#fluvoxamine side effects
techramonic · 4 months
A Comprehensive Analysis on Eric Harris, 3.
Disclaimer: This analysis/psychoanalysis is limited only to analysis as a means to reflect and understand the people involved. It is strictly informative. Just like all of my posts, I am detached from the media I write about and solely focus on the people to understand their psychology, for others to gain insight. There is no room for me to romanticize or glorify anything I write because I am only here to explain. I understand and research, but I do not condone. Thank you.
note: This is all solely based on independent research. If I may be wrong with the medical aspects of this post, please correct me. I would appreciate it a lot.
Fluvoxamine Maleate
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Just a few days before the shooting, Eric was promptly rejected from his application to serve in the marines. Despite his desirable qualities, he was rejected for the sole reason of being tested positive for consuming a prescripted drug after rejecting that he was off any medication. With a trace of Luvox in his system, theories speculate that the drug's side effects played a role on the events that have transpired. Luvox is a medication prescription drug that is used to treat mental illnesses such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), anxiety, depression, and others. While there are positive effects, the downside are heightened sensations of dread, irritation, depression, and arising violent behaviors. It also has a chance to increase manic symptoms, especially if taken in particularly large doses.
Anti-depressant usage, effects of overdose, and detoxification
When taken over the prescribed dosage, Luvox can lead to increased agression and suicidal ideation and tendencies. Eric was in anger management therapy after being on probation alongside Dylan for attempting to steal a vehicle containing thousands worth of valuable electronics and tools. After getting caught, Eric openly expressed his difficulties in managing his anxiety and explosive anger issues that his counselor said, "he frequently blew up and often cried." Revealing that this influences his homicidal and suicidal thoughts, so he was prescribed Fluvoxamine, which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs). These drugs increase the capacity of the brain to receive serotonin.
According to an interview with Eric's friends, they speculate that Eric was off his medication completely for sometime. Abruptly stopping medication can lead to the development of a more violent response. For some people, drugs are able to fix their chemical imbalances, but it can also lead to withdrawal symptoms of taken for over the duration of 6 weeks. Abruptly discontinuing anti-depressants can lead ro rebound depression or relapse. Symptoms may return stronger than before. Furthermore, SSRI's such as Luvox and Prozac take about 5 days to linger in one's system before subsequently washing off.
In a period of 11 months, Eric and Dylan have been under a juvenile detention program at Jefferson County district — this was in 1998, just a year before the shooting. They were allowed to leave the program by early February 1999. After finishing, Eric wrote a letter contained in his juvenile diversion program file. He states, "I learned that thousands of suggestions are worthless if you still believe in violence."
After public demands for stricter regulations on SSRIs after the tragic shooting, Luvox was temporarily banned in 2002. By 2008, drug manufacturers had reformulated Luvox to a controlled-release version specifically designed to treat OCD, excluding indications for depression or anxiety. Subsequently, the FDA approved Luvox CR for the treatment of OCD. The label does not explicitly prohibit prescribing it to the pediatric population, it notes that the smallest dose "may not be appropriate" for children, without providing further explanation.
Eric was about 17 at the time of taking the medication, which means he is part of the pediatric population. Though it's still unclear if he was taking normal doses for a long period of time or taken more than what was prescribed, it is clear that there was negligence with prescribing a child a SSRI that has the posibility of worsening their already apparent symptoms.
Columbine was really a case that opened the public's eyes into the dysfunctional aspects of society and institutions, transcending even to the medical field.
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thevividgreenmoss · 6 months
The day+ after taking psychedelics the lingering afterglow feels sort of the like opposite of a hangover not the opposite exactly but ykwim. You're drained but without the groggy smoker's flu aspect of a hangover ig…but ssri withdrawal, to me, is the opposite of that…anyways a communication failure between the pharmacy and doctor's office led to the former not refilling my fluvoxamine prescription last month because apparently somewhere in some system it said it had been too long between appointments for a refill to be automatically approved. Or something. I don't know exactly, but both parties involved in making this decision for me are saying what you have to do is give the psych clinic $50 for an eight minute zoom call with the nurse practitioner then she can send in refill approval to the pharmacy. So I do, and she does. And the pharmacy tells me they have received this request but are out of stock of the medication in question and will have it ready by Friday 2/23, by which point it will have been four days since l've taken these stupid fucking bullshit pills that don't do jack fucking shit, for me, in terms of treating the symptoms they allege to treat. but do, very successfully, induce a million various side effects, thus ultimately only serving to accelerate the suicidal freefall that my life had become over the past few years, before which all previous periods of suicidal free fall I have experienced, which cumulatively might account for the majority of my adult life, pale in comparison, and out of which I had only, somehow, through various maneuverings, sort of begun to pull mvself/be pulled from since maybe around September, despite the plagues and horrors still hanging over my head.
On Friday 2/23 they still do not have any luvox, apparently no other CVS in the vicinity does either, which is something that the pharmacist and I learn together, upon my inquiry, God forbid you proactively look into such a thing on behalf of your customer-patient. Or like fucking let them know that you were out of the shit to begin with and that this abrupt cessation would have taken place regardless of procedural issues you were initially hiding behind. Like this means that people who had already had their appointments in place and their refill requests sent through and approved in advance are in the same boat as I am. A lot of them probably have a lot less experience with drugs, prescribed or otherwise, going in and out of their system, which means a lot of them are probably going to have an even harder time handling this shit than I am, and just over the past four days I have seen my face become ashen my eyes hollower dizziness pulsating microseizure pinching my synapses staggering bracing myself against the kitchen counter thinking i hope I at least this doesn't trigger weight gain and hating myself for thinking this thought and for the majority of thoughts I have ever thought that are my own and not my own the maiority of which are abstracted distortions so grotesque they make this hateful fear of my own body seem rational and kind and just. In comparison.
