hakkids · 8 months
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"You're back!~"
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tinderboxofsillyideas · 8 months
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I'm not dead, I just...
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shysamart · 10 months
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FlipWitch is my game of the year!
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mellie-parade · 5 months
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superjumboart · 7 months
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jaymilepland · 8 months
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I found what this is from, AND BOY IS IT ACCURATE
(Some sample music)
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pqrachel · 3 months
FlipWitch Review
So I talk about games I've played a bunch on here. I just played a new metroidvania over the last week, FlipWitch: Forbidden Sex Hex, and it was such a strangely cool experience.
Because at first it was like just alright, like it didn't do anything great for a while, but everything in the game was up to a standard that was better than average for metroidvanias. Like I've played so many metroidvania demos that I just never get through because of how samey they all feel; but even though I wasn't initially hooked with this game, it stood out. And not just because of the hentai scenes, though that did help as I've never played hentai game even close to this level.
But as I played FlipWitch more and more, it kept getting better. There were plenty of QoL things that made sidequests and exploring fun. Like having your main upgrades be tied to sidequests was interesting and I don't think I've seen that done that way before. I wish some of the sidequests were like post-game, cuz I kept doing them because they were fun, but by the end of the game I felt really overpowered going into boss battles.
But speaking of, the boss battles are what MAKE a metroidvania and they were of varying quality. Some felt okay, some felt rushed or underdeveloped, but there were a few that were so freaking amazing and felt great. I wish there were more amazing boss battles cuz it's obvious the team is capable of creating them. (Like I'm being critical here but it's because I see the potential.) I really wished they focused on this more for all their bosses.
The soundtrack was great throughout the whole game, it's actually how I learned about the game in the first place. Like Phantasmal Phunk showed up on my YouTube recommended while I was listening to music and it's a freaking banger. That's the easily the best song, but somehow the rest of the soundtrack still surprised me with how good it was.
I kind of mentioned it, but I really wish there was some post-game content. Like extra story scenes for completing all the sidequests and discovering everything. Like I explored and did sidequests as I was playing and I felt like what was left didn't really have too much of an impact. If there was a lot left to discover after I beat the game it'd be even worse, like what would these upgrades be for if there's nothing else left to fight. Like it'd be so great if they had a bossrush mode where the bosses are balanced around you having all your gear and upgrades and you get to experience them again but at your true level. (They'd probably need to take away some of the healing because 11 heals at full upgrades is super OP as I discovered.) But I'd love that so much.
I saw in the dev updates, they were adding QoL stuff for a few months after release. And in January they were thinking about more updates, but so far nothing. Hopefully that means they're working on something a bit bigger for the game, but if not hopefully they're working on something else cuz I'm a fan now and want to see more.
But yeah TLDR: FlipWitch isn't just good for a hentai game, it's just actually really good.
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necropaint · 4 months
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Art dump
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hakkids · 8 months
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tinderboxofsillyideas · 8 months
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Favourite outfit ^^
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overculturedswine · 5 months
I came across Flipwitch when the soundtrack came into my YT recommended, and wow, it really goes. Absolutely recommend checking the soundtrack out, it's amazing. The art looked pretty good, and people in the comments were talking about how good of a Metroidvania it actually was, despite being "just a porn game TM". That was all very intriguing, so I checked it out.
Now, I'm not like an expert on Metroidvanias - I've played two Metroid games and failed to get into Hollow Knight - but this seemed mediocre at best as one of those. The actual movement and controls are good, there's some interesting stuff you can do - I think I got a couple treasure boxes before I was supposed to cuz you can toy around with coyote time and whatnot. However, the movement at the start of the game is nearly the same as the end. You get a side dash and a triple jump (you start with a double jump). I didn't think that this changed the way I interacted with the world really. There are some spots you can't reach without an upgrade, but not very many. When the game wants to lock you out of an area, it'll do it by locking it behind a key you have to find instead of an upgrade you need. This just makes it feel a lot flatter, sometimes I felt like this was less of a Metroidvania and more of an Open-World game, if that makes sense. The quest log certainly didn't help in that regard.
There are two progression paths: the ability upgrades, and the wand/damage upgrades. The ability upgrades are just like any other Metroidvania, mostly. You explore around and find stuff you can use. There are also merchants you can buy from that'll give you magic items, but I never really interacted with them. At the start when their items were useful, I never had enough money to spare, and by the end I had already figured out not to bother with combat. The only good thing I bought let me use fast travel starting from anywhere - the only good thing I bought let me skip more of the game. The wand upgrades come from doing quests. There are a bunch of NPCs around, you do some stuff for them, and after you've done a few, you return to your teacher and raise your damage output. Mechanically, you could probably ignore this. It's just a damage buff, and it doesn't do much more than make combat less tedious. But those quests are where most of the porn in this porn game is, so the game does want you to interact with it. I did do all of them, but mostly cuz I wasn't sure if they were important to do or not. For a while, it was unclear how important these were to progression. They aren't normally super interesting either. Some of them require exploration, you need to find an item and bring it back, so you might need to backtrack and use an upgrade, but most aren't. Most of the quest entail of finding someone who's into catgirls, so you put on your catgirl costume and have sex. You can collect a bunch of these costumes and wear them in normal gameplay, but tbh I stuck with the defaults most of the time.
