feketeribizli · 8 days
killing my new flatmates with hammers
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skunkes · 6 months
denying so hard that there's a disconnect between what im learning within art, and other skills needed but it's undeniable that like. ill draw anatomy studies and faces all day but when i try to Make Something Else, Something Real, it's like all the information leaves me....
i always joke that ill be stuck on the foundations and fundamentals of art forever but it seems like its real because mechanical skill and comprehension of Structure is very much a different thing than. being able to connect a head and body in a streamlined way. good stylization. informed stylization. creativity. knowledge of composition, color and what makes a piece work.
i keep trying to make things and realize i still need more time in the fundamentals. more and more and its never enough....and then i forget em constantly !
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the---hermit · 21 days
This september has already been too much wtf
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aboutnavi · 1 month
youre fanfic is atrocious do you not now what a comma is. long sentinces and nothing to spice them up. not to mantion that its jegulus.
(By the way, I added spelling mistakes and poor grammar to help you understand it better, because that seems to be the way you operate.)
Oh sweetie and you are so so so brave hiding behind an anonymous inbox! So proud of you! Keep going! And thank you so much for reading my fics ❤️
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binniesoob · 9 months
onlyoneof dropping a new album:
my blog:
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
KinnPorsche Week 2022
Day 4: Favorite Outfit
— Vegas' Torture Coat
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crepacuore · 4 months
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A Neguggio il laghetto effimero è ricomparso per la seconda volta, quest'anno.
Sentiero e piante sono decisamente sommersi, le nuvole si specchiano sulla superficie verde, sotto e sopra si confondono, non si capisce se le margherite occhieggiano dall'acqua o dal cielo.
Mi piace anche la vegetazione particolarissima lungo il sentiero sostitutivo, appena sopra l'argine provvisorio: polmonaria, cardi, melittis melissophyllum e altri rigogli decisamente insoliti nelle immediate circostanze.
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E poi anche oggi Selma è stata vistosamente punta da un'ape, ma la cosa non l'ha scoraggiata dal voler continuare a giocare.
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Dalle piante sommerse e da Selma anche oggi imparo.
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raspberrylix · 8 months
wanted to check how active the tag is, just to see how annoying I'm being and that led me into spoiling something seemingly big
oh no :(
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anatakizuita · 1 year
I sent in a ticket cause I thought I got banned but the site was just down. I feel really bad now for waisting their time…
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tomjerry789 · 1 year
From Wall Posts to Stories: The Changing Face of Facebook Communication
Since its inception in 2004, Facebook has undergone numerous transformations in the way its users communicate and interact. From humble beginnings as a platform for sharing wall posts and status updates, it has evolved into a multimedia powerhouse with features like Stories, redefining the way we connect and engage with others. This article explores the journey of Facebook communication, highlighting the pivotal shift from traditional wall posts to the immersive world of Stories.
In its early days, Facebook revolved around wall posts, a text-based medium where users could share their thoughts, experiences, and updates with their friends. It was a simple yet effective way to stay connected and informed about each other's lives. People could engage in conversations by commenting on each other's posts, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
As technology advanced, so did Facebook's communication tools. The introduction of photos and videos in 2005 brought a new dimension to user interactions. Suddenly, users could share visual stories, turning their timelines into digital albums. This added a personal touch, allowing friends to experience important life moments through images and videos.
However, the real revolution came in 2017 when Facebook introduced Stories, a feature initially popularized by Snapchat. Stories allowed users to share photos and videos that disappeared after 24 hours, offering a more ephemeral and spontaneous way of communicating. The content felt raw and unfiltered, capturing genuine moments of everyday life. This authenticity resonated with users, and the popularity of Stories soared.
The shift from wall posts to Stories brought about several significant changes in Facebook communication:
Visual Storytelling: Stories enabled users to tell their stories through a combination of images, videos, and text overlays. This format emphasized visual communication, making it easier to share experiences in a more engaging and immersive manner.
FOMO Culture: The temporary nature of Stories created a "Fear Of Missing Out" (FOMO) culture, encouraging users to check in regularly to stay updated on their friends' activities before the content disappeared. This sense of urgency kept users engaged and active on the platform.
