#flat alexander hamilton
treasury-secretary · 1 month
My name is Alexander Hamilton. I am currently seated as the Treasury Secretary of the United States. War veteran, husband to Eliza, father to Philip, Angelica, James, John, Eliza Jr., Alexander Jr., and William. Founding father to America. Ask me anything.
Thomas Jefferson, do not interact. Go kiss Adams' boot or something
roleplay blog - mod @spyret-the-shitposter. DM this blog or moderator for problems.
i will choose not to answer anything romantic/sexual, angsty, rude, anything about death or the reynolds pamphlet or just anything flat out weird lmao
about the moderator!
hi everyone! i'm spyret, i go by they/it/she, and i'm a minor! check my main blog for more :]
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alwaysa-winner · 2 years
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{⋅-: ✧ :-⋅}  task 25:
                         elise francesca mcqueen
elise is the second-oldest member of the mcqueen clan. she is the life of the party and often labeled as the wild child. she isn’t very good at giving advice but she’ll give it to you anyways. she adores her siblings and has a very close bond to each and everyone of them. sure, she might be settled down now, but that hasn’t stopped her from trying to save the world or making sure her fathers fridge is kept empty. 
                           {⋅-: ✧ pinterest - musing - spotify - bio :-⋅}
inspired by :kaori miyazono (your lie in apirl ),  haruhi suzuniya  (melancholy of haruchi suzumiya), minako anio - sailor venus (sailor moon), clover ewing (totally spiecs), donna sheridan (mama mia ), grace hart (miss congeniality), west coast - lana del ray  ( song ), etc.
{⋅. GENERAL .⋅}
birth name:  elise francesca mcqueen nicknames: lise          date of birth:   oct 31    age: 29     gender: female      pronouns: she/her  powers: mentifery  species: human / mortal.                sexuality: bisexual  place of birth: radiator springs, arizona    current residence: elias, california    occupation: marine biologist / environmentalist
zodiac sign: scorpio mbti: ESFP temperament: sanguine  hogwarts house: gryffindor  moral alignment: lawful good
height: 5′6. hair colour/style:  dark brown and wavy, kept long with layers.  eye colour: brown piercings: ears, bellybutton. tattoos: matching tattoo with his siblings. notable markings: scar on her left ankle  glasses/contacts? no. faceclaim: alexxis lemire
{⋅. HEALTH .⋅}
physical ailments: none. allergies: seasonal. sleeping habits: will sleep as much as her kids will let her.  dominant hand: right hand.  drugs / smoke / alcohol? no, no, socially
( + ) traits: curious, energetic, spontaneous, creative.  ( -  ) traits: disorganized, overthinks, struggles following rules, easily stressed.  usual mood: optimistic likes:  the ocean, sun, sand, road trips, parties, sweets, making jewelry,  female empowerment, the smell of salt water, making flower crowns, dyi with the kiddos, inde music, volunteering, helping others, national parks, raves, massages, piercings, fishes, seashells, pilates, camping, scuba diving, hamilton, open meadows, trampolines, rock climbing, astrology, tarot readings, heights, kitting, vintage 60 and 70 clothing.  dislikes:  the cold, feeling disappointed, popcorn walls, being sedentary, leaving the water running, the sound of knuckles cracking, rude people, line cutters, people who don’t recycle.  bad habits: invading others personal space.
mother: sally carrera / francesco bernoulli  lightning (monty) mcqueen father: lightning (monty) mcqueen siblings: dante, caspian, nina, athena, stefan, seraphina.  children: elias aster mcqueen, eloise alia lemos,  eliette alexander lemos (not born yet)   birth order: 2nd eldest significant others: leonardo lemos - teague closest friends: asher pendragon, jose axion and you!
languages spoken: english, spanish, italian  drive? yes.  jump start a car? yes. change a flat tire? yes.  ride a bicycle? yes.  swim? yes.  play an instrument? can sing  play chess? no.  braid hair? yes tie a tie? yes.  pick a lock? yes.          sew? yes.
compassion.          10/10.
empathy.          10/10.
creativity.          7/10.
mental flexibility.          5/10.
passion.          10/10.
luck.         10/10.
motivation.  7/10.
education.          8/10.
intelligence.          6/10.
charisma.          7/10.
reflexes.          5/10.
willpower.          7/10.
stamina.          8/10.
physical strength.          3/10.
battle skill.          0/10.
initiative.         7/10.
restraint.          5/10.
strategy.         6/10.
team work.         8/10.
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ethergreywater · 2 years
Less is More| Keep subtracting until it falls apart.
Text by Makoto. Li
The philosophy of minimalism may seem simple, but since Bauhaus, it has been the challenge of countless designers and artists to find the balance before it collapses. The Minimal Art movement, which emerged in the US in the 1960s, abandoned even the notion of ornamentation and curves in the first 50 years of the 20th century, while the 1990s saw a wave of minimalist fashion, with basic black and white pieces, taking the hassle out of matching. Let's take a look below.
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Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow,1929.
From Picasso and Georges Braque, who turned the depth of field into a flat surface, to Piet Cornelies Mondrian and the Dutch stylistic movement (De Stijl, also known as Neoplasticism), who reduced design to three primary colours, black, white and grey and vertical horizontality, to Suprematism, who used basic geometric shapes to convey the artist's idea of light, simplicity has been the beauty of the art.
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Christie's Richard Hamilton (1922-2011) | Putting on de Stijl.
But no matter how simplified the forms are, artworks of the past and present have more or less 'ideas to be conveyed' or 'hidden metaphors'. What makes the minimalist art of the 1960s different is the blunt statement of the artist - "we have nothing to say"- and not only the surface decoration but also the artist's emotions and even the traces of his creation are entirely stripped away.
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"There isn't anything to look at", said Donald Judd, the icon of minimalism - a statement that says that minimalism does not rely on illusory concepts but only appreciates the aesthetics of material purity.
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Culture Trip History of a Painting: 'The Black Square' by Malevich.
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'Pure Red Colour, Pure Yellow Colour, Pure Blue Colour' (1921) by Alexander Rodchenko.
Based on Marxist materialism, Constructivist artists such as Vladimir Tatlin and Alexander Rodchenko were engineers of design structures, abandoning all nebulous concepts of art to make art a servant of society. They wanted to make art a public servant of humanity. However, the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union brought artistic exchanges between the two countries to a standstill, so New York's 1960s Minimalism reflected advanced material civilisation and manufacturing technology.
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Frank Stella. The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, II. 1959.
In 1959, painter Frank Stella pioneered the concept of 'painters as workers and engineers' in the United States; using a paintbrush and glazes, the artist regularly lined the canvas with black and white lines. He decided to abandon the national imagery and work with simple lines.
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MoMA Frank Stella. Arbeit Macht Frei from Black Series I. 1967.
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MoMA Frank Stella. Die Fahne Hoch!
Although the paintings still seem slightly inadequate in the light of later minimalist art - the irregular shaking of the artist's fingers still reveals signs of artificiality, and the titles, such as the fascist slogan 'Die Fahne Hoch' or 'Arbeit Macht Frei', are inevitably too rich in connotation - the hard, cold visual style is a far cry from the previous Abstract Expressionism, led by the artist Jackson Pollock, who had been spilling paint with abandon. However, the rugged, cold visual style was a far cry from the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock, a painter. He had previously been known to spill paint with abandon and attracted the attention of the press and the art world. Later, Frank Stella turned to aluminium and copper bars as a medium to give the images a more industrial feel. In the 1970s, he introduced a series of 'Shaped Canvas', which twisted the canvas out of the two-dimensional world and reminded the viewer that 'a blank canvas is also a tangible entity'.
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Donald Judd. Untitled. 1973.
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Donald Judd. Untitled. 1986.
Donald Judd, a leading minimalist, first brought minimalist art into the three-dimensional realm in the early 1960s. Having started out as an expressionist painter, Donald Judd soon grew tired of the 'false' illusion of three dimensions on a flat surface; after a brief experiment with relief, he turned to industrial materials - aluminium, steel, polymer sheets and Plexiglas - to create basic geometric shapes, arranged at regular intervals to emphasise a logical, rational quality. In the mid-1960s, Donald Judd began to commission professional factories to execute his works, leaving himself to plan and design, erasing any trace of the artist's creativity.
