dayz-ina-daze · 3 months
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a LONG overdue gift for @theanoninyourinbox for the main characters in their Longstar AU (which y’all should absolutely check out cause it’s so cool and detailed)!!
I had a lot of fun with this if not some difficulty with Long’s face hsjdbfnf and I hope it was worth the wait!! T^T
Inspo pic under the cut:
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theanoninyourinbox · 9 months
Longstar Designs 1
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The main cast of Longstar AU! The trio, the thems! The new Designs! Now have some Details!
Longstar now has ears that flop when he feels sad and Fab Eyelashes! His Gathering Garb represents the pillars of his life and clan. Would be voiced by young David Bowie.
Fireheart is now a Scottish fold, with joints that sometimes ache in bad weather. He's a Healer with strong ties to Starclan. Would be voiced by Brooklyn from Gargoyles.
Flamewish is absolutely Enormous, just gigantic, humongous woman. First in line for a fight, but decent at diplomacy too. Would be voiced by...uhh...Charlize Theron. Maybe...may change that one.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 3 months
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first Bunch of art fight attacks! my plan is to post 10 attacks cause I complete like 1 or 2 of these a day lol. (I draw fast OK?! XD) (6&7 are friendly fire) (in order) Eros: @koolaidashley Nory: @lizzieartsz (insta) Nuva: classysparrow (AF) Dipsie: @forestryfae Mallow: @here.comes.thetaco (insta) TMNT Genisis: @torisaursky (insta & tt) mine and my Friend's D&D characters (they're sisters so i HAD to draw them together lol, so i added my D&D character to the group) Hailyn: @silly-lil-lee Beatrice: XWren (AF) Sal: @flamewisher
My art fight if anyone's interested!
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azaleaspot · 2 months
Intro Post
Hey there! This sideblog's a place I've made to keep my Warrior Cats AUs/fanclans in an organized place! You guys can call me Papi or Azalea if you want. [Please only use they/them for me.] Continually refer to this post when more AUs are added!
Do note that there will be dark -- or problematic if you prefer that word -- content present on this blog. I know I can't control who looks at my blog, but I will block minors on sight. Additionally, fandom drama is not welcome here. If you don't like something, please just block the tag.
My worldbuilding is free to use, while everything else, I'd prefer you only take inspiration from.
Most of my AUs are vaguely plotted out! Feel free to ask me questions to flesh them out or fill in any holes! However, please be kind when asking your questions.
Current list and description of AUs/tags:
#azalea's worldbuilding: The tag for all my worldbuilding! Clan differences, religion, etc. all falls under here!
#others' worldbuilding: Just as it says; the tag for worldbuilding/other posts made by other people!
Flaming Wishes: A Thistlestar and medcat Fireheart [Flamewish] AU. Features heavy themes of grooming and a naive/unreliable narrator that eventually realizes his family [Clan] life is far from normal or healthy. While Thistle/Spotted is in this AU, it's only one part of systemic issues in [Thistlestar's] ThunderClan. This AU is darker than most Warrior Cats fan content and I'd recommend avoiding it if you don't like the content.
Seeds of Secrets: A DoTC overhaul! Features the gradual fall of a kingdom thanks to an abuser being enabled to the point where things can't be salvaged. Also a mild OotS AU.
The River Flows in Us: An AU that starts with Hawkfrost and Mothwing during the events of TNP, only to follow Hawkfrost's kit's during Po3 and the plot to be lost for OotS. Hawkfrost and Mothwing take Stormfur and Feathertail's place on the prophecized journey, among other things.
Endless Sky: A Skyclan-centric AU that follows Bramble-, Tawny-, Feather-, Storm-, and Primrosepaw's escape from TigerClan and eventual part in reviving SkyClan. While the apprentice side of this AU is fairly lighthearted, sections focused on TigerClan are dark.
Memento Vivere: An AU that encompasses TNP through OotS. In this AU, the Three are kin of Ferncloud's. An overall angsty AU with a heavy focus on grief and loss.
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offkeyed-reason · 9 months
...thinking about making thistlestar try to conquer the other clans, now that i think about it. he's biding his time for now until thunderclan's strong enough to steamroll the other clans...
or at least just brokenstar's shadowclan. brokenstar is far too similar to thistlestar for him to risk leaving alive. but when shadowclan overthrows brokenstar, well, then thistlestar can set his sights on them.
windclan can be his allies for now -- surely they'd want revenge for being driven from their homes -- and riverclan will be his final targets. after all, the filthy fish-faces hardly step across their borders unless their precious river is tainted.
...hollowheart probably saves the clans from him on accident by getting tiny raven's flock involved.
but at the end of the day, it's flamewish that saves the clans. with thunderclan so weak after thistlestar's death and the clan torn between backing whitefern or not -- she would have retired any moment if thistlestar had lived -- it would have been easy to allow a strong young cat who would uphold thistlestar's legacy to become leader.
and he considers it, he really does. but then he thinks of spottedleaf, how she instantly became a demure cat in his presence, rather than her usual outgoing self. then he thinks of graystripe, forced to pretend that his mate is nothing more than a prisoner of thunderclan, forced to pretend that his kits are only an extension of thistlestar's legacy, forced to pretend that his kits weren't made from love... and slowly, he realizes that thistlestar was hurting thunderclan.
thunderclan doesn't need another thistlestar. it needs a cat who won't stand for that kind of cruelty, a cat willing to do what's right because it's right, not because it's a strategic thing to do to get even stronger...
...so flamewish fakes a sign.
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millenniumclan · 3 years
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(Jonouchi Katsuya) - Born to a rogue and a clan cat, Flamewish is a tom with a tumultuous early life. Having been brought along with his rogue father, he spent a large portion of it scraping by with whatever means- even briefly joining Bloodclan- before eventually returning to the clan, where his mother and sister lived. Mentored alongside two close friends (Shiningheart and Danecall), Flamewish has budded into a passionate warrior, excellent sibling, and the consensus between most of his companions is that there’s no better cat to turn to for encouragement or dependability…even if he clashes with their other clanmates sometimes.
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Any warrior name ideas for Stormpaw, Cloudpaw and/or Flamepaw? You don't have to do all :O
I always do all the names I’m sent, I hope some of these help!
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random warrior cat names
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theanoninyourinbox · 9 months
Longstar AU - A Dark Interlude
Trigger Warning - blood, injury, animal death
The night was dimly lit, the tree branches weaving together into a nigh impenetrable ceiling against the full moon.  The Newleaf air was chill against Longstar’s pelt as he slunk through the undergrowth.  He squinted in the gloom, the scars on his face pulling as he focused on the bushes ahead of him.  Longstar was on a mission of great importance, one that would shape his very future.
He was catching a late-night snack for his nursing mate.
Flamewish had told Longstar of her second pregnancy shortly after the Bloodclan Battle.  He had been, and still was, ecstatic about the development.  He loved Cloudtail like a son already, and Snowpaw and Mistlepaw like his flesh and blood, but kits of his own…he had taken one look at them and fallen in love.  Little red coated Foxkit, and tiny brown coated Swiftkit.  He only hoped Swiftspirit would be honored by the name.
It had only been a little over a week, and the usually jovial and lively Flamewish was exhausted, and craving a fresh midnight mouse.  Longstar was more than happy to provide, and had left his terrifying beauty in the capable paws of the Nursery and Fireheart.  And Cinderpelt, of course.  Neither sibling would forgive him if he forgot about “their” apprentice. Shaking the memories from his head, he scented the air for mouse-scent and listened intently.  Fireheart had told him though his eyes were fine now, they could – and probably would – deteriorate over time.  The dog’s teeth could have done quite a lot more damage, Starclan bless, but if he was going to lose his eyesight at some point, he’d best be prepared ahead of time to still be able to get around.  There was no fresh mouse scent, or even bird-scent, but a faint hint of bonesandbloodandteethandpack had his hackles raising.
And then a cat screamed terror and pain into the silence.
Longstar leapt into motion, a streak of silver-brown against the shadowed bushes and tree trunks.  The cat wailing was joined by the barking of a dog, and fear cut through Longstar like The Tyrant had cut down Tiger”star” – cold and piercing through his guts.  But a cat was in danger, and even if he was too late for them, he had to drive the dog off.
He only hoped it didn’t take a Life.
The sounds of thrashing bushes and feline terror grew close, and Longstar clambered up a tree to get a better vantage point.  There was indeed a dog, though far smaller than the ones Tiger”star” had lured to kill Thunderclan.  But it was tearing ruthlessly into a gray form, shaking the unknown cat like a leaf in a storm.  With little time to plan if he wanted to save the poor cat, Longstar calculated the distance, and leapt.  He landed on the small dog’s back with a yowl, causing the dog to drop its victim and whirl about wildly.  Digging his claws in, he bit down on the beast’s neck as hard as he could.  The dog yelped in pain and scrambled to get away, and Longstar had to jump off to not be dragged away.  With a final swipe at its hindquarters to drive it away, Longstar finally turned towards its poor victim.
A gray cat lay in a puddle of blood and debris from the bushes.  Their sides heaved raggedly, and their breaths sputtered horribly.  Longstar approached, but it was very apparent that this cat was dying far too quickly for him to help.  He crouched close to their face, and the cat’s remaining heather-blue eye locked onto him.  Longstar’s mind interposed Swiftspirit’s face on the dying cat, and he shuddered in grief.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here fast enough to help you” he gently mewed, “but I promise to be here for you now.  Yow won’t be alone.” 
The cat looked at him with their teary eye, and tried to speak through gasping breaths. “…d…da…k…” The cat coughed wetly, then continued. “DaaAark…kkkk...t...t…nnnh…”  Their eye looked beyond him, and as he processed what they had said, passed into the night with a sigh.
…Dark?...Itn?...Dark kitten?  A KITTEN!?!?!
Longstar quickly looked around in a panic, the blood in the air clouding his senses.  Oh Starclan was there a kitten in this mess?!  Blood spotting his paws as he searched, he saw a gleam like starlight out of the corner of his better eye, and whipped his head around towards where the now lifeless cat had looked.  A tiny tuft of bloody white fur protruded out of the bushes, and Longstar rushed to the spot.  Within the bush, behind the brave parent cat, was an injured kitten, no more than three moons old.  Their – judging by the scent through the blood, a little tomcat – ear was nearly torn off, bloody scratches littered his little body, and his tail hung by a scrap of flesh.  His eyes were wide and horrified, and his sides heaved in terror. 
Oh sweet Starclan he needed to get this kitten help Right NOW! He reached his head out to grab the kitten, and was rewarded with a hiss and a warning swipe to his nose.  “Hey there, are you okay little guy?” Longstar mewed, trying to look friendlier.  “I’m not going to hurt you…you must be Dark, right?”  The kitten stared, as if not even seeing him.  Then his eyes focused at Longstar’s face, and his fur started to flatten. “You’re very brave, little guy, but I need to get you some help.  Can I take you with me?” The kitten – Dark – began to tremble, and whispered “…momma?”
Longstar hid his wince as best he could, and quietly mewed “I’m sorry, but she’s hunting in the stars now, and nothing can hurt her anymore.” Dark’s face twisted into tears, and he held back a whine.  “Please, Dark, can I take you somewhere safe?  My family and my own kits would never forgive me if I left you here.”  The kitten heaved a sob, and nodded, stepping forward gingerly. “…my name’s Darkkit…”
That is a very Clan name.
“That’s a great name sweetie, just” Longstar paused, looking at the carnage behind him, “just close your eyes for me, okay?  You don’t want to see your mother like this.”  Darkkit nodded again, with a wince, and wobbled forward.  Longstar grabbed him gently by the scruff, and as fast as he could manage without jarring Darkkit’s injuries, headed for home.