Your prescription will be ready Wednesday 2/29 and when that day arrives it will still not be ready but every couple of days you will receive automated updates informing you that an order is being placed for your prescription until Thursday 3/16 when your prescription will be ready for pickup. Now the ssris are for the most part out of my system the withdrawal period is I think over and I'm afraid of what will happen if a) I elect not to begin taking these pills again since the post-withdrawal period where my body reacclimates to life without ss/nris has not been kind to me historically, or b) I start taking the shit again. Freedom of choice. For now the pills are still at CVS waiting to be surrendered upon receipt of payment and proof of insurance. Even if all this did not take place the fear of losing my apartment and along with and above that the fear of losing my cats chokes me. But I know whatever happens they'll have the most darling adventures. My cousin said he could take them in for me if I have to move back in with my family (my dad's allergies/COPD won't allow for them to stay with us), and I know he and my aunt and uncle will care for them. And there are people dying and dying and I'm afraid of being rendered even more useless than I already am as it stands I am nothing but I have been blessed with the capacity to care for people within my small orbit in my broken way within the severe limits of my imagination and capability and I'm afraid of losing even that.
You guys I wish you could see outside the sliding door the rain and Charlie in front of me alternatingly playing with her little lamby and watching the rainfall and Emily lying down beside me. I'm afraid of the look in my eyes in the picture I took of the three of us the week I got them back in September 2022 a few months after finally moving out on my own into this apartment I'm now sitting in, in the picture the two of them perched on my shoulder and me smiling shell-shocked. But whatever happens they will be themselves and they'll be together. They love each other so much you guys I swear it's the most precious thing and nothing that happens to me matters more than that but still I can't stop crying
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neustartpsychiatry · 18 days
Can Medication Help with OCD? Discover Options in Salem
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a challenging mental health condition that affects millions of people. Characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions), OCD can significantly interfere with daily life. While therapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), is the cornerstone of OCD treatment, medication can also play a crucial role in managing symptoms. If you’re in Salem and exploring treatment options, understanding how medication can help with OCD is essential.
How Medication Can Help with OCD
Medication for OCD primarily targets the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays a key role in mood regulation and anxiety. By increasing serotonin levels in the brain, these medications can help reduce the intensity of obsessive thoughts and the urge to perform compulsive behaviors. While medication doesn’t cure OCD, it can make symptoms more manageable, particularly for individuals with moderate to severe OCD.
Common Medications for OCD
There are several types of medications commonly prescribed to treat OCD. These medications are often used in combination with therapy to achieve the best results.
1. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed class of medication for OCD. They work by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain, which can help alleviate the symptoms of OCD. Some of the SSRIs frequently prescribed for OCD include:
Fluoxetine (Prozac): Often used to treat depression and anxiety disorders, Fluoxetine is also effective in reducing OCD symptoms. It is usually prescribed at higher doses for OCD than for depression.
Sertraline (Zoloft): Another SSRI that is commonly prescribed for OCD, Sertraline has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of obsessions and compulsions.
Paroxetine (Paxil): Paroxetine is another SSRI that can be effective in managing OCD symptoms, particularly in cases where anxiety is a prominent feature.
Fluvoxamine (Luvox): Specifically approved for the OCD treatment Salem, Fluvoxamine is often prescribed as a first-line medication for individuals with OCD.
Escitalopram (Lexapro): Escitalopram is another SSRI that may be prescribed to help manage OCD symptoms, especially when other SSRIs are not well-tolerated.
2. Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
While SSRIs are the first choice for treating OCD, SNRIs may also be considered, particularly if SSRIs are not effective or well-tolerated. SNRIs work by increasing both serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the brain. An example of an SNRI that may be used to treat OCD is:
Venlafaxine (Effexor): Venlafaxine can be effective in reducing OCD symptoms, particularly when SSRIs are not providing sufficient relief.
3. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)
Tricyclic antidepressants, particularly Clomipramine (Anafranil), have been used to treat OCD for many years. Clomipramine works by increasing serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the brain, and it is often effective in cases where SSRIs are not sufficient.
Clomipramine (Anafranil): Clomipramine is a TCA that has been shown to be highly effective in treating OCD. However, it may have more side effects than SSRIs, so it is often used when other medications are not effective.
Finding the Right Medication in Salem
If you’re considering medication as part of your OCD treatment Salem plan, it’s important to work closely with a psychiatrist who specializes in OCD. Finding the right medication and dosage can take time, and it’s essential to have professional guidance throughout the process.
In Salem, there are several options for seeking psychiatric care. When meeting with a psychiatrist, be sure to discuss your symptoms in detail, including the severity and impact on your daily life. Your psychiatrist will take into account your medical history, any previous treatments, and your specific needs when prescribing medication.
Combining Medication with Therapy
Medication is most effective when combined with therapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). While medication can help reduce the intensity of OCD symptoms, therapy addresses the underlying thought patterns and behaviors that drive the disorder.
In therapy, you’ll learn strategies to manage and challenge your obsessions and compulsions, which can lead to long-term improvement. Combining medication with therapy provides a comprehensive approach to Ocd Treatment Salem, offering the best chance for symptom relief and recovery.
Managing Side Effects and Expectations
It’s important to understand that medication for OCD may come with side effects, which can vary depending on the specific medication and individual response. Common side effects of SSRIs include nausea, insomnia, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. These side effects are often temporary and may diminish as your body adjusts to the medication.
Your psychiatrist will work with you to find the right balance between managing OCD symptoms and minimizing side effects. It’s essential to communicate openly with your psychiatrist about any side effects you experience, as adjustments to the medication or dosage may be necessary.
Long-Term Considerations
Medication for OCD is often a long-term treatment, especially if symptoms are severe. Some individuals may need to take medication for several years, while others may be able to taper off under the guidance of their psychiatrist once their symptoms are well-controlled.