Increased Privacy: With Stories vanishing after 24 hours, users felt more comfortable sharing moments that might not have been appropriate for permanent wall posts. This boosted self-expression and allowed for a more private sharing experience.
Creative Expression: Facebook introduced various features like filters, stickers, and augmented reality effects, empowering users to add flair and creativity to their Stories. It became a canvas for self-expression, attracting a younger demographic.
You can also download Facebook videos on any device and can get inspiration from them and can make your videos more engaging. For download facebook videos use FB video downloader.
Business and Marketing Opportunities: Stories also opened new avenues for businesses to reach their audiences. Brands could now engage with users in a less intrusive and more authentic manner, creating a closer connection with their customers.
The rise of Stories also led to changes in user behavior. With the short-lived nature of the content, users became more active and participative, fostering a real-time exchange of experiences. As a result, interaction on traditional wall posts diminished as users gravitated towards the more dynamic and visually appealing Stories.
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5 Shocking Things About vayas river floods in Manali Himachal https://youtube.com/shorts/wpDwyd0zUBk?feature=share
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
being the good girl dating Ethan Morales
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Since the beggining of high school, well even before that, you were known as the girl who never got in trouble, got good grades and never went to parties, you were always invited, but never attended due to being occupied with school
You use to hang out with Devi, Eleanor and Fabiola because they were nice and study hang outs were always fun
Because of your personality and calmed aura, everyone expected you to date someone similar to you
So, when at the beggining of senior year you and Ethan Morales entered the school holding hands, everyone lost their minds, even the teachers
Theories started to fload almost inmediatly, some said that he lost a bet, others that it was a joke, some that you entered your rebel phase
But in reality, everything was real
Things started during summer when the both of you encounter at a night at a 7/11 where you went to get some snacks for the week, Ethan was there but getting some beers with his fake id
Unfortunately that night, you somehow forgot to take your wallet with you, and in a weird turn of events Ethan who was behind you in the line, pay for your snacks
"So, what's the princess doing this late out of her castle?", Ethan asked before you could leave, "What happened to the guardian dragons?"
"They are out of town", you responded knowing that he was refering to your parents, "And don't call my parents that"
"That doesn't respond my first question"
"I run out of my secret snacks and didn't want to wait until tomorrow"
"In that case, let me see what I just pay"
Without asking for permition, Ethan just started to dig into the bag until he pulled out a package of Sour Patch Kids
"Those are my favourites", you shrugged
"Mines too", Ethan smiled
In response, you also smiled feeling comfortable with him
That was the beggining of a friendship that evolute to a relationship
Even if the school found the relationship weird, you and Ethan were happy with each other
Thanks to you, he started to get better notes at school
And your spanish got better thanks to him
Heaven by Julia Michaels was your official relationship song
If someone ever think of messing with you, the next day or even sooner, the person will have something damaged
While you liked to wear some of his clothes like sweatshirts, frannels or shirts, he liked to wear your scrunchies and hair ties, your accesories like necklaces, bracelets and even some of your earings
Surprisingly, your parents loved him
At first they weren't so sure about the whole thing because of his bad boy look, but after seeing how happy both of you were, they started to accept it
Even if your parents kinda like him, both of you liked when they weren't in town because that meant Ethan spent all of that time in your house
Sex with him was amazing, and got better every single time
When your birthday arrived, he gifted you a Sour Patch plushie that somehow found online
You found that so sweet because it represented the first interaction between you two
He was the kind of guy that would do anything for you, even if it includes let you do a skin care routine on him or watch your favorite show or movie, doesn't matter how corny it is
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babiesdreams · 5 months
jaehyun, best friends to lover, so much fluff, hugging, etc (based on my dreams) then one of them confessed. no angst just so much fluff and smut, corruption kink, size kink, choking, virgin reader, dom jaehyun
Omg YES.
