#flip Zimmerman
kylosjuul · 9 months
Kylo Ren NSFW Alphabet (reupload)
a/n: i posted this last year and here it is again! if ur expecting kylo to be a dom don’t read this. Also, this is AFAB!reader.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kylo has never had anybody to cherish like this, to hold. So you best believe after sex, he’s planting soft kisses across your face and lips trying to show how lucky he feels to have you; that you gave this gift of intimacy to him. It’s all soft touches and cuddles (fight me on this). He looks at you with a sense of longing, to have this feeling forever. He’ll hold your hand over his heart while you fall asleep on his chest, for it only beats for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Everything about your body has Kylo red in the face, but he finds his eyes trailing to your thighs and your ass often. Your uniform clings to them tightly, and he feels guilty about how quick his blood pools to his thighs, constantly readjusting his leather pants when you bend down or “accidentally” brush against him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Okay, listen. Kylo has never had any sexual experience so you BEST believe he cums a lot. And hard. Borderline hyperspermia. He’s just so sensitive and you just feel too good wrapped around him. Expect rope after rope of thick cum coating your walls, spilling out of you and down your thighs :D
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You make him hard. A lot. He feels so perverted, especially in the beginnings of your relationship. The soft floral notes of your perfume made his pants constrict, the sweet smell making him dizzy. Every kiss, every brush of your fingers=boner. He was embarrassed. The worst part is the wet dreams. Oh. The dreams. Kylo’s mind would drift to images of you kissing him, sitting on top of him, the warmth between your legs remedying the pressure building in his hips; but he would wake up every time, hard as a rock, spilling into his sleep pants panting your name. Yeah.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Absolute virg. Never even kissed a girl before. The first time you climbed on top of him and started trailing kisses down his neck, he was 100% whipped, almost finishing in his uniform as you rocked against his length. He knew he couldn’t give this up, couldn’t give YOU up.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
A bit simple, but this man lovesss missionary. He gets off when your face twists up in pleasure, knowing he’s the one providing it to you. Plus, he can hear each moan, each sharp intake of breath; Between your face drenched in lust, your sweet sounds, and your tits bouncing with each thrust, this position makes him cum the hardest. (Besides you on top. He’ll dig his fingers into your hips watching himself disappear inside you over and over. yum).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I’d say Kylo is serious during the deed. He just loves you so much and wants to worship you with every bit of intimacy he has in him. Large calloused palms smoothing back your hair, plush lips sucking on your collarbone, all of it.
“You’re so beautiful. My sweet girl…”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t the hairiest man in the galaxy, but he does have a bit of hair down south. Nothing too extreme though. Kylo is very hygienic and well groomed, nothing to worry about here!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
THE MOST INTIMATE. You can see in his eyes how he feels he doesn’t deserve you, doesn’t deserve your soft body beneath him. He treats you as if you’ll break, as if you’re the most precious being in the universe. Constantly asking if you’re okay, or, “Does this feel good?” He loves to serve you. To pleasure you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As aforementioned, Kylo can’t help how hard he is around you 24/7. If he knows he’s going to see you, he’ll tuck himself away into his refresher and think of your figure, your eyes looking up at him, (that REALLY makes him cum fast) and stroke his cock with a punishing pace, imagining you slamming down on his hips. He feels a tinge of shame as he grits his teeth and releases his load onto the refresher door.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise. He feels his thighs go weak when you drag your fingers through his hair and call him a “good boy.” He’ll look up at you through heavy lids, a silent plea for more soft touches and appraisals. Also, eye contact. If you ever want anything from him, just look up at his through your eyelashes and he’ll blush like a madman, giving you whatever it is you crave.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s a very private person and extremely jealous, so he prefers to fuck you in your shared quarters. Nowhere else. Okay, maybe in his TIE, but that’s only when you beg him so sweetly; and who is he not to give his girl whatever she wants?
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Yes. Just yes. A kiss that lingers a second too long, his name on your lips (in any context), your soft hand following the curve of his jaw. He’s a goner. If you want to torture the man, wear a low cut top around him, he’ll be desperately grabbing at your hips in no time.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything involving someone else. He’s a jealous, jealous man. All these fics about him sharing you with the KOR….girl. A big no no is anything related to degradation. Attention all Kylo writers! He would never even DREAM of calling you names or hurting you in any way. You’re his precious girl and he just loves you so so much:(
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Virgin, remember? The first time you sucked his cock, he’s was a panting mess, brows furrowed, low moans punched from his chest, finishing in your mouth in under a minute. After a few times together, you guided him on how to eat pussy, and he definitely prefers watching your hips rock up into his face, coming undone from his warm tongue. (Kylo will never admit this, but while he was eating you out he rocked against the mattress like a rabid dog, cumming all over his stomach, a pool of his spend spreading over the sheets. Yeah, he prefers giving).
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on how much time you’ve spent apart. If he hasn’t seen you for a week, (missions, supreme leader shit) he’ll fuck into you with a strong and punishing pace, still careful not to hurt you, though. If it’s a normal day, he’ll slowly rock into you, dragging his cock along your walls in a sensual way, but you usually beg him to speed up, pushing you further and further up the mattress.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Kylo is a simp. He will take whatever you so kindly gift him with. You get to fuck your man whenever you so please. He gives it to you no matter the time. Day or night. He’s just so excited there’s a GIRL who wants him, his cock, this badly.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nah. Not really. He’d rather savor the sex, instead of constantly looking over his shoulder. But if you drag him into a storage closet aboard and start massaging him through his leather, who is he to say no?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Hate to burst any bubbles here, but he’s completely inexperienced, so don’t expect him to last very long, at least not at first. He physically has to tense his muscles, eyes squeezed shut in concentration, trying so hard NOT to blow his load the second your tight wet heat engulfs his cock. His skin is flaming hot, but he’s shivering above you, groans emanating from his slacked jaw, trying to fight the way his balls draw up, the way his stomach muscles tighten already.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Are sex toys canon in Star Wars? Someone please lmk. But my answer is going to be no for now!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kylo doesn’t have to tease you, like, at all. You just want him so bad all the time and he still doesn’t understand why. However. You’re quite the tease, and this poor virgin can’t take it. Seriously, if you want to see the mighty Kylo Ren crumble, all you need to do is press a chaste kiss to his lips, put a hand on his thigh, look at him, or just breathe basically, and he’ll be hard and wanting in seconds. I love our space boyfriend.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ben Swolo can make some NOISE lemme tell ya. It’s all low groans and grunts, so caught up in the heat of your body and how fucking tight you are around him. No matter how hard he tries to contain the noises that slip from his throat, he can’t help it. He’ll confidently moan and moan in your ear, minted breath hitting your cheek, letting you know his pleasure is solely from you, and you alone.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Kylo is what we call a service top. He would do anything to put your pleasure first, his own pleasure depends on that. He had never cum harder than that first time you clamped around his cock, finally feeling your orgasm around him. Lights flickered and whirred; it was…intense.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Hung like a moose omg who said that? Anyways. My guess is 7-8 inches. Good luck girl.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Siri play ‘Everyday’ by Ariana Grande please. Seriously. He feels fucking insane with how bad he wants to be buried in you at all times. Whether he’s tired, beaten or bruised, you could catch a dick anytime.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kylo will eventually fall asleep cuddled up next to you, but not until he allots himself a few minutes to admire your beauty, running his thick fingers through your hair, kissing your temple until he sees you eyes flutter shut. Awe. Whatta softie.
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marieslittlecorner · 1 month
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog.
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hauntingoldhouses · 2 months
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I know your wife, and she wouldn't mind🍾
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strangunddurm · 4 months
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Pairing: Flip Zimmerman x fem!reader
Summary: Flip Zimmerman was a man that liked to eat his cake and have it, too.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: PinV sex, unprotected sex, fingering, masturbation, swearing, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving). 
A/N: It's been ages since I wrote something so I'm so proud of myself for finally finishing something.
It was common knowledge that Flip Zimmerman was utterly and completely infatuated with you. You were it for him. The one he would marry, build a house for, have kids with. You would be his end, but you were not his beginning.
It was also common knowledge that Flip Zimmerman was on an apparent path to sleep with everyone he could that wasn’t you. Fuck, finger, and fondle like he wasn’t an officer of the law and he wasn’t in a very public bar at that very moment. You could see his hand run along her leg, caressing it with the pads of his fingers before it disappeared beneath the fabric of her skirt.
She threw her head back, laughing like nobody was watching, but, of course, you were. Your eyes were always lingering on his figure, just as his were yours. He watched you as he traced the lace of her panties, as he dipped them under the fabric; he watched you as he guided her lips to his; he watched you as he shattered your heart, always knowing that the comfort of your arms would always be there to sooth him in the end.
