if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Three Years in the "Pen"," Owen Sound Sun. September 6, 1912. Page 4. ---- A man named Reginald Holmes of town, who was working with the telephone gang at Flesherton was caught recently in the act of rifling County Constable Cook's cellar at Cevlon of butter and ham. Magistrate McMullen sent him here for trial. He came before the County Judge on Friday last and was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. This was a pretty stiff sentence, but was given for the man's own benefit in order that he might rid himself of certain deep-seated habits and learn a trade.
[AL: The judge's logic is somewhat bizarre - Holmes was clearly employed at time of robbery, was formerly a barber and saloon keeper, and was also 44 - unlikely to learn a trade quickly at the penitentiary. That is, if the reporting is even accurate about the judges' words. Holmes was convict #F-451 at Kingston Penitentiary. He was reported once but had this cancelled for some reason - he was paroled in October 1914.]
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Hogg’s Falls waterfall in Flesherton, Ontario, Canada [3840x4800][OC]
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A manicure (fix these claws up)... that's what I would try.
Mani-pedi for the the win; detouring dastardly Flesherton.
Daily writing promptWhat could you try for the first time?View all responses …now, pedicures I enjoy. Whenever TS goes to Star Nails down in Scarbados, I make damn sure to be there and insist upon the massage chairs. monday, october 16 2023 construction site visit These are images inside our build. All valuables were removed (to discourage 2-legged visitors). Its shell was sheathed in…
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aigrefinmedia · 2 years
Kosher nazis
• 1946 to 1979: The Animist Party and National Renaissance Party (NRP), early U.S. “neo-Nazi groups,” are organized under titular leader James Madole, actually a cat’s-paw of the Anti-Defamation League. Former Bolshevik spy Vladimir Stepankowsky, Emanuel Trujillo (alias ‘Mana Truhill’), and other Jewish and/or Communist agents of the ADL are Madole’s main source of financial support and organizational talent from the beginning. During the 1950s the NRP emerges as the most sensational and visible American “neo-Nazi group,” with its brown-shirted swastika-banded “stormtroopers” frequently staging street demonstrations in New York City that often and predictably deteriorate into riots. All related expenses, including the uniforms, are defrayed by the NRP’s main benefactor, the ADL. The swastika is displayed at ADL spy Truhill’s insistence. As “liaison officer” and de facto leader of the NRP by 1954, Truhill is in constant contact with other right-wing groups and individuals all over the world. His real work is name-gathering these people and incriminating them by coaxing extreme anti-Semitic remarks from them, thus collecting juicy tidbits for the ADL’s vast library of dossiers. (Joseph P. Kamp, The Bigots Behind the Swastika Spree (New York: Headlines, 1960))
• 1950s & ’60s: The foreign intelligence division of Stasi, Communist East Germany’s secret police apparatus, infiltrates spies into West Germany to pose as “neo-Nazis engaged in anti-Semitic vandalism,” a psy-ops campaign organized by Stasi spy-master Markus Wolf—a Jew. ADL director Benjamin R. Epstein follows through by traveling to Germany and advocating long-term Stalinist “re-education” for West Germans. In other words this is just the Jew World Empire performing a “pretext operation” so it can further torment people it hates (Joseph P. Kamp, The Bigots Behind the Swastika Spree (New York: Headlines, 1960); Michael Kallenbach, Stasi Files reveal links to anti-Semitic attacks in former West Germany, 12 March 1993 Jewish Chronicle (UK))
• 1965-1971: The Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC; Canada’s premier Jewish advocacy organization) decides to promote John Beattie, an insignificant fringe figure, to “public menace” status along with his ridiculous “Canadian Nazi Party,” Canada’s closest thing to the NRP. Most of Beattie’s ten “followers” are actually CJC spies / agents provocateurs. Following a curious, probably staged incident in May 1965, Beattie is suddenly “newsworthy,” his irrelevant extreme views palmed off as “news” on the front pages of most Toronto dailies. Only the “conservative” Toronto Telegram notices the weird smell and exposes the food chain behind Beattie, for example CJC operative Henrick Van Der Windt’s involvement (issue of 25 June 1965). Soon the 100-year-old newspaper is being abandoned by major advertisers and sabotaged from within by union employees, finally collapsing six years later. Thanks to a down-payment donated by Van Der Windt, ergo the CJC, Beattie is able to move his outfit into an inflammatory Toronto address.
