#flooring pdx
simplefloorspdx · 1 year
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A Cost-Effective Alternative: Exploring Laminate Flooring
A popular and adaptable flooring option that is less expensive than hardwood or tile is laminate flooring. It is composed of many layers, usually a core layer of compressed fiberboard or resin, a decorative layer with a high-resolution picture of wood, stone, or other patterns, and a tough melamine wear layer. Under intense pressure and heat, these layers are fused together to produce a solid and robust flooring material. The ability of laminate flooring to approximate the appearance of natural materials without the added expense and upkeep is one of its primary benefits. The decorative layer offers a variety of design alternatives to suit different home designs. It may accurately imitate the appearance of hardwood, ceramic tiles, or even actual stone. 
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robertpallesen · 1 year
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Floor Framing, Portland, OR © Robert Pallesen
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kojiarakiartworks · 6 months
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December 2003 PDX Portland Oregon U.S.A. 
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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executing · 10 months
the city of portland killed my dream of an all-trans compound today
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rmarts · 2 years
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Transitional Home Office - Home Office
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runningthruthe90s · 11 months
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Portland International airport carpet - Portland, Oregon || 1987 - 2013
"To reduce the amount of noise created by people walking across hard terminal floors, the Port of Portland contracted SRG Partnership to design new carpeting for PDX in 1987. The SRG principal and co-designer of the carpet, John Schleuning, visited several airports before deciding what to create for the carpet at Portland International Airport. SRG steered away from the earth tones traditionally used by airports in the 1980s, incorporating blue and green into their design early on and hoping to evoke "northwest to the core."
"Its pattern featured geometric shapes on a teal background, an abstract depiction of the intersecting north and south runways seen by air traffic controllers from the airport's tower at night. Several acres of the carpet were installed by the early 1990s" - Portland International airport carpet Wikipedia page"
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
So, for those of you who don't know or don't recall or just love seeing this fucking story again and again because this shit has HAUNTED me for NEARLY TWO YEARS, let's turn back the clock:
By the end of June 2022, the following things had happened to me in the year 2022:
Six sinus infections, one right after the other. Tested for Covid each and every time. Not Covid. When to the doctor on day 12, got the antibiotics, shit cleared up. And basically the moment the antibiotics cleared my system, new sinus infection.
Had so many in a row, in fact, that my my ashtma wouldn't calm down, and we had to get me on steroids for ten days to basically reset my lungs.
Went to a family wedding, first big trip since lockdown.
Came home from the family wedding and had Covid. I regularly get body pain with my fevers, and this was the worst body pain of my life. I barely remember going to the doctor for the test so I could take time off. It was bad.
Was very close to a major realization that a friendship I thought was going to last my whole life had become utterly toxic and abusive.
And then the end of June hit. And I woke up one morning to Sean cursing, which was alarming. Because I curse like a sailor, but he does not. I get up to see what the problem is.
The problem is a quarter-inch of water through most of our apartment. It was coming through our light fixtures. We are in a renovated basement of a house from the 1920s. I ran outside then up the stairs to see what was going on up there.
The house is two stories. Overnight, the toilet supply line on the second story had begun to leak. This kind of leak is a silent affair. We don't know when it started. But when we woke up, the entire living/kitchen area was flooded. The laundry room/bathroom was flooded. The water had soaked into the bedroom carpet so far that it was sopping wet from the door to about two feet in.
The office had, miraculously, not taken a drop. Still not sure how that worked.
We call the management company. We call insurance. I swear my ass off because Sean has to go to work, which means I'm stuck alone all day with the mess and a dog who does NOT understand why her paws keep getting wet.
Demo guys show up. They are very, very nice. By the time they're done on day one, there are two dehumidifiers and several large fans going in my house.
We don't have A/C by the way. And it's late June, and even in PDX, that's not great.
Three days later, the demo guys show back up to take out everything that can't be fixed. Our place looked like this:
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Once they took all the wet out, we had this hole in our ceiling:
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And were walking around on this floor:
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That's the original cement floor that was put in when the house was built, by the way.
And then, we spent the ENTIRE SUMMER waiting for someone to FIX OUR FUCKING HOUSE. From the end of June until FUCKING SEPTEMBER we were living with an open ceiling and no actual floor.
I'd email the management company. I'd call. They'd say "Oh, we're working on it. The owner is dragging his feet."
Put a pin in that claim. We'll come back to it.
At the end of July, I ended that friendship I mentioned. I am using it as a measurement here so you understand that a month into my house being like this, I was also going through a massive emotionally fucked up situation.