Please Starclan, he prayed, let Fireheart and Cinderpelt be awake!
Fireheart and Cinderpelt were indeed awake, waiting at the entrance to camp with cobwebs and poppy seeds and worried faces.  Yellowfang’s spirit had woken Fireheart, and apparently was staying with Flamewish – probably to see her great-grandkits.  The Healers rushed the injured kitten to the Healer’s Den, and shooed Longstar away as soon as Darkkit fell asleep.  They had garnered some new information from the kitten – his sire had been a Windclan cat, who had rejected Darkkit and his mother Smoke, though he couldn’t remember the tom’s name or role.  Longstar had sent an early morning patrol to make sure the dog was gone, and another to bury the mother who had fought so hard to save her son. 
After thoroughly cleaning himself up, Longstar entered the Leader’s Den; as he thought, a starlit gray molly was curled over the sleeping Flamewish and the kits.  Yellowfang glanced up at him with a critical eye, then softened her gaze.
“The kit’ll heal up fine, Longface, stop bringing the mood down in here” she murmured.  Longstar sagged in relief – if he could trust anyone to be honest, it would be Yellowfang.  After a moment, he shrugged. “I’m just hoping Flamewish doesn’t skin me for not bringing a mouse” he joked.
“Extenuating circumstances, you live this time” came from the Queen, opening one eye and smiling up at Longstar.  “Now tell me about our new son!” Yellowfang laughed at the look on Longstar’s face, which woke a mewling Swiftkit and Foxkit.  With a glittering smile, Yellowfang departed from the den, leaving Longstar with his loving mate and kits.
Flamewish was right though, Darkkit fit into their family just fine.
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theanoninyourinbox · 7 months
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thank you @monochrome-sunsets for the format
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theanoninyourinbox · 9 months
What roles will Fireheart and Flamewish choose when they go to Starclan?
ooo that's a good question!
Flamewish will swap between Comet-Claw and Star-guide, protection and guidance all in one package!
Fireheart will be a Kit-Shaper (he loves kits but never had any of his own), and help shape a new Role that is basically Therapist for Starclan Cats! Still working out the particulars there.
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theanoninyourinbox · 9 months
Before Fire Prophecy
Talltail seeks to kill the Loner that he believes killed his father.  With the help of a kittypet named Jake, he finds the strength to forgive, and instead saves Sparrow from the Monster, and returns to Windclan with new determination in his heart and a dear…friend…that he leaves behind.  It is with this new spirit that he protests the renaming of Hopkit, and he stays Hoppaw.  The two remain close friends throughout their lives.
In Riverclan, Stormkit is renamed Crookedkit, but Rainflower is also renamed – Rottenflower.  Crookedkit’s name is given as a sign of survival, and Rottenflower’s as a sign of her true heart.  Crookedkit still leaves for a time, still is haunted by the Geist Mapleshade, but with his head a little higher and heart a little clearer.
Tiny is playing on an old stump when the Thunderclan Patrol finds him, and Thistleclaw orders Tigerpaw to attack.  Bluefur intercedes, and the heavily injured kitten is brought back to camp to be treated.  Sunstar decides to keep the poor little thing, and Frostkit is semi-adopted by Bluefur. 
Yellowfang is about to bury Hopekit and Wishkit when the sounds and smells of Twolegs alert her.  She knows they will try to take her and her remaining kit, so she grabs Brokenkit and runs.  The twoleg, stretching their legs after a long car ride, finds the two kittens and sees signs of life in the little tortie.  They rush the cold kitten to a vet, and with time and effort, little Nutmeg thrives. 
As Frostkit heals, a moons-long process, he makes friends with Spottedpaw and Whitepaw.  Eventually he notices that Thistleclaw keeps trying to get Spottedpaw alone, and with the help of Thrushpelt, discovers the horrible truth.  Thistleclaw is dragged before the clan, and with Spottedpaw’s testimony, the Traitor is banished from the clans permanently.  Spottedpaw becomes a Healer apprentice, and Thrushpelt begins to mentor Frostpaw.
Nutmeg eventually is introduced to a handsome orange tabby named Jake, and falls in love.  He breaks her heart by leaving when she’s due to give birth, and swears to take care of her beloved bundles of joy by herself.
Raggedstar lies dying, with his daughter Brokentail laughing as she cleans the blood from her paws, and realizes the enormous mistake he made with the way he raised her.  He dies, and watches as Brokentail receives her lives from the Dark Forest. Watches her kill kits.  Watches her banish her own mother.  What has he done?
Longpaw is mentored by Frostfoot, making an unusual pair.  Longpaw is eventually named Longtail, and wonders what his future holds for him.  He does not see the starry crown behind his head, ethereal and light as a dream.
Bluestar and Spottedleaf sit together on a hillside, Leader and Oracle Healer, and a pair of stars fall burning from the sky.  Fire Will Save The Clans.
The Long Ballad of Fire and Flames
Rusty the kittypet has yet another strange dream, of a red-tailed bird falling from a rainy sky.  He and his friend Smudge discuss the happenings around the neighborhood.  Princess, Rusty’s sister, forbids Rusty from going to the forest by himself.  Later that night, Rusty tries to catch a mouse on the border and gets tackled by a gray tabby, who is impressed when Rusty flings him off.  After meeting his mentor Lionheart, Rusty agrees to meet them the next morning, to see the Clan.  Rusty tells Princess about this.
The next morning, Rusty sneaks past a still sleeping Princess and a worried Smudge, and meets Bluestar, Graypaw, and Lionheart. The Thunderclanners refuse to wait for his sister. They head off to camp, with Rusty leaving a subtle scent trail so Princess can find him.  Princess wakes up, and follows the trail with stealth and careful steps.
At camp, Bluestar introduces Rusty as a potential clanmate, and some cats take offense to that.  Darkstripe demands he be tested, but Frostfoot tells him to calm down, what, are you threatened by him? Really?  Lionheart gets inbetween them to break it up, but cocky Longtail challenges the kittypet before anyone can stop him.  Frostfoot is mortified.  Rusty accepts, and the two square off.  Longtail gets the upper paw almost immediately, and gets a hold of Rusty’s collar.  As he pulls, he hears a yowl of outrage.  And suddenly he is FLUNG bodily, his ear burning, the collar still in his mouth.
He gets up, and there is an ENORMOUS molly standing over the fallen kittypet, the warriors and camp guards at the ready to fight.  As Spottedleaf helps him to his feet, Longtail hears the Tortie scolding Rusty for leaving without her, I TOLD you there would be trouble but noooOOOooo you don’t listen to your sister!  You just listen to your silly dreams!! Bluestar interrupts, impressed with the boldness of the kittypet and interested with the dreams comment.  Princess introduces herself, and after Rusty says he agreed to the fight, apologizes to a still stunned Longtail.  Rusty explains he has dreams that come true sometimes, and tells Bluestar and Spottedleaf about the red-tailed hawk dream.  Spottedleaf asks to mentor Rusty in the arts of healing and Starseeing, and Bluestar agrees, asking is Princess would like to join as well. Frostfoot mildly scolds Longtail for leaping without looking, and Princess and Rusty become Flamepaw and Firepaw, with Bluestar herself mentoring Flamepaw.
And then Ravenpaw rushes into camp.  Redtail is dead, he screams, and collapses.  And pandemonium rises.
After Tigerclaw brings Redtail’s lifeless body back to camp, and the apprentices and kits are shielded from the sight by Whitestorm and Lionheart, the pair of siblings settle in.  Firepaw makes fast friends with Ravenpaw and Graypaw, and Flamepaw befriends Dustpaw and Sandpaw.  The pair drag Longtail into being their friend as well, which brings Frostfoot and eventually Swiftpaw into the equation as well.
Longtail begins to mentor Swiftpaw, and finds that he loves teaching.  With the help of Frostfoot and the other Mentor cats, he begins to become more humble and less cocky.  Longtail begins to appreciate his friendship with Firepaw and Flamepaw, and takes more time to live, not just be a Hunter and Mentor.
One day, while gathering herbs for the Healer’s Den, Firepaw is knocked off his feet by an old gray and yellow molly.  He springs to his feet, ready to fight, but the attacker is just…staring at him.  Like she’s seen a Geist.  He cautiously asks if she’s alright, do you need help ma’am?  And she moans something unintelligible, falling to the ground in a dead faint.  Firepaw panics, and drags her back to camp.  There, she is identified as Yellowfang by Spottedleaf, who tells Firepaw of her alleged crimes, and how she believes that Yellowfang was framed.  Said Healer wakes up, takes one look at Flamepaw coming in to drop off a mouse, and promptly wails in grief and pain.  The three of the get her to calm down, and she quietly apologizes, the siblings look like…patients she lost long ago.  Bluestar listens to her tale of Brokenstar being a False Star, and while still weighing the information, relegates Yellowfang to being a War-Bound for the time being.
Bluestar does not hear the story Yellowfang tells to the Healers and the Apprentice Brawler.  She does not see the siblings take the old molly to meet their mother.  She does not know a family has been made as whole as it will ever be.
At the Gathering, Brokenstar tells everyone how she ran out Windclan, and Bluestar realizes that Yellowfang was probably telling the truth.  As she had just revealed Thunderclan had Yellowfang as a War Bound, she begins to prepare for an attack, and she is correct – Shadowclan tries to kill Yellowfang, and succeeds at killing Lionheart and her dear friend Rosetail. Her heart grows a crack. She names the brave Tigerclaw, names Yellowfang part of Thunderclan, and tries to go on.
Then Ravenpaw leaves, begging shelter at The Barn with Bluestar’s old friend Barley, for reasons the apprentice refuses to communicate.  All his friends Graypaw, Firepaw, and Flamepaw will say is that he needed to be something that the Clans couldn’t let him be.  And the crack grows.
And then Shadowclan steals Frostfur’s kits, Lionheart’s kits. They kill Spottedleaf, Firepaw wailing over her body. She goes with her Warriors, Brawlers, and their apprentices to rescue the innocent.  They are met by Senior Warriors and other banished cats from Shadowclan, aided by Yellowfang in secret. Brokenstar is run out of the clans. Yellowfang takes over Firepaw’s training, and Flamepaw and Graypaw are named Flamewish (per her request) and Graystripe. Why is the crack still growing?
Flamewish, Graystripe, Longtail, and Swiftpaw are sent to retrieve Windclan.  It goes well, until a Riverclan patrol tries to fight them, and Whiteclaw falls off a cliff while fighting Graystripe.
When the group returns, Flamewish and Graystripe receive their first apprentices – Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw.  Flamewish finds Mentoring difficult, and asks Longtail for advice.  The pair become close friends.  Firepaw and Sandstorm make bets as to when they’ll become mates.  Unfortunately, Cinderpaw is lured away from camp and gets hit by a Monster. (It’s a car, just – just call it a car!! -Firepaw) Firepaw saves her life, and Yellowfang bestows the name Fireheart upon him at the next half-moon.
Also unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), at seeing her apprentice so badly injured, Flamewish has an unusual reaction.  She goes into labor.  Seeing as Flamewish had no idea she was even a little pregnant (as she put it), things get a little crazy.  Longtail is flabbergasted, Bluestar is confused, Yellowfang is baffled, and Fireheart is delighted but also flabbergasted.  Flamewish does some calculating, then privately asks Fireheart to go bite Smudge in the face for her.
(This means Flamewish misses Graystripe meeting the gorgeously muscled Riverclan molly)
But it DOES mean she spends time in the Nursery with Brindleface, her kits Fernkit and Ashkit and Frostfoot and his kits Flykit and Coldkit.  Frostfoot who had just gone out one day and brought back the pair, claiming them as his.  Bluestar was frustrated and elated at the same time. 
