#fluvoxamine covid
yellitlrac · 6 months
New Thailand randomized clinical trial shows early treatment with just 2 drugs was 100% effective in eliminating risk of hospitalization from COVID
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didanawisgi · 6 months
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willowreader · 6 months
These drugs made a big difference. Hopefully we are on the way to a way to prevent Long Covid from even happening. Click on the twitter link to read an explanation of the study. A quote is below.
"In this clinical trial, early treatment with the combination agents of fluvoxamine plus bromhexine, fluvoxamine plus cyproheptadine, or niclosamide plus bromhexine, among outpatients diagnosed with COVID-19 completely eliminated the risk of clinical deterioration within the acute phase (28 days) compared to those who received standard care." 
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aissmseducation · 1 year
Drug Repurposing Using Artificial Intelligence
Indrani Raman Mahadik
Second Year M. Pharm(Chemistry)
How machine learning can be used to find new therapeutic uses for already-approved medications, potentially cutting down on the time and expense of drug development.
The process of discovering new therapeutic uses for existing drugs that have already been approved for a different indication is known as drug repurposing. Because of its potential to reduce the time and costs associated with drug development, this approach has gained popularity in recent years. In this blog post, we will look at how machine learning can be used to discover new therapeutic applications for existing drugs.
One approach to drug repurposing using machine learning is to use computational models to predict the efficacy of existing drugs in treating various diseases. A machine learning algorithm, for example, can be trained on a dataset of gene expression data from patients with a specific disease, as well as information about the drugs used to treat that disease. Based on known mechanisms of action and observed gene expression patterns, the algorithm can then use this data to identify drugs that are likely to be effective in treating the disease.
Another approach to drug repurposing with machine learning is to identify new drug-disease associations using network-based methods. Drugs and diseases are represented as nodes in a network in this approach, with edges representing known interactions between them. Machine learning algorithms can then be used to identify novel drug-disease associations based on the network structure and node properties.
By analysing large amounts of data and identifying potential new therapeutic uses for existing drugs, machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, can play a critical role in drug repurposing. Here are some examples of how machine learning can be applied to drug repurposing:
Identifying subtypes of diseases: Based on clinical and molecular characteristics, subtypes of diseases can be identified with machine learning. This can assist in locating currently available medications that might be useful for treating a specific subtype of a disease.
Bringing together data from various sources: Integrating data from a variety of sources, including clinical trial data, genomics data, and electronic health records, is one way that machine learning can find new therapeutic applications for existing drugs.
Putting drug candidates first: Prioritize existing drugs based on their potential for repurposing with machine learning. This can assist researchers in concentrating on drugs that are most likely to treat a specific disease.
New clinical trial design: New clinical trials for repurposed drugs can be designed with the help of machine learning. These algorithms can assist in determining the most promising repurposed drugs for clinical trials by analyzing data on patient characteristics and disease subtypes.
Recent instances of AI-enabled drug repurposing successes
A number of recent studies have demonstrated machine learning’s potential for drug repurposing. A machine learning algorithm was used in a 2020 Nature Communications study to predict the therapeutic potential of 1,309 FDA-approved drugs for 55 different cancers. The antipsychotic drug thioridazine, which was found to be effective against acute myeloid leukemia, was one of several drugs that the algorithm identified that showed promise for treating particular types of cancer.
Another example is a study that used machine learning to find potential drugs that could treat COVID-19 and was published in Nature Biotechnology in 2021. A neural network algorithm was used by the researchers to analyze the molecular structures of existing drugs and predict their capacity to bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a vital virus component. The algorithm found several drugs that could treat COVID-19, including the antidepressant fluvoxamine and the antiparasitic niclosamide.
To summarise, machine learning has the potential to transform drug repurposing by identifying novel therapeutic uses for existing pharmaceuticals in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. However, the quality of the data used to train the algorithms must be carefully monitored, and the findings must be interpreted with sensitivity to ensure that they are biologically meaningful.