Work was so fucking busy I nearly burned out. On top of trying to get some answers about when I was gonna get a fucking ceiling and floor again.
By August, I snapped and sent a terselye worded email about how it should not take this long to make some fucking decisions. I got back, "Oh, we're trying, but the owner isn't communicating with us."
Put a pin in that claim, too.
Finally. FINALLY. After FOUR contractors came and looked and gave estimates, we got told "Okay, we're gonna fix your place. In September. It'll take three weeks."
So, for three weeks, we moved into a hotel, and it was...it was fine. But it's not home, okay. I just wanted to be in my fucking house with a fucking ceiling and floor.
Finally, three weeks later, we moved back in, and we had a ceiling! And a floor!
And then I got what I thought was food poisoning. 48 hours of some of the worst pain I've ever had, and my endometriosis is severe enough I had a full hysterectomy at 31 or 32 (I honestly don't recall). Okay. I know from pain. Went to the doctor. Got an anti-nausea injection from the biggest needle I have ever seen in my LIFE. The doctor pushed on my gall bladder and asked if it hurt. I'd been continuously sick for 48 hours. Everything hurt. I said, in all honesty, I couldn't tell.
Went home. Rehydrated. Things seemed fine. They guessed it was my gall bladder anyway, and since I had no history of issues, said "Let's try to change your diet before we go through surgery."
Fine. Whatever. Didn't care.
A week later, in the first week of October, I ended up in the ER because I was sick again. So sick, in fact, I could not keep down apple juice. It took TWO DAYS to get a surgical spot. I went through caffeine withdrawal. The Try Guys released their video about firing Ned. All I wanted to do was go home to my finally fixed house and fucking sleep.
Surgery went fine. Had a full-room hallucination that Sean and I were Chucky and Tiffany from the Chucky movies. Kept telling Sean to kill the nurse so we'd get a larger cut of the money. This has never happened before, but I've also never been on Dilaudid for several days in a row to control my pain. Apparently, when that happens, I think I'm a serial killing doll.
Go home. Rest up. Things seem fine.
In November, I walk into the kitchen one day, look down, and see a space between two of the floorboards that should not be there.
I refuse to deal with it and throw a rug over it.
Over the next several months, more boards start bubbling and warping.
The floor, it appears, has some fucking issues.
I ignore it for almost a year. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "Gayle, why?"
Because 2022 was a fucking disaster, and a major part of it was the flood, and sometimes you just gotta avoid that shit, okay?
But, finally, it's bad enough I know I gotta say something. I send the management company a note. They send a guy. He's great. Says I'll hear back in a week.
I don't.
And then I don't.
And then I don't.
And then the owner asks to inspect the property to see how things are looking.
He sees the floor and is shocked. This is not good. Why is it like this? How long has it been like this? When did I put in a maintenance request? And what was the last thing I heard?
This is November.
In December, we are informed via letter from the owner that he would like to be cc'ed on every request we send to the management company because he is not pleased with their performance.
Well, okay.
In January, we get a hard freeze. And then we got a pinhole leak in a pipe. That I discovered when walking into the kitchen and stepping into--you guessed it--a quarter-inch of water on the floor.
It was comin up from under the boards, but the hole was actually in our wall. We had glare ice. No one in PDX knows how to handle glare ice. The owner made the trip from the deep suburbs to us every day he could (he got stuck once) to get the problem fixed as quickly and neatly as possible.
I heard him on the phone with the management company several times explaining what he was doing, how long he thought it would take, and thanking them for communicating with us.
It took 4 days. I got one email. At 6:30 PM. On a day I heard him call them at 10 AM.
So. Suddenly "the owner isn't responding" and "the owner won't communicate" seem like complete fucking bullshit. Because he sure as hell responded when he found out there was a leak (we cc'ed him on the email as requested), and I fucking HEARD HIM communicate.
And then we found out that the owner had not had final say on the floor, which now had to be replaced not just for bubbling but for being fucking wrecked from NEW water damage.
But for this new floor, we just went through him, and would you look at that. Clear communication. Regular updates. We were on the concrete again for about three weeks because that's just how far out contractors are booking right now. But the work was done when he said it would be, and by god, it's clearly a much higher quality of flooring.
So. It's done. It's fucking done. It looks beautiful. The owner scrubbed our bathroom before he left for some fucking reason and was worried he'd lost the knob off our washing machine (we bought it used; it's never had that knob). When I met him the first time after the big leak, I thought he was a complete asshole, and it turns out he's actually all right. He gave us money for dinner this week and is also gonna get us a few days of rent comped for having to have people in and out. I'm never renting through this management company again, but if that dude's got other properties through someone else, I'd go there in a second.