The three become even closer when Brokenstar attacks, as they defend the Nursery together.  Longtail and Swiftpaw help drive off the Rogues together, and after Yellowfang blinds Brokenstar and leaves her Brokentail the War Bound, Swiftpaw is rewarded with his Adult Name – Swiftspirit. (Later, Longtail will see this as an omen, unknowingly given by Starclan through Bluestar…) Graystripe is later caught giving prey to Riverclan, and punished by having his apprentice taken away – Longtail is suddenly a Mentor again!  And Brackenpaw has so many things to learn!
Cinderpaw makes a nearly full recovery, but her time in the Healer’s Den had made her rethink her life – she wants to heal others.  Flamewish cracks a joke about her brother poaching her apprentice, but wishes her well.
And then Brokentail’s War Bound status becomes known.  And Thunderclan is attacked.  And Tigerclaw is at her throat, keen claws at her throat.  But as her heart shatters, a yowl of outrage rings through the air, and Longtail and Flamewish HAUL the Traitor off of her.  Bluestar banishes Him, and she holds the pieces of her heart and weeps – there are no stars in her tonight.  She waits too long, then names the astonished Longtail as Deputy.
Then Graystripe begs for the Healers to help him – they find the laboring Silverstream and do what they can, but Featherkit and Stormkit outlive their mother.  Graystripe leaves for Riverclan, refusing to abandon his kits.  Fireheart and Flamewish can’t blame him, but it still hurts.  And Brokentail is dead.  Yellowfang tells her leader that he dies of natural causes, but Bluestar does not see the look on Fireheart’s face.  (She will eventually learn that he just watched his grandmother kill his uncle) Then the fire. Oh the fire.  Patchpelt and Halftail, coughing and then forever breathless.  Fireheart and Flamewish race to find Yellowfang – to find their family.  She lies in a hollow tree, and blesses the Stars that she has enough time to say goodbye.  To say how proud she is of them – both her life paths.  I’ll always watch over you. (and Yellowfang keeps this promise)
Bluestar feels her mind failing, rain through the treetops instead of thoughts. So when she sees the Traitor leading Shadowclan as a False Star, she just…lets go. She watches Leopardstar rise and her clan move around her like a fever dream.  She watches the hawk impassively as it goes for Snowkit, and barely reacts when it takes Speckletail instead.  She doesn’t react when Longtail promotes Snowpaw to train under Brackenfur, or when Flamewish brings the elderly deaf kittypet Brahm to teach Snowpaw and Mistlepaw and others Pawspeak. She doesn’t react to the death of Swiftspirit or the maiming of Brightpaw, save to curse the Stars that left her broken by naming the poor thing Lostface.
(Longtail MOURNS.  He refuses to eat, has to be pried from his nest, and it takes a teary Flamewish admitting she misses the tom she loves for him to snap out of it.  The pair find solace in each other.  Fireheart and Sandstorm are too busy and too worried to exchange the mouse that they bet.  Neither ever says who won that bet)
Rabbits lead a bloody trail to poor Brindleface, and Longtail makes a plan to lead the dogs away from their den and over the river-cliffs.  Bluestar nods absently, but there’s a shining spark in her eyes that hasn’t been there in ages.  The runners lead the killer hounds up to the cliffs and away, but one grabs Longtail, pinning him and scratching his face.  But a blur of blue streaks onto the dog’s back, and overbalances them both into the river.  A pair of Riverclan warriors leap into action, and Bluestar says goodbye to her family, Frostfoot and Whitestorm having raced to the scene.
Longtail is escorted to the Moonstone by Fireheart, and finds himself in Starclan.  He receives his lives from Nightstar, Runningwind, Speckletail, Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Yellowfang, Bluestar, and finally Swiftspirit.  Longstar vows to stop Tigerstar and his cronies.  He names Whitestorm as Deputy, and begins planning.
Tigerstar goes after Windclan, pinning and seemingly killing Gorsepaw, but as soon as the Shadowclan Battle Patrol leaves, he brings his head up and smiles weakly at his frantic mother. He will be scarred for life, but he will have his chance to live.
At Riverclan, Stonefur defends the apprentices to his last breath, and Graystripe rescues his kits from Tigerstar and Leopardstar.  Some Riverclan cats escape in the chaos, unwilling to follow their leader on this path.
Finally, with Windclan and Thunderclan united against the forces of Riverclan and Shadowclan, Tigerstar plays his deadliest card yet, as hordes of strange city Rogues appear.  Led by a figure some Thunderclanners recognize.  Thistleclaw.  But the rogues, no, the Bloodclanners, call him Tyrant.  Tigerstar boasts to the assembled clans how he killed Bluestar using the dogs and
Tyrant kills Tigerstar with a slash to the underbelly
Nine lives gone, in a single blow
The battle comes the next day, all four clans together – Longstar and Tallstar, Leopardstar and Blackstar.
Bone holds down Whitestorm, and is ripped of by a squad of apprentices, including his own, Brightheart.
Darkstripe goes after the Healers, and Graystripe strikes him down. His body is never found, and a gray tabby wanders desolate, his mistakes weighing on his soul.
Longstar strikes the final blow against Tyrant
And life goes on
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 month
New Longstar AU - The Final Countdown or Four Once More
  Thunderclan is in mourning – Hollywish is presumed dead, and the traitorous Sol hasn’t stopped his wheezing laugh at every waking moment.  Purdy is horrified that the cat he once considered to be a friend has done such a terrible thing, but begs Longstar to not kill Sol on the spot – he can’t eat, and seems to have gone mad.  Swiftpool, as the mother of the victim, is given the final word.  She demands that Sol be left where the Twolegs will find him – let them decide his final fate, she sobs into Crowfeather’s fur.
  Flamewish and Longstar mourn for days with their grandkits, leaving Brightheart to govern for nearly a week, with Mousefur backing her up.  Eventually Mousefur drags the leader and his family out of their mourning – Sol wanted to break you, don’t you DARE let him win!
(The Twolegs bring the injured and babbling Sol to a vet, who sends him to a cat rescue.  The poor thing has some kind of brain injury, and his poor tongue is nearly gone.  Sol spends his final days as the thing he hated most – a pampered Kittypet – but his mind is too far gone to feel anything.)
(Brambleclaw looks for the spirit of Hollywish, wanting to keep her from Starclan, but is blocked from the tunnels by winding vines and sharp leaves.  A cat ghost, all drenched and freezing, drags the injured molly deeper into the tunnels – he will protect her from the stabbing claws that pry at his safe haven.)
  Windclan is in mourning with Crowfeather – Hollywish was a beloved ally!  Breezepelt and Heathertail reminisce about her, while their mate Antfur nods along, but his mind is elsewhere…
  Shadowclan is in mourning – Hollywish helped save Blackstar from Sol’s manipulations, only to lose her to those same powers?  What a tragedy.  Goldenheart, Dawnpelt, and Embertail make her a little shrine deep in the marshy territory, where no one will disturb it.
  Riverclan is in mourning – Hawkfrost and Mothwing are near inconsolable.  And to top it off, Leopardstar has been getting sicker and sicker lately…and the otters have been getting restless – the lake water has been slowly dropping…
  (The Miretrees celebrate a victory – one Prophecy cat is dead!  They are one step closer to victory!  The disgraced clan cats are joined by the collared Kittypet dead and a few loner gheists, each and all reveling in their depravity. But in the shadows, several figures huddle quietly.  They know that the Visitor will be back tonight, and one by one they slink away.  At a secluded hollow - the sight of a quiet and unassuming death of a long ago murderous Healer, name now long forgotten – several Dark Forest cats meet with a group of regretful kittypets spirits…and the Visitor descends like a Star from the sky…)
  (In Starclan, Yellowfang and Bluestar have a spat – Bluestar forbids Yellowfang from interfering with her living kin, and Yellowfang is having none of that.  My great-grandkit is missing, the Dark Forest is trying to devour us all, and you want us to BACK OFF?!  ARE YOU INSANE!? It takes the combined strength of Nightstar and Runningnose to keep Yellowfang from physically fighting the former Thunderclan leader, but they convince her to guard her family closely – and they will help her…)
  (In the city, the Hope’s Rest Clowder is preparing for war.  The Stars have spoken of a battle coming for the Clans, and that the Clowder will be needed to defend them.  Pieces of discarded Twoleg trash are crafted into armor with clever paws.  Battle plans are discussed, discarded, and reworked over and over.  Darkstripe and Sasha are training with a group of younger cats when a clamor rises at the entrance to their settlement.  The Healer Twoleg sits outside, closer than they’ve ever ventured before, with a sack of some kind.  Sasha peers out, and the Healer Twoleg reaches into the sack…and deposits more of the armor pieces that the Armorers desire, but already trimmed of sharp edges that would catch and cut the wearer, and with bristles attached to make attacking the wearer difficult.  Sasha makes eye contact with the Twoleg – and sees a cat spirit wrapped around the Twoleg’s shouders, batting their head against the Healer’s ear.  The Twoleg and Sasha exchange blinks of trust, and the Clowder cats marvel.  Darkstripe begins dragging the armor in – it seems the Stars have given them one more ally.)  
(At the Barn, Ravenpaw and Barley see a Ghost wind around the legs of the Farmer, who bends down and holds them like a Queen holding a kitten.  The voice of Redtail echoes from behind the pair of Barn Cats – the Dark is rising, and All must fight; for if the Dark wins, All souls will be lost, not just cats…)
-Apprentice Tales-
Moons have passed, and the nursery kits are ready to become apprentices.  Ivykit and Dovekit are being groomed by Birchfall and Whitewing, and the kittens joke about poor Wormkit being groomed by both his parents Ashfur and Flyshadow.  The kittens are summoned by Longstar, and he ceremonially asks them what Roles they have chosen (even though he asked them earlier, it’s important to the Clan to announce it like this – Ivykit thinks it’s silly but obliges anyway).
Ivykit chooses to be a Hunter, and Ivypaw is apprenticed to a surprised and delighted Charheart.  The pair touch noses, and Ivypaw promises to not let her down.  Charheart quietly insists that Ivypaw will make mistakes, but so will she, and they’ll learn together.
Dovekit, with her partial hearing loss, is apprenticed to Jaywhisker to be a Tracker, with Snowthorn there to provide support.  Dovepaw bounces on her feet, and nearly headbutts Jaywhisker.
Wormkit wants to be a Crafter AND an Herbalist too, so is apprenticed to Goldenflower, with Fireheart providing Herbalist teaching.  Goldenflower bestows a woven legband for Wormpaw to wear, which he immediately starts fidgeting with.
Their first task?  To bring water to the Clan, as a drought has been ravaging the territories.  Dovepaw swears that she can hear Riverclan arguing about the otters taking all the fish, but Wormpaw jokes about her “selective hearing” and Ivypaw bats at his ears until Jaywhisker separates them.  Dovepaw looks over the slowly draining lake, and hears faint chewing noises in the distance…
Spiderleg and Berrynose get stuck in the mud on their own water patrol, and Thornfur leverages them out with a large stick.  Wormpaw pokes at a dead fish, and gets jumpscared by Rainstorm…who then ALSO gets stuck, and feels humiliated that Thunderclan had to save him.
Later, after a long day of training, Dovepaw lays quietly, and does not hear the ghostly pawsteps that trod closer.  She only sees a flicker out of the corner of her eye, and assumes it’s Ivypaw.  She tells “Ivypaw” that her hearing isn’t working right now, so can she just sit by her for a while?  When the cat leaves, and actual Ivypaw walks in, Dovepaw is confused, but the sisters sit in peace, and Ivypaw watches her sister’s back.