You often found yourself wondering: why? Why weren’t you enough for him at this point? Flip had this ability where he could string you along enough so that you, yourself, would feel guilty thinking of another man. Your possible unwillingness weren’t the reason for Flip’s hesitancy to commit, it was his. The unwilling fool in love with the same person he had always loved. Or perhaps you were the fool? Two fools in love that could never let the other one go.
Your friends often wondered why you subjected yourself to the torture of witnessing his lips upon another’s. You didn’t know how to explain to them that you only existed because of him. However demeaning and desperate it sounded, it was true. Whilst others existed for bettering the world or something other, you were made just to be his.
You thought for a while that you could live without him. That you could break free from his hold and flee from the place where everything reminded you of him but it was impossible. It didn’t make sense, how a man could possess you so entirely with just a whisper of attention. You thought it to be your own fault; a bleeding consequence of hope that wrecked your heart beyond anyone else’s repair. All you could do was wait for him. For you would forever be missing him otherwise, regretting not taking the possibility of even the tiniest something.
So, you found yourself there, putting on a front of indifference as you tried not to watch every stupid move Flip made in the arms of another. She was smug. It was so obvious from the way her eyes would flicker over to you every now and then as his lips caressed her shoulder or her neck.
She knew of Flip’s fondness for you, having seen the way he had given you a sliver of attention by the bar, letting his hand ghost over your hip before she had successfully lured him away from you and into her arms.
You were zoned out, barely hearing your friends’ voices as you stared hard at them. Your lip was near bloody from your nervous chewing as you, almost ritualistically, dragged your teeth over it again and again.
“How long are you going to keep doing this to yourself?” The words were spoken in your ear, your best friends arm coming to wrap around you, pulling you into her embrace.
“I…” She didn’t allow you to continue on the miserable spiel that she had heard so many times before.
“I don’t want to hear it. Not again. You need to realise that you’re worth more than whatever the hell this whole thing is,” She pleaded, pressing a kiss against your temple. “You have to stop doing this to yourself.”
“I don’t know if I can,” you sounded so fragile at that moment. Your voice wavered at the end, fading out as everything you felt became almost too much.
“Yes, you can. You just need to realise that you don’t owe him anything. Sitting here completely miserable isn’t going to make him change or do anything different.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve been here with you! Every night we go out to have fun, he comes along and ruins it.”
“No, he doesn’t.” You turned to look at her as you forced the words out harshly. But the look in her eyes made the feigned anger falter.
“I love you. You deserve more. Try to enjoy your life before you realise it’s too late,” She said, squeezing your shoulder.
Did you really deserve more? You had been caught up in the web of Flip for so long that you truly did believe that staying completely devoted to him was the only way forward. You knew he would eventually tire and stop indulging himself in others. It was an unconventional relationship, unfavourable to you in every sense.
But who was to say that you weren’t allowed to enjoy others? Just the way he were? An innocent tryst with another that would scratch that itch not even your fingers could ease late at night.
You let your eyes trail over the inhabitants of the local watering hole. There were the usuals there, sitting at the bar, nursing their beers. A group of frat boys were in the corner, cheering over shots. It wasn’t until a pair of dark brown eyes met your own that your interested was piqued.
You probably wouldn’t have dared made a move if he hadn’t come sauntering over. He didn’t walk like Flip. Flip’s walk was self-assured, dominating in a subtle way. This guy walked in a cocky way, shoulders swaying with every step as he though himself holier than thou. It was off-putting, but you thought you owed it to yourself to at least try.
“Saw you watching me over there.” His attempt at flirting was just as cocky as his walk.
“Oh, hahah..” Your laugh was awkward as you fumble for a reply. “Do you come here often?”
“First time actually, I’m here visiting my brother.” He motioned toward some guy in the back that you couldn’t see.
“That’s nice,” You said awkwardly.
He introduced himself as he took perch on the barstool next to you, shaking your hand weakly.
“So, what do you do for fun around here?” He asked, motioning for the bartender to refill both of your glasses at the same time.
“Ehm… Come here, I guess.” You waved your hand in the air, uncommittedly. Anxiety was flooding your nerves, practically inhibiting your ability to speak. You let your eyes trail over the room again quickly. Flip was still hands-deep in that woman’s skirt, your friends had slipped off somewhere else, getting lost in others.
The man, Chris, held a one-sided conversation without seeming to notice your less than keen interest. The thought of letting go and trying to flirt with somebody else was always easier in theory rather than practice.
It wasn’t his fault, if you were somebody else you might’ve enjoyed it. But all you could think about was the way his eyes were too dark, his hair too light, and his voice to high to remind you of Flip.
“Listen,” He placed his hand on your thigh. High up, bold, wanting. “I really like you, what do you say about getting out of here?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond before a chest pressed against your back.
“She’s not going anywhere with you.”
You felt faint hearing Flip’s voice rumble through his chest as he pulled himself closer to you. His hand wrapped around Chris’s wrist, forcing it away from your leg.
“Hey, man, we were having a conversation here.” Chris was foolish. It wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t from here, after all. He didn’t know the perfectly concealed rage that could simmer under Flip’s skin when he felt like he was being disrespected.
“I’m going to offer you a piece of advice.”
“Flip, don’t-” Interjecting was pointless. Flip did whatever Flip wanted.
“You should take your drink, go back to whatever lowly corner you came from, and stay there. Get it through your thick skull that you’re not wanted here.” Flip roughly pushed the glas of beer Chris had been nursing on the bar, it’s content sloshing over the sides as it almost toppled over.
The silence that followed hung in the air, permeating it, polluting it. It didn’t take long for Chris to visibly crumble under Flip’s stare but it was almost as if he didn’t want to admit it to himself. He didn’t want to give in to the menacing man that had appeared out of nowhere. Reasonable, perhaps, but entirely futile. Flip would always get what he wanted in the end, no matter what.
Chris left without a word, sparing you a pitiful glance before he was gone and all that was Flip took over your senses as he rounded you, coming to a stop so you were chest to chest.
You refused to look at him, staring straight ahead, focusing on the way his chest would calmly breath in and out as he waited.
“Look at me,” His voice was low, steady. You wanted to, of course, but you were stubborn. Just when you were putting yourself first, there he was again. A forever keg in your wheels, keeping you in the same place.
His fingers were soft against your chin as he urged it upwards, making you look at him.
He was smiling. Not a full on grin, but that sweet, cheeky little smile that held so much mirth that you wanted to hit him. It’s like he’d been waiting for this, waiting for you to act out and finally do something for yourself.
“Wipe that smile of your face,” you hissed out. “What could you possible have to smile about?”
“Oh, yeah, because it is so funny ruining my fucking life.”
“Ruining it?”
“Yeah, ruining it.”
“You should’ve just said something if you felt that way.” You almost laughed at that. It wasn’t like you hadn’t said something. It felt like all you did was talk, and all he did was not care.
“Cut me a fucking break, Flip. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’ve been doing to me. This- this game you’ve been playing, toying with my heart. One minute it feels like you might actually want me but then the next you go and fucksomebody else and I’m just suppose to pretend that it’s all fine?”
“It’s not?” He said, playfully.
“Fuck you.”
“Stop swearing, and keep your voice down.”
“What? So that your whore won’t hear us?”
“She means nothing,” He said
“So why do you keep doing this? Why keep stringing me along?” You were defeated. Your relationship with Flip was strange. Peculiar. Unexplainable in certain aspects as you yourself did not entirely know exactly what you two were.
You looked up at him, tears brimming in your eyes as all the hurt you had felt over the past however-long caught up to you. He was looking down at you, as if in wonder. Was it possible that Flip Zimmerman was naive to the way he had treated you? To the way he had made you suffer? Had you been imagining it all in your head?
He didn’t look sorry, he didn’t sound sorry, but when the apology tumbled out of his mouth, you accepted it. Perhaps it was you who were naive but you wanted a moment of happiness with him. Even if it was a moment entirely clouded by delusion.
You nodded your head, a small movement of acceptance that made Flip light up.
Flip would always shine brighter than any star you had ever seen. He took your breath away and filled you with a rush of serotonin every time you gazed into his eyes for even a brief second. His eyes were like molten gold, blinding you as they tinkled. Devotion to him and only him was inevitable.
“Will you come home with me?” The answer was obvious. The question had been what you had waited for. Taking his hand and slipping out through the door before any of your friends still caught in reason could stop you.
His hand dipped between your legs, fingers mapping out a path to your most sacred place the second he pushed you through the door of his home.
"Look at you, already so wet for me." Flip chuckled darkly. He knew you couldn't resist him. Your need for him was as deep as his need was for you.
His lips met yours in a searing kiss that took your breath away. His tongue caressed yours as teeth clashed.
His fingers toyed with your panties, teasing you. He knew how desperate you were for anything he would give you.
