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mybookingguru · 1 year
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Finding the best way with several improvements at home search plus adding new tab for hotels. Old website (desktop view)
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obsidianobelisk-fr · 7 months
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The perfect equilateral obelisk!
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bumpscosity · 10 months
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teandragons · 9 months
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Second round of commissions!
Valo #85624315 for Alphrussia
Raziel (OC) belonging to #460822 kyruiz
Bastien #57931476 for Junonia
i DON'T know what an umbrella looks like & i don't want to find out
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falconfate · 6 months
Hello ranger’s apprentice fandom can we talk real quick about the stupidest thing Flanagan ever wrote
It’s about the bows. Yanno, the rangers’ Iconique™️ main weapon. That one. You know the one.
Flanagan. Flanagan why are your rangers using longbows.
“uh well recurve arrows drop faster” BUT DO THEY. FLANAGAN. DO THEY.
the answer is no they don’t. Compared to a MODERN, COMPOUND (aka cheating) bow, yes, but compared to a longbow? Y’know, what the rangers use in canon? Yeah no a recurve actually has a FLATTER trajectory. It drops LATER.
This from an article comparing the two:
“Both a longbow and a recurve bow, when equipped with the right arrow and broadhead combination, are capable of taking down big game animals. Afterall, hunters have been doing it for centuries with both types of bows.
However, generally speaking and all things equal, a recurve bow will offer more arrow speed, creating a flatter flight trajectory and retain more kinetic energy at impact.
The archers draw length, along with the weight of the arrow also affect speed and kinetic energy. However, the curved design of the limbs on a recurve adds to its output of force.”
It doesn’t actually mention ANY distance in range! And this is from a resource for bow hunting, which, presumably, WOULD CARE ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING!
Okay so that’s just. That’s just the first thing.
The MAIN thing is that even accounting for “hur dur recurves drop faster” LONGBOWS ARE STILL THE STUPID OPTION.
Longbows, particularly and especially ENGLISH longbows, are—as their name suggests—very long. English longbows in particular are often as tall or taller than their wielder even while strung, but especially when unstrung. An unstrung longbow is a very long and expensive stick, one that will GLADLY entangle itself in nearby trees, other people’s clothes, and any doorway you’re passing through.
And yes, there are shorter longbows, but at that point if you’re shortening your longbow, just get a goddamn recurve. And Flanagan makes a point to compare his rangers’ bows to the Very Long English Longbow.
Oh, do you know how the Very Long English Longbow was mostly historically militarily used? BY ON-FOOT ARCHER UNITS. Do you know what they’re TERRIBLE for? MOUNTED ARCHERY.
Trust me. Go look up right now “mounted archery longbow.” You’ll find MAYBE one or two pictures of some guy on a horse struggling with a big stick; mostly you will actually see either mounted archers with RECURVES, or comparisons of Roman longbow archers to Mongolian horse archers (which are neat, can’t lie, I love comparing archery styles like that).
Anyway. Why are longbows terrible for mounted archery? Because they’re so damn long. Think about it: imagine you’re on a horse. You’re straddling a beast that can think for itself and moves at your command, but ultimately independently of you; if you’re both well-trained enough, you’re barely paying attention to your horse except to give it commands. And you have a bow in your hands. If your target is close enough to you that you know, from years of shooting experience, you will need to actually angle your bow down to hit it because of your equine height advantage, guess what? If you have a longbow, YOU CAN’T! YOUR HORSE IS IN THE WAY BECAUSE YOUR BOW IS TOO LONG! Worse, it’s probably going to get in the general area of your horse’s shoulder or legs, aka moving parts, which WILL injure your horse AND your bow and leave you fresh out of both a getaway vehicle and a ranged weapon. It’s stupid. Don’t do it.
A recurve, on the other hand, is short. It was literally made for horse archers. You have SO much range of motion with a recurve on horseback; and if you’re REALLY good, you know how to give yourself even more, with techniques like Jamarkee, a Turkish technique where you LITERALLY CAN AIM BACKWARDS.
For your viewing enjoyment, Serena Lynn of Texas demonstrating Jamarkee:
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Yes, that’s real! This type of draw style is INCREDIBLY versatile: you can shoot backwards on horseback, straight down from a parapet or sally port without exposing yourself as a target, or from low to the ground to keep stealthy without banging your bow against the ground. And, while I’m sure you could attempt it with a longbow, I wouldn’t recommend it: a recurve’s smaller size makes it far more maneuverable up and over your head to actually get it into position for a Jamarkee shot.
A recurve just makes so much more SENSE. It’s not a baby bow! It’s not the longbow’s lesser cousin! It’s a COMPLETELY different instrument made to be used in a completely different context! For the rangers of Araluen, who put soooo much stock in being stealthy and their strong bonds with their horses, a recurve is the perfect fit! It’s small and easily transportable, it’s more maneuverable in combat and especially on horseback, it offers more power than a longbow of the same draw weight—really, truly, the only advantage in this case that a longbow has over the recurve is that longbows are quicker and easier to make. But we KNOW the rangers don’t care about that, their KNIVES use a forging technique (folding) that takes several times as long as standard Araluen forging practices at the time!
Okay I think I’m done. For now.
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vaihdokas-fr · 1 year
i was going through my dragons bios and realized i excalted one of my dragons wife LIKE 2-3 YEARS AGO I AM SO SORRY DUDE I JUST YEETED YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE
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cyancherub · 1 year
tourists coming to maui when people are still finding bodies and trying to grieve their loved ones. shame on you. go back to where you came from. the community doesn't need your tourism right now. the place and people you treat as a novelty have just lost everything. they need time to recover and heal.
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colorfuldragons · 3 months
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lgbtq+ pride dragon: trans flag (recolor by me)
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maren-warlock · 8 months
hello I am leaving FR so I'm doing a lair purge
every dragon is free no matter what. Unless specified you will also be sent the familiar, scene, and apparel/skins currently attached to them
(reblogs appreciated since idk if the link is gonna prevent this from showing up in the fr tags)
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uglydragons · 4 months
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this is my son buttface he was born with every single disease known to man /j (has since been exalted probably i have no clue where he is but. my gosh he's sure a Color)
is this him? he's the only sandsurge with this color and gene combo. he's glorious(ly unappealing looking) i hope teal/buttface is having a good time with the arcanist
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Looking for a gen1 hatched on September 10th, 2023, bonus points if it's got pink!
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loveologystudies · 3 months
thinking about isat flight rising au.......
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clairecannormalize · 1 year
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A small flight cycle for our mailman ! (He had a beard when we started designing him, but he lost it in the end because it would have been a nightmare to animate)
If you haven't yet, you can find our graduation movie La Quête de l'Humain (Search of the Human) on Youtube here !!!
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starfala-dragons · 3 months
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Hatched a light egg i found for funsies and I just got the absolute cutest little robot???
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secondtolastfr · 4 months
where the fuck is saltmire trench
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