(Bluestar grumbles at not being heard, but is distracted by Yellowfang pointing out her hypocrisy – oh so YOU can visit the living but I CAN’T?  Eventually Bluestar admits to feeling useless, and Yellowfang comforts her – if we don’t help them together, we all fall.)
Some time later, Dovepaw confides in Jaywhisker that she’s been hearing some strange noises upriver, and swears that sometimes she SEES brown animals blocking the river with trees.  Jaywhisker has Issues with this, and with the help of Lionblossom, talks to her about the Prophecy – and that she’s probably part of it now.  This sends Dovepaw into a panic attack, and she flees to Ivypaw, who threatens to slap the answers out of Jaywhisker, respected clanmate or not.  She gets read into the Prophecy, and vows to protect her sister.  Dovepaw tearily tells her that Ivypaw is her favorite sister, and Ivypaw ruffles her fur, I’m your ONLY sister dummy!  Unless we count Wormpaw as our bonus boy-sister.  The two laugh and embrace – and Jaywhisker and Lionblossom have a bittersweet moment of memory with the fragile image of Hollywish…
(In the tunnels, Hollywish crouches by the underground stream.  She fishes out a juicy lost fish, and the soggy form next to her congratulates her.)
Lionblossom feigns having a vision, and Hawkfrost confirms that the brown creatures must be Beavers – he’ll get the otters involved in helping.  A patrol with members  of each clan heads out – Jaywhisker and Lionblossom, Ivypaw (strictly to help Lionblossom) and Dovepaw from Thunderclan; Hawkfrost, his otter friends Weed and Log, Rippletail and Petalfur of Riverclan; Sedgewhisker and Whitetail of Windclan; and Smokefoot and Goldenheart of Shadowclan.  Jaywhisker, Lionblossom, and Goldenheart chat about their apprentice days, Rippletail boasts about how he’ll kill a Beaver, and Petalfur scolds him for his arrogance, and Ivypaw and Dovepaw learn some Otterspeak from Hawkfrost.
Unfortunately, Rippletail is lost in the fight against the Beavers – Ivypaw tried to stop him, but he shoved her aside and leapt basically into the mouth of one of the creatures. Weed, Log, and Sedgewhisker avenged him, and the dam was broken, but Ivypaw still felt useless.  She couldn’t save him – and Hawkfrost breaks through her thoughts.  He chose to do that – Rippletail was a good fighter but he made a poor decision, and that’s not on you!  Sedgewhisker chimes in, you did what you could, but in the end it was his time – I only hope that his spirit is at peace…and if he shows up here I’m boxing his ears for idiocy, Petalfur scowls tearily.  This does cheer Ivypaw up a bit, but she still saw violence, and her heart aches…but she curls up with a shaken Dovepaw and they share their fears together.
The Patrol returns to the lake refilling, and split off to their respective Clans.  The four Thunderclanners are welcomed back with open arms, and Ivypaw is treated to her mentor’s reassurances after hearing the story.  Being back on Thunderclan land brings Ivypaw’s confidence back up, and eventually she’s back to her old self, if a bit more thoughtful.
-Dark Forest Rising-
A few nights after the group returns, a heavily pregnant Poppyfrost, acting as a surrogate for Berrynose and Honeyfern, asks Lionblossom to escort her to the Moonpool – she’s been having nightmares about losing her kits.  He obliges, but once they’re within sight of the pool, a cat attacks them.  The molly, eyes heavily scarred over and mouth dripping, slashes at Poppyfrost’s side, but hits Lionblossom’s shoulder instead.  He strikes at the stranger’s throat, and his paw comes back coated in black and foam, but she backs off.  Poppyfrost makes it to the Moonpool, but Lionblossom calls out a warning – another cat is leaping at her!  But this cat is thwarted by the timely appearance of Berrynose and Honeyfern, who saw Poppyfrost wasn’t in the Nursery and were concerned. The mates charge at the attacker and strike as one, and the coward flees into the evening, leaving behind bits of feather and shreds of heather.  Only then does Lionblossom realize that his shoulder is torn open, and that the gunk coating his paw has vanished.  At camp, Poppyfrost comfortable in the Nursery, he talks to Jaywhisker, who remembers the old stories of Brokentail…something horrible is happening…the Dark Forest cats are escaping the Mire…but their conversation is interrupted by Poppyfrost going into labor!
(In Windclan, Antpelt returns to camp injured, telling everyone to watch out for a very angry Hare.  Heathertail puts new heather in his fur, and Breezepelt finds him a new feather to wear.)
(In the Dark Forest, Brambleclaw gathers beautiful flowers from the scene of a long-ago crime, and plots on how to bring his next trainee in…a jealous sibling should be no problem to him…)
Some time later, Dovepaw tells a dozing Lionblossom that someone is going to the Moonpool.  He takes a look, and sees Mothwing and Mistyfoot.  He sighs, and goes to Longstar – I think Leopardstar died Gramps.  The next morning it is confirmed by a visiting Hawkfrost – Mistystar has risen to power.
After a series of failed hunts and trainings that left her despondent, Ivypaw throws herself into sleep, and wakes in a strangely bright meadow – no sun in the sky, and odd depressions in the tall grasses.  But she is distracted by the appearance of a large and well decorated tomcat, who asks if she needs some help.  Thinking it’s just a weird dream, she asks for help training, and the stranger obliges.  The next morning, she tries one of the moves on Charheart, who asks where she saw such a move?  That’s very advanced but seriously, who taught you that?
Ivypaw, freaking out, tells her about the tomcat and the meadow – Charheart freaks out, and the pair head straight to the Healer’s den.  Darkmoon sees their distress and calls for Longstar and Fireheart, who were chatting with Mousefur.  The situation is explained, and explained again to Dovepaw and Jaywhisker and a very confused Wormpaw.  After hearing everyone trying to figure out the Dark Forest’s next move, Ivypaw surprises herself by offering to be a spy.  There is arguing, but after vowing to call on Yellowfang for help if she needs it, Ivypaw becomes a Dark Forest Trainee…
A huge storm sweeps through camp, and to the horror of all, a tree falls onto some fleeing cats!  Mousefur is gone in an instant, and Briarpaw’s back is broken by a branch – not to mention Ashfur’s bruises and Coldlight’s crushed tail tip!  Millie is distraught, but is reminded of Feathertail, and of how she survived a broken spine!  Graystripe vows to help his daughter in any way he can, and Longstar decides to promote her – and her siblings – for their bravery evacuating the camp.  Briarlight, who had already been training to be a Camp Guard, breaks into tears at her ceremony.
Dovepaw is awoken one night by a brown cat, claiming to be Onewhisker.  He says Shadowclan is planning an attack on the borders, and Dovepaw relays this to Longstar the moment the spirit leaves.  A battle patrol quite literally runs into a patrol on Thunderclan territory, and a fight ensues.  Someone shoves Jaywhisker from behind, and his claws catch on the tender throat of Russetfur.  Everyone breaks apart, and Jaywhisker wails in horror when he realizes what happened.  Back at camp, Dovepaw describes Tiger”star” to a horrified Longstar.  But it’s far too late to stop what’s happened… (Starclan is in crisis – how did Tiger”star” sneak through to Dovepaw!?  Bluestar finds a crack in their defenses, that makes her suspect more…)
-Plans Coming Together-
(In the city, the Twoleg Vet Tech gathers bandages, stitches, anything she might need to treat mass wounds.  The ghost of her childhood cat Nanigans perches on her desk, purring softly.  She had talked to her grandfather, who had his beloved Barn cat Sweet Pea show up, and he’s been preparing to help as well.  When you start seeing cat ghosts, ghosts that the suspiciously smart neighborhood cats see too, it’s time to start worrying…)
At camp, Lionblossom treats the wounds of the patrol, while Darkmoon and Fireheart try to calm Jaywhisker.  He’s retreated into a ball in the corner of camp, and it takes his mother to pry him out.  He yowls in grief and horror, and Swiftpool takes him to a quiet place in the territory, to let him grieve.  Dovepaw covers her ears – her hearing is now flinging from nonexistant to too much too loud with little warning and no time to adjust.
Jaywhisker, resting fitfully in camp, is woken by Charheart.  You don’t look too good, and something big flew over camp – maybe you need a walk?  He agrees, and the pair scare off a small owl.  They walk in silence for a time, but then they are interrupted by a call – Embertail.  He looks devastated, but asks Jaywhisker what happened to Russetfur – some of the Brawlers are saying you did it on purpose, but…I don’t believe them.  Please, what happened?  Jaywhisker, supported by Charheart, lays out the events, and Embertail sighs – that sounds like a total accident! Oh Jaywhisker I’m so sorry – I’ll talk to Blackstar about it.  With that, Embertail wishes the pair farewell, and heads off.  Jaywhisker leans on Charheart and thanks her for the help.  Of course, silly, what are friends for?
(In Shadowclan, Redwillow seethes.  How DARE Embertail step in like that – Russetfur’s murder was all planned out, another wedge between clans, and then this?!  Redwillow seethes, and in the Stars, Russetfur thinks hard.)
Ivypaw and Dovepaw have their first real fight a few days later, Dovepaw insisting that Ivypaw stop her spying Right Now – look what they did to me, think of what they’ll do to you!!  Ivypaw snaps back, well maybe if you’d thought to double check who you were talking to, MAYBE your mentor wouldn’t be traumatized, and someone wouldn’t be dead!!! They stalk off away from each other, but at Wormpaw’s insistence, talk over their issues a few days later.  Wormpaw asks Goldenflower if there’s a role for helping cats get along, and Wormpaw starts even more training with Darkmoon, to see if he wants to also be a Therapist.
(Dovepaw keeps running into Goldenheart on her patrols – not on purpose, but it just. Keeps. Happening!  After a while, it becomes less annoying and more funny, but still…Starclan why?)
(Bluestar chuckles, not seeing Yellowfang behind her with a scowl.)
In Shadowclan, Blackstar, Embertail, and a sickly Littlecloud go to the Moonpool.  The spirit of Raggedstar advises that the clans stay apart, but Embertail argues that if the clans were closer, maybe Russetfur would still be alive!  He then crouches in shame for speaking Like That to a Starclan Spirit, but the laughter of Yellowfang gives him confidence.  Russetfur herself appears, and tells Blackstar that she will wait for him, her chosen brother, but to also stop being a pompous idiot and be social.
(Nearby, Juniperclaw watches silently.  Perhaps it’s time someone visits this interfering Seer…)
Ivypaw wakes in the Dark Forest, and on her way to train, she stumbles through a new place – the edge of a raging river in a storm.  She sees paws in the water for a moment, too small and horrible to think about, when she’s startled by a massive tortie molly, all flapping throat and rippling fur, emerging from the waves.  The molly advances on her, blurbling words just out of hearing, and Ivypaw backs up – right into Brambleclaw and his thorns.  Brambleclaw tells the molly, Mapleshade, to back off, but his voice is unsteady.  Mapleshade laughs like a drowning bird, and vanishes out of the stormy clearing. 
Ivypaw, seeing an opening in Brambleclaw’s armor, starts praising him.  Obviously tricking her sister was HIS idea, because it was so good!  He eats it up, and brings her to training.  As she trains, she sees a white cat, half coated in ice, weeping sleet.  They make eye contact, and Ivypaw sees pain in his eyes, but also regret…that’s new.  Eventually, she sees Tiger”star” talking to Goldenheart, and when she wakes, Longstar is Very interested in the regretful cat, and asks her to keep an eye on him.  Lionblossom and Jaywhisker are horrified at Goldenheart’s appearance.