Although the works are primarily three-dimensional, Donald Judd does not regard them as 'sculptures' but rather as 'specific objects', which are not sculpted but finished by standard industrial procedures - moulding, cutting, welding, polishing, etc. Donald Judd also believes that work must encompass the space around it and has said: 'Just as the length of a metre has a benchmark of platinum, smelting and casting, so modern art must be a model for a specific time and place. The size of a metre has a bar in platinum and smithing, so contemporary art must be a model for a particular place and time.
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To implement his theories, he bought a five-storey flat in 1968 so that his work could interact with the environment in a fixed location, setting the stage for the subsequent boom in Installation Art and Site Specific Art. Judd bought 340 acres of land in the desert of Marfa, Texas, and turned a disused US Army bunker into a studio and exhibition space, which he named the Chitani Foundation. Since then, Donald Judd has purchased over 60,000 acres of wilderness around Marfa, inviting minimalist artists to work with him and leaving behind 15 concrete works and over 100 aluminium pieces.
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Dan Flavin Art Institute, Bridgehampton, NY.
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Dan Flavin: Constructed Light.
In the 1960s, artists' interpretations of 'minimalism' became increasingly sophisticated, with even the material itself becoming the object of diminution. For example, Dan Flavin's 1963 masterpiece The Diagonal, with its fluorescent tubes hung at a 45-degree angle, was the first to bring art into the realm of light; later, in the Monument for V. Tatlin series, which pays homage to the masters of Constructivism with its architectural arrangement, and in the Alternating series, which experiments with different colour combinations of light, the main focus is always on light and light. In the subsequent Monument for V. Tatlin series, which pays homage to the masters of Constructivism with its architectural arrangement, and the Alternating series, which experiments with different colour combinations of light, the main focus is always on the interaction between light and the exhibition space, and the fluorescent tubes themselves are no longer critical.
The increasing simplification of forms soon made minimal art contradictory, and not only did the leading art critics of the time, Clement Greenberg and Barbara Rose (Rose married Frank Stella in 1961 and they divorced in 1969), write numerous articles analysing minimal art, but Donald Judd often published essays alongside his work This has transformed Minimal Art from a 'non-conceptual' art form to one that is surprisingly rich in concepts.
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Sol LeWitt. Serial Project, I (ABCD). 1966.
To resolve this awkward situation, the artist Sol LeWitt, known for his ever-expanding matrix structures, proposed an answer to this unresolved problem in 1966 with his 'Sequence Project One', a 'Conceptual Art'. Abandoning the physical, Sol LeWitt reduced art to a series of instructions. He stated: "When the artist presents art in abstract form, all the planning and decisions are made beforehand, the actual production is optional, and the idea becomes the art-making machine. The subject and the client are switched, and the material becomes the object of simplification.
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'Untitled', Robert Morris, 1967–8.
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Robert Morris with Box for Standing, 1961.
In Box with the Sound of Its Own Making (1961), a wooden box was filled with a tape recorder that recorded the sound of sanding and tapping, allowing the viewer to experience the process of making the artwork at the same time while in the 1966-67 Felt series, Robert Morris used the soft drape of fabric to make the minimal less cold and rigid.
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Primary Structure,1966.
From the mid-1960s onwards, Minimal Art became a niche avant-garde art and a sought-after object in significant galleries. After the 1966 'Primary Structure' exhibition, the Guggenheim Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum in New York staged minimalist art productions and invited artists to curate solo exhibitions. Although there are still a few scattered critics who are critical of Minimalism's 'anaemic' visual sensibility - Dan Flavin's fluorescent lights were once derided as 'the same as a shop window' - Minimalism has left an indelible mark on the history of art and design.
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In fashion, minimalism didn't really take root until the 90s. From the Calvinists' all-black robes of the 16th century to the Dutch men's all-black fashion of the 17th century, to Dandy's ornate embroidery on tailoring in the 19th century, to the basic geometric designs of Pierre Cardin in the 1960s and 1970s, to the simple lines of André Courrèges and Yves Saint Laurent. The simplicity of the lines of André Courrèges and Yves Saint Laurent, if not a political rejection of courtly excesses, then a fanciful vision of a future sci-fi world.
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The always iconic image of Linda Evangelista, Michaela Bercu and Kirsten Owen for COMME des GARÇONS. Photographed by Peter Lindbergh in 1988.
Yohji Yamamoto and Comme des Garçons, who invaded Paris in the 1980s, and Maison Martin Margiela, who deconstructed and stripped away the forms of clothing vocabulary in the 1990s, were similar to the minimalist manifesto of de-conceptualisation. Still, the meticulous attention to detail made the clothes visually different from the rigid coldness of minimalist art.
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Guinevere van Seenus was photographed by Craig McDean for Jil Sander SS96 campaign.
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Jil Sander SS 1989.
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Kirsten Owen for Jil Sander, photographed by Jean Francois Lepage, Fall/Winter 1990.
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Jil Sander 1993 FW.
The '90s saw the 'anti-fashion' movement, with the exaggerated silhouettes and elaborate accessories of the '80s out of the picture, replaced by simple pieces that returned to the garment itself, with as few cut lines as possible and a black-and-white palette that made the garment work for the wearer, rather than making the fashion suffer. Jil Sander, known as the 'Queen of Minimalism', was founded in 1968, but it was only then that the brand gained widespread attention in the fashion world. By pairing a perfectly tailored trouser suit with a slim, tailored blazer, Jil Sander allows women to retain the confidence and dignity of a power suit while cutting out the padded shoulders, tones and embellishments to reinvent the working woman. Designed from the perspective of both the garment and the wearer, Jil Sander's garments required little effort to match and were known at the time as 'onions', meaning that each layer was quite similar; the designer's almost paranoid demand for fabrics also revealed the minimalist's fervent belief in materiality itself.
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The complex, cold, minimalist aesthetic seems to have been born in the German-Austrian blood. Growing up in not-so-fashionable Vienna, Helmut Lang has been pushing the boundaries of simplicity since its first show in Paris in 1986. Anna Wintour recalled the first Helmut Lang show she saw: "I was like, 'This is not the spirit of the 80s! But then the economic bubble burst a few years later, and it became clear that Helmut Lang was already on the prowl.
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Helmut Lang 1999 FW.
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Helmut lang autumn/winter 1999, backstage, by Juergen Teller.
Ahead of the 90s trend for office casual, Helmut Lang removed the symbols that separated formal and informal wear, creating a black and white fashion that was unconstrained by the occasion. "We were more than minimalist," said Michèle Montagne, who was in charge of Helmut Lang's PR at the time. "It was like a simplification contest; the fabrics weren't flashy, the silhouettes were stiff and rigid, the colours were minimal, and even the lines were the same for men and women. Helmut Lang, which always shows both men's and women's clothes, keeps the sound and light as simple as possible and calls its shows 'Séance de Travail': "Unlike Mugler or Montana, whose clothes are made for the stage, our clothes have nothing to do with the stage, they're just for wearing". says the designer.
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Calvin Klein 1996 FW.
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Calvin Klein 1996 SS.
Calvin Klein, the embodiment of minimalist fashion in the 90s, returned to simplicity from the perspective of American business, which was also an unexpected fit with minimalist art. From a practical and marketable point of view, Calvin Klein's items in the 90s were reduced to one-piece dresses without seams, basic suits, white shirts of different lengths, knitted vests and pullovers, etc. This was in line with the 90s consumer mentality of sport, leisure and comfort, eliminating the hassle of dressing up and down and emphasising the modern spirit of practicality. Calvin Klein's penchant for simplicity was not limited to clothing, and in 1995 the designer hired British minimalist architect John Pawson to design the company's new headquarters and shop.
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Céline 2017 SS.
The decorative elements that had faded in the 90s came back in the 2000s, and the catwalk was once again dominated by lace prints. However, after the financial tsunami of 2008, minimalist fashion, the symbol of simplicity, gradually regained its lost ground. I saw how successful Old Céline was under Phoebe Philo during this time. Rick Owens designed a series of slightly more complex geometric shapes, while Hussein Chalayan harked back to the sharp suits of the 90s by changing the proportions of his blazers. But is this the strongest and most intelligent of all? You and I should already have the answer.
