#flash wasnt even for CARTOON animation yet it was for WEBSITE animation
hostilemuppet · 2 years
sometimes i think about what the rest of the cast couldve looked like if they were designed around the same time as lammy and truffles
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house-of-tykayl · 4 years
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so i was looking for the battle blitz game but found this instead, its a tta browser side-scrolling platformer game from 2005
i guess it was on the cartoon network website until it was eventually dabbed on by sands of time. i wasnt gamer enough to unlock boss mode (not yet anyway), but the game's surprisingly got stuff like custom voiced lines & Deepest Lore mechanics which is why i'm trying to beat it lol (and make gifs of all the cute little sprite animations... eventually). at first i thought i’d have to unlock the playable titans one by one, but actually u can switch between and play as all 5 from the get-go so that u can use their different powers to get thru different obstacles (idk i just didnt expect that much effort put into a random 15yo browser game ok)
u can play it at http://www.crazygames.com/game/tag-team-titans (its just the first site i found, its on a lot of game archives apparently). it needs flash player, i used google chrome & had to manually set flash settings to “allow”
anyway ill post more about tag team titans later, assuming i even get anywhere bc i fucking suck at this game
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