slowpokegamer · 4 months
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I need everyone to look away for a few minutes .
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kokiri · 2 years
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I do not have the time or energy to invest in starting my journey with Florrian so I crimetool’d him for fun! 
He’s a Warrior of Light who has a lot of unlearning to do. Florrian was raised in Garlean occupied territory, conscripted into its army, captured at the Battle of Carteneau, and a year later he ended up released. Ever since, he has been living as a sellsword in Mor Dhona. He was content with his life until he crossed ways with a Scion of the Seventh Dawn on an assignment and found that his story was just about to begin.
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aoife-asturmaux · 2 years
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went to an art party but the only pic i took was this one of @kokiri’s boy Florrian ;v;
shader: neneko simple & clean 2
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dammbach2022 · 2 months
Sonntag 14.04.2024
Einsatz: 832
Gegen 17:51 Uhr wurde die Feuerwehr Sailauf zu einem B 1 | im Freien - Kleinbrand auf die Kreisstraße AB24 alarmiert.
Wir wurden von der Leitstelle zu einem B 1 alarmiert.
++ 🚨🚒 EINSATZ 16/2024 🚒🚨 ++
📟 B1: Brand im Freien - Kleinbrand
Am Sonntag alarmierte uns die Integrierte Leitstelle bayersicher Untermain ILS Untermain zu einem Kleinbrand zwischen Sailauf und Rottenberg. Gemeldet war ein unbewachtes Nutzfeuer.
Nach 4 Minuten rückten wir mit unserem LF Florrian Sailauf 40/1 und unserem TLF FF Sailauf 21/1 und 11 Kameraden/-innen aus.
Mittels Schnellangriffeinrichtung konnten wir nach knapp 2 Minuten "Feuer aus" melden.
Nach 30 Minuten waren wir wieder zurück am Feuerwehrhaus.
Eingesetzte Fahrzeuge:
Feuerwehr Sailauf 21/1
Feuerwehr Sailauf 40/1
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imaveryevilenby · 4 years
fhsgfhdh okay i’m just gonna send you lots of plant names because plant names are my JAM - aster, alyssum, aspen, bramble, briar, calla, cedar, cecily, clove, cypress, dahlia, elm, elowen, fern, florrian, ginger, hazel, heather, ilana, iris, ivy, juniper, koru, laurel, lavender, maple, meadow, moss, oak, olive, orrina, pepper, poppy, primrose, rowanna, rue, rush, saffron, sage, savannah, sorrel, sylvia, terra, thorne, valeria, valli, violet, willow, wysteria, yarrow, zinnia
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seaside towns are for thinking
It's in Hulbury, about an hour after that incredibly awkward lunch with Rose and Sonia and Oleana, that her dad finally bothers to call her.
She'd spent that hour alternating between fishing up Pokémon to battle and catch and shopping for potions and berries. Some of the incenses on sale had piqued her interest, but not enough for her to entertain buying one.
Her mind had been so preoccupied with whether to buy twenty potions or stick with the ten she already planned on buying that she'd answered the phone without thinking to check, assuming it to be either Hop or Florrian, maybe Sonia, though that felt like a stretch seeing as they'd seen each other not too long ago. Leon didn't even have her number so he was ruled out immediately.
She hums out a greeting, still preoccupied with her potion purchase dilemma, and almost drops her phone her surprise at hearing the voice on the other end of the line is so great.
"Nixie Ailse Breckenridge." Claude Breckenridge didn't have a loud voice. In fact, some would say it was a very soft and quiet voice, but the way he said his words, all cold and untouchable and impersonal, made people pay attention to him.
It also has the adverse effect of activating Nixie's knee jerk reaction of swearing without thinking.
"Fuck you," she shakes her head when the Poké Mart cashier asks if she wants any more potions, deciding it would be a good idea to not have this conversation in the middle of the Pokémon Center.
"Language," he chides, ignoring her annoyed grunt. "I heard you joined the Gym Challenge."
"You're a little late to the party, considering it's been three weeks since the Ceremony," she exits the Pokémon Center and starts walking towards the light house.
Her father makes a humming sound that could've been dismissive or acknowledging for all she knew before clearing his throat.
"I want you to quit the Gym Challenge. Now."
She blinks, blinks again, and inhales deeply before exhaling.
"Why the bloody hell would I do that?"
