#flashfrost icons
speedy-victory · 3 years
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Matching SnowBarry/FrostBarry Icons ❄⚡
(From "The Once and Future Flash," 3x19)
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multifadomicons · 6 years
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Snowbarry Pack Like or reblog if you save © shampsbell
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10 Great Opportunities the Showrunners of the Flash will Keep Missing Until Snowbarry Happens
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There are many opportunities the writers of the Flash are missing by ignoring Snowbarry. These are 10 of them:
1. A Chance to be More Unique:
The biggest argument for the existence of WestAllen in the Flash TV show is that it happened in the comics. The writers of the Flash tv show have ignored the Comics from time to time so that they can provide a unique take on the tale of the scarlet speedster. This means the writers are not bound by what happens in the comics and can break away from following any plot line originally derived from there whenever they feel like doing so. Moreover, the sucess of Olicity shows that a non-canon pairing can be just as sucessful a canonical one especially when you have two actors that can provide the chemistry required to make a love story believable.
2. A Chance to Delve into Symbolism
Whenever Snowbarry becomes Flash and Frost, they can be represented by the symbols of the main manifestation of their powers.
In s01 we got this line:
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It's time for the show to go back to using symbolism to express deeper meaning. WestAllen cannot be symbolised but Snowbarry/Flashfrost can and this will make watching the Flash more fun when Snowbarry's symbols keep popping up in different places.
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The showrunners need to remember that Snowbarry's symbols can even be commercialised.
3. Merchandising
Flash and Frost have their own coffee but when Snowbarry happens they can have a combined coffee for the both of them and that would be so cool.
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Flashfrost symbols can be used to decorate necklaces and rings.
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They could even make T-Shirts and many other things that can be sold. All it takes is for WestAllen to be set aside and Snowbarry should have all the focus it deserves and it can even help with the ratings.
4. A Chance to Boost Ratings
Making Snowbarry the main couple will be a welcome change bc a lot of Flash fans hate Iris and are sick of all the drama she brings since it's clear that she has nothing more to offer the show other than crappy drama that most people skip bc its annoying. This season, the writers have been trying to make some changes to the tone of the show in order to attract more viewers but since they also decided to double down on WA, their plan is not as successful as they expected it to be. Very soon, the writers will stop listening to the small group of WA fans and start listening to the rest of the fandom and this will eventually lead to more Snowbarry scenes and we can finally get some answers as to why KF was so loyal to Savitar.
5. A Chance to Tie Up Loose Ends
When it comes to Snowbarry, a lot of things are unclear bc we got a lot of hints that they liked each other in s01 but the writers didnt want to go into any of that bc they suddenly felt it was time for us to get IncestAllen. Then s03 came along and we got 03×07 which had the most iconic Snowbarry scene which left us wandering whether Caitin wasn't over Barry and if it was possible that Barry was even aware of how deeply Caitlin cares about him. The issue of Caitlin kissing Everyman when she thought he was Barry has also been left unresolved. Barry and Caitlin have never even talked about it. There's also the fact that Barry calls Caitlin "Cait" and has been compared to Ronnie many times. All of these questions can be the addressed once the writers stop forcing WorstAllen down our throats and start focusing on the special bond that exists between Caitlin and Barry.
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6. Expanding Snowbarry's Special Bond
Snowbarry has always had a special bond and it stems from how similar their lives are. Even in s04, their similarity is basically the main focus as we keep watching them trying to defeat their main villains. The special bond they have is very strong and it reflects in their ability to talk in sync, finish each others sentences and even move at the same time. It is quite impressive and so deep bc they can basically read each other's mind since they know each other so well. Its hard to believe they just met in the first season of the Flash. Their bond is beautiful and should be showcased for the world to see bc nothing about it is forced, it just comes naturally.
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7. Flashfrost Improving Each Other's Powers
Flash and Frost should be fighting crime side by side as Flashfrost. Tbh, Barry should have been the one to train Caitlin on how to use her powers after 04×05, instead he spent all his time training Ralph Dibny. The sad thing is KF can help Barry use his powers in a new way and we won't get to see that until Snowbarry or Flashfrost happens.