I found the combat really uninteresting. You have two attacks, a melee and a ranged. You can get magic items and upgrades that will enhance your ranged attack, but since you have to rotate them into activation and then charge them, it means they're not that useful in gameplay. Using them is so slow, so it's almost never worth taking the extra seconds swap them in, charge, and then activate. I also had issues with some of them where they wouldn't activate properly, so I'd have to start again. It didn't take long before I just stopped bothering. Since the combat is so uninteresting, the boss fights also really suffered. I died a few times on the first boss, but from there on out I cleared each boss in one or two tries because they all had almost the exact same tells and patterns. I actually thing normal exploration is more dangerous than boss fights, but not even for a good reason. The main reason I died was that I was unaware I was so low on health. You get a ping if you're very low health, but every single attack does more damage than that ping accounts for, so even if you don't hear it it's possible to die in one hit. On most of my deaths I had heals in the bag, and plenty of time to heal, I just didn't realize I needed to. Obviously there's a HUD as well, so I can always check visually, but it's small and in the corner, so I didn't really see it passively. Personally I just found it rather annoying.
The porn was also really disappointing. The art direction is on point at all times, the enemy designs are super cool, the level art is great, the soundtrack again, rules, the sound design is also really awesome. All of this together should combine into porn that's like, interesting. But it doesn't. Maybe it's just me being queer, but it's just boring. This has a fantasy setting, there are demons and angels and minotaurs and slime monsters and mushrooms and goblins and moving statues and living plants and the game somehow made those all boring. One of the biggest game mechanics is that you can switch your sex - that's what the title of the game means! So all together this should be incredible, but it isn't. Your player character mostly has the game animations across genders, but the boy's idle animation has him gently his hips swaying from side while the girl's is doing that, but also like, I can't even describe it well, breasting boobily? Find me a woman who ever stands like that and I will pay you. When you kill a male enemy he makes video game death sounds, but when you kill a female enemy she makes video game sex sounds. It's just really superly duperly made for straight guys. The PC's male sprite is actually pretty cute, but when he's in a sex scene it's always whatever girl who's the focus. It's all PIV or blowjobs, over and over and over again in the exact same way. There are a few lesbian scenes, but those are clearly made for dudes to watch. Is there any male gay sex? No, of course not. Again, fantasy setting, all sorts of fantasy creatures, and it's all straight PIV.
What's annoying about that is that they all look super good. The animation is incredible, the style is amazing! It's all very cutesy-chibi-ish, but it toes the line to where it's still hot. It is obviously executed well, but they just weren't interesting in anything else.
Anyway, go listen to Hieroglyphmix, it's amazing. It's got a whilhem scream, amen break type stuff, fun synths, full orchestra to loop it back to the top, it's great.
I like this game more than Hollow Knight, but that's cuz I'm a weirdo and can't stand that game.
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twohillstina · 7 months
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Note: I forgot her cuffs.
Sorry. :(
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henryashtran · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every hentai game I started playing to crank the hog but ended up 100% it because it was cool, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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shuihuzhuan · 7 months
i want to own flipwitch forbidden sex hex just so i can have it open as my discord status while im at work or something so people can wonder just how much pornovania im playing
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stuffman-main · 8 months
brief summary of all games bought/acquired during steam sales
death stranding - qwop with a billion dollar budget. this game is simultaneously dogshit and an utter masterpiece. kojima is a genius and should be given unlimited funding at all times.
roadwarden - randomly gifted from the same grab bag (thanks oarfish!) but i wasn't enjoying this one. essentially a "you play a level 1 peasant dying of dysentery" vn, a subgenre of fantasy i don't particularly care for.
crystal project - this game is half ff5 and half minecraft parkour and i know that doesn't sound amazing, but it is.
core keeper - about ten hours into this but decided i didn't like it enough to continue. it's a game that's similar to the least entertaining parts of terraria (i.e. digging in random directions for ore).
tactics ogre - fft is a clone of this game, so obviously, it rules.
chained echoes - i lost interest in this one pretty early, i didn't like the characters, and full heals between every battle sounds convenient until you realize that means they don't give you any resources to dump to kill annoying enemies. your damage output is always the same. also, the dev appears to have a preoccupation with trolling the player.
artificial dream in arcadia - just started this, seems rad.
flipwitch - very mediocre metroidvania porn game with a lot of fetch quests. nice to look at, at least.
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