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bdpst24 · 2 years
Klinikai vizsgálat igazolta a fluvoxamin terápia eredményességét a COVID-19 gyógyításában
Klinikai vizsgálat igazolta a fluvoxamin terápia eredményességét a COVID-19 gyógyításában
Lezárult az a Semmelweis Egyetem kutatóinak vezetésével végzett, több mint másfél éves klinikai vizsgálat, amelyben 66 középsúlyos – kórházi kezelésre és oxigénre szoruló, de gépi lélegeztetést még nem igénylő – koronavírusban szenvedő beteg négy hónapon keresztül kapott fluvoxamin kezelést. A vizsgálat igazolta, hogy a betegek a készítmény hatására közel egy héttel hamarabb elhagyhatták a…
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mi6-rogue · 2 years
Impact of Fluvoxamine on outpatient treatment of COVID-19 in Honduras
Preliminary report; Background: COVID-19 pandemic has impacted lives globally. While COVID-19 did not discriminate against developed or developing nations, it has been a significant challenge for third world countries like Honduras to have widespread availability of advanced therapies. The concept of early treatment was almost unheard-of when early outpatient treatment with repurposed drugs in Latin American countries showed promising results. One such drug is fluvoxamine, that has shown tremendous potential in two major studies, following which fluvoxamine was added to the standard of care in Honduras. Methods: This is a prospective observational study performed at the Hospital Centro Medico Sanpedrano (CEMESA) in San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras in the COVID-19 outpatient clinic. All patients fifteen years of age or older, with mild or moderate signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and a positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) were included in the study and prescribed fluvoxamine. Cohort of patients who decided to take fluvoxamine were compared to the cohort who did not take fluvoxamine for mortality risk and risk of hospitalization as primary endpoints. Patient were monitored for 30 days with first follow up at 7 days and second follow up at 10-14 days of symptom onset. Categorical variables were compared by Pearson Chi-square test. The Odds ratio was calculated using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. Continuous variables were compared by t-test and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. Results: Of 657 total COVID-19 cases, 594 patients took fluvoxamine and 63 did not. A total of five patients (0.76 percent) died, of which only one death occurred in the fluvoxamine group. Patients who did not receive fluvoxamine had a significantly higher mortality (OR 24, p0.005, CI 2.6 to 233.5). Odds ratio of hospitalization in patients who did not take fluvoxamine was 2.38 (30 vs 10 hospitalizations, p 0.040, CI 1.04-5.47). The odds ratio of requiring oxygen in patients in the non-fluvoxamine group was 5.08 (p https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.27.22280428v1?rss=1%22&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr Read more ↓
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alloverchemistusa · 2 years
Fluvoxamine Maleate Is the Central  Obliging Drug in USA
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Fluvoxamine Maleate is taken orally with or without food as recommended by your doctor, usually once every day at bedtime or twice on a daily basis PRN (once in the morning and once in the evening). the evening). If you're taking this medicine twice each day and also the doses aren't identical, take the larger of the two doses at bedtime. Fluvoxamine can cause problems for the fetus, so pregnant women should only use it if the potential benefits of the drug outweigh the risks to the fetus.
Human breast milk contains a zipper fluvoxamine maleate. the danger of great side effects from exposure to fluvoxamine within the house should be considered when deciding whether to discontinue breastfeeding or discontinue the utilization of the drug. Fluvoxamine maleate tablets may be a well-known medicament employed in the treatment of depressive and compulsive development in any condition. many people in their everyday life can cross. Therefore, the drug can quickly reduce the number of depression.
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alloverchemistusa01 · 2 years
Fluvoxamine Maleate Stylish Ever Medicine in USA
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Fluvoxamine maleate is taken by mouth, anyhow of food, as recommended by your PCP, typically formerly every day at sleep time or two times every day on a case-by-case basis ( formerly toward the morning of the day and formerly at sleep time). On the off chance that you are taking this drug double a day and the portions are not commodity analogous, take the lesser of the two tablets at sleep time. Fluvoxamine can beget issues for a future child, hence it ought to conceivably be employed by pregnant ladies assuming the drug's implicit benefits neutralize the pitfalls to the hatchling. Mortal blood milk contains fluvoxamine maleate. The adventure for major negative impacts of fluvoxamine openness in the nursing home ought to be viewed when choosing whether to quit nursing or quit taking the drug. 
Assuming you're unfavorably susceptible (extremely touchy) to fluvoxamine maleate or any of the different seasonings in Fluvoxamine maleate, do not take it. Assuming that you have a low sodium position in your blood, an advanced adventure of dying, tone-destructive contemplations, liver issues, a family background of the burdensome problems, a digestive ulcer ( draining in the stomach), or glaucoma, tell your PCP previous to taking Fluvoxamine maleate. Assuming that you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use Fluvoxamine maleate.
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alloverchemist11 · 2 years
Fluvoxamine 100 MG is used in COVID USA.
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Fluvoxamine 100 mg is used to treat psychoneurotic compulsive disorder (OCD). It belongs to the selective5-hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibitors class of drugs (SSRIs). Fluvoxamine medications are supposed to boost the function of a brain chemical called 5-hydroxytryptamine. This medication is only available with your doctor's prescription.
Fluvoxamine reviews have a half-dozen average rating. From a total of 330, I received an eight out of ten. Ratings on social media sites show that 50% of reviewers see a positive impact, while 23% see a negative impact.Some reviewers may experience anxiety, rage, aggression, or suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or injury to others.