Frost helping Flash is so remarkable bc it shows she can really help him with crime fighting instead of merely being his love interest.
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8. A Chance For Barry to Get a Love Interest that isn't Just a Love Interest
Many people keep saying they liked Iris in s01 but I only liked Iris in s02 bc in that season, we got to see her at her job more often, she had a friend outside STAR Labs and most importantly, she wasn't a love interest for almost the whole season. Unfortunately, once she started dating Barry, she turned into the thing he had to save and she got so used to it that she even asked the villain to take her in 04×01. Even with all the pathetic attempts to make Iris seem like the leader of Team Flash, she's still nothing more than a useless love interest bc she can't do anything herself, she just gives orders and seats down. With or without her powers, Caitlin's presence is vital to Team Flash and 03×21 showed they wiĺl always need her. Once the writers are tired of forcing Iris' annoying storyline, they can bring Caitlin to the forefront and Snowbarry can outshine WestAllen without even trying bc they work well together and individually, the fate of the show rests in their hands.
9. Making the MVPs of the Show the Main Couple
Since s03, Barry and Caitlin's storylines have been the entertaining part of the Flash for many viewers. Even in s04, Barry and Caitlin still have the best storylines as Barry is now tasked with defeating the Thinker while Caitlin has to find a way to defeat Amunet. This is even the main focus of 04×09 and it just shows how much more interesting it will be if Caitlin and Barry had to face all of this as a couple. They're basically going through the same journey and so far, its been a bumpy ride that is always more interesting to watch than WA's therapy or wedding or whatever. Snowbarry always shines no matter how hard the writers try to repress it bc they are the true MVPs in the Flash and this is all thanks to Granielle.
10. Showing Granielle's Chemistry
Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker are real life besties. They provide the amazing chemistry that Snowbarry is well known for. Even some WA stans have admitted they like Barry and Caitlin's friendship and that's bc Granielle interacts well and it shows whenever Snowbarry interacts. I just don't know why anyone would want to ignore such chemistry.
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I usually agree with you but WA is definitely more popular than snowbarry. The media loves them now, they are always nominated for things, and They are LOUD on twitter. And every ship have fake accounts lol Do you see how much ol*city shippers have? I think we need to be stronger like them but WA stans are scary. I don't know what we can do
It seems to be more popular then SB because that’s all they’re giving us right now. Media love them cause they are told to love them. They nominate them for stuff because they are probably told too and it’s the only ship that IS canon. 
But, that doesn’t mean media forget about us. When the KF episode happen. Media was being all in with us with the SB and flashfrost because it was appropriate. 
They’re not loud on twitter, they are MEAN. They bully even the writers. Grant blocked so many of them! That’s why he was never really vocal about the ship and did minimal stuff to promote it. Because they are MEAN. 
It might seems we’re less because there’s not a lot of account dedicate to snowbarry but when there’s a cute snowbarry scene, the tag on twitter is flooding with love and people I never thought would ship them freaking out about them. 
I know that Danielle retweet the flashfrost art from bosslogic and that’s why there’s so much retweet and like. But still, people arent ashamed to like it and retweet it. 
On IG, there’s a picture of a random confession account that say that WA won't get married anytime soon and there’s over 12k people liking it. With 250 comments of people either fighting over that or people saying that they are happy, they dont have chemistry and stuff like that. 
Under Candice last live chat on the official account there’s man who litteraly said they wanted Iris to die with more then 300 likes. 
When Iris stans act so means it’s because they keep seeing a lot of hate toward her and they are mad that not everyone love Iris. 
Plus, believe me, we are still in the writers mind. They wouldn’t have give us that kiss. There’s other way for Cait to take out Barry then a kiss and they already show the iconic death kiss with earth 2 KF. They didn’t have to show it again. They are still giving us wink moment and they still see us. 
For example, We were upset when we learn that flashpoint erase some moments from the other timeline, a lot ask on twitter if he had erase the karaoke night. They answer us by giving us that wink moment in the last episode. They didn’t have to do that. But they did. 
There’s nothing we can do more, just keep tweeting them, keep being nice to them and they will reward us. 
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