ignorancelive · 3 months
tumblr marching band kid census
feel free to interpret this question and the options however you want, and put more info in the tags if you so please 💋 at ease
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hyper-hopper · 1 year
ordered hopper a new harness and I know he's going to be so much comfier in something a bit better fit to his size but I'm also a little sad to lose the perfect color coordination all his gear had
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timeandspacelord · 2 years
Sometimes my brain says "but your parents supported your hobbies/extra curriculars" and like. yeah, they paid for them and drove me to them, but they also called both of the things I did for the longest time the wrong names all eight years
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alt-wannabe · 2 months
MCSR Marching Band AU
back at it again with wildly specific au's based on the shit i do irl. i've been in band for 10 years (jesus) and marching band for 7- being the tenor sax section leader both my senior year of high school and now my senior year of college.
i had some help with this one from @s3er :3
more under the cut! warning there's a LOT
Nerdi is the drum major! He's in charge of conducting the whole band and specifically helping the center snare keep a steady tempo. He's reliable to a fault and is able to keep his conducting at the proper pace pretty much no matter what (or no matter how hard some of the band members try to distract him). He can also march pretty well on the odd occasion he's not conducting (usually during pregame) and he can do some pretty cool mace tricks. His backbend with the mace is practically all the way to the ground.
Fein is the center snare. He works directly with Nerdi to keep a steady tempo. Drum major and center snare are the structural support of the entire band- without either of them tempo tends to fall apart and the show follows quickly after. He's drumline captain as well and can competently play any drumline instrument (and a good fair few wind instruments as well). One of the band members who does DCI (crazy intense travel drum corps) in the summer.
Guard Section Courtesy of @s3er !
Cube's main equipment would be rifle but he'd also be extremely good at flag, sabre, and dance. he just happens to be the best at rifle out of all of those. during marching band season he would probably be at the front a lot of the times. his consistency, versatility, and experience would make him a very good captain and during practices he would probably often get stuck teaching freshman flagline because he already mastered his own choreo+movement and he'd probably be very good at that as well even if he found it frustrating
Fruit likes flag the most because it's big and colorful and fun :] but since he's so good at weapon that's usually the line he gets placed in during marching season. winterguard has more leeway, since everything is smaller he's more able to do his own thing. for guard, marching season can be very "we know what we want the guard to do this season, just do that" while winterguard is more like, if fruit comes up with some wacky trick they can absolutely find a way to fit that in the show. if there's a dance/gymnastics solo though that would go to him
Zye is a sabre demon and probably a captain just because of how much experience he has but he would do the least amount of captain shit. except that he would be very good at instantly spotting how someone is doing choreo wrong and or why they can't get something and helping them. he makes sabre look easy, like that shit is made of plastic and not cold hard death metal that wants to break all your toes and i hate him for that. he picks up on everything extremely quickly and can make anything looks fluid and effortless
everyone say tysm to s3er for these blurbs! the guard insight was def needed and also super interesting to hear about!
Fulham is a clarinet player- specifically bass clarinet if the band decides to march them and section leader (bass clarinet is the birch tree of instruments just look at it). Absolute GOD at drill- both teaching and marching himself. Everyone in the clarinet section is never an inch off of their dot (assigned spot on the field) and they always take the exact correct path w/ the exact step size between positions. He also helps the directors write the show drill on occasion.
Couri plays mellophone! Mello's have a reputation in some bands for not being heard- Couri is NOT one of those mellos. Not only does he play loud, but he plays WELL and if a show has a mello solo it's going to him. He practices the most out of the whole band and if you're looking for him before or after school you'll either find him on the field or in a practice room. Does DCI with Fein- they go out for the same corps.
Silverr plays baritone. Also a DCI participant but he's usually in an opposing corps to Fein and Couri. Basically all of the baritones I know are super chill (I share a section with them in my marching band). Silverr can play a couple of instruments so his marching choice can vary from year to year- baritone is the usual pick though. He's one of the stronger bassline players in the band and the directors try to have him towards the center of the field so he's easily heard by not only the audience but also the other band members. Always has his music memorized early enough that his section can listen to him play for a solid guide.
Reign plays alto and tenor sax. He prefers alto but if the band is lacking in tenors he can switch over. He can also play trumpet and that's his instrument in his drum corps with Silverr (because they don't take woodwinds). Altos have a reputation for being outgoing and he enables the stereotype. His section finds him easier to talk to than the "official" alto section leaders so he ends up fielding a lot of the underclassmen's questions. He pretty frequently gets solos if the altos are ever given any. (side bar for a cool alto part listen to the Miya Twins theme from haikyuu. The bassline underneath is supposed to represent the consistent and collected twin while the alto part represents the more experimental and wild twin. Sound familiar?)
