#flowerfell kin
rubberduckyrye · 1 year
I ended up down a rabbit hole and digging for more information about the whole situation with Flowerfell and the more I dig, the more I realize that--wow, yeah, no, Sanei (I know how to spell their name right now!) absolutely was a piece of hot garbage who's bitter and controlling nature lead tot he demise of their own AU.
Maybe I'll make a proper post about it... Because tbh like. Do you know how annoyed and salty I am over the misinformation? Because I'm still annoyed and salty at the misinformation.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I am. Struggling. A lot. I think i might be Flowerfell Frisk but. Theres so much hate and negativity in the tag and surrounding kin in that community that it makes me terrified to the point i want to just call it a hearttype or a linktype or something. God, ive even thought of just saying im a FICTIVE (we are a system) so that we dont get shit on because obviously fictives arent at all their source and they cant choose if they have a problematic source either while kin totally can (/s). And i get it, the creator suffered a good deal of harrassment from shitty folks who happened to kin from their AU but like. I literally cant control this. I look at that art i have saved and i just go "thats me!" And i wish i didnt. If i was a fictive then at least id get less public hate if i talked about it anywhere. Theres also this weird "well [blank] already has a FF Frisk fictive and [blank] already has FF Frisk as a kintype so you Cannot Be Them because youll make them Uncomfortable and also cause there will be 'too many' of you guys" which is. Illogical but whatever
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kin-moodboardz · 3 years
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Moodboard for flowerfell Frisk with flowers, love and skeletons for anon!
I hope you like it, just tell me if you want anything changing! :3
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A moodboard for @underfell-frisk
Not that they asked for it- or that it relates to them- but I got inspired from reading their memories-
- Mod Chara/Rouxls
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can i have a moodboardd for a flowerfell!frisk who doesnt blaem sans or p-apyrus for anything? (-apologiez for the typos i cant see)
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Sorry about the lack of the jacket.- Mod Spinel
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sleepyrequests · 5 years
may i please havea talksprite for a flowerfell frisk? in a witch of time outfit, with flowers only covering their left eye, please
ngl this was fun to do!!
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I hope you like it, Frisk!! Let me know if you need anything changed. I wasn’t sure on colors so i went with their canon sprite colors for skin and hair!
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-Mod Ender
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hi! i'm a flowerfell frisk looking for any source mates- cant really look anywhere else because of drama and backlash and such- so i hope its okay to send this source ^^' I've already found a canonmate (sans/red/cherry), just kind of looking for source mates rn since theres not a lot of people open about ff kins, just like/reblog! doubles are 100% okay and encouraged!
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luminousphantasma · 6 years
Not So Gentle Reminder
While you can't choose your kins, if you're a kin from flowerfell, do know the creator has kindly asked you guys in the past to make an au out of your canons instead of claiming flowerfell, as kins make them very uncomfortable. VERY uncomfortable. AKA: DONT GO INTO THEIR ASK BOX PROUDLY STATING YOURE FROM THAT SOURCE UNLESS YOU WANT SOME NOT SO NICE RESPONSES SINCE THEY ARENT COMFORTABLE WITH YOU DOING THAT.
Seriously guys. Don't. You're asking to get yourself hurt or worse. They spent years dealing with you guys being dicks about it that they're no longer comfortable and will not be as nice when responding back now. I highly suggest you don't.
Also there are some really fucked up themes in flowerfell that haven't been shown to the public and so you being kin to that makes them even more uncomfortable and kind of laugh at you for not knowing how actually horrible it is. You guys don't know everything about it or what was planned of it or anything so uh, be careful what you claim. I won't detail anything as I am not the creator, clearly, I'm a god damn kinnie myself
I'm friends with the creator and the story has some shit in there for one reason or another that is personal to them. I don't know the exacts, I probably never will, and that's fine as it isn't my business.
tl;dr: If you do kin the au, either look to petaltale or make an alternate au based on your kin experiences as per the creators request. they are not comfortable with anyone being kin to it after the shit some old kins of the au treated them with. DONT SEND ASKS TO THEM ABOUT BEING KIN TO THE AU. YOU WON'T LIKE THE RESPONSE. IM TELLING YOU NOW DO NOT DO IT.