It’s important not to stop taking medication suddenly without consulting your psychiatrist, as this can lead to withdrawal symptoms or a return of OCD symptoms. Any changes to your medication regimen should be done gradually and under professional supervision.
Medication can be a valuable tool in managing OCD, helping to reduce the severity of symptoms and improve quality of life. If you’re exploring treatment options in Salem, consider consulting with a psychiatrist to discuss whether medication is right for you. By combining medication with therapy, you can take significant steps towards managing OCD and regaining control over your life.
For those seeking professional guidance in Salem, NeuStart Psychiatry offers expert care and personalized treatment plans to help you navigate your OCD treatment journey with confidence and support.
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kayleegibsons · 2 months
OCD Treatment in Long Beach: Proven Methods for Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) performed to alleviate the distress caused by these thoughts. OCD can significantly impact an individual's daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. In Long Beach, various treatment options are available to help individuals manage their symptoms effectively. This comprehensive guide explores the proven methods for treating OCD and achieving a better quality of life.
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Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCD is marked by the presence of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, distressing thoughts or images that repeatedly enter a person’s mind. These thoughts can provoke significant anxiety or discomfort. Compulsions are behaviors or mental rituals performed to alleviate the anxiety caused by the obsessions. Individuals with OCD often feel driven to perform these rituals to prevent a feared event or reduce anxiety, even though they may recognize that the actions are irrational.
The impact of OCD can be profound, affecting an individual’s ability to function at work, school, or in social settings. The disorder can also lead to significant emotional distress and interfere with personal relationships.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective treatments for OCD and is widely practiced in Long Beach. CBT focuses on identifying and challenging the distorted thoughts and beliefs that contribute to OCD symptoms. One specific form of CBT used for OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
ERP is a type of CBT that involves gradually exposing individuals to the situations or thoughts that trigger their obsessions. During these exposures, individuals are encouraged to refrain from performing their usual compulsions. The goal is to help them learn that their anxiety diminishes over time without the need for compulsive behaviors. ERP helps individuals confront their fears in a controlled manner, reducing the power of the obsessions and breaking the cycle of compulsive behavior.
Medication can be a valuable component of OCD treatment in long beach, especially when used in conjunction with therapy. Several types of medications are commonly prescribed for OCD, including:
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed class of medications for OCD. They work by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain, which can help reduce the intensity of obsessions and compulsions. Common SSRIs used for OCD include fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and sertraline.
Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs): SNRIs, such as venlafaxine, are another class of antidepressants that can be effective in treating OCD. They work by affecting both serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the brain.
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs): In cases where SSRIs and SNRIs are not effective, TCAs like clomipramine may be used. TCAs are older antidepressants that can help alleviate OCD symptoms.
It is important for individuals to work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate medication and dosage for their specific needs. Medication management often involves monitoring for side effects and adjusting treatment as needed.
Support Groups and Peer Support
Participating in support groups can provide individuals with OCD a sense of community and understanding. Support groups offer a space to share experiences, learn from others, and gain encouragement. Connecting with others who have similar challenges can be particularly beneficial for reducing feelings of isolation and stigma.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
Incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into the treatment plan can enhance overall well-being and help manage OCD symptoms. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can help individuals manage anxiety and improve emotional regulation. These practices can be used in conjunction with CBT and medication to provide a comprehensive approach to managing OCD.
Lifestyle Modifications
Making certain lifestyle modifications can support the overall treatment of OCD. These may include:
Establishing a Routine: Creating a structured daily routine can help reduce uncertainty and provide a sense of stability. Consistent routines can also minimize stress and anxiety.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting adequate sleep can support mental health and improve treatment outcomes.
Stress Management: Identifying and managing sources of stress is crucial, as stress can exacerbate OCD symptoms. Techniques such as time management, relaxation exercises, and seeking social support can help manage stress levels.
Family Involvement
Involving family members in the treatment process can be beneficial. Family therapy or education sessions can help loved ones understand OCD, learn how to support the individual, and improve communication. Educating family members about the nature of the disorder and effective ways to offer support can enhance the overall treatment experience and promote a supportive home environment.
Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments
Effective management of OCD often requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments to the treatment plan. Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare providers allow for the evaluation of treatment progress and the identification of any necessary changes. Adjustments may include modifying medication dosages, incorporating new therapeutic techniques, or addressing any emerging concerns.
Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder requires a multifaceted approach that includes evidence-based therapies, medication, lifestyle modifications, and support systems. In Long Beach, individuals with OCD have access to a range of proven methods for effectively managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life. By combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, medication, support groups, mindfulness techniques, and family involvement, individuals can achieve significant relief from their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. Understanding and utilizing these treatment options can empower individuals with OCD to take control of their condition and navigate their journey to recovery with confidence.
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moldybits · 4 months
Hello, I had a question about medication! I have ocd and me and my therapist have toyed with the idea of starting SSRIs, so my question is how does the medication actually work? For depression I understand it makes serotonin last longer, but would that actually help me with ocd obsessions? I don't understand how it would help me not want to wash my hands anymore!
disclaimer that i am not a doctor or pharmacist or any other type of licensed medical professional. i’m a certified pharmacy technician, and please do not take anything i say as medical advice. always talk your doctor or pharmacist before making any medical decisions!
Alright this a long one so here we go!
So SSRIs work by increasing the the balance of serotonin in the brain. I’ll try to the explain this process simply here:
Your brain sends messages through neurons. But when the message gets to the end of a neuron, it needs to jump the gap (synapse) to the next neuron(s). So in order to get through, very small amounts of neurotransmitters are released into these gaps. Serotonin being one of these neurotransmitters. Once the message has made it across the gap to the next neuron, the neurotransmitter serotonin is supposed to be absorbed by the nerve cell (this is what is called “reuptake”, the R is SSRI).