It's Leafbare, and Jaywhisker has been cultivating his friendship with Embertail.  They’re sliding rocks on the frozen lake, when Jaywhisker hears an ominous THUNK beneath them, followed by cracking.  Embertail falls into the water, but is quickly hoisted out by Jaywhisker and Dawnpelt.  But even after he’s treated, even after he’s warmed, Embertail won’t wake up…
(Mapleshade drags the blank-faced spirit of Embertail to the Miretrees, something like a smile on what remains on her face…)
Ivypaw is greeted that night by Mapleshade, who drags her along with her sodden tail, and shows Ivypaw the drowsy spirit of Embertail. K I L L, says the monstrous molly, but even as Ivypaw reluctantly lifts a paw, Goldenheart charges into the scene and bowls her over.  They argue, and Mapleshade just laughs, until she sees that Embertail is just gone!  The trainees scramble away from the furious tortie, and Ivypaw hisses that she would never hurt Embertail.  Goldenheart thanks her, and the two part ways.
(A silvery tom with biting beaks in his neck helps a faceless, gurgling tom guide Embertail away.  The white frozen cat is waiting at a hollow tree, and the Visitor ushers Embertail to his body.  The Seer awakens, dazed and confused, with no memory of anything after the ice.)
Then Icecloud falls into the tunnels.  Jaywhisker and Charheart both huddle together, experiencing some very nasty emotions, but Icecloud is freed and the tunnel opened.  Lionblossom does NOT find his sister within, but instead a tuft of fur, and crushed holly leaves…maybe, just maybe…Hollywish is alive?
(In the background, Icecloud lifts the apprentices spirits by placing a betting pool on when Charheart and Jaywhisker will start dating.  Ivypaw confides that Charheart thinks that they are, but Dove giggles and says that Jaywhisker has no idea.  Wormpaw suggests maybe a betting pool on when Jaywhisker figures it out, and a deal is made.)
-Times Are Changing-
None of the apprentices expect what comes next – Longstar calls them to receive their adult names!  Ivyleaf is named for her rapid growth and sheltering nature, Dovewing is named for her adventurous spirit and kind nature, and Wormwood for his steady and dependable nature.  Their vigil is calm, and their sleep sweet…except for Ivyleaf…
(That night, she fights Antpelt, and when he tries to help her up, Broken”star” attacks him.  That night, Heathertail wakes to something sticky in their shared nest, and her horrified screams wake Breezepelt, whose yowls join hers quickly.  Antpelt lays between them, so bloody he looks like a different cat altogether.  Kestrelflight rushes to treat him, but it’s far too late…)
At the next Gathering, Goldenheart tries to flirt with Dovewing, which is a surprise, but Bumblestripe steps in and Brightheart has to break it up before a fight starts.  Wormwood is asked about Briarlight by Grasspelt, who promises to come for a visit, I mean if that’s okay?  Ivyleaf thinks it’s sweet.  She finds it less sweet and more annoying when Goldenheart tries to get time with Dovewing and Ivyleaf has to distract Bumblestripe.
Lionblossom begins to experience strange dreams, of being a cat named Lion’s Roar, and hearing the voices of cats from said dreams coming from the mountains.  Knowing that this is important, Lionblossom asks for Longstar to assign him a patrol to go check it out – he asks for Graystripe and his family – including Briarlight - and Foxflight and Shrewleg.  Frostfoot asks to go as well, and the patrol prepares to go.
On the morning of the patrol’s departure, Jaywhisker and Charheart are on one of their morning patrols, and are discussing the Prophecy and the Dark Forest.  Charheart admits to feeling insecure sometimes, courting a cat chosen by the Stars, and Jaywhisker nearly runs into a tree.  WAIT HANG ON WHAT cough cough what do you MEAN we’re COURT - oooooooonnnnnoooooo I’m a moron…Jaywhisker puts his head in his paws, I’m supposed to be the smart one HOW DID I NOT NOTICE!?!?!? Charheart please stop laughing at meeeee!  Charheart, at this point out of breath from laughing, wheezes out, it’s been moons, and Jaywhisker starts cackling like a loon.  The two lay there laughing for a while, but eventually DO have a relationship conversation.
(Wormwood wins the bet, and Ivyleaf, Dovewing, and Icecloud all pay up with tasty mice)
Up at the Tribe territory, Stormfur and Feathertail greet their father and siblings and stepmother, and figure out quickly that there are no problems in the Tribe!  This is Great! Lionblossom offers to teach some healing techniques, and Briarlight and Feathertail bond. The mobile patrollers do have to fight off an eagle that tries to steal Swoop, but she escapes with a broken leg.  However, every night they stay, Lionblossom has dreams of another time, and of a beautiful cat named Half Moon.  She promises to wait for him, and when the patrol leaves the Tribe, Lionblossom sees another shadow following him.  They return triumphant, with tales of eagles and a few new hunting and healing techniques.
In the Miretrees, Ivyleaf sees her father and Blossomfall training and is a little Concerned, but refuses to blow her cover.  In camp, Dovewing begs Whitewing to get Bumblestripe off her back.  I gave him one compliment and now he thinks we’re in love!? Mom PLEASE I’m going to slap him if he keeps this up!!  Whitewing pats her daughter, and whispers she saw a molly looking at Bumblestripe like he hung the Moon, and to leave it to her…
(Whitewing sets up a little shrine in the woods, just a few stones and berry pawprints, and tells all the single mollies and toms except Bumblestripe (and warns her kits about it) that it’s a Love Shrine.  That if they bring a piece of prey there at Sunhigh and ask Starclan for their blessing, that the mate they seek will appear to them soon after.  Rosepetal leaves a frog on the offering stone and begs the Stars for Bumblestripe.  He’s the sweetest tom she’s ever known!  He brings prey to the Elders, and helps his sister exercise, and lets kits crawl all over him, and he’s so beautiful she wants to cry sometimes!  He’s brave and his fur looks so soft and she wants to cover him in Courting flowers and I just want someone that devoted but aimed at me!  Is that so much so ask!?  She stares at the sky, sighs tearily, grabs her frog, and turns to head for camp-
                                          -And nearly runs into a wide eyed Bumblestripe.  Whitewing told him that she wanted some flowers from the meadow nearby, and he saw Rosepetal with a frog, his secret favorite prey and then she just-
                                                                              -he smiles tearily, you think I’m pretty?  I mean, I’m not even that attractive- And Rosepetal tackles him into the meadow with an indignant yowl, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!  They roll down the little hill as she sputters out how his stripes are so pleasantly Shaped and his little hair tuft is so Cute and how DARE he talk about himself like that!!!  They end up side by side, panting, and Bumblestripe gently turns to her – well, you’re pretty great yourself y’know.  She stammers, and shoves some flowers in his face.  He laughs, and she laughs, and right there, for a little while, everything is beautiful.)
(Dovewing hugs her mother tightly, I don’t know what you did but THANK YOU, he even apologized?! Mom you’re a miracle worker)
-And Now What You Were All Waiting For-
Cherypaw and Molepaw get lost in the tunnels, but are led to safety by “a shadow and a wet thing ma stop licking me I’m fINE” and Swiftpool wonders…but refuses to get her hopes up.  But Dovewing hears “Somethings” down there, so she, Ivyleaf, and Wormwood go to investigate.  And get lost.  The three start to panic but then the Somethings Dovewing heard show up – a cat ghost, all drenched and sopping wet, and a barely there shadow with green eyes.  They lead the trio to the exit, but the watery ghost has a soft conversation with the shadowy cat, who presses their head to the ghost, washing away the mud covering their face, revealing tortie spots.  If it’s alright, I’ll come with you, they say, and Wormwood agrees for the stunned sisters.  They know who she MUST be, but Wormwood can be a little dense sometimes…
As they approach camp, Swiftpool calls out – oh thank Starclan, we were looking everywhere for…you…
Swiftpool nearly tackles the dusty molly off of her feet, wailing in joy and relief – Jaywhisker screams WHAT and charges out of camp, Charheart and Lionblossom in hot pursuit – Mistlenose running circles around her family - Foxflight screeching YOU’RE HOME and flinging herself forward, Shrewleg cheering – Longstar and Flamewish and Fireheart breaking through a crowd of gathering cats and falling into the pile – Hollywish sobbing out I’m Sorry I’m Sorry I’m So Sorry – Darkmoon yells from the edge of the mess to get Crowfeather – Snowthorn jumps in to brush against her then bolts for Windclan - in a moment or maybe an hour Crowfeather crashes in MY KIT MY KIT MY KIT - it’s chaos but the most welcome kind of chaos
Hollywish is home!
She explains what happened – the friendly Gheist, named Fallen Leaves, had saved her, but to do so had to bind her to the tunnels until her injuries would have naturally recovered.  Longstar swears to build a shrine for him, so he can gather his strength again.  The news spreads through the Clans like lightning – and not just the Clans…
(The Dark Forest yowls in rage – there are four Prophecy cats again!  Brambleclaw is thrown about by Tiger”star”, cats are thrashing in rage – some of the oldest fading in an instant of fury.  But some cats quietly celebrate – they have a better chance now.)
(Starclan cheers wildly – there are four Prophecy cats again!  This makes things SO much easier!  Yellowfang is crying – no I AM NOT – and somewhere, a cat quietly slips into the Miretrees again – just another Visitor…)
In a rage, Brambleclaw commands Ivyleaf to fight the remnants of Antpelt – a twisted façade of someone that she knew – someone who was loved – this isn’t him anymore.  Ivyleaf destroys the not-Antpelt, the was-Antpelt, and watches it crumble like dry sand and ashes.  She struts past Sunstrike and Furzepelt, refuses to make eye contact with Goldenheart, and
                            As soon as she’s out of their view
                             She                             B R E A K S
Ivyleaf weeps as soundlessly as she can, slashing her clotted claws into the rotted wood of an ancient tree.  She heaves up everything she ate before, until nothing comes up…that had been her friend, and now he’s gone forever…and then she hears movement. She whips around, claws ready, but – it’s the white cat, with the frozen body.  I’m sorry you had to go through that, he mews, but I think what I have to show you may help.  My name is Snowtuft, he crackles, and if you want to stop these horrors, come with me.  And he walks away.
And she follows, heart in her throat, and they pass through a far-too-familiar field of flowers.  She can see that the odd depressions in the grass are where cats lay dying, and sidesteps bloody pawprints, where someone sprinted through the scene.  Snowtuft leads her past Mapleshade’s river, through a tunnel choked with bones and thorns, over a Thunderpath shrouded by fog until finally, they reach a hollow in the trunk of a tree.  It smells like poppy seeds and tree sap, but what catches her attention is the other cats. Snowtuft gestures to them – these are my fellow rebel leaders.  We were sinners, were monsters, were horrible in life, but we want to make up for our past mistakes.  This, he croaks, is Silverhawk – the silvery tabby has the beaks of birds protruding from his neck, snapping soundlessly at his face.  This is Sparrowfeather – a misshapen molly with thin birdlike legs.  This is Maggottail – the grey-white tom glistens with slime and his eyes bulge strangely.  And this is Boulder – the faceless cat gurgles at her, ineffectively wiping his dripping spit away.  Behind him sat a – a Kittypet?  A brown and white collared Kittypet, unkempt and bony.  I’m Dastardly Dan, Dan’s fine, that one hacks.  Those lot’ve been snatchin the worst o us outta the Dark Place, but well, they ain’t th’only ones.  And he gestures upwards, where a glimmer drops down and lands before Ivyleaf.  She hops back but – that’s – that’s a Starclan cat if she ever saw one.  Hello brave soul, the yellowy spirit murmurs, my name is Micah.  And I am VERY glad to meet you.