Dylqn plays trombone. Has hit someone with his slide on a move before, will hit someone with his slide on a move again. The type to make a joke during an attention pose and get the people around him in trouble for laughing. That being said he's an extremely talented musician and marcher. The directors can almost never get mad at him for goofing around because when he locks in he's absolutely a pillar of the entire band. The thing about him being good though is it means it was absolutely on purpose when he hit Fein with his slide.
Mime plays tenor sax (WOOOOOO BEST INSTRUMENT) and is a section leader. His main skill is choregraphing out complex moves and he helps the directors/fulham with drill. When I say complex moves I mean like this shit where everyones walking through each other and one wrong step equals a collision (5:18 in this video. note this is DCI and not a regular marching band so this whole show is a lot more than the average band is gonna do). Not only is Mime good at running through them himself, he can explain the moves well enough that everyone is able to make the move safely. He plays bassoon outside of marching band.
Poundy plays sousaphone. Loves to brag about playing the biggest instrument on the field which is lowkey fair because sousi is HARD. That being said he has full bowled Couri over at least once. No instruments or people were hurt amazingly but the argument that happened afterwards was generational. Poundy is one of the people that has no trouble making friends outside of his section as he's super easy to talk to. Some people tend to stay in their section at band but he is very much so not one of these people. He also plays LOUD which is important for a bassline player.
that's all ive thought through for now but ill likely have some more thoughts on this in the future. my ass is STRUGGLING with fulham's d&d mini right now but trust it's in the works (his hair and glasses are not really in heroforge so im having to improvise to make it not look weird). hope yall enjoyed me yapping for the length of a feinberg post event essay
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intriga-hounds · 4 months
Are there any harnesses besides Ruffwear that are recommended for Long Doggos? I worry about chafing since Lancer's gotten rubbed behind the forelegs by the ruffwear webmaster even with his heavier fur. ty!
(I'm uh. asking. for research. totally unrelated to the june 4th ultrasound puppy check for my friend's silken. :D)
i’ll post this so people can add their suggestions, but i personally use ruffwear. the boys wear the webmaster and ponzu wears the flagline. they all fit well!
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fruitless-vain · 4 months
lil lady was actually enjoying running today!
Trying out the new harness to run with, hoping it can be a good option for hotter days where I won’t want to cover up more of her body with the flagline harness. Also switched to the flexi for running since the hands free was giving me a very hard time- her size means that loose leash slack is a major tripping hazard for me. Every time she would sniff check me I’d end up either stepping on the line, stomping rapidly away to avoid it or having to suddenly stop which was not only annoying for me but also obviously causing her discomfort. Every time she came near I was getting frustrated and so she started being a bit mopey and running behind me which is obviously not what we want!
The flexi helped a LOT immediate demeanour change for both of us, she was really happy being able to slow down or speed up with a bit more space to choose from as well as zig zag and choose to run off the cement as needed. No slack for me to trip on and plenty of leash feedback for me to know where she was without having to run with my head down watching for my tiny trip hazard of a dog
She was wanting to run more than I was this time, super glad I swapped gear around!
Also a chaotic amount of dogs out today of which nearly all bolted right for her. As a result today we learned that Yoshi can do her Switch cue while at a running pace. Very helpful.
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xbinaryx0 · 3 months
I figure it's about time I give an intro, so here I am! My name is Stan, I go by Finn, as well! I'm 17, an artist, writer, and singer! I am in my school's band and a member of the flagline, playing clarinet during concert season. I am transmasc and gay, and taken!! I have autism and ADHD, my special interests and hyperfixations ranging far and wide! I have many interests and take part in many fandoms, such as:
-South Park
-K-Pop (TXT and ATEEZ, specifically!)
And more!
I absolutely ADORE My Chem, them being my current favorite band and special interest! But not only do I love MCR, I also love music with a similar sound! Some of my favorite bands are:
-My Chemical Romance (obviously)
-Pierce the Veil
-Get Scared
-Panic! At the Disco
I love making new friends and I don't really have an age cap, so long as you're not creepy or weird towards me!
My DMs are ALWAYS open and I love listening to other people's problems so long as they're not unwarranted trauma dumps.
I LOVE receiving asks! They make my day! Send me anything, really! I will marry you(/j) if you send me art requests or writing prompts!
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rvilinsky · 2 years
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Hans Wegner, Flagline chair
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hyper-hopper · 2 years
Me: "Wow I can't believe owning a dog is so expensive, how do most people even manage this?"