The gene that is in charge for the process of making the serotonin transporters is called hSERT. So the transporter is supposed to absorb the extra serotonin after it goes from one neuron to the other. What is believe could be happening is that some people’s hSERT gene is working TOO fast and is absorbing ALL the serotonin before the next neuron has received the message. So the job of an SSRI is to slow down the collection of serotonin by transporters such as the gene hSERT and slow down the process of the serotonin being returned back to the end of the neuron the serotonin was originally from- this is to increase the chance of the neurons being able to receive messages from each other.
So how does this connect to OCD?
We just simply do not know if OCD is caused by low serotonin levels (and the concept of low serotonin being the main reason for things like depression is likely way more complicated than initially thought, but I digress). For OCD, it is likely way more complicated than that. However studies have shown that an increase in seratonin can improve symptoms in some people and/or make them more responsive to therapy.
Why? Unfortunately, like almost all psychiatric medications, we truly do not know yet. So many medications seem to help with many different disorders, and for all we know about how a drug works chemically and why a disorder may be happening… why a specific drug helps a specific disorder or symptom is unknown. It really seems to be “it works and we have no true idea why, but we have possible theories”.
Alright so basic things to know about the drugs!
The specific SSRIs used are:
-Citalopram (Celexa)
-Fluoxetine (Prozac)
-Sertraline (Zoloft)
-Paroxetine (Paxil)
-Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
(You may also see clomipramine (Anafranil) used, it’s a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA). It is not first line of use due to side effects compared to SSRIs, but is an option. This was used before SSRIs were an option)
Studies say that about 40-60% of patients with OCD respond to an SSRI or TCA, but unfortunately it does not predict which drug that’ll be. Some people respond to Prozac but not Celexa, and vise versa. If one drug does not work for you, or you have side effects, do not be afraid to tell your prescriber and consider switching to another drug. It does usually take 10-12 weeks to truly know if it is working (but typically some response is seen between 6-8 weeks). Not all symptoms will disappear, but it seems to be about 40-50% of symptoms decrease in 60% of patients.
It is possible to augment SSRIs with another drug of a different class such as second generation antipsychotics (SGAs). Personally I’ve also heard things about the antiepileptic drug toprimate (Topamax) and interestingly, an OTC drug called Nac that is used in Tylenol overdoses. Nac seems to help some people with compulsive behaviors, including things such as hair pulling and skin picking.
So TLDR: SSRIs are a common treatment for OCD in conjunction with therapy and even other meds, because one of the possible causes of OCD is unbalanced/low seratonin in the brain. Why that would be the case is still being researched, but it seems to be a successful treatment option for a good deal of people.
Hope this answers your question and thank you for asking!!! Please feel free to follow up with anything other questions. And of course, talk with your pharmacist with any true questions or concerns about your medication, its side effects, and interactions!! That’s what they are there for!
This was very fun for me :3c
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Valium Precaution, Interactions and Benefits
Valium is a medication that is used to treat results of disquiet, alcohol withdrawal and moreover used with various solutions to treat muscle fits and spasticity achieved by unambiguous neurological issues like cerebral loss of motion, various sclerosis, stroke, and horrendous frontal cortex or spinal line injury. It is similarly used to treat seizures together with other medications.Valium customary name is "Diazepam" and this has a spot with a class of drugs "Benzodiazepine anticonvulsants", "Benzodiazepines". Diazepam is made sure to work by growing the development of explicit neurotransmitters in the psyche.
Prior to taking valium, let your primary care physician or drug specialist know if you are susceptible to it; or to different benzodiazepines (like oxazepam, temazepam); or then again assuming that you have some other sensitivities. This item might contain latent fixings, which can cause unfavorably susceptible responses or different issues. Converse with your drug specialist for additional subtleties. Prior to utilizing this prescription, tell your primary care physician or drug specialist your clinical history, particularly of: a specific muscle infection (myasthenia gravis), lung/breathing issues (like COPD, rest apnea), mental/mind-set problems (like discouragement, considerations of self destruction, psychosis), individual or family background of a substance use jumble, (for example, abuse of or dependence on drugs/liquor), glaucoma, liver illness, kidney sickness. This medication might make you tipsy or tired or obscure your vision. Liquor or mary jane (pot) can make you more dazed or sleepy. Try not to drive, use apparatus, or do anything that needs readiness or clear vision until you can do it securely. Keep away from cocktails. Converse with your PCP on the off chance that you are utilizing pot (weed).
A few fluid items might contain liquor. Get some information about utilizing this item securely.
Prior to having a medical procedure, inform your PCP or dental specialist concerning every one of the items you use (counting doctor prescribed drugs, nonprescription medications, and home grown items).
For certain youngsters, rather than having a quieting impact, diazepam might make the contrary difference, causing mental/mind-set changes (like unsettling, visualizations, fretfulness).
More seasoned grown-ups might be more delicate to the results of this medication, particularly sleepiness and loss of coordination. These secondary effects can expand the gamble of falling. For a few more seasoned grown-ups, rather than having a quieting impact, diazepam might make the contrary difference, causing mental/mind-set changes (like unsettling, visualizations, fretfulness).Let your primary care physician know if you are pregnant or want to become pregnant. You shouldn't become pregnant while utilizing diazepam. Diazepam might hurt an unborn child. Infants of moms who utilize this drug late in pregnancy might have side effects, for example, slow/shallow breathing, relentless crying, shaking, or inconvenience taking care of. Assuming you become pregnant, converse with your PCP immediately about the dangers and advantages of this medicine.This drug passes into bosom milk and may unfortunately affect a nursing newborn child. Breastfeeding isn't suggested while utilizing this prescription. Counsel your primary care physician prior to breastfeeding.
