 3D printing. I downloaded the file from Moodle then imported to Rhino 7 for quad remesh with at least 15000 faces but I miscalculated the first try where it only had 12689 faces. But in the second time it had 15178 so I think it improved. Also after remeshing it, I rendered it in a different colour for both aesthetics and ease for the eyes as plain white is starting to blur for me.
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Image2: 3Ds
This where I imported the rhino file into 3ds software and started to follow the intrusions as per the Moodle such as aligning the pivot, centering to the object and the world, changing absolute world coordinates then ultimately, XForm reset. This one still looks a bit edgy and rough as it hadn't been smoothened out or dents fixed.
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Image 3 and 4: Smoothened rendering
So, as I cannot stand the rough edges I smoothened them out using Turbosmooth and relax. My first try got the application to freeze and stop working as I unreasonably increased iterations both for the preview and render iterations. So for my second time I carefully set the iterations to 3 maximum and render iteration to just 1. I did not have the same problem with the relax modifier though, it was also a more subtle change. I was very satisfied with these renders so I decided to move onto the modifying stage.
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Image 5 and 6: Bend and Taper modifiers
I started off by using the Bend modifier so I could manipulate the general curve of the shape but also not really influencing the overall design of the bottle. Then, I used Taper to narrow some aspects of the bottle but simultaneously trying to be subtle with the editing of the bottle. I was satisfied after the alterations so I rendered them out.
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The final render came out to be better than I expected and it was very rewarding to witness 6 hours of torture turn into a pretty thing. Everything was smooth, curved, bent and tapered just as I wanted them to be. As a lesson, I have gained a new skillset for me to improve on. Using another software for modelling inspired me with new and better ways to present my mind through tangible means.
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After 2 years at UAL you've kind of gotten the hang of how things run in the beginning of a new uni year. You log into Moodle, the ORB and your student email account on Outlook and get organized. I like to start preparing as soon as I can before the term officially kicks off because with that you are usually flooded with emails from societies, tutors, year leaders, IT support etc. At that point you might be so overwhelmed by it all you might accidentally overlook important information or think to yourself "meh, I'll remember that" but then forget.
So as a big fan of all things structured and orderly (a german cliche i am proud to live up to) I begin with going on Moodle and printing out all unit project briefs and making a note of their deadline dates in all calendars.
When the timetable is finalized (which they will notify you about via email) I check what tutor group I'm in and note down a weekly schedule. When I have to be where for what. Room numbers, tutor names and keeping your units straight is key.
3rd year seems to be less confusing with different unit names and deadlines than the first 2 years but maybe that's just because I'm used to it now.
I also schedule in when the uni breaks are so I can volunteer for overtime during that time at my part-time job.
With the weekly timetable it's important to know as a new or potential student at UAL lcc that there are some things that are fixed "lectures" or meetings each week - like for me the Monday meetings with Maisie or Tuesday for CTS3 unit - which are pretty much mandatory to attend and keep a record of if you want to pass.
While other things that are scheduled in your timetable aren't really mandatory in that sense but rather a good addition to your schedule if the subject matter of the lectures and meetings fit what you are going through or working on. For example the optional meetings with Ellen Hacier on Wednesdays under the subject of Professional Futures. Ellen is amazing and usually sends out weekly emails with opportunities or fun things to do. Now if among those things in the email is a field trip you could book that. Or if you are unsure about your professional future (much like me) you might want to book a 1-to-1 with her. This might not be every Wednesday and might not necessarily tie into any of your projects but you are free to book and attend those things to enrich your education and student life outside of the mandatory. It is also great to keep a record of everything since it looks good in your blog if you engage with a lot of uni-given opportunities.
A big part of weekly planning throughout your years at UAL and lcc specifically is booking workshops and inductions to workshops on the ORB. This is 100% based on your own initiative and without doing this you won't get far in your degree or get your moneys worth! The workshops introduce you (in the case of what is available to us at the London College of Communication) to a great variety of print making like Riso-print, Letterpress, Relief printing, Screen printing, Mono printing and digital print as well as anything involved in finishing your work like through book binding or by using the Print Finishing facilities.
So if you are considering or confirmed to study at UAL I can only advice you to:
-Keep on top of your emails - there will be TONS!