My best friend +18 Jeong Jaehyun
Warnings: Virgin fem! reader, corruption kink, size kink, choking, nipple clamps, dom! Jaehyun
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The soft melody of the song played in the background, filling the room with a quite distinctive mood. You had known Jaehyun for a long time now. He's been there for you in your darkest moments and you were convinced you were the only person besides his mother to ever see him cry. He had always protected you from the world, taking a rather brotherly attitude around you. You didn't mind it, even after being madly, and secretly, in love with him years ago.
His fingers were carressing your forearm, you both were laying on his bed looking at the ceiling as if it was a starry night full of secrets to unfold. He calls your name softly, to what you answer with a low hum. "Do you like the song?" He asks and yo suddenly remember how he'd been begging for you to listen to it but he had to actually play it in front of you for it to happen. "It's totally my style" You admit with a smile. He sits up and turns to look at you.
"See I told you. You never listen to me, but I am always right" You roll your eyes. "I wouldn't say always" You say in a sarcastic tone with a smirk. His brow raises at your bluntness. "Oh yeah?" His hands reach for your tummy and he starts tickling you. It is so sudden that you cannot avoid the loud laughter to come out of you.
"Stop" You say in between laughs. Your hands reach for his, making him fall over you when you pull them away from your belly. He stops himself from actually laying his whole body weight on you. His dark eyes stare deeply into yours and for the first time in years, you feel like your heart is beating just so that you can keep looking at him for longer.
He pauses, seemingly contemplating the deepest secrets of he world. Unable to speak a word nor move an inch. You open your mouth to say something but he's faster. "I love you" He whispers. All your thoughts get brushed away like dust on an old bookbeing blown away by a soft blow. You remain silent, trying to process the three simple words that repeat themselves in your head. He loves you. He loves me. You think.
His eyes look desperately for a sign of a share feeling inside your heart. He starts moving away from you. "I'm sorry... I" He starts explaining while sitting on the edge of the bed. You stay in your position, wondering how much longer would it take for you to fing the strength in your voice and say something. "I don't want things to change. I love you... as a friend." He keeps explaining himself in a monologue that seems to be a complete strange piece to the one you're living.
"Me too" You finally whisper. The sound is so subtle that Jaehyun keeps on going with his endless speech of how his love can be shaped into a strange form of friendship. "I love you too" You say now loudly. His words stop suddenly, he looks at you with suspicion. "If you're saying this to make me feel better..." He starts again and you let out a loud sigh. "I love you from the moment I laid my eyes on you. Ever since you held my hand for the first time I have imagined you holding it while we walk outside a church after getting married. I want you to hold my hand until life floads away from one of us. I love you"
Softly tears start dripping down your eyes. His hands cup your cheek wiping the tears of with his thumbs. There's a silent that makes you feel uneasy. Had you gone too far? "All I ever wanted" He whispers. "All I ever tried was to fulfill every single one of your desires, and for a while I was lost. I didn't know what you truly wanted. But now that I know.... Now that you've told me" He pauses for a second.
The tension stops your heart and time seems to be paralysed as well. His right hand moves from your cheek to your hand. "I'll never let go of your hand" He whispers with a smile. His hand feels gigantic holding yours. You knew, of course, he was taller than you but it had never crossed your mind how big his hands were as well. You stare at it, lifting your hand slowly.
"Are you comparing your hand with mine?" He asks with a cute chuckle. "How come it is so big?" You ask giggling. "Well, because I am big" He replies with a isn't it obvious kind of tone. "Not that big. You are deformed" You say jockingly. "Deformed?" He asks with a lifted brow. You look at him with a smirk on your face, he smiles as well as if he knew exactly what you were going to say.
"Remember what I taught you quasimodo. You are deformed" You say imitating the movie's line. "I am deformed" He replies with a loud laugh. You laugh with him and after a few seconds the silence returns. He looks into your eyes with a rather serious expression. His left hand lifts your chin slightly. It takes him a low squat to reach your lips. When he does, you close your eyes. His lips are soft and gentle guiding you into a slow dance. You lay your hands on the back of his neck.
There's a moment when you swear you're completely unable to breathe, and your heart completely stops. In all this years you had never imagined you'd get to experience a moment like this with him. His lips part from yours, forehead laid over yours. His breaths are heavy and messy. Horror suddenly washes over you when you realize he's needy. "Jaehyun I'm..." You try to explain your lack of experience but he interrupts you. "I know" He grunts.