-The True Reason and The Power of the Powerless-
And Ivyleaf learns everything that has happened here.  How Micah was the mate of the first Oracular Healer, who separated their kits because she couldn’t care for them and do her Role.  How he had tried to change her ruling but was overturned.  How he wandered from Starclan, and found the Dark Forest, and watched it grow from the wrath and hate of a cat named One Eye.  How Micah had tried to save some of the souls here, and been injured – and how a long-ago Healer, who had killed their most ill patients instead of trying to heal them, had nursed him back to health.  That healer had made this hollow from the memory of their first victim, their own sibling, and hid there until Micah crashed in.  And how the Healer had been the inspiration of Micah’s mission in his afterlife – to save the repentant souls that came here.  The Healer had been the only one Micah had been able to save in any way – their spirit had begun to fade, and Micah had brought them out of the Miretrees and to a litter of cold kits – and they had splintered into the kits, saving their lives and being reborn. 
Starclan has refused to help me, or to change their ruling on Healers having kits…but the world is on a moment of great change.  When the Stars foresaw that the Dark Forest would rise up, many wanted to simply destroy the Dark Forest, and be done with it, Micah mews.  But instead, I crafted a Prophecy, and gave gifts to those who would need them, and hoped for the best.  And the best has happened – here you are, the brave soul that chose to enter the darkness, to save the light.  You I gave no gifts, for you need no gifts but your wit, bravery, and kindness.  You have what may be the most important role here –
You’re going to save the trainees.  You’re going to clear their eyes.  Micah pauses, have you ever wondered why your father, a loyal cat, is here?  Or Goldenheart? A mire is hard to escape once entered, and the darkness has clouded their minds into believing this is Good and Right. But you came here, knowing it would do you harm, and with many to support you, so the dark failed. Some may be beyond saving, but if you bring them to me, I will clear the shadows from them.
Ivyleaf is shaken and confused, but – I’ll do anything I can to save them, she agrees.  Micah smiles gently, and the gathered cats sigh in relief.  Now, when you awaken, please tell only those you can trust to not gossip.  And with a touch on her forehead, Ivyleaf awakens.  She bolts to the Leader’s Den, waking Longstar and Flamewish, and shakes them awake.  We have hope, she whispers to their astonished faces, we have hope and a plan.
(Each night, she corners a trainee, come with me, I’m giving you Special Training.  She starts with Goldenheart, who hacks and heaves and shakes in horror.  Her father collapses against her, begging forgiveness.  Icewing and Beetlewhisker huddle together.  Sunstrike tries to dash herself on sharp branches, only to be met with the strong but gentle embrace of Micah.  She can’t find the hollow when she brings Redwillow, and convinces him that her training is stealth, then ditches him.  She can’t get to all of them, but the time is coming.  When the Dark Forest is weakened, they will see what they have done…if they survive)
The leaders meet in secret, and Longstar tells them some of what Ivyleaf discovered – keeping the news of Micah’s plan for the changes to the Code and who the spy is.  Mistystar is appalled but ready to begin getting the camp ready for war.  Blackstar is unbelieving until Mudstar tells them how Antpelt died – clawed to death, black rotten water in his lungs, between his loving mates.
The Healers begin stockpiling herbs, and the Nursery Guards and Camp Guards begin to clear out exit routes for the Nurseries and Elders Dens.  Crafters pull bark from the trees, reeds from the rivers, and scrap from the twolegs, to make armor and reinforce the walls.  Brawlers sharpen their claws, Historians and Tacticians work on battle plans, and Herbalists prepare poisons and paint.  Mates talk quietly, friends stick close, families promise to make it out together.
(Starclan prepares for war.  Warriors draw the stars into their claws, Healers into their pawpads.  Yellowfang rallies the Elders into a frenzy.  Spottedleaf and Cinderpelt gather the kits and ask them to scout from above, the only place that the Dark Forest cannot reach them.)
(And a school bus, driven by a Farmer and his granddaughter the Vet Tech, draws close to the scene)
The curtains rise, the stage is set.
The Dark Forest strikes at Shadowclan first – Graystripe and Jaywhisker lead the charge to help.  The scene is chaos – Gheists everywhere, but Shadowclan is holding.  Jaywhisker can smell the stench of darkness and rot, and pounces on a Mire Warrior, shredding their already shredded form.  He hears Blackstar couch to life, and Redwillow screech as he dies.  And he hears the familiar voice of Feathertail, with the chimes of the Stars through it, call Starclan to battle.  Graystripe sobs as he attacks a skinny ghost, and hears his daughter vow to protect Briarlight.
Goldenheart and Ivyleaf fight back to back for a moment, and she sends him to help Dovewing – I can’t be her ears in this mess, go help her!  If you ever loved her- but Goldenheart is already gone.  She claws what’s left of the face off of a kittypet ghost, and turns all her attention to the battle.
In Windclan, Furzepaw leaps for Mudstar, and Sunstrike intercepts her.  Please stop, Sunstrike begs, the Dark Forest killed Antpelt, don’t let them kill you.  A furious Breezepelt slices through the back of a ghost, as Heathertail sobs over the fading corpse of another.  Nightcloud and Crowfeather tag-team a dog-faced ghost, scattering them to the wind, and Hopfoot’s starry spirit joins them.  Go on son, go to your kits, we’ll hold them off!  Tallstar and startlingly Onewhisker leap from the skies, and Crowfeather bolts.
Brambleclaw confronts Ivyleaf, snarling about disloyalty and punishment.  Ivyleaf smirks, did you really think you were in control of everyone? And suddenly the Dark Forest cats are fighting each other.  Snowtuft leaps onto Brambleclaw, and Ivyleaf goes for the stake in his throat, but both are thrown off.  Before Brambleclaw can do any major damage though, Hawkfrost and his otter friends attack.  Hawkfrost finishes what he started before, and the otters sit on Snowtuft until Ivyleaf can coax them off.
Broken”star” leaps at the Thunderclan nursery, and Honeyfern clashes with the monster of a leader.  She falls to her claws, and Berrynose screams in horror.  Poppyfrost slashes at the blinded beast in fury, but it’s Yellowfang who sends her child to a second death.  Honeyfern rises into a starry form, and takes up her place at the Nursery entrance. Mapleshade charges at Swiftpool, but is stopped by the timely intervention of Crowfeather.  The mates slay her, but there are more and more ghosts appearing every moment…
Tiger”star” laughs at the weakened and half blind form of Longstar, I have more ghosts at my disposal than you will ever understand!  Starclan will fall!  The Mire will rise!
And then
A noise pierces the night.
A massive yellow monster charges down the Thunderpath, scattering the charging Dark Forest forces.  It screeches to a halt, and its side opens and
Is screeched by the throats of the cavalry – the Hope’s Clowder cats, arrayed in thick armor and bristling with energy.  They overrun the gathered ghosts like water over stones, and they are not alone.  The Barn cats charge after them, swooping in on any injured cat and carrying them into the monster.  The monster’s twoleg bursts out, wielding a long stick with a flattened and curved edged end, and begins swatting at any remaining ghosts with vigor.  The spirits of kittypets descend like a swarm of ducks on twoleg treats, and the ghosts that the Miretrees depended on are scattered and destroyed in moments.
Tiger”star” screeches in horrified confusion, which only doubles when Darkstripe, sleek and plump, and Sasha, bright eyed and healthy, charge towards him in armor of their own.  Fireheart, rushing from the camp to help Longstar, goes for Tiger”star”s dangling organs, and then the fight goes on in earnest.
And then it all
Tiger”star” fades away, nothing more than a terrible memory.  The ghosts of the Dark Forest and the Dark Place scatter.  The friendly spirits of the Dark Forest and the Dark place gather to lick their wounds.
And Longstar and Fireheart are dying.
Flamewish crouches by them, weeping.  Their children and grandchildren gather around their father and uncle.  Brightheart begs Longstar to stay – she’s not ready! Everyone still needs him!  No one is ready for this, Crookedstar intones, but you will be amazing my dear.  And surrounded by friends and family, Thunderclan’s leader and his dearest friend pass into Starclan.  They rise up together, gathering the newly dead behind them.  And not just Starclan is leaving.
Dastardly Dan is greeted by the Farmer’s friend Sweet Pea, who invites him and his friends to join her.  My Twoleg would love the company, and when her mate joins us, we’ll have a barn to explore!  Only if we can ‘elp the others, twasnt just our lot that feel bad fer what we did.  Of course, says another cat, Nanigans, everyone deserves a second chance.  With a glance at Micah, who stands with the Miretrees rebels, Dan agrees, and the group of dead kittypets trot off together, past the Farmer and past the Vet, who has emerged from the monster.  They disappear behind the monster, and all that is heard of them after is sighs of relief and cries of joy.
Micah steps forward, and what of these cats?  What of these who want to change, to be better?  They deserve a second chance as well.  The gathered Starclan cats mutter and murmur, but the still-present Longstar loudly agrees.  Darkstripe was given a second chance, and now look at the fine Clowder he leads!  These cats deserve the chance to change!  I will make a place in Starclan with my own paws if I must, adds Fireheart.  And an agreement is reached.  A place is made – not Starclan or Miretrees, but a place where those who desire to change may go and rest.  The gathered rebels cheer, and as the living are told of this new place, the rebels begin to change.
Snowtuft ceases his constant crying, and the ice of his body clears.  Silverhawk’s biting beaks become a collar of silent spikes.  Sparrowfeather’s legs become sturdy enough to carry her weight properly.  Maggottail’s skin looks less rotten and gooey, and his eyes shrink.  Everywhere one looks, the rebels are somewhat restored.  Micah, tears in his eyes, leads the group to – to the Restful Fields.
(Not everything is so terrible as the deaths and burials.  Sasha is reunited with her kits, and screams in joy at the sight of her thought-dead Tadpole-now Crowfeather.  She meets her grandkits and weeps in joy.  Darkstripe is able to apologize in person to Sorreltail, and while they will never be close, she does forgive him.  Frostfoot walks with Darkmoon, and meets his sister once again.  Ruby changed her name to Smoke, and changed her nature as well.  Forgiveness is had, with tears at time lost.)
And life goes on.
Brightstar surveys Thunderclan from the leader’s den, Cloudtail and Daisy at her side.  She watches her deputy, Charheart, work with her former apprentice Ivyleaf and HER apprentice Hollowpaw, and wonders if Longstar approves of her choices.  Daisy nudges Brightstar, and asks if she really doesn’t mind being a momma to her kits, and both Brightstar and Cloudtail snuggle her in – they’re a family now, and everything is going to be wonderful.
(In the city, things are going well. No group of rogues cat best the Brawlers or Scouts of the Hope Clowder, and their Healers are backed by the Twoleg Healer, who takes the worst cases without complaint. They stay in touch with the Barn, and often tell stories of how they all rode in a car to go fight ghosts)
(In the Dark Forest, ghosts lick their wounds and snarl angrily.  But as they try to regroup, someone is watching.  Someone who will use them for her own gain…)
(In the Dark Place, Quince flees from her former lackeys.  Mapleshade promised her power and freedom, and now she’s back at square one!  As she fumes in her hiding place, she doesn’t see the amalgam of cats creeping behind her…)
(In the Restful Fields, Micah is visited by Moth Flight.  They talk for quite some time, and she finally agrees to a change in the Code.  But not today – today is for rest and renewal)
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theanoninyourinbox · 6 months
I need to know about Brambleclaw in your Longstar au. Tell me everything about that traitor! Please.
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Bramblekit was normal, as kits go. Small, maybe a little rough with Snowkit and a bit selfish, not noticing if others were affected by his misadventures or little clawed swipes, but no one save Speckletail and Goldenflower noticed anything amiss. When the fire struck camp, and Fireheart bravely saved him from the flames, he seemed starstruck. Wanted to be a brave warrior who saved everyone!
