#flow guard
radhikashetty850 · 5 months
flow guard
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vrronica-sawyer · 3 months
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Soul Eater Trigun au doodles except none of these idiots would be able to soul resonate early enough into their relationships to be assigned partners in school sorry shipper nations
Do NOT look at these weapons pls I hate drawing guns
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coline7373 · 7 months
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kittybuckets · 2 months
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just thoughts abt the concept of underswap (textless under the cut ; underswap was created by p0pcornPr1nce)
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
the thing about andor season 1 being a moses arc is that cassian andor literally is moses. once you mention that moses’s rise to leader serves as scaffolding to almost every major character moment for cassian well you just can’t unsee it
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 6 months
would any of the ROs dance in the rain with us?🖤
Dylan──it starts raining as you're walking but neither of you move to take shelter
When you had left to go get lunch at a new little café, the sky was cloudless and blue──so you hadn't even thought of taking a jacket when Dylan had come to get you. In hindsight, the slight chill you felt upon stepping out on to the street should've been an early warning sign, but you had shrugged it off, not wanting to go back through the bakery just to get a jacket you doubted you'd have to use.
Lunch was nice, it was nice to spend time with Dylan away from curious eyes and wandering whispers. The food was nice, the two of you agreeing to come back to try something else on the menu.
You were just taking a stroll when it started to rain, fingers brushing each other while you continued forward. At the first drops, Dylan stopped to hold a hand up to the sky, waiting to see if it was actually raining or if they had just imagined it. Unfortunately, not even seconds later a few sparse droplets had transitioned into a downpour.
Still, neither you or Dylan made an attempt to move from your places. You turned to look around you, watching as the people around you started dashing for cover, lifting their jackets over their heads or attempting to use their hands as shields. You looked over at Dylan who was gazing back at you with a tender smile on their lips and a calm─yet playful─glint in their eyes.
Wordlessly, they held out a hand for you to take, smile brightening when you did. They link your hands, lacing your fingers as they attempt to gently spin you under their arm──rising on the tips of their toes to extend their reach higher. You let out a joyous giggle as you did your best to turn under their arm, fingers twisting uncomfortably so you had to let go momentarily.
The two of you stepped into a little dance, connecting by the hands and and turning in circles, extending your arms behind your heads as you twirled around under the rain. You caught yourself before falling over dizzy, held up by Dylan's hold on your hand.
You spent a few beats in silence, coming down from the impromptu dance and trying to breathe through the heavy downpour, jaws beginning to hurt from smiling so wide.
"C'mon," they sighed with a smile, pulling on your joined fingers─tugging you into their side, "we really should get out of the rain."
Shay──he's the one pulling you out into the rain
It wasn't odd for the two of you to be downstairs in the café part of the bakery after hours──when the bakery was closed to customers but it wasn't later enough for all the lights to be off. You weren't quite sure why the two of you liked hanging downstairs so much─especially since your bedroom had more than enough room and fluffy blankets─but there you were sitting atop one of the tables, watching Shay, in his place atop another table, as he attempted to catch the small peach coloured balloon before it fell to the floor.
A laugh left your lips as he almost fell off the table as the balloon went wide, to far away from his reaching fingers as it floated to the floor. A groan left his lips as he realised he had lost your little game, yet again. Shay clambered off the table and, almost childishly, stomped to the balloon and accidentally kicking it making it fly even further away towards the door.
"MC!" Shay gasped, spinning back to face you. "It's raining!"
"Yeah?" You answered, the word coming out like a question more than a statement. It had been raining for a little while now.
"We gotta go!" He grinned, disregarding the balloon altogether as he made his way back to you.
"Go? Go wher─oof." Your questions were cut short as Shay practically pulled you down from your spot, when did he get so strong by the way?, and towards the double doors of the bakery.
"Go dance, of course." He grinned as he looked back at you over his shoulder, "it's a rite of passage you know, first downpour of the month─you gotta go dance in it!"