Beattie’s circus freak act is suddenly so “important” and prominent because the CJC wants to manipulate Canadians into accepting federal laws criminalizing ‘hate speech,’ laws it’s been conniving to shove down their throats since the 1930s and is preparing via the ‘Cohen Committee’ in Ottawa, also beginning in 1965. As §319 of the Criminal Code and §13.1 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, titled “telephonic communication of hate,” these laws are signed into effect in 1971, after which the Canadian Nazi Party promptly implodes. (Patrick Walsh, The Unholy Alliance: A Documented Exposé of How Agents Provocateur Infiltrate and Misdirect, then Destroy, Well-Meaning Patriotic Groups (Flesherton, Ontario : Canadian Intelligence Publications, 1986) The John Beattie Case; Canadian Association For Free Expression, John Beattie to Expose the Nazi Party That Never Was (press release), 26 November 2000)
• June 25, 1978: Frank “Collin” the Heartless Nazi Monster leads his “Nazi march” on its alternate route through Chicago. During preceding weeks “Collin” achieved national notoriety with his outrageous original plan to march through the suburb of Skokie, the largest community of “Holocaust survivors” on earth. His “right to march” is championed by Jewish attorney and purported “civil liberties advocate” Alan Dershowitz.
“Collin’s” real family name: Cohen. He’s Jewish. His father is a “Holocaust survivor.”
His “Fuhrer” career is destroyed when this comes to light, but most Americans are none the wiser, so three years later “Frank ‘Collin’ the Nazi Monster” and his march become the subject of a nationwide made-for-television slobber-fest titled Skokie, one of many such propaganda bombs during these years. The original was NBC’s eight-hour miniseries Holocaust, a tele-orgy of fake “history” that aired two months before Collin’s march. The whole Skokie affair thus proves instrumental in catapulting Holocaust Guilt into mainstream American consciousness right when the Jewish psy-war on America is shifting gears in exactly this direction, thus Dershowitz’s real interest.
• February, 1979: Using his frequent alias of “James Guttman,” Mordecai Levy of the Jewish Defense League swaggers into the National Park Service office in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, dressed in full Nazi drag to obtain a permit for a “Nazi rally.” With permit in hand, he next contacts KKK chapters, Nazi clubs, leftist and Jewish groups, black churches, etc., alternately “inviting them to participate” / “alerting them to an outrage.” His own banner reads: “Hitler was Right! Gas the Commie Jews!” At this time Levy is an asset of the Anti-Defamation League (as revealed by ADL fact-finder Gail Gans to Village Voice reporter Robert Friedman). Reporters penetrate Levy’s sordid plans and the permit is canceled under a cloud of astonishing headlines: “Jew Applied For The Permit For Nazi Rally” (Philadelphia Journal); “Nazi Rally Rouser Really Jewish” (Philadelphia Bulletin). Had Levy’s charade not been uncovered, he might have succeeded in engineering a major race riot— but it sure would have made “Nazis” look bad! (Robert Friedman, Oy Vey, Make My Day, 8/22/1989 Village Voice, p. 15).
• December 7, 1981: Minneapolis television station WCCO airs an in-house documentary, Armies of the Right, to expose “the disturbing hidden world of paramilitary right-wing extremism in the U.S.” The program’s most virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric is uttered by one “Jimmy Anderson,” actually James R. Rosenberg, one of several ADL agents provocateurs known to have infiltrated the Queens, New York chapter of the Christian Patriot’s Defense League, expressly to agitate the group as “rabid anti-Semites.” The producers of Armies of the Right know who and what Rosenberg really is but withhold this information from their audience.