In an age where Less is More is constantly being shouted, how many designs are actually being designed in this spirit, and how many are losing their inspiration and just chanting slogans? I don't want to look at the minimalist trends for Spring/Summer 2020 because it wouldn't make much sense. We need more time to witness the authentic creations; after all, the aesthetics that have dominated a century are not so easy to understand.
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philipcharmont · 1 year
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              liam charmont.
despite being only twenty-six liam’s so damn tired. he’s considered golden. the perfect child but even perfect has it’s cracks. he’s known to put the weight of the world on his shoulders, taking his job as future king all too seriously. most would look at liam and think he’s a stick in the mud but underneath his regal and calm exterior he is philip and aurora’s son. he’s a hopeless romantic, albeit he’s a realist which separates him from his family. while they all seem to live in a fantasy where nothing can go wrong, liam is stuck in reality. he may be easy-going and kind but liam has a terrible temper. it’s hard to get liam to a point where he’s vicious but it’s not uncommon. he’s gotten into fights because of his temper. in recent months he’s chosen his own happiness and freedom. whether that makes him the villain in certain people’s eyes he doesn’t care anymore. liam’s allowed the institution to take so much from him and he won’t allow it anymore. 
inspired  by  :   anthony bridgerton ( bridgerton ) , gold rush by taylor swift , meg march (  little women  ) , pippin (  pippin  )  champagne problems by taylor swift ,  prince ben (  descendants  )  , satisfied from hamilton , finale from pippin , prince harry
birth name. william phebus alexander adel charmont nicknames.  liam date of birth.   september 15 age.    twenty-six gender.   cis male. pronouns.  he/him. species.   human powers.   n/a sexuality.  pansexual. place of birth.    ylisse, france. current residence.   ylisse, france. occupation.    future king of ylisse.
height. 5'11" build. athletic hair colour/style. brunette //  ( X ) eye colour.  brown. piercings.  n/a tattoos. n/a notable markings.   a scar in his left elbow from a sparring match gone wrong with seth. glasses/contacts ?  he wears his glasses when doing paperwork faceclaim.  brenton thwaites voiceclaim. brenton thwaites american accent. ( X )
physical ailments.   none. allergies.   peaches. sleeping habits. tries his best to get eight hours of sleep exercise habits.  he keeps in shape with sports such as fencing, lacrosse, and archery emotional stability. 8/10. body temperature.  even temperature dominant hand.    left. drugs / smoke / alcohol ?  no / no / yes
tropes.   anger born of worry, big brother instinct, the chains of commanding, the dutiful son, morality phobia, not so stoic positive traits. sensible, charming, truehearted, devoted negative traits.  easily angered, over protective, perfectionist, stubborn usual mood.  stressed. likes.  classic literature, riding horses, winning, meadows, his mother’s tea dislikes.  the duty of being the future king, when his siblings make life harder, having his emotions invalidated bad habits.  his temper
mother.    aurora capulet. father.      philip charmont. siblings.   seth and rosalie charmont. children.   none. birth order.   oldest of three. significant other. dixie reyes. closest friends. matteo hamato-seara, flynn fitzherbert
zodiac sign. virgo. mbti. estj. temperament.   melancholic-choleric. hogwarts house.    gryffindor. moral alignment.  lawful neutral.
languages spoken.   english, latin, german & french drive ?        yes. jump start a car ?        no. change a flat tire ?        no. ride a bicycle ?        yes. swim ?       yes. play an instrument ?       yes. play chess ?       yes. braid hair ?      yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          no. sew ?        yes.
compassion.          8/10.
empathy.         8/10.
creativity.          8/10.
mental flexibility.          9/10.
passion.         7/10.
luck.         8/10.
motivation.  9/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.          9/10.
charisma.       10/10.
reflexes.          9/10.
willpower.          8/10.
stamina.          9/10.
physical strength.          10/10.
battle skill.          20/10.
initiative.     8/10.
restraint.          6/10.
strategy.       9/10.
team work.         5/10.
(  pinterest, his tag, playlist. )
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
it has been a while since I have liveblogged!
alright, James square up :) 🔪
I hope he dies of alcohol poisoning
this is breaking my heart so badly :((
Alexander had learned to cry quietly a long time ago, and it still hurt her heart to contemplate that. He was four years old. A toddler, basically.
sorry it is 4am and I am angry
There is nothing I hate more than child abusers. How do you look at a child, a small helpless human, and hurt them?
fuck you James
She could see individual fingers. Pressed into her son's skin, and she could imagine it all too well, James grabbing him in a rage, dragging him across the flat by his arm as Alex cried quietly and let him, not that there had been anything else to do for the poor boy. He was just a child, and small for his age on top of that.
Hello, CPS?
No, but seriously what the fuck???? I babysit my baby cousins often and one of them is 4 and I can't imagine ever laying a hand on them like this. They're small tiny humans completely relying on us for everything. What is wrong with him.
Her sweet little boy would grow up, thinking it was fine and ordinary for people who were supposed to care about him to harm instead.
But he won't and I am so fucking glad for that
"Why, um." He sniffled, and those clever, so curious eyes–his father's eyes, good Lord, she remembered his eyes so well–misted over with fresh tears. "Why does daddy hate me?"
This line broke me. If you need me I will be lying in a ditch somewhere
because he's a horrible human, Alex.
Rachel, you can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault
"I'll never become mean like daddy, Maman. I promise," he said and blinked up at her from wide eyes, and Rachel's throat closed up.
I am not crying I am fine.
I need a second. or two. I am also hungry but it's 4 30am so I'll have to cook if I want something
Do you think you'd make more baby Alex content? Maybe with the Washingtons after they take him in?
This was amazing!!!! SO AMAZING!!!! take care of yourself!
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ahhh welcome back :))
honestly that would be so sexy of him. just to fucking die of liver failure ❤️
baby boy :(
this is the energy we need here. James Hamilton fucking DIE IN A DITCH CHALLENGE
you're absolutely correct tho he needs to have his dick cut off or something. murder violence arson ect!
oh yeah that's inspired by me running away at all times! Alex is my special little neurodivergent baby and he gets distracted very easily <33
yeah :((((
right??? I don't even like children but I'll never understand how you can just. PUNT A CHILD?? GIRL THEY'RE TINY CREATURES THEIR BONES ARE BRITTLE AND THEIR SOULS SQUISHY :(
Alex grows up to have a husband who would backflip into hell and kill satan for him and that is SO SEXY and EXACTLY WHAT HE DESERVES
literally he's just a little guy :( baby :( why would anyone hate this sweet tiny angel child :(
Alex will become Best Man just because he PROMISED his MAMAN. sweet darling <3
THANK YOU I LOVE ANGST AND GUILT BUT MOST OF ALL I LOVE THE BABY!!!!! I've been experiencing so much baby Alex brainrot these past few days so it was really only a matter of time until he made an appearance :)
I really don't know! I mean I'm not opposed, but what I write depends entirely on vibes haha, so perhaps!
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sneakysmediacorner · 1 month
Just saw Hamilton in Bristol and woah..... So good...
My biggest complaint is the guy playing hamilton, he was weirdly emotionally constrained, he delivered his lines in a flat way, like the punchline to a dry joke. This randomly got a lot better starting from "one last time", so it kind of feels like he treated everything before that point as a comedy?? Really weird vibe - Hamilton's defining trait is his unrestrained passion and drive, his too-strong ideals - it's what separates him from burr! He also kept doing weird things with his hands - sort of a constrained, awkward gesture that mayyyybe could have made sense for early hamilton but certainly not later on. Luckily, burr was DIVINE. Definitely a close interpretation to the Broadway original, but it didn't feel like a total copy, his delivery was just unique enough to set him apart. "The room where it happens" was amazing, and his rapid descent after losing the election even more so.
Eliza was also INCREDIBLE. seeing this live definitely made me pay wayyyy more attention to eliza and her and Alexander's drama than ever before when just listening to the album, and part of that was definitely her performance. She did that sliding up-and-down thing with her voice that i would in isolation find kind of grating, but in her early songs it really emphasised her youth and cheerful naivete - but then, starting with "I'm not sorry", the gradual transition into a more serious and thoughtful - and assertive! - character was executed beautifully. "Burn" was incredible, the way she begins by reminiscing on her lovesick youth - you've just seen hamilton descend from that giddy state all the way into his lowest moment, but here is a sharp contrast of eliza keeping his letters all these years, identifying with and maintaining that first moment of adoration this whole time. It makes her burning the letters hit all the harder. And when she goes "you, you, you" - it drives home Alexander's egocentrism and cruelty all the more.