He took his time, teasing your more and more before he finally was gracious enough to slide a finger inside of you. Just a single finger to test you. You walls clamped down around him tightly, gripping him, coaxing him to give you more. He pumped it in and out of you slowly, so slowly that you thought you might lose your mind if he didn't give you something more, and you voiced so much.
"Please, Flip." What you needed was clear. But that didn’t mean Flip would be so easy to give in.
"You’ll get more, sweetheart. Don’t you worry.” He said sweetly before withdrawing from you completely.
"You're so impatient." He chided you, tutting teasingly with a lazy smile on his lips. “Go to the bedroom.” He commanded whilst motioning his head in its direction. You were quick to obey, of course, feet moving swiftly as you stumbled your way on shaky legs through the halls and onto his bed.
You flipped onto it in excitement, eager for his touch once again.
“Is this what you wanted? To be one of my whores?” He asked as he undressed slowly, unbuttoning his flannel and letting his jeans fall to the floor before he took a stand by the foot of the bed. He trailed his hands up your legs equally as slow before grabbing a hold of your panties and pulling them off you. You couldn’t get any words out to respond, whining with need.
The evidence of your excitement was clear to him, almost dripping and shining in the low light. A sane man wouldn’t be able to hold back having a women presented so willingly to him with her legs spread wide and skirt bunched up around her hip, chest heaving with excitement. And of course, Flip was a sane man, in some sense at least, for he was quick to crawl in between your legs and mouth attached to your clit.
Digging his fingers into your thighs, he hauled one of them onto his shoulder and connected his mouth to your sweet cunt.
The sounds of your breathless moans were intoxicating as he suckled your clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the stiff nubb.
Your knees fought against his shoulders as your hand came to cover your mouth, willing any sounds to stay inside of you as you bit down softly as you were overwhelmed by the pleasure rushing through you.
“You taste so fucking good, sweetheart.” Flip praised in a panted breath before diving back in.
You fought to keep your eyes open as your hips moved up and down in a desperate attempt to grind your aching clit against his mouth and nose in search for that perfect sensation that would drive you over the edge.
Your hand slid into Flip’s hair, gliding through it before grasping a firm hold of it as a wave after wave of moans finally made their way out of you.
Flip had already made you come once when he slid his fingers into you, continuing his ministrations on your clit with his mouth. His movement were much rougher than what they had been before, thrusting them into you expertely, hitting that sweet spot of yours over and over again.
Your back arched into the air and mouth fell open at the overstimulation. It was exquisite.
“Oh, oh, Flip. I’m gonna cum.” You whined desperately. “Oh, God.”
You clung to his arm in an attempt to hold on to any sort of sanity but it was all for nought. Your legs spasmed as you came with a cry.
Flip tried to hold you down as he never let up despite your half hearted please, flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit again and again and again. He worked you through your orgasm, never relenting as your silent whimpers spured him on. You had such a tight hold on his hair that it made him groan, sending a wave of vibrations through you that caused you to gasp. He only stopped once your whimpers had grown in volume to a steady whine of pleas.
“You’re such a good girl.” Flip praised as he came up, hovering over you. “You gonna let me fuck you, sweetheart?”
“Yes! Please, Flip.”
He tugged at his hard and weeping cock a few times as he admired you. You were breath taking like this, legs parted, eyes hazy from your orgasm, cunt dripping, ready for him.
"You’re gonna look so gorgeous, covered with my cum." Flip's voice was husky as he leaned down and pulled you closer to him by your face before planting a sloppy, wet kiss on your lips as he came to rest between your hips, a single arm keeping him up.
He dragged his thick and cum weeping cock through your folds a few times, thoroughly coating it in your slickness. The anticipation was killing you. His fingers and tongue weren't enough, you wanted more, needed it.
You grabbed a hold of his shoulders, pulling him closer even to you in desperation.
"Please, Flip." You whispered, ready for him.
The sigh the both of you let out when he finally slipped all the way into your cunt was one of relief. You had missed this, had missed him.
Flip didn't give you time to adjust to him before he started pounding into you at a pace that was brutal in nature, just the way he knew you liked it.
“You’re such a dirty fucking whore.” He spat at you and you clenched around him in response. "Look at you, so desperate for my dick you could almost cry." Being his whore and whatever he wanted was everything you had ever wanted since the moment you had laid eyes on him.
He was so deep inside of you that you barely knew what to do with yourself. Flip's loud groans were bouncing around the walls of his room, blended in with your own gasps from every thrust into you.
Your walls were clenched so tightly around him, drawing him deeper and deeper inside.
"Fuck" You groaned. "Feels so- fucking good." You shakily breath out.
"This is what you wanted right? My cock so deep within you you’ll feel me for days" He cooed, slowing down just slightly, but each thrust was still as sharp, still as precise, and hard, and calculated.
A wailing yes! left your lips. You were sure you would be able to feel Flip's hands on your hips as you would nurse your hangover tomorrow, and most likely the day after that as well. You would feel him in every step you took. Forever.
"Harder." You pleaded.
He pulled out so just his tip was left in you, waiting there for just a second before slamming back into you again, buried to the hilt. The groan Flip let out sent tingles down your spine and caused you to clench even tighter around him, triggering another moan from him.
"I love it when you do that." He praised, followed by another rut into you.
He continued pumping into yours sweet cunt, drawing moans from you that were filthy. The sound of skin slapping and noises of pleasure mixed together as they bounced on the walls and around the room.
His thrusts had picked up in pace one again, ruthless and reckless as he fucked deeper and deeper into you. You were trembling against him, breath hitching, getting caught in your chest as you almost forgot how to breathe. You could feel your release mounting quickly once again, shockwaves gripping your body and rolling through you with every buck into you.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come,"
"No, you're not." Flip withdrew from you completely, flipping down on the bed beside you. You were drunk on the feeling of him, needy and desperate, ready to take everything he would give to you.
His legs were spread, cock standing on full attention, bobbing against his stomach, it's tip coloured an angry red, ready to be inside of you again.
"Come on then." He pulled you out of the short-lived trance you had been in over the sight of him. You though again of how there was something so ethereal about him, something other than just his looks, something that would always draw you back in and keep you on his hook.
You were quick in your movements, throwing a leg around his hips and hoisting yourself upright, causing him to chuckle over your desperation.
"Eager, are we?" He welcomed you with open arms, hands coming up to rest on your hips once again, as he gazed up at you with a smile on his face.
He helped you pull your wrinkled dress over your head, placing open mouthed kisses on every inch of your skin he could reach. His lips attached themselves to your perked nipple, sucking it into his mouth and releasing it with a pop.
"You're so fucking gorgeous." He sounded as if he was in awe simply over the sight of you.
You sank down swiftly, engulfing him with your tight walls, stopping only when you were at the base, stuffed full of him.
"Oh, fuck, Flip!" The change in angle had you convinced that he was deeper in you than ever before, the tip of him nestling against your cervix.
"You feel so good like this." Flip moaned. He tapped two fingers against the side of your thigh, signalling you to move and you were more than happy to oblige. Your feet were securely rooted on the floor and you placed your hands on the walls to give yourself the leverage and support you needed to begin riding him.
He let you control every movement; let you set the pace as you slid up and down on his throbbing cock. Flip's hands were exploring every inch of you that they could reach, massaging your breasts, caressing your thighs, sliding across your back, and then, finally, they found their way to the apex of your thighs and started firmly circling your clit.
Flip let out a loud grunt every time you slammed yourself down onto him. It was a sound you wanted to hear every day, every waking moment and in every vivid dream.
The steady pace that you had managed to keep was slowly becoming nothing as you felt yourself loosing control over your limbs the closer you climbed to that high you were chasing. The muscles in your stomach were tightening rapidly over the coiling tension and your walls gripped him even tighter.
"Say my name."
"What?" You weren't lucid enough to possibly begin to understand what he meant at that moment.
"Say. My. Name." He repeated, making sure to punctuate every single word with a small thrust upward to meet you as you came down on him.
His name spilled out of your mouth just a few seconds later in the form of a moan.
"Who’s making you feel this good?" You weren't as quick to heed his words this time, the building pressure between your legs taking up all of your attention.
His hands were back on your hips, forcing you up, slipping out of you, and then guiding you dominantly into the position he wanted with your face pressed into the sheets and your ass high up in the ar. He was swift to enter you again, you had barely even had time to complain over the loss of him before he was drilling into you.
"Flip!" You shouted his name as you finally came, tumbling over the edge as stars were painted behind your eyelids. Your legs were shaking, spasming, through the waves, words of gibberish leaving your mouth as he made you babble like a brook. He hadn't even faltered in his movements, continuing to pump into you as he chased his own climax. He was panting loudly in between groans and the sound of skin slapping against each other.
"Who owns this pussy?"
"You." Another sharp thrust into you.
"Who owns this pussy?"
"You, Flip. Oh, god, you, Flip!" Small droplets of tears were leaking from the corner of your eyes as Flip was steadily driving you to cum again as he fucked into you.