And then his Father left.
The clan seemed to turn on him all at once. They all hated him! Just him!! (He never saw Goldenflower shudder her tears away, never saw his sister flinch at the stares and whispers. He never saw Fireheart try to shield him, or Longtail glare down the elders. His greatest flaw was never seeing how others felt.) Darkstripe brought him to see Tigerclaw, who promised that HE was protecting Bramble from the horrors of a weak clan, and whispered to the malleable kit lies and half truths and just play along until I take control. So Bramble did.
Then Tawnypaw LEFT HIM TOO. How dare she, he would say to others, how dare she go to the terrible cat and his terrible clan! (How dare she go, he would say to himself, it was supposed to be me! Now I am watched, and cannot meet my fatherteacherleader!!
And in his dreams, Tigerstar came to him. For you, my true heir, the true training of a strong leader. The Miretrees welcomed him with grasping claws, and he relished it.)
(Any guilt or morals were lashed away by the thorns and the shadows of a thousand hateful cats.)
He played his part - saving Whitestorm, mourning the dead and verbally disavowing Tigerstar (he did not fail he still yet lives in the Mire of nightmares), becoming a Brawler (all the better to defend my clan, he says to Longstar) (give me Claws, he says, to redeem the naming of my father, he says), dotes on his mother, hunts and fights and returns in the night to his bloody-bellied fatherkingruler.
He becomes defined, in the secret bloodybeatingcloying spaces of his heart, in the shadows of his mind, by three things.
Pride. Envy. Wrath.
He is Proud of his prowess, of his acting, of his untouched pelt (the claws of the Dark Forest are too slow for him, only catching on his soul) and his place of honor - he is TRUSTED by the falsefoolishleader Longstar, to watch his kits and protect them from danger. HE is the danger that no one sees! HE will sink his teeth into the unprotected spines of the clan! But not yet. Brambleclaw waits. He is Proud to have a true leadershadowboundruler like Tigerstar, the cunning to Brambleclaw's battle skills. He is Proud. And that is a piece of his downfall.
He is Envious, of Longstar and Flamewish. Of Tawnypelt and Foxpaw and Swiftpaw and Darkpaw. And eventually of Hawkfrost and Mothwing and Crowfeather. He WANTS the power to command a clan to move, and be obeyed at every turn! (He does not see the elders balk, Whitestorm advising, the historians and tacticians guiding the clan as well) He WANTS the love of a mate, one who is devoted only to him (he misses the work that Longstar and Flamewish put in to their relationship, their arguments and apologies, the devotion going both ways) (He misses how his sister is loved, by her clan, truly trusted, how Rowanclaw is her FRIEND before her lover) He WANTS his father to be there, to be watching him grow effortlessly (he misses the little spats, the drama, the fears, and does not see the love that the family cultivates) (He could have been another son to the leader, or even the deputy, but it is far too late for that) (He barely recognizes that Goldenflower loves him, cherishes him, and is Proud of him. She does not matter. Mollies' opinions do not matter, his father taught him well) He WANTS a sibling relationship like Hawk and Moth, he WANTS to be cherished by many clans like TadpoleCrowfeather (He is blind to how Tawnypelt loves him, how Stormfur asks for his advice, how Feathertail flirts) (His plans for Foxpawflight are NOT ruined by her affections for ShrewpawLeg he WILL be her mate) He is Envious. And that is a piece of his downfall.
He is Wrathful, his hate of the Clan he was born into catching on his ribcage and twisting in his intestines, burrowing into his marrow. He claws the turf to pieces in fury, how DARE his father leave! He knocks eggs from their nest is rage, how could Tawnypaw leave him too!? He tears the pelts off of rogues and loners, MY FATHERLEADERKING IS NO FAILURE!!! He scatters stones on the cliffsides, why won't Foxpaw realize she's MINE!? He screeches as he drives rogues away, MY BROTHER!! MINE!! He is Wrathful, and that is one piece of his downfall.
He stands over the foolishfalseidiotLongstar, his truebrotheronlyally looking upon him and their prey. Join me finally, Brambleclaw crows, join me and we can be what we were meant to be!
(He has always missed how Hawkfrost looks at Tigerstar, looks at him. With building horror and regret)
And Hawkfrost
Brambleclaw is Proud (he trust his battle prowess, but Hawkfrost is quick and lean and won't hoLD STILL)
Brambleclaw is Envious (you are MY BROTHER he screams, and the denial from Hawkfrost cuts through his blackening heart)
Brambleclaw is Wrathful (red tinges his vision, his father's voice in his ears stop him stOP HIM KILLHIM)
The silvery spike in his throat tastes like failure
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theanoninyourinbox · 6 months
Longstar Au – Three Stars Rising, One Star Falling
Inbetween Books
Spiderleg is bullied into the Healer’s den by Darkmoon, and is revealed to be In The Family Way.  He refuses to name the Sire to the clan at large - citing Queen’s Rights - and entrusts the name to Sootfur, who joined the Elders as a Historian after his severe injuries fighting the badgers. Toadkit and Rosekit are adorable, but Spiderleg often leaves them in the Nursery with the Queens.  Sootfur visits often enough that the kits see him as their father.
Charkit of Sorreltail’s litter is discovered to have only three feet – Brackenfur suggests naming her Cinder but Sorreltail refuses, wanting her kitten to have her own future, not weighed down by her aunt’s sacrifice.  Her striking resemblance to the Healer, and her similar leg scenario, still weighs upon the kit, who works with Darkmoon and a supportive Cloudtail to exercise and navigate life.
On a border patrol, Whitewing finds an injured tom named Birch, and carries him back to camp.  He recovers from his (somewhat embarrassing) fall from a tree, and joins Thunderclan.  He brings tales of his birth family – The Sisters – and Longstar is curious but cautious about the group.
Frostfoot semi-retires to become a historian and tactician, and Whitestorm informs Longstar of his intention to retire as well.  Longstar despairs at choosing a new Deputy, and falls into a restless sleep after Flamewish drags him into their nest.  He dreams of the old Thunderclan camp, watches it shift into the new camp, watches it float and crumble in a dark sky.  Suddenly, a bright star flares, and the constellations of Silverpelt spring to life.  The star warps into a great cat, one half of their face spilling nebulas and colors, that cradles the clan back into a whole.  He wakes, knowing exactly who to name. The next day, Longstar calls a meeting, and announces Whitestorm’s retirement.  Longstar calms the clan, calling forth a cat who has cared for Thunderclan and for the connections that Thunderclan has created within their allied clans.  He calls forth Brightheart to become Deputy.  Brightheart is shocked but delighted, Cloudtail and Daisy dance around their mate, and their kits crow gleefully.
Soon after, Crowfeather comes over to visit Swiftpool.  He shares the news that his foster sister Nightcloud and her mate Gorseflicker are now parents to three kits – Breezekit, a little black tom; Locustkit, a black and orange tortie molly; and Eveningkit, a grey and golden molly.  Swiftpool notes that Hopfoot will have plenty of time to spoil his grandkits now that he’s retired.  Crowfeather jokes that Gorseflicker cried over his kits so hard he was kicked out of the Nursery by Nightcloud, and Swiftpool laughs so hard she goes into labor.
By nightfall, three more kits have been born.  Crowfeather names Jaykit after the brilliant blue of his eyes, Swiftpool names Hollykit after her spiky fur, and Lionkit is named for his loud cries.  As the kits grow, Lionkit is noted to have the shorter legs like his Granduncle Fireheart.  Jaykit is blind, but already uses his senses to navigate fairly well.  And Hollykit is anxious and easily moved to emotion by others. They are supported wholeheartedly by their family and clan.  
In Windclan, Breezekit plays with Whitetail’s kits Heatherkit and Galekit.  Locustkit and Eveningkit escape camp one night and discover a series of tunnels.  Mudstar is delighted to refound the Tunneler Role, with Locustkit loudly declaring that she wants to be one.
Leopardstar watches her clan grow, watches Hawkfrost befriend the local otters, watches Mistyfoot teach the next generation how to fish in these new waters.  She is determined to do better – to be better – and a starry-coated cat silently agrees.  Stonefur remains her unseen shadow for the rest of her days.
Blackstar and Russetfur, Leader and Deputy, chosen siblings, peer into the Nursery.  Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw are curled around three new Shadowclanners.  A golden tom – Goldenkit – a fiery orange tom – Emberkit – and a creamy molly – Dawnkit.  All the promise of a new morning, not weighed down by the cloying shadows of their grandfather.
Outside of the clans, Sol seethes.  He still has some of the power the Rotten Storm bestowed upon him, but knows instinctively that the day he uses the last of it, is the day he loses his voice forever.  In his wanderings, he comes across a mysterious old badger, who warns him that unless he changes his ways, unless he gives up on vengeance against the clans, that he will suffer in ways he could never imagine.  Sol glares at the beast, but his eyes catch on a berry juice mural of the moon overtaking the sun, and leaves with a new plan in mind.  Midnight scoffs at the foolish tom, knowing that no matter what he does, his waning power will strip him of everything he holds dear…
Sandstorm and her kittypet friend Millie make it to the Hope’s Rest Clowder, and Sandstorm does not take the news of the clans moving very well.  Thankfully, Darkstripe gives them basic directions to the mountains, and the pair of friends head off.  The Clowder’s friendly twoleg healer watches the exchange in interest. She’s convinced that these cats are intelligent, and vows to protect them as best she can.
Apprentice Adventures
On the day of their apprenticeships, Hollypaw chooses to become a Warrior, and is apprenticed to Ashfur He promises to help her grow into her own pelt, and Hollypaw nervously but proudly accepts.  Jaypaw wants to be a Hunter/Tracker, and is assigned to Brightheart and Snowthorn.  He’s giddy with relief, having doubts that he would be allowed to be anything but a Support Role.  Lionpaw has already been nearly living in the Healer’s Den, so it’s no surprise that she wants to join their ranks. His uncle and granduncle welcome him cheerily.
At the next Gathering, Jaypaw’s keen ears hear Mousepaw flirting with Riverclan apprentice Minnowpaw, and muses to Hollypaw that there may be a new cross-clan couple.  The Leaders are interrupted by a commotion – Coldlight screeches SANDSTORM?!?!?!?  Longstar leaps down and the whole of Thunderclan greets the long-missing molly.  She introduces Millie as a potential clanmate, and Graystripe immediately starts flushing and stammering.  Millie is charmed by the fluffy fool, and asks him to escort her to camp.  Coldlight pulls Sandstorm to the side as soon as they get in eyesight of camp, and has a private conversation with his long-time crush.  She asks for time to process his love confession, but assures him that no matter what, he will always be her friend.
The next morning, Sandstorm gathers up Longstar, Flamewish, and their many kits, and tells them of a dream she had.  A starry cat who identified himself as Micah had given her a Prophecy – Three of thine leaders kin shalt be gifted by the Stars, and They shall spark a great Light that shall Burn Back the Clawing Dark.  He had vanished before Sandstorm could pin him down and get an explanation, and freaked out Millie quite a bit. 
The group tries to figure out who it is, ruling out Cloudtail early to his annoyance and everyone else’s amusement.  Swiftpool points out her recent litter, and Fireheart notes that Lionpaw always seems to know where another cat is hurting. The apprentices are gathered, and after some questioning, Jaypaw admits to sometimes being in his sibling’s dreams. Hollypaw realizes that the last time she got into a fight (against a rather pissed off chicken that escaped the Horseplace) she hadn’t gotten heavily injured when it definitely pecked her hard enough to draw blood.  But when she stepped on a thorn she was bleeding?  Lionpaw easily talks about feeling other’s pain, but had thought he was just very empathetic?  Flamewish calls for Yellowfang, who pops in and confirms that Something Is Up.  The siblings are Star-Blessed, but not to let it get to their heads. The old molly scoffs, and says that Micah is an old Skyclan spirit, and had a noted soft spot for kits, so meant no harm.