"I've put up with your desire to travel for too long, despite all the other, far more useful, things you could've been doing with your time, and I refuse to be associated with you when you inevitably cause trouble. If my boss were to hear about it..."
"I've met your boss," she drops her bag down to lean against her leg and stares out across the ocean, "he likes me for some reason, not that I return the sentiment. In fact, I had lunch with him not two hours ago."
Nixie ignores the deep inhale from her father and continues.
"Plus it isn't like my existence had any say in whether or not Cyrus and Lysandre decided to go through with their plans so, like, keep telling yourself I'm a troublemaker if it makes you feel better, but it's more like trouble finds me."
And it seems to be finding her once more, if the shady air Rose and his assistant give off is any indicator. She's getting paranoid, she knows it, but it's only paranoia if it isn't true.
"And, anyways, if you think I'm going to just quit because you told me too, you got another thing coming."
"I am your father-!"
"You haven’t been my father in a long time. Maybe you never were."
It takes more than blood to build a family. The bonds she’d formed with her Pokémon had taught her that.
Her smile is bland, devoid of all emotion, and her voice is falsely cheerful when she continues to speak in the silence her words create.
"So this has been a wonderful conversation. Truly wonderful. But I'm a busy girl and those gym badges aren't gonna earn themselves! Talk to you again when the world ends! Toodles!"
She ends the call and shoves her phone in her bag, collapsing down onto one of the benches with a frown carving its way onto her face.
She didn't want to think about it, not yet at least, but her father's call does prompt an unwanted realization.
They won't be staying in Galar, not once he's finally got the all clear to go jetting off to other regions again, and, not for the first time, she finds herself wanting to stay.
It's a greater want this time, she realizes.
In all of the regions before, even Sinnoh and Kalos, she'd never made connections with the people. Real connections, anyway.
Sure, she'd made connections with the places and she knew she'd miss travelling through them, seeing all the sights and pokemon they could offer, but she'd never made friends with people, not really. 
Shauna had tried, and she was thankful to the girl for that, but they'd had little in common past the part about them setting out to travel Kalos at the same time. Calem was a rival and, more often, a source of annoyance. 
She'd never really gotten Trevor, or Tierno for that matter. Never understood the desire to fill up the Pokédex or spend days creating the perfect dance team. They'd been fun, in their own way, but there were no bonds, no strong bonds anyway, between them.
Those bonds would've been what really tied her to a place.
But here, in the region of her birth, she's started to forge them, started to plant roots. She has a friend, a best friend if she's being honest, and a rival in Hop. She is friendly, if not friends, with the residents of Wedgehurts. She has a friend in Sonia and even one in the Champion, Leon.
She blinks and stares into the water, salty air invading her senses.
The Champion. Tied to one region.
She thinks back to all the talk about her, and Hop, maybe one day being strong enough to face Leon. She hadn't paid much attention to it, since beating Leon was Hop's goal (and Bede's. And Marnie's, come to think of it. And, well, most of the people taking part in the Gym Challenge had probably entertained the thought.), but now...
If she beat Leon, if she beat the undefeatable Champion and took his place, would she be able to stay in Galar, regardless of her father's wishes?
The answer, she decides as she stands up and puts her rucksack on once again, is yes.
She thinks about her competition, about the goals they have, and smiles when she realises she has one as well now.
She has something to strive towards.
Something she will make happen, come hell or high water.
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amp-wrks · 4 years
Stories of Nice from Wonderlust on Vimeo.
Created as a love letter to Canada, Sankoff and Hein’s lyric's ( the team who brought you Come From Away ) serve as a reminder of the nation’s reputable “niceness” and charm. Together we weaved a compelling story of Canada’s diverse people and languages, the beauty of our cities and communities, the historic milestones and scientific achievements born here. From the top of Niagara Falls, to iconic and beloved delicacies from coast to coast to coast, This is Canada Nice reminds us of Canada’s distinct personality and offers inspiration to explore when the time is right.
