weirdpersonifiedpills · 7 months
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Heyo, I’m Mouthy (@mouthydraws), welcome to my funny pill blog! I’m an autistic artist with a special interest in pharmacology, specially psychiatric medications, more specifically antidepressants, even more specifically SSRIs. A lot of the stuff I post here will be older until I’m able to catch up, but that hopefully won’t take too long!
New blog for my medication personifications? First post obviously has to be the SSRI lineup from 2022, here come the white-tailed deer ready to fight for your mental health!
From left to right: Zelmid (zimelidine), Luvox (fluvoxamine), Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine), Celexa (citalopram), and Lexapro (escitalopram)
SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are a class of antidepressants used to treat a variety of mental illnesses, most notably anxiety disorders and depression. They’re my absolute favorite class and the reason I’m currently in college for pharmacology. Prozac’s history in particular is my favorite to read about, so expect plenty of him and his history lol.
What are personified pills?
Personified pills are, as the name suggests, personifications of medications. Each aspect of the character, from their design to their personality, is carefully chosen based on historical, chemical, and pharmacological aspects of the actual medication. I enjoy drawing the characters in scenes that reference the real-life history of said drug.
Are these your OCs?
Yes. While I don’t own the idea of personifying medications, the designs and characters themselves do belong to me. You’re welcome to design your own personifications, or use mine with credit!
Why are they animals/furries?
Each class of drugs is a different animal species, I think it adds a lot to the characters, and specific animals are chosen in the same way every other aspect of the characters are chosen. Having the characters be animals also allows for clear distinctions between drug classes. I don’t enjoy drawing humans, but even if I did, I’d still keep them as animals.
Do you have a personification for *insert medication here*
All of my personifications are on my Toyhouse (@mouthydraws) under the ‘Medications’ folder. It can take some background knowledge on the class of the drug/possible subclasses or categories to find some of them, so I’ll also be uploading all of them here and using tags to make them easier to locate. If you have a specific medication you want to see, feel free to let me know!
Will you personify illegal drugs?
Given that most illegal drugs either didn’t start out as illegal or are only illegal in certain forms/circumstances, yes. I’ve started on the opioid personifications, and diacetylmorphine (her0in) is definitely going to be a part of that, as well as ADHD medications, which means m3thamphetamine hydrochloride (crystal m3th) is also on the horizon.
Are real people/names included in character lore?
No, I try to keep real people out of the personified pill lore, as it is fiction that’s simply based on actual events. A lot of the history behind these medications can be upsetting, and I do my best to treat these events with the respect they deserve. I’ll talk a lot about drug companies (Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Novartis, AstraZeneca, etc. etc.) but I won’t mention anyone specific lore-wise. I enjoy talking about drug history OUTSIDE of these characters, and will probably do that here too (with appropriate tags of course).
My inbox is always open, but I’m more active on Instagram and Twitter (@mouthydraws). I post a lot of WIPs and general pharmacology ramblings on my Instagram stories, so if you’re interested come check it out! I’m always looking for more pharmacology mutuals!!
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elekid · 1 year
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even the seller's not sure abt this one
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odiumars · 2 years
This is your daily reminder to take your meds!!!
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I take fluvoxamine, Adderall, and aripiprazole (: no shame in the meds game 🎮💕
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faggotfungus · 2 years
Yo so Fluvoxamine really is just; "can't experience ur ills if u dissociate thru them all, baby."
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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pharmaceutical0 · 1 year
Fluvoxamine-D4 Maleate | 61718-82-9 | Simson Pharma
Fluvoxamine-D4 Maleate | 61718-82-9 | Simson Pharma ,
Synonyms: Dumirox-d4;Faverind4;Fevarin-d4;Floxyfral-d4;Luvox-d4;Maveral-d4
Chemical Name: (E)-5-methoxy-1-(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)pentan-1-one-O-(2-aminoethyl-1,1,2,2-d4) oxime maleate
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golden-ghost · 2 years
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fantastic-fern · 2 years
I want to sleep so baaaaaaad but medication forbids it. It also forbids depressive spirals, but cmooooooooooooooon lemme sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.