You hadn't felt this way before, you didn't even know you could feel this way; the overwhelming stimulation that was rushing through your blood, lighting your nerves on fire, making you want to stay right here, right now, forever.
"That's fucking right." Flip came with a deep jerk into you, pulling out to come all over your back before entering you again to give you a few last thrilling pumps.
You laid there on his bed in a heap, totally out of it as he calmly came to rest beside you. He coaxed you onto your back so that he could plant a sweet kiss on your lips. Uttering words that made your erratic heart pump even faster.
“All mine.”
Thank you for reading! Please check out my Masterlist if you want to read more.
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Charlie’s dirty little secret💋
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 months
ADCU Masterlist
A/N: Just making a separate masterlist for this because I have a fair number of these and also there's a bunch of different characters!
Kylo Ren
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Call Me Kylo | Officer!Reader ↠ You're tasked with getting the Commander's signature to finish your assignment. Unfortunately, you can't find the Commander anywhere.
Correspondence ↠ The Supreme Leader has a lot on his plate, leading him to neglect certain things... like himself, for example.
Nothing But A Monster | Vampire! AU ↠ Forced to accept help from a mysterious stranger, you find yourself in a predicament of sorts.
It’s The Small Things ↠ Kylo finds your optimism odd in place of the First Order.
The Meaning Of Care | Officer!Reader ↠ Kylo Ren takes care of you when you're sick? That's something you never would've seen coming.
Clyde Logan
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Pinball & Motels ↠ Roadtrips, A present for Clyde, and the one-bed trope? What more could you ask for?
A Day Off ↠ Clyde finally takes a well-deserved day off.
Flip Zimmerman
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Frenzied Rendezvous* ↠ Flip finally has his way with you after enduring your teasing all night long.
Early Mornings ↠ Pale wakes up to find you making breakfast. It's like you plan on staying or something. Wait... do you plan on staying?
Solo Triplets
A Quiet Night ↠ The boys want to take you out on a proper date.
Ben Solo
Fairytale Mess* ↠ Sleeping with Ben Solo doesn't seem like such a bad idea when you're both under the influence.
Paul Sevier
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Extraordinary ↠ Paul attempts to go out and have a social nigh. After everything that's happened... things haven't changed him that much, have they?
Daniel Jones
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Late Night Confessions ↠ Dan wakes you up with a drunken phone call.
Breakup Headcanons
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calummss · 9 months
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summary: never trust a charming man. his charm might turn into your worst nightmare when the man seems too good to be true
pairing: fem! reader x flip zimmerman
words: 2.1k
a/n: this is the weirdest idea i’ve ever had, do not ask how i came up with it…i wrote this for english lit so if there a name or description to the my oc i changed to ‘y/n’ please ignore since i didnt proof read!!
TW! kidnapping, implied cannibalism
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"I can hear you, sweetheart," taunting words fell between the rapid rustling and crunching of the autumn leaves, creaking branches, and the smell of wet weeds and newly bloomed wild flowers.
A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of your neck; your hairs stuck to the side of your face as you twisted and turned to see what direction was the way out of the forest maze—quickly and safely. Every second you pondered, you wasted time. Every wrong turn you took, you wasted energy. Every second, you were hopelessly running away from safety.
You felt a surge of adrenaline as the cold air bit into your lungs. You forced your legs to push harder off the muddy ground and slippery roots, anticipating the relief of finding someone who could help. A sudden ringing noise penetrated your ear; a waft of air shot past you. Your heart sank into what seemed like a bottomless pit in your stomach when you saw a shotgun shell embedded in tree bark. A meaningless piece of brass and plastic, the colour of gasoline fuel, but its shape solid; red like blood.
Your screaming burst through your lungs; it was the only weapon you had. Your breath was sharp and frantic, your eyes wide filled with tears. Fear washed over you as you thought of the possibility of your life being cut short just because you had trusted a man who turned out to be the kind of charming until he got what he needed.
"You broke my trust, Y/n." His voice sang through the thick air. "You know, my favourite game as a boy used to be hide-and-seek. Always played with my brother, friends, family,” A short but taunting silence made your heart race. "They always complained because I played unfairly and cheated," he said, to the sound of his gun clocking. "I disagree."
The soft ground blurred below you. You continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have, figuring it was because of the psychopath on your tail. The only things that could hinder you from survival were your physical limits and your doubt. But your exhaustion also came running after you, and your cramping legs gave in, falling into the pile of wet leaves. Your body shook as you pressed your back against the tree trunk, trying to regain some sort of power to keep on running, but it was no use.
His frame edged closer and closer, his black shoulder-length hair blowing in the low wind. His dark gaze fixed on you as his twisted smile sent shivers down your spine.
Your mind went frantic with the thought, ‘weak.’
He looked at you, jaw clenched, inches away from you. Nostrils picked up the scent of his cologne as your lips started to tremble, knowing you had failed to outrun him. What would he do now that you had tried to run away? You didn’t know.
"You look beautiful when you're scared," he crouches down, cocking his head. "But the fun is over now and I get really angry when people try to outsmart me. Will you try to outsmart me again?"
"Please!" Your voice cracks. "Please, you don’t have to do this!" You cry out, hot tears streaming down your cheeks.
"But I do," his voice now soft like it had been before he opened up the door to his cabin. "I have to do this."
Your crying intensified; your chest grew tight as bile rose in your throat. Blood pounded in your ears. Your hands shook. Your feet tingled. Your vision was disfigured, as if you were looking through a fish tank. There was nothing else you could do but give up. His strong arms scooped you off the ground and started carrying you away.
Your heart pounded even harder when you could see a street poking from behind the branches, realising you had given up before the finish line. Darkness was torn from your face, and a matrix of lights blinded you. Groaning, you shifted, attempting to jerk away from the brightness beyond your lids. Your hand hits your face, the drowsiness making you feel like a marionette. But even though your limbs feel heavy, like they had piled on imaginary weight, you tried to pull herself together. Pushing your torso off the ground, you noticed you were back in the living room you had been in moments before you took off running. Your eyes scanned for restraints—none.
But there he was. Tall, broad, muscular, wearing...black? A black blazer buttoned over something white, dark trousers, black shoes, all melting together into one until you blink a few times.
He must have noticed your surprise.
"Don’t worry," he took a swig of beer. "This manor is human proof. Both escaping," he huffed out, placing his hands on his thighs before talking towards the kitchen counter, "I mean like escape proof, soundproof, everything proof." He laughed.
"Why are you doing this?"
You spoke, your heart pounding and your voice cracking. "What the fuck is happening?"
He cackled, like he had one too many drinks, and laughed at a terribly awful joke. "Something very unfortunate for you."
"Let me go. Please. I swear I—I won’t tell anyone."
“What happened, Flip?" Your gaze dropped to his frame, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. His hands engulfed the beer bottle he held. "What did I do wrong?"
"You did nothing wrong, Y/n." Monotone. Dry.
"Then please tell me why you are doing this to me." You couldn’t stop your chin from trembling or your heart from wanting to explode out of your chest. "You treated me so well. We slept together. And now. What is this?"
Flip scrambled out of his seat.
Your eyes darted across the room—the drawing room at the cabin, nothing but miles of land and sheep. It stood close to the sea, just off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, which at this time of year had the strongest and toughest currents.
Flip placed the beer on one of the coffee tables and braced his weight on the gold-encrusted sofa that stood perfectly opposite you.
"I mean don’t get me wrong, dear, the sex was incredible and probably some of the best I ever had but it was part of my scheme."
"What scheme? To lure me to the woods?” You wanted to shout, but every bit of effort you made to speak or move was tripled against the weight of you building fear.
"Look, it’s nothing personal, Y/n," he said, lifting the corner of his lips. "You took my bait and now it's on you. It’s not my fault when you’re so gullible when it comes to love. I mean seriously, falling in love within three dates?"
"Is Flip even your real name?"
"Yes. My full name is Philip Zummerman."
"You give your victims your government name?"
"Well, it’s not like any of them will ever tell the police," he chuckled, his white teeth shining between his black moustache and beard. "You asked me before why I am doing this. I have an answer to that but I don’t think you’ll enjoy it as much."
"What is the answer?"
"I am handsome, well proportioned and insanely wealthy. Those two components work rather marvellously together. I either charm my way out of any trouble or I’ll just pay off what I need to. Humans are leeches by nature, you know," he took another sip of his beer. "Humans crave luxuries and comfort, and what else?"
"I don’t know."
“Yes, you do. C’mon!" He slouched down with the biggest grin he had yet given.
“Ehm,” pause, “Money?"
“Ding Ding Ding…money. How much money do you think it will take to buy an ordinary man’s silence? Say less than a thousand dollars? Maybe even two if he’s desperate enough."