Client: Destination Canada Studio: Wonderlust Director: Ryan Rumbolt Producer: Christian Rankin Lead Animator: Julian Fumagali Illustrators in order of appearance: Tom Goyon, Loris Alessandria, Vera Babida, Albert Carruesco, Bernat in Motion, Born in the North, Miguel Angel Camprubi, Fernanda Ribiero, Silvia Bassoli, Claudio Araos Marincovic Animators: Julian Fumagali, Juan Pontaroli, Leo Compasso, Marco De Vecchi, Federico Bressan, Pablo Rago, Jorge Conde, Florrian Perron, Martin, Scott Jonsson 3D scenes: Albert Carruesco, Bernat in Motion Compositing: Thiago Steka, Ricardo
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berlinphil · 7 years
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Nach der Uraufführung in Berlin nun die österreichische Erstaufführung von Georg Friedrich Haas’ “ein kleines symphonisches Gedicht” sowie als Hauptwerk des Abends “Die Schöpfung” von Haydn.
After the world premiere in Berlin we played the Austrian premiere of Georg Friedrich Haas’ “ein kleines symphonisches Gedicht” yesterday evening in Salzburg. The main work of the concert was Haydn’s “Creation”.
Photos: Salzburger Festspiele/Marco Borelli
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downton-doctor · 9 years
Why oh why did they kill off that Belgian violin dude Florrian (idk how to spell it) in Mr Selfridge?! He was the best character! And now Miss Mardle has encountered yet another tragedy!! Will she ever be happy? Probably not. I'm sad they skipped over his death as well I'll always feel I have never properly mourned him !!! RIP Florrian Ily 💞💞💞
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observation clearly isnt a strength of yours
They're barely at the top of the slight hill in front of her house before she spots Pip and the rest of them, her treasured friends from that first unforgettable journey. In one motion, she lets go of Hop's wrist, pulls her bag off her shoulders and drops it to the ground, before running straight at the Emperor Pokémon.
The Empoleon cries out, an excited and happy sound, bracing himself for when she crashes into him and wraps her arms around him in a tight hug.
Luxray bumps his head against her leg in greeting, Roserade trills and spins around in her excitement, Gallade merely moves closer to his trainer and her starter whilst Houndoom releases a small plume of fire into that air, fire that is quickly put out with a shot of water from Gastrodon.
"I've missed you, buddy," she mutters, stepping back with a smile. "I've missed all of you."
She turns to face both Leon and Hop, still smiling. "This is my very first partner, Pip, and my very first team from Sinnoh."
The two brothers blink and she barely restrains herself from laughing at how similar they look.
"You never mentioned she was already a trainer," Leon looks at his younger brother, who just shakes his head.
"I didn't know," he takes a step forward and is greeted by Luxray, who sniffs at him curiously before brushing up against his legs.
"Yeah... I'm still kinda surprised about that," Nixie turns to look at her door when she hears it open and her smile gets wider when she sees Fro and the Kalos team. 
Sobble, who had somehow managed to stay on her shoulder throughout her mad rush to get back home and then through her tackle hug with Pip, looks on curiously. 
Fro walks to stand in front of her and gazes up at the small Pokémon, who stares back. They're quiet for a minute before Sobble jumps off her shoulder and lands on the Greninja's head.
Nixie looks on in amusement as the two Water types walk around, avoiding the various greetings happening between the rest of her two teams.
"I thought they'd want to say hello after so long apart, so I took the liberty of taking them out," Florrian appears in the doorway, walking towards her with a nod of acknowledgement to Hop, who was stroking both Luxray and Gastrodon.
"That's fine, Florrian. Thank you," Nixie smiles at him, taking several steps back to stand beside Leon and allow her butler to leave.
"Dinner is in the fridge, Miss Nixie," he says before pausing and looking at Hop for a moment. "Although I do recall Hop's mother saying something about a barbeque."
"Thanks. See you tomorrow."
He nods and smiles, beginning his walk down to his own house. 
"He doesn't live with you?" Leon asks, prompting her to turn and face him.
"Florrian? Nah. He's got a house in Wedgehurst and comes by at least once a day to make sure I'm alright, but for the most part it's just me here," she looks at Hop and back at Leon, "well, when Hop isn't barging in."
"Your parents aren't here?" Leon's face looks a mix of surprised and concerned, which is honestly kinda sweet but also unnecessary. She’d been taking care of herself long before Florrian stopped living in the same house as her.
"Mum left a long time ago. She lives back in Kanto, last I heard," Nixie turns to look at the Pokémon gathered in front of her house with a small smile on her face. "Dad was never around anyway, but since I snuck out the house to get a Pokémon and go on a journey when I was twelve, he's made extra sure to put as much space between me and him as possible."