The siblings are shaken, but do their best to keep on going.  Lionpaw finds his connection to Starclan when Jaypaw and Breezepaw fall into a hole during the Peacetime Competition and he has a Vision of their distress.  Jaypaw works hard with Brightheart and Snowthorn, testing his dreamwalking limits on his siblings – with permission of course.  Hollypaw finds herself more confident, knowing that the stars have a place just for her, and Ashfur praises her for starting to stretch herself.  She still finds herself easily shaken, but discovers a love of plants, leading to some Herbalist training.
However, the shadows of Miretrees are reaching out…
After a particularly bad day, Hollypaw wakes in a strange place.  It’s a piece of the border by the Lake, but the sun is low, and there’s the faint smell of blood and fur in the air.  A large brown tabby appears, his chest covered in leaves and flowers.  He asks her of her woes, and Hollypaw mutters about feeling unappreciated sometimes.  He proclaims that he will teach her to be a Great Warrior, but Hollypaw laughs – Ashfur is a great mentor, how could you, a random primping prettyboy, do any better than him?  She laughs herself awake, and Brambleclaw throws a massive tantrum in the Dark Forest.
While out hunting, Charpaw falls out of a tree, injuring her footless hind leg. Jaypaw helps her back to camp, and verbally tears the ears off of Sootfur for suggesting she retire to be an Elder or Support role, stop projecting!! Just because you couldn’t handle your business doesn’t mean that Charpaw can’t handle hers!!!  Brightheart has to hold him back but does NOT make him apologize.  Lionpaw states that even if Charpaw was, I don’t know, Cinderpelt’s reincarnation, it wouldn’t matter!  Darkmoon is touched by the brothers being so protective, but has to reassure Charpaw that no, Lionpaw was using a hypothetical.
Soon after, Millie gives birth to three more kits – Blossom, Briar, and Bumble.  Graystripe is startled but delighted – he had no idea she was pregnant – but takes to fatherhood again with joy and zeal.
At the next Gathering, Riverclan calls for aid – a bunch of twolegs have half-invaded their territory.  Jaypaw and Hollypaw sneak off to take a look, but are caught by Uncle Hawkfrost and his otter friends.  Hawkfrost scolds them officially, but lets them take a look at the tottering twoleg kits, and introduces Weed and Log, his otter pals.  The pair of apprentices get in trouble for sneaking out, but think that meeting the strange river dwellers was worth it.  Back at camp, Lionpaw dreams of an orange-and white cat failing to outrun the rising waters in a tunnel, and a hairless cat throws him out of sleep.  Somewhere else in camp, Sandstorm and Coldlight become mates.
Some time later, Locustpaw goes missing.  Jaypaw and Lionpaw join in the search, and along with Breezepaw, find her stuck in the tunnels.  As the rain makes the waters rise, Lionpaw remembers his dreams, and leads the groups to safety.  Locustpaw’s tail must be partially amputated, but she lives to dig another day.
Stormfur and Brook show up at Thunderclan camp, asking for aid.  Longstar agrees, and Foxflight gets the whole Journey gang back together, and drags her niece and nephews along.  Crowfeather brings Breezepaw and Galepaw to help – an accomplished hunter and a promising healer.  The group reunites with Feathertail, and she is delighted to meet some of her friend’s new families and hear about the rest.  She is gleeful at the thought of her half-siblings, but sad she won’t meet them in person.  Jaypaw wonders if he could pull them into one dream, but decides to just poke at Graystripe to bring his family for a visit sometime.  Lionpaw and Galepaw pester Feathertail for what helps with her back, and she happily gives them all the details.
After running off the intruders, the three siblings and Crowfeather have a bonding moment.  It is somewhat interrupted by Yellowfang and Tallstar’s spirits showing up, but they only confirm that yes, the siblings ARE Star-blessed, and to watch out for the Miretrees residents showing up, as Snowfur caught her ex-mate lurking around the borders of Starclan.
After a tearful goodbye, the group settle back into their clans.  Hollypaw once more dreams of the strange lake scene, but this time there are two brown tabbies.  The larger one begins to speak, but Hollypaw has heard enough stories about the death of Tiger”star” to recognize the injury – even half hidden by reeds and leaves – and screams for her Gran-Gran Yellowfang.  She flings awake, tumbling into Charpaw and Jaypaw, and Lionpaw bustles in to see what’s wrong.  She sputters out what happened, and Lionpaw runs for Darkmoon and Fireheart.  A confused Charpaw comforts her friend, as Jaypaw stomps around angrily.  Fireheart clears them out of the den, and makes them all sleep in the Hearer’s Den, for added protection.  Even with Fireheart assuring that the dark goes for everyone, Hollypaw wonders…did they come after me because I’m the weakest one?
And a seed of doubt is planted.
The Plot Thickens and The Sun Vanishes
Some time later, SOMEONE is trying to get Windclan and Thunderclan fighting.  It doesn’t work, but Mudstar asks that they spend a week out of contact, to see if both sides scent the same intruder.  Crowfeather bids his family a teary farewell, and Swiftpool clings sadly to her sister and Shrewleg for a while.  One night, Berrynose spots what he SWEARS is a Literal Lion, no, really, I am Not JOKING!!!  At the end of the week, Fireheart, Darkmoon, and Lionpaw go to gather herbs, and see a strange cat with a mane.  The tom loudly declares that he will be blocking out the sun tomorrow, and bolts before Darkmoon and Fireheart can catch him.  Fireheart moans about aching joints, and Darkmoon carries him back to camp, with Lionpaw telling Berrynose No That Was Not A Lion Just A Weirdo.
And then some of Windclan’s young bucks start a fight with a Thunderclan patrol.  Both clans send out everyone to calm the fight, and a Shadowclan patrol shows up, and Riverclan comes to yell at people.
And the ginger and black tom watches.
And the sun goes out.
Chaos ensues, everyone scrambling to figure out what’s happening.  The stranger cuts in front of Blackstar, who was leading the patrol, and Speaks.  The Shadowclan leader calls for his clan to follow him home, and they depart.  And a few nights later, Tawnypelt comes to camp with terrible news.  Blackstar, under the influence of the stranger Sol, has turned his back on Starclan.  There is something missing in his eyes, a blankness that reminds her of a dying cat.  He tried to put her apprentice-age kits into their adult roles, and thus she seeks shelter with them.  An appalled Longstar agrees, and Goldenpaw, Emberpaw, and Dawnpaw are welcomed into the apprentice den.  Jaypaw declares that it’s too crowded, which gives Longstar an idea.
The next morning, he promotes Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Charpaw to their adult names.  Hollypaw becomes Hollywish, for her bright ideas for the future, and in honor of her beloved grandmother.  Flamewish is delighted at the surprise, and a jubilant Hollywish practically bounces in place.  Jaypaw is named Jaywhisker, for his sharp senses and even sharper barbs to the deserving.  Brightheart cries a little as her first apprentice is promoted, and Jaywhisker is a little overwhelmed with all the cheering.  And Charpaw is named Charheart, for her loving spirit and determination to never give up.  Charheart is embraced by her family, and beams delightedly.  Shortly after, Flyshadow comes running from the Healer’s den ASHFUR I’M PREGNANT!!! Whitewing also announces that she’s pregnant the next day! The clan is full of life and joy!
The Skies Grow Cloudy
But it doesn’t last.  Millie and Briarkit become ill, and it soon begins to spread.  Lionpaw and Emberpaw think it’s related to Sol – Riverclan has noticed dying fish, and Windclan has seen birds falling from the sky.  So the Thunderclan siblings and the Shadowclan siblings formulate a plan.
Emberpaw and Jaypaw decide to fake a sign, having a tree fall in front of Sol and Blackstar.  Lionpaw thinks that faking a sign might be sacrilege, but hopes that the Stars are forgiving of a lie to free a clan.  Hollywish and Dawnpaw leverage the tree down, and Goldenpaw makes ghostly noises…that are soon joined by Runningnose and Raggedstar.  The blankness goes out of Blackstar’s eyes, and he turns on Sol with all the fury of the blazing sun.  Sol flees, cursing the clans again, and Shadowclan is restored.  The newfound friends bid farewell, promising to stay in touch.
In Thunderclan camp, Longstar loses a life to the illness, prompting Jaywhisker to dreamwalk Kestrelpaw the Windclan Healer’s apprentice.  Lionpaw goes to gather the precious catmint, and nearly walks in on Breezepaw, Heatherpaw, and Antpaw having relationship drama.  He sneaks by, and returns triumphant.  At the next Half Moon ceremony, he is promoted to Lionblossom, for his ability to make hope blossom wherever he goes.
And then a fire breaks out.
The trio are trapped on one side of the fire, and as Swiftpool and Foxflight maneuver a branch to help them, the ginger and black shape of Sol tries to stop them.  The mollies beat the stuffing out of him easily, and he flees.  Lionblossom notes that Sol’s tail might be burnt, judging by the pain that Lionblossom feels.  Everyone reunites, with Ashfur having a nasty burn on his flanks, but all alive.
While out playing, Briarkit is attacked by a snake.  Honeyfern bravely leaps in the way and is bitten on the face.  Lionblossom, in just as much agony as she is, makes the swift but painful decision to remove the bitten eye.  Fireheart and Darkmoon arrive on the scene to a passed out Honeyfern and Lionblossom, and a screaming Briarkit.  After some emergency treatment, Honeyfern is stabilized, and Lionblossom wakes up mortified.  Berrynose and Poppyfrost are frantic, and when Honeyfern wakes, they take turns at her side.  Darkmoon notes that Honeyfern will most likely never hear out of her right ear, and will certainly never bear kits.  She and Berrynose begin to mourn, but Poppyfrost offers to be their surrogate.
A few days later, the newly named Breezepelt and Heathertail come to camp – they saw Sol leaving Windclan prey of Thunderclan land, and would you like to go Get Him?  A patrol is sent, and Foxflight is kept from finishing the beating she started earlier by the return of PURDY!?! She escorts the old tom to camp, and begs her father to let Gramps Purdy stay, plllleeeeaaassseee???  Longstar snorts at the obvious manipulation, but allows it.  Sol is locked in the Healer’s Den, and seems to be cooperative.
At the next Gathering, Longstar defends his choice to not kill the cat, he must be judged by Starclan.  The other leaders agree, Blackstar very brusque and standoffishly, but all seems to be going well.
Then Hollywish has to go into the Healer’s Den.
And Sol says his Last Word.
The light goes out of Hollywish’s eyes, and she bolts for the tunnels.  Jaywhisker hears his sister’s harsh breathing, and tears after her, Charheart and Lionblossom in hot pursuit.
Hollywish enters the tunnels and
(Atop the stones, Brambleclaw gives a baleful grin)
Lionblossom screams in pain, Jaywhisker paws at the rocks, and Charheart yowls for aid.
In the Healer’s Den, Sol coughs out pieces of his tongue, ashy and rotten.
And he laughs and laughs and laughs.
And in the Nursery, Whitewing and Flyshadow huddle around the kits, who sleep peacefully.
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theanoninyourinbox · 25 days
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YOU GOT IT (not the related bit)
The Healer’s last energy saved that litter, so without one act of kindness, there would be no Fireheart and Flamewish…Thistleclaw would have become leader…Brokenstar would have killed Yellowfang…and the Dark would have risen…
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