You had no idea how to behave. You felt like you were compelled to listen to him.
Flip stood back up again, beer in his hand, his back facing her as he paced around on the dark ebony floors, the squeaking penetrating your ears.
“And how much do you think you will need to persuade that same man, so dull and simple, to take a life?" His feet stopped moving.
A deafening silence.
"Those dirty old men rummaging around the dirty cities of Colorado would do it for 5.000? Maybe 10. But in their eyes, you are worthless. Not worthy of anything except the price tag above your head that has compelled them to blindly follow any orders given to them. Just like dogs. I think there’s a psychology behind it but then again I am no psychologist,"
“What are you going to do with me?" You asked once more, collecting every ounce of calmness you had left, forcing yourself to make contact with him.
He sighed in response. Like he was... bored, annoyed, rushed? Perhaps all three?
"I’m going to kill and eat you."
His gaze went through you like a blast of ice, his sick smile making your stomach churn. Your muscles stiffened, paralyzed by fear. You could hear the slow, dragging beat of your heart. Fear became a tangible living force that crept over you like some hungry beast, immobilising you and your brain, holding you captive. Every muscle in your body screamed at you to try and escape again, but you remained frozen.
"What…" Bile started to rise again.
"I will kill you, and I will eat you." The clicking of his tongue enunciating his pointed finger on you. "A simple concept really."
Panic started to settle in again. Fear creeping from behind, the hair on the nape of your neck stood up.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." Nothing but high-pitched whimpers. Shallow breaths made it impossible to think clearly.
Your mind was scattered. How to escape? What had happened? Was your hand numb? Why did it feel like little pinpricks?
"This isn’t happening."
"It’s happening." His dark, monotone voice penetrated past your thoughts.
"It’s not happening. It’s not happening. This is all a bad dream."
You never had a heart attack but if someone had told you this is what it felt like, you wouldn’t doubt them. Your breathing was laboured, and your palms felt wet. You couldn’t think of anything but that your chest might get crushed any minute. "Oh, Lord," you started, "save me just this once."
You were trying to breathe, but you couldn’t. Someone was clutching your throat, stopping you from taking full breaths. But there was no one stopping you. Tears started trickling down your cheeks as panic crept over you again. This time, panic was unavoidable. It felt like forever. You sat there and panicked. He kept trying to say something, but nothing but mumbles made it past your ear. What he tried to tell you was inaudible.
So suddenly his shouting erupted, bringing your mind back to reality as you stared blankly at him. You could feel a tear sitting at your lower lash line.
“There you are," Flip’s voice was half way between a whisper and a shout, deep and rumbling like the earthquake below you but still full of the danger you felt whenever you noticed his eyes on you. "Y/n."
“You’re a cannibal?" You choked back the fear and guilt you felt in your heart, speaking to yourself .
“Don’t insult your own intelligence," he tuts. "I do have a tendency to strongly dislike people who belittle themselves for the sole reason of incompetence or lack of confidence."
“And you just eat people?"
"I have refined tastes," he answers, his expression emotionless, but you could see the coiled tension in his body, the rage ready to spill forth. "You have complimented me on my cooking just earlier this evening. I remember the way your eyes fluttered, enjoying the thigh fillet. I would say your tastes are the same as mine. Why don’t we get you relaxed, dear? Hm? I have a room just for you and we’ll talk about this once you are back to normal."
"Normal. Normal."
You could feel his arms underneath you as he brought you to his chest. Feet dangling in the air as he made his way towards a wooden door that led down a spiral staircase, a red carpet greeting you as he walked past another long hallway until he came to a halt in front of the second-to-last door.
"You know, my dear, normally in these types of situations there would be some revulsion at the revelation that you’ve consumed a person. I see nothing of that in your demeanour. You don’t seem to care about the fact that others have suffered to land on my plate, yet you only seem to panic after you found out that you would meet their same fate... Tell me why? Do you think you are more important?"
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msb3hav3 · 1 year
Here’s another Adam Driver hand-thirst post no one asked for.
*throws through window and runs away*
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
For the Hunt
{ werewolf!flip zimmerman x female reader }
Werewolf Flip wanting to knock you up (or role play at it) and scenting when you’re ripe for him and chasing you down and pounding you
thank you for submitting this!!
warnings. SMUT (18+), werewolf in rut, primal kink (hunter/prey), breeding kink w/no intention of actually getting pregnant, dirty talk, outdoor sex, creampie, minimal aftercare.
word count: 995
🐺 written for werewolf wednesday 🐺
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Your breathing is soft, exhilarated, creating little puffs of steam in the cold night air. A shiver runs down your spine, out of excitement or nerves, you’re not really sure.
You two have an agreement that on rut nights, he has full consent to use you however he wants or needs to. He tells you what he needs from you on a particular night and you give it to him willingly, whether it's being tied up on the bed down in the basement or up at his remote mountain cabin.
His absolute favorite thing, however, is when he gets to hunt you. Which is why you’re currently standing behind a big pine tree, trying to steady your breathing.
By now you’ve nearly perfected the art of giving Flip a good chase, having been with him for almost six years. And tonight is an extra special full moon because you’re ovulating, which gives Flip the ultimate prize in his werewolf brain: the chance to breed you.
He looks up at the full moon with his golden eyes, knowing it’s time to hunt, he lifts his snout eagerly.
Almost instantly, he picks up traces of your scent and his paws thud against the earth as he runs into the thick Colorado wilderness. He can already feel that this is one of his more mild ruts, but he's still just as desperate and tuned-in regardless.
Flip slows down and sniffs the air again, knowing that he's close. You can feel him nearby, sticks snapping and leaves crunching under his large paws.
You sneak a look around the tree and he doesn't seem to notice, so you quickly attempt to sneak to another tree. But of course, his head whips over and you freeze, then take off running.
He feels the familiar tingle of his primal hunting instinct creeping up through his body, but he still gives you a head start before taking off in your direction, eyes beginning to turn black with desire.
Your breathing is heavy as you sprint away from Flip, trying to give him a good chase. He growls softly out of sheer thrill and quickly dips to the side to run around you, then stands proudly. You come to a screeching halt.
Strands of drool hang from his jowls as he takes a step forward, then another, piercing you with his lustful stare. You let out a shaky breath and step back, not actually afraid but acting so anyway.
"Please don't hurt me," you say softly, eyes flickering down to his hard member for just a moment.
He grunts when he notices your quick downward look and stands a bit taller, eager to present himself to you.
"I have something else in mind," he says in his deep, gruff voice. "If you do your job correctly, then it should be pleasurable for both of us."
You bite your lip as he steps forward again, sniffing the air.
"You smell especially good tonight, little girl. I could smell your ripe, fertile pussy from back at the house. You're so ready to be bred."
"I don't--"
"Run," he says, interrupting you. "If I catch you, you're mine."
Immediately, you take off again and he gives you a moment before taking three long strides, catching you and causing you to fall over. He quickly catches you with a clawed paw, though.
He brings his mouth down to your ear as he lowers you to the ground.
"I got you," he says. "And now, I get to pound you until you're swollen with my seed."
You whimper softly as he holds your wrists down and takes a sharpened claw to your pants, tearing the crotch open to make room for his thick, pulsing cock. He lets out a shaky breath as he pushes your legs apart and lines himself up with your wet entrance.
Flip groans when he finally gets the wet, hot relief he's been desiring all night within your walls. He gives you a moment to adjust before beginning to move, his hips delivering sharp thrusts.
You moan unashamedly as Flip growls and fucks you from behind. Hearing his noises of pleasure only arouses you more and you clench, earning a surprised, breathy grunt from your husband.
His noises get louder and he leans down again, beginning to lick at your neck and jaw, occasionally scraping his teeth lightly against your skin as an alternative.
“I need you,” he grunts, hips speeding up slightly. “I need you to h-hold all my cum inside, keep it a-all…give me pups…”
You gasp softly, eyebrows knitting in pleasure.
“I will,” you breathe. “I-I’ll keep it all f-for you, my love.”
His cock throbs and he knows he can't hold on much longer. He always feels guilty that more often than not, you don't get to cum like this. But he definitely makes sure to return the favor the first opportunity he gets.
"Sweetheart, I'm gonna--" He cuts off as the intense orgasmic sensations suddenly rush through him. His eyes flutter shut and he rocks his hips desperately, spilling every drop he has deep inside of you. "O-Ohhhh god..."
You sigh softly as he lets go of your wrists and sits up a bit, still staying buried deep in your pussy. He helps you get up on your hands and knees, then licks your neck again.
"Are you alright? I wasn't too harsh?"
"I'm fine, honey," you reassure, looking back at him with a small smile. "I promise I'm okay. I would've used the safe word if I wasn't."
Flip nods and pulls out slowly, letting out a shaky huff as he does so. When you stand up, he gently picks you up and you rest in his large arms. You smile up at him.