Angelica had a very different voice from Broadway, and i felt like she struggled a little during the faster moments, but her singing parts were lovely. Her voice and the way she often stood still while singing gave her a very imposing, serious air.
Maria Reynolds had the voice of an ANGEL. HOLY SHIT
Lawrence and Lafayette didn't make that much of an impression on me, but philip was delightful and Jefferson was fantastic as well. Jefferson has always been my favourite performance and daveed d diggs is a hard act to follow - and this guy did do a slightly different take on Jefferson i think! Diggs' Jefferson has a sort of... Predatory note to him, like under the joviality there's someone formidable and aggressive, ready to spring into action. This Jefferson felt more... Laid back, but still threatening in his own way. This might just be from the addition of visual performance but i thought he was a bit more foppish and dandyish, bordering on camp at times, and this combined with his delivery of some lines - "and I'm already senate approved!", for example - gave me the impression of someone defined by his privilege, who embodies this threat that hamilton will NEVER be accepted by the members of this upper class no matter how hard he works, precisely because this caste is defined by their not having to work hard for anything. A lot of the time he seemed so laid back that it worked to strengthen the impression of his danger.
Mulligan was an incredible presence - totally delivered on his character archetype of loud, brash and in your face. I loved his showing off his leg after Hamilton's "i think your pants look hot". I did think he maybe carried a bit too much of this presence into madison, who didn't come across as quite so diminutive as he should have.
Washington was wonderful as well, very close to his Broadway version except maybe a touch more down to earth and pragmatic. I thought it was really impressive how much was conveyed about his and Hamilton's relationship in "one more time" just by tone of voice, body language and general rapport.
I've always found it a bit distasteful how king george gets a disproportionate amount of attention compared to all the other roles - I don't dislike his songs but they don't do THAT much for me. I will say tho, he had some impressive lungs on him.
Lee was kind of a snack ngl
Most of what i have to say about the story is not really based on the specifics of this particular production but just the experience of watching Hamilton on stage after years of memorising every lyric from the album... Like i said, the drama of eliza and Alexander hit so much harder for me - only now do i kind of get the impression that it IS the core of the story. It feels like the Reynolds pamphlet is where Hamilton breaks and irreversibly fucks up his life, and everything from there is a slow, inevitable descent into his unavoidable death... And the sheer cruelty of his actions towards eliza hit way harder. Seeing him standing there during the end of the Reynolds pamphlet, feebly and pathetically insisting "at least i was honest with my money" after it has been specifically said that he received maria in his own house - somehow that brought home just how humiliating and horrible this moment would have been for eliza. And then Philip's duel, with the emphasis on how he did exactly as Alexander had told him... And then the torturous process of reconciliation between Alexander and eliza, the way they end up clinging to each other again in their grief - and best of wives and best of women, where you can see so clearly the cruelty of this action. You can see that Alexander knows he won't be coming back, and how much it pains him to be setting Eliza up for this new heartbreak, how he can't let go of her hand and yet he still goes through with it... The actions of a man so resigned to his fate he doesn't seriously consider trying to change it. Heartbreaking. I cried like crazy
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mightystargazer · 1 year
Readinglist 2022
Another year over, another readinglist completed!
Jonathan Maberry Ghost Road Blues
Jonathan Maberry Dead Man's Song
Jonathan Maberry Bad Moon Rising
Jonathan Maberry Property Condemned
Jonathan Maberry Darkness on the Edge of Town
Catriona Ward The Last House on Needless Street
Dan Abnett Embedded
Kira Jane Buxton Hollow Kingdom
John Scalzi The Dispatcher
John Scalzi Murder by Other Means
JT Nicholas Re-Coil
B.V. Larson Five by Five
Chuck Wendig The Book of Accidents
Lee Mountford Inside - Perron Manor
Michael McBride Chimera
Spencer Quinn Tender Is the Bite
Spencer Quinn It's a Wonderful Woof
Greg Beck Escape from the Center of the Earth
Jason M. Hough Darwin Elevator
Jason M. Hough Exodus Towers
Jason M. Hough Plague Forge
Jason M. Hough Injection Burn
Jason M. Hough Escape Velocity
Mark Tufo Devil's Desk
Alexander C. Kane Orlando People
Charles Stross Accelerando
Iain Rob Wright The Hill
Iain Rob Wright The Village
Iain Rob Wright The Stand
John Scalzi The Sagan Diary
Jamie McFarlane Junkyard Raiders
Dean Koontz Quicksilver
Anthology Zombies, More Recent Dead
C. Steven Manley Awakened
Charles Stross Antibodies
James Patterson The Noise
Ken Lozito Star Shroud
Ken Lozito Star Divide
Ken Lozito Star Alliance
Ken Lozito Infinity's Edge
Ken Lozito Rising Force
Ken Lozito Ascension
Dean Koontz Gwendy's Final Task
Mark Tufo Divided Nation
Charless Stross Singularity Sky
Charless Stross Iron Sunrise
Joshua T. Calvert Ganymede Wakes
Joshua T. Calvert Ganymede Whispers
Michael McBride Fearful Symmetry
Roux, Madeleine Salvaged
Peter F. Hamilton Salvation
Peter F. Hamilton Salvation Lost
Peter F. Hamilton The Saints of Salvation
Edward Ashton Mickey7
Kira Jane Buxton Feral Creatures
Michael Cole The Pilot
Ronald Malfi Come with Me
Michael McBride Extant
Jim C.Hines Terminal Alliance
Jim C.Hines Terminal Uprising
John Scalzi The Collapsing Empire
John Scalzi The Consuming Fire
John Scalzi The Last Emperox
Ken Lozito Genesis
Ken Lozito Nemesis
Ken Lozito Legacy
Ken Lozito Sanctuary
Ken Lozito Discovery
Ken Lozito Emergence
Ken Lozito Vigilance
Ken Lozito Fracture
Ken Lozito Harbinger
Ken Lozito Insurgent
Ken Lozito Invasion
Jonathan Chateau The Death Wish Game
Brian Keene Earthworm Gods
Michael Cole Thresher
Scott Baron Daisy's Run
Scott Baron Pushing Daisy
Scott Baron Daisy's Gambit
Scott Baron Chasing Daisy
Scott Baron Daisy's War
Pat Cadigan William Gibson's Alien 3
Neal Asher Jack Four
Alexander C. Kane Andrea Vernon and the Corporation for UltraHuman Protection
Alexander C. Kane Andrea Vernon and the Superhero-Industrial Complex
Alexander C. Kane Andrea Vernon and The Big Axe Acquisition
Andrew Van Wey Forsaken
Brian Keene Alone
John Scalzi The Kaiju Preservation Society
Shawn Chesser Trudge
Shawn Chesser Soldier On
Shawn Chesser In Harms Way
Shawn Chesser A Pound of Flesh
Shawn Chesser Allegiance
Shawn Chesser Mortal
Shawn Chesser Warpath
Shawn Chesser Ghosts
Shawn Chesser Frayed
Shawn Chesser Drawl, Duncan's Story
Shawn Chesser District
Shawn Chesser Abyss
Shawn Chesser Gone
Shawn Chesser Home
Shawn Chesser Fury
Clayton Smith Anomaly Flats
Iain Rob Wright The Road
Michael Mammay The Misfit Soldier
Scott Bartlett Spacers 1
Scott Bartlett Spacers 2
Scott Bartlett Spacers 3
Scott Bartlett Spacers 4
Scott Bartlett Spacers 5
Scott Bartlett Spacers 6
Joshua T. Calvert Ganymede Rises
Michael McBride Subterrestrial
Bentley Little The Policy
Brian Keene Castaways
Cixin Liu The Three-Body Problem
Cixin Liu The Dark Forest
Cixin Liu Death's End
Dan Hanks Swashbucklers
Ken Lozito Acheron Rising
Ken Lozito Acheron Inheritance
Ken Lozito Acheron Salvation