"Is this some kind of British tradition or just a Shayne tradition?" You asked incredulously, but let him pull you to the door and reach forward to unlock it.
"Who's to say?" He winked mischievously as the two of you pushed the doors open, not yet stepping out from under the cover. "Ready?" He asked, the glint in his eyes contagious as you felt yourself grinning back at him with a determined nod.
The two of you burst through the doors out into the downpour. Shay threaded his fingers with yours, tugging you around him in a makeshift dance, a beaming grin on his lips. A laugh bubbled up from your chest as the two of you began to jump around each other without a care in the world, fingers still locked.
The rain was cold but it wasn't harsh on your skin. While it was getting hard to see you could see Shay in the utmost clarity, the smile on his face leaving your heart fluttering and the way his wet hair framed his face brought heat to your cheeks.
"MC! SHAY! GET BACK IN HERE NOW! YOU'LL CATCH A COLD!" Came the words of your mother, almost hanging out of one of the upstairs windows with a towel above her head before she retreated and closed the window shut with a definite bang.
The two of you simply shared a look as you burst back into laughter, hurrying back as to not face the wrath of a tired and worried mother.
Kinsley──you may be able to convince her
"Are you out of your mind?" Kinsley asked, raising an eyebrow as you stepped out from under the bus stops overhang, shooting her a playful beckoning look as you turned back to face her. "It took me almost an hour to do my hair today!"
"We're on the way home!" You grinned
"Come back here, you're gonna catch a cold."
"Live a little, Kin!" You retorted with a giggle, "get your hair wet!"
"You're drying it for me when we get back to mine." She warned with a pointed finger but it wasn't enough to keep the bright grin from her lips.
She hesitated for a few seconds, like she was wrestling with her own thoughts, before she took the plunge and jumped out from under the awning to join you under the rain. For rain so light, she was drenched pretty instantaneously──her blonde hair forming thick strands that stuck to her face and neck, losing the beach waves she had spent half an hour on that morning in mere seconds.
When she was close enough to your space, your hands grabbing hold of her wrists to pull her closer, she finally let go of the elated laughter that was bubbling away in her chest. She looked up to the sky, as if she wanted to glimpse at the heavens as they opened, before squealing as the rain fell into her eyes and mouth. Blinking away the water (and swallowing what was in her mouth) she turned to face you properly.
"Care for a dance, m'lady?" You asked, stepping away slightly to bend down in an over-exaggerated bow, one of her hands still held in one of yours.
"It would be my pleasure!" She replied, adopting the same old-timey accent you had used and stepping into your arms in a make-shift ballroom hold.
You only really danced for a couple of seconds, turning around in circles four times before breaking apart once again and bursting into a running competition as to who could get back to Kinsley's apartment the fastest, but the sound of her laugher was worth it.
J──a playful game of taunts turns into something more...
"The one day I leave my jacket at home..." J grumbles trying to fold into themself at the sudden chill in the air.
"You should be thankful, really," you grin at them, moving your body into their space beside you.
"Yeah? how do you figure?" They ask, a smirk growing on their lips as they begin rubbing their arms, cursing their choice of a sleeveless tank top. The two of you were simply walking around, having found a secluded side street to explore.
It had begun raining about two minutes prior, very light and spotty. "Your jackets leather, it would've hated the weather!" You tease, stopping in front of them to twirl slightly──slowly turning in one round, in an obvious attempt to mock the weather.
"Careful now," J began, "If you tease them too much the weather Gods might just turn on you!" The line was, perhaps, a little too cheesy and full of fluff─something they'd only say to Bells─but it was worth the nock to their street cred at the way your face lit up and your laughter bounced off the walls (of the longest alleyway they'd ever seen, where even were you guys?)
And like their words were lines of a prophecy──the rain grew heavier, transforming from a light drizzle to a heavy pour.