"I love you, Flip."
His eyes soften and wishes he could return your smile. "I love you too."
You sigh softly and look up at the night sky as Flip carries you back to the house.
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gardenfullofsage · 1 year
Flip Zimmerman x Fem!Reader
Reader's sibling can't seem to stay out of trouble with the authorities. Good thing they have a doting willing sister, who's able to catch the Detective's attention.
word count: 3,089 words
Warning(s) Smut, semi-public, Exhibition, Flip being a little mean,
I don't own this Gif
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Your sleep was abruptly disturbed by your mother smacking a pillow against your head.
“Y/N!’’ She yells in whispered shouts.
You moan in protest as your covers are ripped off of you. ‘’Get up. Get up. Get up’’ Her pitiful attempts at waking you up irritating. 
“WHAT!’’ You yell Finally acknowledging your presence. Her eyes widen as she shushes you. ‘’Your brother was arrested.’’ Is all she says. You roll your eyes and groan flopping back on your pillow. ‘’I need you to get him before your dad finds out.’’ You stare at her in disbelief. 
‘2 A.M’ Is printed in bold letters at your bedside table. ‘’Are you crazy?!!’’You whisper shout. She shushes you again peeking out in the hallway, your guess making sure your dad isn’t awake.
‘’Yes, now go your dad will kill us if he finds out.’’ At this you snap your head. ‘’US? No he’ll kill you.’’ You try pulling the covers back over your body, your mother resorts to dragging you off the bed. ‘’I’m serious Y/N, he’s your brother the least you can do is bail him out.’’
You pull your jacket over your pajama clad body, the heater in your dads truck no longer worked. No wonder he gave the damn thing to you. 
Your mother frantically knocking on your window scares the last bit of sleep out of you.
‘’Jesus Christ woman.’’ She scoffs rolling her eyes, as she shoves a few bills into your lap. ‘’Stop by the convenience store and get me some creamer, it’s for your father.’’ ‘’Thank you so much my sweets, what would I ever do without you.’’You mock. She scowls as she rushes back into the house.
You wince as the truck rumbles loudly, cursing yourself as you peel off into the night.
The police station eerily quiet as you make your way to the front office. The secretary barely acknowledges you as you give her your reasoning for the visit. Going to the hallway she directed you too, your brother speaking to what you presume is a detective. ‘’Y/n, what took you so long, this place really freaks me out.’’ He says in exasperation. You roll your eyes in response. Turning your attention to the detective.
‘’Good afternoon ma’am, I’m detective Stallworth sorry to have to make you come in so late.’’ You shake his hand nodding in understanding. ‘’ Mr. B/l/n has been suspected of a hit and run.’’ At that you raise your brows, your brother didn’t have a car. You didn’t even know if he knew how to drive. 
‘’It wasn’t me I swear-’’ You cut your brothers pleading off with a sigh. ‘’I know.’’ You put a comforting hand on his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile. 
‘’He is guilty until proven innocent.’’ A rough voice enters the conversation. You look down the hallway seeing the silhouette of a tall broad man in the hallway.
His steps loud as he makes his way towards you.
‘’Your, brothers in a lot of trouble, he’s even lucky he’s being released on bail.’’ He says taking a drag of his cigarette. You narrow your eyes as he blows the smoke in your direction. ‘’Rookie why don’t you get the pretty lady a seat, it’s going to be a long night.’’ Is all he says before walking away.
You don’t recall falling asleep, a tap on your shoulder awakens you for the second time tonight. It’s your brother. He smiles at you widely as he offers you a cup of coffee. You smile as you take the paper cup out of his hands.
‘’It’s the least I can do, thank you for you know.’’
You groan as you stretch, the harsh surface of the bench finally taking a toll on your ass.
‘’Can we leave.’’ You say between your yawns.
Making your way out of the police station, you thank detective Stallworth for his time. 
By the time you made it back home it was 7 AM. Your mother had told your dad you took a morning stroll with your brother. His eyebrows raising in surprise. You gave his cheek a kiss as you bid him goodbye, you practically ran to your bed.
Sleep came to you easy. 
Unfortunately for you, this was certainly not the last time your brother found himself incarcerated. This time for something he actually participated in. 
A fucking brawl fight over some chick he met a week ago.
You weren’t the slightest bit surprised as Ron’ who formerly introduced himself, gave your mother the details. You fought a laugh as your mother ripped into your brother. Your mother was more embarrassed than mad at the situation. The victim in question is her colleague's daughter.
Your laugh escaped you in loud cackles, as your mother assigned your brother lawn mowing duties. The most unwanted chore in your house. 
His begs and pleads falling on deaf ears as your mother shoves him away and out of her room.
It’s a Thursday and you honestly don’t know what bit your mothers ass this morning. Her best Sunday dress swaying, her heels clicking as she makes her way inside the police station. A big bowl of homemade sugar cookies in your hands, as you’re forced to take part in her visit.
‘’Officers, what a pleasure seeing you again.’’ Her red manicured nails reach over and take the bowls out of your hands. You watch as the officers crowd around your mother. Some for cookies and others…. For another type of cookie.
You wince as you take in your mothers obliviousness. 
Your mother makes you walk around the station offering cookies to whomever. Your guess she’s trying to ass kiss her way into favors. You’re pretty sure your brother learned his lesson though, but you digress. 
‘’Hey Ron, want some cookies?’’ You say pressing the bowl into his hands. He smiles as he grabs three shoves one into his mouth, voice muffled as he makes small talk. As you pass around some more cookies. You catch a glimpse of the detective from the nights before, he stands near the wall adjacent to yours. 
A halo of smoke hangs over his head, as he smokes his cigarette. Ironic because you catch a ‘no smoking’ sign above his head. Your eyes follow him, as he makes his way out of the room. Your mom grabbing a hold of your shoulder, shoving another batch of cookies into your hands before pushing you into his direction. At this point you wonder if she’s pulling these cookies out of her ass. 
Your steps are quiet as you follow behind him. You know he knows, you’re behind him. You can tell by the way he purposefully halts his steps, forcing you to bump into his back. 
He now stands facing you with an eyebrow raised in question. You hold up the batch of cookies as an offering. He hums as he wiggles his fingers over the cookies, he settles for a chocolate sugar cookie. He stares deeply into your eyes as he chews on the cookie.
You clear your throat before speaking. ‘’Thank you, for dumping my brother's case it really means alot to my family.’’ You say eyes dancing between both his eyes. ‘’It means a lot to your family, not you?’’ Is all he responds. You furrow your brows in confusion, mouth opening to speak before he shushes you. ‘’Don’t thank me, thank rookie. If I’d have it my way your brother would still be in jail.’’ Your hands clench the bowl of cookies this time, eliciting a silent crack.
‘’ I’m sure Y/b/n would’ve spent a minimum of 2 weeks max here, you're just being a dick.’’ The detective's face hardens as he grabs hold of your mothers bowl, and throws it against the wall. You stare at the bowl that now laid on the floor in shock. Your brain failing to register his retreating form.
“Hey.’’ You shout. ‘’You need to pay for that.’’ At this point you're running after him. He makes his way into a room secluded from the other offices. 
Your eyes fail to adjust to the dark room, lit only by a single lightbulb. As you try to catch your breath. You flinch as the door slams shut behind you, you see the detectives form from between the aisles stacked high with boxes. Your steps are quiet as you make your way over to him. 
He’s rummaging through a box, head coming up after retrieving a folder. He shoves the folder into your hands as he leans his back on the shelf behind him. You toy with the manila folder he shoved into your hands. ‘’Read it and tell me what it says.’’ His gruff voice spat out. You open the folder furrowing your brows in confusion as you read over its contents.
‘’It says my brothers been arrested more than 4 times.’’ You mutter. ‘’Yeah, and according to Colorado state laws, after the fourth time it’s straight to federal prison.’’ Your eyes widen as you shake your head in horror. ‘’You can’t do that, this has to be a mistake.’’ He laughs in return.
‘’This isn’t the first time your mother visits the station with cookies, and it sure isn’t her last.’’ Your head hurts from all the information you’re taking in.
‘’We couldn’t afford to bail him out the first time, how would she do it 4 times.’’ You think out loud. ‘’Frankly sweetheart I don’t know and I don’t care, If i’m being honest we suspect your mother of laundry.’’ You snap your head up just as he lights another cigarette.
He takes a drag and lets out a big cloud of smoke. You stand in silence for a while, before marching towards the door ready to leave with your mother. You don’t make it far as you’re tugged harshly into a chest.
You feel his heavy breathing on your back. The feeling sends shivers down your spine. The detective brings his hands in front of you and lights out his cigarette with his fingers. He lets out a heavy sigh, before spinning you around and forcing you to face him.