Michael Laimo Atmosphere
J.N. Chaney Backyard Starship
J.N. Chaney Red Bounty
J.N. Chaney Anvil Dark
Jim Butcher Heroic Hearts
Mark Tufo The Lost Journals
Brian Keene With Teeth
James Wolanyk Interstellar Gunrunner
Keith C. Blackmore Prequel
Keith C. Blackmore Them Early Days
Keith C. Blackmore The Hospital
Keith C. Blackmore Omnibus
Keith C. Blackmore Well Fed
Keith C. Blackmore Make Me King
Keith C. Blackmore Mindless
Michael Laimo Atmosphere
Dean Koontz Shadowfires
Stephen King Finn
Brian Keene Darkness on the Edge of Town
Eric Warren Caspian's Fortune
Eric Warren Tempest Rising
Eric Warren Darkest Reach
Eric Warren Journey's Edge
Eric Warren Secrets Past
Eric Warren Planetfall
Eric Warren Broken Links
Eric Warren Memory's Blade
Eric Warren Infinity's End
J.N. Chaney, Terry Maggert Legacy of Stars
Michael McBride Fearful Symmetry
Brian Keene Ghoul
Cawdron, Peter Monsters
Chris Panatier Stringers
Jake Bible Z-Burbia
Jake Bible Parkway to Hell
Jake Bible Estate of the Dead
Jake Bible Cannibal Road
Jake Bible The Bleeding Heartland
Jake Bible Rocky Mountain Die
Jake Bible Sisters of the Apocalypse
Matthew Lyons A Black and Endless Sky
Michael McBride Predatory Instinct
Kiersten White Hide
Neal Asher Weaponized
Dean Koontz The Big Dark Sky
Stephen King Just After Sunset
Brandon Q. Morris Mars Nation Complete Trilogy
Rachel Aukes Space Junk
Rachel Aukes Freezer Burn
Sergio Gomez Camp Slaughter
Brian Keene The Complex
Stephen King Billy Summers
Barry J. Hutchison The Time Titan of Tomorrow
Barry J. Hutchison The King of Space Must Die
Barry J. Hutchison Sting of the Mustard Mines
Barry J. Hutchison Sentenced to Death
Bentley Little The Influence
C.T. Phipps Dropouts
C.T. Phipps rejects
Rick Chesler Edit
Craig Alanson 13 Fallout Expeditionary Force
Craig Alanson Match Game
Jim C.Hines Terminal Alliance
Jim C.Hines Terminal Uprising
Jim C.Hines Terminal Peace
Stephen King Fairy Tale
Darcy Coates From Below
Jonathan Hernandez Gordian Knot Complete Series
M.R. Forbes Foresight
M.R. Forbes Formation
M.R. Forbes Forbidden
M.R. Forbes Forever
Alan Dean Foster Prodigals
Brian Keene Take The Long Way Home
Noel Hynde Ghosts
Neil Gaiman The Sandman Act III
Ryan Lockwood Below
Jacqueline Milne The Watchers
Brad Magnarella Book of Souls
Brad Magnarella Siren Call
Brad Magnarella Demon Moon
Brad Magnarella Blood Deal
Brad Magnarella Purge City
Brad Magnarella Death Mage
Brad Magnarella Black Luck
Brad Magnarella Power Game
Brad Magnarella Druid Bond
Brad Magnarella Night Rune
Brad Magnarella Shadow Duel
Maureen Kilmer Suburban Hell
Jenny Lawson I Choose Darkness
Brad Magnarella Grimstone
Brad Magnarella Hangover
Christopher G. Nuttall Cast Adrift
Christopher G. Nuttall Standing Alone
Dennis E. Taylor Roadkill
Hannah Gadsby Ten Steps to Nanette
Matthew Mather Polar Vortex
Travis Beacham Impact Winter
Clay McLeod Chapman Ghost Eaters
Greig Beck Arcadian Genesis
Greig Beck Beneath the Dark Ice
Greig Beck Dark Rising
Greig Beck This Green Hell
Greig Beck Black Mountain
Greig Beck Gorgon
Greig Beck Hammer of God
Greig Beck Kraken Rising
Greig Beck Void
Greig Beck From Hell
Greig Beck Dark
Greig Beck the well of hell
Jason Pargin If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe
Richard Yancey The Extraordinary Adventures Of Alfred Kropp
Andrew Beery exodus earth
Mark Tufo Unearthed
Guillermo del Toro Trollhunters
D. J. Molles The Remaining
D. J. Molles Aftermath
D. J. Molles Refugees
D. J. Molles Fractured
D. J. Molles Faith
D. J. Molles Allegiance
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fluffyydumplings · 1 year
Tagged by: @leesjieuns
• Name: Fluffy
• Star signs: Scorpio Sun (that’s unfortunately all I remember)
• Time right now: 2:18 in the afternoon
• Birthday: November 4th
• Favourite band/artist: BTS, Epik High, Laufey, Queen, Ella Fitzgerald, 92914, Grentperez, Tiffany Young, Niki, Sarah Kang, Louie Zong, Dreamcatcher, Matt Maltese, Wallows, Abba, IU, Vacations, Ryuichi Sakamoto (does he count?), Fujii Kaze, Yoasobi, Softwilly, Lisa Ono (bossa nova), Vaundy, Bruno Major, Teressa Teng (love her), The Rose, Cigarettes After Sex, Shalfi, Steve Lacy, Gustav Holst, Adele, Sarah Kinsley, The Lennon Sisters, The Carpenters, Tnbee, pH-1, SISTAR, T-Pain, Air Supply, BIBI, Jeanne Moreau, Heize, min.a, Lee Hi, Chet Baker, Sulli, Agust D (:]), Yiruma
• Last movie watched: I don’t really remember very clearly, because I’m more of a documentary type of person.. but- I think it was either spirited away or ponyo (rewatch of my favourites)
• Last show watched: Wednesday
• When i created this blog: 2019 (I don’t remember, cue forgetful my namjoon)
• What i post: Music Recs, Poems, Fics, The occasional edit here and there, Trailers, Shitposts
• Other blogs: A fic rec blog, because.. author supporting authors = a must
• Do i get asks?: Not often
• Followers: 275
• Average amount of sleep: On the weekends, 10 hours.. weekdays, six or seven or five (within that range)
• Instruments: guitar, ukulele, my voice
• What i am wearing: A cobalt blue t-shirt with the word “to do list” on it and these dotted light blue mom pants
• Dream Job: When I was younger it was writer.. now? A pile of rocks
• Dream trip: Germany, because it’s a place that means a lot to my grandfather.. I want to get on a train in Berlin and see what he would have felt back then.. (plus, this would mean going outside of Asia for the first time ever - intriguing, truly)
• Favorite songs:
- Magnolia and Like the Movies by Laufey
- Blue and Grey By BTS
- People by Agust D
- Yun, Lonely By Rm (Sexy Nukim with balming tiger)
- Merry Christmas Mr Laurence and Tibetan Dance by Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Mother of the Sea from Ponyo
- 1985 by Bo Burnham
- Alexander Hamilton and The Story of Tonight from Hamilton the musical
- (Only) About Love demo version by Grentperez
- La La Lost You by Niki
- Super Tuna by Jin
- Yesterday once more and Close To You by the Carpenters
- I have a dream by ABBA
- Waltz of Chihiro from Spirited Away
- Nocturne No.2 in E-flat minor, Op.9 No.2 by Chopin
- Préludes Book 1, L. 117: Ill. La Cathedrale Engloutie by Claude Debussy
- It’s been a long, long time by either bing crosby and les paul or June Christy
- What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve by Ella Fitzgerald
- Apocalypse and K. By Cigarettes After Sex
- Coastin’ by Victoria Monet
- Butter (Megan Thee Stallion remix) by BTS
- Time Travelling and Peppermint tea by Sarah Kang,
- The King (Voice Memo version on sound cloud) by Sarah Kinsely
- Like a star and Waterfall by rm and JK
- Sofa and Decalcomania by Jk
- Epiphany both the original and demo version
- 你怎麼說 and 月亮代表我的心 by Teressa Teng (honourable mention 甜蜜蜜 - my mother’s favourite)
- 大約在冬季 by Chyi Chin
- Mon Amie La Rose by Francois Hardy
- Miraculous Lady Bug Intro in French
- サマー・サンバ by Lisa Ono
- Last train by Ink Waruntorn
- យុវជនសម័យថ្មី by Sinn Sisamouth
- ខ្ញុំមិនសុខចិត្តទេ by Pen Ran
- Stop and What If By Jhope
Note: went a little crazy with the music
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"An officer of the Revolution": The story of Mountjoy Bayly [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
Mountjoy, slavery, and land transactions in the 1790s
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Drawing of a manumission in Vermont in 1777. The precarious nature of a manumission is symbolized by the fact that the freedom of the enslaved Black woman (right) can be declared by the right hand of a White slaveowner (pictured left). It is hard to know if this picture is celebrating the manumission or making the enslaved Black woman look helpless. Courtesy of Fineartamerica.com.