April 5, 2024. May it be the last reference I ever have to make to a fucking floor repair in this house.
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louisupdates · 1 year
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steve_durham New Gretsch Drums for the 2023 Faith In The Future World Tour with @louist91
Gretsch USA Custom in WMP
@gretschdrums @gewadrums
26x14” Kick
14x10” Rack
16x16” Floor
18x16” Floor
14x6.5” Bell Brass Snare
14x8” Maple Satin Ebony Snare (14x8” Hammered Steel Snare picture here on the US Kit)
Zildjian Cymbals
@zildjiancompany @zildjiangbi
15” K Light HiHats
19” Kerope Crash
20” A Thin Crash
24” K Light Ride
22” K Custom Dark Ride
20” K Dark Crash Thin
Remo 8” Roto Tom
Remo 10” Roto Tom
Remo Powerstroke P77 Coated
Remo Pinstripe
Remo Ambassador
DW 9000 Hardware
@vaterdrumsticks @vateruk
Vater Power 3A
2 x Roland TM-6 Pro
Roland KT-10
2 x RT-30H
2 x PDX-6
Porter & Davies BC2RM
Protection Racket Cases & Drum Mat
Korg Pad Kontrol
(Bring them back @korguk !)
Albatross Audio PH9B
Big thanks to @joshpgale for making it sound sweet every day!
Thanks for the snaps @joshuahalling
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jimhair · 2 years
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Yesterday, for the second time in a week, the sun came out so I headed for Chinatown. My son once asked me why I took him and his sister (and their friends) so frequently to Chinatown in San Francisco, and I think it is because my mother took me as a child. The sweet smell of incense and the colors of buildings decorated with banners and flags, and then the kindness of people towards my children. When my daughter was small it only took a few grandmothers to tell me to put a hat on the baby before I felt like The City was filled with concerned family I hadn’t yet met. And of course, if we were early, the ABC Bakery and stopping for fresh gai me bow, warm from the oven with the sweet coconut filling, and hot tea. Portland’s Chinatown is only a few blocks, the streets are too wide and empty, and make me long for the spaces of Waverly and Ross Alley; the brick walls a warm red and close, the sound of mahjong tiles clattering in the second floor rooms above…. Yesterday I stopped after passing through the lion gate, and saw the lines of the buildings in the sharp light, and began to focus my camera when I heard someone behind and turned to see a man walking past. I said good morning and he nodded and after a few steps stopped and turned, as if he thought I was waiting for him to take his place in the frame. I made an exposure and looked up, he nodded again and walked away. 🇺🇦💔🌎💔🌏💔🌍💔🇺🇦 #earth #america #human #family #street #people #stranger #documentary #chinatown #portrait #photography #mediumformat #4x5 #camera #bnw @ilfordphoto #film #blancoynegro #blancetnoir #Hēiyǔbái #siyahbeyaz #白黒 #shirokuro #blackandwhite #istillshootfilm #photojournalism #pdx #portland #nw #northwest #oregon 230140 HP5 1947 Graflex Super D Kodak 190mm 5.6 Ektar https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDPpijPcEz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zerobaselove · 1 year
I heard myteen???? I was such a kookheon and yuvin supporter during pdx!!!
YEAHHHH u get me so bad </3 it’s so nice to see other kookheon n yuvin enjoyers heyyyy
me n my bff were watching a b.o.y mv and then kookheon was shirtless and we genuinely had to pick our jaws up off of the floor (we are so down bad for that man in particular)
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simplefloorspdx · 2 years
Simple Floors Portland floor, tile, carpet, and countertops catalog. Hundreds of wood flooring, tile, and LVT options from hardwood, bamboo, laminate …
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Two people were shot and killed at a hotel near Portland International Airport, police said.
Officers with the Port of Portland Police Department responded to reports of a shooting at the Embassy Suites Portland Airport Hotel on Wednesday around 2 a.m. KOIN reported. The victims — a man and a woman — have not been identified.
No information about a suspect has been released.
“There is no ongoing threat to the PDX airport or the surrounding area at this time,” Port of Portland Police said in a statement.
The East County Major Crimes Division is leading the investigation, which is ongoing.
Guests at the Embassy Suites hotel said they heard at least a dozen gunshots ring out amid the chaos. One person recalled seeing blood on the floor as authorities evacuated the building.