Drug corporations might change how your meds work or increment your gamble for serious incidental effects. This archive doesn't contain all conceivable medication associations. Keep a rundown of the multitude of items you use (counting medicine/nonprescription medications and natural items) and offer it with your PCP and drug specialist. Try not to begin, stop, or change the dose of any prescriptions without your PCP's endorsement. A few items that might cooperate with this medication include: clozapine, fluvoxamine, orlistat, sodium oxybate.
The gamble of serious secondary effects, (for example, slow/shallow breathing, extreme sluggishness/dazedness) might be expanded assuming this prescription is taken with different items that may likewise cause sleepiness or breathing issues. Let your PCP or drug specialist know if you are taking different items, for example, narcotic agony or hack relievers (like codeine, hydrocodone), liquor, maryjane (weed), different medications for rest or tension (like alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem), muscle relaxants, (for example, carisoprodol, cyclobenzaprine), or allergy medicines, (for example, cetirizine, diphenhydramine).
Actually look at the names on the entirety of your drugs (like sensitivity or hack-and-cold items) since they might contain fixings that cause sluggishness. Get some information about utilizing those items securely.
Benefits of using Valium
Diazepam is a medication that is used to treat the symptoms of anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety, social phobia, panic disorder, and others. Diazepam relieves anxiety by binding to the receptor cells in the brain that produce feelings of calm. Valium, by calming abnormal electrical activity in the brain, can help to reduce or prevent seizures. Valium can even be given to a person during a seizure to shorten the duration of the seizure. Diazepam is utilized to treat uneasiness, liquor withdrawal, and seizures. It is additionally used to alleviate muscle fits and to give sedation before operations. This prescription works by quieting the mind and nerves. Diazepam has a place with a class of medications known as benzodiazepines.
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healthymind1o · 8 months
Is There Medication for OCD?
Living with OCD is like experiencing a constant flow of irrational, anxious thoughts and compulsive behaviors. It can detract from your relationships, work, and happiness.
The treatment of OCD is generally done through therapy. Many people ask, though: Is there medication for OCD?
In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the different medication options available for OCD. We will also talk about their effectiveness and the importance of therapy alongside medication.
For resources and info on OCD treatment and management, contact us directly at Healthy Mind Foundation.
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OCD and Different Treatment Options
OCD is a long-term mental health condition. It can cause serious distress and difficulties in many areas of life, like:
●Relationships. ●Work. ●Your overall wellness.
How OCD works: People with OCD are subject to intrusive thoughts or images that trigger intense anxiety.
They perform compulsive behaviors as a means to ease anxiety or to avoid perceived harm. Although Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is usually seen as the gold standard treatment for OCD, medication can also be helpful. It’s important to be mindful OCD medication should only be prescribed by a doctor who has experience treating it.
Yoga, meditation, and massage can also help with OCD.
Is There Medication for OCD? – Types of Medication for OCD
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Is there medication for OCD? Yes, many medications are available to treat symptoms of OCD. The 1st choice meds prescribed for OCD are:
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
SSRIs, like fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and fluvoxamine (Luvox) can be prescribed for OCD. They act by raising the levels of serotonin — a neurotransmitter important for regulating your mood. These can also be beneficial for somatic OCD treatment.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants, like clomipramine (Anafranil), also reduce OCD symptoms. The FDA approves Clomipramine for the treatment of OCD.
Other Medications Used Off-Label
Some healthcare professionals prescribe medications off-label in some cases.
Related: Is Prozac A Controlled Substance?
Taking Medication for OCD
Research has shown that medication can reduce OCD symptoms.
Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Michael Jenike notes that 7 out of 10 people benefit from medication, and their symptoms are reduced by 40 to 60%. Then again, remember every person is different, and finding the right medication and dosage might take time.
It’s also important to watch out for possible side effects like nausea, drowsiness, sexual problems, or weight gain. Discuss your options with a licensed healthcare provider so they can help you weigh the pros and cons.
Thinking Things Through
Even though medication can be effective for managing OCD, it is rarely a complete treatment in itself. Talking therapy, especially Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is an essential part of treatment. A thorough discussion with your healthcare professional will ensure safe treatment.
What Are Some Coping Skills for OCD?
Being mindful or meditating can help you focus, lessen obsessive thoughts, and curb compulsive behaviors.
Cognitive Restructuring. This is about confronting unreasonable thoughts that feed your OCD. It can ease your symptoms and alter your thinking.
Exposure and response prevention (ERP). In this treatment, you are presented with situations that trigger obsessions, and you learn to resist your compulsive behaviors.
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). The body’s muscles are tensed and then relaxed with this technique. It can ease anxiety and tension linked to OCD.
Healthy living. Daily exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep can also help manage OCD.
Join a support group or get OCD group therapy. In an obsessive compulsive disorder group support, talking to others who are going through the same thing can bring comfort.
Maintain a positive mindset. Remind yourself of your progress, recognize your wins, and remain patient.
Finding OCD Psychiatrists Near Me
You can find local psychiatrists who specialize in OCD through:
Online directories.
Health websites.
Asking for a referral from a general practitioner or mental health professional.
For convenience or to get online treatment, you can reach out to the Healthy Mind Foundation. We provide telehealth visits and can help set up an appointment with a licensed psychiatrist who specializes in OCD treatment.
Wrapping Up
So, is there medication for OCD? One that is effective? Yes, there are many great meds to treat OCD.
Medication can be a helpful resource during the OCD treatment process. Combining it with therapy like CBT is often effective.
If OCD is turning your life upside down, please talk to a licensed healthcare professional. At Healthy Mind Foundation, we can guide you, discuss medication options, and help devise a personalized care plan for you. Proper support and treatment can help people live fulfilling lives despite OCD. To get started, contact us today.
What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for OCD?
In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), you learn to accept the problems in your life. For OCD, ACT involves accepting obsessive thoughts without altering or responding to them. A therapy like this helps you take actions that make a difference in your life.
Does Adderall help with OCD?