The sound of your laughter almost cut through the dampening effect of the rain. They watched you in silence for a few seconds, not caring to move their hair out of their face or move out of the downfall, as you seemed to have the time of your life. It was like you didn't know if you wanted to tense up under the water or throw your arms out and spin around with no cares for getting sick, so J finally made their mind up and stepped toward you──taking your hand and pulling you to their chest.
The grin on their lips was starting to hurt their jaw but it never wavered, not when you let out a small squak at the sudden pull, not when you looked up at them (after making sure you weren't tripping over your own feet) your wide eyes having to squint as the rain fell to your face. "Care to dance?" J pointlessly asked, already moving back and laughing when you follow, wordlessly answering their question.
It was... Out of character for them to dance so slowly, you thought at least. It was just a little more than a gentle sway with J leading the charge, and you let them, with small sidesteps and turns. It was like they knew how to slow dance, like they had been taught. Before you could voice your question their smile switched into a smirk as another squeal left your lips as they suddenly pulled you into a dip──all thoughts leaving you really once you realised how close your faces were.
Noses brushing as your laughter faded, the beating of water hitting pavement the only noise that surrounded you. And when your lips connected, you were kind of glad the rain was there to filter out the sound of your beating heart.
Theo──would prefer not to get wet, but wouldn't stop you
The positive thing about living on the top floor of a apartment complex is that you have access to the roofs, especially Theo who had a window door with direct access.
It usually led to rooftop picnics or an easy way to stargaze but not usually when it was raining.
The window was open, because the sound of rain was soothing in the comfortable quiet that surrounded you─laying on your back on their bed, Theo sat up against their head board, one hand holding up their book and the other playing with the hem of your pj trousers around your ankles, fingers brushing against your skin ever so gently from time to time.
You didn't know why in particular, but you were feeling a little restless─your leg, the one not under Theo's grasp, swaying in the air as you thought up silly ideas to sway your running mind.
Suddenly sitting up, startling Theo in the process, your eyes locked on to the open window and the pattering of soft rain greeting you. You made your way over to the opening, getting one foot out before being stoped by the call if your name.
"MC?" Theo called out. You twisted to look back at the over your shoulder, their face lit up in gentle amusement. "What're you doing?"
"I'm gonna go stand in the rain for a little bit."
"Why?" They asked, eyebrows raised as their amused smirk grew wider. "I have a shower you know."
You sent them a smirk back, stepping through the window door and out on the rooftop, leaning your head back as you let the water fall down over you. Movement at the window caught your ears, turning your head and opening your eyes to see Theo had made their way to the door, leaning against the frame to watch you with soft eyes.
"You coming to join me?" You asked, spreading your arms wide and slowly turning and swaying as if dancing in slow motion.
Theo's beautifully soft laughter almost didn't make it to your ears as they minutely shook their head. "I think you're having enough fun for the both of us."
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wiirocku · 10 months
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Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) - Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
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shortystack75 · 11 months
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Heyo,,, its them,,,, the boys...
(Click/Tap for better quality)
Part 1 < Part 2 (Here) > Part 3
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Hello!! If you're still taking requests for that drabble game, might I request either Strength with Kotoko + Mikoto or Weak with Amane + Futa? It's fine if you aren't doing it anymore, of course
I've been in this fanbase since trial one and out of all the things I've read, your writing is probably amongst my favorite! (Even if I haven't finished going through it all yet...) I hope you have a splendid day! <3
!!!!! You are so kind waaahh this completely made my day, thank you ;---; I'm so glad you're enjoying omg ✨And thanks for these, they were really cool and fitting combos!! I tried to do a dual-perspective of Kotoko and Mikoto's pre-T2 fight, and I posted the one for Weak below.
Strength can manifest in a variety of ways, not just physically. Kotoko had a strong determination, for example. Mikoto had a powerful way with people. She showed solid self control and willpower. He held to strict deadlines and routines. She maintained a sharp intelligence. He upheld an unshakeable resolve.
Also, they were both ridiculously physically strong.