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buyziverdokit · 2 years
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Fluvoxin (Fluvoxamine) is a medicine that is prescribed as a treatment for OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) symptoms. It is also used to treat social anxiety disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
This medication may help to reduce the need to perform compulsive actions, such as repeated hand washing and counting, while also decreasing unwanted or unpleasant thoughts. The main ingredient in this drug is a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which works by increasing the quantity of serotonin in the brain.
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dariandraught · 10 months
Type II cells 2.
Type II cells are cuboidal and much smaller than type I cells.[3] They are the most numerous cells in the alveoli, yet do not cover as much surface area as the squamous type I cells.[18] Type II cells (granulous pneumocytes) in the alveolar wall contain secretory organelles known as lamellar bodies or lamellar granules, that fuse with the cell membranes and secrete pulmonary surfactant. This surfactant is a film of fatty substances, a group of phospholipids that reduce alveolar surface tension. The phospholipids are stored in the lamellar bodies. Without this coating, the alveoli would collapse. The surfactant is continuously released by exocytosis. Reinflation of the alveoli following exhalation is made easier by the surfactant, which reduces surface tension in the thin fluid lining of the alveoli. The fluid coating is produced by the body in order to facilitate the transfer of gases between blood and alveolar air, and the type II cells are
typically found at the blood–air barrier.[19][20]
Type II cells start to develop at about 26 weeks of gestation, secreting small amounts of surfactant. However, adequate amounts of surfactant are not secreted until about 35 weeks of gestation – this is the main reason for increased rates of infant respiratory distress syndrome, which drastically reduces at ages above 35 weeks gestation.
Type II cells are also capable of cellular division, giving rise to more type I and II alveolar cells when the lung tissue is damaged.[21]
MUC1, a human gene associated with type II pneumocytes, has been identified as a marker in lung cancer.[22]
The importance of the type 2 lung alveolar cells in the development of severe respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 and potential mechanisms on how these cells are protected by the SSRIs fluvoxamine and fluoxetine was summarized in a review in April 2022.[23]
Alveolar macrophages
The alveolar macrophages reside on the internal luminal surfaces of the alveoli, the alveolar ducts, and the bronchioles. They are mobile scavengers that serve to engulf foreign particles in the lungs, such as dust, bacteria, carbon particles, and blood cells from injuries.[24] They are also called pulmonary macrophages, and dust cells.
Clinical significance
Main articles: Respiratory disease and Alveolar lung disease
Insufficient surfactant in the alveoli is one of the causes that can contribute to atelectasis (collapse of part or all of the lung). Without pulmonary surfactant, atelectasis is a certainty.[25] The severe condition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is caused by a deficiency or dysfunction of surfactant.[26] Insufficient surfactant in the lungs of preterm infants causes infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS). The lecithin–sphingomyelin ratio is a measure of fetal amniotic fluid to indicate lung maturity or immaturity.[27] A low ratio indicates a risk factor for IRDS. Lecithin and sphingomyelin are two of the glycolipids of pulmonary surfactant.
Impaired surfactant regulation can cause an accumulation of surfactant proteins to build up in the alveoli in a condition called pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. This results in impaired gas exchange.[28]
Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung tissue, which can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. Cytokines and fluids are released into the alveolar cavity, interstitium, or both, in response to infection, causing the effective surface area of gas exchange to be reduced. In severe cases where cellular respiration cannot be maintained, supplemental oxygen may be required.[29][30]
Diffuse alveolar damage can be a cause of acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) a severe inflammatory disease of the lung.[31]: 187 
In asthma, the bronchioles become narrowed, causing the amount of air flow into the lung tissue to be greatly reduced. It can be triggered by irritants in the air, photochemical smog for example, as well as substances that a person is allergic to.
Chronic bronchitis occurs when an abundance of mucus is produced by the lungs. The production of mucus occurs naturally when the lung tissue is exposed to irritants. In chronic bronchitis, the air passages into the alveoli, the respiratory bronchioles, become clogged with mucus. This causes increased coughing in order to remove the mucus, and is often a result of extended periods of exposure to cigarette smoke.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Cryptococcosis of lung in patient with AIDS. Mucicarmine stain. Histopathology of lung shows widened alveolar septum containing a few inflammatory cells and numerous yeasts of Cryptococcus neoformans. The inner layer of the yeast capsule stain red .
Almost any type of lung tumor or lung cancer can compress the alveoli and reduce gas exchange capacity. In some cases the tumor will fill the alveoli.[32]
Cavitary pneumonia is a process in which the alveoli are destroyed and produce a cavity. As the alveoli are destroyed, the surface area for gas exchange to occur becomes reduced. Further changes in blood flow can lead to decline in lung function.