Adderall is usually prescribed for ADHD, not OCD. Even though some people might see a reduction in OCD symptoms with Adderall, it is not considered a first-line treatment.
Zoloft Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – how is it used as a treatment?
Zoloft is an SSRI that regulates mood by increasing serotonin levels. It is used to reduce OCD symptoms and is the first-line treatment for this condition.
What are the signs your Zoloft dose is too high?
If your Zoloft dose is too high, you might experience:
●Agitation. ●Restlessness. ●Confusion. ●Rapid heart rate. ●Dilated pupils.
Contact your provider if you have any of these symptoms.
What is Neurofeedback for OCD?
Patients with OCD are taught how to alter their brain activity through neurofeedback, which is a drug-free treatment. Research is ongoing, but some studies suggest it can reduce OCD symptoms.
Is weed for OCD effective?
Cannabis intake has short-term benefits for treating OCD symptoms. Also, dependence can arise from usage.
Is CBD good for anxiety and OCD?
Research on CBD’s efficacy for OCD and anxiety is still in its early stages, but some studies suggest it can help reduce symptoms. Although it might not be widely recommended for these conditions.
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gogenericrxx · 1 year
What is the fastest medicine for muscle pain?
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Soma uses
Carisoprodol, also known as Soma, is a generic medication. It is a muscle relaxant and pain medication used to treat muscle spasms and musculoskeletal discomfort. It is a prescription drug that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2007. Soma should only be used for two to three weeks at a time because it can cause violence, addiction, and physical dependence. Because of its potential for violence, it is classified as a restricted substance. In the United States, the sale of Soma without a prescription is illegal, and no one can buy soma without a prescription.
It is only one part of the recovery process; proper rest, physical therapy, and other therapies are also important. The usual soma dosage is 250-350 mg three times a day, depending on the user's condition. The drug can only be used for two or three weeks at a time. It can be taken with or without meals, however the pill should not be broken or crushed. You may experience withdrawal symptoms like as stomach cramps, headaches, sleeplessness, and nausea if you stop taking the medicine suddenly. Stick to the correct dose to avoid becoming addicted to soma.
Side effects
Headaches, dizziness, back discomfort, anxiety, nausea, stuffy nose, and upset stomach are just a few of the Soma side effects. Hives, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the ears, mouth, lips, and tongue are just a few of the side effects of carisoprodol. Stop taking the medicine and seek medical care if you have any of the following symptoms:
A rash on the skin and a slow heartbeat
Drowsiness that is severe
Shakiness or a loss of coordination
Problems with the stomach, nausea, or vomiting
Soma abuse and addiction
Carisoprodol abuse is common, and it is classified as a Schedule IV narcotic in the United States. However, soma is lawful to take with a prescription. Because soma has sedative and anxiolytic qualities, addicts abuse it by taking massive amounts to get the most out of it. Because of the way soma interacts with the brain, it can lead to addiction and dependency; once an individual has become dependant on the chemical, withdrawal symptoms can occur if they stop taking it. Changes in Cognitive Function, increased anxiety, depression or sadness, tremors, increased heart rate, agitation, and hostility are among withdrawal and dependence signs. In some circumstances, these symptoms might be fatal. As a result, for your own safety, we urge that you only buy soma online or offline with a doctor's prescription and utilise it with caution.
Warnings and precautions
When you combine carisoprodol with opioids, the opioid effects become stronger and more potent, increasing the risk of overdose and death.
When taking soma, avoid drinking alcohol because it can induce serious side effects like slurred speech, blackouts, and loss of coordination.
Because the liver and kidneys are involved in the removal of carisoprodol from the body, your healthcare practitioner may need to keep a closer eye on your response to it if you have a problem with their function.
Because Soma can make you drowsy and dizzy, you should avoid driving or doing anything else that demands focus or concentration until you know how it affects you.
Soma use is not advised during pregnancy.
Because a small quantity of the medicine can pass through breastmilk, speak with your healthcare professional before taking it.
If you're on any other medications, tell your doctor because soma can cause seizures.
Soma interactions
Carisoprodol has the potential to interfere with and change the actions of other medications. Some Soma interactions are as follows:
It may exacerbate soma symptoms, such as sleepiness, when taken with benzodiazepines.
It can increase the amount of Soma in your bloodstream when combined with other medications like omeprazole and Fluvoxamine, as well as exacerbate the negative effects of Soma when combined with opioids.
It does not perform as well when used with rifampin, prompting you to increase your soma dosage, which could lead to Soma addiction.
Order soma online
Do your research before purchasing soma online, as many websites perpetrate fraud or sell counterfeit medications. If you're looking for a site to buy cheap soma pills online, you've come to the perfect place. Several of our websites offer authentic carisoprodol tablets at a low cost.
We also provide the option of ordering carisoprodol cod. So, if you don't have a credit or debit card, we can help. You can easily select COD at the payment portal, and we will deliver your drugs on time after your order is received.
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neurosciencetms · 2 years
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pirfenex · 2 years
Pirfenex 200 Mg Tablet – Uses, Side Effects, Precautions And Warnings
Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S is an anti-fibrotic medication used to treat adults with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). IPF is an irreversible disease characterized by a gradual decline in lung function. Over time, the tissues in the lungs swell and scar, making it difficult to breathe deeply. The scarring makes it difficult for the lungs to function properly.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is one of several interstitial lung diseases. It is a chronic, irreversible disease characterized by a progressive decline in lung function. Over time, the lung tissues become inflamed and scarred, making it difficult to breathe properly. The scar tissue, known as fibrosis, thickens and stiffens over time, making it difficult for the lungs to function properly. This results in decreased lung function, which leads to increased shortness of breath and coughing. Breathing problems can lead to other medical issues. Shortness of breath, persistent dry cough, loss of appetite, weight loss, and rounded and widened tips of the fingers and toes are all symptoms of IPF.