 ‘’And where do you think you’re going. ’You purse your lips at his question. ‘’It’s obvious you're lying; you call yourself a detective? What's stopping me from reporting you and having you fired-how dare you-’’ Your rant is cut short as he covers your mouth with his hand. ‘’If you know what’s best for you, you keep your mouth shut, understood?’’ He whispers low and, in your face, you nod your head in understanding. 
The detective tuts as he shakes his head. ‘’Use your words.’’ He whispers letting go of your mouth. ‘’Yes.’’ Is all you reply, his hand remains on your face caressing your chin as stares into you. The single light casting a glow on his face. You take all his freckles into count, as you feel his eyes on your lips. 
‘’What’s your name.’’ He mutters close to your lips. Your reply comes out stuttered due to close proximity. ‘’Y/n’’ He says your name as if testing it. You hate to admit the way your legs clench. Heat stirring in your lower areas. 
You lick your dry lips, the movement causing his eyes to flicker and focus on your lips.
‘’What's your name?’’ You don’t know why you’re whispering. ‘’Flip.’’Is all he answers with his eyes still on your lips.
Flip knew the problems having you back here would cause. He knew the office was full of gossipers.He didn't find it in himself to care. He laughs internally, he’s not a masochist but how he wishes your delicate hand would come up and redden his face. The thought alone almost made his eyes roll to the back of his head.
Flip hasn’t had a night where he does not think of you. Since the faithful night you came into the station he himself found himself mesmerized by your presence. He practically begged Ron to keep your brother locked up, just for the chance to see you again. When suspicions about your mother arose, he felt like he struck  gold. You had to come, it was just a moment of when. He can’t fight the grin that comes across his face as your breaths come out heavier. He has you right where he wants you. You had to feel the same way right? 
With the way you’re looking at him right now, he’d do anything to bend you over and smack your ass red.
 Flip ducks his head inhaling your scent, this time releasing a groan.
The sound causes you to release a shaky breath. Flip noticed the way your thighs clench and your breaths come out in short pants. He fought the urge to fist your hair and make you look at him. Your elaborate shyness makes it harder for him to resist you altogether. 
If you were being honest with yourself the only reason you even agreed to come here was to see him. His voice does little in calming the flame you feel growing down there. You’re hyper aware of everything that is Flip, his scent is intoxicating.  Every cell in your body tingles. 
‘’Tell me to stop and I will.’’ He’s practically begging for you to leave, leave before he does something he won’t regret. Flip shuts his eyes, as your hands come up to grip the hair at his nape. His calloused, rough hands making their way to your waist. He toys with the loops of your jean shorts. The shorts you were to see him in.
‘’Kiss me.’’ Your words hold finality as you caress his cheek. Flip stares into your eyes, asking for consent. Your flickering eyes is all the confirmation he needs. You moan as his lips envelop yours. The kiss wasn’t gentle. You both fought for dominance. Your back arched as he tugged on your bottom lip.
Flip gripped your hair, the sharp tug on your scalp forcing you to release a loud whimper. He kissed his way down your neck, you turned to the side giving him access as he marked you his. You took notice of the bulge he had in his jeans. Gasping as you placed your hand over it, feeling the thickness and girth. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, when he bit a particular spot on your neck.
Your soft sighs and moans were heaven for Flip. He felt himself harden at your sounds. He hoped someone would pass bye and hear you, he hoped his colleagues would talk. Then they'll know you were only his.
Your mouth desperately looked for Flips, missing the way they felt on yours. Your hand never left his bulge. He released your hair in favor of sliding your shirt up, and toying with your jeans. You protested as he pulled away, forcing you to look at him. ‘’Tell me you want this.’’ Somehow his voice grew deeper, you clenched your thighs as you felt your panties dampen. You nod your head frantically, your mouth too dry to speak.
He unbuttons your jeans, pulling them down your waist and over your legs. He toys with your panties as you try to connect your lips. 
Flip chuckles as he pushes you against the shelf. Holding your gaze as you feel his hand dip into your panties and graze your slit. His mouth parts as he feels how wet you are. Your hips rolling trying to find friction. You’re panting at this point, his shushing doing little to calm your beating heart. Your eyes flutter closed and you release a long mewl as you feel his fingers finally enter you.
Flip tried his best in taking it slow, but your walls were practically squeezing his fingers. Your moaning is the only sound he could process. He wanted to rip your panties off and pound you into oblivion. ‘’Not today’’ He had thoughts of taking you out to a nice diner, show you how much he wanted you in ways his words couldn’t, he wanted to then take you home your taste on his lips as he kissed you goodnight. He wanted your first time with him to be unforgettable.
Flip wanted you to be his inside and out. He wants to mold you, break you, in ways only he can.
Your moans were borderline loud, you couldn't help it. Especially with the way Flip was pounding his fingers into you. Your thighs quivered, as you felt your high approaching.
Your hands scratching his arms as he all but forced you to take his fingers. You begged him to kiss you, touch you, ruin you, you didn’t care in what way you just needed him to. 
He pulls his fingers out of you, your protests falling on deaf ears. Flip licks your juices off his fingers, you swear you almost came just by the sight. He smashes his lips onto yours. The kiss this time has his tongue tasting of you. Flip practically growls, at you eagerness. He finds himself loving the taste of you. He wants more.
‘’Look at you, you dirty girl.’’ ‘’You like it when I use my fingers?’’ Yeah?’’ Yeah’’ His words are borderline mocking you. You whine as he continues to finger fuck you. You beg him to go harder, you were so close. You could feel the band tightening. Your ears taking in the squelch of your pussy.
Flips never felt more alive, he loved the way you submitted to him. 
Your orgasm came like an eruption. You moaned and cried his name like a curse. Flip couldn’t comprehend it at the time but he came at the sound of your voice. Shivers racking his body as he lets you ride out your high.
Heavy panting was the only signal that you were still alive. You gave him a dazed out hazy look, as he pulled out his fingers.
You gripped his hands in yours, sucking your juices off the fingers that were just inside of you.
He moaned before kissing your taste off your mouth.
‘’Be ready tomorrow at 6, I’m taking you to dinner.’’ Is all he says before he makes his way out of the room. You’re so dazed you don’t notice your mom frantically entering the storage room and lecturing you for smashing her favorite bowl. You didn’t have the heart to argue.
As you made your way out of the police station you slipped a note with your house number on Flips desk. He smiles in appreciation. ‘’See you soon, pretty girl.’’
Hope you enjoyed this one, I tried making it a little longer. As always, my requests are open, Also please let me know if you want me to create a taglist lol.
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ilikestuff69 · 9 months
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‘BlacKkKlansman’ (2018)
Directed by Spike Lee
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reveluving · 1 year
red lipstick ; adam driver characters headcanons
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summary: because what’s sexier than seeing you in red lipstick? 💄
warnings: fluff, humour, slightly explicit (minors DNI!)
a/n: on an ADCU spree so I figured it’s the best time to write my own, courtesy of @safarigirlsp​ & @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather​ for continuously feeding my obsession hehe! pls pls pls give their work some extra love!! and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» check out my full m.list!
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✧・゚ Jacques Le Gris
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Le Gris' own presence exudes confidence, ferocity, and allure, and his lady is no different. What better way to show the men who envy him the same way the ladies do with you than by bringing you the best of the best? He will settle for nothing less, especially when it comes to your comfort and the like, and he will know if they're not up to par.
Old-timey Jacques will indirectly criticize the maiden in charge, knowing they probably did so to make you seem 'less appealing' to your very own lover, but many seem to forget that he was extremely smart just as he was your doting husband. Just a quick exile over here, a simple repeat of his demand for the best over there and boom, he's back to being happy ol' Le Gris. Modern Jacques is no different, for he would easily purchase the shades you'd swatch and hum to yourself, knowing if he heard how much you liked it, he'd buy the whole store for you. Do you want them personalised, too? Go right on ahead!
And that's not a threat, it's a promise.
“You should never settle for anything less, ma chérie. I shall not allow it.” He’d chime in as soon as he sees your eyes sparkle at the new case with both wonderment and guilt. If you offer to repay him for his endless gifts, he will ask for your kisses, complete with the new set he’s given you, but ever the lover boy that he is, you know good and well it won’t end with just kisses.
✧・゚ Flip Zimmerman
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Ever heard of the saying "the fortune favours the bold"? He doesn't need to hear from Stallworth that Flip has in fact 'loosen up' upon being graced by your existence. He does, however, preen in the knowledge that since knowing you, he's become bold. Well, bolder than he already was. Where has uncertainty brought him in life? But as much as he'd like to deny till the end of time, he's nearly done it before.
Keyword: nearly.
The day you met, he wondered if he had died in a shootout and met hell's personal It girl—no angel could pull off the devil's shade with pride the way you do. Had he continued to mask his hesitancy by returning your undeterred gaze, he'd be the biggest fool for letting you go.