In 1790, the Bayly family still lived in Frederick, Maryland. While living there, with the honorary title of Major still attached to his name, he owned ten enslaved Blacks, and had fourteen other "free white persons," six of which were his family, including himself and his wife, but eight others are not known. [22] The same year, he further cemented his tie with the slave trade and southern slavery in the United States. He signed an agreement which sold a 17-year-old woman, named "Jenny," to him but also agreed to manumit her at age 31, in 1807, when she would be "free" from the chains of human bondage. [23] It is worth noting that manumission was not a progressive action but was part of the framework of slavery itself, part of the slave system, and hence it was nothing novel as some slave traders would easily disregard manumissions while "free" Black people could still face harsh discrimination.
Reprinted from my History Hermann WordPress blog.
In later years, Mountjoy would continue his buying and selling of land, with just about each transaction ok'd by his wife, possibly indicating they worked together on business decisions, which would make sense considering she was part of the large landowning Edelin family. He would sell land to Peter Mantz, William Campbell, both of whom were revolutionary war veterans, and Henry Elser. [24] He would also be involved in a lawsuit about purchasing Venus and Badgen Hole, within Frederick county, and be involved in agreements about land in Virginia. The land he would sell would include a "century-old tract of land," consisting of 120 acres, known for a long time as "Middle Plantation" which sits in the village of Mount Pleasant, with its "beautiful horse farms" as one website claims. He would also sell a part of a tract sitting on Flat Run called "Alexander's Prospect" which was originally surveyed in 1766, consisting of 310 acres, which he bought (at a time when the acreage of the lot had decreased) along with 255 acres of a tract called Douthet's Chance (originally 280 acres), and 68 acres of "The Resurvey on All Marys Mistake" tract. [25] When he bought this land it was from a man named "Alexander Hamilton" who was living in Prince George's County. There is no confirmation this is the same as the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of the same name.
Mountjoy also made a number of land purchases. [26] He bought 184 acres of differing tracts, some within Emmitsburg, Frederick County, from John Payder of York County, Pennsylvania, whom he had sold certain lands before. Also, he was part of agreements between the Edelin and Bayly families, among others, over the division of the estate of his father--in-law, Christopher, and dividing up the estate of Charles M. Turner, a related party. [27] In later years, he would be a witness to the marriage of Susanna Ringer and Abraham Krumm (listed as "Mount Joy Bailey") and would be involved in a case against William Sprigg Bowie and John S. Brookes of Frederick County within the state's court system.
Mountjoy, the slave trade, Republicanism, and land deals
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This is a map of leased properties in Monocacy Manor during the time of Christian Hufford (1716-1788). The land likely would have been different when Mountjoy was engaged in the buying and selling of land in this area, but this does give you the general idea. Courtesy of Find A Grave entry for Christian Hoffart.
By 1800, the Bayly family was still living in Frederick County, but this time specifically in the town of Liberty, likely referring to Libertytown, Maryland, a small town which is currently has only 950 people. While living there, the household consisted of 26 individuals, 14 who were enslaved Black laborers, twelve of whom were White, six of which included Mountjoy and and his family, the other six not currently known. [28] In later years, he would show that he was directly involved in proceedings about enslaved Blacks. In 1801, he would request that  certificate of the sale of two enslaved Black women, Rachel and Nell to Lindsey Delashmutt, and two years later, in 1803, he would attend a proceeding determining if two enslaved Blacks were delivered to their appropriate "master" for said enslaved Blacks. [29]
In the early 1800s, other than watching French prisoners (still) in Frederick Town, he would seem to show his political affiliation. In 1803 he would write Thomas Jefferson, the sitting president a letter, about a "sulphur spring," noting that this letter was written from Georgetown, indicating that he had moved within the boundary of the District of Columbia. The following year, he would again write from Georgetown about a land dispute where he is living and the selling of sulpur, which could benefit the United States. To this letter, Jefferson  replied and said that he agreed with Mountjoy. No other letters are known. However, this could indicate that the political affiliation of Mountjoy was Democratic-Republican, or Republican for short, since many of those in this category were farmers, slaveowners (like himself), and others, who wanted less government intrusion into their lives.
In this first decade of the 19th century, Mountjoy would sell and buy land like never before, which his wife, Elizabeth, continued to agree with. He would sell 154 acres to William Emmit, land which was part of Monocacy Manor to John Ringer, and sells three different tracts all consisting of more than 48 acres to a man named Patrick Reed. [30] Monocacy Manor, within Frederick County, included "26 dwellings with a stone base chimney" and sat on the Monocacy River, bordered by a dwelling known as Woods Mill Farm. In 1801, Mountjoy gave a man named Michael Dutro part of his estate and interest in a lot which consisted of Monococy Manor. [31]
The Dutro (also spelled Dutrow, Dotterer, Detro, Duderoe, Tuttero, Dudderar) family was owned hundreds of acres and an estate/farm in within the county, since it was an "old Frederick County family" as one writer put it. [32] As for Michael, he was described as a Federalist in 1796, living in the same county as another officer of the Maryland Extra Regiment, Samuel Cock who is described on the next page as a Democratic-Republican or Republican for short. Michael may have been born in Franklin Township, Pennsylvania. He was living in Westminster, Maryland, with three other family members, one of whom is his wife, and likely his two children. [33] This means that Mountjoy was selling his land to a relative local but also a person likely of the same social class as him.
There are some strange land purchases by Mountjoy which are not all together clear. I'm not talking about the exchange of lands between Jacob Jumper (gained 25 acres) and Mountjoy (gained 35 acres) in 1803. [34] Rather, I'm referring to the selling of his estate, right, and title to John Cockey, Jr. (likely related to this person) of Baltimore County in 1801 and the buying of John Ringer's Estate, Title, and interest to (and part of) a lot which consists Monococy Manor, only six days later. These purchases indicate the move-ability of the Bayly family, but could also mean it is moving to a new jurisdiction. [35]
© 2016-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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See above
Location: Toronto, Canada (I had a layover for over 4 hours, I got really bored in my defense).
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katsanova · 5 years
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I got lazy, oof. But, yeah, this is incubus Alexander and Charles, who accidentally summoned him. So yeah.
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flateartheroftheday · 7 years
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Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton
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astramoor · 6 years
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No line art, just copics and a sketch! I kind of like the look of it, not as a professional drawing but more as an experiment in sketchbook.
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
“And who are you?” he said and turned, made his way over to Alexander’s desk, unhurried and as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Alexander’s nostrils flared with the renewed heat in his abdomen–for very different reasons than before–and he slapped his palms flat to the table and launched himself from his chair, leaning over the desk and glaring at the General, who to his chagrin only seemed to become more amused by the second.
“I’m Alexander Hamilton,” he bit out. “I’m a man.”
Washington stopped in front of his desk and crossed his arms over his chest. The man had to look down at him, and Alexander straightened up to lessen the height difference.
It didn’t work very well; the top of his head still only just reached up to Washington’s nose.
…another kind of warmth stirred in his gut.
“No,” Washington said with a small grin and reached out to tap two of his fingers up against his chin, like he was a child- “You’re no man. You’re a boy.”
Or, Alexander tries really hard to fuck his commander.