He stays silent for a moment, only staring into your eyes. "You don't have to" He says and you instantly respond "I want to" He takes a deep breath trying to calm himself down. "I'll be gentle" He whispers but you shake your head. "We both know that's not what you like" As scary as it was for you, Jaehyun was really open about his sexual practices and they were far from gentle.
"It's your first time. I want you to enjoy it" He mutters. You look into his eyes and reply. "I want you to enjoy it too" He chuckles lightly. "I'm not saying we'll do a hardcore session or whatever it's called, but we can try some of the things you like. I might enjoy them as well" you reassure him with a gentle smile. He nods in agreement. "You will have a safe word though"
"I'll just ask you to stop if I need to" He shakes his head while his fingers fix your hair. "You can't use stop as a safe word" His statement confuses you. "Why?" You ask genuenly curious. "Because you'll say stop without really meaning it. It happens all the time" Your eyes stare into his confused. "Just use red" You nod without further questioning, since he's the experienced one.
He grabs your hand tightly guiding you towards his cabinet. He opens up the second drawer and a whole display of whips, gags and all sorts of torture devices overwhelms you instantly. He notices pretty quickly and closes it. His hand reaches for the handle of the third drawer and opens it.
This time the devices are more subtle. You identify most of them from conversations exchanged with him in the past. Some plugs and toys that you were told worked wonders on other ladies. "I..." You start to say, still unsure of what you're getting into. "There is no need truly" He assures you with a soft mutter. "I'll take these" You say grabbing a couple of chained clamps.
He lets out a chuckle. "You don't know what those are for" He says grabbing them from your hands. "Then teach me" You answer stopping his hands fro putting them away. His eyes fix on yours considering whether it is a good decision or not. "Teach me" You repeat.
He takes a clamp on each hand. He opens the right one and puts it on your fingertip. It is not as tight of a grip you imagined. It's rather soft and gentle. He drags his hand along the chain, softly pulling from it. The pressure applied by the device shifts along your finger as it moves until it is pulled all the way off your finger. His eyes don't leave yours at all.
"Did it hurt?" He asks softly, you shake your head in response. "Do you remember your safe word?" He asks while pulling down the sleeve of your dress. "Red" You whisper, suddenly lacking a great deal of air. When the fabric folds over, carressing your naked nipple you gasp. His hand goes back to the clamp, repeating his actions, only this time it grips your nipple instead of your finger.
The sensitivity is clearly shiften. Now you can feel every nerve of the area reacting to the pressure. Although there's some initial pain, slight though, it quickly gets overpowered by pleasure. You bite your lips when his hand starts pulling from the chain. This time you moan when he finishes. He stays quiet, almost too proud to admit he was wrong by supposing you were not ready.
His hand completely removes the dress from you, exposing you almost entirely. This time he does not hesitate to put both of the clamps on your nipples. "Let's test your endurance" He mutters to himself "What?" You ask as he walks away from you and back to the bed. He taps his lap, signing you to join him.
You climb onto the bed and look at him, intrigued. "Why did you open the second drawer first?" You ask genuenly curious. "I should have started from the bottom" He admits with a smile. "What's on the last one?"
"Just condoms" He replies while carressing your hair. "And what's on the first one?" You ask with a hint of horror. "You're not ready for that one" He says with a straight voice. "I want to know..."
"Curiosity killed the cat you know?" He asks raising a brow. "You'll know, when you're ready" He assures right after. "I'm more capable than you think" You reply and in response he pulls from the chain, taking the clamps off in a quick and sudden move. You let out a high-pitched scream. He stays still, waiting to see your reaction.
You grab his hands and guide him towards your body again, but he drops the clamps, limiting himself to carressing your soft skin. He lifts you and drops you right beside him just to climb over you right after. He starts tracing down your belly with his tongue. His arms spread your leg before he reaches your underwear.