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utkinhome · 6 years
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Flowerfell Sans Aesthetic with sadness and loneliness
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underkinlove-blog · 6 years
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Aesthetic for a FlowerFell Sans with themes of loneliness
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rubberduckyrye · 1 year
So I saw your flowerfell post and it's actually true, it was ruined by shippers and they disrespected the creators wishes by doxxing them sending death threats and tons more, there is year old video on YouTube that talks more about it. I think it's called how shippers destroyed an au. I could be miss remembering the name of the video. Sorry 😔
Oii. You're gonna go make me watch that damn video huh? Just to prove a point? Mkay, I'll bite.
And you're going to regret getting me to bite.
First of all, this is the video in question you are referring to:
And immediately, the creator of the video proves to be wrong. And fuck you for making me give this video a view, because it really doesn't deserve it for spreading misinformation.
The original fanfiction, "Overgrowth," was posted to Ao3 by the user SociopathicArchangel, which you can find an archive of here. In before you suggest that SociopathicArchangel was a reposter of the fic, I want to point out that looking for their username on Ao3 brings up a shocking and alarming amount of people crediting them for the Flowerfell Fanfic. This is a bit too much of a coincidence for SociopathicArchangel to be a reposter, especially since Archangel doesn't have an Ao3 anymore.
Also, this video reading the fanfic credits Sociopathicarchangel. So you know.
The content creator who made this video refers to Sociopathicarchangel as... I think it's spelled, Lividicus??? Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm assuming Archangel changed their username. I'll be referring to them as Socipathicarchangel or Archangel for this ask though.
Disregarding that, if you are to look at the Archive.org link of Overgrowth--the original fanfiction was tagged as Frisk/Sans, or Frans. So yeah the argument falls apart when you actually look at fandom history. Flowerfell was a Frans AU. Whether or not the original creator intended it to be and their friend Archangel took it out of context is kind of moot point--the main explosion of the AU came from the fanfic made by Archangel, thus meaning the AU was a Frans AU. Or at least, gained traction from the fic which gave the assumption that it was a Frans AU.
This is important to note because the framework of this video is already severely flawed. So I'm not looking forward to seeing the rest of this hot garbage.
Oh I love how they didn't credit the actual composer of Secret Garden. They just showed a Fan PV on screen. Nice!!! They don't even say the composer's name for credit! Love (See: Hate) to see it.
About the kinning: I vaguely remember this drama when it started, and how the creator of Flowerfell was very Anti-kin. Which is. Uh. We see that as a shitty thing now, right? I know that having someone kin """Your""" character (Sans nor Frisk was never their characters to begin with) might seem a bit uncomfortable at first but like. Man, just leave fiction kins alone. They get so much shit for everything.
The evidence provided to prove that Kins were sending the creator hate for not making their Headcanons canon--I mean. Where's the evidence for that. Please show that. No? Okay...
I have absolutely no idea what the hell the OC stuff is about. People stole the og creator's OCs to use in their own stuff? Would love some context and evidence for that. But this video shows no evidence of these things what so ever. Ugh.
In the video, the content creator used this snippit from the fic to prove that Frisk was "Canonly a child in the AU" and "this was not a Frans AU"
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Pointing out the actual context here--this snippit? It's talking about Toriel. Toriel, who had gone mad from seeing children before Frisk disobeying her and dying.
This is not saying Frisk is a child. This is saying Toriel has gone mad from seeing children before them die to the hands of other monsters.
Not really important, but this is just an example of why the content creator who made this video just. Is not to be trusted. They used this as "proof" Frisk was a child in the original Fic. Which is not the case.
And again. This video, as I'm going through it, is giving no evidence over anything that happened. Absolutely nothing. Go figure.
Also, listening to the clip that the content creator put in their video--I heard that. I heard that little flub. "An--asks we would get" I don't know, sounds like they were going to say antis there--as in, Anti-shippers maybe Hmmm. That is speculation, granted, but still. Worth noting it.
But also, now I have to go listen to the whole audio clip because it sure sounds like this wasn't a "poor Creator of Flowerfell was a victim in this uwu" but it sounds like Sane (I think is how you spell their name) became bitter, vindictive, and started fighting with people about their AU.