"And anyway, I'm seventeen. It'll only be a year until I'm eighteen," she continues, bending down to pick up Florges.
"Wait..." Hop looks up from where he'd been busy paying attention to Luxray and Gastrodon, "you're seventeen?!"
"...Yes?" Nixie blinks at him, confused. "It was my seventeenth birthday a few weeks ago. You were there."
"Yeah, but I didn't realise you were turning seventeen! I thought you were turning fifteen! I thought you were younger than me!"
"...Why would you think that?" She raises an eyebrow, already having guessed the answer but willing to be proven wrong.
"Because you're... uh... delicate? Facially?" Hop tries, noticing the dangerous look in her eyes.
She looks at him for a few moments, mouth set in a neutral line and eyes unreadable, before she huffs and shakes her head.
“That isn't the worst excuse I’ve heard, so I suppose I’ll let you off.”
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the fact i can tell who’s calling without looking is probably sad
"Come on, Lee! You promised us a present! So out with it!"
They're standing in Hop's garden. Nixie wonders how impatient Hop can get, in between wondering when Florrian would call her, whilst Leon teases his brother by taking his time to answer.
"You brought Nixie and me Pokémon. You did, didn’t you? I know you must have!"
Leon puts his hands on his hips and nods, smiling. "Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest Champion..."
He pulls three pokeballs from his pocket. "It's showtime, everyone!"
He looks at both Nixie and Hop before throwing all the three of the pokeballs and releasing the Pokémon inside. "Take a good look, you two!"
Nixie can't bring herself to hide her excitement when she sees all three of the starters. She's never been able to get over that little rush of elation at seeing new Pokémon for the first time and she doesn't think she wanted to.
She's smiling as she watches them run around, eyes flicking from Grookey to Scorbunny to Sobble and back again before focusing on the Water type.
"All right! Line up, everyone," Leon calls, prompting the three starters to gather on the battle mat.
"Which will you choose?" he asks.
Nixie looks at all of them before focusing once more on Sobble. Her smile and eyes soften, her mind already made up.
"Go on," Hop pats her on the shoulder, "you pick first. I've already got my Wooloo, after all."
She shoots him a happy smile and nods, turning to face the lined up starters. 
She walks over and crouches down in front of Sobble, smiling gently.
"How about it? Want to come with me?" she asks.
The water lizard Pokémon smiles and makes a sound of agreement, jumping up to clap his hands down against hers.
"So it'll be Sobble for you?" Hop takes a few steps forward. "Nice one!"
He turns to face the Fire type starter. "Then I'll go with... Scorbunny! You're mine! I'm aiming to be the next Champion, so get ready! You and I are gonna do some serious training!
Scorbunny jumps up and punches the air in excitement, whilst Wooloo walks up and makes a happy sound.
"I bet you will be, Hop. That's why I brought along these Pokémon for you and Nixie. So the two of you can battle and train and grow stronger together... to try and reach me!" Leon smiles and nods at his brother, before looking at the remaining starter.
"And you'll come with me! Charizard will show you the ropes. He's strict - but real strong and real kind, too!"
Grookey jumps up and down in excitement, obviously excited for whatever awaited him.
Nixie smiles at Sobble, now perched on her shoulder, and opens her mouth to say something before being interrupted by the beeping of her phone. She pulls it out of her cardigan pocket and answers it without checking who's calling. There's only three people with her number after all. One was standing right beside her with a curious look on his face, so he couldn't have been calling her. Her father never called her so it couldn't have been him. That left only one person.
"Florrian? They're here?! At my house?! How long?!"
She ignores the amused voice coming from the phone and spins around to face Hop. 
"Come on!" she reaches out to grab his wrist. "You wanted me to meet someone, now I want you to meet someone. Several someones, actually!"
She brings the phone up to her ear again and tells Florrian she'll be there in a minute before ending the call.
Shoving the phone back in her pocket, she starts walking, half dragging Hop behind her. She stops at the gate and faces Leon, who'd been looking on with a very confused look on his face. "You can come too, if you want."
With that said, she starts walking again, Hop barely managing to keep up with her for once.
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3 14 and 24 for your choice please
thanks for the ask!