His tongue wets the fabric by drawing circles over your clit. You look at him, deeply wishing the fabric would simply dissapear and, just as if he could read your mind, he rips the underwear off with his hand. He moves his tongue skillfully, passing over every inch of your wetness. There's a moment you feel your high growing inside of you, but he stops right before you could reach it.
He removes his clothes in what seems like a glimpse. It happens really quick, his length getting inside of you, the pleasure building up, his breaths carressing you like a soft wind blow. There's a feeling that takes over you, that forces you to move his hand towards your neck. He looks at you before applying pressure. It is a mix of completely new feelings, there's some sort of fear that disguises itself with lust and deep down there's a need. A need that grows stronger with every thrust until you finally let go, shaking under his figure.
Masterlist –requests open– How to request?
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 4 months
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Call Me
Yeonjun/ Reader
domestic fluff, comfort, crying, kissing, cuddling
wc: ~ 1100
Yeonjun comes home to you crying and eases your mind out of frustration and into relaxation.
Every breath turns out to be painful. The sensation of the air floading through your nose rhythmically reminds you of the relentless sobbing that held you caged just mere moments ago. The tear stains begin to dry. Not only the skin under your eyes and your usually in smiles scrunched up cheeks are crumbling sensitively under the salty traces, but also your neck and collar are drenched uncomfortably. Your scalp stings and a deep burried throbbing errups your head as you contemplate on what to do. You are not even sure if you want to take action to feel better or if you should just give in and bask in the pain.
A light pressure appears on your back and pushes up and down above the fabric of your shirt. The warm touch presses you only slightly deeper into the matress beneath you, but it is enough to shut down your troubled mind. Yeonjun's hand moves with confidence, steadily and allows you to match your breath with the rhythm of your man's assurance.
'Just breathe. There is nothing else you have to do now', he soothes, his other hand cradling the top of your head, his fingers spread, pressing against the throbbing from every direction.
You want to say somthing, asking him why he is home so early, thanking him for being here, explaning why you are in this state, whining about erything that troubles you, asking for a hug. No word leaves your mouth. You don't have the energy, and it hurts you once again, not being able to give him any context of the situation, having to leave him handle you all by himself with unnecessary uncertainty.
If you could, you would just cry again. Frustration is never easy to handle, but without a direct outlet, it is impossible to handle. Frustration handles you.
The suble hesitance of your breath must be enough of a cue for Yeonjun. He leans over you and carefully places his knee in the middle of the matress, using the momentum of motion to heave his whole body over you to settle down right by your side. It is second nature to lean into him, and even now, this is exactly what you find yourself doing. His broad chest feels soft and warm against your forhead, and his arm perfectly covers yours, his fingers gently stroking your shoulder.
A sigh escapes his lips, and he drops his head onto the pillow. The dullness of the thud confuses you. The sound appears to be too far away, so you look up from his chest, head in the neck, and find his soft gaze lingering somewhere in the corner of the room. You forgot how tall he is. His usual playful demineor lets you forget that he is indeed a grown adult, mature and protective, attentive, and considerate. As safe as you feel around his easy-going acceptance of your whole personality, it still surprises you what his direct attention does to you. His tranquillity and confidence in the utmost commitment to your wellbeing involving him wanting to be actively present is what allows you to let go of the stress and finally relax into your exhaustion instead of fighting it.
'You tired?', you ask as his eyes fill with drowsy tears, signifying an approaching escape of a yawn.
He covers his mouth, and you feel him arching his back in an attempt to stretch. His stomach presses into you, and he proceeds to curl around you, opposing the previous bend of his spine. His eyes glimmer when they appear right in front of yours, noses only mere centimeters apart, his breath lulling you into his close proximity. With a tender wipe of his thumb under your eyes, he manages to collect the last remaining notions of tension in your previously cramped up face. His other fingers are spread over the side of your face, his pinky located right under your jaw, gifting you with the reminder of stability.
'You didn't call', he sadly whispers and places his lips onto the outer corner of your eye, right where the skin is the thinnest and his warm kiss can be received by your skull while the sensation wanders over your skin.
'I could handle it', you simply state, serving enough explanation for Yeonjun to know that there isn't much to worry about.