The pair came to this realization around the same time. They’d gotten a taste of the others’ power when clashing in the interrogation room, but it had begun suddenly and ended just as quickly. This time was different. They stood in the center of the panopticon, with the echoing space to themselves. As Kotoko swung a punch toward Mikoto, and he caught her against his forearms, they had a moment to gauge the other’s muscle. 
Kotoko stared into his eyes, which had a different sort of awareness to them now. He’s more coordinated, she thought, he must not be the same one I faced before. He’s leaning on the strength in his arms -- he’s not using his legs to their fullest potential. It doesn’t matter, given the raw force of his blows. Has he trained for fights, or just built his muscles in general? 
Mikoto stared into her eyes, returning her fiery gaze. Fuck, this lady’s strong.
She wound up again. He retaliated quickly. She shoved his back into the guard’s tower. He sidestepped her next attack. 
He didn’t really care why his fellow prisoner had come charging at him swinging, but she made sure he knew.
“The warden may not be able to administer punishments,” she said in between timed breaths, “so they entrusted me with that responsibility. This is justice, for the lives you’ve taken. You won’t be able to hurt anyone else.”
He broke into harsh laughter. “You’re one crazy motherfucker! You’re the only person hurting anyone.” He tried to grab her, but she slipped from his arms. His eyes narrowed, laughter dying away with unsettling speed. “But there’s no way in hell I’m letting you hurt me.”
Kotoko was struck by the way he said it. Her voice had shaken with the very same determination when putting herself between an innocent citizen and some creep. It was how she felt now, trying to keep his violent hands away from the other prisoners. There were children here, weak and scared. Es themself was just a child, and had already suffered his violence. She refused to let this villain cause any more pain. “I’m doing what needs to be done. You’re nothing but a murderous monster.” She swung her fist.
Mikoto caught her by the wrist, forcing her to look at the blood caked in her hand. He didn’t know whose it was, but it wasn't either of theirs. “You’re the fucking monster!” He shoved her backwards. “And I’m gonna kill you for it…!”
He didn’t know how she could think she was the hero in this whole situation. He was the one protecting someone else. 
Neither held back. Mikoto wheezed as her boots connected. Kotoko cringed as Mikoto landed a solid hit on her face. There was some shouting from the hallway. Their resolves hardened. Mikoto wasn’t going to let anyone else threaten him. Kotoko wasn’t going to let him threaten anyone else. They were strong, they reminded themselves. They had to end this now.
The two charged at one another. A moment before they were set to collide, they both cried out in pain. Blinding white light flooded the dark panopticon. They clutched their eyes, stumbling away from one another. A figure shoved through, planting himself between them.
“Stop this, both of you!” It was Kazui.
“Get outta my way,” Mikoto growled.
“This is not your concern,” Kotoko said, blinking in the light. 
The spotlight in the guard’s tower had been switched on, pointed directly at them. Kazui remained in place. “That’s enough. Look at yourselves, for god’s sake!”
Under the harsh light, they now saw the sort of state they were in. Mikoto’s uniform had torn in new places, blood seeping through. He could taste some in his mouth, too. Kotoko’s face was cut. Her leg ached. They stood covered in bruises, panting. 
“Go back to your cells,” Kazui commanded. “We’ll sort this out in the morning.”
Kotoko squared her shoulders. “There’s nothing to sort out. He’s a murderer. I won’t lose to him.”
“This bitch tried to kill me. I’m not letting her get away with it.”
“I don’t care.” Kazui said simply. “Call it a draw. You’ll both tear yourselves apart if you keep going.”
They continued staring at one another as if their gaze alone could take them to the ground, but neither moved to fight. 
Mikoto felt a pang of guilt. Lost in adrenaline, he didn’t realize how banged up he was. He thought of how much pain he’d experience in the upcoming days. The whole point was to save himself from harm. 
Kotoko cursed Kazui for interrupting her. As one of the forgiven, he was supposed to be on her side. Even if he wasn’t honorable enough to see her as an ally, she’d have to be the bigger person. She wouldn’t threaten him. 