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butchboromir · 7 months
also my friends i must confess i continue to do the stupid thing. in my defense being manic and in love is the most electrifying feeling in the world and i wish to experience it again
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rulesforthedance · 3 months
Like, psychiatric diagnoses are a complex phenomenon and they are often wrongly framed as prediscursive and apolitical they are sometimes helpful and sometimes harmful and have a VERY fraught history. And the same is true of psychiatric medications. But a year and a half ago, my doctor was like, I hear you saying you "don't" "have" "ocd," but how about we just TRY you on this medication we give people with ocd to see if it makes you less afraid, and if it doesn't, you can stop taking it. And I was like, well, I am very afraid, so, sure, might as well try. And now I am like 65% less afraid, and I no longer have to knock on my head three times to prevent tragedy when I verbally or even silently-in-my-own-head acknowledge that something is going or might go well, and I no longer believe that if I don't consume the right teas and right snacks in the right order the right amount of time before bed I will never fall asleep, and I no longer have to indulge several other much more insane and inconvenient superstitions that I'd rather not list, lol.
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jakowskis · 3 months
counted up alllll my tw fic and it's... 170k words 🙃 in 14 months 🙃 and im still not sick of these assholes. dude im gonna be here for a whileee. head in hands
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sixeye-sketch · 2 years
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bakurapika · 1 year
My house is a mess, and not in a cute "teehee it's so disheveled," it's "girl you live like this" - like some things haven't moved since I got here. Tons of cardboard boxes, many empty, some full, scattered haphazard around not-set-up fans, a mostly-assembled cabinet, a TV with a missing screw.....
I got fed up enough to stand up and DO something about it
And then I paced from room to room getting progressively more anxious, picked up a pizza box and a bag of recycling, and left it all behind me
... and spent 20 minutes picking up the trash that previous owners thoughtfully left scattered around the yard, some of it being Substances That Should NOT Be Named
Just washed my hands for about a minute and a half and doused them in rubbing alcohol twice and then used hand sanitizer thanks to an Unpleasant Surprise
So now I can bask in the satisfaction of a job well d THE HOUSE IS STILL A MESS AAAAAAAAAA
i swear half of my spoons are spent on "knowing I don't have enough spoons and trying to ration them out accordingly." And I have SO many hopes for my next psychiatric visit to give me magic drugs since this is sort of what my obscenely high dosage of focalin (after much trial and error with other meds) is supposed to help me DO.
i keep daydreaming about taking a pill, being filled with energy and purpose, and going through the house in a mad rush of cleanliness and self-actualization. Because literally, 2 days of that and it would be perfectly clean. 1 day of that and it would be great. But instead I pencil off entire weekends for this and do 1/6 of a task and oops that's all we had time for folks!! and i really have to rush to meet that end of weekend deadline and i'm exhausted at the end of it. bc again,
90% of the job is figuring out how to make it seem physically possible. and yes 2 of the tasks are actually something i can't physically do without hurting myself bc of my shoulder (and just need to grit my teeth and get through them) but most of them aren't. it's just. mental gymnastics to even picture myself doing it. arghhhhhhhhh
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precambrianpark · 1 year
loving decreasing meds until 1. i'm constantly neurotic paranoid and self conscious and 2. my insight begins to slip away and my compulsions get way harder to ignore #fun
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faggotfungus · 2 years
Med/Mental Health Update
The Neurologist has me on Fluvoxamine now; started me on 50mg for 3 weeks in the beginning of last month, then up to 100mg. The 100mg fucked with me too much, though no where near as bad as the Abilify did. It just made me worryingly depressed, like Prozac did. So I took it upon myself to go back down to 50mg. So far on 50mg, I don't have anything negative to say, but I also don't have anything positive either.
My panic attacks have lessened considerably, but I'm not sure if it's bc of the meds or therapy since I started them around the same time. I guess it doesn't really matter which? Though it feels like it should.
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sotheresthis1guy · 1 year
I accidently closed a door over my foot and now it hurts
I am thriving
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