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teamroscoes · 3 years
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Dear Max Verstappen, Please, please don’t do it. We know that you’ve been waiting what seems like a long time to get your hands on a car that can challenge for the Formula 1 world championship. And the pressure heading into the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix must be immense. With the recent surprising pace of Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes, it’s probably in the back of your mind that another clash, one that took both cars out, would give you your first F1 crown. It’ll hardly be Plan A, but it’s hard to be confident you’ve ruled it out. If it wasn’t for the Azerbaijan GP blowout, British GP crash, or the Hungarian GP start chaos, you’d have won the title already, right? So it’d just be natural justice? No. The Baku and Hungaroring incidents are just the sorts of things that happen in motorsport. Silverstone was different, but you must have known that Hamilton was going to stop jumping out the way at some point. Perhaps not at such a high-speed corner, but he knew you had more to lose – and you should have done as well. Sometimes it can be better to concede and continue the fight another day (or, in this case, probably another lap given your pace at Silverstone). That could be the last element missing from your game.
Many of the moments you’ve been involved with could, in isolation, be described as racing incidents, or at least be hotly debated. Running Hamilton out wide at Imola in April, for example, is the sort of thing we’ve seen lots of times before. But the problem is the overall pattern. You’re always the aggressor and never back down, even when you must know the move is done. Or not on in the first place, such as the incident with Hamilton at Monza. Was that a move of desperation because it was your last chance to pass him or was it something more sinister, an attempt made knowing that if you both crashed your points lead would remain the same? You are one of the finest drivers in the world right now, so you also knew that braking later than Hamilton on a tighter line with older tyres was only ever going to mean you both ended up off the track at Turn 4 in the Brazilian GP. You got away with that one, which is why not all of what has happened this year is your responsibility. Others should be having a word. It’s completely understandable that Red Bull, and Christian Horner in particular, would want to back you publicly, but some sensible chats behind the scenes might have helped you rein yourself in. But that’s not really the team’s style. It was always reluctant to do anything about Sebastian Vettel’s red mist moments alongside Mark Webber. And the team’s rivalry with Mercedes and Toto Wolff has meant we’ve had some daft moments this year, such as your old team-mate Alexander Albon going around Silverstone to provide ‘new evidence’ against Hamilton… No, it’s up to F1 and the FIA to outline what the rules are. Which is why not penalising you at Interlagos, which admittedly helped make it a better race, contributed to the nonsense in Saudi Arabia. You can’t just keep trying to drive around the outside of someone late and run off track to get by, or run people off the road from the inside, and get away with it. Do you know where that line is and just ignore it, or do you genuinely have no idea? Given your abilities in every other area – leading the team, incredible speed, tyre preservation, wet-weather skills – it’s surely more likely to be the former. As though you’re constantly pushing your competitors and the stewards on what you can get away with. Pushing the limits is part of the game, of course, but you have to be careful, particularly when the safety of others is involved. You say you think that F1 is “more about penalties than about racing” but that’s because you’ve forced the situation. You’ve consistently flirted with, or flat-out crossed, the line that most drivers regard as proper wheel-to-wheel etiquette. Which means either everyone is going to end up driving like you and we’ll have smouldering wrecks everywhere or attempts will be made to bring you into line, which is beginning to happen. Now you can respond. Your stunning performance for most of the final Jeddah qualifying lap and victory in the Monaco GP are just two examples of how precise you can be. Add that to better judgement – or perhaps a different attitude – in combat and you’ll be a better racing driver. At the moment, it sometimes feels like you’re a very fast driver – perhaps the fastest in the world – who then uses his car as a weapon when the racing part of the job arrives. The views of others are unlikely to bother you much, which as a top sportsperson is fair enough. And there are plenty of fans who have no problem with your driving, as shown by the fact you, unfathomably, won driver of the day in the Saudi Arabian GP. But there’s surely something to be said for winning the right way. Despite his rant a year later, Ayrton Senna’s removal of Alain Prost from the 1990 Japanese GP was not his proudest moment. And Michael Schumacher later expressed regret at how he conducted himself in the 1997 European GP finale against Jacques Villeneuve. But if the moral, fair play argument doesn’t register with you, that you believe winning at all costs is all that matters, perhaps there’s a more practical consideration. At the current rate, there will be more penalties and it’s a long time before you start losing those seven licence points. A race ban or two would hurt your 2022 campaign. That’d be unnecessary. Like Senna and Schumacher, you’re good enough not to need to resort to those tactics. Hamilton hasn’t and his records have surpassed both of those greats. It’s possible to race hard but fair. Take a look at some of the Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, Kimi Raikkonen and Jenson Button battles in the last decade and a half. Or some of Nigel Mansell’s great passing moves if you fancy going back a bit further. Taking Hamilton off in Abu Dhabi won’t necessarily guarantee you the title either. The sport has changed a lot since Senna got away with his 1990 attack and Schumacher was stripped of second in the drivers’ table in 1997. Would the FIA take away the crown in such circumstances? Surely best not to find out. Perhaps it’s unfair to suggest that this is even on your radar. After all, there’s a difference between a driver who is prepared to crash and one who intends to. It could also be that you rock up at Yas Marina, qualify on pole and disappear down the road to secure the title. In that case, great, well done to you. There have been some magnificent moments this season and to be the driver to end Hamilton’s run of titles would be remarkable. But if it’s looking harder than that – either because that pesky Hamilton is ahead or looming large in your mirrors again – try not to hit him. Nico Rosberg, the last person to beat Hamilton to the F1 crown, had ample opportunity to take Lewis out of the 2016 finale but didn’t. And he was still champion. You’ve also said it makes no difference to you whether you’re champion or not. That’s hard to believe but if it’s true presumably you can cope with being second and will be able to come back, head held high, for another go next year. Many of us were happy to see you and Red Bull take the fight to Mercedes and Hamilton at the start of 2021. We want different winners and to see good fights. But that’s the point - good contests are ones where we see competitors, in this case the finest in the world, go toe-to-toe and perform at their best. Not take chunks off each other’s cars whenever things get close. A bit more respect is needed, particularly given the inherent danger of motorsport. The saying ‘show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser’ isn’t helpful. Every sportsperson, even the great ones, always loses more than they win – Hamilton has lost 64% of all the F1 races he’s started by the way. Often you can learn more in those times. Please drive like a champion in Abu Dhabi, whether you get the 2021 title or not. The sport, which presumably you love, and your place in it would be all the better for it.
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undyingskies · 3 years
Best Friend’s Brother
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request: yes, “Hi, how are you? I've a request: y / n is one of Charlie's older brother friends and lives with Owen and Char ', because she is a writer for JATP. One day Owen and Charlie are live, Y / N's doing the dishes. Owen jokes that Y / N has to use a chair to put the dishes away (she is about 5'1). Y/N hasn't seen them and continues to sing and dance to musicals (heather, mamma mia, rhps, hamilton, location), doing the dishe. Charlie has heartfelt eyes for her. You decide what's next. Thank you! <3”
A/N: This was really fun to write, I hope you enjoy!
Warning: None 
Everyone thought you were crazy for moving in with two boys. Why in the world would a single 20 something year old want to move in with two 20 something year old guys. But you loved it, you really did.
The thing here is your best friend was one of your roommates older brother. Michael Gillespie was the one and only best friend in question, when he found out that both you and Charlie would be working on the same show, he thought it was a no brainer to offer up the idea of you two living together. Neither of you really minded the idea, it was just up to Owen to say it was alright.
At first you thought maybe it would be weird, but Michael was right, it was better to be living with someone you knew than be alone in a different city. You and Charlie were the same age, Michael was older. He was your best friend but more often than not he acted like an older brother and truthfully, he felt better sending you off to a new city with Charlie than you alone.
Living with the boys had proved to be more fun than you ever thought it would. You were a writer on the show and the boys were the stars, so your hours were a little different from each other’s. That still gave you the time and space to yourself and that’s really all you could ask for.
This week was the first week in about two months that you had off, well everyone had off. After countless days and sleepless nights for the whole cast and crew they decided a week off would do no harm.
This was your third day off and the freezing Canada streets were not calling you or the boys. You were staying locked up in your apartment with the heat on blast. The boys decided to just hang around and go live to talk to fans. You decided it was time to clean, you did laundry, vacuumed your room and living room, and your last task was the pile of dishing that has accumulated in the sink.
You had your hair pulled up in a low bun to keep it out of your face, you had your workout shorts on that were covered by the large oversized shirt you stole from one of the boys, and fuzzy socks hugged your feet to keep them warm. You had your music blasting; you were in your element.
Your dance moves and music had caught the attention of the fans, you didn’t know but you were in the background of the live. Comments started flooding in about you.