• 1990s: The Canadian Jewish Congress gets back in the act, this time using member and Canadian government (CSIS) spy Grant Bristow to infiltrate the Heritage Front, a Canadian-German advocacy group, to act as an agent provocateur urging violence against Jews. Sure enough some of Bristow’s dupes are arrested at a well-known Jewish hangout after raiding it and provoking a brawl. Totally disgraced by this moronic action, the Heritage Front rapidly disintegrates—obviously the real purpose from the beginning.
• Mid-1990s: “Davis Wolfgang Hawke,” a.k.a. “Commander Bo Decker,” etc., makes himself the new darling of the “neo-Nazi” movement by launching a tiny, flamboyant “Nazi” group, the Knights of Freedom Nationalist Party. Many parallels to the John Beattie and Frank “Collin” cases are striking, not least being the absurd amount of attention “Hawke” receives from media and law enforcement.
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stuffaboutontario · 4 years
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Hoggs Falls, Flesherton
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tomsamworth · 4 years
Next up in our Touring Small Town Ontario series: Flesherton...
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cherylcowtanwrites · 5 years
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Just found the biggest ice cream store in the littlest shack in the smallest town. And I am going back every time I take this treck from #Orangeville to #Portelgin #hwy10. Stop at #theparlour in #flesherton for a double!! SIX scoops! #summericecream (at Flesherton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0SLgrF7ev/?igshid=1s7zqe8jccsmy
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mike13mt · 7 years
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Something is Waiting Beneath Winter Landscape by HermanWong
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dogpatchphotography · 2 years
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Hogg's Falls Flesherton Ontario
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"FATHER PLEAS WITH SON TO CHANGE HIS EVIDENCE," Cobalt Daily Nugget. December 17, 1912. Page 1. --- Arnel Love Gives Damning Evidence Against His Father ----- (By Canadian Press.) FLESHERTON, Ont., Dec 17.- "We, the coroners jury, having examined the body of Hannah Lucilla Love and are satisfied that was foully murdered by being struck with some blunt instrument used for stabbing her in the neck and causing her death, and according to the evidence, that there is a tendency showing that said crime was committed by Henry Love, who is arrested. After a half hours examination Coroner Bibby's jury delivered the above verdict last evening. They had to believe either the father or the boy, both of whom testified with remarkable coolness, the situation at times being tense.
Once or twice Henry Love, accused, became excited in his earnestness to impress the truth of his words with his story of kissing his wife good-bye last Tuesday morning and not seeing her again until he took her mutilated remains from the mud-hole under their home on Wednesday night.
His 14-year-old only son, Lionell, swore positively, however, that his mother was not in the house when he went to school. He never saw her alive after that Monday night. His stories to the contrary frequently told since the tragedy, he said, were invented by his father, who instructed him to say that his mother was home that morning and leave the impression that a mysterious stranger had been seen in the neighborhood of the house. The father with eyes protruding and looking directly at his boy, pleaded with him to think again, but the son said, he had told only the truth. Love was remanded for a week, and he will be further remanded for a preliminary hearing until after the days.
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satakentia · 5 years
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Hogg Falls Flesherton, Ontario, Canada
by Leigh Ayres
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creatorofcolour · 7 years
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Another fun Knit Night at Highland Grounds. Restocked with yarn. #highlandgrounds #coffeeshop #flesherton #greybruce #greyhighlands #theyarnsofrhicharddevrieze #rhicharddevrieze #rhicharddevriezeyarn #rhicharddevriezeyarns #knitnight #knittingfriends (at Highland Grounds)
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cardinaldesign · 7 years
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courtneybowlesmuse · 7 years
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#flesherton #hiking #goodtimes #adventure (at Eugenia Falls)
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straythought · 5 years
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#statue #persephone #garden #overgrown #green #life #summer #daisy (at Flesherton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzyr2sJgCcJ/?igshid=mr3py0w01e30
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giantdood · 5 years
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Be like water and go with the flow #hoggsfalls #newadventures #firsthikeof2019 (at Hoggs Falls. Flesherton) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGiWRPhk4G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=149u63vysr5ka
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