-Book all Induction workshops through the ORB you can during your first (and second) year - this will mean you can use the spaces freely afterwards and have a good idea of what is possible to make at the uni!
-Book everything you can on the ORB and print as much as possible while it's still FREE! -THIS IS HOW YOU GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH
-Keep a record of EVERYTHING you do! Every workshop, tutor meeting, chat with friends that added to your project, record it, take pictures, take notes! THIS IS PART OF YOUR GRADE!
Well then, this was a lot to take in and I have like 70 more posts to make before my Monday meeting with our tutor and my shift starts soon so I gotta move.
I really hope this helped someone to get their ass and sleeves up.
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1strejj · 27 days
Entrepreneurial Journey : Navigating Entrepreneurial Ideas!!
University students from all academic levels and disciplines participated in a number of in-depth customer interviews that we conducted early in the development process. The purpose of these interviews was to learn about the needs and trouble spots that students had with their time at university.
Based on the insights gathered from the interviews, our team formulated several hypotheses regarding the features and functionalities that would most benefit students. These hypotheses included assumptions about the demand for features such as study group formation, career services, and campus event calendars.
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We discovered that the assumptions about the need for study group creation and career services were validated through iterative testing and feedback loops. Students indicated a great need for resources to enhance career development and to enable networking and collaboration. But based on input from early prototypes, a few theories about particular features—like peer support and counseling—needed to be further refined.
In the previous week, our team made a crucial decision regarding the integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS) for accessing course materials and other academic resources. The team had two options: to develop custom integrations for each LMS platform used by universities or to prioritize integration with the most widely adopted LMS platforms such as Moodle and Canvas.
Following a thorough evaluation of available development resources, market research, and early user feedback, the team decided to give integration with Moodle and Canvas top priority. Universities utilized these systems extensively, guaranteeing optimum accessibility for students and lowering development and maintenance complexity.
As a team we learned that developing a product that appeals to the target market requires prioritizing features according to user feedback and market demand, optimizing user experience, and raising adoption rates can be achieved by integrating with current platforms and systems, and using users to test prototypes and hypotheses regularly can help detect and fix possible problems early in the development process.
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francesca925 · 1 month
Blog 6:Slides production and detail refinement
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After the research and ideas were in place and communicated to the group, we decided to start creating the slides, and for better "synchronization" we chose the platform Google Slides.
The group members worked together to complete the PowerPoint presentation, I think it is very important is the "logic chain", each person needs to summarise their own part of the research into several modules, and following the artefacts idea generation - the group members of the idea summary and refinement --Artefact production - Artefact publicity and promotion;
Therefore, I have listed a few suggestions for the presentation on Google Slides based on the different specializations of the group members and the work they have done, and regarding the template for group presentations given by Dr. Matt on Moodle:
These include:
·the order of presentations
·fixed language at the beginning and end
· The key points to be mentioned in the presentation
· A list of group study patterns
· What each person might include in his or her presentation
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Figure 9&10&11 Screenshot of Google Slides - made by myself
And for me personally, I made the following content refinements while making it:
·extracted key data and examples from all the research I have done
·collect images and short videos
·minimize text
· The unity of the background color palette and the theme of the Slide production
·Going into detail: promotional and application video sections
Below is a video I independently produced and dubbed for New Forest's publicity and promotions:
The hedgehog is introduced as the first point of view, its friends are introduced in turn, and an interesting storytelling video is created by combining the different habits of the four animals in the New Forest, and ending with - welcome to The New Forest, which attracts and guides the audience to the next step of the virtual game interface.
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cfloki · 3 months
Adobe indesign pt2 ( sorry in advance if this doesnt make alot of sense ive got pink eye and 4 hours of sleep )
Parent pages and column grids. We begun with creating an A5 document in Indesign, changing the units to millimeters. The next thing we did was create 12 diffrent pages ( 1 cover, 1 backcover and 10 pages in the middle of the two ) We labled these two pages as so, Cover and Backcover, centering the titles.
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Above are the layers showing the order. Next we looked at how to number the pages without having to manually go and label each one. Luckily, Indesign has our back! Using the Parent feature!