Owen chuckles as he reads through them. “Can Y/N reach the dishes it looks like she’s hopping up to get them done?” He reads out. This one gets a laugh out of both Owen and Charlie.
“She actually has to use a step stool, we love our tiny but might Y/N, a full 5”1.” Owen laughs, Charlie shakes his head.
“Is she listening to musicals?” Another comment asks.
“Yes, she is. She’s a theatre nut, I think this is what the third musical of the morning?” Charlie answers back.
He was right, it was the third. You started off with Heathers, then moved onto Location, and now you were finishing Mama Mia. You weren’t quite done with your playlists of musicals though. The starting cords of Alexander Hamilton came through your speaker. A loud squeal escapes you.
Since Hamilton came out on Disney+ a few months ago the hype for it came back again. You and Owen were constantly listening to it and competing on who could learn the raps faster.
“The ten-dollar founding father without a father, got a lot farther by working a lot harder, by being a lot smarter.” You rap along with Anthony Ramos, turning from the sink to face the boys. Owen already on his feet facing you getting ready to rap the next lines.
“By being a self starter, by fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter.” Owen raps as you make your way into the living room. The two of you facing each other getting ready for your rap battle.
Charlie laughed at the sight in front of him, this was a lot more common than people thought. It happened at least once a week.
The fans were loving it and were going crazy over the constant switch of you rapping then Owen rapping. Charlie just watching being content, his eyes never really leaving your short figure. He loved the sight of you in your element like this, the brightest smile on your face. He also didn’t miss the fact that you were wearing his shirt. He had wondered where it went.
Don’t think the fans didn’t notice the look on Charlie’s face as he watched the two of you and how it never left you.
“What’s your name man? Alexander Hamilton.” Both you and Owen yell together at the last line, falling into a fit of laughter.
“That was good guys, the fans loved your show.” Charlie tells the both of you. Owen plops down on the couch next to him laughing. You smile and throw your arms over Charlie’s shoulders leaning over him to look at the screen.
You didn’t catch it but a blush made its way onto Charlie’s cheeks at your actions and contact.
“You’re welcome you guys, I aim to please.” You laugh out, responding to the comments. “Now I am off to finish the dishes.” You say with a wave and then you’re off again.
Charlie and Owen sit silently for a few seconds reading over the comments. That’s when all of them came flooding in talking about the way Charlie looked at, the blush on his cheeks when you touched him, and the speculations of him liking you.
Owen laughs at points one out. “Look dude.” He says. The comment read, “Charlie looked like a deer in headlights looking at Y/N, while also being the epitome of the heart eyes emoji.” Charlie blushes at the comment.
“Well she’s not wrong.” Owen laughs.
“Shut up dude.” Charlie says shoving him away. He wasn’t ready to spill the beans about his feelings for his brothers best friend.
Owen just shrugs it off. The rest of the live was spent with Charlie avoiding any and all comments or questions about you and Owen trying his best to switch topics knowing his best friend was getting a little embarrassed.
You finish the dishes and make your way over to the couch. You immediately land next to Charlie, resting your back on his side like he’s the back of the couch. He throws his arm around you, pulling you closer.
“You guys down to order some food, I’m hungry.” You ask them. The boys agree and go to say their goodbyes to the fans, ending the live.
“So what are you thinking?” Owen asks you.
“Mmmm maybe pizza?” You say thinking out loud.
“Sounds good to me.” Owen says, Charlie agreeing. “I can make the call to order it.” You tell the boys, getting up to walk out of the room to make the call.
“You know you should tell her.” Owen says looking at Charlie, as he watches you walk out of the room.
Charlie let’s out a sigh and shakes her head. “I don’t think I can, I don’t want to ruin the friendship we have or the one she has with my brother.” He confesses.
“Okay first of all you have to be blind if you don’t think she likes you back. Second of all your brother knows how you feel about her you idiot, if the fans noticed almost immediately, your brother for sure knows.” Owen says. “Besides he told me! He pushed the two of you to live together in hopes it would get one of you to confess your feelings for each other.”
Charlie is shocked at Owens words. He didn’t really know how to wrap his head around his confession. If his brother says you like him than it is a chance it’s true, but then again, he could just be messing with him it is his brother after all.
“I don’t know, I wouldn’t know how to tell her.” Charlie gets out before you come walking back into the room, shutting them both up.
“Tell who what?” You asks, plopping down again next to Charlie.
“Oh nothing.” Charlie says trying to brush the topic away. Owen rolls his eyes. “I’m going to go take a shower while we wait for the pizza.” He says, leaving the two of you alone. When he leaves, he whispers to Charlie, “Tell her.”
Charlie just shoots him a dirty look. You notice their littler interaction but don’t question it, you’ve learned that at times it’s the best thing to do.
The two of you just sit in silence with Owen going. You not really paying attention and just scrolling through your phone and Charlie just lost in his thoughts and conflicting feelings about telling you.
He was thinking he might as well, if Owen says his brother already knows and they both swear you like him back, then why not go for it? Plus after that live with all the fans there’s no way you won’t see some of their comments. He thinks now is the time, just go for it.
Next thing you know a hand is slapping your phone out of your hands and the body to which you were leaning on has moved and you’ve fallen flat on your back.
“Charlie what the hell?” You ask him. You weren’t ready for any of that. You push yourself up, lock your phone and push it to the side.  You turn to face the now distressed boy.
“We need to talk.” That’s all he says and then he is on his feet pacing.
“Okay, talk about what?” You ask, while watching Charlie strut back and forth.
You let him walk back and forth for a couple minutes, letting the silence take over the two of you before you probe him for an answer again.
“Charlie? Talk about what?” You ask again. “Just...Just give me a second okay?” He says in a stern way that makes you sit back in the couch and give him a nod of approval.
It takes him a few more struts and silence before he stops right in front of you and faces you. That is when he bursts with his confession.
“I like you Y/N, I like you okay! I have for a while and I just think you should know that.” He says exasperated. His arms fall to his sides and the two of you just stare at one another.
The silence and his confession sitting on top of you like a cloud. Charlie was now nervous and scared at your reaction, while you were just stunned.
You never even thought you had a chance with Charlie. He was your best friends brother, you never thought in a million years Charlie would ever think of you the way you thought about him. You’re lost in your thoughts but the song My Best Friends Brother by Victoria Justice starts to play in your head, causing you to giggle.
“Alright I know my confession was out of the blue but you don’t have to laugh at me.” Charlie says feeling sad and getting ready to walk away.
“No, Charlie, stop! I’m not...I’m not laughing at you” You say through your giggles. You stand up and grab his wrist not letting him turn away from you.
“I’m sorry Charlie, it’s just, you know that song? The one that goes, my best friends brother is the one for me. It just it started playing in my head and I couldn’t help myself.” You tell him, a little embarrassed at your own confession.
“That’s what you think about in this moment? Really Y/N? A song?” He asks. Then realization hits him. “Wait my best friends brother is the one for me?” He asks, stepping a little closer to you. Your chests now touching.
You bite your lip and nod your head yes. You let him wrap his arms around your waist to pull the two of you flush together.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve liked you for a while now.” You confess. A large smile adorns both of your faces.
That’s when it happens. His lips met yours, finally. You let yourself melt into his kiss, loving the feeling. The two of you lost in the moment until you hear,
“Finally!” Owen yells, breaking the two of you apart. The both of you smiling and blushing.
“Also pizza is here and now Michael owes me 20 bucks so thank you for that!” Owen smiles and walks into the kitchen, with the pizza in hand.
“I guess Owen and Michael knew this was coming.” You say while looking up at Charlie smiling.
“I guess so.” He says before pressing his lips against yours for the second time. This time the two of you pull apart at the sound of your phones buzzing in sync.
Both of you check your phone, it’s a text from Michael that reads.
“As much as I am glad that one of you grew some balls to tell each other that you liked them, could you have at least done it a week later?? I was so close to winning that bet.”
You both laugh. Only Michael and Owen would make a bet about this. Charlie grabs your hand and leads you into the kitchen so the three of you could enjoy the warm pizza.
Charlie sits beside you, with a hand on your thigh. Not ready to let you go yet since he just got you. You smile and laugh with Charlie and Owen; thinking you are so lucky to have the two of them. Turns out your best friends brother really is the one for you.
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