He'd clock in work with your lipstick stains if he could. Public indecency be damned! He'd fight everyone and anyone if he hears another person talk about it as a form of embarrassment.
"S'not my fault you don't have a pretty girl to come home to." He'd shrug, though the wolfish smile told the poor bastard everything that he felt. Was he wrong? No. Was he going to fight Flip for publicly embarrassing him with the truth? Absolutely not; your husband would probably knock him out before the guy could even land a hit.
✧・゚ Clyde Logan
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To think there were more red lipstick shades than he could count with his good hand. In all honesty, he really doesn't have a favourite nor does it matter if it's even red or not. That's not to say he doesn't care because clearly, he does, but only in the sense that it makes you happy. You are the professional in this particular field, after all. But best believe the happiness that heightens in him whenever you'd ask for his opinion.
Still, the colour red does, however, as the current generation says, 'hits different'. Unsubtle glances from his patrons were a normal occurrence but they never got any easier by the day. But, on the other hand? He’s the lucky son of a gun who gets to call you ‘his’.
But the man loves his kisses, and kisses he will get! With your frequent visits to the bar, you'll never let this man work without at least a peck on the cheek. Seeing his signature pout lift to the bashful smile we know and love (the audacity) takes no effort.
“Y’know just how to make a man happy, sugar.” He’d murmured against your lips, his sudden boldness not surprising you but instead, his customers, who were only giving him shit but also openly ogling at you not too long ago.
✧・゚ Kylo Ren
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Whether you think of our ol’ touch-starved leader, the vampire, the knight, or whatever suits your fancy, Kylo will want nothing more than the top-notch of things for his darling, and your preference for lipstick shouldn’t be any different! He, in a way, is an embodiment of red—his passion for both his belief, his interest, and especially, his devotion to you. So, to see the very same colour he associates closely with, other than black, be embraced as your very own as well? He shouldn’t be surprised that most, if not all of his elation are sourced from you in general.
He’s a busy man, but he will not miss the opportunity to watch you apply your colour of the day with great care. He’s unconsciously smiling, lost in your melodic hum as his vow to keep you out of harm’s way grows stronger. He’s been through hell and back to survive, and he’d have no problem doing the same it’s to ensure you leave the danger zone unscathed. So, if something as simple as red lipstick makes you happy, then don’t be surprised if you see a new one even before your current one runs out.
And although all kisses are good kisses, don’t think he won’t pull you in for a real one once the smooching fest starts. You’re worried about leaving a stain? Don’t be! His men/subordinates don’t have the balls to point them out, knowing by doing so is a game over for them.
✧・゚ Charlie Barber
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The man eats, sleeps, and breathes art, so it's knowing his beloved has her very own is a major plus! One would think nothing impresses him anymore, or at least, not as much as his own work, but oh, were they dead wrong. There hasn't been a day where the lipstick holder on your vanity table never makes him puff out his chest with pride. From the simple matte ones he'd buy after a random day at work simply because it reminds him of you, to the high-end bold to burgundy ones personalised with your name engraved on the case. C’mon, what harm would it do to him for paying a couple of hundreds for makeup as one of his ways to say thank you to his wife—his muse!
Charlie embraces this as your form of art; the shades, the textures, the right amount of shine or shimmer—just anything that screams you. Artistry performed best by his one and only.
And how could he forget about the polaroids you both have? Yours which has him covered in your lipstick stains and face in absolute bliss? His which were you kissing the area close to his happy trail, leaving the same shade colour to his toned body?
Yes, your husband's in paradise, indeed.
✧・゚ Commander Mills
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Another hunk who really just finds your confidence in whichever you find is best is more than enough, because what's better than his girl's own joy? Even so, if red really speaks to you, then don't be surprised he takes advantage of it. If the numerous times you've caught him staring at your lips and even shamelessly holding your gaze doesn't tell you anything, then the instance he wraps his arms around you for a little while longer before pressing his lips onto yours definitely should.
And if we're talking about the whole time-travelling shebang and somehow, you had to make your own lipstick? Wowie. This man will scour every nook and cranny for the ingredients if you asked him to. Best believe he will find what you need!
If it means getting the opportunity to see you do your thing in your colour and being able to wipe off the accidental smear just after you've applied it, that man is on a mission.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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You can tell that I lost my roll towards the end HAHAHA but if you’re wondering what lipstick in particular inspired me to write this, it’s:
ETUDE Fixing Tint in Analog Rose/Vintage Red
Dior Rouge Dior Lipstick in 999
Stunna Lip Paint Longwear Fluid Lip Color in Uncensored
PERIPERA Ink Airy Velvet in Full Red Brick (11)
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marieslittlecorner · 29 days
Girl next door OR dad’s best friend/neighbor Flip for today 🍒🌼👛🍦🛼
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hauntingoldhouses · 2 months
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my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at three.
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rynwritesstuff · 10 months
Along the lines of the telling them about your kinks prompt, what about telling Flip that you want him to be extra dominant and aggressive? Please and thank you 🖤
Can do, anon! Thank you for requesting!! <3
Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Contains: NSFW content, Oral (reader receiving) (because apparently I have been on an oral sex kick lmao), dominant Flip, gendered nicknames (pretty girl, best girl)
Word Count: 700
Summary: You ask Flip to be more dominant with you. He obliges.
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It’s been weighing on you, this thing that you’d like to tell Flip. He’s a kind man, a gentleman, and you know deep down that even if he doesn’t want to do what it is you’re going to ask of him, he’ll still be sweet about it. He’ll still love you, because his love is unconditional. You hope it is, at least . . .
He gets home around ten, which is considered early for him, and you approach him. Flip smiles when he sees you, then leans down to slip his boots off as you walk up to him. 
“Hey, baby,” he says. “How’s my best girl?” 
There it is. That gentlemanly-ness that has always both aroused you and frustrated you at times. 
“I’m good, honey,” you say, putting your hands on his chest. He can tell immediately that there’s something you want to say, and he puts his hands on your hips, pulling your body flush against his. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” Flip asks, his hands wandering down to your ass so he can give it a squeeze. You reach forward, cupping his crotch gently. 
“I have a request,” you say, smirking softly to hide your nerves. Or, rather, your eagerness and excitement to hear what he says. 
Flip hums, kissing you a few times. 
“Tell me.”
You rub his crotch, pressing a bit more firmly. 
“I want you to be more . . . I don’t know . . . Aggressive with me,” you say, staring up at him as you touch him. He seems surprised, or interested at least, and you offer him a small smile. “If you’d be comfortable with that–”
Flip tugs you forward, then pins you against the wall by the front door with a bit more force than he would normally use. Your breath catches in your throat. 
“Like that?” he asks, voice low. You nod. “Use your words.”
“Yes, Flip,” you breathe, nodding again. “Like that.”
He looks you over for a moment before pressing his hand between your thighs. 
“I wanna taste you,” he says firmly. “Pants and underwear off. Get on the couch.” 
You hurry to listen, pussy throbbing with arousal. As you do this, Flip unbuckles his belt, tosses it to the floor, unzips his jeans, and pulls his cock out. He strokes himself as he steps towards you, a new-found wave of neediness hitting him when he sees the way you’re looking at him. 
“Good girl,” Flip tells you as you spread your legs for him. He settles between them, observing the way your entrance clenches and unclenches out of desperation for a moment before he leans in to lick up your wetness. 
You groan, hands instinctively moving down to tug and grip at his hair. He grunts into your pussy, then says: “Mm. So wet for me. You needed me bad, hm?” 
You nod even though he can’t see you, then mumble out a soft, “Y-Yes!” 
“Dirty girl needed me all fucking night, hm? Were you thinking about this?” he asks. You groan in response. He smacks your thigh. “Answer me.” 
“Yes, Flip, mmm . . . W-Was thinking about you a-all fucking evening . . .”
Flip reaches down to touch himself as he eats your pussy, and he sighs shakily before resuming his actions.
“F-Fuck, gonna cum–” 
“Ask for permission,” Flip says, cutting you off, and you have to tighten your core in order to not climax right then and there. He sucks at your clit harder. “Go on. Ask me. Beg me.”
He’s so into this, so into you, and–
“Please! Please, c-can I cum?” you ask, hips stuttering as you hold off your orgasm. 
“Mm, mhm,” Flip hums, looking up at you. “Cum for me, pretty girl.”
You let go, not needing to be told twice as your orgasm crashes over you. 
“S-Shit! Fuck, Flip!” you groan, pushing your hips up against his mouth. He takes you through you orgasm, then looks up at you as he leans up and kisses you firmly. 
“I’m gonna fuck you,” he breathes. “And you’re gonna take it like a good girl. Understand?” 
You nod quickly. 
“Yes. Y-Yes, Flip. Please . . .”
Taglist: @safarigirlsp @cinnamon-girl01 (Let me know if you'd like to be added!)
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I know your wife and she wouldn’t mind!
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