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Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S contains ‘Pirfenidone,’ which assists in the reduction of scarring and swelling in the lungs by suppressing the release/activity of naturally occurring growth factors in the body, allowing you to breathe more easily. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S slows the progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
It is advisable to take Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S with food. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S should be swallowed whole with a glass of water; do not chew or crush the tablet. In some cases, you may experience common side effects such as nausea, tiredness, diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite, headache, and photosensitivity. These side effects do not necessarily involve medical attention and will gradually subside. However, if you experience any of these side effects regularly, you should contact your doctor.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S can make you tired and dizzy, so drive carefully. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S as it may cause dizziness. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S is not recommended for children under 18 because its safety and effectiveness have not been proven. To prevent and take precautions to stay away from any side effects, keep your doctor informed about your present health conditions and medications.
Medicinal Benefits
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Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S can effectively slow the rate of lung functioning decline by 50%. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S reduces scarring and swelling in the lungs by decreasing the release/activity of naturally occurring growth factors in the body, allowing you to breathe easier. Pirfenex Tablet helps to slow the development of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Directions For Use
Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S should be taken with food. The entire Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S should be consumed with a glass of water; do not chew or crush the tablet. Your doctor will determine how long you should take Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S based on your medical condition.
In-Depth Precautions And Warning
Drug Warnings
If you are allergic to any ingredients, do not take Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S
If you have a severe or end-stage liver impairment or kidney disease requiring dialysis
If you are taking fluvoxamine (anti-depressant). Inform your doctor if you are taking any medications that may cause photosensitivity, if you smoke, or if you have kidney or liver disease. 
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S can make you tired and dizzy, so drive carefully. 
Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S as it may cause dizziness. 
Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S is not recommended for children under the age of 18 because its safety and effectiveness have not been proven.
Drug Interactions
Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S may have interaction with drugs such as an antidepressant (fluvoxamine), antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, rifampicin), antiarrhythmic (amiodarone, propafenone), an antacid (omeprazole). This medicine can also negatively interact with grapefruit juice and chargrilled meats, so you must avoid them along with food items. Pirfenex 200Mg Tablet 15’S may interact with smoking, severe liver, and end-stage kidney impairment requiring dialysis.
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alloverchemistusa · 2 years
Fluvoxamine Maleate Is the Central  Obliging Drug in USA
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Fluvoxamine Maleate is taken orally with or without food as recommended by your doctor, usually once every day at bedtime or twice on a daily basis PRN (once in the morning and once in the evening). the evening). If you're taking this medicine twice each day and also the doses aren't identical, take the larger of the two doses at bedtime. Fluvoxamine can cause problems for the fetus, so pregnant women should only use it if the potential benefits of the drug outweigh the risks to the fetus.
Human breast milk contains a zipper fluvoxamine maleate. the danger of great side effects from exposure to fluvoxamine within the house should be considered when deciding whether to discontinue breastfeeding or discontinue the utilization of the drug. Fluvoxamine maleate tablets may be a well-known medicament employed in the treatment of depressive and compulsive development in any condition. many people in their everyday life can cross. Therefore, the drug can quickly reduce the number of depression.
Visit Us:-https://pillsinpocket.com/
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alloverchemistusa01 · 2 years
Fluvoxamine side effects are common in USA
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Fluvoxamine can be used for a number of different things that are not mentioned in this medication guide. There is often a low intensity similar to high intensity. All you have to do is try to take the prescription prescribed for your illness. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, indigestion, loss of appetite, hyperbolic sweating, nervousness, and tremors are some of the side effects of Fluvoxamine. Fluvoxamine should be taken at bedtime without food. 
 If you suddenly stop using fluvoxamine, you may experience unpleasant side effects (such as agitation, confusion, tingling, or electric shock sensations). Before you stop taking your medicine, ask your doctor for advice. Store tightly closed at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Take the pills as soon as possible, but skip this delayed dose if your next dose is near. Do not mix 2 doses at the same time. Fluvoxamine enhances this effect when combined with different tranquilizers.
Visit Us:-https://alloverchemist.uk/
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alloverchemist11 · 2 years
Fluvoxamine 100 MG is used in COVID USA.
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Fluvoxamine 100 mg is used to treat psychoneurotic compulsive disorder (OCD). It belongs to the selective5-hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibitors class of drugs (SSRIs). Fluvoxamine medications are supposed to boost the function of a brain chemical called 5-hydroxytryptamine. This medication is only available with your doctor's prescription.
Fluvoxamine reviews have a half-dozen average rating. From a total of 330, I received an eight out of ten. Ratings on social media sites show that 50% of reviewers see a positive impact, while 23% see a negative impact.Some reviewers may experience anxiety, rage, aggression, or suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or injury to others.
Visit Us:-https://alloverchemist.uk/
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Patients can buy Frext online if they cannot find it over the medical stores, and in purchasing this medication online, they will also receive so many benefits. If anyone wants to buy Frext online, one should consult a health care professional first. Then only he/she should purchase this medication as this medication is a prescription medicine.
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pretty-volatile · 5 years
Sunday, November 3, 2019 5:44 pm
Okay life update:
For the past week or so I've been pretty depressed and super tired/exhausted/sleepy/drowsy/out of it. I skipped my Spanish class twice. I skipped one day's worth of lectures and I skipped my discussion too. So yeah, needless to say I had a bad week. I even asked my coworker to close Wednesday in trade for me to close Saturday (last night) because I was just so tired of life, but not like in a suicidal way, just in a "I want to sleep the rest of my life away" way.