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First we wrote 'Page 1' and 'Page 2' and then selected the numbers. we used this to make it so the page number would properly corolate.
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After doing this we were like 'Oh!' because now the cover and backcover had page numbers, which we didnt want. We fixed this by dragging and dropping the 'None' Page onto the cover and backcover, leaving them effectivly orphaned.
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The next thing we did was mess around with changing columns. Layout > Margins and columns, is where the margins and columns dialogue can be found
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The next thing we quickly did was how to change the color of the page numbers, Shift + X to fill a few pages and half pages.
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To change the color of the page number to white we made a duplicate of Parent A, called parent B. Parent B was applied to these pages with its color of the Page numbers set to white. End papers
Illustrator isnt working very well for me right now as i cant see that well so ill just be using the images from Moodle. End papers are mst commonly seen in older books, and are made up of a patterned page spread on pages 1 and 2 - These should match and be the same design. They are used for both the front and end of the book. Examples below
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I wasnt able to do this part as ive been unwell. so here is how Toby has expained it on moodle. To make an endpaper tileable design, we'll use Adobe Illustrator, which has a neat way of doing this, but the tool is a bit hidden..
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You can also use a hexagon tile system... 
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Using either the regular tile, bricks method or hexagon you can make most types of seamless tile patterns
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jackwatters · 4 months
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I adjusted the curve, but have desaturated that nice blue sky. To fix this, we use masks.
Masks work on black/white pixels where black pixels remove parts of the layer, and white keeps parts of the layer.
BLACK: No Image (0%) WHITE: All Image (100%)
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Now we add a gradient to the mask, this allows us to adjust what the curve layer affects using black pixels to remove our light adjustments from the sky. This allows us to have that nice blue sky, while also having the detailed building. The black removes the curve layer, the white applies it.
Reflection: Using photoshop has definitely broadened my skills as an artist, and has inspired a couple ideas for side projects. I definitely find photoshop a lot more intuitive to use than illustrator, a lot more straightforward.
HOMEWORK DUE ON WEDNESDAY: Image adjustment brief (on moodle).
Extra notes from today:
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oliviap · 1 year
Overall this course as taught me a lot of skills in all three programs. Coming into this course we were asked to rank our skill level in each app. My original rankings were:
Illustrator: 7
Photoshop: 3
InDesign: 0
If I was asked to reevaluate my skills now I would say my Illustrator has changed from a 7 to a 9.5, Photoshop has changed from a 3 to a 6 and InDesign from a 0 to a 7.
Even at the start of this course, I was already very comfortable with Illustrator as it was the main program I used for design in high school. I was familiar with most of the tools we learnt so that learning was really just developing and mastering them. At the start of the course I bezier lines were frustrating and while I could draw reasonably well with them, I avoided it at all costs. I now really enjoy using the pen tool and bezier lines. I used it in so many of the tasks through out the course and I found every time I got faster and better. One thing I wish I knew in high school was the short cuts for the selection tool (v) and direction selection tool (A). This would have saved me so much time!
I knew very little on Photoshop when we started this course. I had done some drawing and image manipulation in digital technology at high school but that was the extent of my skill. Even now I don't feel I know a huge amount of what Photoshop offers but I'm very comfortable with what I learned in this course. I have used the adjustment tools were learnt outside of class numerous times as it was so simple to understand. I also found selecting and mask images was really fun and easy to pick up. I missed week 5 originally so I had to catch up later so I didn't have the chance to do it before week 6. It was explained to me in class and I found I grasped it pretty easily. I admittedly did forgot some of the stuff I learnt but I was able to refer back to tumblr and it was easy to remember after a quick recap.
Before this course, I had never heard of or used InDesign before. We used InDesign in our graphic design class as well while learning it so this made it way easier to learn as I was using it for around 9 hours a week in classes. I found that InDesign was really easy to use and especially helpful for text layout. The columns tool was really helpful in creating even, balanced layouts in my graphic design class. This also taught me a lot about general text, like a lot of the terminology (e.g. kerning, tracking, leading).