Neither was happy about conceding, but couldn't think of a better option given their end goals.
Kazui remained between them as they stalked off to their respective cells.
“A temporary draw,” Kotoko muttered to Mikoto. She flashed a grin that felt more like an animal baring its teeth.
He returned the smile. “You won't be so lucky next time.”
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
WIP Folder Game
Tagged by @aceghosts and @adelaidedrubman
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @derelictheretic @strafethesesinners @strangefable @cassietrn @turbo-virgins @g0dspeeed @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @shellibisshe @titiagls @nightbloodbix @onehornedbeast @voidika @afarcryfrommymain @gaeadene @henbased @cloudofbutterflies92 @wrathfulrook @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @minilev @inafieldofdaisies @florbelles @yokobai @shallow-gravy @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @skoll-sun-eater and @justasmolbard + anyone else who wishes to join in.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I've only selected a few, and you can find the WIP names under the cut:
The UnTitledverse
Jurassic World: Before The Storm
A Blast In The Past
The Tale Of Mario Emmet
All Who Remain
The UnTitled Stories
UnTitled Venture: Hazardous Residence
Chapter One: The Truth Seeker
The Silver Chronicles
Silva's Hope
La Última En Pie
Old Dusk
Call To Arms
Ain't It A Joy?
No One's Safe At Home
How Good Is A Heist If It's Improvised?
Life, Despair & Monsters
Word Of Woe
The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones
Sonya's Push
Miraculous Miracles
My Heart Goes Doki Doki Literature Club!
Choo Choo Charles Has Gone Off The Rails
An Invite To Wine And Dine
A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore/Spin-Off Works/Original Works
The Time Guard
Mario: Mother's Boy
Wings And Horns
The Waters Of Life Flow
The House At The Top
A Symbol For A Better World
What Happened To Vault 76?
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nudibutch · 14 days
Sorry I saw the 1440 chromosomes post and remembered that you were some kind of bio phd candidate and that I was asked to determine ploidy of some plant samples. Got a little too excited and forgot who I was following and why lmao
dont apologize for getting excited!!! nice to see flow cytometry is used in other fields - i had no idea it could be used to determine ploidy. oceanographers mainly use it to count and image phytoplankton cells!! (kind-of plants but not really? photosynthetic adjacents)
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feeblescholarmyass · 11 months
okay so we've all seen black cat character x golden retriever character. but the real question is, where is orange cat character x guard dog character. very similar in dynamic HOWEVER the character mannerisms change. orange cat is slightly crazier than golden retriever. a bit nonchalant in how they care for their s/o, but very enthusiastic and sometimes overbearing when they do decide to be affectionate. then there is guard dog character, who make it clear from the beginning how fiercely they care for orange cat character, and would do anything in their power to protect them and/or earn those rare moments of affection, no matter how embarrassing it may be
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ancient-day · 11 months
Decided to go ahead and sell out the PT since they aren't even Akira's friends in this route, and I find it interesting that they cut the murder scene right when he shoots Akira instead of including the nastier bits where he gloats a little, teases the corpse (pokes Akira's head with the gun), and then puts the gun in Akira's hand to properly stage his suicide.
In fact, Akira's character model shown after he's shot doesn't even show him holding the gun.
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It's an odd choice because it implies that if Akechi really murders him, he doesn't do any of that. But if he's in the Metaverse killing the cognition, he does. Also strange that he's on the floor when the animated cutscene still shows him having collapsed on the table.
I get that it's just the re-used shot from the missed-deadline endings, and with some mess-ups in those endings (like the one for Shido's palace showing Akechi even if you've already fought him), I can see it just being an unintentional thing.
At the same time, I can't help but wonder if the Metaverse has that sort of effect on people. Like his behaviors are amplified simply by being there, whether he realizes it or not. It doesn't make much sense to me to not just include the rest of that cutscene since it ends with Akechi leaving and walking down the hall ominously with Akira still very much presumed dead.
