#flor x jazmin
maligsstuff · 3 years
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Watching that video that Juli posted of her slipping and falling… which then made me think about this…
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And every single time that Flor said that… which then made me miss them
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I absolutely love couples like Clara/Marina, Flor/Jazmin, Juliana/Valentina, Luisita/Amelia, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions on other couples I can watch? As long as they have English subtitles, I’m game. 
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Can we please appreciate these two Argentinian women who have been part of the two best LGBT storylines in a very long time! Macarena Achaga and Julieta Nair Calvo could be sisters in real life...it’s uncanny! Long live Juliantina and Flozmin!!!
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Spotify gave me a certain song and it made me think of Flor and Jaz and I’m soft for them 
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First off, I apologize YouTube for being annoyed that every video you have starts with a dumb ad. Because of you, I was introduced to Flozmin and for that alone, it is enough for me to overlook all the negative feelings I have towards you.
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Now, for all of you who have had the pleasure of watching Las Estrellas in real time, I am jealous of you. I am very thankful for the people who put it all together and gave it to us to watch later on now that they are gone, but I wish I had watched the story unfold in real time. If you don’t know what I am talking about, please read on and I hope you too will find the magic in this show as well as in this couple.
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Forging on, just when I thought Spanish couples couldn’t get any better, I found Flor and Jazmin (Flozmin). If you are impatient and want to know the story in like 2 hours, check out YouTube, the channel I believe is called Fandom Feels. They condense it into 10 videos and each one is like 10 to 15 minutes long, but they do a pretty good job of capturing their beautiful storyline.
This is how I watched them at first. At the end of binging this, I felt like there had to be more. I felt like these characters were so much more than what could be shown in this shortened version. So I scoured the internet in hopes of finding more. I was lucky enough to find their story on Dailymotion and can I just say watching the extended version, I found myself falling in love with Flor and Jazmin as well as all the sisters around them. Their story is a complex love story yet at the core of it, it’s as simple as it gets. 
Any show that has me attaching myself to a character, making me feel what they feel, is a show I endorse heavily. Watching Flor understand herself and Jazmin making her realize that she should love herself above everything else, it’s enough to make any heart beat faster. Regardless of Flor’s condition, her anxiety and how she deals with being different is as basic as it gets. Most will understand how she feels and to watch everyone around her support her and help her understand that it’s okay, can I just say thank you to the Las Estrellas writers. 
Also, you’d be a real dumba** if you didn’t find yourself totally falling for Jazmin. Everybody can only wish they had a Jazmin in their life and I will say I am jealous that this person doesn’t exist in real life. And if she does, damn, why have I not found you yet. Jazmin is beyond understanding and is the definition of what beauty is. Her soul is pure and she’s the epitome of eye candy.
If you’re asking why am I telling you this, well it’s because this love story is probably one of my favorites and I feel like more people should be talking about them. I know I say this everytime, but that’s only because I only write about the ones that are well written and portrayed properly. I am two thirds way through their story and I find myself wanting to slow it down because I know it will end soon. So for those of you who have not given them a chance, please do. They have subtitles in almost all languages so you can’t say it’s because you don’t understand what they are saying. These two deserve to be in every conversation when talking about great couples, and I’m hoping more will find their story and share it as well. 
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floryjazmingifs · 7 years
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myshippwr · 7 years
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"For a long time... I felt marked. For a long time, at school everyone would point at me and laugh. Everyone laughed at me. They laughed... because I have a problem that I can't avoid. And I wanted to dig a hole on the ground and sink. I wanted to disappear. What I wanted most in my life was to be invisible. Until a person appeared who... made me feel that it was worth it to be the way I am. Who taught me to love myself, who taught me to love others without feeling like less, which is what I've felt like my whole life, less. And beyond everything, beyond everything they say to me, I don't want to live underground anymore. Because I'm in love, because I love her and that makes me feel like I'm in the clouds. And it's a girl, yes, it's a girl. I don't care if it's a girl or a guy, I'm in love with a girl and no one else is going to make me feel ashamed of that."
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maligsstuff · 5 years
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This clever dialogue
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francescatelford · 7 years
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When you ship foreign couples even though you don’t understand anything and have to find accurate subtitles but it’s all worth it bc look at these cuties.
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mxmstoons · 7 years
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oja1a · 7 years
“las declaro mujer y mujer”
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