You take his hand by his wrist and lower it over your waist, so that you have access to leaning your head against him again, nuzzling right under his chin, but sooner than you hoped, he mirrored you as he lowered himself to meet your eyes once again. The blanket scrunches up underneath your bodies and forms uncomfortable wrinkles that are softly poking into your side. The pillows are abondanted above your heads, and the lower edge of the matress is dangerously close. Yeonjun has to bend his knees, pushing one leg between yours and throwing his other over your hip. He always hates it when his feet are dangling over the abyss.
'You don't always have to', he whispers, his eyes occupying your own with urgency. He wants you to understand. He wants you to believe him.
'I don't want to keep stumbling over your lows, only partly catching onto opportunities to make life easier for you', he adds and clings onto you a bit more tightly, as if he scared to miss out on you if he doesn't make use of you holding onto him just as long as shame allows you to.
'When you smile, when you laugh, when you're curious, when you're confused- in all those moments you let me in, send me photos or call me or tell me, and I love that. I am so grateful that you share so much of you that I feel greedy to ask for more, but I need to.'
He waits. He lets his words sink in or chooses his next, you are not sure, but you feel his breath against you and remember to breathe yourself.
'May I be just a bit more possessive? I promise it's to keep you safe, okay? Please, please call me when I'm not around in moments that are hard on you'.
Once again, he cups your cheek and playfully squeezed your plush skin between his fingers. A light sting appears, but it also tingles and causes you to break into a genuine smile. He kisses your lips and can't but mirror your smile when he pulls away only as far as he needs to look back into your eyes.
'Please rely on me as long as I can make you smile that easily, yeah? You deserve gentleness'.
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giro-x · 8 days
What are they doing🤨
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Also if you see this! My country is currently facing natural disaster- floads, I would like to share link to donation, because results are devastating and people lost their homes
Polska WALCZY z powodziami❗️ PILNIE potrzebna pomoc! - zbiórka charytatywna | Siepomaga.pl
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satrs · 1 year
blue lock boys you think would be exes who do everything to try to get you back? to add on they’re your baby daddy so they have a reason to see you and speak to you.
ᥲ/ᥒ ꜝꜝ ✎ hiiii nonnie! thx for the request! I got some boys in mind, and the first one that I could picture was Shidou LMAOOO
also, I didn't specify the child's gender, so you can fill it in for yourself^^
Still Your Best
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TAGS; suggestive content. MDNI!. mention of sex. mention of kids. angst. hurt to comfort. some crazy/toxic guys. nicknames(baby, princess).
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He would never directly admit that he wants you back but find excuses, your child for example.
It was true that he visited your place to see his child more, spend time with them, and be as good of a father as he could be. But, he wouldn't miss taking this as an opportunity to get near you. Even if that meant doing it the harsh way.
"Rin? You already had your time with-" "I'm their father, Y/N. You can't stop me from interacting with them." "Rin, look. I'm tired of you just showing up at my doorstep unannounced and-" You sighed, too tired and not in the mood to fight with him or alarm the neighbors to feed them any gossip, so you step aside, motioning him to enter your home.
He stood in the living room awkwardly, scanning the apartment for his little one - no where in sight. " already in bed." You cleared up his confusion, throwing yourself on the couch with an exhausted sigh, "That desperate to see them? Go wake them up. But you'll take care of them then."
He didn't respond, causing you to look up at him in suspicion as he sat beside you on the couch, an unreadable expression on his face as he breathed out, searching for the right words. "If it's about that same topic, then drop it." He sighed at your reaction, a pleading look on his face. "Just hear me out for a second." You stay silent, waiting for him to continue, averting your gaze to anywhere but him. "I've been telling you this for some time now and I think it's time for you to consider it."
You eyed him before averting your gaze around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. You know what he meant. He was laying in your ears with that stuff since both of you separated. "We should try it again. For the little one." Yes, for them. But also for you. He can't deal with this 'still friends for the child' - bullshit. He wants you back in his arms with his child- be the happy family you once were.