Emphysema is another disease of the lungs, whereby the elastin in the walls of the alveoli is broken down by an imbalance between the production of neutrophil elastase (elevated by cigarette smoke) and alpha-1 antitrypsin (the activity varies due to genetics or reaction of a critical methionine residue with toxins including cigarette smoke). The resulting loss of elasticity in the lungs leads to prolonged times for exhalation, which occurs through passive recoil of the expanded lung. This leads to a smaller volume of gas exchanged per breath.
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis is a rare lung disorder of small stone formation in the alveoli.
A pulmonary contusion is a bruise of the lung tissue caused by trauma.[33] Damaged capillaries from a contusion can cause blood and other fluids to accumulate in the tissue of the lung, impairing gas exchange.
Pulmonary edema is the buildup of fluid in the parenchyma and alveoli. An edema is usually caused by left ventricular heart failure, or by damage to the lung or its vasculature.
Further information: ACE2 § Coronavirus entry point
Because of the high expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in type II alveolar cells, the lungs are susceptible to infections by some coronaviruses including the viruses that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)[34] and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).[35]
Additional images
Blood circulation around alveoli
Diagrammatic view of lung showing magnified inner structures including alveolar sacs at 10) and lobules at 9).
See also
Interstitial lung disease
A549 cells
List of distinct cell types in the adult human body
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kp777 · 4 years
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alloverchemistusa · 2 years
Fluvoxamine May Well Be a Conformity Pill in USA
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Fluvoxamine 100 mg Tablets might even be a wide illustrious medication that will be conversant in treating a selection of depressive and compulsive disorders. many folks face in their real activities. As a mark, the prescription will quickly appease the recession. One pill of Fluvoxamine 100mg should be taken once on a daily basis, with or whereas not food. additionally, each day's dose consumption ought to be timed. Your dose won't be lost throughout this fashion. once analyzing your condition, the doctor determines the dose to be taken.
1st and foremost, don't skip a dose since this might delay your recovery. Also, if you forget to want your medicine, take it as presently as you remember. Overdosing won't assist you to recover quickly from your illness. Follow your doctor' directions for administering your drug. The oral pill Fluvoxamine 100 mg has been incontestable to be effective in the treatment of depression and neurotic disorder. it's really advantageous to any or all folks.
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alloverchemistusa01 · 2 years
Fluvoxamine 100g Is Curing Lozenge in USA
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Fluvoxamine 100 mg Tablets is a well-known antidepressant that can be used to treat a variety of depressive and obsessive diseases. Numerous individualities face their real conditioning. As a result, the drug can snappily palliate depression. One tablet of Fluvoxamine 100 mg should be taken formerly a day, with or without food. In addition, each day's cure ingestion should be timed. Your cure won't be missed in this manner. After assaying your condition, the croaker determines the cure to be taken. 
First and foremost, don't skip a cure since this will delay your recovery. Also, if you forget to take your drug, take it as soon as you remember. Overdosing won't help you recover snappily from your illness. Follow your croaker's instructions for administering your medicine. The oral tablet Fluvoxamine 100 mg has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of depression and compulsive-obsessive complaints. It's veritably salutary to all of us.
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alloverchemist11 · 2 years
Fluvoxamine 100mg Benefits in the United States
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Fluvoxamine 100 mg, one of the most well-known selective 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibitors, is used to patients suffering from severe depression in a few countries. Many studies have looked into the viability and efficacy of fluvoxamine 100 mg as a treatment for major depression. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is treated with fluvoxamine audits. Fluvoxamine gets a seven on a scale of one to ten.
From a total of 177 evaluations, three out of ten were positive for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sixty-three experts reported a good effect, while eighteen reported a negative effect. Fluvoxamine 100 mg was the only energizer that was approved for clinical usage in the United Kingdom. In 1983, Kali-Duphar created it in European countries and marketed it as Floxyfral in Switzerland and industrialist in European countries.It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration on December 5, 1994, and is sold in the United States as fluvoxamine UK (Luvox).
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cilginfizikcilervbi · 3 years
COVID-19’dan Ölüm Riskini Düşüren Antidepresan 
COVID-19’dan Ölüm Riskini Düşüren Antidepresan  Eczanelerde yaygın olarak bulunan ve ucuzluğu ile tercih edilen bir ilaç COVID-19’dan ölüm riskini büyük ölçüde dürüyor. Depresyon ve obsesif-kompulsif bozukluklarında kullanılan Fluvoxamine isimli ilaç, aynı zamanda doku hasarlarını hafifletiyor ve bağışıklık tepkilerini baskılıyor.  COVID-19’dan Ölüm Riskini Düşüren Antidepresan  Klinik…
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