Also me: Routinely arrives at decisions like the fact that my dog needs a $70 harness instead of a $15 one after 4hrs of research
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lynsstrange · 2 years
six of crows winter guard headcannons!
okay so this is sort of obscure and a lot of people might not understand it (unless you're both a grishaverse fan and happen to do color/winter guard, in which case, can we be friends?) but this is a personal fun thing for me as a guard member so yeah <3
Kaz: He only does rifle line, and a bit of sabre. his sleight of hand/arm strength is very useful for it. he doesn't do flagline. hates it. can you imagine kaz brekker spinning a flag? yeah, neither can i. he's the type of person who learns dropspins on rifle, watches someone do a five, goes "like this?" and tosses it perfectly. (believe me, there's a girl on my team like this.)
Inej: Team captain. does flag and sabre, as well as some rifle, but doesn't like it as much. sabre and flag are just more graceful and fluid, like she is. needless to say, she's awesome at everything. Being a literal acrobat, too, she excels at dance more than anyone else on the team. Big stunts and dance solos are often incorporated just for her, because she's so captivating and elegant in the way she moves.
Jesper: being hyper-adhd and unable to sit still, he's constantly trying new things and wanting to learn every piece of equipment he can. he even does a bit of baton on the side. he's kind of a wild card, and there's not one particular thing he excels at. i think rifle would secretly be his favorite, though, because gun. he is really great at super high tosses, and likes to show off to wylan. "did you know i can toss a fourteen on rifle?" "that's not physically possible, jesper." "uh, yeah, i know it is, because i can do it."
Wylan: he plays flute in marching band during marching season, and he only really joined winter guard because Jesper was doing it and asked him to do it with him. so he sticks to flagline, but is working on weapons on the side. he works a lot on the production of the show, too. He writes some of his own original music for it and mixes all the audio/sound effects.
Matthias: i have a little headcannon that he plays snare drum in marching band, and, like Wylan, only joined after copious begging from Nina. he won't admit it, but he actually kind of likes it. rifle, that is. he isn't a big fan of flag, but being big and strong, he's able to do really impressive tosses on both pieces of equipment. doesn't do sabre. it's too tiny and light for him, he hates it.
Nina: steals the show performance-wise, she gets really into roles, especially dramatic ones. often gets the team more points just because of her standout performance abilities. big dance and flag girl. she does some weapon line, but much prefers flag, and always gets assigned impressive solos on it. she also helps with costume and set design, and always brings flare to shows. is a big team motivator, comes up with all the traditions and team parties.
other mix-matched in-universe headcannons:
Per Haskell is their very uninvested, uninvolved band director
Pekka Rollins is their rival school's guard coach that Kaz hates with a burning passion
Kuwei is a Shu exchange student that tried winter guard for a season. After some mysterious incident with jesper and wylan, however, he decided it wasn't for him.
Alina, Zoya, Tamar, Tolya, Genya, and Nikolai are all alumni that did winter guard. The Darkling was their toxic team captain that got kicked off. Zoya and Genya came back to help coach for a season, but Zoya couldn't stand Kaz.
Wellll that's it for now. If you've read through all of this somehow, thank you so much <33333
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worldismyne · 1 year
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Working with pencils and markers has helped my digital coloring improve tenfold. Ever since I lost photoshop CS2 I've struggled to relearn how to soft shade my characters. This is one of the first full colored sprites for the VN I've been working on forever.
This gal is Rei. She's a trained dancer and swordfighter. Her superpower is limitless endurance. It can be a weakness when working with teammates since she has no realistic understanding of the average person's limits. She's also a bit of a tank in the strength department.
Her design is based off of a flagline dancer from my high school. Every assembly I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was absolutely the best dancer. IDK if she's still dancing now, but her beauty and grace from that time of her life lives through Rei.
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border-collie · 1 month
Looking for harness suggestions for flyball. She's currently using a HDA distance harness but I've been advised that it likely won't meet the requirements for competition because of the excess hanging strap (yes I know you are supposed to cut off the excess but I like to be able to adjust it to many dogs and not just one specifically.)
It NEEDS to be able to be pulled in safely (she will be lunging while restrained)
it either needs a handle on the back or a place I can attach a tab on the back for a handle
it needs to be a y front
I'm looking at either a custom half back harness from Angry Melon, a HDA standard harness, Ruffwear Flagline Harness, or a NonStop freemotion harness but am open to suggestions.
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Gear I’m using for my second prospect puppy!
We learned a lot about dog gear with Mandana. Here’s what we’ll be using for my new service dog prospect.
PUPPY COLLAR: A series of cheap martingales she is going to grow out of quickly. When she’s bigger we’ll get some quality 2” martingales to match with Mandana.
