#floricienta reference
pocoyitos · 9 months
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if u are wondering whats that day abt, every september 21th couples gift each other yellow flowers as a way of showing their love, sometimes it can be seen as a proposal!
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my new headcanon is that this tradition its still alive in the splatoon universe and craig gifts octavio yellow flowers every september 21th !!!!!!!!!!!
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
I want Andy to adopt all these orphans like if this was a kids and teens telenovela written by Cris Morena
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lacantuauthor · 1 year
Character creation tips and tricks
First of all, I want to thank you for the warm welcome to this lovely community :) I’m hoping we can help each other on our writing journey <3
So, on the fun process of character creation, I’ve tried different ways to build them up and make them as wholesome as possible in my head:
Sketch: When I was younger, I used to draw my characters next to a short description of physical and personal traits. I link to an example from 2005 (heavily influenced by Floricienta--whom I was obsessed with at the time).
Character x-ray: There are a lot of templates to build character profiles online, some are quite long and detailed! This is an exercise I did a couple of years ago using that method.
16 Personalities test: An instructor once advised me to try and answer the 16 Personalities test as if I were one of my characters. It gave me a clearer idea of who they were.
Reference what you know: I choose a public figure or someone I know to visualize my character, and I pick 2 or 3 characters that are similar to mine to understand my characters’ archetype.
For my current project, By Blood& Steam, I’ve mostly relied on number 4 for my characters’ conception. With that as a starting point, I’ve fleshed out their back stories and other details.
Here are the samples of my two main characters:
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floricientasubbed · 5 months
Floricienta Episode 51 (ENG SUB)
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Translator's Note
At 24:34 approx., when Bata is calling Mirta in the shed, he says "¿Lobo está, Mirta?" (We put "Is the wolf there, Mirta?"). This is a reference to a children's game that goes something like: "Let's play in the woods while the wolf is gone/Is the wolf there?" and whoever is playing as the wolf stalls for a few rounds (they answer the question with stuff like "I'm waking up/I'm dressing/I'm brushing my teeth") until eventually on one round they go like "Yes, I'm here!" and chase the other players until one is caught and loses. Whoever is left last wins.
Also, another note on names: The name of Clara's little sister, Paz, means "peace", which is why Martín asks Greta how to say "peace" in German.
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sapybara · 1 year
whats march 21st mean?
It's a reference of an early 2000s argentinean kid's telenovela/show (Floricienta). The main character dreamed that her crush would gift her yellow flowers as a way of declaring her his love, she has a song about it called Flores Amarillas. The song got popular in Mexico first I think and since over there spring starts today, people decided to give yellow flowers to their SO/friends.
It's not really a super known tradition cause to be fair it got popular a few years ago but it's always fun to have an excuse to gift flowers yknow?
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
Me (an Argentinian) loved the Argentinian soap opera reference lmao because it’s true lmao idk how they come up with such crazy storylines
haha i used to watch my fair share of argentinian soap operas too! i used to be obsessed with floricienta lmao
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general-cyno · 3 years
tagged by @cynderace thank you!! 💕
8 songs
1. Fave song atm: 禁爱条款 by Jung Yong Hwa and Jam Hsiao
2. A song you associate with your fave/current ship: Not for any ship in specific but Be Your Love by Bishop Briggs is one of my to go shippy songs and it can be applied to most of my fave ships
3. A song referring to you: let's go with two songs bc I like to cheat. Cherry by Rina Sawayama and R. I. P 2 My Youth by The Neighborhood
4. A song you think is overrated: Tbh I can't think of any JSDKN
5. A song that brings back a good memory: Flores Amarillas from the Argentinian tv show "Floricienta". I loved that show and song so much as a kid, I still listen to it sometimes!
6. Last song you listened to: Pa Tra by Wost x Yaniduv ft. Beatz Akademy and Nipo809
7. A song that makes you laugh: not so much bc it's funny but Slumber Party by Ashnikko ft. Princess Nokia makes me laugh bc it has VERY explicit lyrics that I once sang to at the top of my lungs, completely forgetting that my uncle (who was in the room when I did it) is an English teacher who could clearly understand what I was singing
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to: Dance With Me by Ra Ra Riot bc it's one of my favorite songs ever and it makes me happy
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dearanemone · 4 years
Getting to Know the Blogger
I stole this because I have nothing else to do at 12:27 am. Qué raro.
Three ships:
Damen x Laurent from Captive Prince.
Andrew x Neil from All for the Game
Audrey Rose x Thomas from Stalking Jack the Ripper
Last song: cardigan by Taylor Swift
Last movie: Us and Them (后来的我们) (2018) it made me cry so please watch it.
Currently reading (book): Ichigo Dōmei (いちご同盟) by Masahiro Mita & Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
Currently reading (fanfic): The Mannequin Gallery.
Writing: act ii of Linger, outlining the ghost writer AU, some random scenes from Bluebird. Sad poetry.
Currently watching: that isn’t anime? Floricienta and Heartland. For all the anime I watch every season refer to MAL.
Currently consuming: Water and sleeping pills.
Currently craving: 10h sleep and some chocolate. Also mental peace (won’t have it, ty brain!)
too lazy to tag anyone so if you feel like doing this plz do
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floricientasubbed · 5 months
Floricienta Episode 50 (ENG SUB)
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Translator's Note
At around 27:10, when Delfina hurries into a bedroom and Flor starts going "Red like Little Riding Hood's, your face is…", we took a little liberty in the translation. The original is a reference to María Elena Walsh's story "El paquete de Ososfete", where the main character is called Osofete Colorete, which is what Flor says: "Osofete Colorete, tengo mucho colorete" ("colorete" meaning make-up blush). Florencia starts singing this as if it's a playground rhyme game to point out that Delfina's cheeks are all red, as if she put on too much make-up. We used Little Red Riding Hood to keep the element of children's story and have the color red somewhere.
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