"For the child," you reminded, repeating his words as you looked at him, a promising look on your face. His heartfelt smile startled you for a second, reminded of your happy years with him floading your mind and maybe another try wouldn't hurt.
"Yes, for the child. And for us."
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"Why don't you go play for a bit, hm? Me and Mommy have to talk." You turned at the man at that, unsure of what he meant, a raised eyebrow accompanying your confusion.
Once your child disappeared into their room, you eyed him in suspicion, waiting for him to clear the fog. "So, you got a boyfriend now, hm?" Your heart sank in realization, you child must have likely babbled it away to him. "And what about it?"
He chuckled at that, shaking his head in a scolding manner. "Y/N, a new man in our child’s life would be confusing. I think it's really selfish of you to-" "No, I don't think so. But you know what I think? I think you're just jealous that I moved on." You intervined, ready to walk off until his words rang your ear. "Yes, I am. You can't just 'move on'. That's not how it works, baby."
You flashed him a look of disbelief. "Yes, I can, as you can see." You walked off the scene, only to hear footsteps right behind you. "You sure as hell didn't. He's just a playdate to you. He could never replace me, and you know that damn well."
You stood still, tint of guilt filling your stomach because he was right - you've never and will never find anyone that could replace the hole Bachira left in your heart, your lips formed into a thin line as you turned around to get a good look at him.
A smile crept its way up to his lips at that, his feet moving on their own as he stood before you, taking your head in his hands. "But I'm here, you know. We can try again."
You looked up at him, eyes sparking with hope. "Are you serious?"
"I'm always serious about you, baby." He caressed your cheek with adoration, his eyes showing nothing but love for you.
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"Where's (child's name)?" You questioned, impatiently tapping your feet to the ground, arms crossed in front of Shidou's doorstep. He returned a smug grin at that, leaning against the doorframe, shamelessly looking you up and down. "Went out clubbing baby? You look gorgeous, as always."
You roll your eyes at his statement, waiting for him to answer you - to no avail. Finally, your patience snapped, face adored by an irritated expression. "Can I come in?" You motioned at the door in a sarcastic manner.
"But of course, princess." He stepped aside, grin only growing bigger as he animated you to come in, quick to steal a quick peak at your behind. “So, did you had fun?” He tried to stirr up a conversation to keep you with him for a bit longer.
You ignored him, walking around the house in search of your child. “Where-“
“Asleep.” He answered quickly, smirk on his face never wavering. “You knew that I’d come to pick them up.”
He chuckled at that, nonchalantly walking into the kitchen to get you your favorite drink (he remembered every detail of you, even so small) “C’mon, make yourself at home.”
You scoffed at his sarcastic voice. ‘Make yourself at home’. What a bummer. This was your home some time ago.
“What do you want?” You asked as he sat beside you, waving the drink he offered off. “Why don’t you relax a bit? It’s not like we’re strangers.” He shrugged your decline off, drowning his own drink down. “Also,” his face twisted at the aftermath of his quick gulp down, “it’s to late for you to drive home with my child at this hour anyways, can’t allow that.”
You understood what he was getting at, taking the drink in hand as you prepared yourself for the night. He took note of that, triumphant grin on his face as he poured himself more of it, bumping his glass against yours. Tonight will be the night you’ll get back to him, he was sure of it.
“Now that’s the spirit, baby. Cheers. To us.”
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He is desperate for you but has no better idea of winning you back than seducing you into bed with him, covering his intentions up with 'I'm the only one who makes you feel good or 'Just some stress relieve, nothing else'. But little did he know that those actions would bite him in the ass one day.
"Stop this? But why?", he sat up straight from his side of the bed, eyeing you as you put on your clothes. "Don't you feel good? Because I know that I do. It's just like back then."
You sighed at that, throwing on your shirt as you looked at him. "That's the problem. You don't see this as just some pastime, do you?" He didn't say anything, lips forming a thin line. "That's what I thought."
He sprung to his feet and jumped into his boxers and shirt swiftly once you made your way out of the door. "Wait, can we at least talk about it?" You waved him off, stepping into your shoes at the doorstep, ready to throw on your jacket and leave. "I gotta pick our child up now. Got no time for chit-chat-"
He snatched your keys from your hand, ignoring your bickering as he stepped into his shoes himself, opening the door to head over to your car. "Raichi you're in fucking boxers! Are you out of your damn mind?"