PUPPY HARNESS: The service dog academy uses harnesses in puppyhood to protect our future heeling from getting spoiled by pulling. Red Dingo was Mandana’s first harness and I’ll be using the same (its a good harness but mostly for nostalgia 🥲)
PUPPY LEASH: I’ll be using a cheap nylon leash until I’m sure she’s not going to chew on it and then I’ll switch to our biothane leashes.
PUBLIC ACCESS HARNESS: Our first training harness will be the EzyDog Express. I love the one I have for Mandana. It’s super easy to put on, fits well for a straight front, is very minimalistic but still has patches.
PUBLIC ACCESS SIGNAGE: My favorite public access gear are these clip on tags from The Dog Days Of Maxx. They also released custom vests which we might be getting for public access training. My favorite phrases are: Training, Give Us Space. It’s very direct and gives the public an appropriate action to take. I also like how it’s a little ambiguous and can be used for service dog training or reactivity. I find that helps relieve some of the pressure that comes with taking a SD puppy in public.
SHOES: Taravali will be a winter puppy and I probably won’t be able to use shoes in the beginning but I want to train her to wear them before summer. We had to use shoes a lot with Mandana when we lived in an apartment so we tried a huge variety. Hands down my favorite dog shoes are HC Pet Boots from Amazon. They are designed really well and are more comfortable and affordable than what Ruffwear offers. They’re easier to get on than the Nonstop Dog Wear booties and I can’t afford the nicer MuttLuks since they don’t have a service dog discount.
PULLING HARNESS: Taravali won’t be using the carpet mill or going bike joring until she’s older but when she’s ready we’ll reuse Mandana’s Howling Dog Alaska Distance harness and then switch to our CTCdoggear shoulder harness when she’s older and ready for forward momentum tasks. (Tip: the D-rings on the shoulder work great for a pull strap and I requested extra D-rings on the back 6” apart so I could snap on a vest when in public. They make harnesses for sled dogs but these modifications make for a very comfortable & ergonomic mobility harness)
RUFFWEAR: We get the working dog discount from Ruffwear so we like to use a lot of their products. For decompression walks I’ll be reusing Mandana’s Hi & Lite harness and might switch to a Flagline if she tries to back out of it. Taravali is going to be a parti poodle so if we’re in the sun a lot I might use our Swamp Cooler jacket to keep her from getting sunburned. Since she’s a winter puppy I’ll start with the zippered Climate Changer and switch to the Vert & Furness when she’s older and of course we have our embroidered Lumenglow for working in the rain or dark. I’ll probably also reuse Mandana’s modified Trail Runner harness for public access if she gets big enough to wear it.
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fruitless-vain · 4 months
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Going to test the new harnesses on a walk today and I’m just petrified bc this looks So Small and easy to ride up in to her pits in comparison to the flagline’s longer design/ extra buckles
But I really want her to have a smaller harness that works for her so it’s less hot and less looming over her to clasp up
The padded zones are stiffer than the flagline so I’m hoping that means it’ll help hold the straps in their place and not bunch up to her armpits but we’ll see
Here’s to hoping it doesn’t cut up her sensitive armpits 🤞
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FAQ: Do you wear gloves? Should flags wear gloves?
I don't know why this is such a hot button question this month, but here we are:
I am a world class career flag - I abhor gloves. No one should allow their flagline to wear them. Advanced flag technique demands intricate use of the exact parts of the hand a glove pads, meaning it's muffling the feedback my body can give me at best and restricting my ability to manipulate my hand fully at worst. It's uncomfortable, annoying, and there's just no need - anyone who mandates gloves for flags for "protection" or "comfort" has no idea what they're talking about. The primary impact-taking hand is almost never placed at the fastest rotating point on the equipment when you catch a flag - on the contrary, the primary placements are almost always at the balance point which has the slowest rotation. It's nothing like weapon technique. At all.
Now with all that being said, gloves do serve a purpose for weapon. When I train, write, or teach rifle and sabre I wear a glove on my impact-taking hand if I'm throwing anything over a triple. I have my students learn their weapon technique with gloves on so they can get used to the way it feels right from the first day. If my more advanced students prefer to only wear one glove, I allow them that choice. I also permit them to - if they have time and can be subtle during an equipment change - take off their gloves for a closing flag or dance feature.
Moral of the story: I hate gloves and will straight up refuse to wear them to spin flag but will wear them to not break my hand off when I'm playing sabre.
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spintronixguard · 5 years
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Another exciting #10yearanniversary post just went up over on our Facebook page!! This one asks about commitment. What is yours like? #colorguard #winterguard #spintronix #sig11 #thanksspintronix #prisoner @jeffreestar #colorguardlife #MCCGA #mccga2011 #flags #flagline #colorguardflag https://www.instagram.com/p/B6cD3H6lrAv/?igshid=yn2pq782zdso
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