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one-half-guy · 2 months
1, 12, and 18 for Gold? ^-^
Hey there!! Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like how different of other mind readers and telepaths she is, in every other media I've read or watched telepaths tend to have this eerie aura, being quite steady and confident, always seem to be 1 to 10 steps ahead, hardly looking nervous even when their third plan has failed and so on, and even when they're nervous they manage to keep themselves centered and focused, and usually this pose is only broken by a "they have no powers actually" revelation or by a "they lost their powers" plot, but then Gold is not, while in her first appearance she tries to evoke these aspects, this pose falls apart quickly, revealing us a more nervous and anxious character, very prone to despair. It's a very rare way to see a character whose main power is telepathy I find it an interesting one.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
One idea I've had that I got surprisingly fond to is that massage her mark is somehow highly relaxing and is a way to dimish her headaches if/when she gets. Also, it can help her a lot to fall asleep. (But you have to know an exact way to the massage be effective.)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Professor and Silver, I like the concept of her coming from a very cold and demanding enviroment and finding a more welcoming, pacient and friendly one and wish we had gotten the chance of her look back at the former now she was with the latter and reflect on the contrast between the two.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Cozy Christmas Season Comfort! BotW Edition
Two for one! :D
Parts of the Great Plateau were always cold due to the higher elevations, but at this time of the year the entire plateau was blanketed in snow. The white, cold carpet muffled the sounds of hundreds of feet as people flocked to the Temple of Time for the ceremony.
Link took his place in the front pew, flanked on the other side of the temple by the captain of the guard. Princess Zelda stood in the front facing the statue of Hylia as she led the group through the ceremony. As everyone prayed, Link kept his eyes sharp for any danger. He'd save prayer for later when the princess wasn't in such a vulnerable position.
When the ceremony ended, he walked two steps behind her as she exited, his eyes landing on a few familiar faces before returning to scanning the area for threats. He felt a little torn, caught between his duty, his anxiety of being so publicly displayed in front of the people of Hyrule, and his desire to run towards the familiar faces in the pews.
Once they were outside, the princess headed towards the garden where one of the mysterious shrines sat surrounded by stone walls. They entered the maze alone, and Zelda sighed, sitting on a bench after dusting off the snow.
"Do..." she started softly, her voice trembling a little. "Do you really think Hylia's listening?"
Link's heart ached at the question, but he honestly had no idea what to say. Stringing words together in any kind of intelligent way had never been his strength. He had such little self esteem in his ability to communicate properly, it was one of the reasons he chose not to speak while under so much scrutiny.
But he felt compelled to say something.
Unstrapping the Master Sword off his back, he slowly sat beside the princess, keeping a respectful distance at first until she curled in on herself. He was tempted to scoot closer and offer physical comfort, but he was already breaking enough protocol just sitting beside her.
"I think..." he said quietly, staring at the dull grey sky, heavy with snow yet to come. "I think sometimes she answers in ways we don't expect."
"Maybe the Calamity will never come," Zelda supposed. "And that's why I can't access my powers. Because I just don't need them."
Link didn't bother to argue that literally everything pointed against that statement. Instead, he took a steadying breath and said, "No matter what the goddess has in mind, I am your protector, Your Highness. I'll be there for you."
Zelda's rosy cheeks rounded as she smiled at him.
The sound of footsteps caught Link's attention, and he rose quickly, the moment gone. The captain of the guard entered the pathway, bowing to the princess.
"Your Highness, His Majesty is gathering the entourage at the banquet area in Gatepost Town. He requests your presence when you are available."
Zelda rose, regaining her composure and nodding. "Of course. I'll be there shortly, thank you."
The captain bowed again, his eyes locking with Link briefly as the two exchanged a subtle nod of acknowledgement. Then he walked away, giving them privacy. Zelda stepped forward to exit the garden and then paused, glancing at Link. "Thank you, Link. I'm glad I have you."