Like yeah, that's going to end well.
Anyway, onto the audio clip.
A lot of this is testimony so far. (And again, calling Frisk a child, that's not canon, I am Screaming) I don't think these people understand what fiction kinning a character means, because they are basically being Anti-kin right now. I don't know if there were actually any kins disrespecting the creators by saying they knew the characters better than they did, or if they were just saying "Hey!!! I am Flowerfell Frisk!!!!!" And these people took it the wrong way. I need references--aka, evidence that Kins actually were being disrespectful little shits, or shut up. Please for the love of god does anyone have any evidence. I am Begging.
Also the misconception that Sane owned Flowerfell because they created the AU is absurd. Please, for the love of god, if you make an AU of a canon franchise, unless you like, get super special privileges from the creators themselves, or are licensed to produce that content--you do not own that property. I am screaming into my hands. I am Tired.
I listened to the rest of the audio clip after that note because I knew it was going to be a very emotional audio clip. However, for as much as I feel for Psi (the person who recorded this audio) being stuck in the situation they were in... No, Shippers were never the main issue.
Here's what I think happened, after listening in and going over everything:
Flowerfell was created. Overgrowth was created. It got very popular as a Frans AU because it was tagged as a Frans AU on Ao3. Maybe some Fans got upset at the original creator because the Ao3 fic was tagged as the ship and the AU was not the ship, thus making them feel lied to, but from the sound of the audio clip it seems like the shippers and anti shippers were actually not that big of a problem. (Which is a surprise to me--antis are the ones who basically erased what actually happened from fandom history, like the content creator you referenced. They screamed "Anti" to me in that video at least) Even the thieves stealing and reposting art and the fanfic didn't seem to be the main issue here.
The biggest problem came about from Sane's paranoia of someone stealing their ideas and getting into arguments with fictionkins, and getting backlash from being frankly from what I can remember, very anti-fictionkin. And judging from the way Psi phrased things in this audio clip--yeah, I can easily imagine they were being extremely anti-fictionkin and that probably pissed a bunch of people off. And that, in turn, made them spiteful, which made Sane more bitter and spiteful because they didn't know how to deal with such a huge audience and a huge amount of backlash.
Either way, no, it was not the Frans Shippers that "ruined the AU." What ruined the AU was the fact that the main creator, Sane, didn't know how to handle such a large fanbase that was given to them overnight. They didn't know how to react or behave when fans were making them uncomfortable or being inappropriate. They were encouraged by peers to be spiteful and angry and only grew more bitter and paranoid because of it. As they became a worse and worse person, more fans started getting angry too, and wanting to take the AU for themselves since the creator was being a bad person for how they were treating their fans.
The AU wasn't ruined by the Frans shippers. It was ruined by Sane themselves--and by the people who were encouraging Sane's bitterness and paranoia. The only person who could ruin a creation is the creator themselves, after all. I'm pretty sure even Psi acknowledged that in their audio clip at the end--that it was all up to Sane.
So enough with the "Frans Shippers Ruined Flowerfell" Shit because that is not what happened from what little evidence I've seen/gathered. If you got actual proof that is the case, be my guest! But nothing concrete has been present to me thus far.
So yeah.
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Aesthetic for a Flowerfell Frisk with blood and red slime!
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peachynyans · 4 years
Updated kin-list!!
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FlowerFell Frisk moodboard cuz I'm weak.
- Mod Chara/Rouxls
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utkincalls · 7 years
hello! I'm frisk from undertale/flowerfell and in all my runs I was pure pacifist! I'm looking for sans (ut and ff) who I was in a romantic relationship with, and paps who I lived with (ut only) and with sans for many years and he was my best friend!!! my blog is stumblingpixie hmu if these sound familiar or if you just wanna talk, I'd love to meet anyone again! also we have a system member who's chara who had only no mercy runs, but doubles are fine for us!! I hope you all have a good day
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sleepyrequests · 5 years
hey have yiu ever gotten a request for a flowerfell!frisk? i know i sent one into a blog but i accidentally put it on anon and then forgot the blog name
I don’t think so! I’d remember since I’m also kin w/ them! 
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Whatcha need, Frisk? c:
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-Mod Ender
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