“I was sleeping great and then all of a sudden I heard the gunshots and they just kept going,” said David Gailen, who was traveling for work and staying at the hotel when the violence unfolded.
He added that as soon as the gunfire ended, all he could hear was screaming.
“It was blood-curdling, I heard these female screams like someone had just witnessed murder,” he told KOIN.
Authorities have requested that anyone with information come forward.
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concertclown · 29 days
Roseland Theater (PDX)
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Quick Details
Roseland Theater 8 NW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97209
Max Capacity: 1,410 Is the venue +21? | “Age restrictions are determined on a show-by-show basis. Check the listing on www.roselandpdx.com/events for that info!”
Bag Policy: No large bags or backpacks.
ADA Policy | “Yes, our building is ADA accessible and we do our best to accommodate every music fan we can. We can set up an ADA area on our general admission floor (house right) and provide a chair in that area to those that need it. We have a lift on our street-level entrance that goes up to the general admission floor. Our balcony is not ADA accessible.”
Lost & Found? | “We do have a lost & found! You can message us on Facebook or email us at [email protected] with a description of the item & contact info. You may also call us here at the Roseland office Monday-Friday from 10am-5pm at 503-221-0288.” Coat Check? | “During the winter, yes! It is $2, CASH ONLY. One coat per hanger.”
Relevant Links: FAQ - Prohibited Items/House Rules - Event Calendar - Transit Map
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pdxcleaning · 2 months
PDX Cleaning
Are you struggling to get those floors clean in our home? Don't worry! PDX Cleaning has you covered. We offer affordable and competitive rates, call (503) 664-7580 or contact us today for your free in-home estimate! . . . #cleaningservice #housecleaning #officecleaning #cleaningservices #homecleaning #commercialcleaning #cleaningcompany #portland #vancouverwa #pdxcleaning
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ener-chi · 4 months
My heart is so fulllllll
My parents flew up today to visit! They haven't seen our new place since me and my partner moved in together. They also haven't really met my partner, either.
It went well! We hung out today, took them around the city. Had some pretty good brunch, and then went to the Zen gardens, which I LOVE. The energy and qi is sooo lovely up there. My liver loved it. I really need to spend more time in the forest and in Washington Park, for sure. Then we ate at PDX Sliders, which imo is the best burgers in Portland. And their fries are just *chef's kiss*
BUT. Earlier in the day, my dad started getting a one-sided headache, and I pressed on some acupuncture points on his head, and it went away. And then later I did a stretch for my mom to help some chronic pec minor pain that she had.
Later my dad said that he has had some chronic pain and tightness in his neck and shoulders, and was happy that I was offering to work on it. I did some stretching and tuina for him. I also was able to try some of the Teishin techniques that I learned yesterday, which actually I think are really powerful. I really like the fascial unwinding thing that I learned - I think it's really powerful.
ANYWAYS. I did all this stuff for him, and he sat up, and said that actually before we started he was getting one of the tension headaches that he gets from his neck, and it was a 7/10, but after I was done it was down to a 1/10.
Floored. Absolutely floored. I just. I love helping people. I have always been on the fence on whether or not helping people is something that I truly care about or not. Like, yes, I do like it, but it's always kind of been secondary to me learning and pursuing knowledge.
But... I just. I love helping people. So so much. It felt soo good to help him, and see and know that the affect that I had on his life and quality of life - even after ONE HALF of a full treatment. It's just...
it makes me so happy. My heart is so full. This is... I think this is what I'm here for. This is what I am meant to do. This is... what I WANT to do. There are so many people out there that need help and healing. I mean, everyone, really. And I CAN help them. I'm learning new ways of helping and healing people every day. And I'm learning different techniques too - I have physical techniques, orthopedic, energetic, emotional, mental, auric, spiritual, etc.
I want to help everyone. As much as I can.
I'm going to think on this more. Anywho, other Joys of the Day:
-My best friend and his gf surprise joined us for dinner, and it was really nice to have all the people in my life that I deeply love and care about together
-There was a rock at the Zen garden that looked like a moss ball and had a single little plant sticking out of the top - so cute!
-Saw a birb at the Zen garden really close to me
-My mom is into this new potential infrared acupuncture therapy thing, which has some wild claims but honestly seems really promising and I'm excited to try it more and see its' results
-I both feel like I am getting a much stronger grasp on school and TCM and also like I know nothing at all
-I was able to use my new Teishins to successfully treat myself today! I used them to help with some GI stuff I've been dealing with, and with great success!
That's it for now! I hope that everyone has a good night!