Link relaxed a little at the words, warmed to the core, and he smiled. The princess continued onward, and he followed two steps behind her, as always.
Hateno Village was practically bursting with energy. Children ran to and fro, parents laughing at them and speaking with each other as shopkeepers yelled to get everyone's attention. The festival was in full swing, and everyone was filled with cheer.
Link pointed to another store, Zelda dragged along by his strong hold on her hand. "And this is the dye shop, you wouldn't believe the colors he can come up with. It was great for getting rid of those pesky stains that I--"
Link cut himself off, realizing he was about to admit that he might have accidentally messed up his champion's tunic a little. Zelda didn't seem to catch it, too enamored by everything around her.
"Hyrule kept going, despite everything," she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears.
"Of course it did," Link assured her with a gentle smile, and then hew as momentarily distracted as one of the children waved at him cheerily. He waved back, giggling. When he looked back at Zelda, she was watching him with a strange expression that he couldn't quite read. "What?"
"It's just... you're so much more..." Zelda struggled to find the right words, and then she shook her head. "Never mind."
Link felt his heart clench a little. Zelda was expecting a different Champion from the one she got, he imagined. He wished he could be the person she wanted him to be, but at the same time...
Well. That wasn't something he was going to think about right now.
Biting his lip, he asked, "Do you want to see more of the shops?"
Zelda beamed. "I'd love to."
The pair ran around Hateno the entire afternoon, both gasping in delight as snow flurries started to fall closer to dusk. They made their way to the small statue of Hylia in town and said silent prayers together.
"I suppose you're right," Zelda said abruptly as Link took a small step from the statue to indicate he was finished. "The goddess does answer in ways we don't expect."
Link stared at her, confused. "What?"
Zelda gazed off in the distance, her smile turning wistful and nostalgic. Then she looked at him, and the pure happiness in her eyes made her entire face glow. "I'm glad I have you with me, Link."
The confusion melted into a warm companionship between the two, and Link chuckled gently, relieved to see her smile. "I'll always be here for you, Zelda."
Reaching out his hand, Zelda took it and the two walked side by side to the square to rejoin the festivities.
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shining-gem34 · 4 months
😭 IL breaks down in front of Dan Heng / in any AU :)
Assorted Angst Prompts || Accepted @etherealguard
During the day, the submerged structures of the Scalegorge Waterscape are a sight to behold.
At night, the withered palace is a divine sanctuary where echoes of the past wander the halls. Some of them hover protectively around the pearls, whispering a blessing for the hatchlings to live a better life than they did. Others rather fight amongst themselves as if they were still alive, spewing curses and vile words at each other.
Dan Heng can't guess the exact reason for Imbibitor Lunae insistence to visit the Scalegorge Waterscape. Whether it's out of guilt, nostalgia, or both, the answer becomes clear the moment they stop atop the stairs. In the distance, he can see the bridge leading to the Ambrosial Arbor roots. The seal is mostly broken, barely holding the Plague Author's "gift" back.
But his attention shifted back to the ghostly form of Imbibitor Lunae.
In contrast to what the echoes said about the High Elder, they don't see this moment where he's at his most vulnerable.
Dan Heng can see the way Imbibitor Lunae shoulders tremble. His hands, folded behind his back, have curled up so tightly he could've bled. His face, always a mask of tranquility, starts to crack and a quiet sad sound can be heard.
Unable to offer any words of comfort, Dan Heng shifted close enough to wrap an arm around his shoulder. Immediately, a gasp before Imbibitor Lunae finally breaks down in his arms. Clawed hands gripping his coat tightly, and even though the High Elder tried to keep his voice low, Dan Heng could hear his sobs.
"...I can't say anything to make it better. You can't either, because we both know what you have done cannot be forgiven." Dan Heng tells him bluntly. He awkwardly pats his back, uncaring of the fact Imbibitor Lunae at present is a ghost.
"But for tonight, you can let go and be yourself...Baba."
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