I think the program I found hardest to work with was Photoshop. While I enjoyed fixing the images, I've never had a very good eye for photography so it took me a while to be happy with my results. It was also frustrating how a lot of the commands didn't overlap with Illustrator. In Illustrator you hold down shift to restrict when resizing where as in Photoshop it morphs and manipulates it. This pissed me off quite a lot. But with time this became more natural and I just learnt it and did it without thinking.
If I didn't understand something in class I was able to go back and find the instructions on Moodle or Teams. This really helped me keep up to date and properly process what I was doing. I also used videos on Youtube to help me if I couldn't figure something out. Often they were on older versions of the programs but they were still mostly the same.
I think my favourite task was the two illustrations we had to make in Illustrator. For my first one I decided to make a bike. I used the pen tool as well as pathfinder to do this. Once I was done, I decided I wanted to add to it as I didn't really find it challenging. I decided to add two parrots to the bike because why not? To challenge myself, I didn't trace them from the reference I just tried my best to make the right shapes and then used the direct selection tool later to edit it after. I really loved my second illustration, I got quite carried away and just kept adding and adding to it. I decided to try recreate my original drawing as a challenge and I wanted to see what I could produce when using Illustrator.
Overall I was pleased with my final booklet project. To be honest I don't think it was the best display of my Illustrator and InDesign skills. I decided to procrastinate this booklet a lot as we had a lot of other projects due at the time. I started the booklet on Wednesday night which in reflection was stupid. I really should have chipped away at it over the days prior so I wouldn't have had to do so much work on Thursday night. But for the time period I did it in I'm pleased. I do like the actual book. I really enjoyed researching all about the different meanings behind common nursery rhymes. I decided to make my book a book for adults rather than children. I kept the cartoonish style of nursery rhyme books but added some much more disturbing imagery.
If I was to repeat this I would have liked to make some more vector images so showcase some more skills but I'm pretty happy. I definitely shouldn't have put it off. I really liked my drawing for 'Ring Around a Rosie'. I'll probably end up adding more detail to it once this course is finished.
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ashmcfarlane · 1 year
Tool Commands:
V: Selection tool
A: Selection tool
Z: Zoom
To exist text edit mode clock outside of text box
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We created a full page text box, stretching it out to the margins. And then created a BODY TEXT PARAGRAPH STYLE and changed the font, size and leading. Then changed the font size to 10 and leading to 14 to have good readable text.
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Then click the plus icon on the tool and this created a paragraph style 1. Meaning with the selected text that uses these specifics it will turn it into a preset. Easily being able to switch between different paragraph styles.
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Then we worked on creating Body Text Headings. Fixing the structure of the place holder text we added headings at the start of each paragraph. Highlighting the heading it and changing the specifics to size 14 with a bold weight and a 16pt leading. Then make it a new style.
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We then created another paragraph style, but instead of changing the size, we made it italic. I selected some parts of the body text and applied it.
After creating multiple headings within the document using my new paragraph style it gave it a much better looking structure.
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We then went to layout > margin and columns. Added two columns for a more balanced structure.
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We then went into moodle and copy & pasted some text to use as bullet points.
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Creating a bullet point paragraph style using a similar process.
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We downloaded an image of a from and opened it in photoshop and put it into InDesign. we messed around with it in photoshop and then switched to InDesign but the frog didn't update the changes. Once you refresh the link in the links panel it then appeared.
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Then learned about the difference between image frames and the image itself in InDesign. you can move the image around the frame, with the frame staying in the same place, which usually leads to some of the image cutting off. However if you SHIFT & COMMAND you can drag or resize it without cropping anything off, treating it as a group.
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Then we resized it to a suitable size. Here it is overlapping and cover the text which is not good.
We made a text wrap around the image so the text will work its way around it.
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Here there is a 3.5 mm boarder on the right of the image, as thats where the text originally clashes.
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Here the text is able to be aligned next to the image, rather than going through it.
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Then did the same process but this time giving it a circle image frame. There is an option for text two wrap around circle frames which is helpful.
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The final product:
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Overall found this task quite difficult, there are a lot of steps to go through when creating an InDesign document. Changing all the various presents with paragraph styles, headings, bullet points, etc was quite tiring but I can see that it would be very helpful for creating multi page documents. Easily being able to swap between various text sizes, weights and leading. I hope once I use Indesign more I will feel more confident with the program.
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