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21astor · 4 months
Say Hello to Portland’s Newest Luxury Apartments
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Have you heard the news? There’s a new residential community that truly stands apart from all other apartments in the Nob Hill and Pearl Districts. 21 Astor offers the most exclusive luxury apartments in Portland! The most recent project from renowned PDX developer Robert Ball — who has a history of excellence with residential development in the Pearl District and Nob Hill area — 21 Astor promises to provide residents with an unprecedented level of quality, craftsmanship, elegance, and luxury. Of course, we realize that the question that may come to your mind here is, “How?” Let’s find out.
Get to Know Robert Ball
Robert Ball has become synonymous with luxury apartments in Portland, but that reputation didn’t come without paying the dues of hard work. Robert Ball’s passion for renovation and real estate began nearly 25 years ago.
On the Road to Portland’s Premier Luxury Apartments
After honing his incredible talent for purchasing and rehabilitating small properties, Ball purchased his first apartment building in Portland’s Nob Hill District. With a ton of elbow grease, he was able to transform the 1920s-era Sara Ann Apartments into a Class A apartment community, with the highest quality rating for a property.
Becoming One of Portland’s Leading Developers
Following the Sara Ann Apartments, Ball’s passion for revitalizing aging properties has grown exponentially. Robert Ball has completed six high-profile projects, in the heart of Portland’s downtown, including 21 Astor.
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And now on to the star of the show — the 21 Astor community and its 27 impeccable units. Residents not only benefit from decades of experience in residential development, but also a deep-rooted philosophy of service, style, functionality, attention to detail, and excellence. There are many reasons why 21 Astor is distinct from other luxury apartments in Portland:
An Incredible Location in NW Portland
Located steps from the notable NW 23rd Avenue in the Nob Hill District, 21 Astor’s LEED-certified homes have an impressive walk score of 97. Tenants have everything they could need right at their fingertips. In addition to Portland’s top coffee shops and restaurants, there’s no shortage of major grocery stores, boutique shopping, banks, houses of worship, and local businesses that support health needs.
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The Robert Ball team worked hard to incorporate equally elegant and purposeful features. This ensures that every resident experiences the seamless harmony between a vibrant urban center and chic, comfortable apartments:
Building Features
Timeless red brick exterior
Controlled access and exterior call box for guest admittance
Statuary Carrara marble slabs and 24k white gold Bisazza “cut-tile” mosaic in the lobby
Neoclassical designs
Ground-floor restaurants and storefronts
Private balconies for street-facing apartments
Public transportation options nearby
Community Features
On-site, indoor parking
In-house management services
Reserved storage spaces on each floor
Bike storage and maintenance areas
Pet-friendly facilities including washing station
Package acceptance and holding
Exquisite and Spacious Apartment Homes
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Robert Ball Companies knows it is crucial for an exceptional community to be impeccably complemented by an exceptional apartment home. 21 Astor merges functional and sophisticated elements to create ideal living spaces for the contemporary Portlander:
Apartment Floor Plans
1 Bedroom Apartments in Portland range from 701 to 743 square feet and boast fabulously unique living and dining spaces larger than other apartments in Portland’s Pearl District. Every one bedroom also includes an en-suite, pass-through style bathroom and large walk-through closets with plenty of storage.
2 Bedroom Apartments in Portland range from 933 to 1,165 square feet. All units spotlight large living and dining spaces, pass-through style bathrooms (with the master including a stand-up shower and double vanity sinks), and large walk-through closets. Plus, each bedroom is located on the opposite side from the other so as to generate as much privacy as possible.
Apartment Features
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Crisp, clean, and modern designs and fixtures
Wrap around kitchens with top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances
Breakfast bar seating
Lofty ceilings
Conveniently located stackable washers and dryers
Air conditioning
Enormous windows that allow plenty of natural light
Quartz Carrara countertops and shaker cabinets with abundant space
Tiled bathroom floors as well as tiled shower/tub surrounds
Food pantries and linen storage
Extra storage lockers available
As you can tell, we’ve built something remarkable here at 21 Astor. With only 27 units, our team is able to put all our time and energy toward making sure every resident feels that they are truly at home. Our goal is to cultivate an upscale experience that’s a perfect complement to how you live, work, and play.
Are you searching for a place in Portland that’ll provide a little something more, both inside and out? New luxury apartments portland near the Pearl District provide an unprecedented level of comfort for those looking for a refined living experience in NW Portland.
The leasing agents at 21 Astor would love to hear from you! Connect with us to get more acquainted with our luxury apartments in Portland!
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