Your curses fell on deaf ears as he sat in the driver's seat, waiting for you to enter the car. "Now we can talk and pick them up. Two birds with one stone."
You mumbled curses under your breath but seated yourself either way because, if you were being honest, you were kind of curious about what he had to say.
"What the hell do you want to talk about?" You spat, earning a chuckle from the man as he drove off on the street. "I want us again, Y/N," he said after stopping at a red light. "Raichi, but you got me. Not how you wish to be but still-" You silenced yourself once his hand comfortably rested on your thigh, innocent gaze on the road ahead.
You sighed, lingering in the comfortable silence. You knew how he was never really good with words, even back when the both of you were still together. So you let the silence speak for itself, dwelling in his touch.
Maybe you should hear him out for real this time, he got out in boxers for you after all, that's a story to tell.
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He tried anything in his power - beg, shower you and your child with gifts- expensive ones at that- trips, and anything else you could think about. And even tho you waved him off every single time, he didn't lose hope and kept on trying. You were his treasure after all.
"Look, baby! I got you some toys." Your child reached out their hands for their father, a beaming smile on their face. "Enough, Reo." Your voice interrupted the joyful moment, bringing him back to reality.
"What's all this for?" You motioned around the room, various expensive gifts for you and the little child. "Do you think I'll just jump back into your arms if you buy me stuff?" His silence was answer enough for you as you let out a scoff, turning to gather all of his gifts into a bag, and shoving it into his hand right after. "Go fuck yourself and your gifts."
He ignored your venomous words, dropping the bag to the ground as his hand swiftly grabed you by the back of your neck, smashing his lips against yours with passion.
You were taken aback, gasping into his mouth as you returned the gesture momentarily before tearing yourself away from his grasp, ready to let the curses fall.
"Mommy and Daddy are back together!" Your childe cheered on, clapping their hands together with joy. Your head snapped into your offspring's direction, about to clear the confusion, but Reo beat you to it.
"Yup!," He threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer with a bright smile on his face. "Daddy will stay the night today, what do you say?" He threw the question into the room, eyeing you.
You desperatly wanted to decline, but the way your child's eyes sparkled in pure excitement and joy caused you to give into the offer, agreeing in defeat.
The little childe jumped up in joy while Reo began to pepper your face with kisses. Your expression was bitter but deep down, you enjoyed his touch and affection.
Just for tonight, you said to yourself, then it'll be back to how we were yesterday.
Yesterday? Oh no, it'll be back to how you used to be.
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He couldn't take it anymore. You and your child- the only people he adored and loved so much away from him. It's been months since you put an end to your relationship and he is suffering from the consequences.
"Y/N, please." You ignored him, taking your small child from his arms, flashing your little bundle of sunshine a bright smile. "C'mon let's go home, yeah? Mommy already-"
"Y/N." He took your unoccupied arm in his hold, a sigh of relief filling him once you finally turn your attention towards him. "You can beg as much as you want, Ness. When will you finally understand that there is no us anymore?"
"Never.", he replied, "We belong with each other, don't you get it?" A crazed look on his face as he followed you behind to your car. You seated your child in the child seat before giving your offspring a toy to get their focus away from what was happening.
"You're crazy." "Crazy over you." You sighed, turning around with crossed arms. "Can you give it a rest?" "Not until I have you back in my arms." You let out a laugh in disbelief, hopping in the driver's seat and about to slam the door, only for him to stop you from doing so.
"Just this once," He whispered, for only you to hear, "Just hear me out this once. Let me come over and talk about this- about us. I miss you." Your expression softened, an exhausted sigh leaving your lips as you rubbed your temple. "Alright. But don't get your hopes up. I'm alone at ten tomorrow. You can come over then."
A triumphant smile played across his lips as he bid his goodbye to the both of you and you swore you saw him do an attempt of an air jump as he happily stepped back into the house.
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©︎𝐊-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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