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
Nixie likes her eyes the best since they’re very bright and intense which leads to some people being intimidated by them.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
technically Nixie lives with her dad, but he’s always away at the other house, hotels or work (when i say always, i mean always). she doesn’t like him much, for reasons semi-related to the fact he’s never there.
she also technically lives with a butler, florrian, but he lives in a house nearby. she’s got a better opinion of him compared to her dad.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
Nixie doesn’t actually have a lover!
… yet
(she’d probably say that he was way too smug and arrogant for his own good, but also that he was cute and very easy to fluster under all that bluster)
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It's a simple thing, she realises, being able to laugh freely and honestly, to be able to show your amusement without having to stifle yourself whilst doing so. 
She hadn't understood what it was like to laugh fully when she was younger, not like she did now. Florrian had tried, but there was only so much a butler could do to entertain a girl who was fully aware he was there because he was paid to be. 
But now... now she has her Pokémon, her loyal friends who've seen her across regions and against evil teams, who've seen her at her best and her worst. She has her human friends as well, bright and cheerful and determined. 
She wouldn't trade them, any of them, for the world. 
Piplup are prideful Pokémon. It's a common fact, one that Nixie had become easily acquainted with when she was reading about Sinnoh Pokémon. 
Logically, she knows she shouldn't laugh at his failures. Pip would see it as an insult, after all. 
That doesn't change the fact she has to bite her lip to keep from snickering out loud at the sight of him tripping and falling right into a temperamental Luxio. 
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The stars are out for once, not hidden behind a cloud, shining like a million patches of glitter on cheap toys made interesting only because they were shiny. 
She remembers something Florrian once told her, back when she was younger and brighter, about how the stars were Illumise and Volbeat who got stuck in the inky black sky a very long time ago and couldn't get free. She knows that most of the stories Florrian had told her weren't true, but she still thought of them, every once in a while. 
It is night and Nixie can't sleep. 
She should be able to, she thinks. She'd faced the ghosts that lingered behind her eyelids, a man with orange hair and a pokemon with glowing antlers, and won. Again. 
But... she finds herself thinking about the story behind the ultimate weapon. About how a man lost his beloved Pokémon and brought it back, sacrificing other Pokémon to do so. About how, even though his Pokémon was alive was once more, the man converted the machine from that brought life into one that brought death. 
She thinks about how the man's Pokémon left him, disgusted by how many lives were lost to rest hers, and how the man wandered for three thousand years, hoping to see her again. 
Nixie sighs and sits up, pushing back the covers on her bed. The air is cold, but she walks over to the small table in the corner anyway. 
Her notebook lies open, a half finished sketch of Xerneas spread over two pages. 
She turns over to a new page and picks up her pen. 
And she begins to write. 
She writes down the words that AZ said to her in Lysa Labs, about the man, and the machine, and the Floette, and the spark of hope that lasted for three thousand years. 
She writes so she no longer needs to have the words running around in her head, so she doesn't have to remember them. There's no information to be found in the words, not with the ultimate weapon gone, but they are a reminder. 
A reminder of what immortality brings. 
An assurance that she is right, that immortality is more trouble than it's worth. 
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It’s an alright room, as far as rooms go. A little dark - with a colour palette of muted blues and greens offset by dark furniture - but it suits the owner just fine.
The bed, pushed against the wall farthest from the window and out of the way of any light that might’ve come through, is covered in washed out blue bedding. 
Her desk is placed beside the window; her desk chair is dark green. A faded Vaporeon doll, crocheted by the butler back when she was a baby, leans against her Piplup-shaped pencil holder. Underneath a glass paperweight - bought back from Hoenn, from the base of Mt. Chimney, by Florrian after one of his rare holidays - are a collection of photographs from Kalos; it’s a round paperweight, with a Sharpedo floating in the center.
Placed on the opposite side of the window is her bookcase; on top of the bookcase is her Mega Ring, with the Honor of Kalos dropped into the centre. An Oshawott-shaped light sits beside it; it’s completely white, until she turns it on. Also on top of her bookcase is a candle, a wax Staryu stuck near the wick.
On the windowsill, rose-like succulents growing inside them, are two Bulbasaur shaped planters; one is pale grey, the other pale green. There’s also a pokeball shaped terrarium beside one of the planters; the inside looks like water with plants and coloured stones sticking out. A glass Vaporeon sits in a teacup, shaped like a pokeball.
Maps, old ones, are stuck on one wall. There’s one for every region she’d lived in. Galar, Kanto, Johto, Unova, Sinnoh and Kalos.
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