Friday I finally saw the OBGYN and I officially signed my consent forms for my hysterectomy!! We're just taking out my uterus, cervix, and hopefully the fallopian tubes. One minor setback is that I guess I have to get another letter of recommendation from another psychologist, which my therapist will help me out with. Otherwise, I'm just waiting for the insurance to get back to us which will take a couple weeks, then we can schedule, have that other letter of rec on hand, schedule a pre-op appointment and then finally get the thing over with! Yayyy
Saturday I saw my psychiatrist. Turns out the sedation and depression actually mean that the Luvox/Fluvoxamine is starting to work lolol. He also prescribed me Propranolol for situational anxiety, which will hopefully help with the ticks/flinches/twitches of anxiety I keep getting. I know I can definitely use it on the days that I have to be around people for a long ass time. It's as needed so it's not like I really have to take it everyday.
Ummm last night was traumatizing as fuck. I got in a fight at work that I regret even getting into. My right eye is all red and my eye sockets is all swollen and bruised. He apparently hit my jaw/neck too because that's bruised as well. That and my left arm is bruised/swollen as well. We almost thought I had a concussion since I got hit on the head quite a bit, but I think as far as that goes I'll be okay. My glasses broke too, but I've temporarily taped them until I can get a new pair.
I have to close again tonight. Pray for me or send positive vibes or whatever
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ohheymickey · 4 years
writing depressed characters from a depressed person: all about antidepressants
(basically just me infodumping about antidepressants)
types of antidepressants (a non exhaustive list):
- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
- used to treat depression as well as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, severe phobias, bulimia and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- increases serotonin levels in the brain (the long-term happy chemical, short-term happy chemical is dopamine)
- usually works its wonders after 2 to 4 weeks
- not recommended for people under 18, pregnant people, people who are breastfeeding, though sometimes the pros outweigh the cons and SSRIs can be administered anyways
- includes citalopram (Cipramil or Celexa), dapoxetine (Priligy), escitalopram (Cipralex or Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac or Oxactin), fluvoxamine (Faverin), paroxetine (Seroxat), sertraline (Lustral) and vortioxetine (Brintellix)
- side effects include feeling agitated, shaky or anxious, feeling or being sick, dizziness, blurred vision, low sex drive, difficulty achieving orgasm, erectile dysfunction, nausea, weight gain, dry mouth, headaches, anxiety and sedation. 
- serotonin and norepinephrine (neurotransmitter and hormone related to alertness and energy) reuptake inhibitors
- used to treat depression as well as anxiety disorders and chronic pain, especially nerve pain, for hard-to-treat depression
- usually works its wonders after 4 to 6 weeks
- not recommended for pregnant people, people who are breastfeeding, people with liver damage and people with high blood pressure
- includes desvenlafaxine (Pristiq or Khedezla), duloxetine (Cymbalta), milnacipran (Savella), levomilnacipran (Fetzima) and venlafaxine (Effexor XR)
- side effects include nausea, changes in appetite, muscle weakness, tremor, agitation, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure (in higher dosage) or heart rate, headache, difficulty urinating, dizziness, insomnia, sleepiness, dry mouth, excessive sweating, constipation, fluid retention especially in older adults, erectile dysfunction and inability to reach orgasm
- norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors
- used to treat depression as well as smoking cessation, seasonal affective disorder (SAD, another type of depression), major depressive disorder (especially with people who do not tolerate or don’t benefit from SSRIs), bipolar depression, narcolepsy, Parkinson’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 
- usually works its wonders in 2 to 4 weeks
- not recommended for people using MAOIs and people using antipsychotics (could trigger seizures)
- includes bupropion (Wellbutrin or Zyban or Aplenzin) dexmethylphenidate (Focalin), amineptine (Survector), difemetorex (Cleofil), fencamfamine (Glucoenergan), phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil), prolintane (Catovit) and methylphenidate (Ritalin), though Ritalin is not used to treat depression
- side effects include insomnia, agitation, anxiety, headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sweating, dry mouth, nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss, constipation, high blood pressure (rarely), tremors, rash and higher than normal energy levels and mood (hypomania, which is a rare side effect)
NaSSAs (not much info on these)
- noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants
- used to treat depression
- usually works its wonders after 4 to 6 weeks (i used mirtazapine for this info, not NaSSAs in general)
- not recommended for pregnant people, people who are breastfeeding, or people with kidney or liver problems
- includes aptazapine, esmirtazapine, mianserin (Bolvidon, Norval, Tolvon), mirtazapine (Norset, Remeron, Avanza, Zispin) and setiptiline/teciptiline (Tecipul)
- side effects include drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, increased appetite, headache, constipation and weight gain, serotonin syndrome (rare cases where lots of serotonin builds up in your body) 
Older antidepressants:
Nonselective cyclics/TCAs
- tricyclic antidepressants
- used to treat severe depression when other antidepressants don’t work, dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder), anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia (SP), social anxiety disorder (SAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), 
- usually works its wonders after 2 to 4 weeks
- not recommended usually since they are older and have more side effects, but can be used when other antidepressants don’t work for severe depression
- includes amitriptyline (Elavil), imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine (Norpramin), nortriptyline (Aventyl), trimipramine (Surmontil) and clomipramine (Anafranil)
- side effects include dry mouth, tremors, constipation, sedation, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, weight gain and dizziness
- monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- used to treat depression
- usually works its wonders after 4 weeks +
- not recommended since all MAOIs have to be used in combination with a dietary restriction except for Manerix, can cause dangerously high blood pressure
- includes phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate), selegiline (Emsam), isocarboxazid (Marplan) and moclobemide (Manerix, a newer MAOI)
- side effects include insomnia, swelling, weight gain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, skin reaction at patch site (selegiline can be used in patch form) and change in blood pressure when moving from a sitting to a standing position (orthostatic hypotension)
- can’t consume tyramine while on most MAOIs, which is in soy sauce and other fermented soy products, sauerkraut, salami and other aged or cured meats, aged cheeses such as brie, cheddar, gouda, parmesan, swiss, blue cheese, alcohol, especially chianti, vermouth, and beer, fava beans, raisins, dates and other dried fruits, tofy, and all nuts
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